glibc-langpack-th-2.38-7.fc39 #># 6 6_ $6Zlp 3!92d LuZLe  uZL.3%}Nbٕ )B@ϡȐ#Γ%[<{`A()Ir)KZ09Me?-MFg1w(zF=f0JG7pRrjTbsz,Zd"l]}yh3fkd ~50;]}O 9yHpOcI1R“O"Js_H FBGke'8|bK$]h1SGG{lxE%4Gzl:!b᭓ !#ksM6J%h|lGAVμ>y{Gdڃ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!92d LuZLe  uZLӏFL7+q${nQ0HP6(d6*LtCzU}FqdF>3?Q8>W; ^ ,K^3ff}G̼X!Q~E|zDW"/،RƉGMF`"ׁ09VE޽8*Pv}#a֏1zh"k,&]ћdiqiڙ/"UU]f l^o?=!-(\$y)ỊrrԝCH?VK}S ,$- y YJ12C;9]4:{a{LٔQL{DeUj&Kj-wP*tqQT|\>iHG>Ae~ScLo4$è^}c6,e45[XbXt`}u hrD>A<?bL~:*N!<\k3X&LëY f{%)h>`> U? Ed  5 D ~  ,    8  =   \   I( 8 69 h6:6GHTIXY\]^b od 6e ;f @l Ct \u v D P T y      Cglibc-langpack-th2.387.fc39Locale data for ThaiThe glibc-langpack-th package includes the basic information required to support the Thai language in your applications.ebuildvm-a64-29.iad2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPLv2+ and LGPLv2+ with exceptions and GPLv2+ and GPLv2+ with exceptions and BSD and Inner-Net and ISC and Public Domain and GFDLFedora ProjectUnspecified"k6": A O8$<AAA큤A큤A큤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../C.utf8/LC_CTYPErootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootglibc-2.38-7.fc39.src.rpmglibc-langpackglibc-langpack-thglibc-langpack-th(aarch-64)     glibcglibc-commonrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)rpmlib(RichDependencies)2.38-7.fc392.38-7.fc393.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-14.12.0-14.19.0ee@e@d@d@dddǢ@d@d@dD@dd ddq@d}@dx@dcp@dZ5dGdFo@dA)@d&@d@dc>@c`cHccc0cƍcc@cFcR@cc@ccr-clch@cZrcMCc:c-c!@c pcc cob)b5@bc@Florian Weimer - 2.38-7Arjun Shankar - 2.38-6Arjun Shankar - 2.38-5Florian Weimer - 2.38-4Arjun Shankar - 2.38-3Siddhesh Poyarekar - 2.38-2Florian Weimer - 2.38-1Patsy Griffin - 2.37.9000-20DJ Delorie - 2.37.9000-19Fedora Release Engineering - 2.37.9000-18Arjun Shankar - 2.37.9000-17Frédéric Bérat - 2.37.9000-16Carlos O'Donell - 2.37.9000-15Siddhesh Poyarekar - 2.37.9000-14Arjun Shankar - 2.37.9000-13Arjun Shankar - 2.37.9000-12Patsy Griffin - 2.37.9000-11Carlos O'Donell - 2.37.9000-10Arjun Shankar - 2.37.9000-9Patsy Griffin - 2.37.9000-8Florian Weimer - 2.37.9000-7Florian Weimer - 2.37.9000-6Arjun Shankar - 2.37.9000-5Florian Weimer - 2.37.9000-4DJ Delorie - 2.37.9000-3Carlos O'Donell - 2.37.9000-2Arjun Shankar - 2.37.9000-1Carlos O'Donell - 2.37-1Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-25Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-24Fedora Release Engineering - 2.36.9000-23Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-22Patsy Griffin - 2.36.9000-21Arjun Shankar - 2.36.9000-20Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-19Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-18DJ Delorie - 2.36.9000-17Arjun Shankar - 2.36.9000-16Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-15Arjun Shankar - 2.36.9000-14Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-13DJ Delorie - 2.36.9000-12Patsy Griffin - 2.36.9000-11Carlos O'Donell - 2.36.9000-10DJ Delorie - 2.36.9000-9Patsy Griffin - 2.36.9000-8Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-7Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-6Arjun Shankar - 2.36.9000-5DJ Delorie - 2.36.9000-4Arjun Shankar - 2.36.9000-3Patsy Griffin - 2.36.9000-2Florian Weimer - 2.36.9000-1Carlos O'Donell - 2.36-1- Revert ELF destructor ordering changes (#2239304)- Auto-sync with upstream branch release/2.38/master, 750a45a783906a19591fb8ff6b7841470f1f5701: - tunables: Terminate if end of input is reached (CVE-2023-4911) - Propagate GLIBC_TUNABLES in setxid binaries- Auto-sync with upstream branch release/2.38/master, f6445dc94da185b3d1ee283f0ca0a34c4e1986cc: - Document CVE-2023-4806 and CVE-2023-5156 in NEWS - Fix leak in getaddrinfo introduced by the fix for CVE-2023-4806 [BZ #30843] - manual/jobs.texi: Add missing @item EPERM for getpgid - string: Fix tester build with fortify enable with gcc < 12 - iconv: restore verbosity with unrecognized encoding names (bug 30694) - getaddrinfo: Fix use after free in getcanonname (CVE-2023-4806) - CVE-2023-4527: Stack read overflow with large TCP responses in no-aaaa mode- Auto-sync with upstream branch release/2.38/master, commit 89da8bc588c2296252543b049bf6d9272321f90d: - elf: Move l_init_called_next to old place of l_text_end in link map - elf: Remove unused l_text_end field from struct link_map - elf: Always call destructors in reverse constructor order (bug 30785) - elf: Do not run constructors for proxy objects - libio: Fix oversized __io_vtables - io: Fix record locking contants for powerpc64 with __USE_FILE_OFFSET64 - sysdeps: tst-bz21269: fix -Wreturn-type - sysdeps: tst-bz21269: handle ENOSYS & skip appropriately - sysdeps: tst-bz21269: fix test parameter- Auto-sync with upstream branch release/2.38/master, commit 2af141bda3cd407abd4bedf615f9e45fe79518e2. - malloc: Remove bin scanning from memalign (bug 30723) - malloc: Enable merging of remainders in memalign (bug 30723) - i686: Fix build with --disable-multiarch - x86_64: Fix build with --disable-multiarch (BZ 30721) - x86: Fix incorrect scope of setting `shared_per_thread` [BZ# 30745] - nscd: Do not rebuild getaddrinfo (bug 30709) - x86: Fix for cache computation on AMD legacy cpus. - stdlib: Improve tst-realpath compatibility with source fortification- Drop downstream glibc shadow stack userspace support patches.- Switch to upstream 2.38 release - : Add APX support - translations: update cs, nl, vi - string: Fix tester build with fortify enable with gcc 6 - linux: Fix i686 with gcc6 - i386: Remove memset_chk-nonshared.S - i386: Fix build with --enable-fortify=3 - posix: Fix test-errno build with fortify enable - powerpc: Fix powerpc64 strchrnul build with old gcc - sunrpc: Fix netname build with older gcc - malloc: Fix set-freeres.c with gcc 6 - nscd: cleanup obsolete _FORTIFY_SOURCE setting- Allow for the optional removal of tzdata. - Rebuilt for Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 637aac2ae3980de31a6baab236a9255fe853cc76. - Include sys/rseq.h in tst-rseq-disable.c - string: Fix tester with fortify enabled - string: Fix bug-strncat1 with fortify enabled - nscd: Use errval, not errno to guide cache update (bug 30662) - Restore lookup of IPv4 mapped addresses in files database (bug 25457) - Revert "MIPS: Sync elf.h from binutils" - riscv: Update rvd libm test ulps - MIPS: Sync elf.h from binutils - Merge translations (bg, hr, pl, sv) - nptl: Unconditionally use a 32-byte rseq area - hurd: Fix tst-openloc - scripts: Fix fortify checks if compiler does not support _FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 - configure: Disable building libcrypt by default - nptl: Make explicitly lazy - make ‘struct pthread’ a complete type - scripts: Add fortify checks on installed headers - Update x86_64 libm-test-ulps (x32 ABI) - Fix getting return address in elf/tst-audit28.c. - [PATCH v1] x86: Use `3/4*sizeof(per-thread-L3)` as low bound for NT threshold. - x86: Fix slight bug in `shared_per_thread` cache size calculation. - Update i686 libm-test-ulps (again) - Update i686 libm-test-ulps - Merge translations (de, ro, uk, zh_TW) - Regenerate libc.pot - configure: Use autoconf 2.71 - Update sparc libm-test-ulps - s390: Add the clone3 wrapper - manual: Fix typos in struct dl_find_object - sparc: Fix la_symbind for bind-now (BZ 23734) - i386: make debug wrappers compatible with static PIE - LoongArch: Fix soft-float bug about _dl_runtime_resolve{,lsx,lasx}- Rebuilt for Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 7f079fdc16e88ebb8020e17b2fd900e8924da29a: - LoongArch: Add vector implementation for _dl_runtime_resolve. - LoongArch: config: Added HAVE_LOONGARCH_VEC_ASM. - sysdeps: Add missing hidden definitions for i386 - sysdeps/s390: Exclude fortified routines from being built with _FORTIFY_SOURCE - Translations: Add new ro support and update others. - elf: _dl_find_object may return 1 during early startup (bug 30515) - LoongArch: config: Rewrite check on static PIE. - Revert "hppa: Drop 16-byte pthread lock alignment" - realloc: Limit chunk reuse to only growing requests [BZ #30579] - vfscanf-internal: Remove potentially unbounded allocas- Add "--enable-fortify-source" option to configure - Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 5324d258427fd11ca0f4f595c94016e568b26d6b. - fileops: Don't process ,ccs= as individual mode flags (BZ#18906) - sysdeps/ieee754/ldbl-128ibm-compat: Fix warn unused result - libio/bits/stdio2-decl.h: Avoid PLT entries with _FORTIFY_SOURCE - libio/bits/stdio2.h: Clearly separate declaration from definitions - misc/bits/syslog.h: Clearly separate declaration from definition - misc/bits/select2.h: Clearly separate declaration from definitions - unistd: Avoid PLT entries with _FORTIFY_SOURCE - posix/bits/unistd.h: Clearly separate declaration from definitions - wchar: Avoid PLT entries with _FORTIFY_SOURCE - misc/sys/cdefs.h: Create FORTIFY redirects for internal calls - stdio: Ensure *_chk routines have their hidden builtin definition available - string: Ensure *_chk routines have their hidden builtin definition available - sysdeps: Ensure ieee128*_chk routines to be properly named - Exclude routines from fortification - Allow glibc to be built with _FORTIFY_SOURCE - manual: Update documentation of strerror and related functions - manual: Enhance documentation of the functions - Always do locking when accessing streams (bug 15142, bug 14697) - hurd: Implement MAP_EXCL - hurd: Fix mapping at address 0 with MAP_FIXED - hurd: Fix calling vm_deallocate (NULL) - hurd: Map brk non-executable - htl: Let Mach place thread stacks - mach: strerror must not return NULL (bug 30555) - hppa: xfail debug/tst-ssp-1 when have-ssp is yes (gcc-12 and later) - support: Build with exceptions and asynchronous unwind tables [BZ #30587] - hurd: Make getrandom return ENOSYS when /dev/random is not set up - Stop applying a GCC-specific workaround on clang [BZ #30550] - Always use MAP_COPY to map the first segment [BZ #30452] - setenv.c: Get rid of alloca. - Add checks for wday, yday and new date formats - aarch64: Add vector implementations of exp routines - aarch64: Add vector implementations of log routines - aarch64: Add vector implementations of sin routines - aarch64: Add vector implementations of cos routines - Switch to UTF-8 for INSTALL - Make sure INSTALL is ASCII plaintext - Update syscall lists for Linux 6.4- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit d35fbd3e684e6bb5e5ec452ad8dac6ada8424bdd: - linux: Return unsupported if procfs can not be mount on tst-ttyname-namespace - linux: Split tst-ttyname - Use Linux 6.4 in - x86: Adjust Linux x32 dl-cache inclusion path - elf: Update list of RISC-V relocations - Fix tests-clean Makefile target (bug 30545) - check_native: Get rid of alloca - ifaddrs: Get rid of alloca - x86: Make dl-cache.h and readelflib.c not Linux-specific - elf: Port ldconfig away from stack-allocated paths - Call "CST" a time zone abbreviation, not a name - benchtests: fix warn unused result - sysdeps/powerpc/fpu/tst-setcontext-fpscr.c: Fix warn unused result - rt/tst-mqueue4.c: Fix wrong number of argument for mq_open - debug/readlink{, at}_chk.c: Harmonize declaration and definition - wcsmbs/bits/wchar2{, -decl}.h: Clearly separate declaration from definitions - stdio-common: tests: Incorrect maxlen parameter for swprintf - sysdeps/{i386, x86_64}/mempcpy_chk.S: fix linknamespace for __mempcpy_chk - hurd: readv: Get rid of alloca - hurd: writev: Add back cleanup handler - Fix misspellings -- BZ 25337 - C2x scanf %b support - C2x printf %wN, %wfN support (bug 24466) - tests: replace system by xsystem - tests: replace read by xread - hurd: writev: Get rid of alloca - grantpt: Get rid of alloca - string: strerror must not return NULL (bug 30555) - hurd: Add strlcpy, strlcat, wcslcpy, wcslcat to libc.abilist - manual: Manual update for strlcat, strlcpy, wcslcat, wclscpy - Add the wcslcpy, wcslcat functions - Implement strlcpy and strlcat [BZ #178] - tests: replace fgets by xfgets - tests: replace fread by xfread - posix: Add test case for gai_strerror() - posix: Handle success in gai_strerror() - LoongArch: Add support for dl_runtime_profile - malloc: Decrease resource usage for malloc tests - stdlib: Tune down fork arc4random tests - tst-getdate: Improve testcase flexibility and add test. - x86: Make the divisor in setting `non_temporal_threshold` cpu specific - x86: Refactor Intel `init_cpu_features` - x86: Increase `non_temporal_threshold` to roughly `sizeof_L3 / 4` - Remove unused DATEMSK file for tst-getdate - resolv_conf: release lock on allocation failure (bug 30527)- Shadow stack userspace support, downstream only and disabled by default.- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 85e6d8b4175fcb195011a0a1bad37d6f3b2355db: - time: Fix use-after-free in getdate - Move {read,write}_all functions to a dedicated header - tests: Replace various function calls with their x variant - tests: fix warn unused result on asprintf calls - pthreads: Use _exit to terminate the tst-stdio1 test - support: Add delayed__exit (with two underscores)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit e3622a8f391deea3b75a577dce70d023dfa3f1c7. - time: Also check for EPERM while trying to clock_settime - linux: Fail as unsupported if personality call is filtered - Remove MAP_VARIABLE from hppa bits/mman.h - hurd: Fix x86_64 sigreturn restoring bogus reply_port - Add lint-makefiles Makefile linting test. - elf: Sort Makefile variables. - Fix a few more typos I missed in previous round -- BZ 25337 - Fix all the remaining misspellings -- BZ 25337 - Use __nonnull for the epoll_wait(2) family of syscalls - Fix invalid use of NULL in epoll_pwait2(2) test - getipv4sourcefilter: Get rid of alloca - getsourcefilter: Get rid of alloca. - tests: fix warn unused results - nptl_db/thread_dbP.h: fix warn unused result - malloc/{memusage.c, memusagestat.c}: fix warn unused result - catgets/gencat.c: fix warn unused result - tests: replace ftruncate by xftruncate - tests: replace write by xwrite - x86-64: Use YMM registers in memcmpeq-evex.S- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 6286cca2cb8389dcffec39238a8bf15ffea96396. - support: Don't fail on fchown when spawning sgid processes - io: Fix F_GETLK, F_SETLK, and F_SETLKW for powerpc64 - elf: Remove spurios SHARED conditional from elf/rtld.c - Fix misspellings in sysdeps/ -- BZ 25337 - io: Fix record locking contants on 32 bit arch with 64 bit default time_t (BZ#30477) - io: Re-flow and sort multiline Makefile definitions - elf: Make more functions available for binding during dlclose (bug 30425) - LoongArch: Fix inconsistency in SHMLBA macro values between glibc and kernel - Fix misspellings in elf/ -- BZ 25337 - riscv: Add the clone3 wrapper - posix: Add error message for EAI_OVERFLOW - setsourcefilter: Replace alloca with a scratch_buffer. - time: strftime_l: Avoid an unbounded alloca. - x86: Use 64MB as nt-store threshold if no cacheinfo [BZ #30429] - hurd: Fix setting up signal thread stack alignment - mach: Fix startup with stack protector - Fix misspellings in manual/ -- BZ 25337 - Fix misspellings in iconv/ and iconvdata/ -- BZ 25337 - Add MFD_NOEXEC_SEAL, MFD_EXEC from Linux 6.3 to bits/mman-shared.h - Add IP_LOCAL_PORT_RANGE from Linux 6.3 to bits/in.h - Add AT_RSEQ_* from Linux 6.3 to elf.h - setipv4sourcefilter: Avoid using alloca. - wchar: Define va_list for POSIX (BZ #30035) - elf: add test for dl-printf - elf: fix handling of negative numbers in dl-printf - elf: Update comment in open_path - elf: Add test for locating libraries in root dir (bug 30435) - io: Re-flow and sort multiline Makefile definitions - Fix special case for C2x strtol binary constant handling (BZ# 30371) - rtld: properly handle root directory in load path (bug 30435) - sysdeps/pthread/eintr.c: fix warn unused result - sunrpc/netname.c: fix warn unused result - locale/programs/locarchive.c: fix warn unused result - support: Reformat Makefile. - Regenerate configure fragment -- BZ 25337. - Fix misspellings in sysdeps/powerpc -- BZ 25337 - Fix misspellings in sysdeps/unix -- BZ 25337 - Fix misspellings in sysdeps/x86_64 -- BZ 25337. - mach: Fix accessing mach_i386.h - Fix misspellings in sysdeps/x86_64/fpu/multiarch -- BZ 25337. - mach: Fix installing mach_i386.h - hurd: Fix making run static binaries with retry - Add voice-admit DSCP code point from RFC-5865 - mach: Fix mach_setup_thread_impl with NULL stack_base - Remove last remnants of have-protected - S390: Use compile-only instead of also link-tests in configure. - Fix build for hurd/thread-self.c for i386. - io: Fix a typo - htl: Use __hurd_fail () instead of assigning errno - hurd: Use __hurd_fail () instead of assigning errno - powerpc:GCC(<10) doesn't allow -mlong-double-64 after -mabi=ieeelongdouble - hurd: Fix using interposable hurd_thread_self - hurd 64bit: Re-introduce gai_suspend symbol - hurd: Fix __TIMESIZE on x86_64 - posix: Reformat Makefile. - hurd: Fix expected c++ types - catgets: Reformat Makefile. - benchtests: Reformat Makefile. - assert: Reformat Makefile. - nptl: Reformat Makefile. - wcsmbs: Reformat Makefile. - misc: Reformat Makefile. - stdio-common: Adjust tests in Makefile - elf: Adjust tests in Makefile. - scripts: - Add a - Add HWCAP2_SME* from Linux 6.3 to AArch64 bits/hwcap.h - hurd: Also make it possible to call strlen very early - hurd: Fix setting up pthreads - hurd: Fix x86_64 _hurd_tls_fork - hurd: Make sure to not use tcb->self - hurd: Use __mach_setup_thread_call () - mach: Add __mach_setup_thread_call () - hurd: Use MACHINE_THREAD_STATE_SETUP_CALL - mach: Define MACHINE_THREAD_STATE_SETUP_CALL - Use TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT when calling task_info with TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO - argp: Reformat Makefile. - stdlib: Avoid undefined behavior in stdlib/tst-labs - stdlib: Use long long int in stdlib/tst-llabs - Update kernel version to 6.3 in header constant tests - i386: Use pthread_barrier for synchronization on tst-bz21269 - stdlib: Add testcases for llabs(). (BZ #30263) - stdlib: Add testcases for labs(). (BZ #30263) - stdlib: Add testcases for abs(). (BZ #30263) - hurd: Fix computing user stack pointer - hurd: Fix sc_i386_thread_state layout - hurd: Align signal stack pointer after allocating stackframe - hurd: Fix aligning signal stack pointer- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 40b68e8cc00ca40348bc084b651c0561d31feb46: - wcsmbs: Reformat Makefile. - linux: Reformat Makefile. - stdlib: Reformat Makefile. - stdio-common: Reformat Makefile. - socket: Reformat Makefile. - misc: Reformat Makefile. - debug: Reformat Makefile. - elf: Reformat Makefile. - libio: Add __nonnull for FILE * arguments of fclose and freopen - nss: Reconcile conditional declaration and use of `is_nscd' - Update syscall lists for Linux 6.3 - hurd: rule out some mach headers when generating errno.h - Stop checking if MiG supports retcode. - Added Redirects to longdouble error functions [BZ #29033] - nptl: Reformat Makefile. - scripts: Add to sort Makefile variables. - dlopen: skip debugger notification for DSO loaded from sprof (bug 30258)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit d1417176a35d27ffb8da0ffb1e33154163b6eeb2: - aligned_alloc: conform to C17 - testsuite: stdlib/isomac.c: fix REQUIREMENTS - manual: Remove unsupported line breaks in waiting-with-clock section - Enable new device_open_new RPC in libmachuser. - Revert "riscv: Resolve symbols directly for symbols with STO_RISCV_VARIANT_CC." - Update hurd/hurdselect.c to be more portable. - hurd: Fix name - hurd: Add ioperm symbol on x86_64 - time: Remove alloca() from getdate - aarch64: More configure checks for libmvec - aarch64: SVE ACLE configure test cleanups - hppa: Fix 'concurrency' typo in comment - Update hurd/intr-msg.c to be more portable - Update sysdeps/mach/hurd/ioctl.c to make it more portable - aarch64: fix SVE ACLE check for bootstrap glibc builds - Enable libmvec support for AArch64 - hurd: Enable x86_64 build script - hurd 64bit: Make dev_t word type - malloc: Really fix tst-memalign-3 link against threads - malloc: Fix tst-memalign-3 link against threads - Use GCC 13 branch, Linux 6.3 in - Mark various cold functions as __COLD - Fix regex type usage - hurd 64bit: Fix struct msqid_ds and shmid_ds fields - hurd 64bit: Fix ipc_perm fields types - hurd 64bit: Fix flock fields types - hurd 64bit: Add data for check-c++-types - hurd 64bit: Fix pthread_t/thread_t type to long - socket: Fix tst-cmsghdr-skeleton.c use of cmsg_len - hurd 64bit: Add missing data file for check-localplt test - hurd 64bit: Add missing libanl - hurd: Also XFAIL missing SA_NOCLDWAIT on 64bit - hurd: Fix tst-writev test - nptl: move tst-x86-64-tls-1 to nptl-only tests - hurd: Add expected abilist files for x86_64 - hurd: Replace reply port with a dead name on failed interruption - Define __mig_strlen to support dynamically sized strings in hurd RPCs - mach: Disable 32bit compatibility mode - hurd: Make it possible to call memcpy very early - hurd: Implement longjmp for x86_64 - hurd: Implement sigreturn for x86_64 - Make __mach_msg_destroy portable for x86_64 - hurd: Mark error functions as __COLD - cdefs.h: Define __COLD - hurd: Fix FS_RETRY_MAGICAL "machtype" handling - hurd: Respect existing FD_CLOEXEC in S_msg_set_fd - hurd: Don't leak the auth port in msg* RPCs - hurd: Make _exit work during early boot-up - hurd: Mark various conditions as unlikely - hurd: Move libc_hidden_def's around - hurd: Simplify _hurd_critical_section_lock a bit - __check_pf: Add a cancellation cleanup handler [BZ #20975] - Remap __GLIBC_FLT_EVAL_METHOD to 0 if __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__ is -1 - riscv: Resolve symbols directly for symbols with STO_RISCV_VARIANT_CC. - elf.h: add PT_GNU_SFRAME - Fix Hurd getcwd build with GCC >= 13 - Regenerate sysdeps/mach/hurd/bits/errno.h - locale/programs/locarchive.c: Remove unnecessary check in add_locale_archive - manual: document posix_openpt (bug 17010) - if_index: Remove unneeded alloca.h include - gethostid: Do not include alloca.h- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 904b94c07af84b7e4c98de3bbb822ccffcaf8c40. - socket: Add a test for MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC - hurd: Do not take any flag from the CMSG_DATA - hurd: Implement MSG_CMSG_CLOEXEC - hurd: Don't pass FD_CLOEXEC in CMSG_DATA - hurd: Implement prefer_map_32bit_exec tunable - hurd: Don't attempt to deallocate MACH_PORT_DEAD - hurd: Only deallocate addrport when it's valid - hurd: Implement MAP_32BIT - Use O_CLOEXEC in more places (BZ #15722) - misc: Convert daemon () to GNU coding style - wcsmbs: Add wcsdup() tests. (BZ #30266) - string: Add tests for strndup (BZ #30266) - string: Add tests for strdup (BZ #30266) - string: Allow use of test-string.h for non-ifunc implementations. - hurd: Don't migrate reply port into __init1_tcbhead - hurd: Make dl-sysdep's open () cope with O_IGNORE_CTTY - Created tunable to force small pages on stack allocation. - malloc: Add missing shared thread library flags - linux: Re-flow and sort multiline Makefile definitions - posix: Re-flow and sort multiline Makefile definitions- Explicitly provide ldconfig paths (#2188550)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 65cbd52174f5bc211dd655727c2239e25e55bfce: - --disable-gcov for gcc-first - malloc: set NON_MAIN_ARENA flag for reclaimed memalign chunk (BZ #30101) - rcmd.c: Fix indentation in last commit - inet/rcmd.c: fix warn unused result - wcsmbs: Re-flow and sort routines, tests variables in Makefile - debug: Re-flow and sort routines variable in Makefile - math: Improve fmod(f) performance - Benchtests: Adjust timing - malloc: Assure that THP mode read do write OOB end of stringt - malloc: Assure that THP mode is always null terminated - aio: Fix freeing memory - elf: Stop including tls.h in ldsodefs.h - manual: update AddressSanitizer discussion - manual: document snprintf truncation better - manual: improve string section wording - manual: fix texinfo typo - : Make fopencookie, vasprintf, asprintf available by default - : Make strchrnul, strcasestr, memmem available by default - : Add PREFETCHI support - : Add AMX-COMPLEX support - : Add AVX-NE-CONVERT support - : Add AVX-VNNI-INT8 support - : Add MSRLIST support - : Add AVX-IFMA support - : Add AMX-FP16 support - : Add WRMSRNS support - : Add ArchPerfmonExt support - : Add CMPCCXADD support - : Add LASS support - : Add RAO-INT support - : Add LBR support - : Add RTM_FORCE_ABORT support - : Add SGX-KEYS support - : Add BUS_LOCK_DETECT support - : Add LA57 support - platform.texi: Move LAM after LAHF64_SAHF64 - : Rename to x86_cpu_INDEX_7_ECX_15 - hppa: Update struct __pthread_rwlock_arch_t comment. - hppa: Revise __TIMESIZE define to use __WORDSIZE - libio: Remove unused pragma weak on vtable - malloc: Only set pragma weak for rpc freemem if required - : Add --gmean flag - x86/dl-cacheinfo: remove unsused parameter from handle_amd - powerpc: Disable stack protector in early static initialization - nptl: Fix tst-cancel30 on sparc64 - math: Remove the error handling wrapper from fmod and fmodf - math: Improve fmodf - math: Improve fmod - benchtests: Add fmodf benchmark - benchtests: Add fmod benchmark - x86: Set FSGSBASE to active if enabled by kernel - x86_64: Fix asm constraints in feraiseexcept (bug 30305) - manual: Document __wur usage under _FORTIFY_SOURCE - x86_64: Add rtld-stpncpy & rtld-strncpy - stdio-common: Fix building when !IS_IN (libc) - time: Fix strftime(3) API regarding nullability - Update arm libm-tests-ulps - getlogin_r: fix missing fallback if loginuid is unset (bug 30235) - memalign: Support scanning for aligned chunks. - malloc: Use C11 atomics on memusage - Remove --enable-tunables configure option - Remove --disable-experimental-malloc option- Apply glibc-disable-werror-tst-realloc.patch to disable spurious GCC warning; and - Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 885d3cda907d0dee54b13cbbf61b040c9951d5a2: - Allow building with --disable-nscd again - system: Add "--" after "-c" for sh (BZ #28519) - posix: Fix some crashes in wordexp [BZ #18096] - LoongArch: ldconfig: Add comments for using EF_LARCH_OBJABI_V1 - elf: Take into account ${sysconfdir} in elf/ - Fix tst-glibc-hwcaps-prepend-cache with custom configure prefix value - Fix tst-ldconfig-ld_so_conf-update with custom configure prefix value - support: introduce support_sysconfdir_prefix - Remove set-hooks.h from generic includes - Remove --with-default-link configure option - libio: Remove the usage of __libc_IO_vtables - libio: Do not autogenerate stdio_lim.h - Move libc_freeres_ptrs and libc_subfreeres to hidden/weak functions - benchtests: Move libmvec benchtest inputs to benchtests directory - stdio-common: tests: don't double-define _FORTIFY_SOURCE - LoongArch: ldconfig: Ignore EF_LARCH_OBJABI_V1 in shared objects - _dl_map_object_from_fd: Remove unnecessary debugger notification in error path - hppa: Drop 16-byte pthread lock alignment - Minor: don't call _dl_debug_update (which can have side effects) inside assert - x86: Don't check PREFETCHWT1 in tst-cpu-features-cpuinfo.c - Declare wcstofN, wcstofNx for C2x - Update printf %b/%B C2x support - ARC: run child from the separate start block in __clone - ARC: Add the clone3 wrapper- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 90233f113cc941ef88ce03b7f73221a964dcaca8: - LoongArch: Add get_rounding_mode. - LoongArch: Add support for ldconfig. - linux: fix ntp_gettime abi break (BZ# 30156) - elf: Add missing dependency between resolvfail and - elf: Add -z lazy to some more tests - Benchtests: Remove simple_str(r)chr - Benchtests: Remove simple_str(n)casecmp - Benchtests: Remove simple_memcmp - Benchtests: Remove simple_strcspn/strpbrk/strsep - Benchtests: Remove memchr_strnlen - Benchtests: Remove simple_mem(r)chr - Benchtests: Remove simple_strcpy_chk - Benchtests: Remove simple_str(n)cmp - malloc: Fix transposed arguments in sysmalloc_mmap_fallback call - rt: fix shm_open not set ENAMETOOLONG when name exceeds {_POSIX_PATH_MAX} - posix: Ensure the initial signal disposition for tst-spawn7 - hurd: fix build of tst-system.c - x86: Fix bug about glibc.cpu.hwcaps. - posix: Fix system blocks SIGCHLD erroneously [BZ #30163] - gshadow: Matching sgetsgent, sgetsgent_r ERANGE handling (bug 30151)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 8390014c2320f94ffd8a8f6088c10c1f64567954. - Update kernel version to 6.2 in header constant tests - arm: Remove __builtin_arm_uqsub8 usage on string-fza.h - alpha: Remove strncmp optimization - powerpc: Remove powerpc64 strncmp variants - powerpc: Remove strncmp variants - C2x scanf binary constant handling - Fix stringop-overflow warning in test-strncat. - nis: Fix stringop-truncation warning with -O3 in nis_local_host. - support: use 64-bit time_t (bug 30111) - LoongArch: Update libm-test-ulps. - LoongArch: Further refine the condition to enable static PIE - hurd: Fix some broken indentation - hurd: Remove the ecx kludge- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 59a6d5e9477695c41d6feef7ef8636f8f744f3c5: - Add AArch64 HWCAP2 values from Linux 6.2 to bits/hwcap.h - crypt: Remove invalid end of page test badsalttest - S390: Fix _FPU_SETCW/GETCW when compiling with Clang [BZ #30130] - s390x: Regenerate ULPs. - Add Arm HWCAP values from Linux 6.2 to bits/hwcap.h - htl: Add pthreadtypes-arch.h for x86_64 - hurd: Implement TLS for x86_64 - htl: Make pthread_mutex_t pointer-aligned - x86_64: Update libm test ulps - localedata: de_DE should not use Fräulein - LoongArch: Add math-barriers.h - cdefs.h: fix "__clang_major" typo - hppa: Drop old parisc-specific MADV_* constants - hurd: Generalize init-first.c to support x86_64 - hurd: Simplify init-first.c further - hurd: Mark some audit tests as unsupported - htl: Mark select loop test as unsupported - hurd: Mark RLIMIT_AS tests as unsupported - aarch64: update libm test ulps - powerpc:Regenerate ulps for hypot - Update syscall lists for Linux 6.2 - tunables.texi: Change \code{1} to @code{1} - x86-64: Add glibc.cpu.prefer_map_32bit_exec [BZ #28656] - gmon: fix memory corruption issues [BZ# 30101] - gmon: improve mcount overflow handling [BZ# 27576] - gmon: Fix allocated buffer overflow (bug 29444) - malloc: remove redundant check of unsorted bin corruption - Use Linux 6.2 in - Ignore MAP_VARIABLE in - AArch64: Fix HP_TIMING_DIFF computation [BZ# 29329]- Drop glibc-printf-grouping-swbz30068.patch; fix applied upstream, and - Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 8b014a1b1f7aee1e3348db108aeea396359d481e: - s390: Fix build for -march=z13 - arm: Support gcc older than 10 for find_zero_all - Linux: Remove generic Implies - Linux: Remove unused generic Makefile - Linux: Assume and consolidate getpeername wire-up syscall - Linux: Assume and consolidate getsockname wire-up syscall - Linux: Move wordsize-32 Version to default - __glob64_time64: Fix typo for stub_warning call (BZ #30146) - elf: Restore ldconfig libc6 implicit soname logic [BZ #30125] - stdlib: Undo post review change to 16adc58e73f3 [BZ #27749] - Define PC, SP and SYSRETURN for hurd x86_64 - mach: Use PAGE_SIZE - hurd: Simplify init-first.c a bit - hurd: Make timer_t pointer-sized - hurd: Fix xattr function return type - hurd: Use proper integer types - hurd: Move thread state manipulation into _hurd_tls_new () - glob64_time64: Fix typo for stub_warning call (BZ #30146) - Use uintptr_t instead of performing pointer subtraction with a null pointer - ARC:fpu: add extra capability check before use of sqrt and fma builtins - ARC: align child stack in clone - string: Remove string_private.h - iconv: Remove _STRING_ARCH_unaligned usage - iconv: Remove _STRING_ARCH_unaligned usage for get/set macros - resolv: Remove _STRING_ARCH_unaligned usage - nscd: Remove _STRING_ARCH_unaligned usage - stdlib: Simplify getenv - crypto: Remove _STRING_ARCH_unaligned usage - Fix ifunc-impl-list.c build for s390 - [hurd] Fix i686 build breakage caused by 4fedebc91108 - C2x strtol binary constant handling - [hurd] Add MTU_DISCOVER values - hurd: Fix unwinding over INTR_MSG_TRAP in shared too - mach: undef ENTRY2 - hurd: i386 TLS tweaks - stdio: Do not ignore posix_spawn error on popen (BZ #29016) - update auto-libm-test-out-hypot - added pair of inputs for hypotf in binary32 - Naming the parameter of dummy_sa_handler - hurd: Fix tcflag_t and speed_t types on 64-bit - htl: Remove ./sysdeps/htl/bits/types/struct___pthread_mutex.h - hurd, htl: Add some x86_64-specific code - Fix typos in comments - htl: Generalize i386 pt-machdep.h to x86 - hurd: Set up the basic tree for x86_64-gnu - mach: Look for mach_i386.defs on x86_64 too - htl: Fix semaphore reference - hurd: Fix xattr error value - mach, hurd: Cast through uintptr_t - hurd: Use mach_msg_type_number_t where appropriate - hurd: Refactor readlinkat() - Use __builtin_FILE instead of __FILE__ in assert in C++. - hurd: Fix unwinding over INTR_MSG_TRAP - powerpc64: Add the clone3 wrapper - string: Disable stack protector in early static initialization - string: Add libc_hidden_proto for memrchr - string: Add libc_hidden_proto for strchrnul - elf: Smoke-test ldconfig -p against system /etc/ - NEWS: Document CVE-2023-25139. - Use 64-bit time_t interfaces in strftime and strptime (bug 30053) - C-SKY: Strip hard float abi from hard float feature. - S390: Influence hwcaps/stfle via GLIBC_TUNABLES. - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strrchr - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-memrchr - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-memchr - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strcpy - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-stpcpy - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strncmp - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strcmp - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strchr - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strnlen - string: Hook up the default implementation on test-strlen - riscv: Add string-fza.h and string-fzi.h - sh: Add string-fzb.h - powerpc: Add string-fza.h - arm: Add string-fza.h - alpha: Add string-fza, string-fzb.h, string-fzi.h, and string-shift.h - hppa: Add string-fza.h, string-fzc.h, and string-fzi.h - hppa: Add memcopy.h - string: Improve generic strrchr with memrchr and strlen - string: Improve generic memrchr - string: Improve generic strnlen with memchr - string: Improve generic memchr - string: Improve generic strcpy - string: Improve generic stpcpy - string: Improve generic strncmp - string: Improve generic strcmp - string: Improve generic strchr - string: Improve generic strchrnul - string: Improve generic strlen - Add string vectorized find and detection functions - Parameterize OP_T_THRES from memcopy.h - Parameterize op_t from memcopy.h - Replace rawmemchr (s, '\0') with strchr - AArch64: Improve SVE memcpy and memmove - Account for grouping in printf width (bug 30068) - Move RETURN_TO to x86/sysdep.h and implement x86_64 version. - Remove pthread-pi-defines.sym - stdlib: tests: don't double-define _FORTIFY_SOURCE - LoongArch: Add new relocation types. - Remove sysdeps/mach/i386/machine-sp.h - cdefs: Limit definition of fortification macros - hurd: Move some i386 bits to x86 - Remove support setting custom demuxers during signal handling. - hurd: Implement SHM_ANON - hurd: Implement O_TMPFILE - hurd: Consolidate file_name_lookup implementation - Linux: optimize clone3 internal usage - aarch64: Add the clone3 wrapper - linux: Add clone3 CLONE_CLEAR_SIGHAND optimization to posix_spawn - Linux: Do not align the stack for __clone3 - linux: Extend internal clone3 documentation - linux: Do not reset signal handler in posix_spawn if it is already SIG_DFL - Open master branch for glibc 2.38 development- Drop already included glibc-dprintf-length.patch patch. - Apply glibc-printf-grouping-swbz30068.patch to fix swbz#30068. - Auto-sync with upstream branch release/2.37/master, commit a704fd9a133bfb10510e18702f48a6a9c88dbbd5: - Create ChangeLog.old/ChangeLog.26. (tag: glibc-2.37) - Prepare for glibc 2.37 release. - x86: Fix strncat-avx2.S reading past length [BZ #30065] - Update install.texi, and regenerate INSTALL. - Update manual/contrib.texi. - Update NEWS file with bug fixes. - Regenerate configure. - Update all PO files in preparation for release. - doc: correct _FORTIFY_SOURCE doc in features.h - libio: Update number of written bytes in dprintf implementation- Apply glibc-dprintf-length.patch to fix dprintf return value regression. - Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 2f39e44a8417b4186a7f15bfeac5d0b557e63e03: - Account for octal marker in %#o format (rhbz#2165869) - Use binutils 2.40 branch in - Use MPFR 4.2.0, MPC 1.3.1 in Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 0d50f477f47ba637b54fb03ac48d769ec4543e8d: - stdio-common: Handle -1 buffer size in __sprintf_chk & co (bug 30039) - Document '%F' format specifier - sparc (64bit): Regenerate ulps - ia64: Regenerate ulps - Update libc.pot for 2.37 release. - x86: Cache computation for AMD architecture. - manual: Fix typo - Add STATX_DIOALIGN from Linux 6.1 to bits/statx-generic.h - Add IPPROTO_L2TP from Linux 6.1 to netinet/in.h - AArch64: Improve strrchr - AArch64: Optimize strnlen - AArch64: Optimize strlen - AArch64: Optimize strcpy - AArch64: Improve strchrnul - AArch64: Optimize strchr - AArch64: Improve strlen_asimd - AArch64: Optimize memrchr - AArch64: Optimize memchr- Rebuilt for Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 569cfcc6bf35c28112ca8d7112e9eb4a22bed5b8: - hurd: Fix _NOFLSH value - elf: Fix GL(dl_phdr) and GL(dl_phnum) for static builds [BZ #29864] - string: Suppress -Wmaybe-unitialized for wordcopy [BZ #19444] - scripts/ Remove unused RANLIB and STRIP option - configure: Move nm, objdump, and readelf to LIBC_PROG_BINUTILS- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 2d2d7e1a8f2e62b442ae8978f0a6c17f385575c4. - configure: Allow user override LD, AR, OBJCOPY, and GPROF - math: Suppress -O0 warnings for soft-fp fsqrt [BZ #19444] - sunrpc: Suppress GCC -O1 warning on user2netname [BZ #19444] - locale: Use correct buffer size for utf8_sequence_error [BZ #19444] - Add HWCAP2_SVE_EBF16 from Linux 6.1 to AArch64 bits/hwcap.h - Add _FORTIFY_SOURCE implementation documentation [BZ #28998] - Update copyright dates not handled by scripts/update-copyrights - Update copyright dates with scripts/update-copyrights - Remove trailing whitespace in gmp.h - Remove trailing whitespace - C2x semantics for - time: Set daylight to 1 for matching DST/offset change (bug 29951) - Fix ldbl-128 built-in function use - x86: Check minimum/maximum of non_temporal_threshold [BZ #29953] - i686: Regenerate ulps- Drop glibc-rh2155825.patch; fix applied upstream, and - Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 5f55b22f4b3ea14c777a60f239d25dc4555eb804: - hurd getcwd: Fix memory leak on error - hurd fcntl: Make LOCKED macro more robust - hurd: Make dl-sysdep __sbrk check __vm_allocate call - htl: Drop duplicate check in __pthread_stack_alloc - hurd hurdstartup: Initialize remaining fields of hurd_startup_data - hurd _S_msg_add_auth: Initialize new arrays to 0 - htl: Check error returned by __getrlimit - getdelim: ensure error indicator is set on error (bug 29917) - htl: Fix sem_wait race between read and gsync_wait - Avoid use of atoi in malloc - Linux: Pass size argument of epoll_create to the kernel - Simplify scripts/ configuration. - Define MADV_COLLAPSE from Linux 6.1 - powerpc64: Increase SIGSTKSZ and MINSIGSTKSZ - Update all PO files in preparation for release. - Update kernel version to 6.1 in header constant tests - Update syscall lists for Linux 6.1 - libio: Convert __vswprintf_internal to buffers (bug 27857) - libio: Convert __obstack_vprintf_internal to buffers (bug 27124) - libio: Convert __vdprintf_internal to buffers - libio: Convert __vasprintf_internal to buffers - libio: Convert __vsprintf_internal to buffers - stdio-common: Add lock optimization to vfprintf and vfwprintf - stdio-common: Convert vfprintf and related functions to buffers - stdio-common: Add __translated_number_width - stdio-common: Add __printf_function_invoke - stdio-common: Introduce buffers for implementing printf - locale: Implement struct grouping_iterator - Use Linux 6.1 in - Avoid use of atoi in some places in libc- Fix epoll_create regression (#2155825)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit c1c0dea38833751f36a145c322ce53c9a08332e1: - Linux: Remove epoll_create, inotify_init from syscalls.list (#2154747) - Linux: Reflow and sort some Makefile variables - mach: Drop remnants of old_CFLAGS - mach: Fix passing -ffreestanding when checking for gnumach headers - Force use of -ffreestanding when checking for gnumach headers - elf: Fix argument passing - x86: Prevent SIGSEGV in memcmp-sse2 when data is concurrently modified [BZ #29863] - Allow _Qp_fgt in sparc64 Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 5dcd2d0ad02ff12c76355ef4f40947c1857ac482. - stdlib: Move _IO_cleanup to call_function_static_weak - elf: Do not assume symbol order on tst-audit25{a,b} - time: Use 64 bit time on tzfile - nscd: Use 64 bit time_t on libc nscd routines (BZ# 29402) - nis: Build libnsl with 64 bit time_t - realloc: Return unchanged if request is within usable size - Linux: Consolidate typesizes.h - Linux: Make generic fcntl.h the default one - Linux: make generic xstatver.h the default one - Linux: Remove generic sysdep - Linux: Assume and consolidate shutdown wire-up syscall - Linux: Assume and consolidate listen wire-up syscall - Linux: Assume and consolidate socketpair wire-up syscall - Linux: Assume and consolidate socket wire-up syscall - Linux: Assume and consolidate bind wire-up syscall - Linux: consolidate ____longjmp_chk - Linux: consolidate sendfile implementation - Linux: consolidate unlink implementation - Linux: consolidate symlink implementation - Linux: consolidate rmdir implementation - Linux: consolidate readlink implementation - Linux: consolidate mkdir implementation - Linux: consolidate link implementation - Linux: consolidate lchown implementation - Linux: consolidate inotify_init implementation - Lninux: consolidate epoll_create implementation - Linux: consolidate dup2 implementation - Linux: consolidate chown implementation - Linux: consolidate chmod implementation - linux: Consolidate dl-origin.c - linux: Use long int for syscall return value - LoongArch: Use medium cmodel build libc_nonshared.a. - x86_64: State assembler is being tested on sysdeps/x86/configure - configure: Remove AS check - configure: Remove check if ld is GNU - configure: Remove check if as is GNU - configure: Move locale tools early- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 8fb923ddc38dd5f4bfac4869d70fd80483fdb87a: - hurd: Make getrandom cache the server port - powerpc64: Remove old strncmp optimization - x86-64 strncpy: Properly handle the length parameter [BZ# 29839] - x86-64 strncat: Properly handle the length parameter [BZ# 24097] - ARC: update definitions in elf/elf.h - scripts: Add "|" operator support to glibcpp's parsing - Apply asm redirections in syslog.h before first use [BZ #27087] - LoongArch: Add support for ilogb[f] - LoongArch: Add support for scalb[f] - LoongArch: Add support for scalbn[f] - LoongArch: Use __builtin_logb{,f} with GCC >= 13 - Use GCC builtins for logb functions if desired. - LoongArch: Use __builtin_llrint{,f} with GCC >= 13 - Use GCC builtins for llrint functions if desired. - LoongArch: Use __builtin_lrint{,f} with GCC >= 13 - Use GCC builtins for lrint functions if desired. - LoongArch: Use __builtin_rint{,f} with GCC >= 13- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit f704192911c6c7b65a54beab3ab369fca7609a5d: - x86/fpu: Factor out shared avx2/avx512 code in svml_{s|d}_wrapper_impl.h - x86/fpu: Cleanup code in svml_{s|d}_wrapper_impl.h - x86/fpu: Reformat svml_{s|d}_wrapper_impl.h - x86/fpu: Fix misspelled evex512 section in variety of svml files - x86/fpu: Add missing ISA sections to variety of svml files - stdio-common: Add missing dependencies (bug 29780) - i386: Avoid rely on linker optimization to avoid relocation - elf: Fix rtld-audit trampoline for aarch64 - Define in_int32_t_range to check if the 64 bit time_t syscall should be used- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 94628de77888c3292fc103840731ff85f283368e: - elf/tst-tlsopt-powerpc fails when compiled with -mcpu=power10 (BZ# 29776) - LoongArch: Hard Float Support for fmaximum_mag_num{f/ }, fminimum_mag_num{f/ }. - LoongArch: Hard Float Support for fmaximum_mag{f/ }, fminimum_mag{f/ }. - LoongArch: Hard Float Support for fmaxmag{f/ }, fminmag{f/ }. - LoongArch: Hard Float Support for fmaximum_num{f/ }, fminimum_num{f/ }. - LoongArch: Hard Float Support for fmaximum{f/ }, fminimum{f/ }. - LoongArch: Hard Float Support for float-point classification functions. - LoongArch: Use __builtin_{fma, fmaf} to implement function {fma, fmaf}.- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 22a46dee24351fd5f4f188ad80554cad79c82524: - Linux: Support __IPC_64 in sysvctl *ctl command arguments (bug 29771) - riscv: Get level 3 cache's information - debug: Fix typo in tests-unsupported rule - iconvdata/ remove handling of old, borrowed format - Makerules: Generate with -fuse-ld=bfd - x86: Add avx2 optimized functions for the wchar_t strcpy family - x86: Add evex optimized functions for the wchar_t strcpy family - x86: Optimize and shrink st{r|p}{n}{cat|cpy}-avx2 functions - x86: Optimize and shrink st{r|p}{n}{cat|cpy}-evex functions - benchtests: Make str{n}{cat|cpy} benchmarks output json - x86: Use VMM API in memcmpeq-evex.S and minor changes - x86: Use VMM API in memcmp-evex-movbe.S and minor changes - string: Add len=0 to {w}memcmp{eq} tests and benchtests - Linux: Add ppoll fortify symbol for 64 bit time_t (BZ# 29746) - hurd: Add sigtimedwait and sigwaitinfo support- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 8d291eabd541029d7ac705cc1ea112c58dfbb05f. - Apply asm redirection in gmp.h before first use - Rewrite find_cxx_header config - elf/tlsdeschtab.h: Add the Malloc return value check in _dl_make_tlsdesc_dynamic() - elf: Disable some subtests of ifuncmain1, ifuncmain5 for !PIE - posix: Make posix_spawn extensions available by default - x86_64: Implement evex512 version of strrchr and wcsrchr - elf: Introduce and call_tls_init_tp (bug 29249) - LoongArch: Fix ABI related macros in elf.h to keep consistent with binutils[1]. - scripts/ Properly report parsing failures - elf: Rework exception handling in the dynamic loader [BZ #25486] - linux: Drop useless include from fstatat.c - Fix OOB read in stdlib thousand grouping parsing [BZ #29727] - linux: Fix fstatat on MIPSn64 (BZ #29730) - elf: Remove allocate use on _dl_debug_printf - nptl: Fix pthread_create.c build with clang - allocate_once: Apply asm redirection before first use - alloc_buffer: Apply asm redirection before first use - configure: Use -Wno-ignored-attributes if compiler warns about multiple aliases - Disable use of -fsignaling-nans if compiler does not support it - intl: Fix clang -Wunused-but-set-variable on plural.c - Apply asm redirection in not-cancel before first use - malloc: Use uintptr_t for pointer alignment - Use uintptr_t in fts for pointer alignment - Fix build with GCC 13 _FloatN, _FloatNx built-in functions - elf: Build tst-relr-mod[34] with $(LDFLAGS-rpath-ORIGIN) - x86-64: Improve evex512 version of strlen functions - Correctly determine 'OUTPUT_FORMAT' when cross-compiling. - Remove unused scratch_buffer_dupfree - Fix elf/tst-dlmopen-twice not to exhaust static TLS - Use uintptr_t in string/tester for pointer alignment - stdlib/strfrom: Add copysign to fix NAN issue on riscv (BZ #29501) - Fix resource/bug-ulimit1 test - Fix missing NUL terminator in stdio-common/scanf13 test - Fix off-by-one OOB read in elf/tst-tls20 - elf: Fix alloca size in _dl_debug_vdprintf - malloc: Use uintptr_t in alloc_buffer - Fix invalid pointer dereference in wcpcpy_chk - Fix invalid pointer dereference in wcscpy_chk - aarch64: Fix the extension header write in getcontext and swapcontext - aarch64: Don't build wordcopy - scripts: Use bool in tunables initializer - longlong.h: update from GCC for LoongArch clz/ctz support- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 6f360366f7f76b158a0f4bf20d42f2854ad56264. - elf: Introduce to _dl_call_fini - Export tls_init_tp_called as __rtld_tls_init_tp_called - scripts/localplt.awk: Handle DT_JMPREL with empty PLT (for C-SKY) - Remove lingering libSegfault Makefile entries - aarch64: Use memcpy_simd as the default memcpy - aarch64: Cleanup memset ifunc - elf: Reinstate on DL_DEBUG_BINDINGS _dl_lookup_symbol_x - x86_64: Implement evex512 version of strchrnul, strchr and wcschr - linux: Fix generic struct_stat for 64 bit time (BZ# 29657) - manual: Add missing % in int conversion list - Avoid undefined behaviour in ibm128 implementation of llroundl (BZ #29488) - Remove all assembly optimizations for htonl and htons - Remove htonl.S for i386/x86_64 - Fix BZ #29463 in the ibm128 implementation of y1l too - Add ADDRB from Linux 6.0 to bits/termios-c_cflag.h - x86: Use `testb` for FSRM check in memmove-vec-unaligned-erms - x86: Use `testb` for case-locale check in str{n}casecmp-sse42 - x86: Use `testb` for case-locale check in str{n}casecmp-sse2 - x86: Use `testb` for case-locale check in str{n}casecmp-avx2 - x86: Add support for VEC_SIZE == 64 in strcmp-evex.S impl - x86: Remove AVX512-BVMI2 instruction from strrchr-evex.S - sysdeps: arm: Fix preconfigure script for ARMv8/v9 targets [BZ #29698] - nis: Fix nis_print_directory - linux: Avoid shifting a negative signed on POSIX timer interface - Bench: Improve benchtests for memchr, strchr, strnlen, strrchr - x86: Optimize strrchr-evex.S and implement with VMM headers - x86: Optimize memrchr-evex.S - x86: Optimize strnlen-evex.S and implement with VMM headers - x86: Shrink / minorly optimize strchr-evex and implement with VMM headers - x86: Optimize memchr-evex.S and implement with VMM headers - x86_64: Implement evex512 version of memchr, rawmemchr and wmemchr - String: Improve test coverage for memchr - Use PTR_MANGLE and PTR_DEMANGLE unconditionally in C sources - Introduce , extracted from - x86-64: Move LP_SIZE definition to its own header - math: Fix asin and acos invalid exception with old gcc - x86: Update strlen-evex-base to use new reg/vec macros. - x86: Remove now unused vec header macros. - x86: Update memset to use new VEC macros - x86: Update memmove to use new VEC macros - x86: Update memrchr to use new VEC macros - x86: Update VEC macros to complete API for evex/evex512 impls - elf: Do not completely clear reused namespace in dlmopen (bug 29600) - malloc: Switch global_max_fast to uint8_t - Add NT_S390_PV_CPU_DATA from Linux 6.0 to elf.h - Add AArch64 HWCAP2_EBF16 from Linux 6.0 to bits/hwcap.h - String: Improve test coverage for memchr - elf: Remove -fno-tree-loop-distribute-patterns usage on dl-support - socket: Use offsetof in SUN_LEN (bug 29578) - Expose all MAP_ constants in unconditionally (bug 29375) - LoongArch: Fix the condition to use PC-relative addressing in start.S - arm: Enable USE_ATOMIC_COMPILER_BUILTINS (BZ #24774) - csu: Disable stack protector for static-reloc for static-pie - NEWS: Fix grammar - elf: Simplify output of hwcap subdirectories in help - elf: Remove _dl_string_hwcap - Add NEWS entry for legacy hwcaps removal - elf: Remove hwcap and bits_hwcap fields from struct cache_entry - elf: Remove hwcap parameter from add_to_cache signature - elf: Remove legacy hwcaps support from ldconfig - elf: Remove legacy hwcaps support from the dynamic loader - x86_64: Remove platform directory library loading test - Update to Unicode 15.0.0 [BZ #29604] - Update kernel version to 6.0 in header constant tests - x86: Fix -Os build (BZ #29576) - sunrpc: Suppress GCC -Os warning on user2netname - rt: Initialize mq_send input on tst-mqueue{5,6} - posix: Suppress -Os may be used uninitialized warnings on regexec - posix: Suppress -Os warnings on fnmatch - locale: prevent maybe-uninitialized errors with -Os [BZ #19444] - Regenerate sysdeps/mach/hurd/bits/errno.h - Update syscall lists for Linux 6.0 - nscd: Drop local address tuple variable [BZ #29607] - Use Linux 6.0 in - x86-64: Require BMI1/BMI2 for AVX2 strrchr and wcsrchr implementations - x86-64: Require BMI2 and LZCNT for AVX2 memrchr implementation - x86-64: Require BMI2 for AVX2 (raw|w)memchr implementations - x86-64: Require BMI2 for AVX2 wcs(n)cmp implementations - x86-64: Require BMI2 for AVX2 strncmp implementation - x86-64: Require BMI2 for AVX2 strcmp implementation - x86-64: Require BMI2 for AVX2 str(n)casecmp implementations - x86: include BMI1 and BMI2 in x86-64-v3 level - x86: Cleanup pthread_spin_{try}lock.S - Benchtests: Add bench for pthread_spin_{try}lock and mutex_trylock- Enable ELF DT_HASH for shared objects and the dynamic loader (#2129358)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 114e299ca66353fa7be1ee45bb4e1307d3de1fa2. - x86: Remove .tfloat usage - nptl: Convert tst-setuid2 to test-driver - support: Add xpthread_cond_signal wrapper - hppa: Fix initialization of dp register [BZ 29635] - Fix iseqsig for _FloatN and _FloatNx in C++ with GCC 13 - malloc: Do not clobber errno on __getrandom_nocancel (BZ #29624) - stdlib: Fix __getrandom_nocancel type and arc4random usage (BZ #29638) - LoongArch: Add static PIE support - Benchtest: Add additional benchmarks for strlen and strnlen - x86: Fix wcsnlen-avx2 page cross length comparison [BZ #29591] - Update _FloatN header support for C++ in GCC 13 - hurd: Fix typo - get_nscd_addresses: Fix subscript typos [BZ #29605] - hurd: Increase SOMAXCONN to 4096 - Use atomic_exchange_release/acquire- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit c02e29a0ba47d636281e1a026444a1a0a254aa12. - nss: Use shared prefix in IPv4 address in tst-reload1 - nss: Enhance tst-reload1 coverage and logging - Use C11 atomics instead of atomic_decrement_and_test - Use C11 atomics instead of atomic_increment(_val) - Use C11 atomics instead of atomic_and/or - malloc: Print error when oldsize is not equal to the current size. - Use '%z' instead of '%Z' on printf functions - elf: Extract glibcelf constants from - scripts: Enhance glibcpp to do basic macro processing - scripts: Extract from - riscv: Remove RV32 floating point functions - riscv: Consolidate the libm-test-ulps - hurd: Fix SIOCADD/DELRT ioctls - hurd: Drop struct rtentry and in6_rtmsg - hurd: Add _IOT_ifrtreq to - elf: Use C11 atomics on _dl_mcount - hurd: Use IF_NAMESIZE rather than IFNAMSIZ - hurd: Add ifrtreq structure to net/route.h - hppa: undef __ASSUME_SET_ROBUST_LIST - linux: Use same type for MMAP2_PAGE_UNIT - m68k: Enforce 4-byte alignment on internal locks (BZ #29537) - nss: Fix tst-nss-files-hosts-long on single-stack hosts (bug 24816) - nss: Implement --no-addrconfig option for getent - gconv: Use 64-bit interfaces in gconv_parseconfdir (bug 29583) - elf: Implement force_first handling in _dl_sort_maps_dfs (bug 28937) - Linux: Do not skip d_ino == 0 entries in readdir, readdir64 (bug 12165) - hurd: Factorize at/non-at functions - tst-sprintf-errno: Update Hurd message length - RISC-V: Allow long jumps to __syscall_error - hurd: Make readlink* just reopen the file used for stat - hurd: Fix readlink() hanging on fifo - Fix BRE typos in - Makerules: fix MAKEFLAGS assignment for upcoming make-4.4 [BZ# 29564] - Use relaxed atomics since there is no MO dependence- Remove .annobin* symbols from (#2126477)- Drop glibc-deprecated-selinux-makedb.patch. Upstream has been ported to new libselinux. - Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit f278835f594740f5913001430641cf1da4878670: - makedb: fix build with libselinux >= 3.1 (Bug 26233) - tst-sprintf-errno: Update Hurd message output - Use C11 atomics instead of atomic_decrement(_val) - Use C11 atomics instead atomic_add(_zero) - mktime: improve heuristic for ca-1986 Indiana DST - Assume HAVE_TZSET in time/mktime.c - elf: Fix hwcaps string size overestimation - errlist: add missing entry for EDEADLOCK (bug 29545) - Do not define static_assert or thread_local in headers for C2x - malloc: Use C11 atomics rather than atomic_exchange_and_add - Add NEWS entry for CVE-2022-39046 - elf: Rename _dl_sort_maps parameter from skip to force_first - scripts/ Generate program run-time dependencies - math: x86: Use prefix for FP_INIT_ROUNDMODE - scripts/ Use https:// for Git clones - debug: test for more required cacellation points (BZ# 29274) - elf.h: Remove duplicate definition of VER_FLG_WEAK - syslog: Remove extra whitespace between timestamp and message (BZ#29544) - LoongArch: Add soft float support. - elf: Restore how vDSO dependency is printed with LD_TRACE_LOADED_OBJECTS (BZ #29539) - nptl: x86_64: Use same code for CURRENT_STACK_FRAME and stackinfo_get_sp- Co-Authored-By: Benjamin Herrenschmidt - Retain .gnu_debuglink section in (#2090744) - Remove redundant debuginfo file (#2090744)- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit c7509d49c4e8fa494120c5ead21338559dad16f5. - Apply asm redirections in wchar.h before first use - resolv: Fix building tst-resolv-invalid-cname for earlier C standards - syslog: Fix large messages (BZ#29536) - posix: Fix macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior - stdlib: Fix macro expansion producing 'defined' has undefined behavior - S390: Always use svc 0 - nss_dns: Rewrite _nss_dns_gethostbyname4_r using current interfaces - resolv: Add new tst-resolv-invalid-cname - nss_dns: In gaih_getanswer_slice, skip strange aliases (bug 12154) - nss_dns: Rewrite getanswer_r to match getanswer_ptr (bug 12154, bug 29305) - nss_dns: Remove remnants of IPv6 address mapping - nss_dns: Rewrite _nss_dns_gethostbyaddr2_r and getanswer_ptr - nss_dns: Split getanswer_ptr from getanswer_r - resolv: Add DNS packet parsing helpers geared towards wire format - resolv: Add internal __ns_name_length_uncompressed function - resolv: Add the __ns_samebinaryname function - resolv: Add internal __res_binary_hnok function - resolv: Add tst-resolv-aliases - resolv: Add tst-resolv-byaddr for testing reverse lookup - LoongArch: Use __builtin_{fmax,fmaxf,fmin,fminf} with GCC >= 13 - LoongArch: Fix ptr mangling/demangling features. - nscd: Fix netlink cache invalidation if epoll is used [BZ #29415] - Add test for bug 29530 - Makeconfig: Set pie-ccflag to -fPIE by default [BZ# 29514] - hurd: Fix vm_size_t incoherencies - mach: Make xpg_strerror_r set a message on error - mach: Fix incoherency between perror and strerror - elf: Call __libc_early_init for reused namespaces (bug 29528) - csu: Change start code license to have link exception - s390: Move hwcaps/platform names out of _rtld_global_ro - Revert "Detect and version inconsistency during startup" - Add NT_LOONGARCH_* from Linux 5.19 to elf.h - Detect and version inconsistency during startup - Merge getopt patch from Gnulib - Merge _GL_UNUSED C23 patch from Gnulib - LoongArch: Fix dl-machine.h code formatting. - scripts/ Add hashing support - hurd: Fix starting static binaries with stack protection enabled - htl: Make pthread*_cond_timedwait register wref before releasing mutex - htl: make __pthread_hurd_cond_timedwait_internal check mutex is held - Add AArch64 HWCAP2_* constants from Linux 5.19- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit a727220b37efc9d4d558a77c5fc57f3af99a4829: - Add AGROUP from Linux 5.19 to sys/acct.h, remove Alpha version (bug 29502) - alpha: Fix generic brk system call emulation in __brk_call (bug 29490) - hurd: Assume non-suid during bootstrap- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 9125e43daf92e3d4e69044a54b9fe9ed88c861ad. - Use binutils 2.39 branch in - S390: Fix werror=unused-variable in ifunc-impl-list.c. - Ensure calculations happen with desired rounding mode in y1lf128 - localedata: Convert French language locales (fr_*) to UTF-8 - Linux: Fix enum fsconfig_command detection in - elf: Run tst-audit-tlsdesc, tst-audit-tlsdesc-dlopen everywhere - Move ip_mreqn structure from Linux to generic - malloc: Do not use MAP_NORESERVE to allocate heap segments - Linux: Terminate subprocess on late failure in tst-pidfd (bug 29485) - non-linux: bits/in.h: Add more RFC options- Auto-sync with upstream branch master, commit 453b88efe6fa79f5c7c6fccc3a520c75fdd43074: - arm: Remove nested functionf rom relocate_pc24 - linux: Fix sys/mount.h usage with kernel headers - linux: Use compile_c_snippet to check linux/mount.h availability - linux: Mimic kernel defition for BLOCK_SIZE - linux: Use compile_c_snippet to check linux/pidfd.h availability - Add compile_c_snippet - LoongArch: Add pointer mangling support. - AArch64: Fix typo in sve configure check (BZ# 29394) - libio: Improve performance of IO locks - tst-process_madvise: Check process_madvise-syscall support. - elf.h: Add ELFCOMPRESS_ZSTD - inet: Turn __ivaliduser into a compatibility symbol - x86: Fix `#define STRCPY` guard in strcpy-sse2.S - elf: Replace `strcpy` call with `memcpy` [BZ #29454] - soft-fp: Add fixhf[uns][di|si] and float[uns][di|si]hf - i386: Use cmpl instead of cmp - i386: Use fldt instead of fld on e_logl.S - i386: Replace movzx with movzbl - dlfcn: Pass caller pointer to static dlopen implementation (bug 29446) - malloc: Correct the documentation of the top_pad default - i386: Remove RELA support - arm: Remove RELA support - Remove ldd libc4 support - Assume only FLAG_ELF_LIBC6 suport - Remove left over LD_LIBRARY_VERSION usages - Linux: Remove exit system call from _exit - LoongArch: Add vdso support for gettimeofday. - Update kernel version to 5.19 in header constant tests - assert: Do not use stderr in libc-internal assert - nptl: Remove uses of assert_perror - stdio: Clean up __libc_message after unconditional abort - Update syscall lists for Linux 5.19 - Use Linux 5.19 in - socket: Check lengths before advancing pointer in CMSG_NXTHDR - Don't use unsupported format string in (bug 29427) - htl: Let pthread_self and cancellability called early - stdlib: Simplify arc4random_uniform - malloc: Use __getrandom_nocancel during tcache initiailization - Remove spurious references to _dl_open_hook - Open master branch for glibc 2.37 development- Auto-sync with upstream branch release/2.36/master, commit 33f1b4c1452b33991e670f636ebe98b90a405e10: - wcsmbs: Add missing test-c8rtomb/test-mbrtoc8 dependency - stdlib: Suppress gcc diagnostic that char8_t is a keyword in C++20 in uchar.h. - Create ChangeLog.old/ChangeLog.25. (tag: glibc-2.36) - Prepare for glibc 2.36 release. - Update install.texi, and regenerate INSTALL. - Update NEWS bug list. - Update libc.pot for 2.36 release. - tst-pidfd.c: UNSUPPORTED if we get EPERM on valid pidfd_getfd call - stdlib: Tuned down tst-arc4random-thread internal parameters - LoongArch: Add greg_t and gregset_t. - LoongArch: Fix VDSO_HASH and VDSO_NAME. - riscv: Update rv64 libm test ulps - riscv: Update nofpu libm test ulps 2.38-7.fc392.38-7.fc392.38-7.fc39localeth_THth_TH.utf8LC_ADDRESSLC_COLLATELC_CTYPELC_IDENTIFICATIONLC_MEASUREMENTLC_MESSAGESSYS_LC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYLC_NAMELC_NUMERICLC_PAPERLC_TELEPHONELC_TIMELC_ADDRESSLC_COLLATELC_CTYPELC_IDENTIFICATIONLC_MEASUREMENTLC_MESSAGESSYS_LC_MESSAGESLC_MONETARYLC_NAMELC_NUMERICLC_PAPERLC_TELEPHONELC_TIME/usr/lib//usr/lib/locale//usr/lib/locale/th_TH.utf8//usr/lib/locale/th_TH.utf8/LC_MESSAGES//usr/lib/locale/th_TH//usr/lib/locale/th_TH/LC_MESSAGES/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectory and (langpacks-core-th or langpacks-core-th_TH))utf-8abec4b6d8c670d1954182d677ad0cf192735f37dba3e4550a82583448c698f4dcc3131e552e54878296b3c307f0c5344457a3879281ab47ef3cf90fdb1b3abbc? 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