# Raku GPGME - GNU Privacy Guard (GPG) Made Easy ## Introduction From the [GPGME Manual](https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gpgme/index.html): ‘GnuPG Made Easy’ (GPGME) is a C language library that allows to add support for cryptography to a program. It is designed to make access to public key crypto engines like GnuPG or GpgSM easier for applications. GPGME provides a high-level crypto API for encryption, decryption, signing, signature verification and key management. GPGME uses GnuPG and GpgSM as its backends to support OpenPGP and the Cryptographic Message Syntax (CMS). So essentially, this is a Raku Module interfacing with a C library interfacing with GnuPG and GpgSM command line programs. Understanding how this module works will benefit from an understanding of the [Gnu Privacy Guard](https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/) and [GnuPG Made Easy (GPGME)](https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gpgme/). **Note, this is still a work in progress, more features may or may not be forthcoming!! Patches welcome!!** # Basic Usage ``` use GPGME; my $gpg = GPGME.new(:armor); # ASCII armor for key export $gpg.create-key('joe@foo.bar'); # Add key to key ring my $joes-key = $gpg.get-key('joe@foo.bar'); # Retrieve a key put $joes-key; # Stringify key summary put my $key = $gpg.export('joe@foo.bar'); # Export from key ring $gpg.import($key); # Import key my $cipher = $gpg.encrypt('message', 'joe@foo.bar'); my $plain = $gpg.decrypt($cipher); $gpg.signers('joe@foo.bar'); my $signed = $gpg.sign('My message'); ``` # Functionality ## Basic ``` use GPGME; put GPGME.version; put GPGME.dirinfo('gpg-name'); GPGME.set-locale('C'); ``` ## GPGME Object and Context The main [GPGME](doc/GPGME.md) object holds a `context` with various settings, and can be used to perform various functions. ``` use GPGME; my $gpg = GPGME.new; my $gpg = GPGME.new(:armor, :homedir</tmp/dir>); ``` See [GPGME](doc/GPGME.md) for more information. ## Results After performing an operation, the result of the operation can be retrieved from the context with the C<result> method. As a convenience, most methods from the result objects are passed through to the result object. For example, after a key generation operation, the C<GPGME::GenKeyResult> object can be retrieved with the C<result> method. One of the attributes of that object is the fingerprint of the generated key, which can be retrieved with its C<fpr> method. ``` $gpg.create-key('joe@foo.bar'); my $result = $gpg.result; my $fpr = $result.fpr; ``` This does the same thing, passing the I<fpr> from the context to the result: ``` my $fpr = $gpg.fpr; ``` Of course, for key generation, the result object is returned from the I<create-key> operation, so you can also just do: ``` my $fpr = $gpg.create-key('joe@foo.bar').fpr; ``` You can additionally retrieve the result object immediately following the appropriate operation with these methods: ``` $gpg.genkey-result $gpg.import-result $gpg.sign-result $gpg.encrypt-result $gpg.decrypt-result $gpg.verify-result ``` These are sometimes needed when an operation performs two actions (e.g. decrypt and verify). These are only valid immediately following the appropriate operation, and all results must be used or copied prior to the next operation, when the results are no longer available. ## Engine Information ``` .put for GPGME.engine-info; GPGME.engine-info('openpgp', :homedir</tmp/dir>); ``` See [GPGME::EngineInfo](doc/GPGME/EngineInfo.md) for more information. ## Data Objects A lot of data has to be exchanged between the user and the crypto engine, like plaintext messages, ciphertext, signatures and information about the keys. The technical details about exchanging the data information are completely abstracted by GPGME. The user provides and receives the data via `GPGME::Data` objects, regardless of the communication protocol between GPGME and the crypto engine in use. In general the API will construct the appropriate `GPGME::Data` object for you. For input objects, you can provide one of these types: * `Blob` -- Actual data to use * `Str` -- Actual data to use * `IO::Path` -- Filename of file to use * `IO::Handle` -- File with a `native-descriptor` to read from For output objects, you can provide one of these types: * `Str` -- Filename of file to write to * `IO::Path` -- Filename to write to * `IO::Handle` -- File with a C<native-descriptor> to write to When an output object is omitted, a memory buffer will be used and returned. When a `GPGME::Data` object is returned, you can stringify it if and only if the data are `utf8` encoded or ascii (usually produced when the *:armor* option was specified during context creation). The object can also be treated as an `IO::Handle` and read from as usual. ## Key Management An important fact to remember is that in addition to providing mechanisms to manipulate keys, GPG also serves as a Key Store or 'Key Ring'. Keys can generally be referred to by patterns and fingerprints that map to actual keys stored in the key store. ## Key Generation GPGME Supports two different interfaces to Key Generation -- `create-key` and `genkey`. ``` $gpg.create-key('joe@foo.bar'); my $key = $gpg.get-key('joe@foo.bar'); $gpg.create-subkey($key); $gpg.adduid($key, 'another@email.address'); $gpg.set-uid-flag($key, 'another@email.address'); # Make new one primary $gpg.revuid($key, 'joe@foo.bar'); # Revoke a user ID ``` `genkey` takes a set of parameters, expressed either as a single string, or a set of named parameters: ``` $gpg.genkey(q:to/END/) Key-Type: default Name-Email: joe@foo.bar END ``` or ``` $gpg.genkey(:Name-Email<joe@foo.bar>); # Key-Type defaults to 'default' ``` See [GPG Key Generation](https://gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/Unattended-GPG-key-generation.html) and [CSR and Certificate Creation](https://www.gnupg.org/documentation/manuals/gnupg/CSR-and-certificate-creation.html) for information on all the parameters. ## Listing Keys List keys in the key ring by specifying a list of patterns and optionally specifying the *:secret* option to retrieve secret keys. ``` $key = $gpg.get-key('me@my.key'); $key = $gpg.get-key($fpr, :secret); .put for $gpg.keylist('me@my.key', :secret); .put for $gpg.keylist(<alice harry bob>); ``` Individual attributes from the keys can be queried. See [GPGME::Key](doc/GPGME/Key.md) for more information. ## Deleting Keys ``` $gpg.delete-key($key, :secret, :force); ``` - *:secret* deletes secret keys - *:force* overrides a user confirmation, but is only available after version 1.8. ## Signing Keys Key signatures are a unique concept of the OpenPGP protocol. They can be used to certify the validity of a key and are used to create the Web-of-Trust (WoT). ``` $gpg.signers('alice@foo.bar'); # select signers $gpg.keysign($key); # Default sign all user IDs $gpg.keysign($key, 'joe@foo.bar'); # Specify a user ID $gpg.keysign($key, :local); # Non exportable $gpg.keysign($key, 'joe@foo.bar', expires => $DateTime); ``` ## Exporting Keys ``` my $gpg = GPGME.new(:armor); # Use :armor to get ASCII export put $gpg.export('joe@foo.bar'); # Stringify and print out $gpg.export('joe@foo.bar', :out<outputfile>); # Export to filename $gpg.export('joe@foo.bar', out => $*OUT); # Send to a file handle ``` ## Importing Keys ``` $gpg.import($someexportedkeydata); ``` Stores the [ImportResult](doc/GPGME/ImportResult.md). ## Encrypting a Plaintext ``` $cipher = $gpg.encrypt("my message", $key); # Encrypt for a key $cipher = $gpg.encrypt("my message", 'joe@foo.bar'); # Encrypt for a pattern $cipher = $gpg.encrypt("my message", 'joe@foo.bar', :sign); # Encrypt and sign ``` Stores the [EncryptResult](doc/GPGME/EncryptResult.md). If signed as well with the *:sign* option, [SignResult](doc/GPGME/SignResult.md) can be examined as well. ## Decrypting ``` $plain = $gpg.decrypt($cipher); $gpg.decrypt($cipher, out => 'filename'); $gpg.decrypt($cipher, out => $*OUT); $gpg.decrypt($cipher, :verify); ``` Stores the [DecryptResult](doc/GPGME/DecryptResult.md). If the signature was verified with the *:verify* option, the [VerifyResult](doc/GPGME/VerifyResult.md) is also available. ## Signing A signature can contain signatures by one or more keys. The set of keys used to create a signatures is contained in a context, and is applied to all following signing operations in this context (until the set is changed). They can be set either at `GPGME` creation with the *:signers* object, or with the `.signers` method later. ``` $gpg.signers('joe@foo.bar'); my $signed = $gpg.sign('My message'); $gpg.sign($*IN, out => $*OUT); my $signature = $gpg.sign('My message', :detach); # Detached signature ``` The [SignResult](doc/GPGME/SignResult.md) will be available after signing. ## Verifying Signature ``` $message = $gpg.verify($signed); $gpg.verify('infile'.IO, :out<somefile>); put $gpg.verify($signature, $message).status; # Detached signature ``` The [VerifyResult](doc/GPGME/VerifyResult.md) will be available after verification. # Entropy Some `GPGME` actions (particularly key generation with very long keys) rely on the OS ability to generate a great deal of entropy. Things may appear to hang on entropy starved hosts. Tools like [haveged](https://www.issihosts.com/haveged/) can help the OS capture entropy. Even doing something simple like running `sudo dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/zero` in the background can help speed things up. # INSTALL You must install `libgpgme` which usually has the right dependencies on GPG as well. * For debian or ubuntu: `apt install libgpgme11` * For alpine: `apk add gpgme` * For CentOS: `yum install gpgme` If you get locale errors on CentOS, you may need to run this: ``` yum install glibc-locale-source glibc-langpack-en localedef -i en_US -f UTF-8 en_US.UTF-8 ``` # License This work is subject to the Artistic License 2.0. See [LICENSE](LICENSE) for more information.