[](https://github.com/tecolicom/Term-ANSIColor-Concise/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/Term-ANSIColor-Concise) # NAME Term::ANSIColor::Concise - Produce ANSI terminal sequence by concise notation # SYNOPSIS use v5.14; use Term::ANSIColor::Concise qw(ansi_color); say ansi_color('R', 'This is Red'); say ansi_color('SDG', 'This is Reverse Bold Green'); say ansi_color('FUDI<Gold>/L10E', 'Flashing Underlined Bold Italic Gold on Gray10 Bar'); <div> <p><img width="750" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tecolicom/Term-ANSIColor-Concise/main/images/synopsis.png"> </div> # VERSION Version 2.03 # DESCRIPTION This module provides a simple concise format to describe complicated colors and effects for ANSI terminals. These notations are supposed to be used in command line option parameters. This module used to be a part of [Getopt::EX::Colormap](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3AColormap) module, which provide easy handling interface for command line options. ## 256 or 24bit COLORS By default, this library produces ANSI 256 color sequence. That is eight standard colors, eight high intensity colors, 6x6x6 216 colors, and gray scales in 24 steps. Color described by 12bit/24bit RGB values are converted to 6x6x6 216 colors, or 24 gray scales if all RGB values are same. For a terminal which can display 24bit colors, full-color sequence can be produced. See ["ENVIRONMENT"](#environment) section. # FUNCTION - **ansi\_color**(_spec_, _text_) Return colorized version of given text. Produces 256 or 24bit colors depending on the setting. In the result, given _text_ is enclosed by appropriate open/close sequences. Close sequence can vary according to the open sequence. See ["RESET SEQUENCE"](#reset-sequence) section. If the _text_ already includes colored regions, they remain untouched and only non-colored parts are colored. Actually, _spec_ and _text_ pair can be repeated as many as possible. It is same as calling the function multiple times with single pair and join results. - **ansi\_color**(\[ _spec1_, _spec2_, ... \], _text_) If _spec_ parameter is ARRAYREF, multiple _spec_s can be specified at once. This is not useful for color spec because they can be simply joined, but may be useful when mixed with ["FUNCTION SPEC"](#function-spec). - **ansi\_color\_24**(_spec_, _text_) - **ansi\_color\_24**(\[ _spec1_, _spec2_, ... \], _text_) Function **ansi\_color\_24** always produces 24bit color sequence for 12bit/24bit color spec. - **cached\_ansi\_color**(_cache_, _spec_, _text_) Backend interface for **ansi\_color**. First parameter is a hash object used to cache data. If you concern about cache mismatch situation, use this interface with original cache. - **ansi\_pair**(_color\_spec_) Produces introducer and recover sequences for given spec. Additional third value indicates if the introducer includes Erase Line sequence. It gives a hint the sequence is necessary for empty string. See ["RESET SEQUENCE"](#reset-sequence). - **ansi\_code**(_color\_spec_) Produces introducer sequence for given spec. Reset code can be taken by **ansi\_code("Z")**. - **csi\_code**(_name_, _params_) Produce CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequence by name with numeric parameters. Parameter _name_ is one of standard (CUU, CUD, CUF, CUB, CNL, CPL, CHA, CUP, ED, EL, SU, SD, HVP, SGR, SCP, RCP) or non-standard (RIS, DECSC, DECRC). # COLOR SPEC At first the color is considered as foreground, and slash (`/`) switches foreground and background. You can declare any number of components in arbitrary order, and sequences will be produced in the order of their presence. So if they conflicts, the later one overrides the earlier. Color specification is a combination of following components: ## BASIC 8+8 Single uppercase character representing 8 colors, and alternative (usually brighter) colors in lowercase : R r Red G g Green B b Blue C c Cyan M m Magenta Y y Yellow K k Black W w White ## EFFECTS and CONTROLS Single case-insensitive character for special effects : N None Z 0 Zero (reset) D 1 Double strike (boldface) P 2 Pale (dark) I 3 Italic U 4 Underline F 5 Flash (blink: slow) Q 6 Quick (blink: rapid) S 7 Stand out (reverse video) H 8 Hide (conceal) X 9 Cross out E Erase Line (fill by background color) ; No effect / Toggle foreground/background ^ Reset to foreground ~ Cancel following effect Tilde (`~`) negates following effect; `~S` reset the effect of `S`. There is a discussion about negation of `D` (Track Wikipedia link in SEE ALSO), and Apple\_Terminal (v2.10 433) does not reset at least. Single `E` is an abbreviation for `{EL}` (Erase Line). This is different from other attributes, but have an effect of painting the rest of line by background color. ## 6x6x6 216 COLORS Combination of 0..5 for 216 RGB values : Deep Light <-----------------> 000 111 222 333 444 : Black 500 511 522 533 544 : Red 050 151 252 353 454 : Green 005 115 225 335 445 : Blue 055 155 255 355 455 : Cyan 505 515 525 535 545 : Magenta 550 551 552 553 554 : Yellow 555 444 333 222 111 : White ## 24 GRAY SCALES + 2 24 gray scales are described by `L01` (dark) to `L24` (bright). Black and White can be described as `L00` and `L25`, those are aliases for `000` and `555`. L00 : Level 0 (Black) L01 : Level 1 : L24 : Level 24 L25 : Level 25 (White) ## RGB 12bit/24bit RGB : (255,255,255) : 24bit decimal RGB colors #000000 .. #FFFFFF : 24bit hex RGB colors #000 .. #FFF : 12bit hex RGB 4096 colors > Beginning `#` can be omitted in 24bit hex RGB notation. So 6 > consecutive digits means 24bit color, and 3 digits means 6x6x6 color, > if they do not begin with `#`. ## COLOR NAMES Color names enclosed by angle bracket : <red> <blue> <green> <cyan> <magenta> <yellow> <aliceblue> <honeydew> <hotpink> <moccasin> <medium_aqua_marine> These colors are defined in 24bit RGB. Names are case insensitive and underscore (`_`) is ignored, but space and punctuation are not allowed. So `<aliceblue>`, `<AliceBlue>`, `<ALICE_BLUE>` are all valid but `<Alice Blue>` is not. See ["COLOR NAMES"](#color-names) section for detail. ## CSI SEQUENCES and OTHERS Native CSI (Control Sequence Introducer) sequences in the form of `{NAME}`. ICH n Insert Character CUU n Cursor up CUD n Cursor Down CUF n Cursor Forward CUB n Cursor Back CNL n Cursor Next Line CPL n Cursor Previous line CHA n Cursor Horizontal Absolute CUP n,m Cursor Position ED n Erase in Display (0 after, 1 before, 2 entire, 3 w/buffer) EL n Erase in Line (0 after, 1 before, 2 entire) IL n Insert Line DL n Delete Line DCH n Delete Character (scroll rest to left) SU n Scroll Up SD n Scroll Down ECH n Erase Character HVP n,m Horizontal Vertical Position SGR n* Select Graphic Rendition SCP Save Cursor Position RCP Restore Cursor Position These names can be followed by optional numerical parameters, using comma (`,`) or semicolon (`;`) to separate multiple ones, with optional parentheses. For example, color spec `DK/544` can be described as `{SGR1;30;48;5;224}` or more readable `{SGR(1,30,48,5,224)}`. Some other escape sequences are supported in the form of `{NAME}`. These sequences do not start with CSI, and do not take parameters. VT100 compatible terminal usually support these, and does not support `SCP` and `RCP` CSI code. RIS Reset to Initial State DECSC DEC Save Cursor DECRC DEC Restore Cursor ## EXAMPLES 8+8 6x6x6 12bit 24bit names === ======= ========= ============= ================== B 005 #00F (0,0,255) <blue> /M /505 /#F0F /(255,0,255) /<magenta> K/W 000/555 #000/#FFF #000000/#FFFFFF <black>/<white> R/G 500/050 #F00/#0F0 #FF0000/#00FF00 <red>/<green> W/w L03/L20 #333/#ccc #333333/#cccccc <gray20>/<gray80> # COLOR NAMES Color names listed in [Graphics::ColorNames::X](https://metacpan.org/pod/Graphics%3A%3AColorNames%3A%3AX) module can be used. See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11\_color\_names](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names). aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine azure beige bisque black blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson cyan darkolivegreen dimgray dimgrey dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold goldenrod gray green greenyellow grey honeydew hotpink indianred indigo ivory khaki lavender lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightgoldenrodyellow lime limegreen linen magenta maroon midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin navajowhite navy navyblue oldlace olive olivedrab orange orangered orchid papayawhip peachpuff peru pink plum powderblue purple rebeccapurple red rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna silver skyblue slateblue slategray slategrey snow springgreen steelblue tan teal thistle tomato turquoise violet violetred webgray webgreen webgrey webmaroon webpurple wheat white whitesmoke x11gray x11green x11grey x11maroon x11purple yellow yellowgreen In the above list, next colors have variants with prefix of `dark`, `light`, `medium`, `pale`, `deep`. aquamarine medium_aquamarine blue dark_blue light_blue medium_blue coral light_coral cyan dark_cyan light_cyan goldenrod dark_goldenrod light_goldenrod pale_goldenrod gray dark_gray light_gray green dark_green light_green pale_green grey dark_grey light_grey khaki dark_khaki magenta dark_magenta orange dark_orange orchid dark_orchid medium_orchid pink deep_pink light_pink purple medium_purple red dark_red salmon dark_salmon light_salmon seagreen dark_seagreen light_seagreen medium_seagreen skyblue deep_skyblue light_skyblue slateblue dark_slateblue light_slateblue medium_slateblue slategray dark_slategray light_slategray slategrey dark_slategrey light_slategrey springgreen medium_springgreen steelblue light_steelblue turquoise dark_turquoise medium_turquoise pale_turquoise violet dark_violet violetred medium_violetred pale_violetred yellow light_yellow Next colors have four variants. For example, color `brown` has `brown1`, `brown2`, `brown3`, `brown4`. antiquewhite aquamarine azure bisque blue brown burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate coral cornsilk cyan darkgoldenrod darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid darkseagreen darkslategray deeppink deepskyblue dodgerblue firebrick gold goldenrod green honeydew hotpink indianred ivory khaki lavenderblush lemonchiffon lightblue lightcyan lightgoldenrod lightpink lightsalmon lightskyblue lightsteelblue lightyellow magenta maroon mediumorchid mediumpurple mistyrose navajowhite olivedrab orange orangered orchid palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred peachpuff pink plum purple red rosybrown royalblue salmon seagreen seashell sienna skyblue slateblue slategray snow springgreen steelblue tan thistle tomato turquoise violetred wheat yellow `gray` and `grey` have 100 steps of variants. gray gray0 .. gray100 grey grey0 .. grey100 See [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11\_color\_names#Color\_variations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names#Color_variations) for detail. # FUNCTION SPEC Color spec can be CODEREF or object. If it is a CODEREF, that code is called with text as an argument, and return the result. If it is an object which has method `call`, it is called with the variable `$_` set as target text. # RESET SEQUENCE This module produces _RESET_ and _Erase Line_ sequence to recover from colored text. This is preferable to clear background color set by scrolling in the middle of colored text at the bottom of the terminal. However, on some terminal, including Apple\_Terminal, _Erase Line_ sequence clear the text on the cursor position when it is at the rightmost column of the screen. In other words, rightmost character sometimes mysteriously disappear when it is the last character in the colored region. If you do not like this behavior, set module variable `$NO_RESET_EL` or `ANSICOLOR_NO_RESET_EL` environment. _Erase Line_ sequence `{EL}` clears the line from cursor position to the end of the line, which means filling the area by background color. When _Erase Line_ is explicitly found in the start sequence, it is copied to just before (not after) ending reset sequence, with preceding sequence if necessary, to keep the effect of filling line even if the text is wrapped to multiple lines. See ["ENVIRONMENT"](#environment) section. ## LESS Because _Erase Line_ sequence end with `K`, it is a good idea to tell **less** command so, if you want to see the output using it. LESS=-cR LESSANSIENDCHARS=mK # ENVIRONMENT If the environment variable `NO_COLOR` is set, regardless of its value, colorization interface in this module never produce color sequence. Primitive function such as `ansi_code` is not the case. See [https://no-color.org/](https://no-color.org/). Function **ansi\_color** produces 256 or 24bit colors depending on the value of `$RGB24` module variable. Also 24bit mode is enabled when environment `ANSICOLOR_RGB24` is set or `COLORTERM` is `truecolor`. If the module variable `$NO_RESET_EL` set, or `ANSICOLOR_NO_RESET_EL` environment, _Erase Line_ sequence is not produced with RESET code. See ["RESET SEQUENCE"](#reset-sequence). # COLOR TABLE Color table can be shown by other module [Term::ANSIColor::Concise::Table](https://metacpan.org/pod/Term%3A%3AANSIColor%3A%3AConcise%3A%3ATable). Next command will show table of 256 colors. $ perl -MTerm::ANSIColor::Concise::Table=:all -e colortable <div> <p><img width="750" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tecolicom/Term-ANSIColor-Concise/main/images/colortable-s.png"> </div> <div> <p><img width="750" src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/tecolicom/Term-ANSIColor-Concise/main/images/colortable-rev-s.png"> </div> # SEE ALSO ## [Getopt::EX::Colormap](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3AColormap) This module is originally implemented in [Getopt::EX::Colormap](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX%3A%3AColormap) module. It provides an easy way to maintain labeled and indexed list for color handling in command line option. You can take care of user option like this: use Getopt::Long; my @opt_colormap; GetOptions('colormap|cm:s' => @opt_colormap); require Getopt::EX::Colormap; my %label = ( FILE => 'DR', LINE => 'Y', TEXT => '' ); my @index = qw( /544 /545 /445 /455 /545 /554 ); my $cm = Getopt::EX::Colormap ->new(HASH => \%label, LIST => \@index) ->load_params(@opt_colormap); And then program can use it in two ways: print $cm->color('FILE', $filename); print $cm->index_color($index, $pattern); This interface provides a simple uniform way to handle coloring options for various tools. ## [App::ansiecho](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Aansiecho) To use this module's function directly from a command line, [App::ansiecho](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3Aansiecho) is a good one. You can apply colors and effects for echoing argument. ## [App::Greple](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple) This code and [Getopt::EX](https://metacpan.org/pod/Getopt%3A%3AEX) was implemented as a part of [App::Greple](https://metacpan.org/pod/App%3A%3AGreple) command originally. It is still a intensive user of this module capability and would be a good use-case. ## OTHERS [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI\_escape\_code](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code) [Graphics::ColorNames::X](https://metacpan.org/pod/Graphics%3A%3AColorNames%3A%3AX) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11\_color\_names](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X11_color_names) [https://no-color.org/](https://no-color.org/) https://www.ecma-international.org/wp-content/uploads/ECMA-48\_5th\_edition\_june\_1991.pdf # AUTHOR Kazumasa Utashiro # COPYRIGHT The following copyright notice applies to all the files provided in this distribution, including binary files, unless explicitly noted otherwise. Copyright 2015-2023 Kazumasa Utashiro # LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.