# NAME Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI - create OpenAPI documentation of your application # VERSION version 1.0.1 # SYNOPSIS ```perl package MyApp; use Dancer; use Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI; our $VERSION = "0.1"; get '/choreograph/:name' => sub { ... }; 1; ``` # DESCRIPTION This plugin provides tools to create and access a [OpenApi](https://spec.openapis.org) specification file for a Dancer REST web service. Originally was [Dancer::Plugin::Swagger](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer%3A%3APlugin%3A%3ASwagger). Overview of `Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI`'s features: - Can create a `/openapi.json` REST specification file. - Can auto-discover routes and add them to the OpenAPI file. - Can provide a OpenAPI UI version of the OpenAPI documentation. # CONFIGURATION ``` plugins: OpenApi main_api_module: MyApp show_ui: 1 ui_url: /doc ui_dir: /path/to/files auto_discover_skip: - /openapi.json - qr#^/doc/# ``` ## main\_api\_module If not provided explicitly, the OpenApi document's title and version will be set to the abstract and version of this module. For Perl >= 5.36.0, defaults to the first module to import [Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AOpenAPI). ## show\_ui If `true`, a route will be created for the Swagger UI (see [http://swagger.io/swagger-ui/](http://swagger.io/swagger-ui/)). Defaults to `true`. ## ui\_url Path of the swagger ui route. Will also be the prefix for all the CSS/JS dependencies of the page. Defaults to `/doc`. ## ui\_dir Filesystem path to the directory holding the assets for the Swagger UI page. Defaults to a copy of the Swagger UI code bundled with the [Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AOpenAPI) distribution. ## auto\_discover\_skip List of urls that should not be added to the OpenApi document by `openapi_auto_discover`. If an url begins with `qr`, it will be compiled as a regular expression. Defauls to `/openapi.json` and, if `show_ui` is `true`, all the urls under `ui_url`. ## validate\_response If set to `true`, calls to `openapi_response` will verify if a schema is defined for the response, and if so validate against it. [JSON::Schema::AsType](https://metacpan.org/pod/JSON%3A%3ASchema%3A%3AAsType) is used for the validation (and this required if this option is used). Defaults to `false`. ## strict\_validation If set to `true`, dies if a call to `openapi_response` doesn't find a schema for its response. Defaults to `false`. # PLUGIN KEYWORDS ## openapi\_path $description, \\%args, $route ```perl openapi_path { description => 'Returns info about a judge', }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => sub { ...; }; ``` Registers a route as a OpenAPI path item in the OpenAPI document. `%args` is optional. The `$description` is optional as well, and can also be defined as part of the `%args`. ```perl # equivalent to the main example openapi_path 'Returns info about a judge', get '/judge/:judge_name' => sub { ...; }; ``` If the `$description` spans many lines, it will be left-trimmed. ```perl openapi_path q{ Returns info about a judge. Some more documentation can go here. And this will be seen as a performatted block by OpenAPI. }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => sub { ...; }; ``` ### Supported arguments - method The HTTP method (GET, POST, etc) for the path item. Defaults to the route's method. - path The url for the path item. Defaults to the route's path. - description The path item's description. - tags Optional arrayref of tags assigned to the path. - parameters List of parameters for the path item. Must be an arrayref or a hashref. Route parameters are automatically populated. E.g., ```perl openapi_path get '/judge/:judge_name' => { ... }; ``` is equivalent to ```perl openapi_path { parameters => [ { name => 'judge_name', in => 'path', required => 1, type => 'string' }, ] }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => { ... }; ``` If the parameters are passed as a hashref, the keys are the names of the parameters, and they will appear in the OpenAPI document following their alphabetical order. If the parameters are passed as an arrayref, they will appear in the document in the order in which they are passed. Additionally, each parameter can be given as a hashref, or can be a `name => arguments` pair. In both format, for the key/value pairs, a string value is considered to be the `description` of the parameter. Finally, if not specified explicitly, the `in` argument of a parameter defaults to `query`, and its type to `string`. ```perl parameters => [ { name => 'bar', in => 'path', required => 1, type => 'string' }, { name => 'foo', in => 'query', type => 'string', description => 'yadah' }, ], # equivalent arrayref with mixed pairs/non-pairs parameters => [ { name => 'bar', in => 'path', required => 1, type => 'string' }, foo => { in => 'query', type => 'string', description => 'yadah' }, ], # equivalent hashref format parameters => { bar => { in => 'path', required => 1, type => 'string' }, foo => { in => 'query', type => 'string', description => 'yadah' }, }, # equivalent, using defaults parameters => { bar => { in => 'path', required => 1 }, foo => 'yadah', }, ``` - responses Possible responses from the path. Must be a hashref. ```perl openapi_path { responses => { default => { description => 'The judge information' } }, }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => { ... }; ``` If the key `example` is given (instead of `examples` as defined by the OpenAPI specs), and the serializer used by the application is [Dancer2::Serializer::JSON](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2%3A%3ASerializer%3A%3AJSON) or [Dancer2::Serializer::YAML](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2%3A%3ASerializer%3A%3AYAML), the example will be expanded to have the right content-type key. ```perl openapi_path { responses => { default => { example => { fullname => 'Mary Ann Murphy' } } }, }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => { ... }; # equivalent to openapi_path { responses => { default => { examples => { 'application/json' => { fullname => 'Mary Ann Murphy' } } } }, }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => { ... }; ``` The special key `template` will not appear in the OpenAPI doc, but will be used by the `openapi_template` plugin keyword. ## openapi\_template $code, $args ```perl openapi_path { responses => { 404 => { template => sub { +{ error => "judge '$_[0]' not found" } } }, }, get '/judge/:judge_name' => { my $name = param('judge_name'); return openapi_template 404, $name unless in_db($name); ...; }; ``` Calls the template for the `$code` response, passing it `$args`. If `$code` is numerical, also set the response's status to that value. ## openapi\_auto\_discover skip => \\@list Populates the OpenAPI document with information of all the routes of the application. Accepts an optional `skip` parameter that takes an arrayref of routes that shouldn't be added to the OpenAPI document. The routes can be specified as-is, or via regular expressions. If no skip list is given, defaults to the c<auto\_discover\_skip> configuration value. ```perl openapi_auto_discover skip => [ '/openapi.json', qr#^/doc/# ]; ``` The information of a route won't be altered if it's already present in the document. If a route has path parameters, they will be automatically added as such in the `parameters` section. Routes defined as regexes are skipped, as there is no clean way to automatically make them look nice. ```perl # will be picked up get '/user' => ...; # ditto, as '/user/{user_id}' get '/user/:user_id => ...; # won't be picked up get qr#/user/(\d+)# => ...; ``` Note that routes defined after `openapi_auto_discover` has been called won't be added to the OpenAPI document. Typically, you'll want `openapi_auto_discover` to be called at the very end of your module. Alternatively, `openapi_auto_discover` can be called more than once safely -- which can be useful if an application creates routes dynamically. ## openapi\_definition $name => $definition, ... Adds a schema (or more) to the definition section of the OpenAPI document. ```perl openapi_definition 'Judge' => { type => 'object', required => [ 'fullname' ], properties => { fullname => { type => 'string' }, seasons => { type => 'array', items => { type => 'integer' } }, } }; ``` The function returns the reference to the definition that can be then used where schemas are used. ```perl my $Judge = openapi_definition 'Judge' => { ... }; # $Judge is now the hashref '{ '$ref' => '#/definitions/Judge' }' # later on... openapi_path { responses => { default => { schema => $Judge }, }, }, get '/judge/:name' => sub { ... }; ``` # EXAMPLES See the `examples/` directory of the distribution for a working example. # SEE ALSO - [http://swagger.io/|Swagger](http://swagger.io/|Swagger) - [Dancer2::Plugin::OpenAPI](https://metacpan.org/pod/Dancer2%3A%3APlugin%3A%3AOpenAPI) The original plugin, for Dancer1. # AUTHOR Yanick Champoux <yanick@cpan.org> [](http://coderwall.com/yanick) # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is copyright (c) 2023 by Yanick Champoux. This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.