NAME Crypt::MCrypt - Perl interface for libmcrypt C library. VERSION version 0.04 SYNOPSIS use Crypt::MCrypt; my $iv = pack("H*","0000000000000000"); my $key = pack("H*","1234567890123456" . "7890123456789012" . "1234567890123456"); my $cipher_text = pack("H*","E9FF3161EE05ABC9" . "7ea3cacb991318aa" . "585379599b0eaabb" . "c4e474ead1956f47" . "6755f13f1af5235d"); my $algorithm = "tripledes"; my $mode = "cbc"; my $obj = Crypt::MCrypt->new( algorithm => $algorithm, mode => $mode, key => $key, iv => $iv, ); my $plain_text = $obj->decrypt($cipher_text); print "\nPLAIN: $plain_text\n"; print "\nPLAIN in hex: " . unpack("H*",$plain_text) . "\n"; $cipher_text = $obj->encrypt($plain_text); print "\nCIPHER: $cipher_text\n"; print "\nCIPHER in hex: " . unpack("H*",$cipher_text) . "\n"; DESCRIPTION This is a perl interface to libmcrypt c library. It exposes the crypto functions provided by the libmcrypt library in a perl interface with a binding code that accounts for null C strings in ciphertext or plain text. ATTRIBUTES algorithm contains the name of the algorithm used to decrypt encrypt blocks of data mode contains the name of the block cipher mode of operation <> used to encrypt/decrypt blocks of data. key contains the key for the encryption decryption algorithm Initialization Vector contains the Initialization for the first block of data in block cipher mode of operation. METHODS $self->decrypt($ciphertext) decrypt blocks of ciphertext $self->encrypt($ciphertext) encrypt blocks of data USAGE * This module provides a object oriented interface to the libmcrypt library. It uses Mo, a scaled down version of Moose without any data checks to improve speed. see ALSO * Mo SUPPORT Bugs / Feature Requests Please report any bugs or feature requests through github at <>. You will be notified automatically of any progress on your issue. Source Code This is open source software. The code repository is available for public review and contribution under the terms of the license. <> git clone git:// AUTHOR Shantanu Bhadoria <shantanu at cpan dott org> CONTRIBUTOR Shantanu Bhadoria <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2013 by Shantanu Bhadoria. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.