#!/usr/local/bin/perl # # Copyright (C) 2004, 2007 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") # Copyright (C) 1999-2001 Internet Software Consortium. # # Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any # purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above # copyright notice and this permission notice appear in all copies. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND ISC DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES WITH # REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY # AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL ISC BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, DIRECT, # INDIRECT, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM # LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE # OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR # PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. # $Id: t_api.pl,v 1.10 2007-06-19 23:46:59 tbox Exp $ require "getopts.pl"; # # a minimalistic test api in perl compatable with the C api # used for the bind 9 regression tests # sub t_info { package t_api; local($format, @rest) = @_; printf("I:${format}%s", @rest); } sub t_result { package t_api; local($result) = @_; $T_inresult = 1; printf("R:$result\n"); } sub t_assert { package t_api; local($component, $anum, $class, $what, @rest) = @_; printf("A:%s:%d:%s:$what\n", $component, $anum, $class, @rest); } sub t_getenv { package t_api; local($name) = @_; return($T_env{$name}) if (defined($T_env{$name})); } package t_api; $| = 1; sub t_on_abort { $T_aborted = 1; &t_info("got abort\n"); die; } sub t_on_alarm { $T_timedout = 1; &t_info("got alarm\n"); die; } sub t_on_int { $T_terminated = 1; &t_info("got int\n"); die; } # initialize the test environment sub t_initconf { local($cfile) = @_; local($name, $value); if ((-f $cfile) && (-s _)) { open(XXX, "< $cfile"); while () { next if (/^\#/); next unless (/=/); chop; ($name, $value) = split(/=/, $_, 2); $T_env{$name} = $value; } close(XXX); } } # dump the configuration to the journal sub t_dumpconf { local($name, $value); foreach $name (sort keys %T_env) { &main't_info("%s\t%s\n", $name, $T_env{$name}); } } # run a test sub doTestN { package main; local($testnumber) = @_; local($status); if (defined($T_testlist[$testnumber])) { $t_api'T_inresult = 0; $t_api'T_aborted = 0; $t_api'T_timedout = 0; $t_api'T_terminated = 0; $t_api'T_unresolved = 0; alarm($t_api'T_timeout); $status = eval($T_testlist[$testnumber]); alarm(0); if (! defined($status)) { &t_info("The test case timed out\n") if ($t_api'T_timedout); &t_info("The test case was terminated\n") if ($t_api'T_terminated); &t_info("The test case was aborted\n") if ($t_api'T_aborted); &t_result("UNRESOLVED"); } elsif (! $t_api'T_inresult) { &t_result("NORESULT"); } } else { &t_info("Test %d is not defined\n", $testnumber); &t_result("UNTESTED"); } } $T_usage = "Usage: a : run all tests b : cd to dir before running tests c : use configfile instead of t_config d : set debug level to level h : print test info (not implemented) u : print usage info n : run test number testnumber t : run test named testname (not implemented) q : use seconds as the timeout value x : don't execute tests in a subproc (n/a) "; # get command line args &main'Getopts('ab:c:d:hun:t:q:x'); # if -u, print usage and exit if (defined($main'opt_u)) { print $T_usage; exit(0); } # implement -h and -t after we add test descriptions to T_testlist ZZZ if (defined($main'opt_h)) { print "the -h option is not implemented\n"; exit(0); } if (defined($main'opt_t)) { print "the -t option is not implemented\n"; exit(0); } # # silently ignore the -x option # this exists in the C version of the api # to facilitate exception debugging with gdb # and is not meaningful here # $T_configfile = "t_config"; $T_debug = 0; $T_timeout = 10; $T_testnum = -1; $T_dir = $main'opt_b if (defined($main'opt_b)); $T_debug = $main'opt_d if (defined($main'opt_d)); $T_configfile = $main'opt_c if (defined($main'opt_c)); $T_testnum = $main'opt_n if (defined($main'opt_n)); $T_timeout = $main'opt_q if (defined($main'opt_q)); $SIG{'ABRT'} = 't_api\'t_on_abort'; $SIG{'ALRM'} = 't_api\'t_on_alarm'; $SIG{'INT'} = 't_api\'t_on_int'; $SIG{'QUIT'} = 't_api\'t_on_int'; # print the start line $date = `date`; chop $date; ($cmd = $0) =~ s/\.\///g; printf("S:$cmd:$date\n"); # initialize the test environment &t_initconf($T_configfile); &t_dumpconf() if ($T_debug); # establish working directory if requested chdir("$T_dir") if (defined($T_dir) && (-d "$T_dir")); # run the tests if ($T_testnum == -1) { # run all tests $T_ntests = $#main'T_testlist + 1; for ($T_cnt = 0; $T_cnt < $T_ntests; ++$T_cnt) { &doTestN($T_cnt); } } else { # otherwise run the specified test &doTest($T_testnum); } # print the end line $date = `date`; chop $date; printf("E:$cmd:$date\n"); 1;