NAME Catmandu::Importer::CPAN - get information about CPAN releases SYNOPSIS use Catmandu::Importer::CPAN; my $importer = Catmandu::Importer::CPAN->new( prefix => 'Catmandu' ); $importer->each(sub { my $module = shift; print $module->{distribution} , "\n"; print $module->{version} , "\n"; print $module->{date} , "\n"; }); Or with the catmandu command line client: $ catmandu convert CPAN --author NICS --fields distribution,date to CSV DESCRIPTION This Catmandu::Importer retrieves information about CPAN releases via MetaCPAN API. CONFIGURATION prefix Prefix that releases must start with, e.g. "Catmandu". author Selected author fields Array reference or comma separated list of fields to get. The special value "all" will return all fields. Set to "id,date,distribution,version,abstract" by default. CONTRIBUTORS Patrick Hochstenbach, "<patrick.hochstenbach at>" Jakob Voss "<jakob.voss at>"