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Horman - 1.101-74Neil Horman - 1.101-73Neil Horman - 1.101-72Neil Horman - 1.101-71Neil Horman - 1.101-70Neil Horman - 1.101-69Neil Horman - 1.101-68Neil Horman - 1.101-67Neil Horman - 1.101-66Neil Horman - 1.101-65Neil Horman - 1.101-64Neil Horman - 1.101-63Neil Horman - 1.101-62Neil Horman - 1.101-61Neil Horman - 1.101-60Neil Horman - 1.101-59Neil Horman - 1.101-58Neil Horman - 1.101-56Neil Horman - 1.101-55Neil Horman - 1.101-54Neil Horman - 1.101-53Neil Horman - 1.101-52Neil Horman - 1.101-51Neil Horman - 1.101-50Neil Horman - 1.101-49Neil Horman - 1.101-48Jarod Wilson - 1.101-47Jarod Wilson - 1.101-46Neil Horman - 1.101-45Neil Horman - 1.101-44Jarod Wilson - 1.101-43Jarod Wilson - 1.101-42Neil Horman - 1.101-41Neil Horman - 1.101-40Neil Horman - 1.101-39Neil Horman - 1.101-38Neil Horman - 1.101-37Neil Horman - 1.101-36Neil Horman - 1.101-35Neil Horman - 1.101-34Neil Horman - 1.101-33Neil Horman - 1.101-32Neil Horman - 1.101-30Neil Horman - 1.101-30Jesse Keating - 1.101-29Neil Horman 1.101-27.fc6Neil Horman -1.101-19Neil Horman -1.101-17Bill Nottingham - 1.101-16Thomas Graf - 1.101-15Thomas Graf - 1.101-14Jeremy Katz - 1.101-13Thomas Graf - 1.101-12Thomas Graf - 1.101-11Thomas Graf - 1.101-10Thomas Graf - 1.101-9Jeff Moyer - 1.101-8Jesse Keating - 1.101-7.1.1Thomas Graf - 1.101-7.1Thomas Graf Thomas Graf Jesse Keating Thomas Graf - 1.101-5Jeff Moyer - 1.101-4Jeff Moyer - 1.101-3Jeff Moyer - makedumpfile/sadump: Fix a KASLR problem of sadump while kdump is working- Add a new option 'rd.znet_ifname' in order to use it in udev rules- Revert: Always set vm.zone_reclaim_mode = 3 in kdump kernel- fix breakage in get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes().- ensure cluster info is ready before query. - improve get_alias()- mkdumprd: don't append noauto to mount option. - Add NOTE about nr_cpus value on HyperV systems.- Always drop nofail or nobootwait options - Always set vm.zone_reclaim_mode = 3 in kdump kernel- mkdumprd: Use DUMP_TARGET which printing error message during ssh- module-setup: Ensure eth devices get IP address for VLAN- module-setup: re-fix 99kdumpbase network dependency - kdumpctl: bail out immediately if host key verification failed- makedumpfile: x86_64: Fix incorrect exclusion by -e option with KASLR- kdumpctl: echo msg when waiting for connection- Doc: amend the man page of kdump.conf- vmcore-dmesg/vmcore-dmesg.c: Fix shifting error reported by cppcheck- Limit the size of vmcore-dmesg.txt to 2G - dracut-module-setup: fix bond ifcfg processing- dracut-module-setup: get localhost alias by manual - dracut-module-setup: filter out localhost for generic_fence_kdump - kdumpctl: distinguish the reason for ssh failure- kdumpctl: wait a while for network ready if dump target is ssh- skip alias of localhost in get_pcs_fence_kdump_nodes()- kdump.sysconfig/x86_64: Disable HEST by default - Introduce kdumpctl rebuild command and update document- makedumpfile: x86_64: Add support for AMD Secure Memory Encryption [Fix the Fix the patch to make sure makedumpfile-1.6.2/ path is used]- makedumpfile: exclude pages that are logically offline - makedumpfile: x86_64: Add support for AMD Secure Memory Encryption- Disable vmcore device dump by default- Optimize kdumpctl restart and initramfs rebuild speed- Fix previous faulty initramfs rebuild triggering- kexec.rules: create dedicated udev rules for ppc64- kexec-kdump-howto: Add note on setting correct value of kptr_restrict- fadump: leverage kernel support to re-regisgter FADump- Make udev reload rules quiet during bootup- mkdumprd: use --quiet dracut argument to speedup initramfs build - mkdumprd: refine regex on dropping mount options- kdump: fix an error that can not parse the e820 reserved region - Doc: add document to declare atlantic support- doc/kdump.conf: Local dump path should be //%HOST_IP-%DATE - Update help text to indicate --mem-usage is supported on archs other than x86_64 - Add missing usage info - Rewrite kdump's udev rules, use reload instead of restart - kdumpctl: Add reload support- kexec/ppc64: add support to parse ibm, dynamic-memory-v2- makedumpfile: when refiltering, initialize refiltered bitmap2 from the kdump file's bitmap2 - dracut-module-setup: Fix DRM module inclusion test for hyper-v - kdumpctl: remove some cmdline inheritage from 1st kernel - Fix missing newline - kdumpctl: Rebuild initramfs if loaded kernel modules changed (V2) - Revert "kdumpctl: Rebuild initramfs if loaded kernel modules changed" - dracut-module-setup: Fix test for inclusion of DRM moduleskexec-tools.spec: Drop kexec-tools-2.0.3-disable-kexec-test.patch Remove obsolete kdump toolkdumpctl: Rebuild initramfs if loaded kernel modules changed don't include multipath-hostonly Add document to declare FCoE support (V2) Revert "Add document to declare FCoE support" Add document to declare FCoE support makedumpfile: fix makedumpfile Not tainted in 2nd kernel- arm64: Fix calculation of page_offset in case we are running cases other than mem-usage- kexec/ppc64: add support to parse ibm, dynamic-memory-v2- pass ip=either6 param for ipv6 - install /etc/hosts when using fence_kdump - update kdump-anaconda-addon-003-29-g4c517c5.tar.gz- kdumpctl: Remove 'netroot' and 'iscsi initiator' entries from kdump cmdline - doc: remove btrfs from supported filesystems list - Update kdump anaconda addon - makedumpfile/arm64: Add '--mem-usage' support - Fix warning about persistent device name not found. - kdumpctl: Check the modification time of core_collector - kdump.sysconfig.x86_64: Remove 'notsc' from KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE - makedumpfile: fix for hugepages filtering* Thu Feb 1 2018 Pingfan Liu 2.0.15-12 - makedumpfile/sadump: Fix a problem of PTI enabled kernel - makedumpfile: Fix physical-to-virtual conversion in 'exclude_segment()'- temporary install /bin/grep to work around dracut's bug - kdump.sysconfig/x86_64: Add nokaslr to kdump kernel cmdline - kdumpctl: skip selinux-relabel for dracut_args --mount dump target- kexec-tools.spec: require dracut >= 033-522 to make 99kdump module installed correctly - kdump.sysconfig.ppc64(le): remove "root=" param from ppc64(le) 2nd kernel's command line - Revert "kdumpctl: sanity check of nr_cpus for x86_64 in case running out of vectors"- makedumpfile: Fix 'kernel_version' variable being uninitialized & introduce minor reorganization - makedumpfile: Fix segmentation fault when using --split on a vmcore - check whether to include multipath-hostonly or not- kdumpctl: Error out in case there are white spaces before an option name- mkdumprd: apply dracut "--hostonly-cmdline" and "--no-hostonly-default-device" - Change dump_to_rootfs to use "--mount" instead of "root=X" - kdumpctl: move is_fadump_capable() to - module-setup: fix 99kdumpbase network dependency - mkdumprd: change for_each_block_target() to use get_kdump_targets() - introduce get_kdump_targets() - fix improper get_block_dump_target() - kdumpctl: remove "root=X" for kdump boot - kdumpctl: fix a bug in remove_cmdline_param()- Fix KASLR problem on sadump- Revert "Update kdump anaconda addon" - Revert "Update kdump anaconda addon: fix the md5sum in source file"- Update kdump anaconda addon: fix the md5sum in source file - Update kdump anaconda addon- makedumpfile: x86_64: Take care of init_level4_pgt rename in kernel - makedumpfile: ppc64: get the info of mem reserved for crashkernel - makedumpfile: Fix SECTION_MAP_MASK for kernel >= v.13- mkdumprd: fix patterns to modify mount options - kexec-tools/ppc64: avoid adding coherent memory regions to crash memory ranges - kexec-tools/ppc64: fix command line overflow error - kexec-tools/ppc64: fix how RMA top is deduced- kexec-tools: Rebase from 2.0.14 to 2.0.15makedumpfile: rebase makedumpfile from 1.6.1 to 1.6.2mkdumprd: remove useless "x-initrd.mount" kdumpctl: use "apicid" other than "initial apicid" kdumpctl: sanity check of nr_cpus for x86_64 in case running out of vectors kdumpctl: change prepare_cmdline() to operate KDUMP_COMMANDLINE directly mkdumprd: use 300s as the default systemd unit timeout for kdump mount mkdumprd: reduce lvm2 memory under kdump module-setup: suppress the early iscsi error messages kdumpctl: fix infinite loop caused by running under bash- revert udev rule changes- udev rules: fix the hotplug rule file removing path- Revert "pc64/ppc64le: drop cpu online rule in 40-redhat.rules in kdump initramfs" - udev rules: mask cpu hotplug rules- kdump.conf.5: clarify the fence_kdump_nodes option - kdumpctl: for fence_kdump, the ipaddr of this node should be excluded from list- kdumpctl: change the shebang header to use /bin/bash- kdump.sysconfig.x86_64: remove kaslr in kdump kernel cmdline - Revert commit b590153 kdump.sysconfig/x86_64: Add nokaslr to kdump kernel cmdline- makedumpfile: Fix refiltering, sadump and virsh dump- kdumpctl: call strip_comments only when necessary to speedup - Revert "kdumpctl: improve "while read" time for /etc/kdump.conf"- kdumpctl: bail out earlier in case of no reserved memory - kdumpctrl: kdump feasibility should fail if no crash memory - kdumpctl: improve "while read" time for /etc/kdump.conf - kdumpctl: update check_dump_fs_modified() to use "lsinitrd -f" - kdumpctl: improve check_wdt_modified() - kdumpctl: remove is_mode_switched() - arm64: cmdline: modify to optimize size for memory reservation- kdump.sysconfig/x86_64: Add nokaslr to kdump kernel cmdline- arm64: Increase the upper limit for RAM segments - kdump: Introduce 'force_no_rebuild' option - ignore the failure of echo - use "systemctl reboot -f" for reboot action- Update kdump anaconda addon- ppc64: Reduce number of ELF LOAD segments - kexec-kdump-howto: Include notes about using debug kernel as crash kernel - Correct two typos in kdumpctl and kdump.conf- kdump-emergency: fix "Transaction is destructive" emergency failure - x86: Support large number of memory ranges- arm64: backport latest kdump patches - Fix `makedumpfile --mem-usage /proc/kcore` - fix incorrect usage with pipe as input for grep -q in is_pcs_fence_kdump()- kdumpctl: check the existence of /sys/kernel/security/securelevel - kdump.sysconfig.x86_64: Remove 'notsc' from kdump kernel cmdline - kdump.sysconfig: add KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE for aarch64 and ia64 - kdump.sysconfig: add KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE - Document: fix incorrect link in fadump-how.txt - kexec-tools.spec: add %doc for fadump-howto.txt- rebase kexec-tools from 2.0.7 to 2.0.14- fix the build error of Release 2.0.7-53- makedumpfile: rebase makedumpfile from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1- kdumpctl: check /etc/fstab modification only when it exists - kdumpctl: remove duplicate statement - kdumpctl: Kill duplicate code related to file modication check - fadump: restore default initrd when fadump mode is disabled - kdump/fadump: fix network interface name when switching from fadump to kdump- Update kdump anaconda addon- spec: Update to add dependency on dracut-network version >= 033-449 - mkdumprd: Do not add "nfs" dracut module explicitly - kexec-kdump-howto: Add doc about the special mount information via "dracut_args" - Support special mount information via "dracut_args"- fa9c082 kexec: Remedy the incomplete fix about persistent memory back porting- arm64: prefer reading memory ranges from iomem over fdt- spec: Update to add dependency on dracut version >= 033-449 - watchdog: do not add watchdog module in rd.driver.pre now - howto: Notes on watchdog module handling - kdumpctl: force rebuild in case of watchdog state change - mkdumprd: Add dracut watchdog module as default option- kexec-kdump-howto:Add introduction of parallel dumping- kdump.conf man page fixes - kdump.conf comments fixes - Add persistent memory support - module-setup: Don't handle iBFT in kdump- Update kdump anaconda addon - kdumpctl: Do not rebuild initramfs when $KDUMP_BOOTDIR is read only - get_persistent_dev(): fix name contention with dracut's similar function- kexec/sadump: Back port two patches to fix regression bug of makedumpfile 1.6.0 - Makedumpfile: Rebase to 1.6.0- module-setup: Use get_ifcfg_filename() to get the proper ifcfg file - kdump-lib: Add get_ifcfg_filename() to get the proper ifcfg file - doc: add nfs to supported filesystems list- Update kdump anaconda addon- kdumpctl: force rebuild in case of file system is modified - mkdumprd: move to_dev_name() & get_persistent_dev() to - kdumpctl: Move file modification check logic in check_system_modified() - kdumpctl: force rebuild in case of dynamic system modification - mkdumprd: do not lookup in by-uuid dirs for raw device's persistent name- Remove duplicate prefix path ${initdir} - Document declaration to support iSCSI HBA (ALL OFFLOAD) - kdump.init: fix a typo - rpm spec: add two patches to fix ppc64 kexec boot issue - kexec-tools ppc64: add arch option --dt-no-old-root - kexec-tools fs2dt.c: move copy old root param as a new function - kdumpctl: Remove slub_debug from cmdline- pc64/ppc64le: drop cpu online rule in 40-redhat.rules in kdump initramfs- mkdumprd: install only local i18n files- Update kdump anaconda addon- kdumpctl: Add man page for kdumpctlarm64: Overwrite CFLAGS and remove -fno-exceptions from kexec purgatory code Fix comment to exclude keyword CFLAGS="${CFLAGS:--O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=generic}" ; export CFLAGS ; CXXFLAGS="${CXXFLAGS:--O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=generic}" ; export CXXFLAGS ; FFLAGS="${FFLAGS:--O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules}" ; export FFLAGS ; FCFLAGS="${FCFLAGS:--O2 -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=generic -I/usr/lib64/gfortran/modules}" ; export FCFLAGS ; LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS:--Wl,-z,relro }"; export LDFLAGS; [ "1" == 1 ] && [ "x86_64" == ppc64le ] && /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/ ; for i in $(find . -name config.guess -o -name config.sub) ; do [ -f /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/$(basename $i) ] && /usr/bin/rm -f $i && /usr/bin/cp -fv /usr/lib/rpm/redhat/$(basename $i) $i ; done ; ./configure --build=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-redhat-linux-gnu \ --program-prefix= \ --disable-dependency-tracking \ --prefix=/usr \ --exec-prefix=/usr \ --bindir=/usr/bin \ --sbindir=/usr/sbin \ --sysconfdir=/etc \ --datadir=/usr/share \ --includedir=/usr/include \ --libdir=/usr/lib64 \ --libexecdir=/usr/libexec \ --localstatedir=/var \ --sharedstatedir=/var/lib \ --mandir=/usr/share/man \ --infodir=/usr/share/info Revert "arm64: move -fno-exceptions from purgatory code to spec file"mkdumprd: Remove ifcfg from dracut's modules arm64: move -fno-exceptions from purgatory code to spec file module-setup: Choose the first matched gateway in kdump_static_ip- Enhance Kdump to support ipv6 protocol- ppc64: Erase unnecessary segment info printing - Update kdump addon- watchdog: load iTCO_wdt early in cmdline hook- Update kdump addon tarball- eppic: update to include ARM64 support - Update kdump addon icon- dracut-module-setup: Apply the manual DNS to the 2nd kernel - makedumpfile: --split: assign fair I/O workloads in appropriate time - makedumpfile: Support producing a consistent dump file even if disk space is insufficient - Disable transparent hugepages in second kernel- kdumpctl: Add the command "kdumpctl showmem" to show the reserved memory - Enhance kdump.conf "default" parameters check. - Filtered out "noauto" options in 2nd kernel fstab - make kdump work when kernel crash after shutdown- Update kdump addon tarball- Enhance kdump to support ARM64 arch- Fix the date for the changelog- remove panic_on_warn from 2nd kernel cmdline- dracut-module-setup: Enhance kdump to support the bind mounted feature in Atomic - Fix the warning if the target path is bind mount in Atomic - Get the mount point correctly, if the device has several mount point - kdump-lib: Add new function to judge the system is Atomic or not - kdump-lib: Add the new function to enhance bind mounted judgement - Remove duplicate slash in save path - change the insecure use of /tmp/*$$* filenames - make kdump saving directory name consistent with RHEL6- sadump: Support more than 16TB physical memory space.- Fix to 2.0.7-18, forgot to update SOURCE25 addon tarball.- update addon translations, delete untranslated po files.- Just fix a typo in kexec-tools.spec- kdumpctl: adjust the boot dir if kernel is put in sub dir of /boot- mount fail if its mount poing doesn't exist in /sysroot - rebuild initrd dependency during kdump restart - fix a dump path issue- fix core_collector issue for ssh/raw dump - remove sysctl.conf for kdump kernel - exclude aarch64 build - fix path directive issue - remove panic_on_warn kernel parameter- Update kdump-anaconda-addon- Fix ppc64le installation issue- fadump fix - kdump-anaconda-addon fix- Rebase makedumpfile-1.5.7 - Fix an issue on iscsi boot environment - Disable kvm CMA reservation in kdump kernel- Enable ppc64le arch. - add sample eppic scripts to kexec-tools-eppic package - Restart kdump service on cpu ADD/REMOVE events- use kexec_file_load() syscall when SecureBoot enabled. - update kdump-anaconda-addon- add kexec-tools-anaconda-addon subpackage - use absolute path for executable in systemd service.- install udev rules to /usr/lib/ - allow short hostname in cluster configuration- rework of kdump error handling - ppc: add fadump support - add static route support - systemd will take care of shutdown and unmount filesystems - fix an issue that can't bring up correct network device- ppc64: kexec load fails due to elf symbol relocation failure. - display a message while waiting for kdump lock- Backport several latest bits from Fedora - Fix makedumpfile OOM issue- do not verify mtime of kdump.conf- Rebase kexec-tools-2.0.7 - Rebase makedumpfile-1.5.6- support fence_kdump for generic cluster - handle static ip fix - stop passing "nofail" mount option to 2nd kernel- spec: fix wrong source id- generate kdump service dependencies on the fly- fix issue when dump path is mounted on nfs.- vmcore-dmesg: stack smashing fix - get_ssh_size fix for localized df output- Document supported/unsupported/unknown list of dump targets - Warn user about save vmcore path mounted by another disk- mkdumprd: call dracut with --hostonly-cmdline (dracut >= 033-145) - warning on secure boot enabled platform- Regression fix on wdt kernel module install- kdumpctl: Pass disable_cpu_apicid to kexec of capture kernel - Relax restriction of dumping on encrypted target - ssh dump: create random-seed manually- remove selinux flipping when propagating ssh key - add kdump-in-cluster-environment.txt to rpm pkg - Secure Boot status check warning - Some watchdog driver support- Add acpi_no_memhotplug to kdump kernel - Add fence kdump support- Mass rebuild 2014-01-24- makedumpfile: Improve progress information for huge memory system - s390: use nr_cpus=1 instead of maxcpus=1- vmcore-dmesg: fix timestamp error in vmcore-dmesg.txt - makedumpfile: re-enable mmap() and introduce --non-mmap - kdump.conf uncomment default core_collector line - fix an issue when 'ssh' directive appearing in kdump.conf, the rest part of lines in this file are ignored- Mass rebuild 2013-12-27- kexec-tools.spec: only install makedumpfile.conf on ix86 x86_64 ppc64 s390x- kexec-tools.spec: remove /etc/kdump-adv-conf/- update translation files- makedumpfile: default to lzo compression - makedumpfile: add makedumpfile.conf.sample and its manpage- Add rd.memdebug in kdump module - kdumpctl: Avoid leaking fd to subshell - makedumpfile: Understand >= v3.11-rc4 dmesg - makedumpfile, ppc: Support to filter dump for kernels that use CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_VMEMMAP.- makedumpfile: disable mmap()- fix sadump format phys_base calculating error - kdump, x86: Process multiple Crash kernel in /proc/iomem - makedumpfile: wrong cyclic buffer size recalculation causes bitmap data corruption - Fix max_mapnr issue on system has over 44-bit addressing.- strip_comments is not implemented correcty- Back port 2 revert commits - kdump.sysconfig: default to "nofail" mount- Strip inline comments from the kdump config file before use - add common function strip_comments - Introduce for kdump shared functions - kdump.service: Start kdump after network is online and remote fs is mounted - dracut-module-setup: _dev to be a local variable - kdumpctl: Run multiple kdumpctl instances one by one in serial order- remove 98selinux dependency- add do_dump() and error out if dump vmcore fails - setup correct system time and time zone in 2nd kernel. - kernel cmdline: Remove hugepage allocations - Use /lib/dracut/no-emergency-shell to control action on fail - Revert: kdump.sysconfig: Add option action_on_fail and set its default as continue - Redirect kdump script stdout/stderr to /dev/console - add snappy build- add lzo build - makedumpfile: Add vmap_area_list definition for ppc/ppc64. - pull makedumpfile-1.5.4 - mkdumprd: check return value of subshell - mkdumprd: get_persistent_dev() return original dev if no persistent dev exists. - Merge dump_to_rootfs() to dump_fs() - explicitly sync after each dump - Correct wrong weekday of changelog - kexec-tools.spec: Remove incorrect description in changelog- monitor-dd-progress fix - rawdump: only show dd progress bar when core_collector is not makedumpfile - kexec-tools.spec: replaces scriptlets with new systemd macros - umount fs right before kdump exit - recursively umount fs and its submounts - cleanup - using local variable names instead of $1/$2 in functions - name the invalid vmcore to vmcore-incomplete - Output top level information about the kdump progress. - kexec-kdump-howto: Add a section for debugging tips- improve the approach to get a bridged interface list - cleanup - use kdump_get_mac_addr() function - use kernel exported mac address in kdump_get_mac_addr() - use perm addr of slaves to setup bonding network - kdump: Do not output debug messages by default - kdump module depends on drm module - mkdumprd: return error if no write permission on save path of server for ssh- mkdumprd: remove -M option for dracut - kdumpctl: add selinux relabel when service startup - depends on dracut selinux module - umount rootfs after dump_to_rootfs - kdump.sysconfig: append "panic=10" to kdump cmdline - kexec-kdump-howto: grubby is suggested modifing kernel cmdline - kexec-tools.spec: removes kexec udev rules for s390 - kdump.sysconfig: Add option action_on_fail and set its default as continue - Add tab key as delimiter for core_collector in kdump.conf - redirect stdout to stderr- kdump: Save vmcore-dmesg.txt before saving vmcore - Remove "ip=" overwrite to 40ip.conf - Add support for bridge over bond/team/vlan. - Fix bonding options syntax and get all specified options from ifcfg file. - add dracut_args option to kdump.conf - kexec-tools.spec: Add ethtool to dependency. - error out if dump target is encrypted- Delete several patches which have been merged into kexec-tools-2.0.4 - Revert: Release 2.0.3-72 - Release 2.0.3-72 - Pull kexec-tools-2.0.4 - Check if block device as dump target is resettable - mkdumprd: add function perror_exit - Deprecate blacklist option- Remove eppic support on ppc and s390 arch- Change rules related to eppic in kexec-tools.spec- Support for eppic language as a subpackage- tune sysconfig to save memory usage - Remove useless codes related to LOGGER in kdumpctl - kdumpctl:print out the service status - Return to start() function when check_ssh_target failed - use findmnt instead of blkid in mkdumprd - check dump target mounting earlier - kdumpctl: rename function name check_config - add function to check kdump config file - remove UUID/LABEL quotes before using it - Change dump_to_rootfs to be a default option and reboot to be default action - Remove "-F" in CORE_COLLECTOR when dump_to_rootfs- Remove comma which is redundant - Modify codes related to dump dir to make it clearer - Rectify the get_host_ip implementation - Revert: Merge an upstream patch for fix a ppc64 makedumpfile bug with with CONFIG_SPARSEMEM_EXTREME - pull makedumpfile 1.5.3- Spec: remove kdump image when a corresponding kernel is removed - Merge an upstream patch for fix a ppc64 makedumpfile bug- Add support for team devices - Update translation file po/it.po - remove wait for net ok function - add bootdev cmdline param - kdumpnic cmdline file name cleanup- fix issue of exec on stack for ppc32- revert explictly handling of PIPESTATUS - enable pipefail bash option - wrong ssh key fix - build fix: Update 3 po files: po/gu.po po/or.po po/zh_CN.po- Pull translated po files from zanata - Optimize redundent code fetching server of network dump - change the dump dir format to be more readable- firstboot:fix reserve mem ui spinbox step size - handle readonly mounted filesystem- makedumpfile 1.5.1 - Update po tar.gz - Add a notes for zanata process - Add two xmls file for po zanata translation - Cleanup and recreate po files- Enable kdump service after installation - get MEM_RESERVED from sysfs attribute - get_ssh_size: use -n to redirect stdin from /dev/null - add random feeding code for ssh dump - kdump option space checking improvement - kdumpctl: multi dump target checking fix- pull in two upstream patches- improve persistent name handling- Pull vmcore-dmesg patches from vivek - ppc/ppc64: compile purgatory with gcc option msoft-float - Update to support f18 grub2 efi config file - pass persistent name to dracut --device - pass persistent name to dracut --mount - use persistent name in kdump.conf of initramfs - mkdumprd: add function get_persistent_dev - remove useless uuid and label handling- doc fix for mount dump target before mkdumprd - pull makedumpfile 1.5.0- pass raw device as dracut argument - iscsi setup fix - firstboot: add automatic and manual memory reservation for rhel - firstboot: remove unnecessary underline shortkey - firstboot: fix gtk warning about non-zero page size - firstboot: update all kernels config in grubbyCmd - firstboot: add actual reserved memory widget - firstboot code cleanup - rhcrashkernel-param: echo crashkernel=auto for rhel7 - Remove the kernel-kdump handling - s390x firstboot fix - remove elilo support - grub2 fix in firstboot - Take closing the reboot dialog as no - Handle new crashkernel= syntax in firstboot - Fix a localized string in firstboot - Configure kdump in firstboot - fix firstboot to ensure kdump svc is disabled properly - firstboot text domain fix - Update to use systemctl instead of sysv chkconfig - port force_rebuild kdump.conf option - Change return value to indicate the result of dump_raw() correctly. - call dracut function for default shell- refactor net option - use fstab-sys to mount nfs - rename function dump_localfs - dump_localfs error path fix - update kexec-kdump-howto.txt about systemctl commands - ssh propagate alert message fix - remove useless dracut cmdline '-c /dev/null' - remove useless dracut cmdline for kernel-modules and kdumpbase - install core_collector in - install extra_bins in - remove busybox dependency - improve warning message of space checking - do not mount root twice - do not add fstab-sys module in dracut cmdline - omit dash module - network dns config fix - shell exit value fix- Rebuilt for add s390x netdev setup - Add s390x support - Cleanup temp file leaved at /tmp/ - add check_size function for fs dump - add ssh check_size - blacklist patch apply fix - Respect bonding mode - Support dump over vlan tagged bonding- add blacklist option, Resolves: bz805774 - Add kdump_post and kdump_pre support, Resolves: bz805773 - Port check_config from rhel6, Resolves: bz805778 - raw core_collector fix - ssh core_collector fix - cleanup kdump.conf check- cleanup DUMP_INSTRUCTION handling - final reboot behavior fix - dump_rootfs for default target fix - add vlan support - fix and refactor bond handling code - fix and refactor bridge handling code - core_collector doc basic fix - omit plymouth module, Resolves: bz821997 - mkdumprd manpage cleanup manpage - mkdumprd: remove --debug - mkdumprd: remove noconf - makedumprd: remove -d - kdump.conf add sshkey - kdump.conf remove disk_timeout - kdump.conf make path uncommented - kdump.conf.5 add default poweroff - kdump.conf default shell fix - kdump.conf default default action fix - kdump.conf.5 remove module option - kdump.conf remove kdump_pre/kdump_post - kdump.conf: remove link_delay- do_default_action cleanup, Resolves: bz805773 - add rhcrashkernel-param for anaconda use, Resolves: bz707441 - Basic iscsi target dump support (software initiator), Resolves bz822701 - Static ip configuratio support, Resolves: bz822739 - udev rules fix, Resolves: bz808817- remove dracut-files.tgz2- mkdumprd: Start using --hostonly and --add kdumpbase while calling dracut - get_mp function cleanup - move kdump script order to the end of pre pivot - port raw dump from rhel6 - remove multi dump- update dracut-files.tbz2- update ppc64 sysconfig, resolve bug 811449 - deal with nic rename issue, resolve bug 810107 - update x86_64 sysconfig, resolve bug 813711- variable name fix from Dave Young.- get ip addr with getent - spec: depends on dracut-network - Handle net option for nfs in kdump.conf correctly- Bump this version.- Fixup sysytemd service file.- Add ssh dump support, resolve bug 789253.- Pull the latest makedumpfile release, 1.4.2.- Add initial NFS dump support, experimental.- Really upload the dracut module.- Fix various bugs for nfs dump.- cleanup for fstab handling, from Dave Young.- Handle rootfs correctly.- Fix add_dracut_arg in mkdumprd.- Update kdump dracut module with the latest dracut kdump branch.- Update kdump dracut module to use the latest dracut feature.- fix systemd scriptlets- Rename mkdumprd2 to mkdumpramfs.- Add debug_mem_level debugging option, from Jan Stancek. Resolve Bug 731395.- Fix several issues caused by the previous revert.- Switch back to old mkdumprd and also keep the new one.- Fix default action handling.- Install modified kdump.conf in initrd.- Handle lvm in pre-pivot hook.- Fix udev rules in Generate udev rules in Generate udev rules to handle device names.- Fix dump to local filesystem and raw dump.- Depend on dracut-network.- Move dracut module detection code to Use shutdown module of dracut to handle reboot/shutdown/halt.- Wait for loginit.- Use absolute path of reboot/halt/poweroff.- Don't use consolehelper, use real reboot/halt/poweroff.- Rename initrd to initramfs.- Don't depend on busybox, as it doesn't save much space.- Parse default action.- Move path/core_collector/default parsing code to initrd.- Remove obsolete code in kdumpctl.- Support core_collector and extran_bins.- Bypass '-d' option.- Update initramfs infrastructure to make it working with dracut.- Removed sysv init script from package- Added systemd unit file (bz 716994)- Updated to upstream version 2.0.2- Fixed misuse of readlink command after directory change (bz 710744)- Fix some grammer in man page (bz 673817)- Fix misuse of basename in mkdumprd (bz 683769)- Fix build break in purgatory makefile- Remove vestigual emitdms code and call from mkdumprd- Rebuilt for Fixed dhcp retry mechanism (bz 645734)- Rebuilt for gcc bug 634757- fix finding modalias/mkdumprd hang (bz 635893)- recompiling .py files against Python 2.7 (rhbz#623327)- Fix a syntax error in kdump init script- Cosmetic mkdumprd fixes (drop an unused function, streamline another)- Forward-port from F13 - Fixed kernel text area search in kcore (bz 587750)- Massive forward-port from RHEL6 - Update kexec-kdump-howto.txt - Update docs to reflect use of ext4 - Update mkdumprd to pull in all modules needed - Fix mkdumprd typo - Removed universal add of ata_piix from mkdumprd - Fix infinite loop from modprobe changes - Fixed kexec-kdump-howto.doc for RHEL6 - Update makedumpfile to 1.3.5 - Improved mkdumprd run time - Cai's fix for broken regex - Fixing crashkernel syntax parsing - Fix initscript to return proper LSB return codes - Fixed bad call to resolve_dm_name - Added poweroff option to mkdumprd - Fixed readlink issue - Fixed x86_64 page_offset specifictaion - Fixed lvm setup loop to not hang - Added utsname support to makedumpfile for 2.6.32 - Fix critical_disks list to exclude cciss/md - Add help info for -b option - Add ability to handle firmware hotplug events - Update mkdumprd to deal with changes in busybox fsck - Vitaly's fix to detect need for 64 bit elf - Fix major/minor numbers on /dev/rtc - Fix ssh id propogation w/ selinux - Add blacklist feature to kdump.conf - Removed rhpl code from firstboot - Fixed firstboot enable sense - Remove bogus debug comment from mkdumprd. - Handle SPARSEMEM properly - Fix scp monitoring script - Fix firstboot to find grub on EFI systems - Fixed mkdumprd to remove dup insmod - Fixed kdump fsck pause - Fixed kdump option handling - fixed raid5 module detection- Remove nash references from mkdumprd- Fixed spec file error- Adding kdump.conf man page - Adding disk timeout parameter (bz 566135)- Fix raid support in mkdumprd (bz 519767)- Updating firstboot script to RHEL-6 version (bz 539812)- Added abrt infrastructure to kdump init script (bz 533370)- Fixing permissions on dracut module files- Rebuild for translation team (bz 522415)- Fix dracut module check file (bz 522486)- update kdump adv conf init script & dracut module- Remove mkdumprd2 and start replacement with dracut- Rebuilt for Fixed build break- Make makedumpfile a dynamic binary- Fix build issue- Updated initscript to use mkdumprd2 if manifest is present - Updated spec to require dash - Updated sample manifest to point to correct initscript - Updated populate_std_files helper to fix sh symlink- Fixed mkdumprd2 tarball creation- Fix up kdump so it works with latest firstboot- Fixed some stat drive detect bugs by E. Biederman (bz505701)- Put early copy of mkdumprd2 out in the wild (bz 466392)- Update makedumpfile to v 1.3.3 (bz 499849)- Simplifed rootfs mounting code in mkdumprd (bz 494416)- Install the correct configuration for i586- Fix problem with quoted CORE_COLLECTOR string (bz 493707)- Add BR glibc-static- Rebuilt for Rebuild for Python 2.6- adding makedumpfile man page updates (bz 473212)- Rebuild for Python 2.6- Correct source file to use proper lang package (bz 335191)- Fix mkdumprd typo (bz 469001)- Fix sysconfig files to not specify --args-linux on x86 (bz 461615)- Update kexec-tools to latest upstream version- Fix mkdumprd to properly use UUID/LABEL search (bz 455998)- fix license tag- Add video reset section to docs (bz 456572)- Fix mkdumprd to support dynamic busybox (bz 443878)- Added lvm to bin list (bz 443878)- Update to latest makedumpfile from upstream - Mass import of RHEL fixes missing in rawhide- Fix mkdumprd to properly pull in libs for lvm/mdadm (bz 443878)- Fix cmdline length issue- Fixing ARCH definition for bz 438661- Adding patches for bz 438661- Bringing rawhide up to date with bugfixes from RHEL5 - Adding patch to prevent kexec buffer overflow on ppc (bz 428684)- Modifying mkdumprd to include dynamic executibles (bz 433350)- bumping rev number for rebuild- Fix ARCH placement in kdump init script (bz 427201) - Fix BuildRequires - Fix Makedumpfile to build with new libelf- Fix triggerpostun script (bz 308151)- Bumping kexec version to latest horms tree (bz 257201) - Adding trigger to remove initrds when a kernel is removed- Add xen-syms patch to makedumpfile (bz 250341)- Fix ability to determine space on nfs shares (bz 252170)- Update kdump.init to always create sparse files (bz 253714)- Update init script to handle xen kernel cmdlnes (bz 250803)- Update mkdumprd to suppres notifications /rev makedumpfile (bz 250341)- Fix mkdumprd to suppress informative messages (bz 248797)- Updated fr.po translations (bz 248287)- Fix up add_buff to retry locate_hole on segment overlap (bz 247989)- Fix up language files for kexec (bz 246508)- Fixing up initscript for LSB (bz 246967)- Fixed conflict in mkdumprd in use of /mnt (bz 222911)- Fixed kdump.init to properly read cmdline (bz 244649)- Fixed up kdump.init to enforce mode 600 on authorized_keys2 (bz 235986)- Fix alignment of bootargs and device-tree structures on ppc64- Allow ppc to boot ppc64 kernels (bz 235608)- Reduce rmo_top to 0x7c000000 for PS3 (bz 235030)- Fix spec to own kexec_tools directory (bz 219035)- Add fix for ppc memory region computation (bz 233312)- Adding extra check to avoid oom kills on nfs mount failure (bz 215056)- Updating makedumpfile to version 1.1.1 (bz 2223743)- Adding multilanguage infrastructure to firstboot_kdump (bz 223175)- Fixing up file permissions on kdump.conf (bz 228137)- Adding mkdumprd man page to build- Updating kdump.init and mkdumprd with most recent RHEL5 fixes - Fixing BuildReq to require elfutils-devel-static- Fix option parsing problem for bzImage files (bz 221272)- Wholesale update of RHEL5 revisions 55-147- integrate default elf format patch- Taking Viveks x86_64 crashdump patch (rcv. via email)- Taking ia64 tools patch for bz 181358- more doc updates - added patch to fix build break from kernel headers change- repo patch to enable support for relocatable kernels.- rewriting kcp to properly do ssh and scp - updating mkdumprd to use new kcp syntax- Bumping revision number- ppc64 no-more-platform fix- ppc64 fixups: - actually build ppc64 binaries (bug 203407) - correct usage output - avoid segfault in command-line parsing - install kexec man page - use regulation Fedora BuildRoot- fixed typo in mkdumprd for bz 202983 - fixed typo in mkdumprd for bz 203053 - clarified docs in kdump.conf with examples per bz 203015- updated init script to implement status function/scrub err messages- Misc spec cleanups and macro-ifications- Add %dir /var/crash, so default kdump setup works- fix another silly makefile error for makedumpfile- exclude makedumpfile from build on non-x86[_64] arches- exclude makedumpfile from build on non-x86[_64] arches- updating makedumpfile makefile to use pkg-config on glib-2.0- updating makedumpfile makefile to use pkg-config- Removing unneeded deps after Makefile fixup for makedumpfile- fixing up FC6/RHEL5 BuildRequires line to build in brew- enabling makedumpfile in build- added makedumpfile source to package- added et-dyn patch to allow loading of relocatable kernels- fixing up missing patch to kdump.init- add kexec frontend (bz 197695)- rebuild- Buildrequire zlib-devel- Bumping rev number- Add patch to allow ppc64 to ignore args-linux option- fix scriptlet - call chkconfig --add, change the default in the script itself (#183633)- Don't add kdump service by default, let the user manually add it to avoid everyone seeing a warning.- Fix kdump.init to call kexec from its new location- proper requires for scriptlets- Move kexec and kdump binaries to /sbin- Fix argument order when stopping kexec- kdump7.patch o Remove elf32 core headers support for x86_64 o Fix x86 prepare elf core header routine o Fix ppc64 kexec -p failure for gcc 4.10 o Fix few warnings for gcc 4.10 o Add the missing --initrd option for ppc64 o Fix ppc64 persistent root device bug - Remove --elf32-core-headers from default configuration, users may re-add it via KEXEC_ARGS. - Remove obsolete KEXEC_HEADERS- Remove wrong quotes around --command-line in kdump.init- Fix the service stop case. It was previously unloading the wrong kernel. - Implement the "restart" function. - Add the "irqpoll" option as a default kdump kernel commandline parameter. - Create a default kernel command line in the sysconfig file upon rpm install.- rebuilt for new gcc4.1 snapshot and glibc changes- Add patch to enable the kdump binary for x86_64- New kdump patch to support s390 arch + various fixes - Include kdump in x86_64 builds- New kdump patch to support x86_64 userspace- rebuilt for new gcj- Report missing kdump kernel image as warning- Build for x86_64 as well. Kdump support doesn't work there, but users should be able to use kexec.- Add a kdump sysconfig file and init script - Spec file additions for pre/post install/uninstall- Initial prototype for RH/FC5 !"##%&'')**,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdarasbgbnbscacscydadeelenesetfafifrguhehihrhuidisitjakaknkolvmlmrmsnbnlorpaplptptrusiskslsqsrsr@Latnsvtatatetrukvizhzh2.0.15-51.el7_9.12.0.15-51.el7_9.1  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?com_redhat_kdump__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyocommon.pycommon.pyccommon.pyoconstants.pyconstants.pycconstants.pyogui__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyospokes__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyokdump.gladekdump.pykdump.pyckdump.pyoi18n.pyi18n.pyci18n.pyoks__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyokdump.pykdump.pyckdump.pyotui__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyospokes__init__.py__init__.pyc__init__.pyokdump.pykdump.pyckdump.pyokdump.svgkdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-addon.mokdump-anaconda-ad -g -pipe -Wall -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -fexceptions -fstack-protector-strong --param=ssp-buffer-size=4 -grecord-gcc-switches -m64 -mtune=genericcpioxz2x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryemptypython 2.7 byte-compiledPython script, ASCII text executableASCII textXML 1.0 document, ASCII text, with very long linesSVG Scalable Vector Graphics image?7zXZ !#,so] b2u jӫ`( M"rg;ݎe0 ˋٿL+eљ )!3p(0`9F ,g\2  C. 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