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2.0.10-5Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.10-4Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.10-3Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.10-2Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.10-1Dan Horák - 2.0.8-6Fedora Release Engineering - 2.0.8-5Nikola Pajkovsky 2.0.8-4Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.8-3Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.8-2Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.8-1Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.7-2Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.7-1Nikola Pajkovsky 2.0.6-2Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.6-1Jiri Moskovcak Moskovcak 2.0.5-9Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-8Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-7Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-6Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-5Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-4Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-3Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-2Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.5-1Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.4-3Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.4-2Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.4-1Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.3-1Jiri Moskovcak 2.0.2-1- Rebuild due to translations not being merged- Add patch with updated translations- Bump release number- Add patch for rhbz#1762266- Add patch for rhbz#1671232- Add patch to fix failing test due to changes in #1688368- Rebuild due to translations not being merged- Enable patches for #1688368- Add patches for rhbz#1717306- Add patches for rhbz#1671233- dd: extend the scope of DD_DONT_WAIT_FOR_LOCK - dd: log lock warning only once not x times per sec - dd: add functions for opening dd item - testsuite: Add macros for value comparison - testsuite: assert for common function results - testsuite: expose the last check result - testsuite: fix dd_open_item_file test - tests: include testsuite.h in the dist archive - spec: include testsuite headers in the devel package - Related: #1588272, #1613236- Translation updates - Related: #1549672- potfiles: fix issue in - Related: #1449646- Remove dependency on redhat-access-insights - Related: #1524481- Introduce workflow for adding data to existing case - Change default URL to the FAF server - wizard: fix 'Show log' window not displaying correctly - augeas: fix parsing spaces in configuration files - Related: #1303326, #1435256, #1463313- free allocated variables, don't close dd twice - Related: #1257159- rebuild- introduce 'stop_on_not_reportable' option - fix a double free of config at exit in reporter-rhtsupport - Related: #1373094, #1257159- Translation updates - Related: #1304240- include count in Support cases - Related: #1258482- lib: allow report SELinux denial from sealert under common user - mailx: stop creating dead.letter on mailx failures - mailx: introduce debug parameter -D - mailx: mail formatting: add comment right after %oneline - mailx: use problem report api to define an emais' content - lib: remove unused function make_description_bz - rhtsupport: attach all dump dir's element to a new case - rhtsupport: add pkg_vendor, reproducer and reproducible to description - rhtsupport: use problem report API to create description - lib: add Problem Format API - augeas: trim spaces before key value - rhtsupport: Discourage users from reporting in non Red Hat stuff - rhtsupport: Discourage users from opening one-shot crashes - report-gtk: Require Reproducer for RHTSupport - Add workflow for RHEL anonymous report - bugzilla: don't report private problem as comment - lib: move CREATE_PRIVATE_TICKET to the global configuration - event config: add support for 'restricted access' - report-gtk: offer users to create private ticket - bugzilla: make the event configurable - uploader: /etc/libreport/plugins/upload.conf as default conf file - dd: make function uid_in_group() public - uploader: add possibility to set SSH keyfiles - uploader: move username and password to the advanced options - uploader: allow empty username and password - curl: add possibility to configure SSH keys - Resolves #1289513, #1277849, #1289513, #1279453, #1258482, #1236613, #1261358, #1281312, #1309317, #1264921- Save remote name in reported_to - Add a function for compressing dumpdirs - Introduce global configuration + option for excluded elements - attach the URL of the uploaded problem to the relevant report - Resolves: #1300780- save all files changed by the reporter in the reporting GUI - Fixes CVE-2015-5302 - Related: #1266853- ureport test fix - Related: #1223805- authenticated micro-reporting fixes - spec: require redhat-access-insights - Related: #1223805- don't warn about missing 'type' if the locking fails - don't spit unnecessary debug messages - Related: #1243280, #1243280- Update translations - Related: #1169386- lib: fix a SEGV in list_possible_events() - Related: #1224984- add support for abrt-cli over DBus functionality - Related: #1224984- ureport: add functionality to use consumer certificate - report-python: fix getVersion_fromOSRELEASE - RHTSupport: include reported_to in Support cases - Resolves: #1223805, #1198551, #1197108- do not open files outside a dump directory - Related: #1217483- switch the default dump dir mode to 0750 - harden against directory traversal, crafted symbolic links - avoid race-conditions in dump dir opening - Resolves: #1212098, #1217483, #1217500- ureport: fix command line arguments parsing - Resolves: #1182091- ureport: use HTTP Basic access auth instead of SSL mutual auth - Related: #1140224- configuration: open the event config dialog on enter key and double-click - Related: #1067123- ureport: uReport_ContactEmail setting can be left empty - Related: #1150388- ureport: disable uReport authentication if 'rhsm' certificates are missing - Related: #1140224- ureport: SSLClientAuth setting is set to 'rhsm' by default - Related: #1140224- Translation updates - workflows: do not use the Retrace server - Related: #1094203- ureport: don not fail with multiple entitlement certs - ureport: don not use uReport_URL in reporter-rhtsupport - Related: #1139987, #1140224- rhtsupport: attach contact email to uReport - rhtsupport: send ureport before creating description - ureport: fix a bug in the response parser - ureport: update the man page - uploader: accept empty string as password - Resolves: #1150388 - Related: #1139987, #1066486- localization fixes - update man pages - provide workflows for logger, mailx, reportuploader - uploader: correct capitalization of the event name - rhtsupport: re-prompt for credentials - rhtsupport: submit ureport - uploader: allow secure password/credentials input for crash upload - make_description: user-friendly order and add reason to the list - make_description: add not_reportable to the list - python-report: parse release/version from os-release - ureport: Attach portal cases - ureport: Add authentication support when sending attachments - ureport: Add option to include hostname and machine id in uReport 2014-09-19 - ureport: Add entitlement HTTP headers when using RHSM certificate authorization 2014-09-19 - fix: huge debug log messages causing libreport to SEGV 2014-09-22 - augeas: exclude bugzilla format configurations - bugzilla: add comment to closed bugs too - SELinux AVC: include 'package' in bugzilla bug reports - gui: close dialogues on Enter key - gui: fix: collapsing Advanced section in configuration doesn't change size of window - gui: allow users to reconfigure libreport and retry reporting - Resolves: #965963, #1087866, #1014788, #1104313, #1066486, #1067440, #1101240, #1139987, #1140044, #1067143, #1094203, #1142380, #1139922, #1139557, #1140224, #1087861, #1069917, #1066520, #1075452, #1067123, #1056101, #1084028, #1087866- stop using deprecated json-c API - Resolves: #1125743- update due to Bugzilla RPC changes - Resolves: #1090465- do not export empty configuration options as environment variables - translation updates - Resolves: #1062498, #1073610- fix Swedish translation strings - Resolves: #1070882- send an ureport before creating a customer case - correct name of RH Customer Portal in Anaconda - fix suggestion text for screen casting programs - fix typos in error messages - translation updates - Resolves: #1064961, #1069111, #1069340- turn off Bugzilla for Anaconda bugs in GA releases - Provide SYSLOG_FACILITY when logging through journal - KB article URL as a link to help for ABRT configuration - load the user list of ignored words - localization: properly handle locales with encoding suffix - event configuration: load default values from configuration directory - Resolves: #1029438, #1062135, #1063320, #1063339, #1063804, #1064261- report-cli: use the Client API for communication to user - workflow_RHELvmcore: run analyze_VMcore too - Resolves: #1058845, #1059651- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- ureport - add support for client-side authentication - Resolves: #1053042- define D-Bus configuration interfaces - add Java Reporting workflows - remove Workflows tab in Preferences - Resolves: #1054713, #1055610, #1055633- Update translations - map_string_t: fix overflow detection in "to int conversion" - add type agnostic functions for map_string_t - %description spelling fix. - remove left over debug stmts from conf files fns - spec: remove RHEL files from non-RHEL builds - update titles of RHTS workflows - spec: add a package which ships Anaconda RHEL BZ WFS - add Anaconda Bugzilla reporting workflows for RHEL - spec: add a package which ships RHEL Bugzilla workflows - add Bugzilla reporting workflows for RHEL - remove file options not matching any setting - Resolves: #1015093, #1035352, #1035377, #1050152- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- Use the RHEL-specific FAF URL by default - Load a config file from several directories - Resolves: #1031701- Disable reporting to Red Hat Customer Portal for Anaconda bugs - Resolves: #1015554- Enable reporting to Red Hat Bugzilla for Anaconda bugs - Enable reporting to Red Hat Customer Portal for Anaconda bugs - Resolves: #1015554- Fix problem_item_format() to work properly after 2038 on x32. #691 - Use proper json-c requirement in libreport-web.pc. - abrt-cli info: even -s 10 should show one-liners. #690 - add checks for existing dumpdir items - closes #164 - Create helper functions for sha1-hashing strings. #694 - can now use custom repo filters for enabling repos, related abrt/abrt#688 - add docstrings, remove global variable - related #171 - fixed exception handling - closes #173 - added checks for locked dump directory to dd_* functions, closes #133 - fixed the symlinks handling in get_file_list abrt/abrt#686 - make the build in the the build directory to not pollute the source tree - fixed debugInfoDownload so that it can process local repos - closes #48 - Increase text size limit from 1Mb to 8 MB. rhbz#887570. - print warning when there is not engough free space for debuginfos, closes #170 - improve dependency parser - ignore directories without type element - rhbz#958968 - abrt_xmlrpc: increase XML_SIZE_LIMIT to 4 mbytes. rhbz#961520. - ask user to create a private report if it contains sensitive data - rhbz#960549 - updated translation rhbz#860555 - updated transifex url - do not leak file rhbz#997871 - in KDE session open URLs in kde-open - report-gtk: use wrapped text for warning labels - spec: remove abrt-screencast - remove obsoleted abrt-screencast - Fix create_symlink_lockfile() to not emit ENOENT when asked not to. - do not store potentially big data in /tmp - New public function create_symlink_lockfile() - Resolves: #958968, #981271- link with gobject libraries - use RHTSupport in RHEL workflows- add related packages version in emergency event - replace functions deprecated in Gtk-3.10 with their substitutes - fixed the bugzilla private group names rhbz#985881 - workflows: add Anaconda work flow for RHEL - add missing manual pages for configuration files, binaries and scripts - added options to create private bz tickets rhbz#803772 - skip the workflow selection if there is only 1 available closes #167 - added missing workflows for Fedora rhbz#866027 - spec: double up percent signs in chagelog entries - spec: make anaconda package description more generic - spec: install RHEL anaconda work flow - spec: added new workflow files rhbz#866027 - spec: build only workflow subpkg relevant for host's OS - spec: install all manual pages - spec: install only documentation files - spec: drop unnecessary Obsoletes and Provides - spec: add manual pages to packages - spec: specify all config files - spec: replace btparser with satyr - move non-conf XML files from /etc/libreport/ to /usr/share/libreport/ - Update satyr support, drop btparser compatibility - fixed typo in config file related #866027 - resize the config window upon collapsing Advanced section - rhbz: test xmlrpc env for errors in abrt_xmlrpc_call_params() - rhbz: test rhbz_new_bug() return value for errors - wizard: show accurate messages - spec: add dependency on fros rhbz#958979 - use fros instead of hard dependency on recordmydesktop rhbz#958979 - Resolves: #965937, #973167- make the uploader event available for all report types - ureport: add conversion from abrt vmcore type to ureport KERNELOOPS type - fixed relro flags rhbz#812283 - rhbz: don't pass NULL in platform argument - add function getting information about dump dir for uid - anaconda: add proper configuration - rhbz: do not try to attach empty files - try to delete dump dirs using abrtd in the first step - workflow config: use scrollbars instead of enormous window size - Resolves: #971117, #958961- removed dependency on recordmydesktop rhbz#959475- bump release number- create last_occurrence at the time of the first crash- update translation - reporter-bugzilla: provide version of libreport- support /etc/os-release - added flag to not retry locking the incomplete problem dir - ureport: save solutions in not-reportable item - wizard: make value column click-sortable too - wizard: fix clickability of the item list column header - wizard: eliminate evd->error_msg member - wizard: remove a bunch of evd->foo members - debuginfo downloader should enable repos matching *debug* closes #138 - Replace "THANKYOU" with EXIT_STOP_EVENT_RUN exit code (70) - debuginfo downloader: fix DebugInfoDownload::download() error paths. - report-gtk: handle user cancellation gracefully - logging: refine errors reporting - emit a message when searching bugzilla for duplicates closes #151 - reporter-upload: create tarball with the name based on directory's name - reporter-rhtsupport: generate archive name from problem dir name - added report-cli event for anaconda should help with rhbz#950544 - ss: skip option holding NULL values - spec: added new event for anaconda reporting rhbz#926916 - distinguish the event configuration by problem type in the UI closes #149 - report-gtk: show Next Step btn at workflow start - curl upload helper: upload data with "application/octet-stream" content type - reporter-rhtsupport: fix hint query to use correct URL- fixed reporting from anaconda in text mode (#949603)- fixed reporting from anaconda - Resolves: #926916- rhbz: get id of duplicate from correct field - change the "exited with" message with something less technical closes #143 - Integration with satyr - dump_dir_accessible_by_uid(): clear errno if error didn't occur - reporter-rhtsupport: improve logging - reporter-rhtsupport: upload file to BigFileURL if it is large - dd: document used errno values in dump_dir_accessible_by_uid() - add rhel package with appropriate workflow definitions - add workflow definitions for RHEL - improve is_text_file() to not treat valid Unicode as bad_chars - reporter-rhtsupport: fix double-free error - reporter-upload: move file upload function to lib/ - reporter-upload: factor out HTTP PUT upload - reporter-rhtsupport: skip hints check if uploaded data is really large - reporter-rhtsupport: make -t[CASE_ID] work without FILEs. Closes #140 - reporter-rhtsupport: factor out tarball creation - RHTS support: regularize order of functions and comments - fread_with_reporting: make progress indicator less noisy - report-gtk: update excluded elements check boxes before emergency analysis event - Resolves: #921941- add a patch which fixes a problem with empty archives in emergency analysis- always treat os-release as textual related to rhbz#922433 - is_text_file(): bump allowable non-ASCII chars from 2% to 10%. Closes rhbz#922433 - report-gtk: don't clear warnings after reporting is finished - report-gtk: show tabs only in verbose expert mode - report-gtk: prettify the workflow buttons rhbz#917694 - report-gtk: add a button to report reporting failures - uReport: do not show URL twice in error output - uReport: detect missing type field at client side - uReport: add more explanatory message when upload fails - uReport: improve messages. Closes #579 - workflows: a less confusing event name for reporting to Fedora infrastructure - workflows: correct an event name for reporting to Fedora in anaconda config - fixed workflow localization closes #137 - run_event_state: expose children_count in python wrapper - add the proxy options to the addvanced section of event configurations - don't suid before running yum related to rhbz#759443 - update translation - ss: stop reconnecting to the session bus - ss: destroy all timeout GSources attached to the main context - ss: add a timeout to the waiting for the Completed signal - dd: convert time at lock time - spawn_next_command: make process group creation optional - fork_execv_on_steroids: fix close/move order of fds, move getpwuid out of fork - problem API: generate UUID if is missing instead of DUPHASH - fix logic of 'Dont ask me again' dialogues (stop returning true for all options) - make [p]error_msg[_and_die] more fork-in-multithreaded-app safe - Make forking code paths more robust. - curl_debug: fix use of "%.*s" (need to pass an int, not size_t) - curl_debug: prettify debug output - Resolves: #871126, #885055, #890778, #901467, #916389, #917684, #917694, #919536, #922433, #923117- move 'reporter-mailx' from post-create event to notify(-dup) event - reporter-bugzilla: use base64 XMLRPC type for encoded data instead of string type - ureport: fix extra quoting when reporting error messages - Resolves: #908210- configure libreport to be in conflict with abrt < 2.1.0- dd: unify error handling in save_binary_file() - dd_sanitize: don't sanitize symlinks - rpm: preserve old configuration for ݽ/do~kr:y{1GF%Zas&6gŎ&6p:g?a#zL'4u#=Wͱ63UQ7쬠<;n;mp/Оco pv}]HB=1n=htl7EL,qy&WՂ●,}S A5W8ro,sMˠPBӁP׶!OP a V9v!`\P=K:+ ( Ǭp!.l`6 7u%I=<ڄLit=>:fʉO0fJBjX6FȐ5ФQ(HiMGEd,HRAƱ^:mc.6 h~~% 7YA+;EIK|Z-._z"2ٽw:ؤϓ"S ƹ$EQ*fUG,KdG+5Jo#*u@pg~=F)vˇŨr/h J& KIڧ!2&jPiڥz-UZgmm`}tn~Q~8fn$"fg9!JVؔ[O#fI=SG> YwVze2s!|VG!|\H@ރ:P=|)$aj?z2mTe$KF}ipВ==D] kLw}?KW=Ywcj4ƕpGS{A&_]#U6ؘnWYX\Ӈ '{ZD!>sIÔ0`vYł\Gr{#SW>#1DoK41z=e c۠\٫{_[ Or#mjbuvNN/8O-,Q^rg[<Xɏ,͹5gY+f[_PX j-@IlQE^[>gTeðn_AXrFY_Դ 2\nP=/|ǧn9d3A4_1{B]^B72L`G5r*Y&$hW[E1?iɬ* Į_w\pY,cd+R4T>>s![T'ԃlND.Qا{` @HNVyYG%9{wv}=7eSU/B !޿-)NΔKB>R5yԱsh+%뫹biw&xB/!0A0vZLIt6Ov`} ]-l[6\ύϤ#{-Of=pDm,*3=bՆtJ- ld)|DZ'9wQ#Ž,-"l8Qip,ӹ\EpDgD:6+#.u?GB<>m+)%i #//?~HjT^ 'x?E@ZSCK}.&CVʽ]e_+<ͭr`GŘzlRu -;yřU#ek&M2JT;!c]u2{g$H 5US V+?͖"*xq7o =hkLc~#~ZE*(6ن7Ta7Gb)1qb~(G{%.}Fgba"e`ZNqt!GI;䣩_@hYhkOޭ >G|Hi Fd$/m~PSgnL.X Dv2_eS\C)tf[5Xg;mS͙"|a8m?LpySBbdJ1n =[2{v\Sgo|sېrbe+9 OT˄E[볂J6Tp ,ÊpwJ5;SP6P5".FCg={et0|>lhD 71daL"CAfܢY/;=+'O&zWYVV2;͛ ffX-HHzYUb䳧T]ՌgV `w@1:[{ZkOկGpmuL+)CKHm^J5-3Q7b EN:c4KTc,;>Ϡoss\ÙI:02~W KeCi'pøI?+B7!Rqt]ˋövk晊 Dr̢y(,-JKNvӶ]o#0kw,JvPLF{ڤgz)+PLb`vqMCV>@{nwNGX "gd9vU*Cd]YGI:yUqr<+ mY9nM1/hxc{ cYz?-wߕc`/ͳA2ƑGF@muv©2Ǣkg[.c*TpǬ_&UT-ɒI\3O̚dџ+8| rɫ_wpۓؔd%!G,'WǵEZokLb(mO5G۽/>Dз%*78UMvs) ًl>JS+ǰD籆V=p~K{M(PygȀ#f>>y7+N/~ԧܧo.Q<;8a%Oݯ9cBUsnDĒƆgc̶jZ W#7b 9:/',$NDq\x˭\.:֟%]?Y U,*9 ~S;5v^:#v#.i>"e4Ћ?" 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