WWW::Arbeitsagentur - Search for jobs via

 # example for using the quick-search module:
 use WWW::Arbeitsagentur::Search::FastSearchForWork;
 my $search = WWW::Arbeitsagentur::Search::FastSearchForWork->new(
        # where to save your files (optional)
        path            => "download/",
        # search for a normal job (instead of temp/contract work etc.)
        job_typ         => 1,
        # only save jobs whose postal code matches this regex
        plz_filter      => qr/.+/,
        # job title
        beruf           => 'Fachinformatiker/in - Anwendungsentwicklung', 
     # how many pages were found?
     my $result = $search->search();

     # Access the results:
     my @pages  = $search->results();
    WWW::Arbeitsagentur provides access to the search engine of the federal
    job agency of Germany. You may search either for jobs or applicants, if
    you have an account. Search results are collected and may be filtered
    and stored for offline-use.

    Builds up a connection to


    0 - an error occurred

    1 - success

    Dies if attempt to connect fails completely.

    After establishing a connection, you can login with your account data,
    either as an applicant or as a recruiter. Your Perl setup has be
    SSL-capable, ie. Crypt::SSLeay and (on Windows) the corresponding dlls
    have to be installed.


    0 - an error occurred

    1 - success

    Logout from the Arbeitsagentur. Otherwise, you will get a warning the
    next time you log in via the web interface.


    0 - an error occurred

    1 - success

    If you use the search engine on Arbeitsagentur (which is the largest one
    in Germany for searching jobs or applicants), you may wish to filter
    certain job offers or applicants permanently, either because you already
    know them or they are not what you seek. Normally, you will receive the
    same results if you search again the next day and so you need to step
    through all the result pages again. WWW::Arbeitsagentur allows you to
    build a script which searches for jobs/applicants automatically,
    filtering and displaying results in a more user friendly way than the
    current web interface of the Arbeitsagentur.

    This module is a rewrite of an existing project of mine. The new version
    will include tests, more documentation and a better interface, as well
    as an easy way to install via CPAN / Module::Build.

    The module stands incomplete, as some parts will have to be rewritten
    and ported over from So, if you need a
    working solution _now_, try the SourceForge version.

    Ingo Wiarda; E-Mail:

    WWW::Arbeitsagentur is written and mantained by Ingo Wiarda. It is based
    upon "Projekt Arbeit" on, Copyright (C) 2004-2006 by
    Ingo Wiarda, Stefan Rother

    This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the same terms as Perl itself.