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Lane * test: workaround fdo package issue (#3690) * Author: Xiaofeng Wang, Reviewers: Achilleas Koutsou — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-09-20Changes with 89 ---------------- * Handle panics in the osbuild job & fix panic when OCI authentication fails (#3666) * Oci test (#3629) * Tests: Add softlockup_all_cpu_backtrace=1 boot argument (#3656) * Tests: Remove deprecated --os-type cli argument (#3643) * build(deps): bump the go-deps group with 2 updates (#3661) * cloudapi/v2: expose wsl image type (#3660) * test/cases/ubi-wsl: fix waiting for a valid ipv4 (#3670) * test/cases/ubi-wsl: public ip fixes (#3653) * test: add workaround for bug BZ#2234390 (#3663) * test: fix "Waiter SnapshotImported failed: Max attempts exceeded" (#3662) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-09-06Changes with 88 ---------------- * COMPOSER-2016: blueprint: make Convert respect nils (#3612) * Update rhel ga runners (#3596) * Use newer RHEL 8.9 & 9.3 images for testing (#3603) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.44.318 to 1.44.322 (#3620) * build(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go from 0.1.315 to 0.1.362 (#3627) * cloudapi: Add ability to skip uploading and save image locally (#3585) * dashboards/worker: default to showing the past 6 hours (#3651) * dependabot: group go package updates (#3642) * deps: update osbuild/images to 9548bf0d0140 (#3606) * deps: update osbuild/images to v0.3.0 (#3634) * go.mod: bump osbuild/images to c2aa82cc9a86 (#3640) * internal/cloud/gcp/compute: Add SEV_SNP_CAPABLE Guest OS Feature (#3579) * schutzbot: unregister test hosts (#3630) * test/cases/ubi-wsl: double ssh timeout (#3624) * test: add workaround for bug 2230537 and 2229722 (#3615) * test: run greenboot rollback test on ostree.sh, ostree-ami-image.sh and ostree-vsphere.sh (#3618) * test: update edge-ami test to support aarch64 (#3613) * test: wait for ami image avaiable to use before tag creation (#3619) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Timothée Ravier, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-08-24Changes with 87 ---------------- * Koji: expose image metadata in build extra metadata, including boot mode (#3599) * Main cloud size (#3597) * Update snapshots to 20230801 (#3592) * deps: update osbuild/images to 157e798fdf8d (#3593) * test/cases/api: add check for subscription-manager facts (#3257) * test: Fix Fedora 39 snapshot urls in test repo (#3574) * tests: Add a check for valid snapshot urls (#3572) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Brian C. Lane, Jakub Rusz, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, schutzbot, yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-08-09Changes with 86 ---------------- * Openapi revision (#3286) * Start collecting logs from virt-install (#3557) * Ubi wsl (#3473) * Update osbuild/images (#3565) * ci: fix the gitlab trigger (#3568) * packer: Move to Fedora 38 and use cheaper GP3 volumes (#3554) * spec: require osbuild >= 89 (#3524) * test/README: describe vendoring modified images repo (#3564) * tools: Set a+x on rpm_spec_vendor2provides (#3562) * tools: replace spec Provides generator (#3560) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Mario Cattamo, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Xiaofeng Wang — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-07-26- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_RebuildChanges with 85 ---------------- * Allow any hashing algorithm in osbuild stage inputs (#3514) * COMPOSER-1959: Test on 8.9 and 9.3 nightly (#3422) * Deprecated mas sso (#3531) * Enable CI for Fedora 38 & a few cleanups (#3481) * Fix ISO building on F39 (#3523) * Fix for possibly undefined variable in CI script (#3549) * Introduce test conditions for AWS & Azure (#3493) * Packit/copr: Remove EPEL builds in favor of RHEL ones (#3507) * Remove Juan from the list of QE associates (#3550) * Remove redundant script in upgrade8to9 test (#3508) * Set the tenant in the request context, reuse it for the status and request duration metrics (#3510) * Update Cloud API with new manifest generation process (#3482) * Update manifests (#3494) * Update snapshots to 20230701 (#3540) * Upgrade 8to9 upgrade test for 9.3 (#3505) * cloudapi/v2: cleanup rebase leftovers (#3552) * cloudapi: openscap integration (#3522) * containers/osbuild-composer: add prometheus port parameter (#3497) * distro/rhel8: fix Azure EAP7 RHUI image definition (#3502) * jsondb: improve performance of list operation (#3504) * reorder middlewares in worker and cloud apis (#3534) * templates/dasbhoards: rework composer dashboard (#3538) * test/repos: use EUS CDN repos for RHEL 8.4 / 8.6 / 9.0 (#3467) * test: Four fixes for RHEL for Edge tests (#3532) * test: Remove rebase test shell script (#3530) * test: Some enhancements to make test stable (#3495) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Diaa Sami, Eng Zer Jun, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-07-12Changes with 84 ---------------- * Add the 'edge-ami' image type based on edge-raw-image (#3429) * CI: Move RHEL for Edge CI into osbuild/rhel-edge-ci repo (#3460) * Cleanup of Fedora cloud images (#3480) * Finalise interface between composer and image definitions (#3444) * Update snapshots to 20230522 (#3451) * build(deps): bump google.golang.org/api from 0.123.0 to 0.126.0 (#3485) * cloudapi: add vsphere-ova type (#3474) * fedora: f36 went EOL (#3445) * internal/cloudapi: new prometheus listener (#3430) * internal/osbuild: yum repos ssl verify (#3419) * osbuild: Add validation error logging (#3483) * templates/composer: parametrise replicas and tweak cpu requests/limits (#3472) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Irene Diez, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], jabia99, schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-06-14Changes with 83 ---------------- * Add support for VMware ovf image type (#3371) * Add tests for blueprint package name globs and fix blueprint freeze with globs (#3425) * CI: update centos-stream-8 images and snapshots (#3466) * Dockerfile*: update to ubi9 and chown the files when copying (#3443) * Fedora/iot-raw-image: support custom files and directories in `/etc` (+ services customization) (#3303) * Fixes for the koji integration (#3399) * Revert the hybrid boot mode changes on RHEL (RHUI) EC2 images prior to 8.9 / 9.3 (#3455) * Support hybrid boot mode on x86_64 AMI images and set the AMI boot mode on image registration (#3446) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/compute from 1.10.0 to 1.19.3 (#3442) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/storage from 1.27.0 to 1.30.1 (#3428) * build(deps): bump github.com/docker/distribution from 2.8.1+incompatible to 2.8.2+incompatible (#3437) * build(deps): bump github.com/labstack/echo/v4 from 4.10.0 to 4.10.2 (#3454) * build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.8.2 to 1.8.3 (#3457) * build(deps): bump google.golang.org/api from 0.122.0 to 0.123.0 (#3453) * internal/GCP: remove all remaining uses of `cloudbuild` (#3450) * iot: add fedora-release-iot to iot-installer (#3441) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Paul Whalen, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-05-31Changes with 82 ---------------- * Adjust packer build to work with the amazon plugin 1.2.3 (#3402) * Disable firewalld for RHEL 8 Azure EAP (#3421) * Update terraform SHA (#3420) * cloudapi: custom repos add missing fields (#3418) * internal/manifest: install rhc-worker-playbook when using rhc (#3432) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, dependabot[bot], jabia99 — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-05-17Changes with 80 ---------------- * COMPOSER-1936: Enable regression-insecure-repo test for nightly CI pipeline (#3380) * COMPOSER-1943: Fix failure in cross-distro.sh (#3379) * Save manifest lists when pulling containers (#3336) * Simplify packit config (#3339) * Test/fix cs9 edge-simplified-installer test failure (#3382) * build(deps): bump github.com/docker/docker from 20.10.17+incompatible to 20.10.24+incompatible (#3376) * cloudapi/v2: expose repo metadata verification (#3387) * dbjobqueue: Make dequeuing atomic (#3389) * internal/worker: log dequeue failures (#3369) * rpi firmware copy (#3391) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jiri Popelka, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, dependabot[bot], yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-04-19Changes with 79 ---------------- * Add Butane test and Ignition logs (#3223) * Add tags to CIV instances (#3343) * COMPOSER-1936: Use check_gpg=True during testing (#3353) * New image type: Azure EAP for RHEL 8.6+ (no RHEL 9). (#3288) * build(deps): bump github.com/opencontainers/runc from 1.1.3 to 1.1.5 (#3365) * containers/osbuild-composer: wait for fluentd in entrypoint (#3357) * distro/rhel: add payload repos to os package set (#3329) * internal/boot: boot VMWare VMs with EFI and SCSI (#3351) * packit: build RPMs also for EPEL 9 and RHEL (#3359) * per-distro rpmmd cache directory (#3317) * upload/azure: modernize & do not upload zeroed pages (#3367) * weldr+distro: allow to send Manifest warnings on ComposeReply (#3319) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Irene Diez, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Mario Cattamo, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-04-05Changes with 78 ---------------- * Change civ repo name (#3340) * File resolver job (#3254) * Introduce jobtype variable in worker dashboard (#3262) * Test/ostree: add sysroot permission test (#3325) * build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 3 to 4 (#3337) * distro/fedora: add support for Fedora 39 (#3324) * distro: remove duplicate version checks for fonts (#3280) * image-installer: switch payload to minimal-rpm (#3249) * iot-raw-image: partitioning changes (#3246) * simplified-installer: enable isolinux (#3327) * test/vmware: boot VMs with EFI and use SCSI as a disk controller (#3330) * tests/ostree: Change centos-8 BOOT_LOCATION to a working boot.iso (#3338) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, dependabot[bot], yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-03-22Changes with 77 ---------------- * Add open-vm-tools to Fedora VMDK image default package set (#3300) * Update deprecated io/ioutil functions and go:build tags (#3323) * Update rpmrepo snapshots to 20230223 (including necessary fixes and workarounds) (#3311) * Use CDN repos when making the worker rpms and images (#3320) * koji: log unsuccessful requests only once (#3314) * manifest/os: fix SUPPRESSED_ERROR issue reported by Coverity (#3304) * packer ansible: fix unregister and aarch64 cdn repos (#3322) * tools/appsre-ansible: don't subscribe machines used for rpmbuild (#3315) * worker: allow configuring number of upload threads for Azure (#3321) Contributions from: Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, schutzbot, yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-03-08Changes with 76 ---------------- * Fix CIV_OPTIONS bug (#3297) * Update test suite after rebase to weldr-client-35.9 (#3296) * distro: assign pipeline-specific repos to package sets (#3291) * ignition: enable systemd firstboot condition through kargs (#3308) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Juan Abia — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-03-01Changes with 75 ---------------- * Blueprint: add support for custom files and directories in `/etc` (#3281) * Image info: Update from manifest-db (#3278) * `edge-simplified-installer` allows User & Group customizations (#3285) * cloudapi: Add subscription option for rhc (#3240) * internal/prometheus: add more buckets for job durations (#3273) * osbuild-worker/koji: Add logging for koji requests/responses (#3252) * rhel: fix conditionals for sysroot.readonly enablement (#3276) * test/cases: move CIV options into a variable (#3279) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Irene Diez, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Mario Cattamo, Sanne Raymaekers, Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-22Changes with 74 ---------------- * Add repositories for test case generation for RHEL 9.1 (rhel-91) (#3247) * Adding metadata signing check (#3230) * Enable RHEL 8 Azure images for aarch64 (#3250) * Fix dracut modules for Anaconda installers in RHEL 9 and CS9 (#3253) * Rewrite RHEL 7 image definitions using the new framework (#3239) * build(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go from 0.1.287 to 0.1.315 (#3269) * cleanup leftovers, fix ignition in edge raw image and add tests (#3267) * distro/rhel8: don't install missing MSFT key into azure-sap-rhui (#3270) * internal/distro/rhel9+8/edge: add sos package (#3234) * osbuild: unify implementations of files input 🧹 (#3248) * repositories: fix rhel-90 repositories (#3263) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Irene Diez, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Sarita Mahajan, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-08Changes with 73 ---------------- * Packer: workaround missing authselect-compat-1.2.5-2.el9_1 in RHUI repos (#3237) * Rewrite RHEL 8 and CS8 image definitions using the new framework (#3213) * Schutzfile: bump osbuild commit for GA RHEL (#3214) * Support ignition in simplified-installer and raw-image (#3130) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go from 66.0.0+incompatible to 68.0.0+incompatible (#3229) * distro/rhel8: ensure the Azure SAP RHUI image uses appropriate config (#3233) * fix ostree cannot boot on fedora37 (#3217) * osbuild/mkdir: support new stage options and small fixes (#3226) * schutzbot: delete ckellner's SSH key (#3224) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-25- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_RebuildChanges with 72 ---------------- * Dashboard metrics update (#3191) * Enable 8.8 and 9.2 test runnners (#3134) * Migrate to SPDX license (#3198) * Schutzfile: update osbuild version to current main (v75) (#3201) * Update to Go 1.18 and introduce a generic ToPtr method (#3204) * build(deps): bump github.com/theupdateframework/go-tuf from 0.3.1 to 0.3.2 (#3205) * osbuild-worker: add dnf-json error reason to depsolve job error (#3174) * remove Fedora 35 support (#3179) * terraform: update to the latest definitions (#3208) * worker/server: log unresponsive job removal (#3206) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Miroslav Suchý, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-11Changes with 71 ---------------- * Enable Azure images for aarch64 (#3192) * Ignition blueprint config support on rhel9 (#3161) * Update building instructions (#3049) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Irene Diez, Lukáš Zapletal, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-12-28Changes with 70 ---------------- * Bugfix: Add RHSM Fact (APIType) to RHEL 9 image definitions (#3160) * Create and add Journald stage to rhel8/9 pipeline (#3118) * Enable isolinux only for x86_64 (#3171) * Enable isolinux only for x86_64 (removed stage) (#3182) * Extend firewall customizations to add sources (#3055) * Measure 5xx errors on all requests for image-builder-composer/worker (#3147) * RHEL 9 & Fedora: Anaconda boot arguments (#3180) * RHEL 9: Do not enable user module in Anaconda Edge Installer when no users are specified (#3187) * RHEL 9: update edge-simplified-installer to new definitions (#3166) * Schutzfile: bump osbuild dependency (#3177) * `internal/rpmmd` cleanup 🧹 (#3159) * cloudapi/v2: set ostree rhsm option on image options (#3172) * distro/rhel9: add consumer certificates on ostree rhsm option (#3176) * gcp: Cross-reference to coreos-assembler code (#3163) * metrics: update status metrics label (#3165) * re-enable cs9 runner for simplified installer (#3145) * rhel8/9: make edge images properly sysroot.readonly=true (#3178) * templates/packer: increase polling delay (#3183) * worker: fix reporting the import error to composer (#3162) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Brian C. Lane, Colin Walters, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Irene Diez, Mario Cattamo, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Sayan Paul, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-12-14Changes with 69 ---------------- * Add /blueprints/change/NAME/COMMIT route and save blueprint changes in the store (#3121) * CloudAPI: add description for `Repository` definition (#3158) * Rewrite RHEL 9 and CS9 image definitions using the new framework (#3120) * SPEC: run the %preun commands in worker package only on removal (#3149) * Update snapshots to 20221115 (#3136) * azure-sap image (#3074) * ci: update Fedora 37 runners to GA (#3157) * cloudapi/v2: pass rhsm requirement to ostree resolve job (#3142) * disk: align LVM2 volumes to the extent size (#3137) * image: create image-installer image type for fedora (#3077) * tools: silence version comparison in get_build_info() (#3150) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Brian C. Lane, Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Sarita Mahajan, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, fkolwa, schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-30Changes with 68 ---------------- * Fix iot-installer build via the cloud API (#3132) * Fix issues reported by Coverity (#3092) * Fix loading cross distro compose results (#3090) * RHEL-8/9 EC2 image definitions fixes (#3135) * Refactor the RHEL 9 SAP config and packages to be useful on other platforms (#3100) * ci: add my SSH keys to the CI ssh keys (#3119) * ci: add tags to AWS instances (#3127) * cloudapi/v2: expose ostree contenturl and rhsm options (#3105) * dbjobqueue: acquire a new connection for each listen query (#3116) * diff-manifests.sh: Use shared_lib for greenprint and redprint (#3133) * distro: SELinux should be the last stage (#3117) * docker-compose: remove unavailable `--dnf-json` (#3124) * tools/provision.sh: copy RHEL repo overrides using wildcard (#3111) Contributions from: Brian C. Lane, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Paul Whalen, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Thomas Lavocat, Tom Gundersen, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-16Changes with 67 ---------------- * Cloud API: make `location` optional for Azure Upload Options (#3093) * Content url and rhsm ostree resolve (#3091) * Fix blueprint firewall support (#3099) * Ostree resolve job (#3072) * RHEL-8.7+/9.1+: replace RHSM config on EC2 RHUI images with `redhat-cloud-client-configuration` package (#3081) * Update snapshots to 20221025 (#3098) * build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 1.5.0 to 1.6.1 (#3094) * distro: add support for RHEL 8.8 and 9.2 (#3095) * internal/cloudapi: add ostree options for all otree image types (#3089) * koji: put artifacts uploaded to koji under a second level directory (#3083) * schutzbot/update_github_status: fix release fast-forwarding (#3082) * spec: Fix ownership of the dnf-json rpmmd files (#3085) * tests: Update the version of azurerm terraform provider (#3075) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Brian C. Lane, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, dependabot[bot], schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-02Changes with 66 ---------------- * Build rpms on RHEL 8.8 and 9.2 (#3066) * Fixes for Fedora IoT image types (#3038) * Weldr/Cloud API: simplify GCP upload options (#3023) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.44.112 to 1.44.114 (#3054) * cloudapi: add iot-installer (#3037) * schutzbot/mockbuild: stop running mock as root (#3073) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Jakub Rusz, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza, dependabot[bot], schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-10-19Changes with 65 ---------------- * Appsre cleanups (#3024) * Fix blueprint commit message (#3026) * Update Fedora IoT Installer definition (#3020) * [main] distro/rhel9: edge images default to LVM (#2861) * app-sre: Update AMIs to rhel-9.0 (#3019) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/compute from 1.9.0 to 1.10.0 (#2998) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.44.104 to 1.44.108 (#3034) * build(deps): bump github.com/google/go-cmp from 0.5.8 to 0.5.9 (#3003) * build(deps): bump google.golang.org/api from 0.96.0 to 0.97.0 (#3012) * build(deps): bump google.golang.org/api from 0.97.0 to 0.98.0 (#3027) * dbjobqueue: Backoff after listener error (#3036) * packer: add fedora 36 (#3008) * packer: remove Fedora 35 (#3035) * packit: Enable Bodhi updates for unstable Fedoras (#3017) * spec: bump osbuild dep to >= 65 (#3007) * tagging a blueprint wasn't working correctly (#3031) * templates/composer.yml: update splunk port for splunk cloud (#3009) * templates/packer: Allow token url to be set by cloud-init vars (#3010) * test: add CIV tool to azure.sh (#2923) * test: get correct CIV tag in azure.sh (#3043) * worker: log error details on job failure (#3025) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Irene Diez, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-10-05Changes with 64 ---------------- * CI: Introduce x86_64 rules (#2975) * Cache the results of dnf-json dump and search commands (#2918) * Enable integration testing on aarch64 (#2895) * Expose Fedora IoT types in Cloud API (#3001) * Fix packer builds (#2969) * Introduce logging adapter for jobqueue (#2811) * New image type: Fedora IoT Raw Image (#2914) * RHEL-8/9: base `vhd` image on `azure-rhui` pkg sets and configuration (#2971) * Update snapshots to 20220906 (#2959) * `test/api.sh`: cleanups (#2988) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/compute from 1.7.0 to 1.9.0 (#2942) * build(deps): bump github.com/labstack/echo/v4 from 4.8.0 to 4.9.0 (#2994) * build(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go from 0.1.266 to 0.1.287 (#2985) * build(deps): bump google.golang.org/api from 0.94.0 to 0.96.0 (#2996) * build(deps): bump gopkg.in/ini.v1 from 1.66.6 to 1.67.0 (#2944) * distro: use storage capacity multiple constants in partition tables (#2992) * pkg/dbjobqueue: fix dequeue constraint error (#2963) * s3 upload: add an option to upload images publicly (#2897) * templates/dashboards: Worker tenant fixes and uncollapsed queue times (#2987) * templates/packer: Append distro and architecture to the ami name (#2993) * test: User in commit will not be supported after osbuild-composer 64 (#3000) * test: change CIV tag (#2958) * workflow: Update to golangci-lint v1.49.0 (#2973) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Lukas Zapletal, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza, Tomáš Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], schutzbot, yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-09-21v62.1v63.1Changes with 63 ---------------- * Add GCP guest agent config stage (#2884) * CI: update test execution on nightly pipelines (#2930) * Create multiple aws images from a single compose (#2809) * No rhsm facts stage on rhel or for koji composes (#2919) * appsre-ansible: support aarch64 machines (#2718) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/storage from 1.22.1 to 1.26.0 (#2934) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest from 0.11.27 to 0.11.28 (#2937) * build(deps): bump github.com/containers/common from 0.48.0 to 0.49.1 (#2933) * build(deps): bump github.com/golang-jwt/jwt/v4 from 4.4.1 to 4.4.2 (#2938) * build(deps): bump github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud from 0.24.0 to 1.0.0 (#2939) * build(deps): bump github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 from 4.16.0 to 4.17.1 (#2926) * build(deps): bump github.com/labstack/echo/v4 from 4.7.2 to 4.8.0 (#2940) * build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.12.1 to 1.13.0 (#2883) * dbjobqueue: use background context when closing listener (#2721) * distro/`ImageConfig`: use pointers to simple types and reflection in `InheritFrom()` (#2953) * rhel9: explicitly add containernetworking-plugins to edge (#2951) * schutzbot: Fast-forward release branch after green main run (#2922) * templates/packer: Increase aws timeouts for rhel-8-aarch64 (#2955) * test aws arm images via cloud API (#2905) * test/gcp: Run cleanup function at the end (#2917) * tests: add aarch64 rhel-9.0 runner to API tests (#2948) * weldr: Preload metadata at startup (#2941) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Brian C. Lane, Diaa Sami, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Lukas Zapletal, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza, dependabot[bot], fkolwa — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-09-07Changes with 62 ---------------- * cloudapi/v2: Don't add rhsm facts (#2920) * go.mod: update github.com/containers/image/v5 (#2925) Contributions from: Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-29Changes with 62 ---------------- * cloudapi/v2: Don't add rhsm facts (#2920) * go.mod: update github.com/containers/image/v5 (#2925) Contributions from: Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-29Changes with 61 ---------------- * Add the `rhsm.facts` stage. (#2909) * Disable skipped tests (#2885) * Support hybrid boot for edge installers (#2912) * worker/osbuild: use `os-release` to determine host OS (#2842) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Juan Abia, Simon de Vlieger, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-26Changes with 60 ---------------- * Add search command to dnf-json and use it for package searches (#2908) * Modify repositories/rhel-xy.json file before testing nightly compose (#2894) * Update terraform SHA with more aarch64 runner options (#2907) * [GCE images] don't install SDK and turn off GPG check on el9 (#2900) * distro/image-installer: remove nvmf dracut module for RHEL-9.1 (#2899) * distro: add oscap packages to image (#2898) * tests: Add comment to make it more obvious what's happening (#2888) * tests: Remove useless JSON file overrides (#2881) * update civ (#2796) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-24Changes with 59 ---------------- * Allow for `/boot` to be customized (#2865) * CI: use only medium runners on Openstack (#2866) * Cloud API - support uploading to container registries (#2858) * Cloud API: add support for container embedding (#2877) * Exclude dracut-config-rescue in ec2 and qemu-guest-agent in ec2 and gce images (#2862) * Fix Go 1.19 issues (stable `fstab` ordering and wrong `errors.As` usages) (#2860) * Fix UEFI HTTP boot for RHEL 9 ISOs (#2854) * Use JWT for Koji tests (#2853) * clienterrors: Remove ellipsis operator (#2876) * internal/container: delete leftover dead code (#2867) * metrics: add `arch` label to prometheus metrics (#2845) * osbuild-mock-openid-provider: support `client_credentials` grant type (#2880) * osbuild-service-maintenance: Honor dry run config option (#2868) * osbuild-service-maintenance: Run vacuum analyze after each delete (#2863) * oscap: implement OpenSCAP build remediation (#2695) * templates/dashboard: filter worker dashboard on `arch` (#2847) * templates/dashboards: Add brew tenants (#2872) * templates/dashboards: Drop arch from osbuild jobtype (#2871) * test: Remove BIOS installation test because edge-installer supports UEFI only (#2870) * tests: Workaround for mkksiso options coming from newer lorax RPM (#2875) * worker: fix crash if no autoscale instance is defined (#2879) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, Ygal Blum — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-10Changes with 58 ---------------- * Add support for container embedding (#2814) * CI: drop /tmp/artifacts upload to Gitlab (#2857) * COMPOSER-1623: Enable Fedora 36 testing (#2782) * Container embedding: support accessing protected resources (#2849) * Embedding container in OSTree commits (#2848) * Filesystems test update (#2843) * Improvements for gen-manifests tool and Manifest-diff test (#2821) * Koji cloud upload fixups (#2852) * Regenerate fedora-35 manifests + switch RHOS-01 to non ssd (#2825) * Remove centos-8 repos (#2827) * Remove image info from all test manifests (#2855) * Remove koji API and the osbuild-koji job (#2822) * Remove osbuild1 package (#2823) * Support cloud upload for Koji composes (#2844) * Tests: Use unified diff format - easier to read (#2820) * Update snapshots to 20220715 (#2835) * blueprint: Hash all user passwords (#2834) * build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2 to 3 (#2815) * ci/tests: Change the way artifacts are collected (#2474) * image: introduce an ImageKind abstraction (#2813) * jobqueue: store an expiry date (#2816) * tag created vmare VMs (#2819) * templates: update dashboards to include tenant (#2756) * test: Install package sssd in all edge images for BZ#2088459 (#2681) * test: Update test for push container image to registry (#2831) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Simon de Vlieger, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-27Changes with 58 ---------------- * Add support for container embedding (#2814) * CI: drop /tmp/artifacts upload to Gitlab (#2857) * COMPOSER-1623: Enable Fedora 36 testing (#2782) * Container embedding: support accessing protected resources (#2849) * Embedding container in OSTree commits (#2848) * Filesystems test update (#2843) * Improvements for gen-manifests tool and Manifest-diff test (#2821) * Koji cloud upload fixups (#2852) * Regenerate fedora-35 manifests + switch RHOS-01 to non ssd (#2825) * Remove centos-8 repos (#2827) * Remove image info from all test manifests (#2855) * Remove koji API and the osbuild-koji job (#2822) * Remove osbuild1 package (#2823) * Support cloud upload for Koji composes (#2844) * Tests: Use unified diff format - easier to read (#2820) * Update snapshots to 20220715 (#2835) * blueprint: Hash all user passwords (#2834) * build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2 to 3 (#2815) * ci/tests: Change the way artifacts are collected (#2474) * image: introduce an ImageKind abstraction (#2813) * jobqueue: store an expiry date (#2816) * tag created vmare VMs (#2819) * templates: update dashboards to include tenant (#2756) * test: Install package sssd in all edge images for BZ#2088459 (#2681) * test: Update test for push container image to registry (#2831) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Simon de Vlieger, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-27- Rebuild for CVE-2022-{1705,32148,30631,30633,28131,30635,30632,30630,1962} in golangChanges with 57 ---------------- * Composer API - add support for service enable/disable (#2755) * Dockerfile: bump the shutdown period to 15 seconds (#2808) * Drop support for RHEL 8.3 (rhel8) and rename rhel86 to rhel8 (#2793) * Enable Image Builder to build GCP-compatible RHEL 9.0 images (#2771) * Ground work to enable cloud uploads for Koji composes (#2748) * Merge RHEL 8.4 distro definition into distro/rhel8 package (#2805) * Merge RHEL 8.5 distro definition into the distro/rhel86 package (#2787) * Minor test fixes (#2792) * build(deps): bump gopkg.in/ini.v1 from 1.66.4 to 1.66.6 (#2719) * containers/osbuild-composer: Sleep before shutdown to mitigate connections being reset/terminated on shutdown (#2797) * image-tests: skip azure-rhui test on rhel-86 (#2785) * jobqueue: Move jobqueue out of internal packages (#2736) * manifest+playground: improve developer experience (#2812) * manifest/os: minor refactoring to make more arguments optional (#2799) * manifest/os: move over bootloader packages (#2801) * manifest: introduce `platform`, `environment` and `workload` abstractions (#2804) * osbuild-image-tests: ignore LVM UUID (#2818) * packer: use 8.6 as a base for RHEL images (#2790) * packit: Enable Bodhi update feature (#2828) * pipeline: add Manifest abstraction (#2776) * set a job error when a heartbeat fails & fix koji-finalize job (#2784) * tag azure resources with gitlab-ci-test (#2786) * test/api: split into multiple files (#2789) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum, dependabot[bot], fkolwa, imagebuilder-bot, schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-13Changes with 56 ---------------- * CI: new test for checking if any manifests changed in a PR (#2749) * Consolidate Koji target options values meaning (#2758) * Fedora - Use vendor instead of rpm dependencies (#2762) * Remove vhd image type from RHEL 7 (#2768) * Support the insecure option in curl sources (#2752) * Switch to latest RHEL versions for testing (#2678) * [rhel7] add initial support (qcow2, vhd, azure-rhui) (#2705) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.44.4 to 1.44.43 (#2777) * cloudapi: get specific error from openapi (#2666) * cmd/osbuild-upload-gcp: fix typo in skip-import's help string (#2761) * dnf-json: fix depsolve error handling (#2775) * dnfjson: Load subscriptions when creating a new solver (#2751) * docker-compose: fix osbuild-worker unable load libcrypt.so.1 (#2745) * manifests: regenerate RHEL-8.6 qcow2 test cases (#2781) * pipelines: introduce declarative pipeline abstractions (#2773) * rpmbuild: add fedora-36 (#2770) * upload: initial draft for container upload (#2462) * worker: clean up the config and add tests (#2779) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum, dependabot[bot], zwtop — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-29Changes with 56 ---------------- * CI: new test for checking if any manifests changed in a PR (#2749) * Consolidate Koji target options values meaning (#2758) * Fedora - Use vendor instead of rpm dependencies (#2762) * Remove vhd image type from RHEL 7 (#2768) * Support the insecure option in curl sources (#2752) * Switch to latest RHEL versions for testing (#2678) * [rhel7] add initial support (qcow2, vhd, azure-rhui) (#2705) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.44.4 to 1.44.43 (#2777) * cloudapi: get specific error from openapi (#2666) * cmd/osbuild-upload-gcp: fix typo in skip-import's help string (#2761) * dnf-json: fix depsolve error handling (#2775) * dnfjson: Load subscriptions when creating a new solver (#2751) * docker-compose: fix osbuild-worker unable load libcrypt.so.1 (#2745) * manifests: regenerate RHEL-8.6 qcow2 test cases (#2781) * pipelines: introduce declarative pipeline abstractions (#2773) * rpmbuild: add fedora-36 (#2770) * upload: initial draft for container upload (#2462) * worker: clean up the config and add tests (#2779) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum, dependabot[bot], zwtop — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-29Changes with 55 ---------------- * Add an option to tag page blobs in Azure (#2644) * Add support for uploading to generic S3 service using the Composer API (#2686) * Blacklist amdgpu module on Azure images (#2717) * CI: Integrate cloud image val (#2692) * COMPOSER-1576: Start building rpms on 9.0 and 8.6 GA (#2716) * Migrate scheduled cloud cleaner to separate repo (#2728) * Remove UnmarshalJSON for Stage and StageOptions in osbuild packages (#2741) * Service maintenance: Delete results from manifest and depsolve jobs (#2707) * Size-based cleanup for dnf-json cache directories (#2733) * ci: Adjust release schedule timer (#2744) * cloudapi: standardize format of url strings (#2659) * cloudapi: use `osbuild` jobs for Koji composes (#2636) * dbjobqueue-tests: fix issue introduced by PR #2618 (#2730) * distro/rhel90: remove skx_edac, intel_cstate from denylist again (#2708) * dnfjson: add repository name and URL to repo-related error messages (#2734) * osbuild-service-maintenance: vacuum analyze after update (#2727) * osbuild-service-maintenance: Delete/update results in chunks (#2724) * osbuild-worker: Correct cast of dnfjson error in depsolve job (#2731) * packer: pin the vector version (#2725) * prometheus: add tenant label (#2618) * templates/composer: Map db secrets to maintenance container (#2722) * worker/osbuild: fix forgotten return when koji upload fails (#2746) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Juan Abia, Major Hayden, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-15Changes with 54 ---------------- * Add kube-linter check to github tests workflow (#2698) * Compress Azure RHUI artefacts (#2693) * Upload to HTTPS S3 - Support self signed certificate (#2655) * [rhel86/rhel90] blacklist skx_edac,intel_cstate kernel modules and enable nm-cloud-setup on azure (#2706) * [rhel9] Fixes for grub2 config (ImageConfig) and azure-rhui (#2674) * cloudapi: Drop bucket from composer config (#2697) * dnf-json script and Go module rewrite (#2537) * templates: add Fedora prod tenant to the ACL (#2699) * terraform: bump to a version that does spot fleets (#2610) * test/old-worker: change user and package verification check (#2689) * test: add prominent message in test script cleanup functions (#2687) * tests/gcp: pick machine type from those available in the zone (#2684) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-01Changes with 53 ---------------- * Old worker - New composer test: Use Cloud API (#2654) * Post release version bump (#2670) * distro/rhel90: add support for azure marketplace (#2665) * go.mod: Update openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (#2660) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-05-19Changes with 51 ---------------- * Add 9.1 alias & 8.7 test repositories (#2602) * Devcontainer update to Fedora 36. (#2609) * Don't support `gce-rhui` image type on CentOS Stream 8 (#2600) * New functions for resizing partitions based on directory size requirements (#2588) * RHEL-8.6/9.0 EC2 SAP image changes (#2574) * Schutzfile: Pin osbuild version to use minimal required caps (#2597) * Update GPG keys for all RHEL 8.x repos (#2563) * Use array of objects to maintain order for RPM stage inputs (#2578) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/cloudbuild from 1.0.0 to 1.2.0 (#2553) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/compute from 1.6.0 to 1.6.1 (#2587) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go from 63.1.0+incompatible to 63.4.0+incompatible (#2583) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest from 0.11.25 to 0.11.27 (#2579) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.43.42 to 1.44.4 (#2606) * build(deps): bump github.com/google/go-cmp from 0.5.7 to 0.5.8 (#2607) * build(deps): bump github.com/hashicorp/go-retryablehttp from 0.7.0 to 0.7.1 (#2571) * build(deps): bump google.golang.org/api from 0.74.0 to 0.75.0 (#2585) * cloudapi/v2: Generate valid GCP image name (#2586) * disk: fix ensureLVM for partition tables without /boot (#2580) * entrypoint - add parameters for socket bind address and port (#2605) * image-info: dynamically detect the rpm database (#2594) * rhel85: automatically convert to LVM on fs customizations (#2552) * tools/generate-all-test-cases: add `manifests` command (#2593) * worker: add proxy support to worker (#2576) * 📦🔗📦 Introduce chain dependency solving (#2568) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-05-04CHANGES WITH 46.3: ---------------- * disk: fix ensureLVM for partition tables without /boot (#2580) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner — Liberec, 2022-04-28Changes with 50 ---------------- * COMPOSER-1401: Add tests for blueprints without explicit definition for / (#2412) * Empty manifest check for osbuild jobs (#2520) * Generic S3 test - retry creating the alias in case the service is not yet up (#2543) * Introduce Google GCE image type (RHEL, CentOS Stream) and support importing to GCP on premise (#2155) * Pin fedora repositories in Schutzfile + override mock templates with rpmrepo snapshots (#2508) * Support uploading to any S3 service via the WELDR API (#2471) * Worker dependency errors (#2505) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/storage from 1.18.2 to 1.22.0 (#2565) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go from 57.4.0+incompatible to 63.1.0+incompatible (#2532) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest/azure/auth from 0.5.8 to 0.5.11 (#2534) * build(deps): bump github.com/BurntSushi/toml from 0.4.1 to 1.1.0 (#2525) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.42.25 to 1.43.38 (#2548) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.43.38 to 1.43.42 (#2566) * build(deps): bump github.com/google/go-cmp from 0.5.6 to 0.5.7 (#2526) * build(deps): bump github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud from 0.22.0 to 0.24.0 (#2536) * build(deps): bump github.com/jackc/pgtype from 1.8.1 to 1.10.0 (#2524) * build(deps): bump github.com/jackc/pgx/v4 from 4.13.0 to 4.15.0 (#2530) * build(deps): bump github.com/labstack/echo/v4 from 4.6.1 to 4.7.2 (#2531) * build(deps): bump github.com/prometheus/client_golang from 1.12.0 to 1.12.1 (#2549) * build(deps): bump github.com/spf13/cobra from 0.0.3 to 1.4.0 (#2560) * build(deps): bump github.com/stretchr/testify from 1.7.0 to 1.7.1 (#2535) * build(deps): bump github.com/vmware/govmomi from 0.26.1 to 0.27.4 (#2554) * build(deps): bump gopkg.in/ini.v1 from 1.63.0 to 1.66.4 (#2292) * cloudapi: specify min_size type (#2319) * gitlab: fix nightly testing (#2569) * lib: upgrade prometheus client to 1.12 (#2528) * osbuild2: QEMU stage implementation enhancement and code de-duplication (#2521) * templates/packer: Rely on instance metadata to set region (#2562) * workflows/trigger-gitlab: run Gitlab CI in new image-builder project (#2547) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Thomas Lavocat, Tomas Hozza, Ygal Blum, dependabot[bot] — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-04-20Changes with 49 ---------------- * Add Xiaofeng to notifications for nightly pipeline (#2486) * Add `cloud-init` to VMDK image and test it in VSphere (#2459) * Centos pinning + Schutzfile update (#2494) * Create users at install time for image and edge installers (#2375) * Dependency joberrors (#2477) * Fix excessive logging and monitoring (#2497) * Minor CI changes (#2468) * RHEL (all): Create users at install time for image and edge installers (#2516) * RHEL-90: use XBOOTLDR partition GUID for `/boot` (#2473) * Regression tests split (#2498) * `rhel{86,90}`: set default grub boot entry to `saved` (#2418) * build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 2.4.0 to 3 (#2394) * build(deps): bump actions/github-script from 5 to 6 (#2463) * build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2.1.5 to 3 (#2395) * build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest from 0.11.21 to 0.11.25 (#2507) * ci: re-enabled Installer test on centos-stream-9 (#2514) * cloudapi: improve gpgkey handling & enable edge-commit on Fedora (#2479) * cloudapi: prevent dangling goroutines after the server is terminated (#2518) * cmd: add `osbuild-package-sets` for printing package sets of an image (#2484) * container: fix liveness probe (#2482) * gitlab: split integration tests (#2488) * koji: fix retries when uploading chunks (#2466) * osbuild2: honor GPG key setting for rpm inputs (#2432) * repositories: update key for RHEL 9.0 (#2509) * rhel8/9: fix path to fdo diun root certificates (#2434) * templates/composer: Add prod service accounts owner (#2478) * templates/composer: Drop unused variables (#2481) * templates/composer: Remove unused acl claims (#2483) * test/ostree-simplified-installer: destroy VM fixup (#2487) * test: Add retries on ubi8 image and greenboot package downloading (#2493) * test: Clean up and improve ostree-simplified-installer.sh (#2485) * test: Enable CS9 test for ostree-rebase and ostree (#2515) * test: use `T.TempDir` to create temporary test directory (#2417) * tests: Run SonarQube analysis only on main branch (#2489) * tools/define-compose-url: change url back to nightly (#2513) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Diaa Sami, Eng Zer Jun, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, dependabot[bot], yih — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-04-06CHANGES WITH 46.2: ---------------- * repositories: update key for RHEL 9.0 (#2509) Contributions from: Ondřej Budai — Liberec, 2022-04-02CHANGES WITH 46.1: ---------------- * internal/distro/rhel{86,90}: drop console kargs from raw image deployment (#2377) * RHEL-90: use XBOOTLDR partition GUID for /boot (#2473) * Create users at install time for image and edge installers (#2375) * rhel{86,90}: set default grub boot entry to saved (#2418) * rhel8/9: fix path to fdo diun root certificates (#2434) * nightly: update GPG key in prepare-rhel-internal & fix some tests (#2389) * mockbuild: use public EPEL-9 (#2364) * api.sh: encrypt the DB dump artifact (#2472) * image tests: update GPG keys used for RHEL-9.0 repos (#2390) * gitlab: split integration tests (#2488) * test/cases/simpl installer: bump to use fdo 0.4.0 (#2380) * test/ostree-simplified-installer: destroy VM fixup (#2487) * test/image-tests: temporarily skip azure_rhui image testing (#2402) * test: Clean up and improve ostree-simplified-installer.sh (#2485) * test: Add retries on ubi8 image and greenboot package downloading (#2493) * tests/upgrade: update gpg key (#2467) * test: add tests purpose (#2346) * test/api.sh cleanup (#2444) * Centos pinning + Schutzfile update (#2494) * Update snapshots to 20220301 (#2376) * ci: run ci_details.sh in before_script (#2403) * ci: Minor CI changes (#2468) * ci: skip CI for draft and WIP PRs (#2286) * ci: modify Gitlab CI trigger (#2416) * ci: Fix Gitlab CI trigger + revert debug (#2457) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Vöcklabruck, 2022-04-01CHANGES WITH 48: ---------------- * create-tag: Fix bash typo (#2476) * image tests: update GPG keys used for RHEL-9.0 repos (#2390) * create-tag: Fix upstream release schedule (#2475) * api.sh: encrypt the DB dump artifact (#2472) * Enable scheduled upstream releases (#2458) * dbjobqueue: fix race condition (#2456) * container: graceful shutdown (#2447) * tests/upgrade: update gpg key (#2467) * deploy: work around a podman bug in CS8 (#2464) * templates/composer: Add stage service accounts owner (#2465) * workflows: Fix Gitlab CI trigger + revert debug (#2457) * Client creds grant worker client (#2433) * workflows: debug Gitlab CI trigger (#2441) * osbuild-worker: Log unexpected dnf-json errors (#2454) * packer: use unique name tag for Fedora workers (#2429) * `test/api.sh` cleanup (#2444) * internal/distro/rhel{86,90}: drop console kargs from raw image deploy… (#2377) * Dashboards - Minor fixes (#2435) * github workflows: modify Gitlab CI trigger (#2416) * ci: run ci_details.sh in before_script (#2403) * packer: fix the secret ID variable in get_koji_creds.sh (#2431) * packer: make subscribing optional (#2430) * packer: make all credentials optional and add support for koji credentials (#2426) * dnf-json: use the default connection timeout (#2428) * Pass repo name to `dnf-json` and use it in `dnf-json` (#2427) * dbjobqueue: reduce the number of needed connections (#2393) * cmd/osbuild-worker: dnf-json returns MarkingErrors (plural) (#2361) * use app-sre packer image (#2409) * packer: Build Fedora 35 x86_64 and aarch64 images (#2423) * github: fix job names and IDs for the tests workflow (#2422) * weldr: Run on unsupported distros (#2399) * koji: reduce excessive logging by retryablehttp (#2397) * test: add tests purpose (#2346) * Packit: build SRPMs in Copr (#2414) * mockbuild: use public EPEL-9 (#2364) * cmd/osbuild-worker: Pass bucket config to job implementation (#2411) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Diaa Sami, Feng Huang, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Laura Barcziova, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, kingsleyzissou — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-03-23CHANGES WITH 47: ---------------- * cloudapi/v2: add error object to ImageStatus (#2298) * cmd/osbuild-worker: Configure s3 bucket on the worker itself (#2404) * 🍏 Make CI green again (#2401) * 🍏 test/image-tests: temporarily skip azure_rhui image testing (#2402) * templates/composer: give access to Fedora org (#2405) * dnf-json codestyle cleanup (#2391) * cloudapi: add support for multi-tenancy (#2344) * ci: skip CI for draft and WIP PRs (#2286) * nightly: update GPG key in prepare-rhel-internal & fix some tests (#2389) * templates/packer: Remove -u flag from creds mapping script (#2396) * Implement HTTP retries for koji jobs (#2352) * `rhel86` various fixes for the `azure-rhui` image (#2387) * Update snapshots to 20220301 (#2376) * schutzbot: update terraform SHA (#2385) * test/cases/simpl installer: bump to use fdo 0.4.0 (#2380) * schutzbot: fix jrusz ssh key (#2384) * schutzbot: add jrusz ssh-key (#2383) * Small cloudapi cleanups (#2379) * cmd/osbuild-service-maintenance: Log aws error (#2315) * templates/composer: Parametrize bucket name (#2372) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Diaa Sami, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, ondrejbudai, schutzbot — Cork, 2022-03-09CHANGES WITH 46: ---------------- * Simplified installer: add support for encrypted raw images (#2295) * rhel86: automatically convert to LVM on fs customizations (#2373) * RHEL9.0: convert layout to LVM on filesystem customisations (#2354) * Update snapshots to 20220227 (#2370) * Add Azure Marketplace images (#2358) * devcontainer: adapt to composer (#2306) * Update snapshots to 20220226 (#2368) * RHEL 8.6: Add lvm2 to build root (#2367) * schutzbot: keep runners alive when users are logged on (#2328) * Adjust filesystem tests (#2362) * Set selinux to permissive mode for installers (#2359) * RHEL-90: use C.UTF-8 for images that only have glibc-minimal-langpack (#2351) * test: Add work around for bug bz#2057769 (#2366) * templates: Add production worker account to acl (#2365) * tests/libvirt: add some regression tests (#2294) * test/manifest/image-installer: fix conflicting merge (#2360) * rhel86/90: change isolevel of image-installer to 3 (#2325) * Update snapshots to 20220222 (#2343) * simplified installer (8/9): support FDO (#1884) * Image installer on aarch64 (#2355) * FS minimum size (#2353) * templates/composer: Verify against mass sso and rh sso (#2349) * RHEL 9.0: Fix customisation of Kernel command line options (#2342) * internal/cloudapi: Allow bp.Customizations being nil (#2340) * Support specifying OSTree Parent and URL for creating upgrade commits (#2201) * COMPOSER-1343: Revert "tests: Conditionally enable osbuild-dnf-json-tests" (#2338) * Update team_ssh_keys.txt (#2333) * templates/worker: fix depsolve error rate (#2337) * worker/osbuild-koji: fix double-reporting of osbuild-koji job status (#2327) * Revert "mockbuild: temporarily pin RHEL 9 compose to an older one" (#2332) * test: Remove "ansible-galaxy collection install" (#2334) * Schutzfile: Pin centos-9's osbuild commit (#2339) * LUKS & LVM support and file system refactoring (#2141) * internal/cloudapi: Log error in manifest job (#2336) * internal/cloud: Allow aws creds from defaults (#2291) * worker: use default transport instead of "blank" one (#2316) * cloudapi: expose filesystem customizations (#2285) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Chloe Kaubisch, Christian Kellner, Djebran Lezzoum, Gianluca Zuccarelli, He Yi, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Vöcklabruck, 2022-03-01CHANGES WITH 45: ---------------- * mockbuild: temporarily pin RHEL 9 compose to an older one (#2321) * Add CentOS Stream 9 support (#2142) * Cancel waiting compose (#2237) * tests: Use human readable size for mountpoint (#2304) * worker: Properly log successful image builds (#2313) * Deduplicate some code in distro definitions (#2314) * tests/upgrade: gather more logs (#2299) * packer: make the worker image smaller (#2311) * ci/nightly: report composer NVR in slack (#2317) * fsjobqueue: refactor to allow dequeuing by multiple criteria (#2307) * github: fetch more PRs when triggering gitlab (#2312) * Update greenboot packaging names (#2196) * github: split checks into 3 jobs (#2308) * cmd/osbuild-service-maintenance: GCP deletes by image name (#2293) * Extend information gathered by `image-info` (#2303) * Fix problem with undo creating empty blueprint (#2207) * Support associating repositories to package sets (#2265) * Use the latest RPMRepo snapshot for RHEL-9.0 image tests (#2279) * tests: update IDs in Openstack image boot test (#2263) * Pre-define an ostree remote for RFE raw images (including created via simplified installer) (#2284) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Brian C. Lane, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Peter Robinson, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Thomas Lavocat, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang — Liberec, 2022-02-18CHANGES WITH 44: ---------------- * Relax TCP timeouts for koji connections (#2282) * cloudapi/v2: add support for aws-*-rhui image types (#2281) * Add oracle-oci.md under image-types/rhel8 (#2283) * Appsre packer 85 (#2274) * Add missing F34 and F35 image test cases (#2276) * templates/dashboard: worker metric queries (#2277) * distro: add an alias for RHEL 8.7 (#2270) * metrics: change job metrics namespace (#2272) * Revert "templates: Add dnf-json template" (#2273) * Sonarqube fix + Schutzfile repo rename (#2261) * Drop F33 support and add F34/F35 image tests (#2264) * github: fix gitlab trigger (#2271) * Skip CI for draft PRs or WIP label (#2238) * service-maintenance: Skip db cleanup (#2252) * templates/dashboards: worker error metrics (#2267) * build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/cloudbuild from 0.2.0 to 1.0.0 (#2153) * update testing doc with cloud cleaner info (#2256) * RHEL-90: Remove deprecated `crashkernel=auto` option (#2262) * templates: Add dnf-json template (#2259) * Worker error validation (#2260) * Prepare CI to build -tests RPM for downstream testing from source (#2093) * worker: fix error status codes (#2258) * Workers error metrics (#2247) * gitlab-ci: make every stage interruptible (#2248) * internal/cloud/gcp: use `pkg.go.dev/cloud.google.com/go` for Compute Engine (#2162) * EC2: Disable password based authentication (#2235) * Dnf json (#2194) * worker/api: align error handler with cloudapi (#2152) * cloupapi/v2: add koji support (#2214) * RHEL 9.0: Drop IA32 (#2219) * jwt: support multiple key providers (#2239) * Mock OpenID: add token type, expires in and scope fields (#2240) * distro/rhel86: fix ec2 boot partition for arm64 (#2228) * Extend scheduled cloud cleaner to vmware (#2200) * Kojiapi: fix error check in koji job (#2236) * osbuild-worker: change error handling for OCI upload (#2234) * distro/rhel90: special case root user for ssh keys (#2220) * OCI support (#2031) * distro/rhel90: no uuids in dos partition table (#2233) * Worker errors backwards compatibility (#2192) * repo runner (#2216) * test/koji: remove the koji-cli patch (#2223) * packit: re-enable builds for s390x architecture (#2246) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Diaa Sami, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Pavel Raiskup, Roy Golan, Sanne Raymaekers, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza, Thomas Lavocat — Grenoble, 2022-02-11CHANGES WITH 43: ---------------- * templates/dashboards: Fixed grafana uids (#2202) * CI: Updates to ensure smoother running (#2198) * templates/packer: Make cdn host check less sensitive (#2199) * templates/packer: Correct priority for worker rpms (#2195) * tools/appsre-ansible: Don't use /tmp for rpmbuilds (#2186) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Jakub Rusz, Thomas Lavocat, Sanne Raymaekers — Grenoble, 2022-01-26CHANGES WITH 42: ---------------- * RHEL-86/90: refactoring of `osPipeline` and its variants (#2139) * api/cloud: drop v1 API (#2163) * weldr: return an error if host distro wasn't found in distro registry (#2158) * dnf json cache cleaner (#2119) * Update terraform SHA (#2157) * build(deps): bump actions/setup-go from 2.1.4 to 2.1.5 (#2156) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Thomas Lavocat, Tomas Hozza, Sanne Raymaekers — Grenoble, 2022-01-12CHANGES WITH 41: ---------------- * build(deps): bump actions/checkout from 2.3.4 to 2.4.0 (#2007) * build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.40.49 to 1.42.25 (#2150) * osbuild2: fix typo in tar stage option value (#2151) * osbuild2: support 'format' and 'root-node' Tar stage options (#2146) * Tools: add 'no-image-info' option to image test case requests (#2143) * generate-all-test-cases: use `make scratch` for building RPMs (#2138) * osbuild-auth-tests: add a build constraint also to certificates.go (#2097) * dbjobqueue: fix FinishJob not returning an error if already finished (#2133) * osbuild2: Expand dnf_config stage (#2113) * test: make test more resilient (#2132) * worker: Treat a non echo.HTTPError like a regular error (#2140) * osbuild2: ensure that empty sysconfig options members are omitted (#2134) * Add support for new osbuild stages needed for GCE image (#2126) * tools: use image_type_tags in repos used for image test cases (#2135) * composer: Only set queue and artifact dir for fsqueue (#2095) * cloudapi: improve logging for errors (#2088) * Tracing: measure IO during each job (#2106) * Tests: trim dependencies for test generation (#2128) * metrics: add additional buckets (#2130) * distro/depsolve/cloudapi: Add 3rd-party repository support. (#2101) * templates: add worker dashboard (#2127) * dnf json as a service (#2062) * Extend scheduled cloud cleaner to GCP (#2115) * openstack: use rhos-01 (#2120) * RHEL-9.0: unify the default partitioning scheme used by all non-EDGE images (#2019) * ci: CC QE in notification message (#2118) * enable gosec tool (#2073) * release-action: Send notification to our Slack channel (#2117) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Diaa Sami, Djebran Lezzoum, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Juan Abia, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Thomas Lavocat, Tomas Hozza, dependabot[bot] — Liberec, 2021-12-22CHANGES WITH 40: ---------------- * Regression test fixes (#2109) * store: set RHSM when initialising SourceConfig with a repo (#2105) * spec: build all binaries with PIE (#2102) * Job metrics (#2080) * tests: Fix several permission and koji failures (#2099) * templates: Max concurrent requests is required for the maintenance job (#2107) * templates: CronJob is part of the batch/v1 api (#2104) * generate-all-test-cases: add `--build-rpms` option (#2098) * templates: Add maintenance cronjob (#2100) * Use PackIt for building RPMs in COPR for PRs and commits to `main` (#2094) * Image Builder Composer - Grafana dashboard Updates (#2089) * Cloud API: Support more image types as S3 objects (#2081) * osbuild-service-maintenance: Clean up expired images (#2074) * cloudapi/v2: No ObjectReference in request bodies (#2042) * distro/rhel90: enable edge-simplified-installer image type (#2015) * ci: Install gssapi/gssapi.h for Coverity Scan (#2087) * 8.5 runners (#2079) * RHEL-9.0: Install TuneD by default and stop using `@core` package group (#2084) * Build a worker AMI using Schutzbot (#2068) * osbuild2: update cloud-init stage with new options (#2051) * tests: Small updates to docs (#2011) * api/koji: fix /compose/log route (#2078) * ci: make some jobs interruptible (#2061) * tests/nightly: Re-enable satellite regression test on nightly composes (#2052) * test: cloud cleaner aws s3 (#2005) * rpmmd: Reload subscriptions (#2067) * Two minor logging improvements (#2063) * terraform: update to use the new instance type (#2065) * spec: add epoch to nevra only if it's set (#2060) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alex Njaastad, Alexander Todorov, Chloe Kaubisch, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Martin Sehnoutka, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomas Hozza — Liberec, 2021-12-09CHANGES WITH 39: ---------------- * RHEL-9.0: install and enable TuneD by default on all EC2 images (#2050) * Improve contributing.md (#2043) * osbuild2: selinux stage - introduce force_autorelabel option (#2033) * internal: cleanup dracut modules and default kargs (#2045) * Namespaced composer metrics (#2037) * cloudapi/v2: Add support for edge-container (#2035) * template: bump postgres max conns to 20 (#2044) * templates: bump max postgres connections to 10 (#2040) * osbuild2: update rhsm stage (#2014) * internal: mandate installation device for the simplified installer (#1755) * distro/rhel86: use the new coreos-installer-dracut (#1752) * Switch api tests to v2 & manifest job in api v2 (#2026) * cloudapi/v1: Adapt metadata handler to osbuild2 results (#2028) * osbuild: check if result objects are nil in Write() (#2022) * distro/rhel90*: minor code cleanup (#2004) * osbuild2: support 'install' command in the modprobe stage and rework data validation (#1983) * Use RHUI-4 for RHEL-9 EC2 image test cases (#1977) * Logging improvements (#1989) * worker: Correct servers in openapi spec (#1988) * job/osbuild: skip the job if manifest generation failed (#2018) * spec: bump osbuild version to 41 (#2012) * composer: Add metrics endpoint to auth excludes again (#2013) * Use V2 results internally (#1754) * worker: Introduce manifest-id-only job (#1999) * jobqueue: add the ability to dequeue by ID (#1997) * Multiple new stages (#2006) * containers: mock oauth container (#2003) * osbuild2: new stage sshd config (#1992) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Diaa Sami, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Juan Abia, Martin Sehnoutka, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Tomas Hozza, Xiaofeng Wang, diaasami, sanne, yih — Berlin, 2021-11-24- Revert "templates: Add prometheus scrape annotations to composer-api" (Sanne Raymaekers) - templates: Add prometheus scrape annotations to composer-api (sanne) - distroregistry: disable CentOS Stream 9 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/cases: rm ostree-ng-og.sh (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: remove all mentions of obsolete firmware packages (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data: update manifests for edge-container images (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: make nginx log and lib directories world writable (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: disable edge-simplified-installer image type (Achilleas Koutsou) - Schutzfile: remove osbuild version pin for RHEL 9.0 (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools: update distro-arch-imagetype-map for RHEL 9.0 types (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools: update RHEL 9.0 repos for test case generators (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data: update RHEL 9.0 and beta manifests (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/ostree-simplified: variable string fixes (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: update unit tests (Achilleas Koutsou) - rhel90: drop -ga suffix and alias from beta (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/api: ssh key fixes for RHEL 9.0 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/cases: support weldr-client output structure (Achilleas Koutsou) - CI: test new edge types on RHEL 9.0 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/ostree: install python3 instead of specific version (Achilleas Koutsou) - mockbuild: change RHEL 9 template to use latest non-beta repos (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/cases: add RHEL 9.0 and CentOS 9 cases to test scripts (Achilleas Koutsou) - CI: enable tests for RHEL 9.0 (Achilleas Koutsou) - schutzbot: update terraform sha (Achilleas Koutsou) - test: update test manifests for rhel-90-ga (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools: add centos-9 to distro-arch-imagetype-map (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools: copy rhel-90 distro-arch-imagetype-map to -beta and -ga (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: update to match 8.6 and add centos-9 alias (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: remove genisoimage (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: single osbuild import (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data: copy rhel-90 test manifests to -ga and -beta (Achilleas Koutsou) - test: add repositories for rhel-90-beta and -ga (Achilleas Koutsou) - distroregistry: add rhel-90-ga to registry (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro: copy rhel90beta to rhel90 (Achilleas Koutsou) - composer: Add worker openapi spec endpoint to auth excludes (sanne) - CI: Journal-log is accessible and encrypted (Thomas Lavocat) - spec: Only run worker preun if systemd is running (sanne) - gitlab-ci: Remove RHEL9.0-beta runners (Martin Sehnoutka) - schutzbot: double quote jq argument to prevent shellcheck failures (Martin Sehnoutka) - distribution: worker dnf-json & cache dir (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - cloudapi/v2: 5xx error metrics (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - internal/blueprint: allow filesystem size specified with units (Martin Sehnoutka) - internal/blueprint: introduce custom fs customization parser (Martin Sehnoutka) - internal/blueprint: introduce new test for parsing blueprints (Martin Sehnoutka) - internal/common: introduce function to convert data sizes (Martin Sehnoutka) - prepare_rhel_internal: configure s3cmd explicitly (Jakub Rusz) - templates: add latency metrics to dashboard (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - Let schutzbot do the post-release version bump (Simon Steinbeiss) - Post release version bump (Simon Steinbeiss) - cloudapi: record error metrics (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - prometheus: add middleware function (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - prometheus: compose latency metric (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - prometheus: update metrics (Chloe Kaubisch) - templates: fix liveness/readiness check url (Ondřej Budai) - templates: add s3 bucket name (Ondřej Budai) - templates: update dashboard config map (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - templates: add grafana dashboard (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - build(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (dependabot[bot]) - templates: hook up simple probes and default limits (Tom Gundersen) - templates: add service account (Tom Gundersen)- Bump version numbers ahead of release (Simon Steinbeiss) - Switch to simple upstream releases (Simon Steinbeiss) - distro/rhel86: special case root user for ssh keys (Christian Kellner) - Revert "Revert "cloudapi/v1: Move depsolving to workers"" (Tom Gundersen) - templates: image-builder-ci access to composer (Tom Gundersen) - ci: remove 8.5 nightly testing (Ondřej Budai) - composer: add json log formatting (Diaa Sami) - test: timestamp messages in test scripts (Achilleas Koutsou) - Add news item for updated CentOS Stream 8 definitions (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/api: SSH_USER=ec2-user for centos on AWS (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/cases: add centos-8 as support to test scripts (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/ansible: install greenboot-failing-unit from public source (Achilleas Koutsou) - CI: enable OSTree tests on CentOS 8 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data: regenerate manifests for CentOS 8 (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: skip RHSM config stage for non-RHEL (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: distro private method isRHEL() (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data/repositories: update cs8 rpmrepo snapshot (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools: add all supported image types for centos-8 (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools/test-case-generators: fix typo in imagetype-map (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: add distro specific package set (Achilleas Koutsou) - test: add RHEL 8.6 image installer test manifest (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: add CentOS Stream 8 as alias to RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: remove redundant rhel-86 alias (Achilleas Koutsou) - spec: dnf-json conflicts with old composer (Achilleas Koutsou) - ostree: change the URL for OC client temporarily (Ondřej Budai) - test/aws: remove a no longer needed key from an instance (Ondřej Budai) - ci: pin a specific RHEL 9.0b compose (Ondřej Budai) - ci: rotate secret names (Ondřej Budai) - mockbuild: explicitly configure s3cmd (Ondřej Budai) - mockbuild: remove subscriptions (Ondřej Budai) - .gitlab-ci: Don't save the journal as an artifact (sanne) - jobqueue: Better logging (Diaa Sami) - templates: Claims based on user_ids (sanne) - worker: Configurable timeout for RequestJob (sanne) - build(deps): bump cloud.google.com/go/storage from 1.16.1 to 1.18.1 (dependabot[bot]) - build(deps): bump github.com/labstack/echo/v4 from 4.5.0 to 4.6.1 (dependabot[bot]) - build(deps): bump github.com/gophercloud/gophercloud (dependabot[bot]) - worker: Separate goroutine for depsolve jobs (sanne) - cloudapi/v2: Plural path section when querying a collection (sanne) - cloudapi/v2: Do not require auth for /openapi or /errors (sanne) - worker: Configure AWS credentials in the worker (Thomas Lavocat) - cloudapi/v2: ensure only one image per a compose in the API spec (Ondřej Budai) - cloudapi/v2: clean up targets (Ondřej Budai) - cloudapi/v2: move multi-image compose check to the beginning (Ondřej Budai)- 36 (Achilleas Koutsou) - Revert "cloudapi/v1: Move depsolving to workers" (Sanne Raymaekers) - worker: Prefix https always (sanne) - cloudapi/v1: Move depsolving to workers (sanne) - cloudapi/v2: fix newV2Server() call in test (Achilleas Koutsou) - templates: Name service ports (sanne) - SPEC: Exclude `armv7hl` architecture (Tomas Hozza) - distro/rhel90 -> distro/rhel90beta: rename package (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: rename to rhel-90-beta and alias base name (Achilleas Koutsou) - spec: Split dnf-json into a subpackage (sanne) - cloudapi/v2: Use worker to depsolve (Ondřej Budai) - worker: Add a depsolve job type (Tom Gundersen) - packit: Push downstream instead of creating PR (Simon Steinbeiss) - templates: Name services after endpoints (sanne) - worker: Make BasePath configurable (sanne) - cloudapi/v2: Listen on /api/image-builder-composer/v2 (sanne) - test/ostree: remove --ip-range from podman network (Achilleas Koutsou) - RHEL-8.6: add support for official EC2 SAP image (Tomas Hozza) - tools/provision: set up nightly repos for RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/cases: add support for RHEL 8.6 to test scripts (Achilleas Koutsou) - schutzbot: pin osbuild to current main for 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - schutzbot: update terraform sha (Achilleas Koutsou) - news: add entry about RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test: add RHEL 8.6 test manifests (Achilleas Koutsou) - test: add rpmrepo snapshots for RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - ci: run all tests on RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data/repositories: add test repos for rhel-86 (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel85: remove rhel86 alias (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel86: copy all definitions from rhel85 (Achilleas Koutsou) - cloudapi/v2: Configurable aws bucket (sanne) - cloudapi/v2: Replace upload types with image types (sanne) - Tests/RHEL-9.0: add EC2 SAP image test (Tomas Hozza) - Tests/RHEL-9.0: add repos needed for EC2 SAP image tests (Tomas Hozza) - RHEL-9.0: add EC2 SAP image definition. (Tomas Hozza) - Tests/RHEL-9.0: add EC2 and EC2 HA image tests (Tomas Hozza) - Tests/RHEL-9.0: add repos needed for EC2 and EC2 HA image tests (Tomas Hozza) - Image tests: skip rpm-ostree-1-autovar.conf tmpfiles.d config on Fedora (Tomas Hozza) - composer: Don't dump sensitive fields from config (sanne) - tests: Update image_tests (Jakub Rusz) - templates: Duplicate value in composer config (sanne) - templates: Port names should be less than 15 characters (sanne) - templates: Make sure ports are unquoted (sanne) - cloudapi/v1: Return status created in compose handler (sanne) - worker: Use Recover middleware to handle panics (Diaa Sami) - worker: Improve logging (Diaa Sami) - Regenerate affected image test cases (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: allow specifying additional DNF repos (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: ensure that directory is analysed as read-only (Tomas Hozza) - tests: enable koji.sh test on RHEL-9 (Jakub Rusz) - tests/ci: enable vmware.sh and cross-distro.sh on rhel-9 (Jakub Rusz) - README: Add a link to our developer guide (Simon Steinbeiss) - templates: Composer OSD template (sanne) - internal/rpmmd: log repository files loaded during composer startup (Martin Sehnoutka) - dnf-json: expire metadata by default (Tom Gundersen) - schutzbot: Clean up non-default storage accounts (sanne) - main: IsNotExist() is no longer a valid check (Achilleas Koutsou) - config: update NonExisting test to check for default (Achilleas Koutsou) - config: don't fail LoadConfig if file doesn't exist (Achilleas Koutsou) - Test: regenerate all image test cases (Tomas Hozza) - Image tests: use RPMRepo with released RHEL-8.4 content (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: fix undefined variable in analyse_directory() (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: sort partitions list in the report. (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: use subprocess_check_output() in read_selinux_ctx_mismatch() (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: check not installed documentation (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read content of /etc/resolv.conf (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read sysctl.d config files from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read security limits config files from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read tmpfiles.d config files from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read systemd service unit drop-ins from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read cloud-init configs from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read systemd-logind configs from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read dracut configs from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - image-info: read modprobe configs from multiple paths (Tomas Hozza) - composer: More configuration of how composer is served (sanne)- 35 (Simon Steinbeiss) - gitleaks: add allow list for test passwords and keys (Achilleas Koutsou) - mockbuild: use download.devel of download.eng.bos (Ondřej Budai) - ci: install ansible-core instead of ansible for EL9 (Ondřej Budai) - dnf-json: disable zchunk (Ondřej Budai) - composer: improve logging (Diaa Sami) - cloudapi: Add extra logging & improve existing (Diaa Sami) - cloudapi: use Logrus as default logger in Echo (Diaa Sami) - logging: add logrus dependency (Diaa Sami) - ci: don't run nightly pipeline on ga releases (Jakub Rusz) - distro/rhel90: use qcow2 compat 1.1 for qcows (Ondřej Budai) - tools: Push ubi container to quay.io/app-sre/composer (sanne) - blueprints: change minsize from int to uint64 (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - test/regression: Adapt to new rhel-84-ga runners (sanne) - schutzbot: Also build container on branch pushes (sanne) - schutzbot: pin osbuild to >=37 on all distros (Ondřej Budai) - spec: bump osbuild depedendency to 37 (Ondřej Budai) - distro/rhel85: set bootloader to none for edge (Christian Kellner) - osbuild2: add bootloader option to ostree.config (Christian Kellner) - osbuild2: small doc fix for ostree.config (Christian Kellner) - build(deps): bump github.com/labstack/echo/v4 from 4.5.0 to 4.6.0 (dependabot[bot]) - build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.40.46 to 1.40.49 (dependabot[bot]) - workers: Backwards compatible api.openshift.com spec compliance (sanne) - Disable regression-composer-works-behind-satellite.sh, Refs #1834 (Alexander Todorov) - test/ostree: use 8.4 when testing on 8.4 (Ondřej Budai) - ci: add workaround for missing redhat.repo in EC2 (Ondřej Budai) - schutzfile: remove rhel-8.3 (Ondřej Budai) - test/koji: always build the latest RHEL (Ondřej Budai) - mockbuild: use REPO_BUCKET when defining the base URL (Ondřej Budai) - test: use hyphen in DISTRO_CODE instead of underscore (Ondřej Budai) - test: move env variables into set-env-variables helper (Ondřej Budai) - test/koji: remove the workaround for rhel-8 (Ondřej Budai) - test/api: don't source os-release again (Ondřej Budai) - test: use cdn repos for 8.3 and 8.4 (Ondřej Budai) - mockbuild: reuse nightly repos from redhat.repo (Ondřej Budai) - ci: assume subscribed machines (Ondřej Budai) - terraform: update (Ondřej Budai) - build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/azure-sdk-for-go (dependabot[bot]) - distribution: Use After=network.target instead of multi-user (Martin Sehnoutka) - internal/common: introduce git revision and rpm version (Martin Sehnoutka) - test/ostree: support weldr-client output structure (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/data: update test manifests for RHEL 9.0 edge (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: explicitly enable greenboot services for edge (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: add gnome-kiosk to installer package set (Achilleas Koutsou) - tools/provision: install community.general ansible collection (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/ostree: remove debug callback from ansible calls (Achilleas Koutsou) - test/ostree: install python3 instead of specific version (Achilleas Koutsou) - distro/rhel90: remove unavailable packages from edge-installer (Achilleas Koutsou) - ci: enable ostree tests on RHEL 9.0-beta (Achilleas Koutsou) - NEWS: Drop title line (Simon Steinbeiss) - cloudapi: use Recover middleware to handle panics (Diaa Sami) - HACKING: fix container command (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - containers: worker client base url protocol (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - containers: update composer log level flag (Gianluca Zuccarelli) - Regenerate relevant image test cases (Tomas Hozza) - distro/rhel90: re-include nss-altfiles for edge (Christian Kellner) - generate-test-cases: drop `--with-customizations` option (Tomas Hozza) - format-request-map.json: remove redundant overrides (Tomas Hozza) - generate-test-cases: don't leak "supported_arches" to compose request (Tomas Hozza) - tools: improve deploy-openstack script (Diaa Sami) - weldr: deleting an unknown source should return an error (Brian C. Lane) - Update distro-arch-imagetype-map.json (Tomas Hozza) - test: update image test case generation part of README (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: add option to keep created workdir on runner (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: report results when Runner finishes (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: support using existing remote hosts (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: remove '--keep-image-info' option (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: move current generator method to 'qemu' command (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: fix log level in multiprocessing processes (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: don't use virtfs to copy data from/to the VM (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: don't use paramiko for SSH (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: use SSH keys instead of password for VMs (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: don't use cloud-init to install RPMs (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: fix generating of cloud-init cdrom on MacOS (Tomas Hozza) - generate-all-test-cases: separate generic parts of BaseRunner (Tomas Hozza) - build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.40.43 to 1.40.46 (dependabot[bot]) - generate-test-cases: check `supported_arches` from format-request-map.json (Tomas Hozza) - schutzbot: Update terraform sha (sanne) - Drop RELEASING.md and point to dev guide (Simon Steinbeiss) - build(deps): bump github.com/Azure/go-autorest/autorest (dependabot[bot]) - build(deps): bump github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go from 1.40.38 to 1.40.43 (dependabot[bot]) - build(deps): bump github.com/openshift-online/ocm-sdk-go (dependabot[bot])/bin/sh90-1.fc3990-1.fc39dnf-json/usr/libexec/osbuild-composer/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19x86_64-redhat-linux-gnuPython script, ASCII text executableRhttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/osbuild-composerutf-8bf626ca44feadd38bf1b8873ac5649575d695b76da373f2602ababd28d9fe94ee774ff94b2b918b1afcd36f42c6f450454caf97190505c8a1c6f7f85f83632fb?(/hʄ ,и 0IkCI 7i!ѥc.5FF\WQ0 FZVo/ykկݹR}^whs/l쎴@&I0&o+j Y}CX\NnG+/c]Hb[1eWF'!i]lᵝ֡iz~kF#Iok뻂=2Y 0M&4AI#>g?'M^:j;H6Q.YХ[ā=jHIl$<;nL>e"W&s}f=Ss_tEx5O;'tt4H\mk!uz?v)cLGf",{KQܲN4цm5%cж$Fo&>NmX֥bb8d5>~/ǹI][~^k.["+2:$D"ˤD'r$Zx8Vj5ݷఐ @q>6BmHBiȤu zcIÍ!Ab\ \TLȍ Kc<,8eTnԂdz 5HC timȀpDi~ AՒH󗵓Lq&|Oȃx(Ŧ j^c$h!JMKqKF"}B{u~;d"HZ}qr{?[1ԓFII=: mԲ BnD"s\L 0,0  ?NcSr2Z#-tE"IJL<!bRNJM~ev[|LaC¥bZaqCc=u5jmkcRIc%<^;>~9MLOiR6-:j_׊oAO a>2u ,a 1療,gcFZS)ш$)HC@ 0pQq>3D(1(b8"""LIKSh TRtzDt0-D΁`c J*5:LF>~*iGs)#Ͻ= %' \ _ {=?pjmVhO={XtP$Bh%ҩh_Z қ#q./nx)B*uSuzb}L5-(@j6Ja*MG2̪'ȱD!ق*.A65Ǧo] ]Ia:bďk[ؑ~%BC/R)5(RÝ [dH26B4[xCVXP9Zr J ؑ0h5@aJ2mh'T,`K &֜<2Bb v+td"ȣ :]WmeJWC~E,NYM*Q!_X/*;(Q9SrA(~U3R>/. 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