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Novotny 0.0.4-2Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.4-1Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.3-1Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.2-1Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-13Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-12Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-11Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-10Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-9Adam Williamson 0.0.1-8Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-7Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-6Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-5Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-4Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-3Jiri Moskovcak 0.0.1-2Zdenek Prikryl 0.0.1-1- Drop RHTS hint - Change by David Mansfield - Per http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=7192 - Remove cli suggestion text patch - set URL to retrace server - update to not run sosreport - Per http://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=7913- Add patch for #1848871- Add patch for #1839004- Add patch for #1807397- Drop patch for test suite- Add patches for #1688368- Add patch for #1677476- testsuite: move examples to 'tests' - testsuite: Fix failing tests - Add autogen.sh- cli: load config file at the beginning - ccpp: fast dumping and abrt core limit - conf: increase MaxCrashReportsSize to 5GiB - vmcore: /var/tmp/abrt is no longer a dump location - koops: Filter kernel oopses based on logged hostname - daemon: Fix double closed fd race condition - Related: #1618818, #1647841, #1613236, #1613182, #1655241- plugin "general" from sos has been split into two new plugins - Related: #1608444- a-a-s-p-data: fix segfault if GPGKeysDir isn't configured - spec: turn on --enable-native-unwinder aarch64 - plugins: a-a-g-machine-id use dmidecode command - spec: use dmidecode instead of python-dmidecode - Related: #1566707, #1566707, #1260074, #1591141- vmcore: fix analyzer regression - Related: #1543323- Translation updates - Stop creating uReports for unpackaged executables - koops: add detailed taint flag description for kernel oopses - koops: fix kernel oops and fatal MCE recognition - python: provide more information about Python exceptions - vmcore: fix replication of vmcore files - Related: #1271213, #1460224, #1374648, #1361116, #1228344, - Related: #1395285, #1214730, #1446410, #1319828, #1501718- Translation updates - Related: #1449488- add %h parameter into abrt-hook-ccpp - Related: #1364899- remove not implemented option AttemptHardlink in vmcore.conf - introduce unsafe reporting for not-reporable problems - rewrite skip_pfx() function to work with journal msgs - don't expect kernel's version '2.6.*' or '3.*.*' - Related: #1416586, #1257159, #1328264, #1378469- Translation updates - Related: #1304240- daemon: send base names from abrt-server to abrtd - Resolves: #1132459- check_recent_crash_file do not produce error_msg - Resolves: #1337186- trigger dump location cleanup after detection - Resolves: #1132459- vmcore: fix finding partitions by UUID and LABEL - Related: rhbz#1147053- ccpp: unify log message of ignored crashes - Resolves: #1337186- python: fix check for absolute path - console-notifications: add timeout - vmcore: generate 'reason' file in all cases - Fix memory leaks in abrt-dbus - Resolves: #1250337, #1166633, #1249101, #1319704- ccpp: add xfunc_die() if cannot get executable - Resolves: #1277849- ccpp: exit with error if cannot get executable - Resolves: #1277849- lib: prevent from creating non-root sub-dirs in dump dir - Save Vendor and GPG Fingerprint - augeas: augtool save /files/etc/abrt/plugins/oops.conf/DropNotReportableOopses - ccpp: add AllowedUsers and AllowedGroups feature - ccpp: add IgnoredPath option - lib: hooklib: make signal_is_fatal() public - vmcore: catch IOErrors and OSErrors - translations: update zanata configuration - Resolves: #1311100, #1277848, #1277849, #1175679- make /var/spool/abrt owned by root - remove 'r' from /var/spool/abrt for other users - abrt-action-install-debug-info: use secure temporary directory - stop saving abrt's core files to /var/spool/abrt if DebugLevel < 1 - Fixes for: CVE-2015-5273 and CVE-2015-5287 - Resolves: #1266853- sos: use 'services' instead of 'startup' - Resolves: #1272005- abrt-auto-reporting documentation - ccpp: Use global PID - ccpp: correct comments mentioning TID - Related: #1252590, #1261036, #1223805- Create UUID from core backtrace if coredump is missing - Related: #1210601- Only analyze vulnerabilities when coredump present - Only generate core_backtrace if it's not already present. - Related: #1210601- Warn against disabling private reports in abrt.conf - Related: #1253166- ccpp: use global TID - ccpp: fix comment related to 'MakeCompatCore' option in CCpp.conf - cli: fix testing of DBus API return codes - dbus-api: unify reporting of errors - Related: #1210601, #1252419, #1224984- doc: fix related to conditional compilation of man page - spec: add dbus dependency for abrt-cli and abrt-python - Related: #1191572, #1245527- abrt-merge-pstoreoops: merge files in descending order - abrt-auto-reporting: fix related to conditional compilation - Update translations - Related: #1233662, #1191572, #1181248- reset ownership after saving core_backtrace - Related: #1210601- save core_backtrace from hook - Related: #1210601- support generating backtrace in core hook - Resolves: #1210601- abrt-auto-reporting fixes - include processor information in sosreport - abrt-cli uses abrt-dbus to get the detected problems - Related: #1191572, #1221118, #1224984- do not open the build_ids file as the user abrt - do not unlink failed and big user core files - Related: #1212820, #1216974- validate all D-Bus method arguments - Related: #1214612- remove the old dump directories during upgrade - abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache: sanitize arguments and umask - fix race conditions and directory traversal issues in abrt-dbus - use /var/spool/abrt instead of /var/tmp/abrt - make the problem directories owned by root and the group abrt - validate uploaded problem directories in abrt-handle-upload - don't override files with user core dump files - fix symbolic link and race condition flaws - Resolves: #1211971, #1212820, #1212864, #1212870 - Resolves: #1214454, #1214612, #1216974, #1238724- abrt-auto-reporting: add ureport authentication command line arguments - add python-augeas to the requirements - mark all strings for translations - translation updates - Related: #1087880, #1174833- allow gdb to auto-load scripts from /var/cache/abrt-di - Resolves: #1128637- Translation updates - machineid is a copy of /etc/machine-id - Related: #1139552- applet: ensure writable directory before reporting - Resolves: #1084027- console-notifications: skip non-interactive shells - applet: show component instead of duphash in the notification - Related: #1084031, #1150169- ureport: attach contact email - mce: separate mce analysis from Kernel oops analysis - console-notifications: use return instead of exit - Resolves: #1150389, #1150169 - Related: #1076820- Translation updates - localization fixes - applet: confirm ignoring of notifications - cli: batch reporting in abrt-cli - cli: add option remove crash dirs after reporting - cli: robustize abrt-console-notification.sh - cli: make consistent commands in abrt-cli - applet: chown each notified problem before reporting it - dbus: fixed abrt-dbus memory leaks - plugins: add abrt-action-generate-machine-id - spec: add abrt-action-generate-machine-id - spec: remove dependency on crash from abrt-addon-vmcore - spec: hook abrt-oops.conf.5 - spec: don't use native unwinder on arm arch - spec: remove stray space from %description - spec: add missing requires for python api - spec: add dependency on abrt-python - python: support exceptions without traceback - spec: hook Kernel oops configuration files - koops: add an option controlling MCE detection - gdb: disable loading of auto-loaded files - vmcore: start the service after kdump service - Resolves: #1066482, #1084031, #1067545, #1084027, #1087880, #1087777 - Resolves: #1015473, #1139001, #1076820, #1139552, #1128637, #1066501 - Resolves: #1086642- Translation updates - Resolves: #1030314- Capture all necessary logs in sosreport.tar.gz - do not send ureport from abrt-applet - do not run gdb under root - Resolves: #1067114, #1069278, #1069719- Search for MCE strings in 'backtrace' file - Resolves: #1064458- Stop consuming 100%CPU in abrt-upload-watch - Turn off Autoreporting - Enabled GPG check - Resolves: #1051480, #1063317- retrace-client: do not require SSL2 - Resolves: #1060796- Fix-handling-of-Machine-Check-Exceptions - abrt-harvest-vmcore recovers from Permission denied errors - never stop 'notify' event - install abrt-python files to arch specific dir - Resolves: #1032077, #1032511, #1057710 - Related: #881123- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- abrt-cli requires libreport-rhel (the reporting workflows) - applet: don't notify missing ignored_problems file - abrt-cli: show a hint about creating a case in RHTS - abrt-cli: show a info text suggesting enabling the autoreporting - Related: #1044424 - Resolves: #1054291, #1055565, #1056980- applet: do not say the report is anonymous when ureport auth is enabled - Resolves: #1055619- fix a double free error in abrt-applet - configure Augeas to parse only required files - show 'Close' button in the Configuration dialogue - Resolves: #1050167, #1053534, #1054158- use elfutils stack unwinder - collect installed RPM details in sosreport - Resolves: #1048210, #1052920- Update translations - harvest_vmcore: replace regexp config parsing with augeas - introduce D-Bus Configuration Service - mark koopses with unsupporeted HW as not-reportable - bodhi: use the right exit codes - abrt-handle-event: don't use already freed memory - introduce abrt-auto-reporting utility - abrt-action-notify: fix couple of flaws - Use satyr to compute koops duphash - koops: tweak koops parser for s390 Call Traces - configui: do not use deprecated gtk3 API - completely remove abrt-dedup-client - move /etc/abrt/abrt-harvest-vmcore.conf to /etc/abrt/plugins/vmcore.conf - Resolves: #1027259, #1035405, #1036585, #1040892, #1044424, #1050160- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Remove the bodhi addon - Resolves: #1038923- Add a dependency on abrt-python - Resolves: #1037290- Enabled sosreport - Resolves: #1032585- Enable autoreporting - Resolves: #1031572- remove Fedora strings - Resolves: #1029508- add python-doc package- fix debuginfo installer expecting user input from a pipe - closes #696 - add environment variable whitelist to debuginfo install wrapper - closes #692 - add repo_pattern argument as a custom repository filter - closes #688 - abrt-cli list: replace "@" prefix by "id " prefix - fix a crash in 'abrt-cli info' when short id isn't found - Use common string-to-sha1_hash functions. #694 - doc: update OpenGPGCheck in a-a-save-package-data rhbz#997922 - abrt-cli report: accept sha1 hashes of directory names. #693 - abrt-dump-oops: emit a message if throttling for a significant period of time - abrt-gdb-exploitable: print current instruction - spec: posttrans scriptlet regenerating core_backtraces - abrt-handle-event: add check for missing crash thread - provide tmpfiles.d configuration - abrt-cli list: use sha1 hash as short ids instead of @N thing. rhbz#906733 - vmcore: fail gracefully if dump_dir is not accessible - spec: vmcore: require kexec-tools - vmcore: use re.MULTILINE instead of numerical value - vmcore: don't fail if /etc/kdump.conf is not readable - abrt-cli info: add "-s SIZE" option. closes #689 - fix noninteractive mode in debuginfo installer - rhbz#737066 - fixed the gpg keys loading - closes #686 - Fix type of OPT_BOOL's referenced flag variable - it must be int, not bool! - adds a kdump.conf parser to get the correct dump dir location, closes #640 - xorg_event.conf: use abrt-action-list-dsos to create dso_list - abrt-action-list-dsos: extend it to be able to parse Xorg backtrace. - don't require debuginfo for vmcore analysis rhbz#768389 - specfile: make addon-pstoreoops obsolete addon-uefioops - abrt-dump-oops: add -t option which slows down problem creation. rhbz#902398. - rename uefioops to pstoreoops rhbz#949721 - spec: create type element for problem dirs where it doesn't exist - rhbz#958968 - introduce abrt-upload-watch - fix ccpp hook to create the type element - closes #682 - specfile: use systemd-rpm macros. rhbz#850019 - abrt-harvest-vmcore: notify new path - #657 - abrt-dump-oops: remove redundant g_list_length() call, make messages clearer - updated translation - rhbz#860555 - updated transifex url - GUI config: add Close/Defaults button - GUI config: hide option descriptions in tool tips - GUI config: add Silent shortened reporting support - applet: silent shortened reporting - applet: less misleading label for Ignore button - abrt-handle-upload: switch from shell to python; send socket notification. #657 - spec: add build requires for XSMP depencies - applet: update seen list when X Session dies - improved the error messages in abrt-server - closes #679 - fix typo in abrt-config-widget.ui - spec: add new packages abrt-gui-libs and abrt-gui-devel - delete desktop file for system-config-abrt - expose abrt configuration GUI in public API - rewrite abrt-harvest-uefioops to python - closes #678 - spec: abrt-python is no longer noarch - related #677 - created python binding for notify_new_path - closes #677 - spec: install applet's desktop file to system dir - applet: configure notification source - rewrite shell script for moving vmcores into python closes #676 - abrtd: ensure that the dump location directory exists - a-a-ureport: generate core_backtrace only for CCpp problems - do not store potentially big data in /tmp - abrt-dbus: send new problem notify signal to socket - abrtd: remove "post-create" machinery. Related to #657 - Avoid leaving stale rpmdb locks behind (rhbz#918184) - abrtd: improve parsing of pidfile in create_pidfile() - abrt-dump-{oops,xorg}: send new problem notify signal to socket - abrtd: disable inotify watch on DUMP_LOC - abrt-hook-ccpp: send "POST /creation_notification" after creating problem dir - Stop dying in check_free_space(); rename it to low_free_space() - abrt-server: make create_problem_dir() run "post-create" - abrt-handle-event: create DUMP_LOC/post-create.lock when running "post-create" - abrt-server: add support for "POST /creation_notification" - abrt-handle-event: free more of allocated data - Resolves: #880694, #895745, #906733, #949721, #953927, #960549, #961520, #967644, #990208, #993591, #993592- try to generate core_backtrace only for CCpp problems - Resolves: #993630- do not require abrt-retrace-client- use RHTSupport even in report-cli events- disable gcc unused-typedef warning for GLib - use right dependencies for RHEL- replace functions deprecated in Gtk-3.10 with their substitutes - integrate with satyr, drop btparser - use absolute path in python shebang rhzb#987010 - abrt-action-save-package-data: properly close rpm database. Closes #674. - abrt-action-save-package-data: fix handling of ProcessUnpackaged on scripts - abrt-action-save-package-data manpage: typo fix - change /var/spool/abrt/ to /var/tmp/abrt in doc rhbz#912750 - Fix RPMdiff warnings about abrtd and abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache - specfile: add dependency on abrt-libs to abrt-addon-uefioops - stop using the hardcoded event list, use workflows instead rhbz#866027 - retrace-client: build correct release for Fedora Rawhide - spec: drop unnecessary Obsoletes and Provides - correct FSF address in python exception hook - add missing manual pages for binaries and scripts - fix rpmlint issues in the spec file - move event option XML files to /usr/share/libreport/ - abrt-hook-ccpp: always fall back to creating user core. - dbus: add GetForeignProblems method - the system tray icon opens recently detected problem - add gdb python plugin which analyzes coredump for vulnerability - applet: stop saving configuration at exit - introduce system-config-abrt - abrt-cli status: make the output more natural - Fix wrong path in shell include - abrt-dump-xorg: save "type=xorg" along with "analyzer=xorg" - Update python hook to use fixed socket interface - abrt-server: updates/fixes for future rasdaemon needs - Resolves: #988165- abrt-retrace-client requires tar closes #635 - abrt-tui requires abrt closes #633 - a-d-oops: obtain kernel version from the oops - a-a-p-ccpp-analysis: import all used attributes - vmcore: provide all problem elements necessary for the reporting - a-d-oops: add 'update' command line argument - a-a-g-core-backtrace: don't crash if kernel file doesn't exist - a-a-a-vmcore: save kernel version in 'kernel' file - abrt-cli: make status help message more precise - abrt-cli status: don't include reported problems into count - abrt-cli list: implement --since and --until - abrt-python: open dirs read-only if possible - dbus: ChownProblemDir method really changes the owner - python: disable events in collision with anaconda - abrt-python requires pygobject2 - systemd units: start services only if it make sense - abrt-harvest-uefioops.in: test for abrtd after testing for pstore, not before - make abrt-uefioops.service conditional on /sys/fs/pstore being populated - dbus: fix SetElement failing when shrinking an item - spec: fix unowned directories - abrt-python: whole python API path in POTFILES.skip - abrt-python: fix dbus compatibility on RHEL6 - abrt-python: check if gid equals current users gid - abrt-python: fix tests compatibility with python 2.6 - abrt-python: pass DD_OPEN_READONLY only if available - abrt-python: fix deprecation warnings - console notification shouldn't ask confirmation - closes #652 - Short BT deduplication false positives workaround - Only problems of same type can be duplicates - abrt-python: fix bug in problem.get - abrt-python: pep8 cleanup - koops parse: support frame prefix - don't show non critical errors in console notification - Resolves: #958961, #974670- don't show non critical errors in console notification - use last_occurrence with --since- start abrtd.service after livecd - udpate translation - add addon-uefioops - Resolves: #928753- build abrtd and setuided executables with full relro rhbz#812284 - added a console notification script to profile.d closes #641 - return the right exit code for user cancellation - add more examples to Problem API doc - updated translation Related: #951416 - Replace "THANKYOU" with EXIT_STOP_EVENT_RUN exit code (70) - abrt-action-ureport: rewrite in python, improve messages - abrt-cli: added 'status' command - abrt-cli: make "report -v[vv]" export correct $ABRT_VERBOSE value - bodhi, retrace: support /etc/os-release - abrt-action-generate-core-backtrace: be a bit more verbose - abrt-dump-oops: add "Machine Check Exception" to the list of watched strings rhbz#812537 - abrt-action-install-debuginfo: do not assume os.execvp never returns - abrtd: mark unprocessed dump directories as not-reportable - abrtd: update last occurrence dump dir file - spec: remove the commented macros rhbz#864851 - spec: added the versioned abrt-libs requires to silence rpmdiff rhbz#881123 - spec: create a new subpackage for the console notification #641 - spec: add deps. required for reporting to abrt-cli pkg - spec: inc required version of libreport- Require correct version of libreport - Add dependecies required for reporting to abrt-cli package - Resolves: #947651- record runlevel - Integration with satyr - dbus: check correct errno after dump_dir_is_accessible_by_uid() - require libreport workflow package acc. to OS type - remove the abrt-gui closes #629 - retrace-client: do not allow space in os_release_id; closes #625 - Remove all smolt-related files and code bits - abrtd: recreate Dump Location directory if it is delete- Check if restorecon cmd exists and run it only if it does - Resolves: #926934- Fix problems with spaces in retrace-client- Require correct version of libreport - Add a patch for abrtd which ensures that the dump location always exists - disable shortened and auto reporting in RHEL - Resolves: #918040, #918041- Improve log messages - Update translation - Introduce helpers for management of list of ignored problems - applet: show a confirmation notify bubble for reported problems in ShortenedReporting mode - applet: mark problems as ignored and don't notify ignored problems - applet: remove confusing "Show" button - applet: pass problem's id to the gui app - abrt-ccpp: try to read hs_err.log from crash's CWD - abrt-action-perform-ccpp-analysis: Complain if analyze_RetraceServer can't run. Closes 619 - abrt-gui: change URL to point to most recent doc - add abrt-action-analyze-ccpp-local to ccpp-addon related to rhbz#759443 - analyze-ccpp don't suid to abrt when run as root, related rhbz#759443 - abrtd: prohibit DumpLocation == WatchCrashdumpArchiveDir. Closes rhbz#854668 - abrtd: don't blame interpreter, blame the running script #609 - a-a-ureport: don't fail on missing counter file - a-a-ureport: allow to send ureport more than once - dbus doc: install abrt-dbus documentation files to the correct places - dbus doc: extend the documentation of DBus API - dbus doc: make xml interface parseable by qtdbusxml2cpp - dbus: add basics to a new problem - abrt-harvest-vmcore: don't copy dir from var/spool if copy already exists - fix path in the collect_xsession_errors event - retrace-client: print dots instead of repeated status message - move abrt.pth to arch specific location rhbz#912540 - Make forking code paths more robust. - add more logging to catch "stuck core-backtrace" problem; reduce gdb looping - Resolves: #879160, #854668, #885044, #903005, #905412, #909968, #912540- remove ureport events from the reporting workflow in RHEL- add SETGID bit to abrt-action-install-debuginfo-to-abrt-cache - add abrt-desktop depency on libreport-fedora - abrt-dump-{oops,xorg}: limit amount of created dirs, add cooldown sleep if exceeded - abrt-watch-log: handle a case when child doesn't process its input - abrt-watch-log: fix a bug in mmap error check - abrt-action-analyze-xorg: fix the case with DIR != "." - Resolves: #908256- pkg-config: export defaultdumplocation variable - configure: set default dump location to /var/tmp/abrt - abrtd: sanitize mode and ovner of all elements - updated translation - abrtd-inotify-flood test: expend it to check for another inotify-related bug - gnome-abrt is default GUI - applet: on requrest open gnome-abrt instead of abrt-gui - Make it so that g_io_channel_read_chars(channel_inotify) does not buffer data. - multilib fixes - daemon: unify accessibility check before delete with dbus - dbus: move dir accessibility check from abrt to libreport - dbus: user dd_chown instead of own impl. - allow default dump directory to be configured through cmd line args - introduce abrt-python - reporter-bz: post a comment to dup bug, if we found a dup. version 2. - replace left over magic dd modes by macro - synchronize default dump dir mode with libreport - replace all occurrences of hardcoded dump location by a variable - harvest-vmcore: read dump dir path from configuration - use lchown when chowning files over dbus - use lchown when chowning newly created problem directory - verify-that-report-edits test: fix to account for new CLI interface - koops: add all x86 TRAP prefixes to list of suspicious strings - koops: put all suspicious strings to global variable - applet: extend comment. No code changes - applet: introduce shortened reporting - abrt-applet: handle SIGTERM and perform nice termination - abrt-applet: update the seen list on every possible action - applet: don't notify outdated new problems - Add and use "report-cli" event instead of removed "report-cli -r" option - fixed the relro flags rhbz#812284 - applet: unref unused GIOChannel - Resolves: #892230, #895742- New version 2.0.20 - Fix typo: usefull->useful - koops: generate core backtrace if missing - udpated po files - Cosmetic fixes in abrtd-inotify-flood test - Hook up abrtd-inotify-flood to test infrastructure - Add a testcase for inotify flood - replace 'Start Autoreport' btn by a popup dialog - dbus: NewProblem returns full path as problem_id - abrt-action-analyze-xorg: fix /usr/include/paths.h -> paths.h - abrtd: set inotify fd to non-blocking mode; ignore 0-sized inotify reads. Closes rhbz#873815 - s/ABRT dump/problem directory/g - abrt-applet: don't leak component name - abrt-applet: alerts only not reported problems - build system: Remove leftover of abrt-action-analyze-xorg shell script - Rewrite abrt-action-analyze-xorg in C (partially) - rework abrt-gui>Help>'Report problem with ABRT' - abrt-action-analyze-oops: fix help text - we have no -s option - Help text fix - using "problem directory" consistently - abrt-dump-oops: add list of tainted modules to NOT_REPORTABLE string. Closes trac#821 - a-a-p-c-a: use ask_yes_no_yesforever() fn from reportclient - abrt-dump-oops: save /proc/modules contents. Partially closes trac#821 - add ureporter wrapper sending ureport only once per problem dir - introduce Desktop Session Autoreporting - add Autoreporting configuration options - abrt-action-analyze-xorg: robustify 'test "a" = "b"' against bugs - Collect ~/.xsession_errors from its new path, if it is there. Closes trac#791 - reflect recent libreport API changes .trac#822 - Indentation fix. No code changes. - minor fix to previous commit realted to .trac#541 - don't use gtk_main* when using gtk_application .trac#890 - minor fix to quit button - Make "Open problem data" open the expert mode GUI - Teach kernel oops hash to ignore "" / "" prefixes. Closes rhbz#875852 - introduce DeleteElement D-Bus method - introduce SetElement D-Bus method - allow only one instance of gui trac#541 - runtests/bugzilla-comment-format: fix false positive AGAIN - update translations - a-a-p-c-a: use correct name in gettext initialization - Fix build system so that make rpm works again - runtests/bugzilla-comment-format: fix false positive - Improve xorg post-create. closes trac#838 - Update po files - fix problem occurrence counter updating algorithm - abrt-dbus: immediately return an error if not-existing problem is requested - bugzilla-comment-format: new test - a-a-p-c-a: use event python API instead of abrt-handle-event - doc: add dbus problems service specification- update translations - Resolves: #880201- call g_type_init() only in GLib version < 2.35 - plugins/*_event.conf: use reporter-bz -F FMTFILE as appropriate - repeat unchaged retrace status message only in verbose mode - check the correct return value of yesforever answer - abrt-handle-event: forward event process requests to parent - don't leak optional retrace path and kernel tainted string - enhance koops tainted flag parser - Use "comment" element instead of "description" - Resolves: #873488- bugzilla-dupe-search: fix os_release to contain the same OS version as bug 755535 - Do not stop reporting when GConf entry is not found. Closes rhbz#869833 - Fix false positive caused by English language fix - pyhook: import inspect lazily - Resolves: #869833- remove ABRT1.0-to-ABRT2.0 upgrade script from spec file- provide a problem item containing versions of binaries listed in Xorg backtrace Adresses #867694 comment 1 - import rpm lazily - Resolves: #864324- xorg_event: make post-create save dmesg, drop problems w/ binary modules Partially addresses: #856790 - collect_xsession_errors should not fail if !xsession-errors Resolves: #866698- add collect_* event to reporting chains for CCpp/Python/Kernel - core-backtrace: make sure kernel version does not contain spaces - core-backtrace: also include '?' flag for kerneloops - don't check EXECUTABLE if it isn't present in list - retrace-client: check whether all included files are regular - abrt_exception_handler.py: save 'environ' element - add Makefile target release-fix - Make it possible for developer to disable crash processing for specific apps. Closes rhbz#848786 - s/Dump directory/Problem directory/ - Resolves: #864014, #864331, #848786- added forgotten Requires- abrt-dump-oops: save /sys/kernel/debug/suspend_stats. Closes rhbz#787749 - abrt-hook-ccpp: save /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled value if it isn't "0". Closes rhbz#747870 - abrt-dump-oops: save /proc/sys/crypto/fips_enabled value if it isn't "0". Closes rhbz#747870 - abrt-action-analyze-oops: fail if we end up hashing "" (empty string). Closes rhbz#862013 - retrace-client: respect chrooted os_release in pkgcheck - Added oops_recursive_locking1.right to Makefile.am - fix koops-parser.at, remove bastardized copy of oops_recursive_locking1.test - add new oops example (currently fails, the fix is coming up) - fix oops jiffies time stamp counter removal code - trivia: s/dump/problem directory; fix false positive in oops-with-jiffies.right - testsuite: added f18 kickstart - open files for appned not for write rhbz#854266 - added more info about locking - rewrote with vda's comments rhbz#859724 - ccpp_event.conf: ignore crashes with nonzero TracerPid. Closes rhbz#812350 - show more info when abrtd can't acquire lock on pid, related to rhbz#859724 - abrt-hook-ccpp: save "proc_pid_status" element - use FILENAME_ABRT_VERSION instead of string literal - Fix pyhook test to reflect changes made in write_dump - trac#333: Add code generating dso_list to the python hook - spec: tui should require libreport-cli rhbz#859770 - trac#682: emit Crash DBus signal on org.freedesktop.problems bus - spec: added deps on elfutils rhbz#859674 - Resolves: #859674, #859770, #859724, #812350, #854266, #862013, #747870, #787749-- move abrtd.pid to /var/run/abrt/abrtd.pid - abrt-harvest-vmcore: add CopyVMcore config option to copy vmcores. Closes 448, rhbz#811733, rhbz#844679 - update po files rhzb#800784 - applet: fix a SEGV caused by notify_init() not being called - minor fix to pkg-config file - ignore results of setregid() and setreuid() after glibc update - hopefully fixed ugly applet icon rhbz#797078 - add update of abrt server database to event chains - Resolves: #761431, #811733, #844679, #797078- fix abrt-dbus crash if no element is found in GetInfo() - set sending-sensitive-data option to 'yes' for analyze_RetraceServer event- new upstream release - Resolves: #622773, #741222, #823299, #825116, #826058, #826800, #831333, #832085, #838842- abrt-desktop should require abrt-retrace-client - Resolves: #823812- enable plugins unconditionally rhbz#819113- fixed freeze in crashing python apps rhbz#808562 - Resolves: #808562- minor rhel7 build fixes- new upstream release - fixed problem with empty problem directory rhzb#808131 - fixed exception in a-a-a-core when eu-unstrip output is broken - Resolves: #808131, #804309- fixed problems with rhel gpg keys rhbz#800419- abrt-desktop shouldn't require bodhi on rhel (2nd try)- abrt-desktop shouldn't require bodhi on rhel- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_17_Mass_Rebuild- build fixes- added man page - fixed weird number formatting- new version - disabled kerneloops.org - abrt-ccpp hook fixes - catch indentation errors in python rhbz#578969 - fixed make check - fixed retrace-client to work with rawhide - require abrtd service in other services rhbz#752014 - fixed problems with dupes rhbz#701717 - keep abrt services enabled when updating F15->F16 - Resolves: 752014 749891 749603 744887 730422 665210 639068 625445 701717 752014 578969 732876 757683 753183 756146 749100- new version - Resolves: #701171 #712508 #726033 #728194 #728314 #730107 #733389 #738602 - Resolves: #741242 #749365 #700252 #734298 #736016 #738324 #748457 #692274 - Resolves: #711986 #723219 #749891 #712602 #744887 #749603 #625445 #665210 - Resolves: #737991 #639068 #578969 #636000 #631856- don't file kernel bugs if "tainted: B" is set. - don't file bugs about BIOS bugs. - incorrect TAINTED description in bugs. - Resoves: #718097 #708534 724838- added abrt-retrace-client as a dependency- updated translation - don't allow to skip the analyze step - don't send ~ backups - added hint to report only in English - renamed abrt-action-kerneloops -> reporter-kerneloops - explain option bugtracker and logger - gui added padding to main window - better message when gdb time outs - added support for catching vmcores - added version to Logger output - [RFE] abrt should have an easy way to include smolt-profile - Resolves: #694828 #694833 #704958 #735071 #731189 #739182 #704452 #734037 #606123 #631822- minor spec file fix- fixed sigsegv in a-a-save-package-data rhbz#737961 - fixed privs for /var/run/abrt rhbz#725974 - fixed segv in free space check - Resolves: #737961 #725974- fixed abrt1-abrt2 update- enable bugzilla for kerneloops rhbz#725970 - Resolves: #725970- new upstream version - resolves wrong provs/obsolete rhbz#723376 - split main UI into two panes - debuginfo-install script asks before downloading - Resolves: #723376- new upstream release- make abrt-ccpp and abrt-oops start on boot- Do not force service startup in %posttrans, as it breaks live media creation (rhbz#704415)- fixed prgname, fixes problem where Gnome3 shows lowres icons instead nice highres ones- Update icon cache scriptlet per packaging guidelines- flush messages in retrace client- updated translation - new icons (thanks to Lapo Calamandrei) - changed address of retrace01 to retrace - fixed problem with not trusted ssl certificate #695977 - #692713 Dialogue Box Buttons Wrong Way Around - #695452 abrt crashing when trying to generate backtrace - #698458 RFE: report separators between reports in abrt.log - #699098 999 futile attempts to delete excess debuginfo - #691881 GUI doesn't sort by last occurrence by default, and doesn't remember that sort order if you set it and restart the app - #698418 Can't access '/var/spool/abrt/ccpp-2011-04-18-11:53:22-2661': Permission denied - #698934 abrt-applet segfault on abrtd restart - #695450 Retrace client - show meaningful message on failure - #616407 RFE: Change abrt to catch TRAP signal crashes - #584352 running service abrtd a non-root user doesn't show error - retrace client: fail on servers with problematic SSL certificates (kklic@redhat.com) - retrace-client: Load system-wide certificates. Move NSS init/shutdown to main, as it shouldn't be run multiple times. (kklic@redhat.com) - abrt-cli: update manpage. Closes #243 (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - move abrt-handle-crashdump to abrt-cli package. No code changes (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - add abrt-action-print manpage. Closes #238 (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - add abrt-action-trim-files manpage. Closes #241 (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - added abrt-action-generate-backtrace manpage (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - add abrt-action-analyze-backtrace manpage. Closes #227 (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - retrace server: do not create zombie workers (mtoman@redhat.com) - btparser: Remove top frame with address 0x0000 (jump to NULL) during normalization to avoid incorrect backtrace ratings (rhbz#639049) (kklic@redhat.com) - abrt-gui: better list refreshing. Closes #251 (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - fix for spurious "Lock file 'DIR/.lock' is locked by process PID" message (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - Asciidoc manpage support; abrt-action-mailx manpage (kklic@redhat.com) - list-dsos: don't list the same library multiple times (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - call abrt-action-trim-files from abrt-action-install-debuginfo (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - list-dsos: added package install time trac#123 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - retrace client: handle messages in HTTP body (mtoman@redhat.com) - retrace server: remove chroot on failure (mtoman@redhat.com) - spec: use versioned deps on libreport (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - generate abrt version from git (npajkovs@redhat.com) - abrt-action-trim-files needs to be suided rhbz#699098 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - gui: suppress printing dumpdir access errors (bz#698418) (mlichvar@redhat.com) - Do not leave dump dir locked by abrt-action-generate-backtrace. (kklic@redhat.com) - wizard: expand explanatory text on 1st screen. Closes 201 (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - gui: fixed the OK and CANCEL buttons order in event config dialog (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Make abrt-action-list-dsos.py take -m maps -o dsos params; and abrt-action-analyze-core.py to take -o build_ids param (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - abrt-action-install-debuginfo.py: don't die on some Yum exceptions. closes bz#681281 (dvlasenk@redhat.com)- don't allow reporting of backtrace with rating = 0 rhbz#672023 - use versioned deps on libreport- updated to 2.0.1 - updated translation - allowed reporting oops to bugzilla - added warning when the plugin settings are wrong - added help text in plugins settings - the plugin settings dialog is translatable - improved dir rescanning logic in abrt-gui - fixed icons for child dialogs - retrace-client: human readable messages instead of http codes - save envirnment variables when app crashes - fixed gpg/pgp check - revert to the old icon- fixed problem with abrt-action-debuginfo-install rhbz#692064- fixed prgname in wizard rhbz#692442- fixed notification persistence in gnome3 (again) - fixed wrong group:user on /var/cache/abrt-di afte rupdate from abrt 1.x #692064 - added mono-core to blacklist- use %ghost on files in /var/run and /var/lock rhbz#656542 - fixed notification persistence in gnome3 - added analyze selector to CLI - refuse reporting to bz without backtrace or hash - use g_set_prgname to set the prgname of abrt-gui trac#180- update to the latest upstream version - many improvements - FIXME: add closed bugzillas- removed gnome-python2-vfs dependency- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_15_Mass_Rebuild- rewritten abrt-debuginfo-install script to use the yum API - GUI: added search box to backtrace view rhbz#612017 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - fixed some gui warnings rhbz#671488 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - btparser/dupechecker improvements: - Better handling of glibc architecture-specific functions (kklic@redhat.com) - support format of thread header: "Thread 8 (LWP 6357):" (kklic@redhat.com)- rhtsupport: added list of attachments to comment rhbz#668875 - rhtsupport: stop consuming non-standard header rhbz#670492 - Resolves: #670492, #668875- add a gui/uid to useradd/groupadd command (reserved in setup rhbz#670231) - Resolves: #650975- removed unused files (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - update po files (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - removed some unused files (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - pass old pattern to ccpp hook and use it (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - GUI: added warning when gnome-keyring can't be accessed rhbz#576866 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - 666893 - Unable to make sense of XML-RPC response from server (npajkovs@redhat.com) - PyHook: ignore SystemExit exception rhbz#636913 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - 665405 - ABRT's usage of sos does not grab /var/log/messages (npajkovs@redhat.com) - add a note in report if kernel is tainted (npajkovs@redhat.com) - KerneloopsScanner.cpp: make a room for NULL byte (npajkovs@redhat.com) - fix multicharacter warring (npajkovs@redhat.com) - open help page instead of about rhbz#666267- fixed build with rpm 4.9 (thx panu pmatilai for the patch)- Rebuild against new rpm- made howto mandatory - fixed segv in abrt-hook-ccpp rhbz#652338 - added warning if kernel was tainted - make the "install debuginfo" hint selectable rhbz#644343 - wrap howto and comments rhbz#625237 - wrap lines in the backtrace window rhbz#625232 - changed '*' to '•' rhbz#625236 - make the bt viewer not-editable rhbz#621871 - removed unneeded patches- Rebuild for libnotify-0.7- Rebuild for python-2.7- updated translation - added native systemd file rhbz#617316 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - added ar to LINGUAS (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - made /etc/abrt/plugins/Bugzilla.conf world-readable again (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - l10n: adding fa locale (lashar@fedoraproject.org) - l10n: new Persian (lashar@fedoraproject.org) - remove libzip code (npajkovs@redhat.com) - add libxml-2.0 into configure (npajkovs@redhat.com) - fixed typo in man page rhbz#610748 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - RHTSupport: GUI's SSLVerify checkbox had one missing bit of code (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt_curl: discard headers from HTTP redirection (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - moved abrt.socket and abrtd.lock into /var/run/abrt making selinux happy (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Mention --info and --backtrace in the abrt-cli man page. (kklic@redhat.com) - build fixes for gcc 4.5 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - abrt-hook-ccpp: small fixes prompted by testing on RHEL5 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Added --info action to abrt-cli (mtoman@redhat.com) - wire up SSLVerify in RHTSupport.conf to actually have the desired effect (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fixed tooltip localization rhbz#574693 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - dumpoops/KerneloopsScanner: add pid to crashdump name (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - A message change suggested by dhensley (kklic@redhat.com)- rebuild- blacklist /usr/bin/nspluginviewer- minor build fixes- blacklisted mono-core package - die with an error message if the database plugin is not accessible when needed (kklic@redhat.com) - change RHTSupport URL protocol from HTTP to HTTPS (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - the Logger plugin returns a message as the result of Report() call instead of a file URL (kklic@redhat.com) - Cut off prelink suffixes from executable name if any (mtoman@redhat.com) - CCpp: abrt-debuginfo-install output lines can be long, accomodate them (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - do not pop up message on crash if the same crash is the same (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - fedora bugs do not depend on rhel bugs (npajkovs@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed problem with no gkeyring and just one reporter enabled rhbz#612457 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - added a document about interpreted language integration (kklic@redhat.com) - moved devel header files to inc/ and included them in -devel package (jmoskovc@redhat.com, npajkovs@redhat.com) - renamed abrt-utils.pc to abrt.pc (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - string updates based on a UI text review (kklic@redhat.com) - rhtsupport obsoletes the old rh plugins (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - list allowed items in RHTSupport.conf (kklic@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed package name in warning message when the packge is kernel rhbz#612191 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - remove rating for python crashes (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - CCpp: give zero rating to an empty backtrace (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: allow sending crashes without rating (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - RHTSupport: set default URL to api.access.redhat.com/rs (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - abort initialization on abrt.conf parsing errors (dvlasenk@redhat.com) - changing NoSSLVerify to SSLVerify in bugzilla plugin (mtoman@redhat.com) - added rating to python crashes - show hostname in cli (kklic@redhat.com) - updated po files (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - added support for package specific actions rhbz#606917 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - renamed TicketUploader to ReportUploader (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - bad hostnames on remote crashes (npajkovs@redhat.com) - unlimited MaxCrashReportsSize (npajkovs@redhat.com) - abrt_rh_support: improve error messages rhbz#608698 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Added BacktraceRemotes option. (kklic@redhat.com) - Allow remote crashes to not to belong to a package. Skip GPG check on remote crashes. (kklic@redhat.com) - remove obsolete Catcut and rhfastcheck reporters (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - make rhel bug point to correct place rhbz#578397 (npajkovs@redhat.com) - Show comment and how to reproduce fields when reporing crashes in abrt-cli (kklic@redhat.com) - Bash completion update (kklic@redhat.com) - Rename --get-list to --list (kklic@redhat.com) - Update man page (kklic@redhat.com) - Options overhaul (kklic@redhat.com) - abrt should not point to Fedora bugs but create new RHEL bug instead (npajkovs@redhat.com) - Don't show global uuid in report (npajkovs@redhat.com) - GUI: don't try to use action plugins as reporters (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Added WatchCrashdumpArchiveDir directive to abrt.conf and related code (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: don't show the placehondler icon rhbz#605693 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Make "Loaded foo.conf" message less confusing (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Fixed a flaw in strbuf_prepend_str (kklic@redhat.com) - TicketUploader: do not add '\n' to text files in crashdump (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: skip the plugin selection, if it's not needed (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Check conf file for syntax errors (kklic@redhat.com) - move misplaced sanity checks in cron parser (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: don't require the rating for all reporters (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed exception when there is no configure dialog for plugin rhbz#603745 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Add a GUI config dialog for RHTSupport plugin (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt_curl: fix a problem with incorrect content-length on 32-bit arches (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - sosreport: save the dump directly to crashdump directory (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - plugin rename: rhticket -> RHTSupport (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Daemon socket for reporting crashes (karel@localhost.localdomain) - GUI: fixed few typos (jmoskovc@redhat.com)- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Features/Python_2.7/MassRebuild- GUI: polished the reporter assistant (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Logger reporter: do not store useless info (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - ccpp hook: add SaveBinaryImage option which saves of the crashed binary (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SPEC: added CFLAGS="-fno-strict-aliasing" to fix the rpmdiff warnings rhbz#599364 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: don't remove user comments when re-reporting the bug rhbz#601779 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - remove "(deleted)" from executable path rhbz#593037 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - CCpp analyzer: add 60 sec cap on gdb run time. (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - add new file *hostname* into debugdump directory (npajkovs@redhat.com) - rhticket: upload real tarball, not a bogus file (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt-hook-ccpp: eliminate race between process exit and compat coredump creation rhbz#584554 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - rhticket: actually do create ticket, using Gavin's lib code (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - properly obsolete gnome-python2-bugbuddy rhbz#579748 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: remember comment and howto on backtrace refresh rhbz#545690 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - use header case in button label rhbz#565812 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - make log window resizable (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - rename a few remaining /var/cache/abrt -> /var/spool/abrt (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- added reporting wizard - fixed few leaked fds - fixed kerneloops --- cut here --- problem - updated translations- More fixes for /var/cache/abrt -> /var/spool/abrt conversion- fixed spec file to create /var/spool/abrt rhbz#593670 - updated init script to reflect the pid file renaming- updated translation - obsolete gnome-python2-bugbuddy rhbz#579748 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Report "INFO: possible recursive locking detected rhbz#582378 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - kill yumdownloader if abrt-debuginfo-install is terminated mid-flight (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - do not create Python dumps if argv[0] is not absolute (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - improve kerneloops hash (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Move /var/cache/abrt to /var/spool/abrt. rhbz#568101. (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - bugzilla: better summary and decription messages (npajkovs@redhat.com) - renamed daemon pid and lock file rhbz#588315 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Daemon socket for reporting crashes (kklic@redhat.com) - Move hooklib from src/Hooks to lib/Utils (kklic@redhat.com)- updated translations - removed avant-window-navigator from blacklist (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Abort debuginfo download if low on disk space (partially addresses #564451) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix bug 588945 - sparse core files performance hit (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Add BlackListedPaths option to abrt.conf. Fixes #582421 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Do not die when /var/cache/abrt/*/uid does not contain a number (rhbz#580899) (kklic@redhat.com) - rid of rewriting config in /etc/abrt/abrt.conf (npajkovs@redhat.com) - fix bug 571411: backtrace attachment of the form /var/cache/abrt/foo-12345-67890/backtrace (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Do not echo password to terminal in abrt-cli (kklic@redhat.com) - improved daemon error messages (kklic@redhat.com)- updated transaltions - added Hebrew into languages - updated icons rhbz#587698 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Bugzilla login/password emptiness check uses 'or' instead of 'and' (kklic@redhat.com) - Show error message when abrtd service is run as non-root. rhbz#584352 (kklic@redhat.com) - Rename EnableOpenGPG to OpenGPGCheck in the man page rhbz#584332 (kklic@redhat.com) - Document ProcessUnpackaged in abrt.conf.5. Document default values. (kklic@redhat.com) - Crash function is now detected even for threads without an abort frame (kklic@redhat.com) - comment can be private (npajkovs@redhat.com) - do not catch perl/python crashes when the script is not of known package origin (kklic@redhat.com) - kerneloop is more informative when failed (npajkovs@redhat.com) - add function name into summary(if it's found) (npajkovs@redhat.com) - Change kerneloops message when it fails (npajkovs@redhat.com)- fixed crash function detection (a part of duplication detection)- fixed problem with localized yum messages rhbz#581804 - better bugzilla summary (napjkovs@redhat.com) - ignore interpreter (py,perl) crashes caused by unpackaged scripts (kklic@redhat.com)- hooklib: fix excessive rounding down in free space calculation (bz#575644) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - gui: fix 551989 "crash detected in abrt-gui-1.0.0-1.fc12" and such (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - trivial: fix 566806 "abrt-gui sometimes can't be closed" (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - gui: fix the last case where gnome-keyring's find_items_sync() may throw DeniedError (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fixed some compilation problems on F13 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - updated translations (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - minor fix to sosreport to make it work with latest sos rhbz#576861 (jmoskovc@redhat.com)- test day build - updated translation - minor fix to sosreport to make it work with latest sos rhbz#576861 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: total rewrite based on design from Mairin Duffy (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - trivial: better HTTP/curl error reporting (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Use backtrace parser from abrtutils, new backtrace rating algorithm, store crash function if it's known (kklic@redhat.com) - abrt-rate-backtrace is replaced by abrt-backtrace --rate (kklic@redhat.com) - Ignore some temp files (kklic@redhat.com) - PYHOOK: don't use sitecustomize.py rhbz#539497 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - rhfastcheck: a new reporter plugin based on Gavin's work (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - rhticket: new reporter plugin (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed few window icons (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Allow user to select which reporter he wants to use to report a crash using CLI.(kklic@redhat.com) - bz reporter: s/uuid/duphash; more understandable message; simplify result str generation; fix indentation (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed crash count column sorting rhbz#573139 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Kerneloops: use 1st line of oops as REASON. Closes rhbz#574196. (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Kerneloops: fix a case when we file an oops w/o backtrace (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - minor fix in abrt-debuginfo-install to make it work with yum >= 3.2.26 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: added action to applet to directly report last crash (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Never flag backtrace as binary file (fixes problem observed in bz#571411) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - improve syslog file detection. closes bz#565983 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - add arch, package and release in comment (npajkovs@redhat.com) - add ProcessUnpackaged option to abrt.conf (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt-debuginfo-install: use -debuginfo repos which match enabled "usual" repos (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix format security error (fcrozat@mandriva.com) - icons repackaging (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - partial fix for bz#565983 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SPEC: Updated source URL (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - removed unneeded patches - and much more ...- fixed kerneloops reporting rhbz#570081 - fixed Source url - fixed debuginfo-install to work on F13 - improved debuginfo-install (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix debuginfo-install to work with yum >= 3.2.26 (jmoskovc@redhat.com)- fix initscript even more (npajkovs@redhat.com) - remove -R2 from yum command line- fix initscript (npajkovs@redhat.com) - Kerneloops: make hashing more likely to produce same hash on different oopses (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- Kerneloops: make hashing more likely to produce same hash on different oopses (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - make abrt work with the latest kernels (>= 2.6.33) (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - lib/Utils/abrt_dbus: utf8-sanitize all strings in dbus messages (fixes #565876) (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- enabled column sorting rhbz#541853 - Load plugin settings also from ~/.abrt/*.conf (kklic@redhat.com) - fix bz#541088 "abrt should not catch python excp EPIPE" (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix bz#554242 "Cannot tab between input areas in report dialog" (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix bz#563484 "abrt uses unnecessary disk space when getting debug info" (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Don't show empty 'Not loaded plugins' section - fix#2 rhbz#560971 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - fix big-endian build problem (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Fixes, displays package owners (kklic@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed exception in plugin settings dialog rhbz#560851 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: respect system settings for toolbars rhbz#552161 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - python hook: move UUID generation to abrtd; generate REASON, add it to bz title (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - make "reason" field less verbose; bz reporter: include it in "summary" (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - added avant-window-navigator to blacklist per maintainer request (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - CCpp analyzer: fix rhbz#552435 (bt rating misinterpreting # chars) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Ask for login and password if missing from reporter plugin. (kklic@redhat.com) - abrtd: fix handling of dupes (weren't deleting dup's directory); better logging (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrtd: handle "perl -w /usr/bin/script" too (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Component-wise duplicates (kklic@redhat.com) - abrtd: fix rhbz#560642 - don't die on bad plugin names (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Fixed parsing backtrace from rhbz#549293 (kklic@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed scrolling in reporter dialog rhbz#559687 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - fixed button order in plugins windows rhbz#560961 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed windows icons and titles rhbz#537240, rhbz#560964 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Fix to successfully parse a backtrace from rhbz#550642 (kklic@redhat.com) - cli: fix the problem of not showing oops text in editor (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fix rhbz#560971 "Don't show empty 'Not loaded plugins' section" (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- print __glib_assert_msg (rhbz#549735); - SPEC: added some requires to abrt-cli to make it work out-of-the-box (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - abrt-hook-ccpp: fix rhbz#560612 "limit '18446744073709551615' is bogus" rhbz#560612(vda.linux@googlemail.com) - APPLET: don't show the icon when abrtd is not running rhbz#557866 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: made report message labels wrap (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: don't die if daemon doesn't send the gpg keys (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - disabled the autoreporting of kerneloopses (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Kerneloops: fix BZ reporting of oopses (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: wider report message dialog (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - moved the gpg key list from abrt.conf to gpg_keys file (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Logger: create log file with mode 0600 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed the rating logic, to prevent sending BT with rating < 3 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Report GUI: made more fields copyable - closed rhbz#526209; tweaked wording (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed bug caused by failed gk-authorization (jmoskovc@redhat.com)- moved the gpg key list from abrt.conf to gpg_keys file (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Logger: create log file with mode 0600 rhbz#559545 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed the rating logic, to prevent sending BT with rating < 3 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Report GUI: made more fields copyable - closed rhbz#526209; tweaked wording (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed bug caused by failed gk-authorization (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - fix bug 559881 (kerneloops not shown in "new" GUI) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI ReporterDialog: hide log button (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - added valgrind and strace to blacklist (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - SOSreport: do not leave stray files in /tmp (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Save the core where it belongs if ulimit -c is > 0 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - reenabled gpg check (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - SOSreport: run it niced (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - report GUI: rename buttons: Log -> Show log, Send -> Send report (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - applet: reduce blinking timeout to 3 sec (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix dbus autostart (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrtd: set "Reported" status only if at least one reporter succeeded (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SQLite3: disable newline escaping, SQLite does not handle it (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SOSreport: make it avoid double runs; add forced regeneration; upd PLUGINS-HOWTO (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - attribute SEGVs in perl to script's package, like we already do for python (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- enabled sosreport - fixes in ticketuploader - GUI: redesign of reporter dialog (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Set the prgname to "Automatic Bug Reporting Tool" fixes rhbz#550357 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - CCpp analyzer: display __abort_msg in backtrace. closes rhbz#549735 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - s/os.exit/sys.exit - closes rhbz#556313 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - use repr() to print variable values in python hook rhbz#545070 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - gui: add logging infrastructure (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Added "Enabled = yes" to all plugin's config files (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - *: disable plugin loading/unloading through GUI. Document keyring a bit (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fix memory leaks in catcut plugin (npajkovs@redhat.com) - fix memory leaks in bugzilla (npajkovs@redhat.com) - abrt-hook-python: sanitize input more; log to syslog (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Fixed /var/cache/abrt/ permissions (kklic@redhat.com) - Kerneloops: we require commandline for every crash, save dummy one for oopses (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - *: remove nss dependencies (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - CCpp: use our own sha1 implementation (less pain with nss libs) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - DebugDump: more consistent logic in setting mode and uid:gid on dump dir (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fixes based on security review (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SOSreport/TicketUploader: use more restrictive file modes (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt-hook-python: add input sanitization and directory size guard (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - RunApp: safer chdir. Overhauled "sparn a child and get its output" in general (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - DebugDump: use more restrictive modes (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SQLite3: check for SQL injection (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - replace plugin enabling via EnabledPlugins by par-plugin Enabled = yes/no (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt.spec: move "requires: gdb" to abrt-desktop (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - ccpp: add a possibility to disable backtrace generation (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrtd: limit the number of frames in backtrace to 3000 (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- speed optimalization of abrt-debuginfo-install (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - updated credits (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed crash when abrt-gui is run without X server rhbz#552039 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - abrt-backtrace manpage installed (kklic@redhat.com) - cmdline and daemon checking is done by abrt-python-hook (kklic@redhat.com) - moved get_cmdline() and daemon_is_ok() to abrtlib (kklic@redhat.com) - large file support for whole abrt (kklic@redhat.com) - made s_signal_caught volatile (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt-debuginfo-install: fixes for runs w/o cachedir (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - remove unsafe log() from signal handler (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - src/Hooks/CCpp.cpp: use and honour 'c' (core limit size). (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - lib/Plugins/CCpp.cpp: save gdb error messages too (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - prevent destructors from throwing exceptions; check curl_easy_init errors (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - don't blame python for every crash in /usr/bin/python rhbz#533521 trac#109 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: autoscroll log window (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Kerneloops.conf: better comments (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - applet: reduce blinking time to 30 seconds (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - add paranoia checks on setuid/setgid (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - more "obviously correct" code for secure opening of /dev/null (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - get rid of ugly sleep call inside while() (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- disabled GPG check again (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - abrt-pyhook-helper rename (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt-cli: report success/failure of reporting. closes bug 71 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - less logging (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - mkde abrt-gui --help and --version behave as expected. closes bug 85 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - dbus lib: fix parsing of 0-element arrays. Fixes bug 95 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - make "abrt-cli --delete randomuuid" report that deletion failed. closes bug 59 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - applet: make animation stop after 1 minute. (closes bug 108) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - show comment and how to reproduce fields, when BT rating > 3 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Gui: make report status window's text wrap. Fixes bug 82 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - CCpp analyzer: added "info sharedlib" (https://fedorahosted.org/abrt/ticket/90) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - added link to bugzilla new account page to Bugzilla config dialog (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: added log window (jmoskovc@redhat.com)- PyHook: better logic for checking if abrtd is running rhbz#539987 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - re-enabled gpg sign checking (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - PyHook: use repr() for displaying variables rhbz#545070 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - kerneloops: fix the linux kernel version identification (aarapov@redhat.com) - gui review (rrakus@redhat.com) - when we trim the dir, we must delete it from DB too rhbz#541854 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - improved dupe checking (kklic@redhat.com) - GUI: handle cases when gui fails to start daemon on demand rhbz#543725 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Add abrt group only if it is missing; fixes rhbz#543250 (kklic@redhat.com) - GUI: more string fixes rhbz#543266 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - abrt.spec: straighten out relations between abrt-desktop and abrt-gui (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - refuse to start if some required plugins are missing rhbz#518422 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: survive gnome-keyring access denial rhbz#543200 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - typo fixes rhbz#543266 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - abrt-debuginfo-install: better fix for incorrect passing double quotes (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - APPLET: stop animation when it's not needed rhbz#542157 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - ccpp hook: reanme it, and add "crash storm protection" (see rhbz#542003) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Hooks/CCpp.cpp: add MakeCompatCore = yes/no directive. Fixes rhbz#541707 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - SPEC: removed sqlite3 package, fixed some update problems (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Kerneloops are reported automaticky now when AutoReportUIDs = root is in Kerneloops.conf (npajkovs@redhat.com) - remove word 'detected' from description rhbz#541459 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - src/Hooks/CCpp.cpp: do save abrtd's own coredumps, but carefully... (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - CCpp.cpp: quote parameters if needed rhbz#540164 (vda.linux@googlemail.com)- new version - comment input wraps words rhbz#531276 - fixed hiding password dialog rhbz#529583 - easier kerneloops reporting rhbz#528395 - made menu entry translatable rhbz#536878 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: don't read the g-k every time we want to use the setting (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: survive if g-k access is denied rhbz#534171 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - include more info into oops (we were losing the stack dump) (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - make BZ insert small text attachments inline; move text file detection code (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed text wrapping in comment field rhbz#531276 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: added cancel to send dialog rhbz#537238 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - include abrt version in bug descriptions (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - ccpp hook: implemented ReadonlyLocalDebugInfoDirs directive (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: added window icon rhbz#537240 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - add support for \" escaping in config file (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - add experimental saving of /var/log/Xorg*.log for X crashes (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - APPLET: changed icon from default gtk-warning to abrt specific, add animation (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - don't show icon on abrtd start/stop rhbz#537630 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - /var/cache/abrt permissions 1775 -> 0775 in spec file (kklic@redhat.com) - Daemon properly checks /var/cache/abrt attributes (kklic@redhat.com) - abrt user group; used by abrt-pyhook-helper (kklic@redhat.com) - pyhook-helper: uid taken from system instead of command line (kklic@redhat.com) - KerneloopsSysLog: fix breakage in code which detects abrt marker (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: added support for backtrace rating (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - InformAllUsers support. enabled by default for Kerneloops. Tested wuth CCpp. (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrtd: call res_init() if /etc/resolv.conf or friends were changed rhbz#533589 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - supress errors in python hook to not colide with the running script (jmoskovc@redhat.com)- spec file fixes- re-enabled kerneloops - abrt-debuginfo-install: download packages one-by-one - better logging (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - do not report empty fields (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Added abrt.png, fixed rhbz#531181 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - added option DebugInfoCacheMB to limit size of unpacked debuginfos (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fixed the problem with overwriting the default plugin settings (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - disabled kerneloops in config file (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - added dependency to gdb >= 7.0 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - better format of report text (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - Python backtrace size limited to 1 MB (kklic@redhat.com) - lib/Plugins/Bugzilla: better message at login failure (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - build fixes, added plugin-logger to abrt-desktop (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - blacklisted nspluginwrapper, because it causes too many useless reports (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: Wrong settings window is not shown behind the reporter dialog rhbz#531119 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Normal user can see kerneloops and report it Bugzilla memory leaks fix (npajkovs@redhat.com) - dumpoops: add -s option to dump results to stdout (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - removed kerneloops from abrt-desktop rhbz#528395 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: fixed exception when enabling plugin rhbz#530495 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Improved abrt-cli (kklic@redhat.com) - Added backtrace rating to CCpp analyzer (dnovotny@redhat.com) - GUI improvements (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Added abrt-pyhook-helper (kklic@redhat.com)- new version - added more logging (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - made polkit policy to be more permissive when installing debuginfo (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - lib/Plugins/CCpp.cpp: add build-ids to backtrace (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - lib/Plugins/CCpp.cpp: do not use temp file for gdb commands - use -ex CMD instead (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: added refresh button, added sanity check to plugin settings (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Initial man page for abrt-cli (kklic@redhat.com) - Added --version, -V, --help, -? options. Fixed crash caused by unknown option. (kklic@redhat.com) - Date/time honors current system locale (kklic@redhat.com) - fixed saving/reading user config (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - SPEC: added gnome-python2-gnomekeyring to requirements (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - GUI: call Report() with the latest pluginsettings (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Fix Bug 526220 - [abrt] crash detected in abrt-gui-0.0.9-2.fc12 (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - removed unsecure reading/writting from ~HOME directory rhbz#522878 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - error checking added to archive creation (danny@rawhide.localdomain) - try using pk-debuginfo-install before falling back to debuginfo-install (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - abrt-gui: make "report" toolbar button work even if abrtd is not running (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - set LIMIT_MESSAGE to 16k, typo fix and daemon now reads config information from dbus (npajkovs@redhat.com) - add support for abrtd autostart (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: reversed the dumplist, so the latest crashes are at the top (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - rewrite FileTransfer to use library calls instead of commandline calls for compression (dnovotny@redhat.com) - and many minor fixes ..- added bug-buddy to provides rhbz#524934- new version - comments and how to reproduce are stored now (npajkovs@redhat.com) - reduce verbosity a bit (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: fixed word wrap in Comment field rhbz#524349 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - remove last vestives of dbus-c++ from build system (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: added popup menu, fixed behaviour when run with root privs (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - add dbus signalization when quota exceeded (npajkovs@redhat.com) - Added cleaning of attachment variable, so there should not be mixed attachmetn anymore. (zprikryl@redhat.com) - fixed closing of debug dump in case of existing backtrace (zprikryl@redhat.com) - remove C++ dbus glue in src/CLI; fix a bug in --report (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - new polkit action for installing debuginfo, default "yes" (danny@rawhide.localdomain) - Polkit moved to Utils (can be used both in daemon and plugins) (danny@rawhide.localdomain) - oops... remove stray trailing '\' (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - GUI: added missing tooltips (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - PYHOOK: ignore KeyboardInterrupt exception (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - added ticket uploader plugin (gavin@redhat.com) (zprikryl@redhat.com) - GUI: added UI for global settings (just preview, not usable!) (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Add checker if bugzilla login and password are filled in. (npajkovs@redhat.com) - Add new config option InstallDebuginfo into CCpp.conf (npajkovs@redhat.com) - translation updates - many other fixes- new version - APPLET: added about dialog, removed popup, if icon is not visible, fixed (trac#43) (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - renamed abrt to abrtd, few minor spec file fixes (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - Made abrt service start by deafult (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - add gettext support for all plugins (npajkovs@redhat.com) - APPLET: removed the warning bubble about not running abrt service (walters) - APPLET: changed tooltip rhbz#520293 (jmoskovc@redhat.com) - CommLayerServerDBus: rewrote to use dbus, not dbus-c++ (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - fixed timeout on boot causing [ FAILED ] message (vda.linux@googlemail.com) - and many other fixes- Change Conflicts: kerneloops to be an Obsoletes so we do the right thing on upgrades. Also add an Obsoletes: bug-buddy.- new version - resolved: Bug 518420 - ordinary user's abrt-applet shows up for root owned crashes (npajkovs) - GUI: added support for gettext (+part of czech translation) (jmoskovc) - added support for saving settings (zprikryl) - fixed conf: comment in the middle of the line isn't supported anymore (zprikryl) - BZ#518413 PATCH ... furious kerneloops reporting (aarapov) - GUI: added first part of support for gettext (jmoskovc) - add new parameter to FileTransfer plugin (dnovotny) - added support for updating abrt's table (zprikryl) - added check for cc-list and reporter. +1 is created iff reporter is somebody else and current user isn't in cc list. (zprikryl) - GUI: few improvements, to be more userfriendly (jmoskovc) - LOGGER: return valid uri of the log file on succes (jmoskovc) - GUI: bring the GUI up to front instead of just blinking in taskbar (trac#60, rhbz#512390) (jmoskovc) - Try to execute $bindir/abrt-gui, then fall back to $PATH search. Closes bug 65 (vda.linux) - APPLET: added popup menu (trac#37, rhbz#518386) (jmoskovc) - Improved report results (zprikryl) - Fixed sigsegv (#rhbz 518609) (zprikryl) - GUI: removed dependency on libsexy if gtk2 >= 2.17 (jmoskovc) - fixed signature check (zprikryl) - KerneloopsSysLog: check line length to be >= 4 before looking for "Abrt" (vda.linux) - Comment cannot start in the middle of the line. Comment has to start by Char # (first char in the line) (zprikryl) - command mailx isn't run under root anymore. (zprikryl) - GUI: added horizontal scrolling to report window (jmoskovc) - GUI: added clickable link to "after report" status window (jmoskovc) - added default values for abrt daemon (zprikryl) - Plugins/CCpp: remove trailing \n from debuginfo-install's output (vda.linux) - explain EnableGPGCheck option better (vda.linux) - mailx: correct English (vda.linux) - Bugzilla.conf: correct English (vda.linux) - GUI: nicer after report message (jmoskovc) - BZ plugin: removed /xmlrpc.cgi from config, made the report message more user friendly (jmoskovc) - CCpp plugin: do not abort if debuginfos aren't found (vda.linux) - abrt.spec: bump version to 0.0.7-2 (vda.linux) - mailx removed dangerous parameter option (zprikryl) - minimum timeout is 1 second (zprikryl) - in case of plugin error, don't delete debug dumps (zprikryl) - abrt-gui: fix crash when run by root (vda.linux) - and lot more in git log ...- new version - fixed some bugs found during test day- fixes to bugzilla plugin and gui to make the report message more user-friendly- removed dangerous parameter option - minimum plugin activation period is 1 second - in case of plugin error, don't delete debug dumps - abrt-gui: fix crash when run by root - simplify parsing of debuginfo-install output- new version - added status window to show user some info after reporting a bug- new version - many fixes- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_12_Mass_Rebuild- fixed dependencies in spec file- added manual pages (also for plugins)- new version - added cli (only supports sockets) - added python hook - many fixes- new version - added bz plugin - minor fix in reporter gui - Configurable max size of debugdump storage rhbz#490889 - Wrap lines in report to keep the window sane sized - Fixed gui for new daemon API - removed unneeded code - removed dependency on args - new guuid hash creating - fixed local UUID - fixed debuginfo-install checks - renamed MW library - Added notification thru libnotify - fixed parsing settings of action plugins - added support for action plugins - kerneloops - plugin: fail gracefully. - Added commlayer to make dbus optional - a lot of kerneloops fixes - new approach for getting debuginfos and backtraces - fixed unlocking of a debugdump - replaced language and application plugins by analyzer plugin - more excetpion handling - conf file isn't needed - Plugin's configuration file is optional - Add curl dependency - Added column 'user' to the gui - Gui: set the newest entry as active (ticket#23) - Delete and Report button are no longer active if no entry is selected (ticket#41) - Gui refreshes silently (ticket#36) - Added error reporting over dbus to daemon, error handling in gui, about dialog- added kerneloops addon to rpm (aarapov) - added kerneloops addon and plugin (aarapov) - Made Crash() private - Applet requires gui, removed dbus-glib deps - Closing stdout in daemon rhbz#489622 - Changed applet behaviour according to rhbz#489624 - Changed gui according to rhbz#489624, fixed dbus timeouts - Increased timeout for async dbus calls to 60sec - deps cleanup, signal AnalyzeComplete has the crashreport as an argument. - Fixed empty package Description. - Fixed problem with applet tooltip on x86_64- More renaming issues fixed.. - Changed BR from gtkmm24 to gtk2 - Fixed saving of user comment - Added a progress bar, new Comment entry for user comments.. - FILENAME_CMDLINE and FILENAME_RELEASE are optional - new default path to DB - Rename to abrt- initial fedora release - changed SOURCE url - added desktop-file-utils to BR - changed crash-catcher to %{name}- more spec file fixes according to review - async dbus method calls, added exception handler - avoid deadlocks (zprikryl) - root is god (zprikryl) - create bt only once (zprikryl)- New gui - Added new method DeleteDebugDump to daemon - Removed gcc warnings from applet - Rewritten CCpp hook and removed dealock in DebugDumps lib (zprikryl) - fixed few gcc warnings - DBusBackend improvements- fixed few gcc warnings - added scrolled window for long reports- fixes for all issues identified in review- Fixed cancel button behaviour in reporter - disabled core file sending - removed some debug messages- fixed DB path - added new signals to handler - gui should survive the dbus timeout- fixed catching debuinfo install exceptions - some gui fixes - added check for GPGP public key- changed from full bt to simple bt- spec file cleanups - changed default paths to crash DB and log DB - fixed some memory leaks- spec cleanup - added new subpackage gui- initial packing  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