#!/usr/bin/perl -wT #this is for /usr/internet/infosystems/httpd/cgi-bin or /www/cgi-bin # Copyright: Guido Socher, eedgus # $Revision: 1.4 $, last changed: $Date: 1999/10/06 20:29:11 $ # =head1 Get a new articel number getticket provides a interface to reserve new article numbers. =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a system where editors can themselves pick article numbers in advance. getticket sends out mails. =cut # ------------------------------------------------------- use strict; my %FORM; my %html; # # Location of important files # my $url = "undefined"; # my %LANGUAGES = ( " en" => "English" , " es" => "Spanish" , " fr" => "French" , " de" => "German" ); # my @LANGS; my $NumLANGS=0; # my $dbfile= "ArticleNumbers.txt"; my $langfile="ArticleLanguages.txt"; # my %STATUS; my %TYPES = ( " free" => 'Untranslated', " going" => 'In curse' , " done" => 'Finished' ); # #print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # &cgi_receive; my $number; my $title; my %TRANSLATORS; my $lang; my %languages; my @line; &readHTMLpage; &printHTMLpage('main'); my $count=0; open(FF,"$langfile")||die "ERROR: languages file doesn't exist\n"; while() { next unless (/\w/); chomp; @line=split(/\+\+/); $number = shift @line; chop $number; chop @line; if ( $number eq "000" ) { while ( ($LANGS[$NumLANGS] = shift @line) ) { next unless $LANGS[$NumLANGS] ne ' 00'; $NumLANGS++; } next; } for ( $count=0 ; $count<$NumLANGS ; $count++ ) { if ( $line[$count] ne ' 00' && $line[$count] ne ' ' ) { $STATUS{$number . $LANGS[$count]} = $line[$count]; } } } close FF; &printHTMLpage('tablehead'); print " \n"; open(FF,"$dbfile")||die "ERROR: can not read db\n"; for ( $count=0 ; $count<$NumLANGS ; $count++ ) { print ' ' . "\n"; print " $LANGUAGES{$LANGS[$count]}\n"; print ' ' . "\n"; } print " \n"; # while(){ next unless (/\w/ && /^[0-9]/); print "\n"; chomp; @line=split(/\+\+/); $number = shift @line; chop $number; $title = shift @line; if ( $title eq " ") { $title="Unknown" } print "$number\n$title\n"; for ( $count=0 ; $count<$NumLANGS ; $count++ ) { $lang=$LANGS[$count]; print ""; if ( $STATUS{$number . $lang} ) { print $TYPES{$STATUS{$number . $lang}}; }else{ print $TYPES{' free'}; # print '' , } print "\n"; } print "\n"; } close FF; &printHTMLpage('tablefoot'); &printHTMLpage('mainfoot'); #-------------------------------------------------------- sub printHTMLpage($){ my $reqpage = shift; my $tmp; die "ERROR: no such template $reqpage\n" unless ($html{$reqpage}); for (@{$html{$reqpage}}){ print; } } #-------------------------------------------------------- sub readHTMLpage(){ #read and print any text between __ xxx __ and the next __ my $pagename="nix"; while(){ if (/^__ (\w+) __/){ $pagename=$1; next; } next if (/^__ /); # the /o is important!! s/\$url/$url/o; push(@{$html{$pagename}},$_); } } #-------------------------------------------------------- sub cgi_receive{ my $buffer = ""; my $pair; my $name; my $value; if ($ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} && $ENV{'GATEWAY_INTERFACE'} =~ /CGI/){ if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'GET') { if($ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}){ $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } }elsif ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq 'POST') { read(STDIN, $buffer,$ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); }else{ die "Unknown REQUEST_METHOD: $ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'}"; } }else { $buffer = $ARGV[0] if ($ARGV[0]); } # now decode it: # # Split the name-value pairs foreach $pair (split(/\&/, $buffer)){ ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $pair); $value = " " unless ($value); # Un-Webify plus signs and %-encoding $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value; } } #-------------------------------------------------------- __END__ __ main __ LF article ticket number

LinuxFocus article translation status report.

__ main2 __

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__ mainfoot __

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__ tablehead __
  Title Languages __ tablefoot __
__ selecthead __
  Title Languages __ selectfoot __