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    <h1>Concurrent programming - Message queues (1)</h1>


    <img src="../../common/images/LeonardoGiordani.jpg" width="85"
    height="109" alt="[Leonardo]"> 


    <p>original in it: <a href=
    "mailto:leo.giordani(at)libero.it">Leonardo Giordani</a></p>

    <p>it to en: <a href=
    "mailto:leo.giordani(at)libero.it">Leonardo Giordani</a></p>


    <p>Student at the Faculty of Telecommunication Engineering in
    Politecnico of Milan, works as network administrator and is
    interested in programming (mostly in Assembly and C/C++). Since
    1999 works almost only with Linux/Unix.</p>

    This series of articles has the purpose of introducing the
    reader to the concept of multitasking and to its implementation
    in the Linux operating system. Starting from the theoretical
    concepts at the base of multitasking we will end up writing a
    complete application demonstrating the communication between
    processes, with a simple but efficient communication protocol.

    <p>Prerequisites for the understanding of the article are:</p>

      <li>Minimal knowledge of the shell</li>

      <li>Basic knowledge of C language (syntax, loops,
<br>It is a good idea to read also the other articles in this series
which appeared in the last 2 issues of LinuxFocus (November2002 and January2003).

    <img src="../../common/images/illustration272.jpg" width="300"
    height="180" alt="[run in paralell]"> 


    In the past articles we introduced the concept of concurrent
    programming and studied a first solution to the problem of
    inter process communication: the semaphores. As we saw, the use of
    semaphores allows us to manage the access to shared resources,
    so that it roughly synchronizes two or more processes. 

    <p>Synchronizing processes means timing their work, not in an
    absolute reference system (giving a precise time in which the
    process should begin its operations) but in a relative one,
    where we can schedule which process should work first and which

    <p>Using semaphores for this reveals itself as complex and
    limited: complex because every process should manage a
    semaphore for every other process that has to synchronize with it.
    Limited because it does not allow us the exchange 
    parameters between the processes. Let's consider for example the
    creation of a new process: this event should be notified to every
    working process, but semaphores do not allow a process to send
    such information.</p>

    <p>The concurrency control of the access to shared resources
    through semaphores, moreover, can lead to continuous
    blocking of a process, when one of the other processes involved
    release the resource and lock it again before others can use
    it: as we saw, in the world of concurrency programming it is
    not possible to know in advance which process will be executed
    and when.</p>

    <p>These brief notes let us immediately understand that
    semaphores are an inadequate tool for managing complex
    synchronization problems. An elegant solution to this matter
    comes with the use of message queues: in this article we will
    study the theory of this interprocess communication facility
    and write a little program using SysV primitives.

    <h3>The Theory of Message Queues</h3>
    Every process can create one or more structures named queues:
    Every structure can hold one or more messages of different
    type, which can originate from different sources and can
    contain information of every nature; everyone can send a
    message to the queues provided that he knows its identifier.
    The process can access sequentially the queue, reading the
    messages in chronological order (from the oldest, the first, to
    the most recent, the last arrived), but selectively, that is
    considering only the messages of a certain type: this last
    feature gives us a sort of control on the priority of the
    messages we read. 

    <p>The use of queues is thus a simple implementation of a mail
    system between processes: every process has an address with which it can
    other processes.
    The process can then read the messages delivered to its box in
    a preferential order and act accorting to what has been

    <p>The synchronization of two processes can thus be performed
    simply using  messages between the two:
    resources will still own semaphores to let the processes know
    their status, but timing between processes will be performed
    directly. Immediately we can understand that the use of message
    queues simplified very much what at the beginning was a
    extremely complex problem.</p>

    <p>Before we can implement in C language the message queues it
    is necessary to speak about another problem related to
    synchronzation: the need for a communication protocol.</p>

    <h3>Creating a Protocol</h3>
    A protocol is a set of rules which control the interaction of
    elements in a set; in the past article we implemented one of
    the simplest protocols creating a semaphore and ordering two
    processes to act according to its status.
     The use of message
    queues lets us implement more complex protocols: it is
    sufficient to think that every network protocol (TCP/IP, DNS,
    SMTP, ...) is built on a message exchange architecture, even if
    the communication is between computers and not internal to one
    of them. The comparison is compulsory: there is not a real
    difference between interprocess communication on the same
    machine and between machines. As we will see in a future
    article extending the concepts we are speaking about to a
    distributed contest (several computers connected) is a very
    simple matter. 

    <p>This is a simple example of a protocol based on message
    exchange: two processes A and B are executing concurrently and
    process different data; once they end their processing the have
    to merge the results. A simple protocol to rule their
    interaction could be the following</p>

    <p><b>PROCESS B:</b><br>

      <li>Work with your data</li>

      <li>When you finish send a message to A</li>

      <li>When A answers begin sending it your results</li>
    <b>PROCESS A:</b><br>

      <li>Work with your data</li>

      <li>Wait for a message from B</li>

      <li>Answer the message</li>

      <li>Receive data and merge them with yours</li>
    Choosing which process has to merge data is in this case
    totally arbitrary; commonly this happens on the basis of the
    nature of the process involved (client/server) but this
    discussion deserves a dedicated article.

    <p>This protocol is simply extensible to the case of n
    processes: every process but A works with its own data and then
    sends a message to A. When A answers every process sends it its
    results: the structure of the individual processes (except A) has not been

    <h3>System V Message Queues</h3>
    Now it is time to speak about implementing these concepts
    in the Linux operating system. As already said we have a set
    of primitives that allow us to manage the structures related to
    message queues and that works as those given to manage
    semaphores: I will thus assume that the reader knows the basic
    concepts related to process creation, use of system calls and
    IPC keys. 

    <p>The structure at the basis of the system describing
    a message is called
;it is declared in 
<pre class="code">
/* message buffer for msgsnd and msgrcv calls */
struct msgbuf {
        long mtype;         /* type of message */
        char mtext[1];      /* message text */
    The field mtype represents the type of message and is a
    strictly positive number: the correspondence between numbers
    and message types has to be set in advance and is part of the
    protocol definition. The second field represents the content
    of the message but not have to be considered in the
    declaration. The structure 
    can be redefined so that it can contain complex data; for
    example it is possible to write <br>
<pre class="code">
struct message {
        long mtype;         /* message type */
        long sender;        /* sender id */
        long receiver;      /* receiver id */
        struct info data;   /* message content */
     Before we face the arguments strictly related to concurrency
    theory  we have to consider creating the prototype
    of a message with the maximum size, fixed to 4056 bytes.
    Obviously it is always possible to recompile the kernel
    increasing this dimension, but this makes the application
    unportable (more over this bound has been fixed to grant good
    performances and increasing it much certainly is not good). 

    <p>To create a new queue a process should call the
<pre class="code">
int msgget(key_t key, int msgflg)
    which receives as arguments an IPC key and some flags, which by
    now can be set to 
<pre class="code">
IPC_CREAT | 0660
    (create the queue if it does not exist and grant access to the
    owner and group users), and that returns the queue identifier.

    <p>As in the previous articles we will assume that no errors
    will happen, so that we can simplify the code, even if in a
    future article we will speak about secure IPC code.</p>

    <p>To send a message to a queue of which we know the identifier
    we have to use the
<pre class="code">
int msgsnd(int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, int msgsz, int msgflg)
    is the identifier of the queue, 
    is a pointer to the message we have to send (which type is
    here identified as 
struct msgbuf
    but which is the type we redefined), 
    the dimension of the message (excluding the length of the 
    that is the length of a long, which is commonly 4 bytes) and 
    a flag related to the waiting policy. The length of the message
    can be easily be found as <br>
<pre class="code">
length = sizeof(struct message) - sizeof(long);
    while the waiting policy refers to the case of full queue: if 
    is set to IPC_NOWAIT the sender process will not wait until some
    space is available and will exit with an error code; we will
    speak about such a case when we will talk about error management. 

    <p>To read the messages contained in a queue we use the
    system call <br>
<p class="code">
int msgrcv(int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, int msgsz, long mtype, int msgflg)
    where the 
    pointer identifies the buffer where we will copy the message
    read from the queue and 
    identifies the subset of messages we want to consider. 

    <p>Removing a queue can be performed through the use of the
    primitive with the flag IPC_RMID 

<pre class="code">
msgctl(qid, IPC_RMID, 0)
    Let's test what we said with a simple program wich creates a
    message queue, sends a message and reads it; we will control
    that way the correct working of the system. <br>
<pre class="code">
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;linux/ipc.h&gt;
#include &lt;linux/msg.h&gt;

/* Redefines the struct msgbuf */
typedef struct mymsgbuf
  long mtype;
  int int_num;
  float float_num;
  char ch;
} mess_t;

int main()
  int qid;
  key_t msgkey;

  mess_t sent;
  mess_t received;

  int length;

  /* Initializes the seed of the pseudo-random number generator */
  srand (time (0));

  /* Length of the message */
  length = sizeof(mess_t) - sizeof(long);

  msgkey = ftok(".",'m');

  /* Creates the queue*/
  qid = msgget(msgkey, IPC_CREAT | 0660);

  printf("QID = %d\n", qid);

  /* Builds a message */
  sent.mtype = 1;
  sent.int_num = rand();
  sent.float_num = (float)(rand())/3;
  sent.ch = 'f';

  /* Sends the message */
  msgsnd(qid, &amp;sent, length, 0);
  printf("MESSAGE SENT...\n");

  /* Receives the message */
  msgrcv(qid, &amp;received, length, sent.mtype, 0);
  printf("MESSAGE RECEIVED...\n");

  /* Controls that received and sent messages are equal */
  printf("Integer number = %d (sent %d) -- ", received.int_num, 
  if(received.int_num == sent.int_num) printf(" OK\n");
  else printf("ERROR\n");

  printf("Float numero = %f (sent %f) -- ", received.float_num, 
  if(received.float_num == sent.float_num) printf(" OK\n");
  else printf("ERROR\n");

  printf("Char = %c (sent %c) -- ", received.ch, sent.ch);
  if(received.ch == sent.ch) printf(" OK\n");
  else printf("ERROR\n");

  /* Destroys the queue */
  msgctl(qid, IPC_RMID, 0);
    Now we can create two processes and let them communicate
    through a message queue; think a bit about process forking
    concepts: the value of all variables allocated by the father
    process is taken to those of the son process (memory copy).
    This means we should create the queue before the fork the
    father process and the son will known the queue identifier and
    thus access it. 

    <p>The code I wrote creates a queue used by the son process to
    send its data to the father: the son generates random numbers,
    sends them to the father and both print them on the standard
<pre class="code">
#include &lt;stdio.h&gt;
#include &lt;stdlib.h&gt;
#include &lt;linux/ipc.h&gt;
#include &lt;linux/msg.h&gt;
#include &lt;sys/types.h&gt;

/* Redefines the message structure */
typedef struct mymsgbuf
  long mtype;
  int num;
} mess_t;

int main()
  int qid;
  key_t msgkey;
  pid_t pid;

  mess_t buf;

  int length;
  int cont;

  length = sizeof(mess_t) - sizeof(long);

  msgkey = ftok(".",'m');

  qid = msgget(msgkey, IPC_CREAT | 0660);

  if(!(pid = fork())){
    printf("SON - QID = %d\n", qid);

    srand (time (0));

    for(cont = 0; cont &lt; 10; cont++){
      sleep (rand()%4);
      buf.mtype = 1;
      buf.num = rand()%100;
      msgsnd(qid, &amp;buf, length, 0);
      printf("SON - MESSAGE NUMBER %d: %d\n", cont+1, buf.num);

    return 0;

  printf("FATHER - QID = %d\n", qid);

  for(cont = 0; cont &lt; 10; cont++){
    sleep (rand()%4);
    msgrcv(qid, &amp;buf, length, 1, 0);
    printf("FATHER - MESSAGE NUMBER %d: %d\n", cont+1, buf.num);

  msgctl(qid, IPC_RMID, 0);

  return 0;
    We created thus two processes, which can collaborate in an
    elementary manner through a message exchange system. We didn't
    need a (formal) protocol because the operations performed were
    very simple; in the next article we will speak again about
    message queues and about managing different message types. We
    will work moreover on the communication protocol in order to
    begin the building of our big IPC project (a telephone
    switch simulator). 

    <h3>Recommended readings</h3>

      <li>Silberschatz, Galvin, Gagne, <b>Operating System Concepts
      - Sixth Edition</b>, Wiley&amp;Sons, 2001</li>

      <li>Tanenbaum, WoodHull, <b>Operating Systems: Design and
      Implementation - Second Edition</b>, Prentice Hall, 2000</li>

      <li>Stallings, <b>Operating Systems - Fourth Edition</b>,
      Prentice Hall, 2002</li>

      <li>Bovet, Cesati, <b>Understanding the Linux Kernel</b>,
      O'Reilly, 2000</li>

      <li>The Linux Programmer's Guide: <a href=

      <li>Linux Kernel 2.4 Internals <a href=

      <li>Web page of the #kernelnewbies IRC channel <a href=

      <li>The linux-kernel mailing list FAQ <a href=