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2.0.1-4Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.0.1-3Jan Kaluza - 2.0.1-2Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.0.1-1Jan Vcelak 2.0-1- Fixed SIGHUP handling Resolves: rhbz#1702724 - Tune irqbalance service Resolves: rhbz#1720042 - Added netcat requirement Resolves: rhbz#1746436 - sysctl: made reapply_sysctl ignore configs from /usr Resolves: rhbz#1776149 - profiles: define variables before use Resolves: rhbz#1781664- realtime-virtual-guest/host: enabled ktimer-lockless-check Resolves: rhbz#1730016- plugin_sysctl: fixed traceback when assignments modifiers ('<', '>') are used with sysctl and the current sysctl value is the same as the new value Resolves: rhbz#1739418- sap-hana-vmware: deprecated profile Resolves: rhbz#1672213- Ignore non-existent settings from system sysctl configs - Resolves: rhbz#1714595- Fixed verification of sysctl parameters whose values contain tabs - Resolves: rhbz#1711230- Fixed assertion that isolated_cores contain online CPUs - Resolves: rhbz#1706171- Fix setting force_latency in the virtual-host profile - Resolves: rhbz#1569375- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#1643654 - used dmidecode only on x86 architectures resolves: rhbz#1688371 - recommend: fixed to work without tuned daemon running resolves: rhbz#1687397- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#1643654 - disable KSM only once, re-enable it only on full rollback resolves: rhbz#1622239 - functions: reworked setup_kvm_mod_low_latency to count with kernel changes resolves: rhbz#1649408 - updated virtual-host profile resolves: rhbz#1569375 - added log message for unsupported parameters in plugin_net resolves: rhbz#1533852 - added range feature for cpu exclusion resolves: rhbz#1533908 - make a copy of devices when verifying tuning resolves: rhbz#1592743 - fixed disk plugin/plugout problem resolves: rhbz#1595156 - fixed unit configuration reading resolves: rhbz#1613379 - reload profile configuration on SIGHUP resolves: rhbz#1631744 - use built-in functionality to apply system sysctl resolves: rhbz#1663412- Updated disable-ksm-once patch Related: rhbz#1622239- Reworked setup_kvm_mod_low_latency to count with kernel changes Resolves: rhbz#1649408- Disable ksm once, re-enable it on full rollback Resolves: rhbz#1622239- Added workaround for rpmbuild bug 1626473 related: rhbz#1616043- Fixed realtime-virtual-guest profile to call script.sh related: rhbz#1616043- De-fuzzified realtime-virtual-enable-rt-entsk patch related: rhbz#1616043- realtime-virtual-guest/host: start/stop rt-entsk daemon on initialization/shutdown resolves: rhbz#1616043- use online CPUs for cpusets calculations instead of present CPUs resolves: rhbz#1613478- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#1546598 - IRQ affinity handled by scheduler plugin resolves: rhbz#1590937- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#1546598 - script: show stderr output in the log - realtime-virtual-host: script.sh: add error checking - man: improved tuned-profiles-cpu-partitioning.7 - bootloader: check if grub2_cfg_file_name is None in _remove_grub2_tuning() - plugin_scheduler: whitelist/blacklist processed also for thread names - bootloader: patch all GRUB2 config files - profiles: added mssql profile - tuned-adm: print log excerpt when changing profile - cpu-partitioning: use no_balance_cores instead of no_rebalance_cores - sysctl: support assignment modifiers as other plugins do - oracle: fixed ip_local_port_range parity warning resolves: rhbz#1527219 - Fix verifying cpumask on systems with more than 32 cores resolves: rhbz#1528368 - oracle: updated the profile to be in sync with KCS 39188 resolves: rhbz#1447323- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#1467576- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#1467576 - fixed expansion of the variables in the 'devices' section related: rhbz#1490399 - cpu-partitioning: add no_rebalance_cores= option resolves: rhbz#1497182- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#1467576 - added recommend.d functionality resolves: rhbz#1459146 - recommend: added support for matching of processes resolves: rhbz#1461838 - cpu-partitioning: used tuned instead of tuna for cores isolation resolves: rhbz#1442229 - bootloader: splitted string for removal from cmdline resolves: rhbz#1461279 - network-latency: added skew_tick=1 kernel command line parameter resolves: rhbz#1451073 - bootloader: accepted only certain values for initrd_remove_dir resolves: rhbz#1455161 - increased udev monitor buffer size, made it configurable resolves: rhbz#1442306 - bootloader: don't add nonexistent overlay image to grub.cfg resolves: rhbz#1454340 - plugin_cpu: don't log error in execute() if EPB is not supported resolves: rhbz#1443182 - sap-hana: fixed description of the sap-hana profiles resolves: rhbz#1482005 - plugin_systemd: on full_rollback notify about need of initrd regeneration resolves: rhbz#1469258 - don't log errors about missing files on verify with ignore_missing set resolves: rhbz#1451435 - plugin_scheduler: improved logging resolves: rhbz#1474961 - improved checking if we are rebooting or not resolves: rhbz#1475571 - started dbus exports after a profile is applied resolves: rhbz#1443142 - sap-hana: changed force_latency to 70 resolves: rhbz#1501252 - plugin_video: added support for the 'dpm' power method - list available profiles on 'tuned-adm profile'- realtime: re-assigned kernel thread priorities resolves: rhbz#1452357- added skew_tick=1 to realtime and simplified bootcmdline inheritance resolves: rhbz#1447938- added workaround for old pyudev related: rhbz#1251240- respin related: rhbz#1388454 - systemd: added support for older systemd CPUAffinity syntax resolves: rhbz#1441791 - scheduler: added workarounds for low level exceptions from python-linux-procfs resolves: rhbz#1441792 - bootloader: workaround for adding tuned_initrd to new kernels on restart resolves: rhbz#1441797 - cpu-partitioning: use tuna for cores isolation related: rhbz#1403309- new release - rebase tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#1388454 - cpu-partitioning: enabled timer migration resolves: rhbz#1408308 - cpu-partitioning: disabled kvmclock sync and ple resolves: rhbz#1395855 - spec: muted error if there is no selinux support resolves: rhbz#1404214 - units: implemented instance priority resolves: rhbz#1246172 - bootloader: added support for initrd overlays resolves: rhbz#1414098 - cpu-partitioning: set CPUAffinity early in initrd image resolves: rhbz#1394965 - cpu-partitioning: set workqueue affinity early resolves: rhbz#1395899 - scsi_host: fixed probing of ALPM, missing ALPM logged as info resolves: rhbz#1416712 - added new profile cpu-partitioning resolves: rhbz#1359956 - bootloader: improved inheritance resolves: rhbz#1274464 - units: mplemented udev-based regexp device matching resolves: rhbz#1251240 - units: introduced pre_script, post_script resolves: rhbz#1246176 - realtime-virtual-host: accommodate new ktimersoftd thread resolves: rhbz#1332563 - defirqaffinity: fixed traceback due to syntax error resolves: rhbz#1369791 - variables: support inheritance of variables resolves: rhbz#1433496 - scheduler: added support for cores isolation resolves: rhbz#1403309 - tuned-profiles-nfv splitted to host/guest and dropped unneeded dependency resolves: rhbz#1413111 - desktop: fixed typo in profile summary resolves: rhbz#1421238 - with systemd don't do full rollback on shutdown / reboot resolves: rhbz#1421286 - builtin functions: added virt_check function and support to include resolves: rhbz#1426654 - cpulist_present: explicitly sorted present CPUs resolves: rhbz#1432240 - plugin_scheduler: fixed initialization resolves: rhbz#1433496 - log errors when applying a profile fails resolves: rhbz#1434360- Fixed timeout if non-existent profile is requested resolves: rhbz#1369502- Fixed a traceback resolves: rhbz#1372298- fixed Tuned restart from GUI resolves: rhbz#1365533- - new-release - rebase tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#1289048 - gui: fixed traceback caused by DBus paths copy&paste error related: rhbz#1356369 - tuned-adm: fixed traceback of 'tuned-adm list' if daemon is not running resolves: rhbz#1358857- new-release - rebase tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#1289048 - gui: fixed save profile resolves: rhbz#1242491 - tuned-adm: added --ignore-missing parameter resolves: rhbz#1243807 - plugin_vm: added transparent_hugepage alias resolves: rhbz#1249610 - plugins: added modules plugin resolves: rhbz#1249618 - plugin_cpu: do not show error if cpupower or x86_energy_perf_policy are missing resolves: rhbz#1254417 - tuned-adm: fixed restart attempt if tuned is not running resolves: rhbz#1258755 - nfv: avoided race condition by using synchronous mode resolves: rhbz#1259039 - realtime: added check for isolcpus sanity resolves: rhbz#1264128 - pm_qos: fixed exception if PM_QoS is not available resolves: rhbz#1296137 - plugin_sysctl: reapply system sysctl after Tuned sysctl are applied resolves: rhbz#1302953 - atomic: increase number of inotify watches resolves: rhbz#1322001 - realtime-virtual-host/guest: added rcu_nocbs kernel boot parameter resolves: rhbz#1334479 - realtime: fixed kernel.sched_rt_runtime_us to be -1 resolves: rhbz#1346715 - tuned-adm: fixed detection of no_daemon mode resolves: rhbz#1351536 - plugin_base: correctly strip assignment modifiers even if not used resolves: rhbz#1353142 - plugin_disk: try to workaround embedded '/' in device names related: rhbz#1353142 - sap-hana: explicitly setting kernel.numa_balancing = 0 for better performance resolves: rhbz#1355768 - libexec: fixed listdir and isdir in defirqaffinity.py resolves: rhbz#1252160 - plugin_cpu: save and restore only intel pstate attributes that were changed resolves: rhbz#1252156 - functions: fixed sysfs save to work with options resolves: rhbz#1251507 - functions: fixed restore_logs_syncing to preserve SELinux context on rsyslog.conf resolves: rhbz#1268901 - spec: correctly remove tuned footprint from /etc/default/grub resolves: rhbz#1268845 - gui: fixed creation of new profile resolves: rhbz#1274609- fixed traceback during restart attempt resolves: rhbz#1265660- fixed race in modprobe in realtime-virtual-host profile and extended stop action to have hint why it is called resolves: rhbz#1292117- fixed various verification issues (by verification-fixes patch) resolves: rhbz#1252153 - realtime profile now sets cpumask of unbound workqueues (by realtime-set-unbound-workqueues patch) resolves: rhbz#1259043 - fixed lapic_timer_adv_ns cache in realtime-virtual-host profile (by lapic-timer-adv-ns-cache-fix patch) resolves: rhbz#1259452 - fixed find-lapictscdeadline-optimal-fix in realtime-virtual-host profile (by find-lapictscdeadline-optimal-fix patch) resolves: rhbz#1267284 - removed nohz_full from the realtime profile (by realtime-remove-nohz-full patch) resolves: rhbz#1274486- grub support in post scriptlet made conditional not to break s390(x) resolves: rhbz#1265654- patched files are not backed up related: rhbz#1254538- unquoted sysctl values resolves: rhbz#1254538- new-release related: rhbz#1155052 - plugin_scheduler: work with nohz_full resolves: rhbz#1247184 - fixed realtime-virtual-guest/host profiles packaged twice resolves: rhbz#1249028 - fixed requirements of realtime and nfv profiles - fixed tuned-gui not starting - various other minor fixes - defuzzified gtk-3.8 patch- new-release resolves: rhbz#1155052 - add support for ethtool -C to tuned network plugin resolves: rhbz#1152539 - add support for ethtool -K to tuned network plugin resolves: rhbz#1152541 - add support for calculation of values for the kernel command line resolves: rhbz#1191595 - no error output if there is no hdparm installed resolves: rhbz#1191775 - do not run hdparm on hotplug events if there is no hdparm tuning resolves: rhbz#1193682 - add oracle tuned profile resolves: rhbz#1196298 - fix bash completions for tuned-adm resolves: rhbz#1207668 - add glob support to tuned sysfs plugin resolves: rhbz#1212831 - add tuned-adm verify subcommand resolves: rhbz#1212836 - do not install tuned kernel command line to rescue kernels resolves: rhbz#1223864 - add variables support resolves: rhbz#1225124 - add built-in support for unit conversion into tuned resolves: rhbz#1225135 - fixed vm.max_map_count setting in sap-netweaver profile resolves: rhbz#1228562 - create tuned profile for RHEL-RT resolves: rhbz#1228801 - plugin_scheduler: added support for runtime tuning of processes resolves: rhbz#1148546 - add support for changing elevators on xvd* devices (Amazon EC2) resolves: rhbz#1170152 - add workaround to be run after systemd-sysctl resolves: rhbz#1189263 - do not change settings of transparent hugepages if set in kernel cmdline resolves: rhbz#1189868 - add tuned profiles for RHEL-NFV resolves: rhbz#1228803 - plugin_bootloader: apply $tuned_params to existing kernels resolves: rhbz#1233004 - add support for no daemon mode resolves: rhbz#1068663- new-release resolves: rhbz#1093883- add autodetection of grub2 to plugin_bootloader resolves: rhbz#1150047- fixed tuned-adm list traceback resolves: rhbz#1149162- fixed cmdline handling in bootloader plugin related: rhbz#1148711- grub template 00_tuned, do not return error if there is no cmdline resolves: rhbz#1148711- fixed tuned-gui polkit path related: rhbz#1093883- new-release resolves: rhbz#1093883 - fixed traceback if profile cannot be loaded related: rhbz#953128 - powertop2tuned: fixed traceback if rewriting file instead of dir - daemon: fixed race condition in start/stop - balanced: used medium_power ALPM policy - balanced: used conservative CPU governor resolves: rhbz#1124125 - plugins: added selinux plugin - plugin_net: added nf_conntrack_hashsize parameter - profiles: included sap-hana and sap-hana-vmware profiles - profiles: sap-profiles in individual subpackages resolves: rhbz#1058483 - man: structured profiles manual pages according to sub-packages - improved error handling of switch_profile - tuned-adm: active: detect whether tuned deamon is running - removed active_profile from RPM verification resolves: rhbz#1104126 - plugin_disk: readahead value can be now specified in sectors resolves: rhbz#1127127 - plugins: added bootloader plugin resolves: rhbz#1044111 - plugin_disk: added error counter to hdparm calls - plugins: added scheduler plugin resolves: rhbz#1100826 - added tuned-gui- autodetecting initial profile in runtime, not int post install resolves: rhbz#1144067- updated man page to include atomic-host and atomic-guest profiles related: rhbz#1091977, rhbz#1091979- add atomic-host and atomic-guest profiles resolves: rhbz#1091977, rhbz#1091979- add support for assignment modifiers resolves: rhbz#1096917- handle root block devices resolves: rhbz#1033251- reverted fix for bug 1073008, dependency is not met on s390 related: rhbz#1073008- added requirement to kernel-tools resolves: rhbz#1073008 - made cpupower.service conflicting resolves: rhbz#1073392- re-arranged profile autoselection patches for better maintainability related: rhbz#1069123- fixed profile autoselection resolves: rhbz#1069123- throughput-performance is default for the server resolves: rhbz#1063481 - THP not disabled in the latency-performance profile resolves: rhbz#1064510 - added network-latency profile resolves: rhbz#1052418 - added network-throughput profile resolves: rhbz#1052421- altered dirty ratios of troughput-performance for better performance resolves: rhbz#1043533- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- removed useless find from the spindown-disk profile resolves: rhbz#1030439- defuzzified patches related: rhbz#1028119, rhbz#1028122- fixed race condition in the start/stop code resolves: rhbz#1028119 - improved tuned responsiveness resolves: rhbz#1028122- new-release resolves: rhbz#1020743 - audio plugin: fixed audio settings in standard profiles - video plugin: fixed tunings - daemon: fixed crash if preset profile is not available - man: various updates and corrections - functions: fixed usb and bluetooth handling - tuned: switched to lightweighted pygobject3-base - daemon: added global config for dynamic_tuning - utils: added pmqos-static script for debug purposes - throughput-performance: various fixes - tuned: added global option update_interval - plugin_cpu: added support for x86_energy_perf_policy resolves: rhbz#1015675 - dbus: fixed KeyboardInterrupt handling - plugin_cpu: added support for intel_pstate resolves: rhbz#996722 - profiles: various fixes - profiles: added desktop profile resolves: rhbz#996723 - tuned-adm: implemented non DBus fallback control - profiles: added sap profile - tuned: lowered CPU usage due to python bug- lock CPU to C1 instead of C0 in latency-performance profile resolves: rhbz#1013085 - readahed multiply set to 4 in throughput-performance profile resolves: rhbz#987570 - packaged pmqos-static script for debugging purposes resolves: rhbz#1015676 - added global configuration file with the possibility to globally disable the dynamic tuning and it is by default disabled on RHEL resolves: rhbz#1006427- do not package backup file related: rhbz#986468- used pygobject3-base instead of pygobject2 resolves: rhbz#986468- new-release: - cpu plugin: fixed cpupower workaround - cpu plugin: fixed crash if cpupower is installed- new release: - audio plugin: fixed error handling in _get_timeout - removed cpupower dependency, added sysfs fallback - powertop2tuned: fixed parser crash on binary garbage resolves: rhbz#914933 - cpu plugin: dropped multicore_powersave as kernel upstream already did - plugins: options manipulated by dynamic tuning are now correctly saved and restored - powertop2tuned: added alias -e for --enable option - powertop2tuned: new option -m, --merge-profile to select profile to merge - prefer transparent_hugepage over redhat_transparent_hugepage - recommend: use recommend.conf not autodetect.conf - tuned.service: switched to dbus type service resolves: rhbz#911445 - tuned: new option --pid, -P to write PID file - tuned, tuned-adm: added new option --version, -v to show version - disk plugin: use APM value 254 for cleanup / APM disable instead of 255 resolves: rhbz#905195 - tuned: new option --log, -l to select log file - powertop2tuned: avoid circular deps in include (one level check only) - powertop2tuned: do not crash if powertop is not installed - net plugin: added support for wake_on_lan static tuning resolves: rhbz#885504 - loader: fixed error handling - spec: used systemd-rpm macros resolves: rhbz#850347- new release: - remove nobarrier from virtual-guest (data loss prevention) - devices enumeration via udev, instead of manual retrieval - support for dynamically inserted devices (currently disk plugin) - dropped rfkill plugins (bluetooth and wifi), the code didn't work- new release: - systemtap {disk,net}devstat: fix typo in usage - switched to configobj parser - latency-performance: disabled THP - fixed fd leaks on subprocesses- fix: powertop2tuned execution - fix: ownership of /etc/tuned- new release: - daemon: allow running without selected profile - daemon: fix profile merging, allow only safe characters in profile names - daemon: implement missing methods in DBus interface - daemon: implement profile recommendation - daemon: improve daemonization, PID file handling - daemon: improved device matching in profiles, negation possible - daemon: various internal improvements - executables: check for EUID instead of UID - executables: run python with -Es to increase security - plugins: cpu - fix cpupower execution - plugins: disk - fix option setting - plugins: mounts - new, currently supports only barriers control - plugins: sysctl - fix a bug preventing settings application - powertop2tuned: speedup, fix crashes with non-C locales - powertop2tuned: support for powertop 2.2 output - profiles: progress on replacing scripts with plugins - tuned-adm: bash completion - suggest profiles from all supported locations - tuned-adm: complete switch to D-bus - tuned-adm: full control to users with physical access- New version - Systemtap scripts moved to utils-systemtap subpackage- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_18_Mass_Rebuild- another powertop-2.0 compatibility fix Resolves: rhbz#830415- fixed powertop2tuned compatibility with powertop-2.0- new version- first stable release/bin/sh/bin/sh 2.11.0-9.el7gtk__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyogui_plugin_loader.pygui_plugin_loader.pycgui_plugin_loader.pyogui_profile_deleter.pygui_profile_deleter.pycgui_profile_deleter.pyogui_profile_loader.pygui_profile_loader.pycgui_profile_loader.pyogui_profile_saver.pygui_profile_saver.pycgui_profile_saver.pyomanagerException.pymanagerException.pycmanagerException.pyotuned_dialog.pytuned_dialog.pyctuned_dialog.pyotuned-guituned-gui.desktoptuned.svguituned-gui.glade/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tuned//usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tuned/gtk//usr/sbin//usr/share/applications//usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps//usr/share/tuned//usr/share/tuned/ui/-O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m32 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -mfpmath=sse -fasynchronous-unwind-tablescpioxz2noarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryemptypython 2.7 byte-compiledPython script, UTF-8 Unicode text executableASCII textPython script, ASCII text executableSVG Scalable Vector Graphics imageXML 1.0 document, ASCII text RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPP/usr/bin/gtk-update-icon-cache -f /usr/share/icons/hicolor &>/dev/null || :/bin/sh? 7zXZ !#,LkVC] b2u jӫ`(}QכpheR5,r\<( fhA\ x)vc@Hl̻kn~AU2SfE0U)ttf-}EpX9d aߣ2b*D6'nrznjƦ*h0k,^ҡjRG!ԪA#rEdE״ഗ6-SWwQ\wtw v#3hV4nӥn?nԼr30{I)dn!ޭRiv53 LNYbCRykN3,bq_P.!hdO6;# lu+I 2_9cmn@5皣eRXH@…}K0 !䳯'dRo)/'U}@2BbO!g͌ J;覒.-b/.Qp)8Fͻq֩\$Ҥjkb)ї۲{ 6G0w軆3DjUHhi\y^$:~(H op┼!ޒB}oe.t:N#ou-rc֕Oh;P$Ȣfsm_4cEB|ܐxpdk%$IlJJd^iE"$es'y^Gѡxt~LQ!Z~hRvKA pLg ⸴H(ìv1>ԥD]^5@@:qr2˒nӻm0fDKd:z5e;*jNhNtp1s(70,$NF*$/yKHnrC} AaTN) !f= K&gݝ{o yY3{g2r«sXEgn㪲eⶑ7c BƒhA1:7kgI} " ΃Q\ѳ3$!3dJ/Tx 2z"+ _?ej`]fnq!- y>E0ו1'?uxw՟$20/Kj1OS=m3#̂;y@Dmf8L$/CdoK.jP*4/Khp^# ~IƔ'UY 蕉߱ߔiʾ*J:?tY2n!j?Hy#bL='e9Q~>35Re&!YɌ#=*Cxx(n#Avw$И,"At .;|tX{?=,^:'xAnB}ΠWӠFxm_}fb%ruo<>:9M<3Biı݈[jn-rZ5 g̅boI6)0P2\+cHlHcGMCҌm$ZHޑv:<_3\7#EU7*ZgYQ;20炳Cy6p=?=jXVE29CpcNuD >RbCV|A>A#n. 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