NAME Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization::AccessControl - Integrate Authorization::AccessControl into Mojolicious SYNOPSIS # in startup $app->plugin('Authorization::AccessControl' => { get_roles => sub($c) { [$c->current_user->roles] } }); # static grants $app->authz->role('admin') ->grant(User => 'list') ->grant(User => 'create') ->grant(User => 'delete'); $app->authz->dynamic_attrs(Book => list => undef); $app->authz->dynamic_attrs(Book => sub($c, $ctx) { return { book_id => $ctx->id, own => $ctx->owner_id == $c->current_user->id, deleted => defined($ctx->deleted_at) } }); $app->hook(before_dispatch => sub($c) { #dynamic grants specific to current request $c->authz->grant(Book => 'delete', { book_id => $_->{book_id} }) foreach ($c->model("GrantDelete")->for_user($c->current_user)) }); # in controller use Authorization::AccessControl qw(acl); # static grants acl->role ->grant(Book => 'list', { deleted => 0 }) ->grant(Book => "read") ->grant(Book => "edit", { own => 1 }) ->role('admin') ->grant(Book => "list") ->grant(Book => "edit"); sub list($self) { my $deleted = !!$self->param('include_deleted'); $self->authz->request(Book => 'list')->with_attributes({ deleted => $deleted })->yield(sub() { $deleted ? [$self->model("book")->all] : [$self->model("book")->all_except_deleted] }) ->granted(sub ($books) { $self->render(json => $books) }) ->denied(sub() { $self->render(status => 401, text => 'unauthorized') }) ->null(sub() { $self->render(status => 404, text => 'notfound') }) } sub get($self) { $self->authz->request(Book => 'read')->yield(sub() { $self->model("book")->get($self->param('id')) }) ->granted(sub ($book) { $self->render(json => $book) }) ->denied(sub () { $self->render(status => 401, text => 'unauthorized') }) ->null(sub () { $self->render(status => 404, text => "book not found") }) sub edit($self) { $self->authz->request(Book => 'edit')->yield(sub() { $self->model("book")->get($self->param('id')) }) ->granted(sub ($book) { $book->update($self->req->body->json); $self->render(json => $book) }) ->denied(sub () { $self->render(status => 401, text => 'unauthorized') }) ->null(sub () { $self->render(status => 404, text => "book not found") }) } DESCRIPTION This plugin ties together the functionality of Authorization::AccessControl with the Mojolicious framework. In essence, this means: * roles are computed and attached to requests automatically based on the "get_roles" function * dynamic attributes callbacks can be registered and then they, too, will be used automatically at request time * privilege grants can be static/permanent, or dynamic (per-request, from database, etc). Determination is automatically made based on context. * all authorization checks are automatically logged to a Mojo::Log instance METHODS Mojolicious::Plugin::Authorization::AccessControl inherits all methods from Mojolicious::Plugin and implements the following new ones register Register plugin in Mojolicious application. Configuration via named arguments: prefix Configures the prefix used for the module's Mojolicious helper functions and stash values. This documentation assumes that it is left unchanged Default: "authz" get_roles Configures a callback for obtaining the roles relevent to the authorization requests (i.e., the roles of the current user). The function receives one argument, the Mojolicious controller, and returns an ArrayRef of roles. Default: "sub($c) { $c->current_user_roles }" log The Mojo::Log instance that will be used to log Authorization activity in. Set to undef to disable logging entirely. Default: "app->log" HELPERS authz.acl $app->authz->acl() $c->authz->acl() Returns the Authorization::AccessControl::ACL instance, depending on context If called on a request controller, returns an ACL specific to that request; otherwise, returns the global "acl" in Authorization::AccessControl::ACL instance. The request-specific ACLs are constructed by cloning the global instance, so you may populate the global instance with static grants, and then augment them with dynamic request-specific grants. authz.role $app->authz->role( $role = undef ) $c->authz->role( $role = undef ) A shortcut for calling "role" in Authorization::AccessControl::ACL on "authz.acl". Returns a dependent ACL instance contextualized on the given $role argument. authz.request $c->authz->request( $resource = undef, $action = undef ) Creates and populates an Authorization::AccessControl::Request. If $resource and/or $action are given, they are set on the request, but they are also used for determining the "with_get_attrs" in Authorization::AccessControl::Request function to assign. The request's "roles" in Authorization::AccessControl::Request are also configured, using the "get_roles" callback. authz.dynamic_attrs $c->authz->dynamic_attrs($coderef) $c->authz->dynamic_attrs($resource, $coderef) $c->authz->dynamic_attrs($resource, $action, $coderef) Registers a dynamic attributes callback function. $coderef must be a CODEREF or undefined. Dynamic attrs functions are searched from most to least specific, so a general function may be overridden with a more-specific one, or blocked entirely with an undefined entry, e.g., $c->authz->dynamic_attrs(Book => sub($c, $ctx) { ... } ); $c->authz->dynamic_attrs(Book => list => undef); The first line declares a handler for attributes of Book resources. The second clears the handler for the list action of Book resources, so the handler is used for all Book resources, except for list actions. AUTHOR Mark Tyrrell "<>" LICENSE Copyright (c) 2024 Mark Tyrrell Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.