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hX"5pwˊYYԇP;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!92d 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b59d10881916f45882da8cec6d6b7fe2d753c5d18ffrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootkernel-6.5.6-300.fc39.src.rpminstallonlypkg(kernel-module)kernel-debug-modules-internalkernel-debug-modules-internalkernel-debug-modules-internal(aarch-64)kernel-debug-modules-internal-aarch64kernel-debug-modules-internal-aarch64kernel-debug-modules-internal-uname-rkmod(bitfield_kunit.ko)kmod(checksum_kunit.ko)kmod(clk-gate_test.ko)kmod(clk_test.ko)kmod(cmdline_kunit.ko)kmod(cpumask_kunit.ko)kmod(cros_kunit.ko)kmod(dev_addr_lists_test.ko)kmod(drm_buddy_test.ko)kmod(drm_cmdline_parser_test.ko)kmod(drm_connector_test.ko)kmod(drm_damage_helper_test.ko)kmod(drm_dp_mst_helper_test.ko)kmod(drm_format_helper_test.ko)kmod(drm_format_test.ko)kmod(drm_framebuffer_test.ko)kmod(drm_kunit_helpers.ko)kmod(drm_managed_test.ko)kmod(drm_mm_test.ko)kmod(drm_modes_test.ko)kmod(drm_plane_helper_test.ko)kmod(drm_probe_helper_test.ko)kmod(drm_rect_test.ko)kmod(ext4-inode-test.ko)kmod(fat_test.ko)kmod(fortify_kunit.ko)kmod(gss_krb5_test.ko)kmod(handshake-test.ko)kmod(hashtable_test.ko)kmod(hid-uclogic-test.ko)kmod(iio-test-format.ko)kmod(iio-test-rescale.ko)kmod(input_test.ko)kmod(is_signed_type_kunit.ko)kmod(kasan_test.ko)kmod(kunit-example-test.ko)kmod(kunit-test.ko)kmod(kunit.ko)kmod(lib_test.ko)kmod(list-test.ko)kmod(locktorture.ko)kmod(mac80211_hwsim.ko)kmod(memcpy_kunit.ko)kmod(mptcp_crypto_test.ko)kmod(mptcp_token_test.ko)kmod(netdevsim.ko)kmod(overflow_kunit.ko)kmod(pktgen.ko)kmod(rational-test.ko)kmod(rcutorture.ko)kmod(refscale.ko)kmod(regmap-kunit.ko)kmod(resource_kunit.ko)kmod(rocker.ko)kmod(scftorture.ko)kmod(siphash_kunit.ko)kmod(slub_kunit.ko)kmod(soc-topology-test.ko)kmod(soc-utils-test.ko)kmod(stackinit_kunit.ko)kmod(strcat_kunit.ko)kmod(strscpy_kunit.ko)kmod(sysctl-test.ko)kmod(test_bits.ko)kmod(test_bpf.ko)kmod(test_hash.ko)kmod(test_hmm.ko)kmod(test_kprobes.ko)kmod(test_linear_ranges.ko)kmod(test_list_sort.ko)kmod(test_sort.ko)kmod(test_vmalloc.ko)kmod(time_test.ko)kmod(torture.ko)modalias(pci:v00001B36d00000006sv*sd*bc*sc*i*)modalias(rtnl-link-netdevsim)modalias(virtio:d0000001Dv*)    /bin/sh/bin/shkernel-debug-modules-core-uname-rkernel-debug-modules-uname-rkernel-uname-rrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsXz)6.5.6-300.fc39.aarch64+debug6.5.6-300.fc39.aarch64+debug6.5.6-300.fc39.aarch64+debug3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.2-14.19.0ee@e @e@did#d@d@d:d@ddF@dd@dQd@dd]@d dܺ@dhd@ddt@d"d@dd.@ddϋ@d9d@d˖dE@dǢ@dPd@díd\@d d@dgd@dds@d!d@d-@dd@d8d@dD@dd[@d d@dfd@dddr@d d d@Augusto Caringi [6.5.6-0]Justin M. Forbes [6.5.5-0]Justin M. Forbes [6.5.4-0]Justin M. Forbes [6.5.3-0]Justin M. Forbes [6.5.2-0]Justin M. Forbes [6.5.1-0]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-58.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-57.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.28f20a19294d.56.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.7d2f353b2682.55.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.4f9e7fabf864.54.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.93f5de5f648d.53.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.89bf6209cad6.52.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.f7757129e3de.51.eln130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc7.f7757129e3de.50.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.b320441c04c9.49.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.4e7ffde6984a.48.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.0e8860d2125f.47.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.4853c74bd7ab.46.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.4853c74bd7ab.45.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.91aa6c412d7f.44.el130]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc6.43.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.a785fd28d31f.42.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.f8de32cc060b.41.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.25aa0bebba72.40.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.374a7f47bf40.39.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.13b937206866.38.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.14f9643dc90a.37.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc5.36.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc4.f0ab9f34e59e.35.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc4.024ff300db33.34.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc4.c1a515d3c027.33.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc4.ec351c8f2e62.32.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc4.31.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc4.30.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.d31e3792919e.29.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.ffabf7c73176.28.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.57012c57536f.27.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.0a8db05b571a.26.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.18b44bc5a672.25.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.0b5547c51827.24.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc3.23.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc2.c2782531397f.22.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc2.d192f5382581.21.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc2.f7e3a1bafdea.20.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc2.bfa3037d8280.19.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc2.ccff6d117d8d.18.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc2.17.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc1.831fe284d827.16.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc1.b6e6cc1f78c7.15.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc1.4b810bf037e5.14.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc1.eb26cbb1a754.13.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc1.3f01e9fed845.12.el127]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.c17414a273b8.11]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.d528014517f2.10]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.24be4d0b46bb.9]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.a901a3568fd2.8]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.995b406c7e97.7]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.a507db1d8fdc.6]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.e55e5df193d2.5]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.3a8a670eeeaa.4]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.3a8a670eeeaa.3]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.6aeadf7896bf.2]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.1ef6663a587b.1]Fedora Kernel Team [6.5.0-0.rc0.1ef6663a587b.60]- power: supply: core: Use blocking_notifier_call_chain to avoid RCU complaint (Kai-Heng Feng) - Revert "Add linux-next specific files for 20231004" (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable missing Kconfig options for Qualcomm RideSX4 (Brian Masney) - add a couple of CVEs to BugsFixed (Justin M. Forbes) - Add another F39 FE bug to BugsFixed (Justin M. Forbes) - Add linux-next specific files for 20231004 (Stephen Rothwell) - common: aarch64: enable NXP Flex SPI (Peter Robinson) - fedora: Switch TI_SCI_CLK and TI_SCI_PM_DOMAINS symbols to built-in (Javier Martinez Canillas) - Add bug for amdgpu to BugsFixed for 6.5.6 (Justin M. Forbes) - drm/amdgpu: set completion status as preempted for the resubmission (Jiadong Zhu) - Add CVE-2023-42756 to BugsFixed for 6.5.6 (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.6- iommu/apple-dart: Handle DMA_FQ domains in attach_dev() (Hector Martin) - Note fix for atomic locking in BugsFixed (Justin M. Forbes) - locking/atomic: scripts: fix fallback ifdeffery (Mark Rutland) - redhat: spec: Fix typo for kernel_variant_preun for 16k-debug flavor (Neal Gompa) - Fix installreq for UKI (Justin M. Forbes) - Add btrfs bug to BugsFixed for 6.5.5 (Justin M. Forbes) - btrfs: adjust overcommit logic when very close to full (Josef Bacik) - btrfs: properly report 0 avail for very full file systems (Josef Bacik) - Linux v6.5.5- Add F38 and F37 as release targets (Justin M. Forbes) - Add NFS bug fix for 6.5.4 (Justin M. Forbes) - selinux: fix handling of empty opts in selinux_fs_context_submount() (Ondrej Mosnacek) - Turn off appletalk for fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.4- Revert "misc: rtsx: judge ASPM Mode to set PETXCFG Reg" (Justin M. Forbes) - Config updates for 6.5.3 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up buildReqs for UKI (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.3- Move squashfs to kernel-modules-core (Justin M. Forbes) - Add TPM bug to BugsFixed (Justin M. Forbes) - tpm: Enable hwrng only for Pluton on AMD CPUs (Jarkko Sakkinen) - Linux v6.5.2- erofs: ensure that the post-EOF tails are all zeroed (Gao Xiang) - Add bug to BugsFixed (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTPLUG_DEFAULT_ONLINE for Fedora s390x (Justin M. Forbes) - drm/msm/a690: Switch to a660_gmu.bin (Rob Clark) - drivers/firmware: skip simpledrm if nvidia-drm.modeset=1 is set (Javier Martinez Canillas) - Turn E1000 back on (Justin M. Forbes) - Set up variables and scripts for Fedora stable (Justin M. Forbes) - Update self-test data (Justin M. Forbes) - all: x86: move wayward x86 specific config home (Peter Robinson) - all: de-dupe non standard config options (Peter Robinson) - all: x86: clean up microcode loading options (Peter Robinson) - common: remove unnessary CONFIG_SND_MESON_AXG* (Peter Robinson) - Linux v6.5.1- redhat: Fix UKI install with systemd >= 254 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat: Use named parameters for kernel_variant_posttrans()/kernel_variant_preun() (Vitaly Kuznetsov)- Linux v6.5.0- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc7.28f20a19294d- redhat/kernel.spec.template: update compression variables to support zstd (Brian Masney) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc7.7d2f353b2682- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc7.4f9e7fabf864- Consolidate configs to common for 6.5 (Justin M. Forbes) - Remove unused config entry for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc7.93f5de5f648d- redhat/self-test: Remove rpmlint test (Prarit Bhargava) - Remove the armv7 config directory from Fedora again (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable CONFIG_EXPERT for both RHEL and Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc7.89bf6209cad6- redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_DEVICE_PRIVATE on aarch64 (David Hildenbrand) [2231407] - redhat/configs: disable CONFIG_ROCKCHIP_ERRATUM_3588001 for RHEL (Mark Salter) - redhat: shellcheck fixes (Prarit Bhargava)- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc7.f7757129e3de- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc6.b320441c04c9- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc6.4e7ffde6984a- redhat/configs: enable tegra114 SPI (Mark Salter) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc6.0e8860d2125f- all: properly cleanup firewire once and for all (Peter Robinson) - Fix up filters for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes)- New configs in arch/x86 (Fedora Kernel Team) - Add an armv7 directory back for the Fedora configs (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 6.5 config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off DMABUF_SYSFS_STATS (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc6.4853c74bd7ab- CI: rawhide_release: switch to using script to push (Don Zickus) - redhat/self-test: Update self-test data (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/cross-compile: Update (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.cross: Remove ARCH selection code (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.cross: Update script (Prarit Bhargava) - Fix interruptible non MR jobs (Michael Hofmann) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc6.91aa6c412d7f- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc6- all: run evaluate_configs to de-dupe merged aarch64 (Peter Robinson) - all: arm: merge the arm and arm/aarch64 (Peter Robinson) - fedora: remove ARMv7 AKA armhfp configurations (Peter Robinson) - fedora: remove ARMv7 AKA armhfp support (Peter Robinson) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5.a785fd28d31f- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5.f8de32cc060b- redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_VIRTIO_MEM on aarch64 (David Hildenbrand) [2044155] - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_MEMORY_HOTREMOVE aarch64 (David Hildenbrand) [2062054] - redhat: Add arm64-16k kernel flavor scaffold for 16K page-size'd AArch64 (Neal Gompa) - fedora: enable i3c on aarch64 (Peter Robinson) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5.25aa0bebba72- redhat/configs: Remove `CONFIG_HZ_1000 is not set` for aarch64 (Enric Balletbo i Serra) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5.374a7f47bf40- redhat/configs: turn on the framework for SPI NOR for ARM (Steve Best) - configs: add new ChromeOS UART driver (Mark Langsdorf) - configs: add new ChromeOS Human Presence Sensor (Mark Langsdorf) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_NVIDIA_WMI_EC_BACKLIGHT for both Fedora and RHEL (Kate Hsuan) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5.13b937206866- redhat/configs: Texas Instruments INA3221 driver (Steve Best) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5.14f9643dc90a- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc5- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc4.f0ab9f34e59e- arm: i.MX: Some minor NXP i.MX cleanups (Peter Robinson) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc4.024ff300db33- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc4.c1a515d3c027- Description: Set config for Tegra234 pinctrl driver (Joel Slebodnick) - Update RPM Scriptlet for kernel-install Changes (Jonathan Steffan) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc4.ec351c8f2e62- [CI] add exit 0 to the end of CI scripts (Don Zickus) - redhat: configs: Disable CONFIG_CRYPTO_STATS since performance issue for storage (Kate Hsuan) [2227793] - Remove obsolete variable from gitlab-ci.yml (Ondrej Kinst) - redhat/configs: Move GVT-g to Fedora only (Alex Williamson) - [CI] Make sure we are on correct branch before running script (Don Zickus) - CI: ark-update-configs: sync push command and output (Don Zickus) - CI: ark-update-configs: misc changes (Don Zickus) - CI: sync ark-create-release push commands with output (Don Zickus) - CI: ark-create-release: Add a robust check if nothing changed (Don Zickus) - CI: Remove legacy tag check cruft (Don Zickus) - CI: Introduce simple environment script (Don Zickus)- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc4- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3.d31e3792919e- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3.ffabf7c73176- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3.57012c57536f- redhat/configs: Disable FIREWIRE for RHEL (Prarit Bhargava) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3.0a8db05b571a- redhat/scripts/ print list of uploaded files (Denys Vlasenko) - redhat/scripts/ add missing function, robustify (Denys Vlasenko) - redhat: Enable HSR and PRP (Felix Maurer) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3.18b44bc5a672- redhat/scripts/ fix outdated message and comment (Denys Vlasenko) - redhat/configs: Disable CONFIG_I8K (Prarit Bhargava) - Make sure posttrans script doesn't fail if restorecon is not installed (Daan De Meyer) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3.0b5547c51827- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc3- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc2.c2782531397f- Update filters for new config items (Justin M. Forbes) - More Fedora 6.5 configs (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc2.d192f5382581- redhat/configs: disable pre-UVC cameras for RHEL on aarch64 (Dean Nelson) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_MEDIA_SUPPORT for RHEL on aarch64 (Dean Nelson) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc2.f7e3a1bafdea- move ownership of /lib/modules// to kernel-core (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Let kernel-modules-core own the files depmod generates. (Thorsten Leemhuis) - redhat: configs: Enable CONFIG_TYPEC_STUSB160X for rhel on aarch64 (Desnes Nunes) - Add filters for ptp_dfl_tod on Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc2.bfa3037d8280- Fedora 6.5 configs part 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: enable CONFIG_ZYNQMP_IPI_MBOX as a builtin in pending-fedora (Patrick Talbert) - fedora: arm: some minor updates (Peter Robinson) - fedora: bluetooth: enable AOSP extensions (Peter Robinson) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc2.ccff6d117d8d- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc2- fedora: wifi: tweak ZYDAS WiFI config options (Peter Robinson) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc1.831fe284d827- scsi: sd: Add "probe_type" module parameter to allow synchronous probing (Ewan D. Milne) [2140017] - redhat/configs: allow IMA to use MOK keys (Coiby Xu) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc1.b6e6cc1f78c7- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc1.4b810bf037e5- Simplify documentation jobs (Michael Hofmann) - Auto-cancel pipelines only on MRs (Michael Hofmann) - CI: Call script directly (Don Zickus) - CI: Remove stale TAG and Makefile cruft (Don Zickus) - CI: Move os-build tracking to common area (Don Zickus) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc1.eb26cbb1a754- redhat: use the eln builder for daily jobs (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: set CONFIG_XILINX_WINDOW_WATCHDOG as disabled in pending (Patrick Talbert) - Add baseline ARK/ELN pipelines (Michael Hofmann) - Simplify job rules (Michael Hofmann) - Build ELN srpm for bot changes (Michael Hofmann) - Run RH selftests for ELN (Michael Hofmann) - Simplify job templates (Michael Hofmann) - Extract rules to allow orthogonal configuration (Michael Hofmann) - Require ELN pipelines if started automatically (Michael Hofmann) - Add ARK debug pipeline (Michael Hofmann) - Extract common parts of child pipeline job (Michael Hofmann) - Move ARK pipeline variables into job template (Michael Hofmann) - Simplify ARK pipeline rules (Michael Hofmann) - Change to %py3_shebang_fix (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on NET_VENDOR_QUALCOMM for Fedora to enable rmnet (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: add intel-m10-bmc-hwmon to filter-modules singlemods list (Patrick Talbert) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc1.3f01e9fed845- fedira: enable pending-fedora CONFIG_CPUFREQ_DT_PLATDEV as a module (Patrick Talbert) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.c17414a273b8- redhat: fix the 'eln BUILD_TARGET' self-test (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: update the self-test-data (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: remove trailing space in dist-dump-variables output (Patrick Talbert) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.d528014517f2- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.24be4d0b46bb- Allow ELN pipelines failures (Michael Hofmann) - Enable cs-like CI (Michael Hofmann) - Allow to auto-cancel redundant pipelines (Michael Hofmann) - Remove obsolete unused trigger variable (Michael Hofmann) - Fix linter warnings in .gitlab-ci.yml (Michael Hofmann) - config: wifi: debug options for ath11k, brcm80211 and iwlwifi (Íñigo Huguet) - redhat: allow dbgonly cross builds (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: Clean up x86-64 call depth tracking configs (Waiman Long) - redhat: move SND configs from pending-rhel to rhel (Patrick Talbert) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.a901a3568fd2- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.995b406c7e97- Fix up armv7 configs for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Set pending-rhel x86 values for various SND configs (Patrick Talbert) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.a507db1d8fdc- Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.e55e5df193d2- redhat: update self-test data (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: ignore SPECBPFTOOLVERSION/bpftoolversion in self-test (Patrick Talbert) - fedora/rhel: Move I2C_DESIGNWARE_PLATFORM, I2C_SLAVE, & GPIOLIB from pending (Patrick Talbert) - redhat/ add needed deps for intel_rapl_tpmi (Jan Stancek) - fedora: Enable CONFIG_SPI_SLAVE (Patrick Talbert) - fedora/rhel: enable I2C_DESIGNWARE_PLATFORM, I2C_SLAVE, and GPIOLIB (Patrick Talbert) - fedora: Enable CONFIG_SPI_SLAVE in fedora-pending (Patrick Talbert)- redhat: remove extra + (plus) from meta package Requires definitions (Patrick Talbert) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.3a8a670eeeaa- Add intel-m10-bmc-hwmon to singlemods (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Add hid-uclogic-test to mod-internal.list (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Add checksum_kunit.ko to mod-internal.list (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Add strcat_kunit to mod-internal.list (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Add input_test to mod-intenal.list (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.6aeadf7896bf- Revert "Remove EXPERT from ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER for aarch64" (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset the release number and dedup the changelog after rebase (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up rebase issue with CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER (Justin M. Forbes)- redhat/kernel.spec.template: Disable 'extracting debug info' messages (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel/rh_messages.c: Another gcc12 warning on redundant NULL test (Florian Weimer) [2216678] - redhat: fix signing for realtime and arm64_64k non-debug variants (Jan Stancek) - redhat: treat with_up consistently (Jan Stancek) - redhat: make with_realtime opt-in (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: Disable qcom armv7 drippings in the aarch64 tree (Jeremy Linton) - kernel.spec: drop obsolete ldconfig (Jan Stancek) - Consolidate config items to common for 6.4 cycle (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on CO?NFIg_RMNET for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_MANA_INFINIBAND=m for ARK (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat/config: common: Enable CONFIG_GPIO_SIM for software development (Kate Hsuan) - redhat: fix problem with RT kvm modules listed twice in rpm generation (Clark Williams) - redhat: turn off 64k kernel builds with rtonly (Clark Williams) - redhat: turn off zfcpdump for rtonly (Clark Williams) - redhat: don't allow with_rtonly to turn on unsupported arches (Clark Williams) - redhat: update self-test data for addition of RT and 64k-page variants (Clark Williams) - redhat: fix realtime and efiuki build conflict (Jan Stancek) - arm64-64k: Add new kernel variant to RHEL9/CS9 for 64K page-size'd ARM64 (Donald Dutile) [2153073] - redhat: TEMPORARY set configs to deal with PREEMPT_RT not available (Clark Williams) - redhat: TEMPORARY default realtime to off (Clark Williams) - redhat: moved ARM errata configs to arm dir (Clark Williams) - redhat: RT packaging changes (Clark Williams) - redhat: miscellaneous commits needed due to CONFIG_EXPERT (Clark Williams) - redhat: realtime config entries (Clark Williams) - common: remove deleted USB PCCARD drivers (Peter Robinson) - fedora: further cleanup of pccard/cardbus subsystem (Peter Robinson) - common: properly disable PCCARD subsystem (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: arm: enable SERIAL_TEGRA UART for RHEL (Mark Salter) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_X86_AMD_PSTATE_UT (David Arcari) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_TCG_VTPM_PROXY for RHEL (Štěpán Horáček) - redhat: do not package *.mod.c generated files (Denys Vlasenko) - ALSA configuration changes for ARK/RHEL 9.3 (Jaroslav Kysela) - spec: remove resolve_btfids from kernel-devel (Viktor Malik) - tools/resolve_btfids: Fix setting HOSTCFLAGS (Viktor Malik) - Fix typo in filter-modules (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_INIT_STACK_ALL_ZERO for RHEL (Josh Poimboeuf) - Remove CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER for aarch64 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up config and filter for PTP_DFL_TOD (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: IMX8ULP pinctrl driver (Steve Best) - redhat/configs: increase CONFIG_FRAME_WARN for Fedora on aarch64 (Brian Masney) - redhat/configs: add two missing Kconfig options for the Thinkpad x13s (Brian Masney) - Fedora configs for 6.4 (Justin M. Forbes) - Change aarch64 CONFIG_ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER to 10 for 4K pages (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel.spec: remove "RPM_VMLINUX_H=$DevelDir/vmlinux.h" code chunk in %install (Denys Vlasenko) - redhat/configs: aarch64: Turn on Display for OnePlus 6 (Eric Curtin) - redhat/configs: NXP i.MX93 pinctrl, clk, analog to digital converters (Steve Best) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_SC_GPUCC_8280XP for fedora (Andrew Halaney) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_QCOM_IPCC for fedora (Andrew Halaney) - Add rv subpackage for kernel-tools (John Kacur) [2188441] - redhat/configs: NXP i.MX9 family (Steve Best) - redhat/ add support to list/process zstream Jira tickets (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: fix duplicate jira issues in the resolves line (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: add support for Jira issues in changelog (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: turn on IMX8ULP CCM Clock Driver (Steve Best) - redhat: update filter-modules fsdrvs list to reference smb instead of cifs (Patrick Talbert) - Turn off some debug options found to impact performance (Justin M. Forbes) - wifi: rtw89: enable RTL8852BE card in RHEL (Íñigo Huguet) - redhat/configs: enable TEGRA186_GPC_DMA for RHEL (Mark Salter) - Move imx8m configs from fedora to common (Mark Salter) - redhat/configs: turn on lpuart serial port support Driver (Steve Best) [2208834] - Turn off DEBUG_VM for non debug Fedora kernels (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable CONFIG_BT on aarch64 (Charles Mirabile) - redhat/configs: turn on CONFIG_MARVELL_CN10K_TAD_PMU (Michal Schmidt) [2042240] - redhat/configs: Fix enabling MANA Infiniband (Kamal Heib) - Fix file listing for symvers in uki (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up some Fedora config items (Justin M. Forbes) - enable efifb for Nvidia (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel.spec: package unstripped test_progs-no_alu32 (Felix Maurer) - Turn on NFT_CONNLIMIT for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Include the information about builtin symbols into kernel-uki-virt package too (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat/configs: Fix incorrect configs location and content (Vladis Dronov) - redhat/configs: turn on CONFIG_MARVELL_CN10K_DDR_PMU (Michal Schmidt) [2042241] - redhat: configs: generic: x86: Disable CONFIG_VIDEO_OV2740 for x86 platform (Kate Hsuan) - Enable IO_URING for RHEL (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on IO_URING for RHEL in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Remove editconfig (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: configs: fix CONFIG_WERROR replace in build_configs (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: enable Maxim MAX77620 PMIC for RHEL (Mark Salter) - kernel.spec: skip kernel meta package when building without up (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: enable RDMA_RXE for RHEL (Kamal Heib) [2022578] - redhat/configs: update RPCSEC_GSS_KRB5 configs (Scott Mayhew) - redhat/Makefile: Support building linux-next (Thorsten Leemhuis) - redhat/Makefile: support building stable-rc versions (Thorsten Leemhuis) - redhat/Makefile: Add target to print DISTRELEASETAG (Thorsten Leemhuis) - Remove EXPERT from ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER for aarch64 (Justin M. Forbes) - Revert "Merge branch 'unstripped-no_alu32' into 'os-build'" (Patrick Talbert) - configs: Enable CONFIG_PAGE_POOL_STATS for common/generic (Patrick Talbert) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_DELL_WMI_PRIVACY for both RHEL and Fedora (David Arcari) - kernel.spec: package unstripped test_progs-no_alu32 (Felix Maurer) - bpf/selftests: fix bpf selftests install (Jerome Marchand) - kernel.spec: add bonding selftest (Hangbin Liu) - Change FORCE_MAX_ORDER for ppc64 to be 8 (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel.spec.template: Add global compression variables (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel.spec.template: Use xz for KABI (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel.spec.template: Remove gzip related aarch64 code (Prarit Bhargava) - Add apple_bl to filter-modules (Justin M. Forbes) - Add handshake-test to mod-intenal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Add regmap-kunit to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - configs: set CONFIG_PAGE_POOL_STATS (Patrick Talbert) - Add apple_bl to fedora module_filter (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up some config mismatches in new Fedora config items (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: disable CONFIG_USB_NET_SR9700 for aarch64 (Jose Ignacio Tornos Martinez) - Reset changelog for 6.4 series (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset RHEL_RELEASE for the 6.4 cycle (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up the RHEL configs for xtables and ipset (Justin M. Forbes) - ark: enable wifi on aarch64 (Íñigo Huguet) - fedora: wifi: hermes: disable 802.11b driver (Peter Robinson) - fedora: wifi: libertas: use the LIBERTAS_THINFIRM driver (Peter Robinson) - fedora: wifi: disable Zydas vendor (Peter Robinson) - redhat: fix python ValueError in error path of (Clark Williams) - fedora: arm: minor updates (Peter Robinson) - kernel.spec: Fix UKI naming to comply with BLS (Philipp Rudo) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Suppress 'extracting debug info' noise in build log (Prarit Bhargava) - Fedora 6.3 configs part 2 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_X86_KERNEL_IBT for Fedora and ARK (Josh Poimboeuf) - kernel.spec: gcov: make gcov subpackages per variant (Jan Stancek) - kernel.spec: Gemini: add Epoch to perf and rtla subpackages (Jan Stancek) - kernel.spec: Gemini: fix header provides for upgrade path (Jan Stancek) - redhat: introduce Gemini versioning (Jan Stancek) - redhat: separate RPM version from uname version (Jan Stancek) - redhat: introduce GEMINI and RHEL_REBASE_NUM variable (Jan Stancek) - ipmi: ssif_bmc: Add SSIF BMC driver (Tony Camuso) - common: minor de-dupe of parallel port configs (Peter Robinson) - Fedora 6.3 configs part 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: configs: Enable CONFIG_MEMTEST to enable memory test (Kate Hsuan) - Update Fedora arm filters after config updates (Nicolas Chauvet) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix kernel-tools-libs-devel dependency (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: fix the check for the n option (Patrick Talbert) - common: de-dupe some options that are the same (Peter Robinson) - generic: remove deleted options (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_INTEL_TCC_COOLING for RHEL (David Arcari) - Update Fedora ppc filters after config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Update Fedora aarch64 filters after config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: arm: Updates for 6.3 (Peter Robinson) - redhat: kunit: cleanup NITRO config and enable rescale test (Nico Pache) - kernel.spec: use %{package_name} to fix kernel-devel-matched Requires (Jan Stancek) - kernel.spec: use %{package_name} also for abi-stablelist subpackages (Jan Stancek) - kernel.spec: use %{package_name} also for tools subpackages (Jan Stancek) - generic: common: Parport and paride/ata cleanups (Peter Robinson) - CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L83 is no longer common (Justin M. Forbes) - configs: arm: bring some configs in line with rhel configs in c9s (Mark Salter) - arm64/configs: Put some arm64 configs in the right place (Mark Salter) - cleanup removed R8188EU config (Peter Robinson) - Make RHJOBS container friendly (Don Zickus) - Remove scmversion from kernel.spec.template (Don Zickus) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_SND_SOC_CS42L83 (Neal Gompa) - Use RHJOBS for create-tarball (Don Zickus) - Enable CONFIG_NET_SCH_FQ_PIE for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Make Fedora debug configs more useful for debug (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable Octeon TX2 network drivers for RHEL (Michal Schmidt) [2040643] - redhat/kernel.spec.template: fix installonlypkg for meta package (Jan Stancek) - redhat: version two of Makefile.rhelver tweaks (Clark Williams) - redhat/configs: Disable CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix typo for call (Neal Gompa) - redhat/configs: CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM3_AVX_X86_64 is x86 only (Vladis Dronov) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_PINCTRL_METEORLAKE in RHEL (Prarit Bhargava) - fedora: enable new image sensors (Peter Robinson) - redhat/self-test: Update self-test data (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix hardcoded "kernel" (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Fix config naming (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Pass SPECPACKAGE_NAME to (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel.spec.template: Use SPECPACKAGE_NAME (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Copy spec file (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Change PACKAGE_NAME to SPECPACKAGE_NAME (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Support the virtio_mmio.device parameter in Fedora (David Michael) - Revert "Merge branch 'systemd-boot-unsigned' into 'os-build'" (Patrick Talbert) - redhat/Makefile: fix default values for dist-brew's DISTRO and DIST (Íñigo Huguet) - Remove cc lines from automatic configs (Don Zickus) - Add rtla-hwnoise files (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Mark it as a non-executable file (Neal Gompa) - fedora: arm: Enable DRM_PANEL_HIMAX_HX8394 (Javier Martinez Canillas) - redhat/configs: CONFIG_HP_ILO location fix (Vladis Dronov) - redhat: Fix build for kselftests mm (Nico Pache) - fix tools build after vm to mm rename (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/spec: Update bpftool versioning scheme (Viktor Malik) - redhat/configs: CONFIG_CRYPTO_SM4_AESNI_AVX*_X86_64 is x86 only (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: adapt to upstream Makefile change (Clark Williams) - redhat: modify efiuki specfile changes to use variants convention (Clark Williams) - Turn off DEBUG_INFO_COMPRESSED_ZLIB for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix RHEL systemd-boot-unsigned dependency (Prarit Bhargava) - Add hashtable_test to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Add more kunit tests to mod-internal.list for 6.3 (Justin M. Forbes) - Flip CONFIG_I2C_ALGOBIT to m (Justin M. Forbes) - Flip I2C_ALGOBIT to m to avoid mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel.spec: move modules.builtin to kernel-core (Jan Stancek) - Turn on IDLE_INJECT for x86 (Justin M. Forbes) - Flip CONFIG_IDLE_INJECT in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - Trim Changelog for 6.3 series (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset RHEL_RELEASE to 0 for the 6.3 cycle (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_V4L_TEST_DRIVERS related drivers (Enric Balletbo i Serra) - redhat/configs: Enable UCSI_CCG support (David Marlin) - Fix underline mark-up after text change (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on CONFIG_XFS_RT for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Consolidate common configs for 6.2 (Justin M. Forbes) - aarch64: enable zboot (Gerd Hoffmann) - redhat: remove duplicate pending-rhel config items (Patrick Talbert) - Disable frame pointers (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: update scripts and docs for ark -> rhel rename (Clark Williams) - redhat/configs: rename ark configs dir to rhel (Clark Williams) - Turn off CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_COMPRESSED_ZLIB for ppc64le (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel.spec: package unstripped kselftests/bpf/test_progs (Jan Stancek) - kernel.spec: allow to package some binaries as unstripped (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: Make portable for older python (Desnes Nunes) - Fedora configs for 6.2 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Repair ELN build broken by the recent UKI changes (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_INET_DIAG_DESTROY (Andrea Claudi) - Enable TDX Guest driver (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_PCIE_PTM generically (Corinna Vinschen) - redhat: Add sub-RPM with a EFI unified kernel image for virtual machines (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat/Makefile: Remove GIT deprecated message (Prarit Bhargava) - Revert "redhat: configs: Disable xtables and ipset" (Phil Sutter) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_SENSORS_LM90 for RHEL (Mark Salter) - Fix up SQUASHFS decompression configs (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_OCTEON_EP as a module in ARK (Michal Schmidt) [2041990] - redhat: ignore rpminspect runpath report on urandom_read selftest binaries (Herton R. Krzesinski) - kernel.spec: add llvm-devel build requirement (Scott Weaver) - Update self-test data to not expect debugbuildsenabled 0 (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off forced debug builds (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on debug builds for aarch64 Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: modify to match old overrides input (Clark Williams) - redhat: fixup pylint complaints (Clark Williams) - redhat: remove and references to it (Clark Williams) - redhat: update to handle corner cases (Clark Williams) - Revert "redhat: fix elf got hardening for vm tools" (Don Zickus) - Update rebase notes for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Update CONFIG_LOCKDEP_CHAINS_BITS to 19 (cmurf) - redhat/configs: Turn on CONFIG_SPI_TEGRA210_QUAD for RHEL (Mark Salter) - ark: aarch64: drop CONFIG_SMC911X (Peter Robinson) - all: cleanup and de-dupe CDROM_PKTCDVD options. (Peter Robinson) - all: remove CRYPTO_GF128MUL (Peter Robinson) - all: cleanup UEFI options (Peter Robinson) - common: arm64: Enable Ampere Altra SMpro Hardware Monitoring (Peter Robinson) - fedora: enable STACKPROTECTOR_STRONG (Peter Robinson) - fedora: enable STACKPROTECTOR on arm platforms (Peter Robinson) - redhat/self-test: Update data with ENABLE_WERROR (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Add ENABLE_WERROR (Prarit Bhargava) - makefile: Add -Werror support for RHEL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Remove mention of Makefile.rhpkg (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Alphabetize variables (Prarit Bhargava) - gitlab-ci: use CI templates from production branch (Michael Hofmann) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix internal "File listed twice" errors (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Remove stale .tmp_versions code and comments (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix vmlinux_decompressor on !s390x (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Remove unnecessary output from (Prarit Bhargava) - Modularize CONFIG_ARM_CORESIGHT_PMU_ARCH_SYSTEM_PMU (Mark Salter) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Parallelize compression (Prarit Bhargava) - config: Enable Security Path (Ricardo Robaina) - redhat/self-test/data: Regenerate self-test data for make change (Prarit Bhargava) - Update module filters for nvmem_u-boot-env (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: Updates for 6.2 merge (Peter Robinson) - fedora: Updates for 6.1 merge (Peter Robinson) - modules-core: use %posttrans (Gerd Hoffmann) - split sub-rpm kernel-modules-core from kernel-core (Gerd Hoffmann) - Turn off CONFIG_MTK_T7XX for S390x (Justin M. Forbes) - CI: add variable for variant handling (Veronika Kabatova) - Fix up configs with SND_SOC_NAU8315 mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - CI: Do a full build for non-bot runs (Veronika Kabatova) - Fix up configs with SND_SOC_NAU8315 mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel/rh_messages.c: gcc12 warning on redundant NULL test (Eric Chanudet) [2142658] - redhat/configs: Enable CRYPTO_CURVE25519 in ark (Prarit Bhargava) - general: arm: cleanup ASPEED options (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: ALSA - cleanups for the AMD Pink Sardine DMIC driver (Jaroslav Kysela) - redhat/docs: Add FAQ entry for booting between Fedora & ELN/RHEL kernels (Prarit Bhargava) - spec: add missing BuildRequires: python3-docutils for tools (Ondrej Mosnacek) - config: enable RCU_TRACE for debug kernels (Wander Lairson Costa) - Add siphash_kunit and strscpy_kunit to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Add drm_kunit_helpers to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up configs for Fedora so we don't have a mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on CONFIG_SQUASHFS_DECOMP_SINGLE in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - Trim changelog for 6.2 cycle (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset RHEL_RELEASE for the 6.2 window. (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Fix cpupower file error (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: aarhc64: clean up some erratum configs (Mark Salter) - More Fedora configs for 6.1 as deps were switched on (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: make SOC_TEGRA_CBB a module (Mark Salter) - redhat/configs: aarch64: reorganize tegra configs to common dir (Mark Salter) - Enforces buildroot if cross_arm (Nicolas Chauvet) - Handle automated case when config generation works correctly (Don Zickus) - Turn off CONFIG_CRYPTO_ARIA_AESNI_AVX_X86_64 (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off CONFIG_EFI_ZBOOT as it makes CKI choke (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates for 6.1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Remove cpupower files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: update CXL-related options to match what RHEL will use (John W. Linville) - Clean up the config for the Tegra186 timer (Al Stone) - redhat/configs: move CONFIG_TEGRA186_GPC_DMA config (Mark Salter) - Check for kernel config git-push failures (Don Zickus) - redhat: failures should interrupt the recipe (Patrick Talbert) - Turn CONFIG_GNSS back on for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_GNSS for RHEL (Michal Schmidt) - Turn off NVMEM_U_BOOT_ENV for fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Consolidate matching fedora and ark entries to common (Justin M. Forbes) - Empty out redhat/configs/common (Justin M. Forbes) - Adjust path to compressed vmlinux kernel image for s390x (Justin M. Forbes) [2149273] - Fedora config updates for 6.1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: should expect in the current directory (Patrick Talbert) - redhat/configs: consolidate CONFIG_TEST_LIVEPATCH=m (Joe Lawrence) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_TEST_LIVEPATCH=m for s390x (Julia Denham) - Revert "Merge branch 'ark-make-help' into 'os-build'" (Scott Weaver) - Remove recommendation to use 'common' for config changes. (Don Zickus) - Update config to add i3c support for AArch64 (Mark Charlebois) - redhat: Move cross-compile scripts into their own directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Move yaml files into their own directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Move into redhat/scripts (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Move kernel-tools scripts into their own directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Move gen-* scripts into their own directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Move mod-* scripts into their own directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Fix RHJOBS grep warning (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Force remove tmp file (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: ALSA - cleanups for the CentOS 9.2 update (Jaroslav Kysela) - CI: Use CKI container images from (Veronika Kabatova) - redhat: clean up the partial-kgcov-snip.config file (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: avoid picking up stray editor backups when processing configs (Clark Williams) - CI: Remove old configs (Veronika Kabatova) - redhat: override `make help` to include dist-help (Jonathan Toppins) - redhat: make RHTEST stricter (Jonathan Toppins) - redhat: Enable support for SN2201 system (Ivan Vecera) - redhat/docs/index.rst: Add FLAVOR information to generate configs for local builds (Enric Balletbo i Serra) - redhat: fix selftest git command so it picks the right commit (Patrick Talbert) - redhat/configs: enable HP_WATCHDOG for aarch64 (Mark Salter) - redhat: disable Kfence Kunit Test (Nico Pache) - configs: enable CONFIG_LRU_GEN_ENABLED everywhere (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: Enable WWAN feature and support for Intel, Qualcomm and Mediatek devices (Jose Ignacio Tornos Martinez) - Turn on dln2 support (RHBZ 2110372) (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable configs for imx8m PHYs (Al Stone) - configs/fedora: Build some SC7180 clock controllers as modules (Javier Martinez Canillas) - redhat/configs: Disable fbdev drivers and use simpledrm everywhere (Javier Martinez Canillas) [1986223] - redhat: fix the branch we pull from the documentation tree (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: change so watchdog is module versus builtin (Steve Best) - redhat/configs: move CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO to common/generic (Mark Langsdorf) - enable imx8xm I2C configs properly (Al Stone) - configs/fedora: Enable a few more drivers needed by the HP X2 Chromebook (Javier Martinez Canillas) - enable the rtc-rv8803 driver on RHEL and Fedora (David Arcari) - redhat/Makefile: Remove BUILD_SCRATCH_TARGET (Prarit Bhargava) - configs: move CONFIG_INTEL_TDX_GUEST to common directory (Wander Lairson Costa) - redhat/Makefile: Use new BUILD_TARGET for RHEL dist[g]-brew target (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: change the output loop to use 'values' method (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: use 'update' method in (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: Use a context manager in for opening the config file for reading (Patrick Talbert) - redhat: automatically strip newlines in (Clark Williams) - redhat: python replacement for (Clark Williams) - redhat/docs: Update with DISTLOCALVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename LOCALVERSION to DISTLOCALVERSION (Akihiko Odaki) - Adjust FIPS module name in RHEL (Vladis Dronov) - spec: prevent git apply from searching for the .git directory (Ondrej Mosnacek) - redhat: Remove (Prarit Bhargava) - Turn on Multi-Gen LRU for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Add kasan_test to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Fix typo with RHDISTGIT_TMP (Prarit Bhargava) - spec: fix path to `installing_core` stamp file for subpackages (Jonathan Lebon) - Remove unused ci scripts (Don Zickus) - Rename rename FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER to ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER in configs (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Add new fortify_kunit & is_signed_type_kunit to mod-internal.list (Patrick Talbert) - Rename rename FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER to ARCH_FORCE_MAX_ORDER in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - Add acpi video to the for rhel (Justin M. Forbes) - Change acpi_bus_get_acpi_device to acpi_get_acpi_dev (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on ACPI_VIDEO for arm (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on CONFIG_PRIME_NUMBERS as a module (Justin M. Forbes) - Add new drm kunit tests to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: fix elf got hardening for vm tools (Frantisek Hrbata) - kernel.spec.template: remove some temporary files early (Ondrej Mosnacek) - kernel.spec.template: avoid keeping two copies of vmlinux (Ondrej Mosnacek) - Add fortify_kunit to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Add module filters for Fedora as acpi video has new deps (Justin M. Forbes) - One more mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up pending for mismatches (Justin M. Forbes) - Trim changelog with the reset (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset the RHEL_RELEASE in Makefile.rhelver (Justin M. Forbes) - Forgot too remove this from pending, it is set properly in ark (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Add DIST to git tags for RHEL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Move CONFIG_ARM_SMMU_QCOM_DEBUG to common (Jerry Snitselaar) - Common config cleanup for 6.0 (Justin M. Forbes) - Allow selftests to fail without killing the build (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Remove redhat/Makefile.rhpkg (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move RHDISTGIT_CACHE and RHDISTGIT_TMP (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.rhpkg: Remove RHDISTGIT_USER (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move RHPKG_BIN to redhat/Makefile (Prarit Bhargava) - common: clean up Android option with removal of CONFIG_ANDROID (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: Remove x86_64 from priority files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/pending-ark: Remove x86_64 directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/pending-fedora: Remove x86_64 directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/fedora: Remove x86_64 directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/common: Remove x86_64 directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ark: Remove x86_64 directory (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/custom-overrides: Remove x86_64 directory (Prarit Bhargava) - configs: use common CONFIG_ARM64_SME for ark and fedora (Mark Salter) - redhat/configs: Add a warning message to priority.common (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Enable INIT_STACK_ALL_ZERO for Fedora (Miko Larsson) - redhat: Set CONFIG_MAXLINEAR_GPHY to =m (Petr Oros) - redhat/configs enable CONFIG_INTEL_IFS (David Arcari) - redhat: Remove (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Set PATCHLIST_URL to none for RHEL/cs9 (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: remove GL_DISTGIT_USER, RHDISTGIT and unify dist-git cloning (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Add ADD_COMMITID_TO_VERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel.spec: disable vmlinux.h generation for s390 zfcpdump config (Prarit Bhargava) - perf: Require libbpf 0.6.0 or newer (Prarit Bhargava) - kabi: add stablelist helpers (Prarit Bhargava) - Makefile: add kabi targets (Prarit Bhargava) - kabi: add support for symbol namespaces into check-kabi (Prarit Bhargava) - kabi: ignore new stablelist metadata in show-kabi (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: add dist-assert-tree-clean target (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Specify vmlinux.h path when building samples/bpf (Prarit Bhargava) [2041365] - spec: Fix separate tools build (Prarit Bhargava) [2054579] - redhat/scripts: Update with new subtree location (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: enable dependencies generation (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: build and include memfd to kernel-selftests-internal (Prarit Bhargava) [2027506] - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Link perf with --export-dynamic (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: kernel.spec: selftests: abort on build failure (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: configs: move CONFIG_SERIAL_MULTI_INSTANTIATE=m settings to common/x86 (Jaroslav Kysela) - configs: enable CONFIG_HP_ILO for aarch64 (Mark Salter) - all: cleanup dell config options (Peter Robinson) - redhat: Include more kunit tests (Nico Pache) - common: some minor cleanups/de-dupe (Peter Robinson) - common: enable INTEGRITY_MACHINE_KEYRING on all configuraitons (Peter Robinson) - Fedora 6.0 configs update (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/self-test: Ignore files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_PRINTK_INDEX on Fedora (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Cleanup CONFIG_X86_KERNEL_IBT (Prarit Bhargava) - Fix up SND_CTL debug options (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: create /boot symvers link if it doesn't exist (Jan Stancek) - redhat: remove duplicate kunit tests in mod-internal.list (Nico Pache) - configs/fedora: Make Fedora work with HNS3 network adapter (Zamir SUN) - redhat/configs/fedora/generic: Enable CONFIG_BLK_DEV_UBLK on Fedora (Richard W.M. Jones) [2122595] - fedora: disable IWLMEI (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: enable UINPUT on aarch64 (Benjamin Tissoires) - Fedora 6.0 configs part 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Always set UPSTREAM (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: aarch64: Turn on Apple Silicon configs for Fedora (Eric Curtin) - Add cpumask_kunit to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - config - consolidate disabled MARCH options on s390x (Dan Horák) - move the baseline arch to z13 for s390x in F-37+ (Dan Horák) - redhat/scripts/ Fix outdated cvs reference (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - Fedora: arm changes for 6.0, part 1, with some ACPI (Peter Robinson) - redhat/self-test: Fix shellcheck errors (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/docs: Add dist-brew BUILD_FLAGS information (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: change the changelog item for upstream merges (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: fix dist-release build number test (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: fix release number bump when dist-release-changed runs (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: use new script to detect changes for dist-release (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: move changelog addition to the spec file back into (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: always add a rebase entry when ark merges from upstream (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: drop merge ark patches hack (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: don't hardcode temporary changelog file (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: split changelog generation from (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: configs: Disable FIE on arm (Jeremy Linton) [2012226] - redhat/Makefile: Clean linux tarballs (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Cleanup CONFIG_ACPI_AGDI (Prarit Bhargava) - spec: add cpupower daemon reload on install/upgrade (Jarod Wilson) - redhat: properly handle binary files in patches (Ondrej Mosnacek) - Add python3-setuptools buildreq for perf (Justin M. Forbes) - Add cros_kunit to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Add new tests to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off some Kunit tests in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - Clean up a mismatch in Fedora configs (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Sync up Retbleed configs with centos-stream (Waiman Long) - Change CRYPTO_BLAKE2S_X86 from m to y (Justin M. Forbes) - Leave CONFIG_ACPI_VIDEO on for x86 only (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix BLAKE2S_ARM and BLAKE2S_X86 configs in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix pending for ACPI_VIDEO (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset release (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Fix rm warning on config warnings (Eric Chanudet) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate PREBUILD_GIT_ONLY variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate SINGLE_TARBALL variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate GIT variable (Prarit Bhargava) - Update CONFIG_LOCKDEP_CHAINS_BITS to 18 (cmurf) - Add new FIPS module name and version configs (Vladis Dronov) - redhat/configs/fedora: Make PowerPC's nx-gzip buildin (Jakub Čajka) - omit unused Provides (Dan Horák) - self-test: Add test for DIST=".eln" (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Enable CONFIG_LZ4_COMPRESS on Fedora (Prarit Bhargava) - fedora: armv7: enable MMC_STM32_SDMMC (Peter Robinson) - .gitlab-ci.yaml: Add test for dist-get-buildreqs target (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/docs: Add information on build dependencies (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Add better pass message for dist-get-buildreqs (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Provide a better message for system-sb-certs (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Change dist-buildreq-check to a non-blocking target (Prarit Bhargava) - create-data: Parallelize spec file data (Prarit Bhargava) - Store SOURCES Makefile variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Split up setup-source target (Prarit Bhargava) - Redefine varfilename (Prarit Bhargava) - Parallelize variable file creation (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_LZ4_COMPRESS (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/docs: Update brew information (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Fix eln BUILD_TARGET (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Set BUILD_TARGET for dist-brew (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel.spec.template: update (s390x) expoline.o path (Joe Lawrence) - fedora: enable BCM_NET_PHYPTP (Peter Robinson) - Fedora 5.19 configs update part 2 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Change fedora BUILD_TARGET (Prarit Bhargava) - New configs in security/keys (Fedora Kernel Team) - Fedora: arm: enable a pair of drivers (Peter Robinson) - redhat: make kernel-zfcpdump-core to not provide kernel-core/kernel (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: Enable QAT devices for arches other than x86 (Vladis Dronov) - Fedora 5.19 configs pt 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Exclude cpufreq.h from kernel-headers (Patrick Talbert) - Add rtla subpackage for kernel-tools (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: arm: enable a couple of QCom drivers (Peter Robinson) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate BUILD_SCRATCH_TARGET (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: enable CONFIG_DEVTMPFS_SAFE (Mark Langsdorf) - redhat/Makefile: Remove deprecated variables and targets (Prarit Bhargava) - Split partner modules into a sub-package (Alice Mitchell) - Enable kAFS and it's dependancies in RHEL (Alice Mitchell) - Enable Marvell OcteonTX2 crypto device in ARK (Vladis Dronov) - redhat/Makefile: Remove --scratch from BUILD_TARGET (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Fix dist-brew and distg-brew targets (Prarit Bhargava) - fedora: arm64: Initial support for TI Keystone 3 (ARCH_K3) (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: enable Hardware Timestamping Engine support (Peter Robinson) - fedora: wireless: disable SiLabs and PureLiFi (Peter Robinson) - fedora: updates for 5.19 (Peter Robinson) - fedora: minor updates for Fedora configs (Peter Robinson) - configs/fedora: Enable the pinctrl SC7180 driver built-in (Enric Balletbo i Serra) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_DEBUG_NET for debug kernel (Hangbin Liu) - redhat/Makefile: Add SPECKABIVERSION variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Provide better failure output (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Reformat tests to kernel standard (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Add purpose and header to each test (Prarit Bhargava) - Drop outdated CRYPTO_ECDH configs (Vladis Dronov) - Brush up crypto SHA512 and USER configs (Vladis Dronov) - Brush up crypto ECDH and ECDSA configs (Vladis Dronov) - redhat/self-test: Update data set (Prarit Bhargava) - Reduce specfile data output (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: restore/fix core INTEL_LPSS configs to be builtin again (Hans de Goede) - Enable CKI on os-build MRs only (Don Zickus) - self-test: Fixup Makefile contents test (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: self-test data update (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Fix up to not report local variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/fedora: Enable a set of modules used on some x86 tablets (Hans de Goede) - redhat/configs: Make INTEL_SOC_PMIC_CHTDC_TI builtin (Hans de Goede) - redhat/configs/fedora: enable missing modules modules for Intel IPU3 camera support (Hans de Goede) - Common: minor cleanups (Peter Robinson) - fedora: some minor Fedora cleanups (Peter Robinson) - fedora: drop X86_PLATFORM_DRIVERS_DELL dupe (Peter Robinson) - redhat: change tools_make macro to avoid full override of variables in Makefile (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Fix typo in Makefile for Fedora Stable Versioning (Justin M. Forbes) - Remove duplicates from ark/generic/s390x/zfcpdump/ (Vladis Dronov) - Move common/debug/s390x/zfcpdump/ configs to ark/debug/s390x/zfcpdump/ (Vladis Dronov) - Move common/generic/s390x/zfcpdump/ configs to ark/generic/s390x/zfcpdump/ (Vladis Dronov) - Drop RCU_EXP_CPU_STALL_TIMEOUT to 0, we are not really android (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs/README: Update the README (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/docs: fix hyperlink typo (Patrick Talbert) - all: net: remove old NIC/ATM drivers that use virt_to_bus() (Peter Robinson) - Explicitly turn off CONFIG_KASAN_INLINE for ppc (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/docs: Add a description of kernel naming (Prarit Bhargava) - Change CRYPTO_CHACHA_S390 from m to y (Justin M. Forbes) - enable CONFIG_NET_ACT_CTINFO in ark (Davide Caratti) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_SP5100_TCO (David Arcari) - redhat/configs: Set CONFIG_VIRTIO_IOMMU on x86_64 (Eric Auger) [2089765] - Turn off KASAN_INLINE for RHEL ppc in pending (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: update selftest data via "make dist-self-test-data" (Denys Vlasenko) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: remove stray *.hardlink-temporary files, if any (Denys Vlasenko) - Fix up ZSMALLOC config for s390 (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on KASAN_OUTLINE for ppc debug (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on KASAN_OUTLINE for PPC debug to avoid mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up crypto config mistmatches (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up config mismatches (Justin M. Forbes) - generic/fedora: cleanup and disable Lightning Moutain SoC (Peter Robinson) - redhat: Set SND_SOC_SOF_HDA_PROBES to =m (Patrick Talbert) - Fix versioning on stable Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable PAGE_POOL_STATS for arm only (Justin M. Forbes) - Revert "Merge branch 'fix-ci-20220523' into 'os-build'" (Patrick Talbert) - Fix changelog one more time post rebase (Justin M. Forbes) - Flip CONFIG_RADIO_ADAPTERS to module for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset Release for 5.19 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Drop quotation marks around string definitions (Prarit Bhargava) - Fedora: arm: Updates for QCom devices (Peter Robinson) - Fedora arm and generic updates for 5.17 (Peter Robinson) - enable COMMON_CLK_SI5341 for Xilinx ZYNQ-MP (Peter Robinson) - Turn on CONFIG_DM_VERITY_VERIFY_ROOTHASH_SIG_SECONDARY_KEYRING for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/self-test/data: Update data set (Prarit Bhargava) - Revert variable switch for lasttag (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Add self-tests to .gitlab-ci.yml (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Update data (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Unset Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Omit SHELL variable from test data (Prarit Bhargava) - Add CONFIG_EFI_DXE_MEM_ATTRIBUTES (Justin M. Forbes) - Update filter-modules for mlx5-vfio-pci (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora configs for 5.18 (Justin M. Forbes) - self-test/data/ Avoid SINGLE_TARBALL warning (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename PREBUILD to UPSTREAMBUILD (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename BUILDID to LOCALVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Fix dist-brew & distg-brew targets (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Reorganize MARKER code (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename __YSTREAM and __ZSTREAM (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/ Add comment about SPECBUILDID variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Move genspec variables into one section (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Remove kversion (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Add SPECTARFILE_RELEASE comment (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename RPMVERSION to BASEVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Target whitespace cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move SPECRELEASE to (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Add kernel-NVR comment (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Use SPECFILE variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Remove KEXTRAVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Enable VM kselftests (Nico Pache) [1978539] - redhat: enable CONFIG_TEST_VMALLOC for vm selftests (Nico Pache) - redhat: Enable HMM test to be used by the kselftest test suite (Nico Pache) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Change git hash length to default (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Drop quotation marks around string definitions (Prarit Bhargava) - Turn on INTEGRITY_MACHINE_KEYRING for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: fix CONFIG_INTEL_ISHTP_ECLITE (David Arcari) - redhat/configs: Fix rm warning on error (Prarit Bhargava) - Fix nightly merge CI (Don Zickus) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: fix standalone tools build (Jan Stancek) - Add system-sb-certs for RHEL-9 (Don Zickus) - Fix dist-buildcheck-reqs (Don Zickus) - move DAMON configs to correct directory (Chris von Recklinghausen) - redhat: indicate HEAD state in tarball/rpm name (Jarod Wilson) - Fedora 5.18 config set part 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: arm: Enable new Rockchip 356x series drivers (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: enable DRM_I2C_NXP_TDA998X on aarch64 (Peter Robinson) - redhat/self-test: Add test to verify Makefile declarations. (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Add RHTEST (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: shellcheck cleanup (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test/data: Cleanup data (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Add test to verify SPEC variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Add 'duplicate' SPEC entries for user set variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename TARFILE_RELEASE to SPECTARFILE_RELEASE (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/genspec: Rename PATCHLIST_CHANGELOG to SPECPATCHLIST_CHANGELOG (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/genspec: Rename DEBUG_BUILDS_ENABLED to SPECDEBUG_BUILDS_ENABLED (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename PKGRELEASE to SPECBUILD (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/genspec: Rename BUILDID_DEFINE to SPECBUILDID (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename CHANGELOG to SPECCHANGELOG (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename RPMKEXTRAVERSION to SPECKEXTRAVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename RPMKSUBLEVEL to SPECKSUBLEVEL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename RPMKPATCHLEVEL to SPECKPATCHLEVEL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename RPMKVERSION to SPECKVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Rename KVERSION to SPECVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate some simple targets (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Use KVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Set GUP_TEST in debug kernel (Joel Savitz) - enable DAMON configs (Chris von Recklinghausen) [2004233] - redhat: add zstream switch for zstream release numbering (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: change kabi tarballs to use the package release (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: generate distgit changelog in as well (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: make genspec prefer metadata from git notes (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: use tags from git notes for zstream to generate changelog (Herton R. Krzesinski) - ARK: Remove code marking drivers as tech preview (Peter Georg) - ARK: Remove code marking devices deprecated (Peter Georg) - ARK: Remove code marking devices unmaintained (Peter Georg) - rh_message: Fix function name (Peter Georg) [2019377] - Turn on CONFIG_RANDOM_TRUST_BOOTLOADER (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: aarch64: enable CPU_FREQ_GOV_SCHEDUTIL (Mark Salter) - Move CONFIG_HW_RANDOM_CN10K to a proper place (Vladis Dronov) - redhat/self-test: Clean up data set (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.rhpkg: Remove quotes for RHDISTGIT (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate SINGLE_TARBALL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move SINGLE_TARBALL to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Use RPMVERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Use RPM_BUILD_NCPUS (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: enable nf_tables SYNPROXY extension on ark (Davide Caratti) - fedora: Disable fbdev drivers missed before (Javier Martinez Canillas) - Redhat: enable Kfence on production servers (Nico Pache) - redhat: ignore known empty patches on the patches rpminspect test (Herton R. Krzesinski) - kernel-ark: arch_hw Update CONFIG_MOUSE_VSXXXAA=m (Tony Camuso) [2062909] - spec: keep .BTF section in modules for s390 (Yauheni Kaliuta) [2071969] - kernel.spec.template: Ship arch/s390/lib/expoline.o in kernel-devel (Ondrej Mosnacek) - redhat: disable tv/radio media device infrastructure (Jarod Wilson) - redhat/configs: clean up INTEL_LPSS configuration (David Arcari) - Have to rename the actual contents too (Justin M. Forbes) - The CONFIG_SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY rebane was reverted (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Enable KASAN on all ELN debug kernels (Nico Pache) - redhat: configs: Enable INTEL_IOMMU_DEBUGFS for debug builds (Jerry Snitselaar) - generic: can: disable CAN_SOFTING everywhere (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_DM_ERA=m for all (Yanko Kaneti) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_SAMPLE_VFIO_MDEV_MTTY (Patrick Talbert) - Build intel_sdsi with %{tools_make} (Justin M. Forbes) - configs: remove redundant Fedora config for INTEL_IDXD_COMPAT (Jerry Snitselaar) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_RANDOMIZE_KSTACK_OFFSET_DEFAULT (Joel Savitz) [2026319] - configs: enable CONFIG_RMI4_F3A (Benjamin Tissoires) - redhat: configs: Disable TPM 1.2 specific drivers (Jerry Snitselaar) - redhat/configs: Enable cr50 I2C TPM interface (Akihiko Odaki) - spec: make HMAC file encode relative path (Jonathan Lebon) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Add intel_sdsi utility (Prarit Bhargava) - Spec fixes for intel-speed-select (Justin M. Forbes) - Add Partner Supported taint flag to kAFS (Alice Mitchell) [2038999] - Add Partner Supported taint flag (Alice Mitchell) [2038999] - Enabled INTEGRITY_MACHINE_KEYRING for all configs. (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_RCU_SCALE_TEST & CONFIG_RCU_REF_SCALE_TEST (Waiman Long) - Add clk_test and clk-gate_test to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/self-tests: Ignore UPSTREAM (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-tests: Ignore RHGITURL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Extend git hash length to 15 (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Remove changelog from spec files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/ Rearrange (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Add spec file data (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Add better dist-dump-variables test (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Add variable test data (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/config: Remove obsolete CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_PMT (David Arcari) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_INTEL_ISHTP_ECLITE (David Arcari) - Avoid creating files in $RPM_SOURCE_DIR (Nicolas Chauvet) - Flip CRC64 from off to y (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in lib/Kconfig (Fedora Kernel Team) - disable redundant assignment of CONFIG_BQL on ARK (Davide Caratti) - redhat/configs: remove unnecessary GPIO options for aarch64 (Brian Masney) - redhat/configs: remove viperboard related Kconfig options (Brian Masney) - redhat/configs/ Avoid race with find (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Remove CONTINUEONERROR (Prarit Bhargava) - Remove i686 configs and filters (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Set CONFIG_X86_AMD_PSTATE built-in on Fedora (Prarit Bhargava) - Fix up mismatch with CRC64 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates to fix process_configs (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Fix release tagging (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Fix version tag test (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Fix BUILD verification test (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Cleanup SRPM related self-tests (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/self-test: Fix shellcheck test (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Disable watchdog components (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/README.Makefile: Add a Makefile README file (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Remove duplicated code (Prarit Bhargava) - Add BuildRequires libnl3-devel for intel-speed-select (Justin M. Forbes) - Add new kunit tests for 5.18 to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix RHDISTGIT for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs/ Fix race with tools generation (Prarit Bhargava) - New configs in drivers/dax (Fedora Kernel Team) - Fix up CONFIG_SND_AMD_ACP_CONFIG files (Patrick Talbert) - Remove CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_DEBUG_PROBES files (Patrick Talbert) - SATA_MOBILE_LPM_POLICY is now SATA_LPM_POLICY (Justin M. Forbes) - Define SNAPSHOT correctly when VERSION_ON_UPSTREAM is 0 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Fix dist-git (Prarit Bhargava) - Clean up the changelog (Justin M. Forbes) - Change the pending-ark CONFIG_DAX to y due to mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset Makefile.rhelver for the 5.18 cycle (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable net reference count trackers in all debug kernels (Jiri Benc) - redhat/Makefile: Reorganize variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Add some descriptions (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move SNAPSHOT check (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Deprecate BREW_FLAGS, KOJI_FLAGS, and TEST_FLAGS (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/ Rework RPMVERSION variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Remove dead comment (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Cleanup KABI* variables. (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile.variables: Default RHGITCOMMIT to HEAD (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/scripts/ Use Makefile TARBALL variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Remove extra DIST_BRANCH (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Remove STAMP_VERSION (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move NO_CONFIGCHECKS to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move RHJOBS to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move RHGIT* variables to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move PREBUILD_GIT_ONLY to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move BUILD to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move BUILD_FLAGS to Makefile.variables. (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move BUILD_PROFILE to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move BUILD_TARGET and BUILD_SCRATCH_TARGET to Makefile.variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Remove RHPRODUCT variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Cleanup DISTRO variable (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Move HEAD to Makefile.variables. (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Combine Makefile and Makefile.common (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/koji/Makefile: Decouple koji Makefile from Makefile.common (Prarit Bhargava) - Set CONFIG_SND_SOC_SOF_MT8195 for Fedora and turn on VDPA_SIM_BLOCK (Justin M. Forbes) - Add asus_wmi_sensors modules to filters for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: spec: trigger dracut when modules are installed separately (Jan Stancek) - Last of the Fedora 5.17 configs initial pass (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Silence dist-clean-configs output (Prarit Bhargava) - Fedora 5.17 config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Setting CONFIG_I2C_SMBUS to "m" for ark (Gopal Tiwari) - Print arch with process_configs errors (Justin M. Forbes) - Pass RHJOBS to process_configs for dist-configs-check as well (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs/ Fix issue with old error files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Parallelize execution (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Provide better messages (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Create unique output files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Add local variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Parallelize execution (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Provide better messages (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Create unique output files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Add processing config function (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Unify and kernel.spec variable names (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/ Remove options and use Makefile variables (Prarit Bhargava) - Add rebase note for 5.17 on Fedora stable (Justin M. Forbes) - More Fedora config updates for 5.17 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Disable CONFIG_MACINTOSH_DRIVERS in RHEL. (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Fix "make dist-release-finish" to use the correct NVR variables (Neal Gompa) [2053836] - Build CROS_EC Modules (Jason Montleon) - redhat: configs: change aarch64 default dma domain to lazy (Jerry Snitselaar) - redhat: configs: disable ATM protocols (Davide Caratti) - configs/fedora: Enable the interconnect SC7180 driver built-in (Enric Balletbo i Serra) - configs: clean up CONFIG_PAGE_TABLE_ISOLATION files (Ondrej Mosnacek) - redhat: configs: enable CONFIG_INTEL_PCH_THERMAL for RHEL x86 (David Arcari) - redhat/Makefile: Fix dist-dump-variables target (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Enable DEV_DAX and DEV_DAX_PMEM modules on aarch64 for fedora (D Scott Phillips) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_TRANSPARENT_HUGEPAGE on aarch64 for fedora (D Scott Phillips) - configs/ Remove orig files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: configs: Disable CONFIG_MPLS for s390x/zfcpdump (Guillaume Nault) - Fedora 5.17 configs round 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: configs: disable the surface platform (David Arcari) - redhat: configs: Disable team driver (Hangbin Liu) [1945477] - configs: enable LOGITECH_FF for RHEL/CentOS too (Benjamin Tissoires) - redhat/configs: Disable CONFIG_SENSORS_NCT6683 in RHEL for arm/aarch64 (Dean Nelson) [2041186] - redhat: fix make {distg-brew,distg-koji} (Andrea Claudi) - [fedora] Turn on CONFIG_VIDEO_OV5693 for sensor support (Dave Olsthoorn) - Cleanup 'disabled' config options for RHEL (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: move CONFIG_ARM64_MTE to aarch64 config directory (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Change CONFIG_TEST_BPF to a module (Justin M. Forbes) - Change CONFIG_TEST_BPF to module in pending MR coming for proper review (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_TEST_BPF (Viktor Malik) - Enable KUNIT tests for testing (Nico Pache) - Makefile: Check PKGRELEASE size on dist-brew targets (Prarit Bhargava) - kernel.spec: Add glibc-static build requirement (Prarit Bhargava) - Enable iSER on s390x (Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_ACER_WIRELESS (Peter Georg) [2025985] - kabi: Add kABI macros for enum type (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: expand and clarify documentation of aux structs (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: introduce RH_KABI_USE_AUX_PTR (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: rename RH_KABI_SIZE_AND_EXTEND to AUX (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: more consistent _RH_KABI_SIZE_AND_EXTEND (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: use fixed field name for extended part (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: fix dereference in RH_KABI_CHECK_EXT (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: fix RH_KABI_SET_SIZE macro (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: expand and clarify documentation (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: make RH_KABI_USE replace any number of reserved fields (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: rename RH_KABI_USE2 to RH_KABI_USE_SPLIT (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: change RH_KABI_REPLACE2 to RH_KABI_REPLACE_SPLIT (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: change RH_KABI_REPLACE_UNSAFE to RH_KABI_BROKEN_REPLACE (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: introduce RH_KABI_ADD_MODIFIER (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: Include kconfig.h (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: macros for intentional kABI breakage (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: fix the note about terminating semicolon (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - kabi: introduce RH_KABI_HIDE_INCLUDE and RH_KABI_FAKE_INCLUDE (Čestmír Kalina) [2024595] - spec: don't overwrite auto.conf with .config (Ondrej Mosnacek) - New configs in drivers/crypto (Fedora Kernel Team) - Add test_hash to the mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - configs: disable CONFIG_CRAMFS (Abhi Das) [2041184] - spec: speed up "cp -r" when it overwrites existing files. (Denys Vlasenko) - redhat: use centos x509.genkey file if building under centos (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Revert "[redhat] Generate a crashkernel.default for each kernel build" (Coiby Xu) - spec: make linux-firmware weak(er) dependency (Jan Stancek) - rtw89: enable new driver rtw89 and device RTK8852AE (Íñigo Huguet) - Config consolidation into common (Justin M. Forbes) - Add packaged but empty /lib/modules//systemtap/ (Justin M. Forbes) - Add ntc_thermistor to singlemods (Prarit Bhargava) - Move CONFIG_SND_SOC_TLV320AIC31XX as it is now selected by CONFIG_SND_SOC_FSL_ASOC_CARD (Justin M. Forbes) - Add dev_addr_lists_test to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - configs/fedora: Enable CONFIG_NFC_PN532_UART for use PN532 NFC module (Ziqian SUN (Zamir)) - redhat: ignore ksamples and kselftests on the badfuncs rpminspect test (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: disable upstream check for rpminspect (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: switch the vsyscall config to CONFIG_LEGACY_VSYSCALL_XONLY=y (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1876977] - redhat: configs: increase CONFIG_DEBUG_KMEMLEAK_MEM_POOL_SIZE (Rafael Aquini) - move CONFIG_STRICT_SIGALTSTACK_SIZE to the appropriate directory (David Arcari) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_DM_MULTIPATH_IOA for fedora (Benjamin Marzinski) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_DM_MULTIPATH_HST (Benjamin Marzinski) [2000835] - redhat: Pull in openssl-devel as a build dependency correctly (Neal Gompa) [2034670] - redhat/configs: Migrate ZRAM_DEF_* configs to common/ (Neal Gompa) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_ZSTD (Neal Gompa) [2032758] - Turn CONFIG_DEVMEM back off for aarch64 (Justin M. Forbes) - Clean up excess text in Fedora config files (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates for 5.16 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_INPUT_KEYBOARD for AARCH64 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - Fedora configs for 5.16 pt 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: NFS: disable UDP, insecure enctypes (Benjamin Coddington) [1952863] - Update rebase-notes with dracut 5.17 information (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_BLAKE2B (Neal Gompa) [2031547] - Enable CONFIG_BPF_SYSCALL for zfcpdump (Jiri Olsa) - Enable CONFIG_CIFS_SMB_DIRECT for ARK (Ronnie Sahlberg) - mt76: enable new device MT7921E in CentOs/RHEL (Íñigo Huguet) [2004821] - Disable CONFIG_DEBUG_PREEMPT on normal builds (Phil Auld) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_PCI_P2PDMA for ark (Myron Stowe) - pci.h: Fix static include (Prarit Bhargava) - Enable CONFIG_VFIO_NOIOMMU for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_NTB_NETDEV for ark (John W. Linville) - drivers/pci/pci-driver.c: Fix if/ifdef typo (Prarit Bhargava) - common: arm64: ensure all the required arm64 errata are enabled (Peter Robinson) - kernel/rh_taint.c: Update to new messaging (Prarit Bhargava) [2019377] - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_AMD_PTDMA for ark (John W. Linville) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_RD_ZSTD for rhel (Tao Liu) [2020132] - fedora: build TEE as a module for all arches (Peter Robinson) - common: build TRUSTED_KEYS in everywhere (Peter Robinson) - redhat: make Patchlist.changelog generation conditional (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: Add two new CONFIGs (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Remove dead CONFIG files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/evaluate_configs: Add find dead configs option (Prarit Bhargava) - Add more rebase notes for Fedora 5.16 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora: Feature: Retire wireless Extensions (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: some SoC enablement pieces (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: enable PCIE_ROCKCHIP_DW for rk35xx series (Peter Robinson) - fedora: enable RTW89 802.11 WiFi driver (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: Enable DRM_PANEL_EDP (Peter Robinson) - fedora: sound: enable new sound drivers (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: unset KEXEC_SIG for s390x zfcpdump (Coiby Xu) - spec: Keep .BTF section in modules (Jiri Olsa) - Fix up PREEMPT configs (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/media (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in drivers/net/ethernet/litex (Fedora Kernel Team) - spec: add bpf_testmod.ko to kselftests/bpf (Viktor Malik) - New configs in drivers/net/wwan (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in drivers/i2c (Fedora Kernel Team) - redhat/docs/index.rst: Add local build information. (Prarit Bhargava) - Fix up preempt configs (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on CONFIG_HID_NINTENDO for controller support (Dave Olsthoorn) - Fedora: Enable MediaTek bluetooth pieces (Peter Robinson) - Add rebase notes to check for PCI patches (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: configs: move CONFIG_ACCESSIBILITY from fedora to common (John W. Linville) - Filter updates for hid-playstation on Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable CONFIG_VIRT_DRIVERS for ARK (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - redhat/configs: Enable Nitro Enclaves on aarch64 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - Enable e1000 in rhel9 as unsupported (Ken Cox) [2002344] - Turn on COMMON_CLK_AXG_AUDIO for Fedora rhbz 2020481 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up fedora config options from mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Add nct6775 to (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable PREEMPT_DYNAMIC for all but s390x (Justin M. Forbes) - Add memcpy_kunit to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in fs/ksmbd (Fedora Kernel Team) - Add nct6775 to Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in fs/ntfs3 (Fedora Kernel Team) - Make CONFIG_IOMMU_DEFAULT_DMA_STRICT default for all but x86 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable KEXEC_IMAGE_VERIFY_SIG for RHEL (Coiby Xu) - redhat/configs: enable KEXEC_SIG for aarch64 RHEL (Coiby Xu) [1994858] - Fix up fedora and pending configs for PREEMPT to end mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable binder for fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Reset RHEL_RELEASE for 5.16 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: configs: Update configs for vmware (Kamal Heib) - Fedora configs for 5.15 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: don't hardcode gcov arches (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: create a separate config for gcov options (Jan Stancek) - Update documentation with FAQ and update frequency (Don Zickus) - Document force pull option for mirroring (Don Zickus) - Ignore the rhel9 kabi files (Don Zickus) - Remove legacy elrdy cruft (Don Zickus) - redhat/configs/evaluate_configs: walk cfgvariants line by line (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs/evaluate_configs: insert EMPTY tags at correct place (Jan Stancek) - redhat: make dist-srpm-gcov add to BUILDOPTS (Jan Stancek) - Build CONFIG_SPI_PXA2XX as a module on x86 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_BCMGENET as module (Joel Savitz) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable CONFIG_FAIL_SUNRPC for debug builds (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: Disable fbdev drivers and use simpledrm instead (Javier Martinez Canillas) - spec: Don't fail spec build if ksamples fails (Jiri Olsa) - Enable CONFIG_QCOM_SCM for arm (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: Disable clang's integrated assembler on ppc64le and s390x (Tom Stellard) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_IMA_WRITE_POLICY (Bruno Meneguele) - Fix dist-srpm-gcov (Don Zickus) - redhat: configs: add CONFIG_NTB and related items (John W. Linville) - Add kfence_test to mod-internal.list (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable KUNIT tests for redhat kernel-modules-internal (Nico Pache) - redhat: add *-matched meta packages to rpminspect emptyrpm config (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Use common config for NODES_SHIFT (Mark Salter) - redhat: fix typo and make the output more silent for dist-git sync (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Fedora NTFS config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.15 configs part 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix ordering in genspec args (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable Hyper-V guests on ARM64 (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [2007430] - redhat: configs: Enable CONFIG_THINKPAD_LMI (Hans de Goede) - redhat/docs: update Koji link to avoid redirect (Joel Savitz) - redhat: add support for different profiles with dist*-brew (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: configs: Disable xtables and ipset (Phil Sutter) [1945179] - redhat: Add mark_driver_deprecated() (Phil Sutter) [1945179] - Change s390x CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT from 4 to 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - Build CRYPTO_SHA3_*_S390 inline for s390 zfcpdump (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: move the DIST variable setting to Makefile.variables (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Cleanup source numbering (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Reorganize RHEL and Fedora specific files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/kernel.spec.template: Add include_fedora and include_rhel variables (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Make kernel-local global (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Use flavors file (Prarit Bhargava) - Turn on CONFIG_CPU_FREQ_GOV_SCHEDUTIL for x86 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Remove CONFIG_INFINIBAND_I40IW (Kamal Heib) - cleanup CONFIG_X86_PLATFORM_DRIVERS_INTEL (David Arcari) - redhat: rename usage of to (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Manually add pending items that need to be set due to mismatch (Justin M. Forbes) - Clean up pending common (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_BLK_CGROUP_IOLATENCY & CONFIG_BLK_CGROUP_FC_APPID (Waiman Long) [2006813] - redhat: remove kernel.changelog-8.99 file (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_SQUASHFS_ZSTD which is already enabled in Fedora 34 (Tao Liu) [1998953] - redhat: bump RHEL_MAJOR and add the changelog file for it (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: add documentation about the os-build rebase process (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: enable SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_KEYRING which is already enabled in rhel8 and Fedora 34 (Coiby Xu) - Build kernel-doc for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - x86_64: Enable Elkhart Lake Quadrature Encoder Peripheral support (Prarit Bhargava) - Update CONFIG_WERROR to disabled as it can cause issue with out of tree modules. (Justin M. Forbes) - Fixup IOMMU configs in pending so that configs are sane again (Justin M. Forbes) - Some initial Fedora config items for 5.15 (Justin M. Forbes) - arm64: use common CONFIG_MAX_ZONEORDER for arm kernel (Mark Salter) - Create Makefile.variables for a single point of configuration change (Justin M. Forbes) - rpmspec: drop traceevent files instead of just excluding them from files list (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1967640] - redhat/config: Enablement of CONFIG_PAPR_SCM for PowerPC (Gustavo Walbon) [1962936] - Attempt to fix Intel PMT code (David Arcari) - CI: Enable realtime branch testing (Veronika Kabatova) - CI: Enable realtime checks for c9s and RHEL9 (Veronika Kabatova) - [fs] dax: mark tech preview (Bill O'Donnell) [1995338] - ark: wireless: enable all rtw88 pcie wirless variants (Peter Robinson) - wireless: rtw88: move debug options to common/debug (Peter Robinson) - fedora: minor PTP clock driver cleanups (Peter Robinson) - common: x86: enable VMware PTP support on ark (Peter Robinson) - [scsi] megaraid_sas: re-add certain pci-ids (Tomas Henzl) - Disable liquidio driver on ark/rhel (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1993393] - More Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates for 5.14 (Justin M. Forbes) - CI: Rename ARK CI pipeline type (Veronika Kabatova) - CI: Finish up c9s config (Veronika Kabatova) - CI: Update ppc64le config (Veronika Kabatova) - CI: use more templates (Veronika Kabatova) - Filter updates for aarch64 (Justin M. Forbes) - increase CONFIG_NODES_SHIFT for aarch64 (Chris von Recklinghausen) [1890304] - redhat: configs: Enable CONFIG_WIRELESS_HOTKEY (Hans de Goede) - redhat/configs: Update CONFIG_NVRAM (Desnes A. Nunes do Rosario) [1988254] - common: serial: build in SERIAL_8250_LPSS for x86 (Peter Robinson) - powerpc: enable CONFIG_FUNCTION_PROFILER (Diego Domingos) [1831065] - redhat/configs: Disable Soft-RoCE driver (Kamal Heib) - redhat/configs/evaluate_configs: Update help output (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Double MAX_LOCKDEP_CHAINS (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: configs: Fix WM5102 Kconfig (Hans de Goede) - powerpc: enable CONFIG_POWER9_CPU (Diego Domingos) [1876436] - redhat/configs: Fix CONFIG_VIRTIO_IOMMU to 'y' on aarch64 (Eric Auger) [1972795] - add more sound modules to filter (Jaroslav Kysela) - redhat/configs: sound configuration cleanups and updates (Jaroslav Kysela) - common: Update for CXL (Compute Express Link) configs (Peter Robinson) - redhat: configs: disable CRYPTO_SM modules (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1990040] - Remove fedora version of the LOCKDEP_BITS, we should use common (Justin M. Forbes) - Re-enable sermouse for x86 (rhbz 1974002) (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.14 configs round 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: add gating configuration for centos stream/rhel9 (Herton R. Krzesinski) - x86: configs: Enable CONFIG_TEST_FPU for debug kernels (Vitaly Kuznetsov) [1988384] - redhat/configs: Move CHACHA and POLY1305 to core kernel to allow BIG_KEYS=y (root) [1983298] - kernel.spec: fix build of samples/bpf (Jiri Benc) - Enable OSNOISE_TRACER and TIMERLAT_TRACER (Jerome Marchand) [1979379] - rpmspec: switch iio and gpio tools to use tools_make (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1956988] - configs/ Handle config items with no help text (Patrick Talbert) - fedora: sound config updates for 5.14 (Peter Robinson) - fedora: Only enable FSI drivers on POWER platform (Peter Robinson) - The CONFIG_RAW_DRIVER has been removed from upstream (Peter Robinson) - fedora: updates for 5.14 with a few disables for common from pending (Peter Robinson) - fedora: migrate from MFD_TPS68470 -> INTEL_SKL_INT3472 (Peter Robinson) - fedora: Remove STAGING_GASKET_FRAMEWORK (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: move DRM_VMWGFX configs from ark -> common (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: disabled unused FB drivers (Peter Robinson) - fedora: don't enable FB_VIRTUAL (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: Double MAX_LOCKDEP_ENTRIES (Waiman Long) [1940075] - rpmspec: fix verbose output on kernel-devel installation (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1981406] - Build Fedora x86s kernels with bytcr-wm5102 (Marius Hoch) - Deleted redhat/configs/fedora/generic/x86/CONFIG_FB_HYPERV (Patrick Lang) - rpmspec: correct the ghost initramfs attributes (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1977056] - rpmspec: amend removal of depmod created files to include modules.builtin.alias.bin (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1977056] - configs: remove duplicate CONFIG_DRM_HYPERV file (Patrick Talbert) - CI: use common code for merge and release (Don Zickus) - rpmspec: add release string to kernel doc directory name (Jan Stancek) - redhat/configs: Add CONFIG_INTEL_PMT_CRASHLOG (Michael Petlan) [1880486] - redhat/configs: Add CONFIG_INTEL_PMT_TELEMETRY (Michael Petlan) [1880486] - redhat/configs: Add CONFIG_MFD_INTEL_PMT (Michael Petlan) [1880486] - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_BLK_DEV_ZONED (Ming Lei) [1638087] - Add --with clang_lto option to build the kernel with Link Time Optimizations (Tom Stellard) - common: disable DVB_AV7110 and associated pieces (Peter Robinson) - Fix fedora-only config updates (Don Zickus) - Fedor config update for new option (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable stmmac NIC for x86_64 (Mark Salter) - all: hyperv: use the DRM driver rather than FB (Peter Robinson) - all: hyperv: unify the Microsoft HyperV configs (Peter Robinson) - all: VMWare: clean up VMWare configs (Peter Robinson) - Update CONFIG_ARM_FFA_TRANSPORT (Patrick Talbert) - CI: Handle all mirrors (Veronika Kabatova) - Turn on CONFIG_STACKTRACE for s390x zfpcdump kernels (Justin M. Forbes) - arm64: switch ark kernel to 4K pagesize (Mark Salter) - Disable AMIGA_PARTITION and KARMA_PARTITION (Prarit Bhargava) [1802694] - all: unify and cleanup i2c TPM2 modules (Peter Robinson) - redhat/configs: Set CONFIG_VIRTIO_IOMMU on aarch64 (Eric Auger) [1972795] - redhat/configs: Disable CONFIG_RT_GROUP_SCHED in rhel config (Phil Auld) - redhat/configs: enable KEXEC_SIG which is already enabled in RHEL8 for s390x and x86_64 (Coiby Xu) [1976835] - rpmspec: do not BuildRequires bpftool on noarch (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: disable {IMA,EVM}_LOAD_X509 (Bruno Meneguele) [1977529] - redhat: add secureboot CA certificate to trusted kernel keyring (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat/configs: enable IMA_ARCH_POLICY for aarch64 and s390x (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_MLXBF_GIGE on aarch64 (Alaa Hleihel) [1858599] - common: enable STRICT_MODULE_RWX everywhere (Peter Robinson) - COMMON_CLK_STM32MP157_SCMI is bool and selects COMMON_CLK_SCMI (Justin M. Forbes) - kernel.spec: Add kernel{,-debug}-devel-matched meta packages (Timothée Ravier) - Turn off with_selftests for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Don't build bpftool on Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix location of syscall scripts for kernel-devel (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: arm: Enable some i.MX8 options (Peter Robinson) - Enable Landlock for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Filter update for Fedora aarch64 (Justin M. Forbes) - rpmspec: only build debug meta packages where we build debug ones (Herton R. Krzesinski) - rpmspec: do not BuildRequires bpftool on nobuildarches (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: Consolidate CONFIG_HMC_DRV in the common s390x folder (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - redhat/configs: Consolidate CONFIG_EXPOLINE_OFF in the common folder (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - redhat/configs: Move CONFIG_HW_RANDOM_S390 into the s390x/ subfolder (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - redhat/configs: Disable CONFIG_HOTPLUG_PCI_SHPC in the Fedora settings (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - redhat/configs: Remove the non-existent CONFIG_NO_BOOTMEM switch (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - redhat/configs: Compile the virtio-console as a module on s390x (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_S390_CCW_IOMMU and CONFIG_VFIO_CCW for ARK, too (Thomas Huth) [1976270] - Revert "Merge branch 'ec_fips' into 'os-build'" (Vladis Dronov) [1947240] - Fix typos in fedora filters (Justin M. Forbes) - More filtering for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix Fedora module filtering for spi-altera-dfl (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.13 config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: cleanup TCG_TIS_I2C_CR50 (Peter Robinson) - fedora: drop duplicate configs (Peter Robinson) - More Fedora config updates for 5.13 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable needed drivers for BlueField SoC on aarch64 (Alaa Hleihel) [1858592 1858594 1858596] - redhat: Rename to (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: enable CONFIG_NET_ACT_MPLS (Marcelo Ricardo Leitner) - configs: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_KERNEL for zfcpdump (Jiri Olsa) - kernel.spec: Add support to use vmlinux.h (Don Zickus) - spec: Add vmlinux.h to kernel-devel package (Jiri Olsa) - Turn off DRM_XEN_FRONTEND for Fedora as we had DRM_XEN off already (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.13 config updates pt 3 (Justin M. Forbes) - all: enable ath11k wireless modules (Peter Robinson) - all: Enable WWAN and associated MHI bus pieces (Peter Robinson) - spec: Enable sefltests rpm build (Jiri Olsa) - spec: Allow bpf selftest/samples to fail (Jiri Olsa) - kvm: Add kvm_stat.service file and kvm_stat logrotate config to the tools (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: Add missing source files to kernel-selftests-internal (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: selftests: add net/forwarding to TARGETS list (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: selftests: add build requirement on libmnl-devel (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: add action.o to kernel-selftests-internal (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: avoid building bpftool repeatedly (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: selftests require python3 (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: skip selftests that failed to build (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: fix installation of bpf selftests (Jiri Benc) - redhat: fix samples and selftests make options (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: enable mptcp selftests for kernel-selftests-internal (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: Do not export shared objects from libexecdir to RPM Provides (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: add missing dependency for the which package (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: add netfilter selftests to kernel-selftests-internal (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: move slabinfo and page_owner_sort debuginfo to tools-debuginfo (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: package and ship VM tools (Jiri Benc) - configs: enable CONFIG_PAGE_OWNER (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: add coreutils (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: add netdevsim driver selftests to kernel-selftests-internal (Jiri Benc) - redhat/Makefile: Clean out the --without flags from the baseonly rule (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: Stop building unnecessary rpms for baseonly builds (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: disable more kabi switches for gcov build (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: Rename kabi-dw base (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: Fix error messages during build of zfcpdump kernel (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: perf: remove bpf examples (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: selftests should not depend on modules-internal (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: build samples (Jiri Benc) - kernel.spec: tools: sync missing options with RHEL 8 (Jiri Benc) - redhat/configs: nftables: Enable extra flowtable symbols (Phil Sutter) - redhat/configs: Sync netfilter options with RHEL8 (Phil Sutter) - Fedora 5.13 config updates pt 2 (Justin M. Forbes) - Move CONFIG_ARCH_INTEL_SOCFPGA up a level for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: enable the Rockchip rk3399 pcie drivers (Peter Robinson) - Fedora 5.13 config updates pt 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix version requirement from opencsd-devel buildreq (Justin M. Forbes) - configs/ark/s390: set CONFIG_MARCH_Z14 and CONFIG_TUNE_Z15 (Philipp Rudo) [1876435] - configs/common/s390: Clean up CONFIG_{MARCH,TUNE}_Z* (Philipp Rudo) - configs/ make use of dummy-tools (Philipp Rudo) - configs/common: disable CONFIG_INIT_STACK_ALL_{PATTERN,ZERO} (Philipp Rudo) - configs/common/aarch64: disable CONFIG_RELR (Philipp Rudo) - redhat/config: enable STMICRO nic for RHEL (Mark Salter) - redhat/configs: Enable ARCH_TEGRA on RHEL (Mark Salter) - redhat/configs: enable IMA_KEXEC for supported arches (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat/configs: enable INTEGRITY_SIGNATURE to all arches (Bruno Meneguele) - configs: enable CONFIG_LEDS_BRIGHTNESS_HW_CHANGED (Benjamin Tissoires) - RHEL: disable io_uring support (Jeff Moyer) [1964537] - all: Changing CONFIG_UV_SYSFS to build uv_sysfs.ko as a loadable module. (Frank Ramsay) - Enable NITRO_ENCLAVES on RHEL (Vitaly Kuznetsov) - Update the Quick Start documentation (David Ward) - redhat/configs: Set PVPANIC_MMIO for x86 and PVPANIC_PCI for aarch64 (Eric Auger) [1961178] - bpf: Fix unprivileged_bpf_disabled setup (Jiri Olsa) - Enable CONFIG_BPF_UNPRIV_DEFAULT_OFF (Jiri Olsa) - configs/common/s390: disable CONFIG_QETH_{OSN,OSX} (Philipp Rudo) [1903201] - nvme: nvme_mpath_init remove multipath check (Mike Snitzer) - team: mark team driver as deprecated (Hangbin Liu) [1945477] - Make CRYPTO_EC also builtin (Simo Sorce) [1947240] - Do not hard-code a default value for DIST (David Ward) - Override %{debugbuildsenabled} if the --with-release option is used (David Ward) - Improve comments in SPEC file, and move some option tests and macros (David Ward) - configs: enable CONFIG_EXFAT_FS (Pavel Reichl) [1943423] - Revert s390x/zfcpdump part of a9d179c40281 and ecbfddd98621 (Vladis Dronov) - Embed crypto algos, modes and templates needed in the FIPS mode (Vladis Dronov) [1947240] - configs: Add and enable CONFIG_HYPERV_TESTING for debug kernels (Mohammed Gamal) - mm/cma: mark CMA on x86_64 tech preview and print RHEL-specific infos (David Hildenbrand) [1945002] - configs: enable CONFIG_CMA on x86_64 in ARK (David Hildenbrand) [1945002] - rpmspec: build debug-* meta-packages if debug builds are disabled (Herton R. Krzesinski) - UIO: disable unused config options (Aristeu Rozanski) [1957819] - ARK-config: Make amd_pinctrl module builtin (Hans de Goede) - rpmspec: revert/drop content hash for kernel-headers (Herton R. Krzesinski) - rpmspec: fix check that calls InitBuildVars (Herton R. Krzesinski) - fedora: enable zonefs (Damien Le Moal) - redhat: load specific ARCH keys to INTEGRITY_PLATFORM_KEYRING (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable INTEGRITY_TRUSTED_KEYRING across all variants (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable SYSTEM_BLACKLIST_KEYRING across all variants (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable INTEGRITY_ASYMMETRIC_KEYS across all variants (Bruno Meneguele) - Remove unused boot loader specification files (David Ward) - redhat/configs: Enable mlx5 IPsec and TLS offloads (Alaa Hleihel) [1869674 1957636] - common: disable Apple Silicon generally (Peter Robinson) - cleanup Intel's FPGA configs (Peter Robinson) - common: move PTP KVM support from ark to common (Peter Robinson) - Enable CONFIG_DRM_AMDGPU_USERPTR for everyone (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: add initial rpminspect configuration (Herton R. Krzesinski) - fedora: arm updates for 5.13 (Peter Robinson) - fedora: Enable WWAN and associated MHI bits (Peter Robinson) - Update CONFIG_MODPROBE_PATH to /usr/sbin (Justin Forbes) - Fedora set modprobe path (Justin M. Forbes) - Keep sctp and l2tp modules in modules-extra (Don Zickus) - Fix ppc64le cross build packaging (Don Zickus) - Fedora: Make amd_pinctrl module builtin (Hans de Goede) - Keep CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS off for aarch64 debug configs (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/bus (Fedora Kernel Team) - RHEL: Don't build KVM PR module on ppc64 (David Gibson) [1930649] - Flip CONFIG_USB_ROLE_SWITCH from m to y (Justin M. Forbes) - Set valid options for CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER (Justin M. Forbes) - Clean up CONFIG_FB_MODE_HELPERS (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off CONFIG_VFIO for the s390x zfcpdump kernel (Justin M. Forbes) - Delete unused CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98390 pending-common (Justin M. Forbes) - Update pending-common configs, preparing to set correctly (Justin M. Forbes) - Update fedora filters for surface (Justin M. Forbes) - Build CONFIG_CRYPTO_ECDSA inline for s390x zfcpdump (Justin M. Forbes) - Replace "flavour" where "variant" is meant instead (David Ward) - Drop the %{variant} macro and fix --with-vanilla (David Ward) - Fix syntax of %kernel_variant_files (David Ward) - Change description of --without-vdso-install to fix typo (David Ward) - Config updates to work around mismatches (Justin M. Forbes) - CONFIG_SND_SOC_FSL_ASOC_CARD selects CONFIG_MFD_WM8994 now (Justin M. Forbes) - wireguard: disable in FIPS mode (Hangbin Liu) [1940794] - Enable mtdram for fedora (rhbz 1955916) (Justin M. Forbes) - Remove reference to bpf-helpers man page (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora: enable more modules for surface devices (Dave Olsthoorn) - Fix Fedora config mismatch for CONFIG_FSL_ENETC_IERB (Justin M. Forbes) - hardlink is in /usr/bin/ now (Justin M. Forbes) - Ensure CONFIG_KVM_BOOK3S_64_PR stays on in Fedora, even if it is turned off in RHEL (Justin M. Forbes) - Set date in package release from repository commit, not system clock (David Ward) - Use a better upstream tarball filename for snapshots (David Ward) - Don't create empty pending-common files on pending-fedora commits (Don Zickus) - nvme: decouple basic ANA log page re-read support from native multipathing (Mike Snitzer) - nvme: allow local retry and proper failover for REQ_FAILFAST_TRANSPORT (Mike Snitzer) - nvme: Return BLK_STS_TARGET if the DNR bit is set (Mike Snitzer) - Add redhat/configs/pending-common/generic/s390x/zfcpdump/CONFIG_NETFS_SUPPORT (Justin M. Forbes) - Create ark-latest branch last for CI scripts (Don Zickus) - Replace /usr/libexec/platform-python with /usr/bin/python3 (David Ward) - Turn off ADI_AXI_ADC and AD9467 which now require CONFIG_OF (Justin M. Forbes) - Export ark infrastructure files (Don Zickus) - docs: Update docs to reflect newer workflow. (Don Zickus) - Use upstream/master for merge-base with fallback to master (Don Zickus) - Fedora: Turn off the SND_INTEL_BYT_PREFER_SOF option (Hans de Goede) - clean up "netprots" (Paul Bolle) - clean up "scsidrvs" (Paul Bolle) - filter-*.sh.fedora: clean up "ethdrvs" (Paul Bolle) - filter-*.sh.fedora: clean up "driverdirs" (Paul Bolle) - filter-*.sh.fedora: remove incorrect entries (Paul Bolle) - filter-*.sh.fedora: clean up "singlemods" (Paul Bolle) - drop unused list "iiodrvs" (Paul Bolle) - Update mod-internal to fix depmod issue (Nico Pache) - Turn on CONFIG_VDPA_SIM_NET (rhbz 1942343) (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/power (Fedora Kernel Team) - Turn on CONFIG_NOUVEAU_DEBUG_PUSH for debug configs (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off KFENCE sampling by default for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates round 2 (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/soc (Jeremy Cline) - Fix copy/paste error 'input' (Paul Bolle) - Update module filtering for 5.12 kernels (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix to ensure that comments retain "%" characters. (Mark Mielke) - New configs in drivers/leds (Fedora Kernel Team) - Limit CONFIG_USB_CDNS_SUPPORT to x86_64 and arm in Fedora (David Ward) - Fedora: Enable CHARGER_GPIO on aarch64 too (Peter Robinson) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - wireguard: mark as Tech Preview (Hangbin Liu) [1613522] - configs: enable CONFIG_WIREGUARD in ARK (Hangbin Liu) [1613522] - Remove duplicate configs acroos fedora, ark and common (Don Zickus) - Combine duplicate configs across ark and fedora into common (Don Zickus) - common/ark: cleanup and unify the parport configs (Peter Robinson) - iommu/vt-d: enable INTEL_IDXD_SVM for both fedora and rhel (Jerry Snitselaar) - REDHAT: coresight: etm4x: Disable coresight on HPE Apollo 70 (Jeremy Linton) - configs/common/generic: disable CONFIG_SLAB_MERGE_DEFAULT (Rafael Aquini) - Remove _legacy_common_support (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/ Fix floppy blacklisting (Hans de Goede) - New configs in fs/pstore (CKI@GitLab) - New configs in arch/powerpc (Fedora Kernel Team) - configs: enable BPF LSM on Fedora and ARK (Ondrej Mosnacek) - configs: clean up LSM configs (Ondrej Mosnacek) - New configs in drivers/platform (CKI@GitLab) - New configs in drivers/firmware (CKI@GitLab) - New configs in drivers/mailbox (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in drivers/net/phy (Justin M. Forbes) - Update CONFIG_DM_MULTIPATH_IOA (Augusto Caringi) - New configs in mm/Kconfig (CKI@GitLab) - New configs in arch/powerpc (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in arch/powerpc (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/input (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in net/bluetooth (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/clk (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in init/Kconfig (Jeremy Cline) - redhat: allow running fedora-configs and rh-configs targets outside of redhat/ (Herton R. Krzesinski) - all: unify the disable of goldfish (android emulation platform) (Peter Robinson) - common: minor cleanup/de-dupe of dma/dmabuf debug configs (Peter Robinson) - common/ark: these drivers/arches were removed in 5.12 (Peter Robinson) - Correct kernel-devel make prepare build for 5.12. (Paulo E. Castro) - redhat: add initial support for centos stream dist-git sync on Makefiles (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_SCHED_STACK_END_CHECK for Fedora and ARK (Josh Poimboeuf) [1856174] - CONFIG_VFIO now selects IOMMU_API instead of depending on it, causing several config mismatches for the zfcpdump kernel (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn off weak-modules for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: enable CONFIG_FW_LOADER_COMPRESS for ARK (Herton R. Krzesinski) [1939095] - Fedora: filters: update to move dfl-emif to modules (Peter Robinson) - drop duplicate DEVFREQ_GOV_SIMPLE_ONDEMAND config (Peter Robinson) - efi: The EFI_VARS is legacy and now x86 only (Peter Robinson) - common: enable RTC_SYSTOHC to supplement update_persistent_clock64 (Peter Robinson) - generic: arm: enable SCMI for all options (Peter Robinson) - fedora: the PCH_CAN driver is x86-32 only (Peter Robinson) - common: disable legacy CAN device support (Peter Robinson) - common: Enable Microchip MCP251x/MCP251xFD CAN controllers (Peter Robinson) - common: Bosch MCAN support for Intel Elkhart Lake (Peter Robinson) - common: enable CAN_PEAK_PCIEFD PCI-E driver (Peter Robinson) - common: disable CAN_PEAK_PCIEC PCAN-ExpressCard (Peter Robinson) - common: enable common CAN layer 2 protocols (Peter Robinson) - ark: disable CAN_LEDS option (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: Turn on SND_SOC_INTEL_SKYLAKE_HDAUDIO_CODEC option (Hans de Goede) - Fedora: enable modules for surface devices (Dave Olsthoorn) - Turn on SND_SOC_INTEL_SOUNDWIRE_SOF_MACH for Fedora again (Justin M. Forbes) - common: fix WM8804 codec dependencies (Peter Robinson) - Build SERIO_SERPORT as a module (Peter Robinson) - input: touchscreen: move ELO and Wacom serial touchscreens to x86 (Peter Robinson) - Sync serio touchscreens for non x86 architectures to the same as ARK (Peter Robinson) - Only enable SERIO_LIBPS2 on x86 (Peter Robinson) - Only enable PC keyboard controller and associated keyboard on x86 (Peter Robinson) - Generic: Mouse: Tweak generic serial mouse options (Peter Robinson) - Only enable PS2 Mouse options on x86 (Peter Robinson) - Disable bluetooth highspeed by default (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: A few more general updates for 5.12 window (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: Updates for 5.12 merge window (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: remove dead options that were removed upstream (Peter Robinson) - redhat: remove CONFIG_DRM_PANEL_XINGBANGDA_XBD599 (Herton R. Krzesinski) - New configs in arch/powerpc (Fedora Kernel Team) - Turn on CONFIG_PPC_QUEUED_SPINLOCKS as it is default upstream now (Justin M. Forbes) - Update pending-common configs to address new upstream config deps (Justin M. Forbes) - rpmspec: ship gpio-watch.debug in the proper debuginfo package (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Removed description text as a comment confuses the config generation (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/dma-buf (Jeremy Cline) - Fedora: ARMv7: build for 16 CPUs. (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: only enable DEBUG_HIGHMEM on debug kernels (Peter Robinson) - fix find/xargs data flow (Ondrej Mosnacek) - Fedora config update (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: minor arm sound config updates (Peter Robinson) - Fix trailing white space in redhat/configs/fedora/generic/CONFIG_SND_INTEL_BYT_PREFER_SOF (Justin M. Forbes) - Add a redhat/rebase-notes.txt file (Hans de Goede) - Turn on SND_INTEL_BYT_PREFER_SOF for Fedora (Hans de Goede) - CI: Drop MR ID from the name variable (Veronika Kabatova) - redhat: add DUP and kpatch certificates to system trusted keys for RHEL build (Herton R. Krzesinski) - The comments in CONFIG_USB_RTL8153_ECM actually turn off CONFIG_USB_RTL8152 (Justin M. Forbes) - Update CKI pipeline project (Veronika Kabatova) - Turn off additional KASAN options for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Rename the master branch to rawhide for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Makefile targets for packit integration (Ben Crocker) - Turn off KASAN for rawhide debug builds (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in arch/arm64 (Justin Forbes) - Remove deprecated Intel MIC config options (Peter Robinson) - redhat: replace inline awk script with call (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: add script (Herton R. Krzesinski) - kernel.spec.template - fix use_vdso usage (Ben Crocker) - redhat: remove remaining references of CONFIG_RH_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (Herton R. Krzesinski) - Turn off vdso_install for ppc (Justin M. Forbes) - Remove bpf-helpers.7 from bpftool package (Jiri Olsa) - New configs in lib/Kconfig.debug (Fedora Kernel Team) - Turn off CONFIG_VIRTIO_CONSOLE for s390x zfcpdump (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/clk (Justin M. Forbes) - Keep VIRTIO_CONSOLE on s390x available. (Jakub Čajka) - New configs in lib/Kconfig.debug (Jeremy Cline) - Fedora 5.11 config updates part 4 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.11 config updates part 3 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.11 config updates part 2 (Justin M. Forbes) - Update internal (test) module list from RHEL-8 (Joe Lawrence) [1915073] - Fix USB_XHCI_PCI regression (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: fixes for ARMv7 build issue by disabling HIGHPTE (Peter Robinson) - all: s390x: Increase CONFIG_PCI_NR_FUNCTIONS to 512 (#1888735) (Dan Horák) - Fedora 5.11 configs pt 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: avoid conflict with and released_kernel defined (Herton R. Krzesinski) - redhat: handle certificate files conditionally as done for src.rpm (Herton R. Krzesinski) - specfile: add %{?_smp_mflags} to "make headers_install" in tools/testing/selftests (Denys Vlasenko) - specfile: add %{?_smp_mflags} to "make samples/bpf/" (Denys Vlasenko) - Run MR testing in CKI pipeline (Veronika Kabatova) - Reword comment (Nicolas Chauvet) - Add with_cross_arm conditional (Nicolas Chauvet) - Redefines __strip if with_cross (Nicolas Chauvet) - fedora: only enable ACPI_CONFIGFS, ACPI_CUSTOM_METHOD in debug kernels (Peter Robinson) - fedora: User the same EFI_CUSTOM_SSDT_OVERLAYS as ARK (Peter Robinson) - all: all arches/kernels enable the same DMI options (Peter Robinson) - all: move SENSORS_ACPI_POWER to common/generic (Peter Robinson) - fedora: PCIE_HISI_ERR is already in common (Peter Robinson) - all: all ACPI platforms enable ATA_ACPI so move it to common (Peter Robinson) - all: x86: move shared x86 acpi config options to generic (Peter Robinson) - All: x86: Move ACPI_VIDEO to common/x86 (Peter Robinson) - All: x86: Enable ACPI_DPTF (Intel DPTF) (Peter Robinson) - All: enable ACPI_BGRT for all ACPI platforms. (Peter Robinson) - All: Only build ACPI_EC_DEBUGFS for debug kernels (Peter Robinson) - All: Disable Intel Classmate PC ACPI_CMPC option (Peter Robinson) - cleanup: ACPI_PROCFS_POWER was removed upstream (Peter Robinson) - All: ACPI: De-dupe the ACPI options that are the same across ark/fedora on x86/arm (Peter Robinson) - Enable the vkms module in Fedora (Jeremy Cline) - Fedora: arm updates for 5.11 and general cross Fedora cleanups (Peter Robinson) - Add gcc-c++ to BuildRequires (Justin M. Forbes) - Update CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: arm: move generic power off/reset to all arm (Peter Robinson) - fedora: ARMv7: build in DEVFREQ_GOV_SIMPLE_ONDEMAND until I work out why it's changed (Peter Robinson) - fedora: cleanup joystick_adc (Peter Robinson) - fedora: update some display options (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: enable TI PRU options (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: minor exynos plaform updates (Peter Robinson) - arm: SoC: disable Toshiba Visconti SoC (Peter Robinson) - common: disable ARCH_BCM4908 (NFC) (Peter Robinson) - fedora: minor arm config updates (Peter Robinson) - fedora: enable Tegra 234 SoC (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm: enable new Hikey 3xx options (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: USB updates (Peter Robinson) - fedora: enable the GNSS receiver subsystem (Peter Robinson) - Remove POWER_AVS as no longer upstream (Peter Robinson) - Cleanup RESET_RASPBERRYPI (Peter Robinson) - Cleanup GPIO_CDEV_V1 options. (Peter Robinson) - fedora: arm crypto updates (Peter Robinson) - CONFIG_KASAN_HW_TAGS for aarch64 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora: cleanup PCMCIA configs, move to x86 (Peter Robinson) - New configs in drivers/rtc (Fedora Kernel Team) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STRUCTLEAK_BYREF_ALL (Josh Poimboeuf) [1856176] - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_GCC_PLUGIN_STRUCTLEAK (Josh Poimboeuf) [1856176] - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_GCC_PLUGINS on ARK (Josh Poimboeuf) [1856176] - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_KASAN on Fedora (Josh Poimboeuf) [1856176] - New configs in init/Kconfig (Fedora Kernel Team) - Fix syntax flagged by shellcheck (Ben Crocker) - Fix syntax flagged by shellcheck (Ben Crocker) - Fix syntax flagged by shellcheck (Ben Crocker) - Enable Speakup accessibility driver (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in init/Kconfig (Fedora Kernel Team) - Fix fedora config mismatch due to dep changes (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/crypto (Jeremy Cline) - Remove duplicate ENERGY_MODEL configs (Peter Robinson) - This is selected by PCIE_QCOM so must match (Justin M. Forbes) - drop unused BACKLIGHT_GENERIC (Peter Robinson) - Remove cp instruction already handled in instruction below. (Paulo E. Castro) - Add all the dependencies gleaned from running `make prepare` on a bloated devel kernel. (Paulo E. Castro) - Add tools to path mangling script. (Paulo E. Castro) - Remove duplicate cp statement which is also not specific to x86. (Paulo E. Castro) - Correct orc_types failure whilst running `make prepare` (Paulo E. Castro) - redhat: ark: enable CONFIG_IKHEADERS (Jiri Olsa) - Add missing '$' sign to (GIT) in redhat/Makefile (Augusto Caringi) - Remove filterdiff and use native git instead (Don Zickus) - New configs in net/sched (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/mfd (CKI@GitLab) - New configs in drivers/mfd (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in drivers/firmware (Fedora Kernel Team) - Temporarily backout parallel xz script (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: explicitly disable CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_SIGNED_INIT (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_EVM_LOAD_X509 on ARK (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_EVM_ATTR_FSUUID on ARK (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_EVM in all arches and flavors (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_LOAD_X509 on ARK (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: set CONFIG_IMA_DEFAULT_HASH to SHA256 (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_SECURE_AND_OR_TRUSTED_BOOT (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_READ_POLICY on ARK (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: set default IMA template for all ARK arches (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_DEFAULT_HASH_SHA256 for all flavors (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: disable CONFIG_IMA_DEFAULT_HASH_SHA1 (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_ARCH_POLICY for ppc and x86 (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_MODSIG (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE_BOOTPARAM (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_IMA_APPRAISE (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat: enable CONFIG_INTEGRITY for aarch64 (Bruno Meneguele) - kernel: Update some missing KASAN/KCSAN options (Jeremy Linton) - kernel: Enable coresight on aarch64 (Jeremy Linton) - Update CONFIG_INET6_ESPINTCP (Justin Forbes) - New configs in net/ipv6 (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: move CONFIG_RTC_NVMEM options from ark to common (Peter Robinson) - configs: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_INFO_BTF (Don Zickus) - fedora: some minor arm audio config tweaks (Peter Robinson) - Ship xpad with default modules on Fedora and RHEL (Bastien Nocera) - Fedora: Only enable legacy serial/game port joysticks on x86 (Peter Robinson) - Fedora: Enable the options required for the Librem 5 Phone (Peter Robinson) - Fedora config update (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config change because CONFIG_FSL_DPAA2_ETH now selects CONFIG_FSL_XGMAC_MDIO (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: generic enable CONFIG_INET_MPTCP_DIAG (Davide Caratti) - Fedora config update (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable NANDSIM for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Re-enable CONFIG_ACPI_TABLE_UPGRADE for Fedora since upstream disables this if secureboot is active (Justin M. Forbes) - Ath11k related config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates for ath11k (Justin M. Forbes) - Turn on ATH11K for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat: enable CONFIG_INTEL_IOMMU_SVM (Jerry Snitselaar) - More Fedora config fixes (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.10 config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora 5.10 configs round 1 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Allow kernel-tools to build without selftests (Don Zickus) - Allow building of kernel-tools standalone (Don Zickus) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_ACT_CTINFO (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_TEQL (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_SFB (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_QFQ (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_PLUG (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_PIE (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_HHF (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_DSMARK (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_DRR (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_CODEL (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_CHOKE (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_CBQ (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_SCH_ATM (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_EMATCH and sub-targets (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_CLS_TCINDEX (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_CLS_RSVP6 (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_CLS_RSVP (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_CLS_ROUTE4 (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_CLS_BASIC (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_ACT_SKBMOD (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_ACT_SIMP (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: disable CONFIG_NET_ACT_NAT (Davide Caratti) - arm64/defconfig: Enable CONFIG_KEXEC_FILE (Bhupesh Sharma) [1821565] - redhat/configs: Cleanup CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512 (Prarit Bhargava) - New configs in drivers/mfd (Fedora Kernel Team) - Fix LTO issues with kernel-tools (Don Zickus) - Point pathfix to the new location for (Justin M. Forbes) - configs: Disable CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_DISABLE (Ondrej Mosnacek) - [Automatic] Handle config dependency changes (Don Zickus) - configs/iommu: Add config comment to empty CONFIG_SUN50I_IOMMU file (Jerry Snitselaar) - New configs in kernel/trace (Fedora Kernel Team) - Fix Fedora config locations (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - configs: enable CONFIG_CRYPTO_CTS=y so cts(cbc(aes)) is available in FIPS mode (Vladis Dronov) [1855161] - Partial revert: Add master merge check (Don Zickus) - Update Maintainers doc to reflect workflow changes (Don Zickus) - WIP: redhat/docs: Update documentation for single branch workflow (Prarit Bhargava) - Add CONFIG_ARM64_MTE which is not picked up by the config scripts for some reason (Justin M. Forbes) - Disable Speakup synth DECEXT (Justin M. Forbes) - Enable Speakup for Fedora since it is out of staging (Justin M. Forbes) - Modify patchlist changelog output (Don Zickus) - Fix syntax flagged by shellcheck (Ben Crocker) - Fix syntax flagged by shellcheck (Ben Crocker) - redhat/self-test: Initial commit (Ben Crocker) - arch/x86: Remove vendor specific CPU ID checks (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Replace link in Unsupported message (Prarit Bhargava) [1810301] - x86: Fix compile issues with rh_check_supported() (Don Zickus) - KEYS: Make use of platform keyring for module signature verify (Robert Holmes) - Input: rmi4 - remove the need for artificial IRQ in case of HID (Benjamin Tissoires) - ARM: tegra: usb no reset (Peter Robinson) - arm: make CONFIG_HIGHPTE optional without CONFIG_EXPERT (Jon Masters) - redhat: rh_kabi: deduplication friendly structs (Jiri Benc) - redhat: rh_kabi add a comment with warning about RH_KABI_EXCLUDE usage (Jiri Benc) - redhat: rh_kabi: introduce RH_KABI_EXTEND_WITH_SIZE (Jiri Benc) - redhat: rh_kabi: Indirect EXTEND macros so nesting of other macros will resolve. (Don Dutile) - redhat: rh_kabi: Fix RH_KABI_SET_SIZE to use dereference operator (Tony Camuso) - redhat: rh_kabi: Add macros to size and extend structs (Prarit Bhargava) - Removing Obsolete hba pci-ids from rhel8 (Dick Kennedy) [1572321] - mptsas: pci-id table changes (Laura Abbott) - mptsas: Taint kernel if mptsas is loaded (Laura Abbott) - mptspi: pci-id table changes (Laura Abbott) - qla2xxx: Remove PCI IDs of deprecated adapter (Jeremy Cline) - be2iscsi: remove unsupported device IDs (Chris Leech) [1574502 1598366] - mptspi: Taint kernel if mptspi is loaded (Laura Abbott) - hpsa: remove old cciss-based smartarray pci ids (Joseph Szczypek) [1471185] - qla4xxx: Remove deprecated PCI IDs from RHEL 8 (Chad Dupuis) [1518874] - aacraid: Remove depreciated device and vendor PCI id's (Raghava Aditya Renukunta) [1495307] - megaraid_sas: remove deprecated pci-ids (Tomas Henzl) [1509329] - mpt*: remove certain deprecated pci-ids (Jeremy Cline) - kernel: add SUPPORT_REMOVED kernel taint (Tomas Henzl) [1602033] - Rename RH_DISABLE_DEPRECATED to RHEL_DIFFERENCES (Don Zickus) - s390: Lock down the kernel when the IPL secure flag is set (Jeremy Cline) - efi: Lock down the kernel if booted in secure boot mode (David Howells) - efi: Add an EFI_SECURE_BOOT flag to indicate secure boot mode (David Howells) - security: lockdown: expose a hook to lock the kernel down (Jeremy Cline) - Make get_cert_list() use efi_status_to_str() to print error messages. (Peter Jones) - Add efi_status_to_str() and rework efi_status_to_err(). (Peter Jones) - Add support for deprecating processors (Laura Abbott) [1565717 1595918 1609604 1610493] - arm: aarch64: Drop the EXPERT setting from ARM64_FORCE_52BIT (Jeremy Cline) - iommu/arm-smmu: workaround DMA mode issues (Laura Abbott) - rh_kabi: introduce RH_KABI_EXCLUDE (Jakub Racek) [1652256] - ipmi: do not configure ipmi for HPE m400 (Laura Abbott) [1670017] - kABI: Add generic kABI macros to use for kABI workarounds (Myron Stowe) [1546831] - add pci_hw_vendor_status() (Maurizio Lombardi) [1590829] - ahci: thunderx2: Fix for errata that affects stop engine (Robert Richter) [1563590] - Vulcan: AHCI PCI bar fix for Broadcom Vulcan early silicon (Robert Richter) [1563590] - bpf: set unprivileged_bpf_disabled to 1 by default, add a boot parameter (Eugene Syromiatnikov) [1561171] - add Red Hat-specific taint flags (Eugene Syromiatnikov) [1559877] - Ignore redhat/rpm (Jeremy Cline) - put RHEL info into generated headers (Laura Abbott) [1663728] - aarch64: acpi scan: Fix regression related to X-Gene UARTs (Mark Salter) [1519554] - ACPI / irq: Workaround firmware issue on X-Gene based m400 (Mark Salter) [1519554] - modules: add rhelversion MODULE_INFO tag (Laura Abbott) - ACPI: APEI: arm64: Ignore broken HPE moonshot APEI support (Al Stone) [1518076] - Add Red Hat tainting (Laura Abbott) [1565704 1652266] - Introduce CONFIG_RH_DISABLE_DEPRECATED (Laura Abbott) - Stop merging ark-patches for release (Don Zickus) - Fix path location for (Don Zickus) - Combine Red Hat patches into single patch (Don Zickus) - New configs in drivers/misc (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/net/wireless (Justin M. Forbes) - New configs in drivers/phy (Fedora Kernel Team) - New configs in drivers/tty (Fedora Kernel Team) - Set SquashFS decompression options for all flavors to match RHEL (Bohdan Khomutskyi) - configs: Enable CONFIG_ENERGY_MODEL (Phil Auld) - New configs in drivers/pinctrl (Fedora Kernel Team) - Update CONFIG_THERMAL_NETLINK (Justin Forbes) - Separate merge-upstream and release stages (Don Zickus) - Re-enable CONFIG_IR_SERIAL on Fedora (Prarit Bhargava) - Create Patchlist.changelog file (Don Zickus) - Filter out upstream commits from changelog (Don Zickus) - Merge Upstream script fixes (Don Zickus) - kernel.spec: Remove kernel-keys directory on rpm erase (Prarit Bhargava) - Add mlx5_vdpa to module filter for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Add python3-sphinx_rtd_theme buildreq for docs (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs/ Remove *.config.orig files (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs/ Add process_configs_known_broken flag (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/Makefile: Fix '*-configs' targets (Prarit Bhargava) - dist-merge-upstream: Checkout known branch for ci scripts (Don Zickus) - kernel.spec: don't override upstream compiler flags for ppc64le (Dan Horák) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora confi gupdate (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix syntax flagged by shellcheck (Ben Crocker) - Swap how ark-latest is built (Don Zickus) - Add extra version bump to os-build branch (Don Zickus) - dist-release: Avoid needless version bump. (Don Zickus) - Add dist-fedora-release target (Don Zickus) - Remove redundant code in dist-release (Don Zickus) - Makefile.common rename TAG to _TAG (Don Zickus) - Fedora config change (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora filter update (Justin M. Forbes) - Config update for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - enable PROTECTED_VIRTUALIZATION_GUEST for all s390x kernels (Dan Horák) - redhat: ark: enable CONFIG_NET_SCH_TAPRIO (Davide Caratti) - redhat: ark: enable CONFIG_NET_SCH_ETF (Davide Caratti) - More Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - New config deps (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - First half of config updates for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Updates for Fedora arm architectures for the 5.9 window (Peter Robinson) - Merge 5.9 config changes from Peter Robinson (Justin M. Forbes) - Add config options that only show up when we prep on arm (Justin M. Forbes) - Config updates for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: enable enery model (Peter Robinson) - Use the configs/generic config for SND_HDA_INTEL everywhere (Peter Robinson) - Enable ZSTD compression algorithm on all kernels (Peter Robinson) - Enable ARM_SMCCC_SOC_ID on all aarch64 kernels (Peter Robinson) - iio: enable LTR-559 light and proximity sensor (Peter Robinson) - iio: chemical: enable some popular chemical and partical sensors (Peter Robinson) - More mismatches (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config change due to deps (Justin M. Forbes) - CONFIG_SND_SOC_MAX98390 is now selected by SND_SOC_INTEL_DA7219_MAX98357A_GENERIC (Justin M. Forbes) - Config change required for build part 2 (Justin M. Forbes) - Config change required for build (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config update (Justin M. Forbes) - Add ability to sync upstream through Makefile (Don Zickus) - Add master merge check (Don Zickus) - Replace hardcoded values 'os-build' and project id with variables (Don Zickus) - redhat/Makefile.common: Fix MARKER (Prarit Bhargava) - gitattributes: Remove unnecesary export restrictions (Prarit Bhargava) - Add new certs for dual signing with boothole (Justin M. Forbes) - Update secureboot signing for dual keys (Justin M. Forbes) - fedora: enable LEDS_SGM3140 for arm configs (Peter Robinson) - Enable CONFIG_DM_VERITY_VERIFY_ROOTHASH_SIG (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Fix common CONFIGs (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: General CONFIG cleanups (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Update & generalize evaluate_configs (Prarit Bhargava) - fedora: arm: Update some meson config options (Peter Robinson) - redhat/docs: Add Fedora RPM tagging date (Prarit Bhargava) - Update config for renamed panel driver. (Peter Robinson) - Enable SERIAL_SC16IS7XX for SPI interfaces (Peter Robinson) - s390x-zfcpdump: Handle missing Module.symvers file (Don Zickus) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Add .tmp files to .gitignore (Prarit Bhargava) - disable uncommon TCP congestion control algorithms (Davide Caratti) - Add new bpf man pages (Justin M. Forbes) - Add default option for CONFIG_ARM64_BTI_KERNEL to pending-common so that eln kernels build (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile: Add fedora-configs and rh-configs make targets (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat/configs: Use SHA512 for module signing (Prarit Bhargava) - 'touch' empty Patchlist file for single tarball (Don Zickus) - Fedora config update for rc1 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/Makefile.common: fix RPMKSUBLEVEL condition (Ondrej Mosnacek) - redhat/Makefile: silence KABI tar output (Ondrej Mosnacek) - One more Fedora config update (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix PATCHLEVEL for merge window (Justin M. Forbes) - Change ark CONFIG_COMMON_CLK to yes, it is selected already by other options (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - More module filtering for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Update filters for rnbd in Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix up module filtering for 5.8 (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - More Fedora config work (Justin M. Forbes) - RTW88BE and CE have been extracted to their own modules (Justin M. Forbes) - Set CONFIG_BLK_INLINE_ENCRYPTION_FALLBACK for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Arm64 Use Branch Target Identification for kernel (Justin M. Forbes) - Change value of CONFIG_SECURITY_SELINUX_CHECKREQPROT_VALUE (Justin M. Forbes) - Fedora config updates (Justin M. Forbes) - Fix configs for Fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Add zero-commit to format-patch options (Justin M. Forbes) - Copy Makefile.rhelver as a source file rather than a patch (Jeremy Cline) - Move the sed to clear the patch templating outside of conditionals (Justin M. Forbes) - Match template format in kernel.spec.template (Justin M. Forbes) - Break out the Patches into individual files for dist-git (Justin M. Forbes) - Break the Red Hat patch into individual commits (Jeremy Cline) - Fix unselective pattern sub (David Howells) - Add cec to the filter overrides (Justin M. Forbes) - Add overrides to (Justin M. Forbes) - redhat/configs: Enable CONFIG_SMC91X and disable CONFIG_SMC911X (Prarit Bhargava) [1722136] - Include bpftool-struct_ops man page in the bpftool package (Jeremy Cline) - Add to the script (Jeremy Cline) - Use __make macro instead of make (Tom Stellard) - Sign off generated configuration patches (Jeremy Cline) - Drop the static path configuration for the Sphinx docs (Jeremy Cline) - redhat: Add dummy-module kernel module (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: enable CONFIG_LWTUNNEL_BPF (Jiri Benc) - Remove typoed config file aarch64CONFIG_SM_GCC_8150 (Justin M. Forbes) - Add Documentation back to kernel-devel as it has Kconfig now (Justin M. Forbes) - Copy distro files rather than moving them (Jeremy Cline) - kernel.spec: fix 'make scripts' for kernel-devel package (Brian Masney) - Makefile: correct help text for dist-cross--rpms (Brian Masney) - redhat/Makefile: Fix RHEL8 python warning (Prarit Bhargava) - redhat: Change Makefile target names to dist- (Prarit Bhargava) - configs: Disable Serial IR driver (Prarit Bhargava) - Fix "multiple %files for package kernel-tools" (Pablo Greco) - Introduce a Sphinx documentation project (Jeremy Cline) - Build ARK against ELN (Don Zickus) - Drop the requirement to have a remote called linus (Jeremy Cline) - Rename 'internal' branch to 'os-build' (Don Zickus) - Only include open merge requests with "Include in Releases" label (Jeremy Cline) - Package gpio-watch in kernel-tools (Jeremy Cline) - Exit non-zero if the tag already exists for a release (Jeremy Cline) - Adjust the changelog update script to not push anything (Jeremy Cline) - Drop --target noarch from the rh-rpms make target (Jeremy Cline) - Add a script to generate release tags and branches (Jeremy Cline) - Set CONFIG_VDPA for fedora (Justin M. Forbes) - Add a README to the dist-git repository (Jeremy Cline) - Provide defaults in (Jeremy Cline) - Default to not report issues (Jeremy Cline) - Drop DIST from release commits and tags (Jeremy Cline) - Place the buildid before the dist in the release (Jeremy Cline) - Sync up with Fedora arm configuration prior to merging (Jeremy Cline) - Disable CONFIG_PROTECTED_VIRTUALIZATION_GUEST for zfcpdump (Jeremy Cline) - Add RHMAINTAINERS file and supporting conf (Don Zickus) - Add a script to test if all commits are signed off (Jeremy Cline) - Fix make rh-configs-arch (Don Zickus) - Drop RH_FEDORA in favor of the now-merged RHEL_DIFFERENCES (Jeremy Cline) - Sync up Fedora configs from the first week of the merge window (Jeremy Cline) - Migrate blacklisting floppy.ko to (Don Zickus) - kernel packaging: Combine and (Don Zickus) - kernel packaging: Fix extra namespace collision (Don Zickus) - Rename to (Don Zickus) - Make file generic (Don Zickus) - Fix a painfully obvious YAML syntax error in .gitlab-ci.yml (Jeremy Cline) - Add in armv7hl kernel header support (Don Zickus) - Disable all BuildKernel commands when only building headers (Don Zickus) - Drop any gitlab-ci patches from ark-patches (Jeremy Cline) - Build the srpm for internal branch CI using the vanilla tree (Jeremy Cline) - Pull in the latest ARM configurations for Fedora (Jeremy Cline) - Fix xz memory usage issue (Neil Horman) - Use ark-latest instead of master for update script (Jeremy Cline) - Move the CI jobs back into the ARK repository (Jeremy Cline) - Sync up ARK's Fedora config with the dist-git repository (Jeremy Cline) - Pull in the latest configuration changes from Fedora (Jeremy Cline) - configs: enable CONFIG_NET_SCH_CBS (Marcelo Ricardo Leitner) - Drop configuration options in fedora/ that no longer exist (Jeremy Cline) - Set RH_FEDORA for ARK and Fedora (Jeremy Cline) - redhat/kernel.spec: Include the release in the kernel COPYING file (Jeremy Cline) - redhat/kernel.spec: add scripts/jobserver-exec to py3_shbang_opts list (Jeremy Cline) - redhat/kernel.spec: package bpftool-gen man page (Jeremy Cline) - distgit-changelog: handle multiple y-stream BZ numbers (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat/kernel.spec: remove all inline comments (Bruno Meneguele) - redhat/genspec: awk unknown whitespace regex pattern (Bruno Meneguele) - Improve the readability of (Jeremy Cline) - Fix some awkward edge cases in (Jeremy Cline) - Update the CI environment to use Fedora 31 (Jeremy Cline) - redhat: drop whitespace from with_gcov macro (Jan Stancek) - configs: Enable CONFIG_KEY_DH_OPERATIONS on ARK (Ondrej Mosnacek) - configs: Adjust CONFIG_MPLS_ROUTING and CONFIG_MPLS_IPTUNNEL (Laura Abbott) - New configs in lib/crypto (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/char (Jeremy Cline) - Turn on BLAKE2B for Fedora (Jeremy Cline) - kernel.spec.template: Clean up stray *.h.s files (Laura Abbott) - Build the SRPM in the CI job (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in net/tls (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in net/tipc (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in lib/kunit (Jeremy Cline) - Fix up released_kernel case (Laura Abbott) - New configs in lib/Kconfig.debug (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/ptp (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/nvme (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/net/phy (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in arch/arm64 (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in drivers/crypto (Jeremy Cline) - New configs in crypto/Kconfig (Jeremy Cline) - Add label so the Gitlab to email bridge ignores the changelog (Jeremy Cline) - Temporarily switch TUNE_DEFAULT to y (Jeremy Cline) - Run config test for merge requests and internal (Jeremy Cline) - Add missing licensedir line (Laura Abbott) - redhat/scripts: Remove redhat/scripts/ (Prarit Bhargava) - configs: Take CONFIG_DEFAULT_MMAP_MIN_ADDR from Fedra (Laura Abbott) - configs: Turn off ISDN (Laura Abbott) - Add a script to generate configuration patches (Laura Abbott) - Introduce rh-configs-commit (Laura Abbott) - kernel-packaging: Remove kernel files from kernel-modules-extra package (Prarit Bhargava) - configs: Enable CONFIG_DEBUG_WX (Laura Abbott) - configs: Disable wireless USB (Laura Abbott) - Clean up some temporary config files (Laura Abbott) - configs: New config in drivers/gpu for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in arch/powerpc for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in crypto for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/usb for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - AUTOMATIC: New configs (Jeremy Cline) - Skip ksamples for bpf, they are broken (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in fs/erofs for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in mm for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/md for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in init for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in fs/fuse for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - Avoid comments but do not skip them (Don Zickus) - configs: New config in drivers/net/ethernet/pensando for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - Update a comment about what released kernel means (Laura Abbott) - Provide both Fedora and RHEL files in the SRPM (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Trim EXTRAVERSION in the Makefile (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Add macros for building with nopatches (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Add some macros for Fedora differences (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Consolodate the options (Laura Abbott) - configs: Add pending direcory to Fedora (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Don't run hardlink if rpm-ostree is in use (Laura Abbott) - configs: New config in net/can for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/net/phy for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: Increase x86_64 NR_UARTS to 64 (Prarit Bhargava) [1730649] - configs: turn on ARM64_FORCE_52BIT for debug builds (Jeremy Cline) - kernel.spec.template: Tweak the python3 mangling (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Add --with verbose option (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Switch to using %install instead of %__install (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Make the URL https (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Update message about secure boot signing (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Move some with flags definitions up (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Update some BuildRequires (Laura Abbott) - kernel.spec.template: Get rid of %clean (Laura Abbott) - configs: New config in drivers/char for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in net/sched for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in lib for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in fs/verity for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in arch/aarch64 for v5.4-rc4 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in arch/arm64 for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - Flip off CONFIG_ARM64_VA_BITS_52 so the bundle that turns it on applies (Jeremy Cline) - New configuration options for v5.4-rc4 (Jeremy Cline) - Correctly name tarball for single tarball builds (Laura Abbott) - configs: New config in drivers/pci for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - Allow overriding the dist tag on the command line (Laura Abbott) - Allow scratch branch target to be overridden (Laura Abbott) - Remove long dead BUILD_DEFAULT_TARGET (Laura Abbott) - Amend the changelog when rebasing (Laura Abbott) - configs: New config in drivers/platform for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/pinctrl for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/net/wireless for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/net/ethernet/mellanox for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/net/can for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/hid for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/dma-buf for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/crypto for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in arch/s390 for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in block for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/cpuidle for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - redhat: configs: Split CONFIG_CRYPTO_SHA512 (Laura Abbott) - redhat: Set Fedora options (Laura Abbott) - Set CRYPTO_SHA3_*_S390 to builtin on zfcpdump (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/edac for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/firmware for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/hwmon for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/iio for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/mmc for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/tty for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in arch/s390 for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in drivers/bus for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - Add option to allow mismatched configs on the command line (Laura Abbott) - configs: New config in drivers/crypto for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in sound/pci for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: New config in sound/soc for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - gitlab: Add CI job for packaging scripts (Major Hayden) - Speed up CI with CKI image (Major Hayden) - Disable e1000 driver in ARK (Neil Horman) - configs: Fix the pending default for CONFIG_ARM64_VA_BITS_52 (Jeremy Cline) - configs: Turn on OPTIMIZE_INLINING for everything (Jeremy Cline) - configs: Set valid pending defaults for CRYPTO_ESSIV (Jeremy Cline) - Add an initial CI configuration for the internal branch (Jeremy Cline) - New drop of configuration options for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - New drop of configuration options for v5.4-rc1 (Jeremy Cline) - Pull the RHEL version defines out of the Makefile (Jeremy Cline) - Sync up the ARK build scripts (Jeremy Cline) - Sync up the Fedora Rawhide configs (Jeremy Cline) - Sync up the ARK config files (Jeremy Cline) - configs: Adjust CONFIG_FORCE_MAX_ZONEORDER for Fedora (Laura Abbott) - configs: Add README for some other arches (Laura Abbott) - configs: Sync up Fedora configs (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add structure for building with git (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add Red Hat variables in the top level makefile (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Red Hat gitignore and attributes (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add changelog (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add makefile (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add files for generating the kernel.spec (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add rpm directory (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add files for packaging (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add kabi files (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add scripts (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add configs (Laura Abbott) - [initial commit] Add Makefiles (Laura Abbott) - Linux v6.5.0-0.rc0.1ef6663a587b/bin/sh/bin/sh  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrst6.5.6-300.fc396.5.6-300.fc39+debug6.5.6-300.fc396.5.6-300.fc396.5.6-300.fc39+debug6.5.6-300.fc39.aarch64+debug    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