[](https://travis-ci.org/typester/Data-MessagePack-Stream) # NAME Data::MessagePack::Stream - yet another messagepack streaming deserializer # SYNOPSIS use Data::Dumper; my $unpacker = Data::MessagePack::Stream->new; while (read($fh, my $buf, 1024)) { $unpacker->feed($buf); while ($unpacker->next) { print Dumper($unpacker->data); } } # DESCRIPTION Data::MessagePack::Stream is streaming deserializer for MessagePack. This module is alternate for [Data::MessagePack::Unpacker](https://metacpan.org/pod/Data%3A%3AMessagePack%3A%3AUnpacker). Unlike original unpacker, this module support internal buffer and it's possible to handle streaming data correctly. # METHODS ## new my $unpacker = Data::MessagePack::Stream->new; Create new stream unpacker. ## feed($data) $unpacker->feed($data); Push `$data` into unpacker's internal buffer. ## next my $bool = $unpacker->next; If parsable MessagePack packet is fed, return true. You can get that parsed data by `data` method described below. ## data my $data = $unpacker->data; Return parsed perl object. # AUTHOR Daisuke Murase <typester@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2012 by KAYAC Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of the license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module.