
    version 0.02

      use WWW::Mixpanel;
      my $mp = WWW::Mixpanel->new( '1827378adad782983249287292a', 1 );
      $mp->track('login', distinct_id => 'username', mp_source => 'twitter');

    or if you also want to access the data api

      my $mp = WWW::Mixpanel->new(<API TOKEN>,1,<API KEY>,<API SECRET>);
      $mp->track('login', distinct_id => 'username', mp_source => 'twitter');
      my $enames = $mp->data( 'events/names', type => 'unique' );
      my $fdates = $mp->data( 'funnels/dates',
                     funnel => [qw/funnel1 funnel2/],
                     unit   => 'week' );

    The WWW::Mixpanel module is a young implementation of the
    <> API which provides realtime online analytics.
    <> receives events from your application's perl code,
    javascript, email open and click tracking, and many more sources, and
    provides visualization and publishing of analytics.

    Currently, this module mirrors the event tracking API
    (<>), and will be extended to
    include the powerful data access and platform parts of the api. FEATURE
    REQUESTS are always welcome, as are patches.

    This module is designed to croak on failure, please use something like

  new( $token, [$use_ssl] )
    Returns a new instance of this class. You must supply the API token for
    your mixpanel project. HTTP is used to connect unless you provide a true
    value for use_ssl.

  track('<event name>', [time => timestamp, param => val, ...])
    Send an event to the API with the given event name, which is a required
    parameter. If you do not include a time parameter, the value of time()
    is set for you automatically. Other parameters are optional, and are
    included as-is as parameters in the api.

    This method returns 1 or croaks with a message.

    Per the Mixpanel API, a 1 return indicates the event reached the API and was properly formatted. 1 does not indicate the
    event was actually written to your project, in cases such as bad API
    token. This is a limitation of the service.

    You are strongly encouraged to use something like "Try::Tiny" to wrap
    calls to this API.

    Today, there is no way to set URL parameters such as ip=1, callback,
    img, redirect. You can supply ip as a parameter similar to distinct_id,
    to track users.

  data('<path/path>', param => val, param => val ...)
    Obtain data from using the Data API
    <>. The first parameter to the
    method identifies the path off the api root.

    For example to access the "events/top" functionality, found at
    <>, you would pass the string
    "events/top" to the data method.

    Some parameters of the data api are of array type, for example
    "events/retention" parameter "event". In every case where a parameter is
    of array type, you may supply the parameter as either an ARRAYREF or a
    single string.

    Unless specified as a parameter, the default return format is json. This
    method will then return the result of the api call as a decoded perl

    If you specify format => 'csv', this method will return the csv return
    string unchanged.

    This method will croak on errors, including malformed parameters,
    indicated by bad return codes from the api. It croaks with the text of
    the api reply directly, often a json string indicating which parameter
    was malformed.

    *To see all API methods at work, look into the module tests.*

    /track to accept array of events
        Track will soon be able to accept many events, and will bulk-send
        them to mixpanel in one call if possible.

    /platform support
        The Platform API will be supported. Let me know if this is a feature
        you'd like to use.

    Please send feature requests to me via rt or github. Patches are always

    Do your thing on CPAN.

    I am not affiliated with mixpanel, I just use and like the service.

    Tom Eliaz

    This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Tom Eliaz.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.