copr-frontend-devel-1.201-1.fc39 >t 6 6_(,6btx3!92d LuZLdM uZL(gJ??{(Y.JlѰ<-׶dH&KMl[cI> ?>>FAOKhRf?A[.X40csMzpDڐyOߵhɻ5(?*@?LqUkO@ֽ򋕅B)maVp+WPz5+HB&Jd8@`4]H g==ފz7Bh7{a&'y|juiF ہU>iB'>G3)قrkKz^%9F=-_"ؽ{]*\iP_s`'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!92d LuZLdM uZLeyeb_#Hj3 ='_ug{&# ֒cZ=+ZN^ٞؾ/s֏䱁&'sžb2R/0FJ,SV *cx~2\-rR|5n(埝V@HEљD^K#t"@j 535#ĚB,Zac MVosKT> Ę7~ &e!s[CxuݒFqĘj]ئS")vqײ1{pW)Vt@rrBj=WfZTK\Ȅ$&u[\dnS$;VzA1Bͺp~34t}u9+ʕKnĽB v3˭;q/[QaPҾخ` ;2SV>`>5?5 d # T + :Fjpx     ,@<P(89D:G0XH0lI0X0Y0\0]0^1&b1d3se3xf3}l3t3u3v3w4x4y404L4P4}444Ccopr-frontend-devel1.2011.fc39Development files to build against copr-frontendFiles which allow a build against copr-frontend, currently it's useful to build custom copr-frontend-flavor package.dbuildvm-a64-17.iad2.fedoraproject.orgSFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPL-2.0-or-laterFedora ProjectUnspecified큤ddddd48c78ca8946604e7ff3a5d299d756a731a1b643db1694c6a67170e2458c7e0f7895c714be36a76adb65d9cea05d880a0dcfc12ee0b9df23b9baf7f165a4a7a377098d063681c462ae6cae958cea67de02f0fb61cfad8b9ab3077dc161065870f8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootcopr-frontend-1.201-1.fc39.src.rpmcopr-frontend-develrpm_macro(copr_frontend_chroot_logodir)rpm_macro(copr_frontend_flavor_filelist)rpm_macro(copr_frontend_flavor_generator)rpm_macro(copr_frontend_flavor_pkg)rpm_macro(copr_frontend_staticdir)rpm_macro(copr_frontend_templatedir)@    /usr/bin/bashrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-14.18.92dhdld-bd,@dc=@cc@cEcc)@bbb@bbJb4t@ar@a@aV@aUa&0Pavel Raiskup 1.201-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.200-1Jiri Kyjovsky 1.199-1Jiri Kyjovsky 1.198-1Jiri Kyjovsky 1.197-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.196-1Pavel Raiskup 1.195-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.194-1Pavel Raiskup 1.193-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.192-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.191-1Jiri Kyjovsky 1.190-1Jiri Kyjovsky 1.189-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.188-1Jakub Kadlcik 1.187-1Pavel Raiskup 1.186-1Pavel Raiskup 1.185-1Silvie Chlupova 1.184-1Silvie Chlupova 1.183-1Pavel Raiskup 1.182-1Silvie Chlupova 1.181-1Pavel Raiskup 1.180-1- buildchroot results returned via API can provide epoch==null - skip ExcludeArch and ExclusiveArch for resubmitted builds - added support for OIDC groups - allow specifying fully-qualified Mock bootstrap images - move chroot_to_branch() method to python-copr-common - config-based build-chroot tags, allows using Reslloc "on-demand" resources - relationship between Action model and Copr model added - the 1:1 between (FAS) groups and Copr groups is now enforced - priority=X added to the per-project repo configuration - make the pyp2spec the default PyPI spec generator in Copr - new failed-to-succeeded-stats command - add packages count at homepage (opt-in) - better clone_url matching on webhooks - added redis authentication support - don't list temporary projects on the main homepage - confirmation needed before 'drop-db' is executed- Send follow_fedora_branching value via API - Add support for OIDC - Allow submitting EPEL8 module builds - Show resalloc-webui link in the task queue - Accept the OpenID response as a POST request - OpenAPI first steps - Automatically create aliases for routes with trailing slash - Include the Amazon Linux logo for Amazon Linux chroots - General check if it makes sense to upload SRPM - Add command for generating usage treemap - Frontend: add loggs to python-backoff decorator - APIv3 rpmrepo: provide module_hotfixes opt - Show API config even for not logged users- Bump version for release mess- Don't 500 for KRB5_USER_DENYLIST_PATTERNS=None - Explicitly ask which user checks the permissions - Make sure user can build in the project before uploading - Change the whooshee packages field to IDLIST - Run copr-frontend update-indexes daily- Allow automation (cron) to remove builds - Allow specifying a KRB5 user denylist - Fix broken rubygem rebuild page. - Restrict forking of large projects - Define some copr-specific environment variables - Remove libmodulemd1 dependency - Fix sorting by build time- rawhide_to_release usable index - rawhide_to_release: don't repeatedly query for CoprChroot - rawhide_to_release: avoid sqlalchemy warning - faster rawhide_to_release query - anitya: re-submit already built packages if version is higher - anitya: re-try downloads from datagrepper - anitya: fix joins on the expensive query - anitya: skip also "post" releases - anitya: dump updated packages to log - anitya: skip-pre-release versions earlier - anitya: skip re-building if already being built - assign anityia builds with packages ASAP- anitya: ignore pre-release tarballs sooner - anitya: ignore alpha versions - fix the "Modules:" web-UI form widget - ignore anitya BadRequest rebuild attempts- Don't resubmit anitya builds for pre-release versions - Anytia query using sqlalchemy - Anitya builds handled on background - Pypi anitya buils respects spec generator option - Allow uploading artificial payload in custom webhook - Fix traceback for non-existing tasks - Fix typo in basearch example value - Fix batches race logic by adding locks - wTForms validate function now expect additional parameter - Change order of RPM build logs - Update alembic migration template - Drop the unneeded marshmallow dependency - Fix APIv3 additional_modules CoprChroot option - Customizable group link to FAS - Don't depend on flask-restful - Fix homepage user count - Add command for managing warning banner - More understandable module hotfixes description - Don't let PR builds affect status badges - Add hover for table rows - Frontend: fix a jinja2 traceback when displaying a nonexisting batch - Add openeuler logo - Disable appstream by default - Use SPDX license- fix get-tasks traceback when repos are not set- allow arbitrary creation of :pr: directories - custom repositories with custom webhook - move to GitHub home page - use shlex.quote instead of pipes.quote - add route for a new distgit dispatcher - expand repos for custom SRPM - process external repos for custom build - support LDAP groups for Kerberos users - add version to the bitbucket webhook tag name - loosen the rules of package matching in webhook tags - add optional argument pkg_name to webhooks API - no delay after large SRPM upload - name the import log "import.log" in web-UI - show import log to everyone, not just admin - log webhook calls - cache the queue sizes for one minute - log commands- show timeout in the build detail page - disable Edit button in the project settings when chroot unchecked - fix FTBFS issues for F37/Rawhide - match OS logos by their OS family - show the batch ID (if assigned) in the build detail - add link to /user/repositories/ on the user detail page - stg frontend instance should link to stg FAS instance - add page for exploring projects - remove APIv2 code- Create field for packit_forge_project when creating build- check packit_forge_project option in build_options for builds - add packit_forge_projects_allowed for Copr projects - remove leading and trailing whitespace from StringField- Add support for pyp2spec generator - Add API support for runtime_dependencies - Runtime_dependencies may be separated by a newline - Pagure-events: don't submit builds for disabled projects- Start logging important events - Change logging formatter to show also flask.g.user - APIv3 support for chroot_denylist - Restrict the CoprDir names to :custom: - Don't require trailing slash in APIv3 /package/list - Don't hide CoprDir buttons in Builds web-ui - New command 'copr-frontend chroots-template' - More understandable Pagure badges - Detect ClientDisconnected errors- support for api_3 gssapi login - the /pending-jobs/ is now a streamed page - a bit more optimized /pending-jobs/ route - web-UI: make sure that background builds are more visible - build "is_background" info in the api_3 calls - indicate low priority builds in status overview- added support for resetting fields in chroots over the API - get-chroot - return modules as a list - add a link to comps.xml documentation into the chroot edit form - user-friendly error for devel stack(s) when there is a database problem - optimize the SQL for the /pending/ routes a bit - a new route /pending/all/ giving a rough stats - cache the number of currently processed batches to speedup the overall web-UI - speed-up the models.Batch related routes - don't use redis as a middleman when updating hitcounter stats - use standard backend auth for updating stats - hitcounter: don't return 201 when there is an exception - add API routes for editing module list in chroot- sort chroot-histogram graphs by number of builds - use dist-git method for builds by default - fix size of graphs on status page - limit max number of packages per request - paginate packages list in APIv3 - don't query all packages when empty list is specified - webhook rebuilds are background jobs now - re-enabled chroots should reset final_prunerepo_done - fix import order reported by pylint - print human-readable validation errors in APIv3 - basic build tagging - use new Fedora chroot icon - use official EPEL log for chroot icon - PyLint fixes for - fix ./ script for coverage args - don't insert+commit in create_after event - build PyPI only for python3 by default - describe advanced searching possibilities - limit RubyGems and PyPI package names length - Disable coverage analysis during RPM build - 2029379 - workaround GitHub caching proxy - drop duplicit "group" table join - add "My Projects" button to the homepage - api monitor page to contain pkg_version- ACR toggle - handle NO_VALUE specially too - Fixup ACR handling - "Rebuild All" form to respect chroot denylist - "rebuild all packages" from successful builds - Large project modification timeout fix - Homepage redesign - Speedup BuildChroot removals - Add BuildChroot(s) to Build ASAP if package is known - APIv3 /monitor route - Single before_request hook - Checkpoint measurement helpers - Assure error_handler error is 500 - Handle CoprDir.get_by_copr consistently - Search by attributes using the input value - Print searched string with attributes - Add dropdown with hints for searching - Support searching by attributes and improve searching overall - Openid,login by email: guide user, don't do infinite loop - Conscious language (group blacklist -> denylist) - Conscious language (chroot blacklist -> denylist) - Change prompt from $ to #> in Quick Enable box - Accept admin permissions for Copr build - Explain what fedora-review project is- fixup SubqueryPaginator for older sqlalchemy versions- frontend: better not found message for not existing chroot - frontend: avoid additional query for main_dir.full_name - frontend: add index for combination of and build.copr_id - frontend: move the subquery hack into paginator - frontend: speedup for listing builds via APIv3 - frontend: add a warning about the server-side pagination - frontend: web-ui: paginate monitor page for more than 1000 packages - backend: don't unnecessarily split the web-ui monitor route - frontend: web-ui: sync package list with build list - frontend: web-ui: server-side pagination for too-many-packages - frontend: web-ui: server-side pagination for too-many-builds - frontend: speedup ///builds/ route - frontend: log pending build records only when debugging - frontend: drop LegacyApiError exception - frontend: remove all APIv1 code - Add API entrypoint for regenerating repos - frontend: fix rawhide_to_release/brach_fedora commands- use the same repofile for all Fedora versions including Rawhide - don't traceback for "module exists" error - fixup logging of info messages - don't depend on python-six, drop __future__ imports - move package non-denylisted chroots to general information - show more of general package information on package detail page - update main.ini and rpkg.conf.j2 for rpkg 3.0 compatibility - make template caching configurable - log basic request information for each traceback - do not cache last build badge - drop user proxy concept, we don't use it - generate webhook secrets using APIv31.201-1.fc39macros.coprfrontendcopr-flavor-filelistgenerate_colorschemecopr-frontend-develLICENSE/usr/lib/rpm/macros.d//usr/share/copr//usr/share/copr/coprs_frontend//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/copr-frontend-devel/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executabledirectoryPPPPPPR (/h %-R7icde;';$6Z{s;ݥyt@uY27Yn/_p$,$D$"EJ"  DIQ "/c4Ʉ)~AG:uybXBWS2|뜉/KL>tl"g)wzcZRhȁ~sY}zs 9wںUnHTP U.4e{hdBAeb@: Z!@?>} ĸK5uNJ,L%@i }=ED\qs̙ E@q;sm9PPL|РIL&MBP~UmZND<#<-#bJ< :\viWSN OBиyJJncjXDXh'֭u[QHXq.vWȞd+s@_m3J qv,^ӊz#!䐞 qe [?`g7ʑXd q[8eE 9Af[#vPb˽wl=Y2gB֫|9Msq`m^9e3q<+Aacvݲo+V$ +6퀁nzuԗ` aHz9C/;gC#m\(B6604($$ PByd4"i2  1udjPf Q2(LJDA/uMQapX<,L Q %uLAYLHE984G,PIcЩepx\>"Q<*2F)sxHECi(AA600vh2<80,Dj AM eX lh H BL#u(flf#P j$Mpiij:& .H:q@::$PL e@S&fd( a"\0:mhtxH(Hb}q={?ϧEƹ20k~gzկ7Ŀ*֗Wc{C)Ua-rd? ,sf ^ҩFI*@@c@ "8sZ'JLLF# 0pt K"Tr|u-Ѯ/>pm|E@SrA#;HA^hmxxL)|F7fQ$4FodYIޘ-C5L)ۏIg]<&>$O<9^s֊XO. pSta^-8}9mTIO[.e@9?*P"]܎ѧl7 p%[L1ӪX-Mkp[Hk5R/nP7G]vԙHЯW+#&n^,n'7hI 33`Qctǃt\gXua@ɮ }UK1Xx/U0;-,hȠLoJfUvYLJp#&><λGSsV:ěpy2zݥec~ 4q H3'o"P"}|nTյTbl='wC-Pww`D >'Ӝƅxgs,8}L=`t,abLR)|oXbFqb`T قiH}*p_\#p:+\/L. z_r>QD HTڶ\x,vR3*he^ H}(dMzLhҺ kd0 [ douDL>Qme2ۑ\o}թ+sF̨G2"fI|k2>xM,؝N!E*?bzlA z5&{`#K#?|%/YopFܻ,vl-1`& Wf~ò(Ķt]">zCL*a}yŅ%悫GߠczXǹ)/tI`pR#7=Jueհ*s4 ¤!B9 tT04~_'蛖ȹg˾ YE/Fɬp(at ^u fw'pY(HT'ڔIua iHˉH_G% . ?ppهNAg5)JyFul ŴFl{#m"EZ)Lc(+ԟ\3rжݡ_vODA~#]hPRwtp! 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