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Lane, Colin Walters, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Simon de Vlieger, schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-08-16Changes with 91 ---------------- * ci: add tox (#1262) * tools: `osbuild-dev` quality of life (#1348) Contributions from: Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-08-02Changes with 90 ---------------- * .gitlab-ci.yml: Run rpmbuild for Fedora 39 (#1344) * Expand `sysconfig` stage with `livesys` and `desktop` (#1345) * Schutzfile: Fix f38 snapshot references (#1347) * org.osbuild.rpm: Add some context to rpmkeys failure (#1244) * runners: Asahi Fedora Remix to Fedora Asahi Remix (#1338) * stage: anaconda, allow access to more config (#1320) * stages/rpm: chmod `machine-id` to 0444 (#1342) * stages/squashfs: add support for zstd compression (#1232) * stages: add openscap autotailor stage (#1336) * test/data: introduce UKI also for CentOS Stream (#1233) Contributions from: Brian C. Lane, Eric Curtin, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Ondřej Budai, Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-07-19- Rebuilt for Python 3.12Changes with 89 ---------------- * CI variable name has changed, (#1330) * inputs: Move arguments for InputService.map to a temporary file (#1331) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Ondřej Budai — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-06-27Changes with 88 ---------------- * COMPOSER-1959: Also test on RHEL 8.9 and 9.3 nightly (#1301) * Restore LOOP_CONFIGURE fallback for kernel < 5.8 (#1327) * stages: add new zstd stage (#1322) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Antonio Murdaca, Michael Hofmann — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-06-21- Rebuilt for Python 3.12Changes with 87 ---------------- * Spec: use `%forgeautosetup` macro in `%prep` phase (#1318) * Support GPT partition attribute bits when creating images (#1296) * Test: make partitioning tools stage tests pass on RHEL-8 + add unit test for `sfdisk` stage (#1317) * add livesys stage (#1311) * mockbuild.sh: retry dnf install up to 5 times (#1319) * readme: mention matrix, redo headings (#1305) * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2023-06-05 (#1323) * stages/sgdisk: option to not quote partition names passed to sgdisk (#1316) Contributions from: Eric Chanudet, SchutzBot, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-06-07Changes with 86 ---------------- * org.osbuild.mkfs.ext4: Add verity option to (#1310) * runners: add fedora-38 specific logic for SHA1 key support (#1307) * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2023-05-20 (#1313) * stages/isolinux: default list (#1309) Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Michael Ho, SchutzBot, Simon de Vlieger, Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-05-24Changes with 85 ---------------- * COMPOSER-1959: Start building osbuild on RHEL 8.9 and 9.3 nightly (#1300) * Python 3.6 compatibility fixes (#1294) * Update terraform SHA (#1299) * Update test runners for 8.8 & 9.2 nightly (#1162) * Various fixes (#1295) * loop: use LOOP_CONFIGURE when available (#1253) * stages/org.osbuild.ovf: support older python3 versions (#1306) * stages/yum.repo: add `sslverify` field (#1298) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Sanne Raymaekers, Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-05-10Changes with 84 ---------------- * CI tests cleanup and maintenance (#1282) * Remove SSH keys of people who left the team (#1290) * Test: skip test cases if the tested filesystem is not supported on the platform (#1287) * lint: provide bandit configuration (#1265) * mockbuild.sh: use dnf to install local package, not rpm (#1292) * stages/lorax-script: minor schema adjustments (#1257) Contributions from: Ondřej Budai, Simon de Vlieger, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-04-26Changes with 83 ---------------- * .gitlab-ci: drop fedora-35 (#1281) * .gitlab-ci: remove RHEL 8.6/9.0 ga runners (#1279) * Preserve manifest list digest when embedding containers (#1252) * WSL conf stage (#1278) * ci: remove codecov (#1271) * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2023-03-20 (#1260) * stage/systemd: be able to write a preset file (#1269) * stages/org.osbuild.ovf: support older python3 versions (#1276) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Sanne Raymaekers, SchutzBot, Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-04-12Changes with 82 ---------------- * CI: update fedora-38 images (#1273) * ci: update manifest tests (#1242) * rpmbuild: build on fedora-38 (#1268) * stages: add ovf stage (#1266) * test: this test requires to be able to bindmount (#1261) Contributions from: Jakub Rusz, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon de Vlieger, Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-03-29Changes with 81 ---------------- * stages/ignition: support multi kargs in network kcmdline (#1249) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-27Changes with 80 ---------------- * stages/copy: add option to remove destination before copying (#1241) * stages/shell.init: add pattern for env var names (#1239) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-20Changes with 79 ---------------- * New stage: org.osbuild.shell.init (#1234) * mounts: add the norecovery option for xfs and ext4 (#1238) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-15Changes with 78 ---------------- * Add org.osbuild.chown stage (#1228) * mounts: accept a wider set of mount options (#1229) Contributions from: Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-02-07Changes with 77 ---------------- * CI deploy script and SSH keys cleanup (#1225) * stages/mkdir: revert explicitly setting mode using `os.chmod` (#1227) Contributions from: Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-20Changes with 76 ---------------- * sources/ostree: fix quotation marks in mTLS remote options (#1222) * stages/mkdir: explicitly set mode using `chmod` and support handling of existing directories (#1224) Contributions from: Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Tomáš Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-18Changes with 75 ---------------- * runners: add Fedora Asahi runner (#1216) * stages/rhsm.facts: create facts file in /etc (#1220) * test/objectstore: use os.stat instead Path.stat (#1217) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Eric Curtin — Somewhere on the Internet, 2023-01-04Changes with 74 ---------------- * Clamp mtime to `source-epoch` if specified (#1207) * New `ostree.encapsulate` for "native ostree containers" (#1091) * [v2] util/fscache: introduce versioning (#1198) * fscache: post-merge improvements (#1211) * ostree.config: add aboot (Android) bootloader config option (#1204) * runners: add AutoSD runner (#1210) * schutzbot: set the cache size for the correct store (#1199) * stages/users: accept identical uid for existing users (#1188) * test/fscache: drop PathLike annotation (#1196) * test/stages/users: ignore non-deterministic files (#1197) * test: convert objectstore test to pytest (#1201) * util/fscache: add cachedir-tag support (#1212) * util: fix typo in get_consumer_secrets (#1200) * 🗄Write and read metadata from the store and integrate `FsCache` into `ObjectStore` (#1187) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, David Rheinsberg, Eric Curtin, Sanne Raymaekers — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-12-21Changes with 73 ---------------- * cache: provide FsCache utility for concurrent caches (#1130) * ci: use the latest terraform to fix missing images (#1185) * mounts: use the options object for mountopts (#1182) * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2022-12-05 (#1194) Contributions from: David Rheinsberg, SchutzBot, Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-12-07Changes with 72 ---------------- * UKI: Add support for building unified kernel images (#1167) * Update snapshots to 20221115 (#1177) * `objectstore`: use direct path input/output for `Object` (#1179) * `stages/containers.storage.conf`: ability to specify a base file (#1173) * devices: tolerate existing device nodes (#1181) * grub2.iso: add timeout option (#1175) * ignition: fix ignition_network_kcmdline (#1172) * test/data: persist the journal for ostree images (#1178) * ❌ 🐮 Remove copy-on-write support for `Object` (no-cow) (#1169) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Thomas Lavocat, schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-23Changes with 71 ---------------- * Extend firewall stage to add sources (continues from PR #1137) (#1157) * Update snapshots to 20221025 (#1159) * Update snapshots to 20221028 (#1161) * ci(lint): add shell linter - Differential ShellCheck (#1147) * ci: update to containers/privdocker@552e30c (#1166) * ci: upgrade to actions/checkout@v3 (#1165) * osbuild-dev: a new tool to help with manifests (#1152) * osbuild-mpp: recognize manifest without mediaType and with manifests fields as a list (#1168) * stages/ostree.preptree: link to rpm-ostree code (#1151) * stages: add new cpio.out stage (#1164) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Colin Walters, David Rheinsberg, Irene Diez, Jan Macku, Simon de Vlieger, Ygal Blum, schutzbot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-11-09Changes with 70 ---------------- * Build rpms on RHEL 8.8 and 9.2 (#1141) * packit: Replace deprecated config options (#1145) * schutzbot/mockbuild: stop running mock as root (#1148) * schutzfile: update manifest-db ref 2022-10-20 (#1155) * sources/ostree: set contenturl when pulling from remote (#1140) * stages/keymap: add font option (#1158) * stages/logind-systemd: add `ReserveVT` option (#1156) * stages/rpm: make the fake machine-id newline-terminated (#1150) * stages: add systemd-journald stage (#1143) * test: add README.md on how to make tests for stages (#1149) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Irene Diez, Jakub Rusz, Jan Macku, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, SchutzBot — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-10-26Changes with 69 ---------------- * runners: auto detection based on best matching distro+version (#996) * sources/ostree: pull from remote using rhsm mTLS certs (#1138) * stages: fix ostree config stage (#1129) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Sanne Raymaekers — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-10-12Changes with 68 ---------------- * manifest-db: propage the osbuild SHA on manifest-db (#1124) * packit: Enable Bodhi updates for unstable Fedoras (#1128) * packit: add epel-9 to copr_build (#1118) * selinux: Update based on latest packaging guide (#1127) * stages/greenboot: avoid new pylint suppressions (#1114) * test/src: improve file enumeration (#1106) Contributions from: David Rheinsberg, Ondřej Budai, Simon Steinbeiss, Thomas Lavocat, Vit Mojzis — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-09-28Changes with 67 ---------------- * Quote URL paths before downloading in curl source (#1100) * Use isort to sort all imports (#1087) * ci: remove the composer image test (#1110) * org.osbuild.oci-archive: Support setting Entrypoint (#1103) * osbuild-mpp: Add url option to mpp-embed (#1104) * osbuild-mpp: fix minor issues and coding-style (#1112) * osbuild: explicit encodings for `open()` (#1108) * osbuild: pylint version fixes (#1094) * osbuild: share terminal formats between files (#1072) * packit: Enable Bodhi updates workflow (#1102) * rpmbuild: add fedora-37 (#1101) * test: run mypy in test-src not in GH actions (#1093) * tree: fix newer pylint warnings (#1107) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Alexander Larsson, David Rheinsberg, Simon Steinbeiss, Simon de Vlieger, Thomas Lavocat, Ygal Blum — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-09-14Changes with 66 ---------------- * test: manifests testing on each PR (#1052) Contributions from: Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-31Changes with 65 ---------------- * Add greenboot configuration management via osbuild (#1086) * Add new properties to ostree.remotes stage: gpgkeypath and contenturl (#1097) * pipeline: include mounts in stage checksum (#1098) * runners: add fedora38 (#1092) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Sayan Paul — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-26Changes with 64 ---------------- * Ability to mark installation as `ostree-booted` (#1085) * Add org.osbuild.gcp.guest-agent.conf stage (#1080) * Check source via `autopep8` (#1083) * `stages/gcp.guest-agent.conf`: various small fixes (#1081) * osbuild-mpp: Allow use of mpp-* operations for stages (#1084) * stages/rpm: allow setting the dbpath (#666) Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, fkolwa — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-17Changes with 63 ---------------- * stage: add an rhsm.facts stage (#1060) Contributions from: Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-08-03Changes with 62 ---------------- * COMPOSER-1622: Enable Fedora 36 testing (#1061) * `stages/container.storage.conf`: fix `filename` property lookup (#1077) * mounts: minor fixes with no functional changes (#1076) * schema: assorted fixes for schema formatting and handling (#1079) * stages/containers.storage.conf: support pytoml (#1078) * stages/users: support a dot inside a username (#1075) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Christian Kellner, David Rheinsberg, Ondřej Budai — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-27- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_RebuildChanges with 61 ---------------- * Add new `containers.storage.conf` stage to edit `containers-storage.conf(5)` files (#1069) * docs: update osbuild(1) (#1068) * osbuild: fix current partial type annotations (#1067) * source/skopeo: use subprocess.check_output (#1071) * stages/skopeo: use extra intermediate download dir (#1074) * tests: Run tests on RHEL 9.1 and 8.7 nightly (#1051) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, David Rheinsberg, Jakub Rusz, Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-20Changes with 60 ---------------- * Add `_install langs` support (#1064) * Add a Vagrant libvirt stage (#947) * `stages/dnf.config`: ability to configure rpm transaction flags (#1063) * `stages/oci-archive`: small cleanups (#1062) * ci: push tags to gitlab (#1058) * git: ignore common virtual env locations (#1066) * main: add a --version argument (#1039) * osbuild-mpp: small python cleanups (#1056) * rpmbuild: add fedora-36 (#1053) * stages: OpenSCAP remediation at build time (#1059) * stages: add new org.osbuild.rpmkeys.import stage (#1057) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Jakub Rusz, Jelle van der Waa, Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-07-06Changes with 59 ---------------- * Remove `options` from the v1 result (#1044) * Run rpmbuild on new nightlies. (#1049) * Support calling curl with --insecure (#1047) * ci: Adjust release schedule timer (#1045) * stages/mkfs.fat: pass `-I` command line option (#1050) * stages/qemu: expose vpc options (#1046) * store: various code cleanups (#1032) Contributions from: Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Simon Steinbeiss — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-22- Rebuilt for Python 3.11Changes with 58 ---------------- * COMPOSER-1576: rpmbuild on 8.6 and 9.0 ga (#1043) * `grub2.legacy`: stricter schema, replace `architecture` with `bios.platform` (#1035) * `stages/grub2.legacy`: small schema fixes (#1034) * stages: add OpenSCAP first boot remediation (#1033) * tests: handle `-` in the sfdisk version test (#1037) Contributions from: Alexander Todorov, Christian Kellner, Gianluca Zuccarelli, Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-06-08Changes with 57 ---------------- * meta: show stage name when schema is missing (#1022) * sources: curl max_workers 2 * num_cpus (#1024) * stages/ostree.passwd: fix subid source path (#1027) * stages/udev.rules: use correct separator (#1026) * stages: add new sgdisk stage (#1029) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Simon de Vlieger — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-05-25Changes with 56 ---------------- * Re-enable pylint warning W0201 (attribute-defined-outside-init) (#1019) * Restrict capabilities is stages (#1010) * org.osbuild.luks2.format: Support dm-integrity (#1015) * packit: Enable Koji build integration (#1021) * sources: refactor the SourceService class (#998) * stage/ostree.passwd: also merge /etc/sub{u,g}id (#1013) * stages: add new org.osbuild.udev.rules stage (#1018) * test: remove old `pipelines` contents & directory (#1011) Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Simon Steinbeiss, Thomas Lavocat — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-05-11CHANGES WITH 53.1: ---------------- * devices/lvm2.lv: add support for lvm devices files (#1009) Contributions from: Christian Kellner — Liberec, 2022-04-28Changes with 55 ---------------- * Support specifying multiple devices in all mkfs versions (like xfs) (#1004) * buildroot: don't explicitly add `CAP_MAC_ADMIN` (#1008) * devices/lvm2.lv: add support for lvm devices files (#1009) * inputs/org.osbuild.tree: fix typo (#1006) * inputs: support array of objects references (#1003) * workflows/trigger-gitlab: run Gitlab CI in new image-builder project (#1002) Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Jelle van der Waa — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-04-27Changes with 54 ---------------- * Allow specifying subformat for the `vmdk` type in `org.osbuild.qemu` stage (#999) * Pin rpmrepo snapshots for CI runners + use them in mockbuild + ci improvements (#1001) * Support VMDK subformat in qemu assembler (#1000) Contributions from: Jakub Rusz, Tomas Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-04-13CHANGES WITH 53: ---------------- * stages/sfdisk: support changing GPT partition attribute bits (#966) * Enable scheduled upstream releases (#997) * stages/rpm: don't verify package or header signatures when installing (#995) * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993) * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993) * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993) * stages/selinux: directly call setfilecon (#993) * sources/curl: don't limit total download time (#990) * Packit: build SRPMs in Copr (#987) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Enric Balletbo i Serra, Laura Barcziova, Simon Steinbeiss, Tom Gundersen, Tomas Hozza — Somewhere on the Internet, 2022-03-24CHANGES WITH 52: ---------------- * `stages/grub2`: write GRUB_DEFAULT on saved_entry (#981) * `stages/firewall`: fix fail when setting only the default zone (#984) * `stages/rpm`: option to import gpg keys from tree (#985) * LVM2: separate stderr, stdout (#982) * Extend firewall stage to set the default zone (#980) * runners: add org.osbuild.fedora37 (#983) * ci/deploy: use public EPEL-9 (#979) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Tomas Hozza, Thomas Lavocat — Wien, 2022-03-04CHANGES WITH 51: ---------------- * stages: add the ability to configure pacman repos (#955) Contributions from: Jelle van der Waa, Simon Steinbeiß Grenoble Location, 2022-03-02CHANGES WITH 50: ---------------- * util/udev: fix path for udev device inhibitor (#976) * Add RHEL-9.1 runner (#975) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Tomas Hozza — Vöcklabruck, 2022-02-27CHANGES WITH 49: ---------------- * `stages/fdo`: add new stage (#857) * `stages/clevis-luks-bind`, `stages/luks-remove-key`: add new stages (#967) * `stages/oci-archive`: fix creation time format (#973) * rpmbuild: run on centos-9 (#974) * Host.Service: add signals (#969) Contributions from: Antonio Murdaca, Christian Kellner, Chloe Kaubisch, Jakub Rusz, Thomas Lavocat — Vöcklabruck, 2022-02-23CHANGES WITH 48: ---------------- * skopeo stage: remove overlay/backingFsBlockDev file after install (#970) * Add support for embedding containers in images (#952) * Initial work on more reproducible builds (#962) * Bootiso: add the option to compress using lz4 (#951) * runners: add rhel-87 (#963) Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Ondřej Budai, Roy Golan, Thomas Lavocat, jkozol — Berlin, 2022-02-16CHANGES WITH 47: ---------------- * `util/linux`: fix BLK_IOC_FLSBUF on ppc64le (osbuild#954) * ci: make jobs interruptible (osbuild#902) * `test/ci`: fix sonarqube run on main (osbuild#950) * Enable Sonarqube scan (osbuild#898) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Simon Steinbeiss — Berlin, 2022-02-02- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_RebuildCHANGES WITH 46: ---------------- * Add the option of compressing using lz4 (#946) Contributions from: Thomas Lavocat, Tomáš Hozza — Vöcklabruck, 2022-01-19NGES WITH 45: ---------------- * `stages/grub2`: ability to not write kernel cmdline (#939) * Arch legacy grub compatibility (#941) * org.osbuild.kickstart adjustments (#943) * Fix typo in tar stage schema option enum (#940) * Add mkinitcpio stage (#937) * stages: allow using sysconfig stage multiple times. (#938) * objectstore: don't store objects by their treesum (#861) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Jelle van der Waa, Ondřej Budai, Tom Gundersen, Tomáš Hozza, Simon Steinbeiss — Drásov (Brno-venkov), 2022-01-07CHANGES WITH 44: ---------------- * LUKS (v2) support (#879) * osbuild-mpp: Add support for a pacman resolver (#911) * `stages/dnf-automatic`: add new stage for configuring DNF Automatic (#936) * `stages/yum.repos`: add new stage for creating YUM / DNF repo files (#932) * `stages/users`: explicitly create a home directory (#929) * `stages/dnf`: edit /etc/dnf/dnf.conf (#928) * `stages/sshd`: support PermitRootLogin option (#917) * build root: isolate container environment from the host and set `CONTAINER` (#926) * Small fix for `mounts/ostree.deployment` and an order check for `depsolve` (#915) * Added poll() with a time out of 10 minutes for building images (#888, #918) * Apply autopep8 to osbuild-mpp and resolve Constructor is undefined (#914) * Support for on demand pipeline building (#855) * util/rmrf: handle broken symlinks (#913) Contributions from: Aaron Hetherington, Achilleas Koutsou, Christian Kellner, Jelle van der Waa, Ondřej Budai, Sanne Raymaekers, Simon Steinbeiss, Tomas Hozza — Vöcklabruck, 2021-12-16CHANGES WITH 43: ---------------- * Buildroot: mask `/proc/cmdline` (#895) * stages/grub2.inst: Make grub-mkimage binary configurable (#905) * tests: enable testing on aarch64 RHEL (#844) * gitignore: Ignore generated man pages (#903) * stages/ostree.fillvar: fill the correct var (#904) * osbuild-mpp: Allow importing multiple pipelines from a manifest (#900) * ci: switch to rhel-9 runners (#901) * spec: require python3-pyyaml for osbuild-tools (#899) * osbuild-mpp: Support loading yaml as well as json files (#893) * CI: update the osbuild-ci container (#896) * osbuild: Add org.osbuild.gunzip stage (#886) * osbuild-mpp: Report the path of the json file when parsing fails (#890) * packit: enable copr builds for CS9 on main (#894) * tools/osbuild-mpp: add ability to embed files (#859) * osbuild-mpp: Add mpp-if feature (#885) Contributions from: Alexander Larsson, Christian Kellner, Jakub Rusz, Jelle van der Waa, Ondřej Budai, kingsleyzissou — Berlin, 2021-12-01CHANGES WITH 42: ---------------- * packit: enable copr build for CS9 (#887) * test/lvm2: use LoopControl.loop_for_fd (#884) * packit: Use upstream github release description (#880) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Simon Steinbeiss — Cork, 2021-11-17 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAABCAAdFiEErKmAeFdguKfr5RbZC04GHB6SbNcFAmGU3x8ACgkQC04GHB6S bNcXqBAAxWLL5kFhhrbboXShLmgdVbryYv8muxsyF0YFdE8qHdJmwDZkURoUH2Mh RzWDl4Lq1FKoGJZ6WP3S0/Mj/8cpHhhXSnUzcGZamz6hJrsoyeUfYRQrB67/Mkm5 HEWWMxYBA1qvf+tfzVAr4BjlUfmDAHqjbRu5loHqANJSKNCmcg2jrHnvV5VrjBQf t1NCQOm960kik5gjFfAemsmEYlkPN8MtD/VxxUJC2dKCDkY7tQBITB+40fB0lDdF EIODFooKE0b2rXumEJUr95V6vGmmEOyFOcsOajls58pJSbak01g2I6J6WpSb9EiS RZbhNYhh59BKNrsbfpO8JAYrqVy+OyPZxTwdpIUYbP4KndNbGe/QH5L/Vbdt1Dv9 HokDnTGD2jLrHyK1HP+NkjHmGy+s5XCiFwtFPbZeI7RIgxugIkJjM985u9vi0Ufd uzbI0DP302DRiafXgR9CX/YXkEWjHpu8RSeoFsbTj6KzSAZtacK7gXWcSF5TUMlZ kGVGy/b9xz5Ily2SOI07FBNMCHH705BRXsZGuugPlmslACTEVUh377DpvYcgBHVx oclxqFXW17xwcxCrC6JBcXM9h2h59KJ60BSGnVHpg2bdqZat01we1p2rbcN6Dn2H 45KWO7O678oRBnIpt4lsnY/Avs7DZ83HfX4ctNfcgdwRDISFyts= =jsoz -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----CHANGES WITH 42: ---------------- * packit: enable copr build for CS9 (#887) * test/lvm2: use LoopControl.loop_for_fd (#884) * packit: Use upstream github release description (#880) Contributions from: Christian Kellner, Ondřej Budai, Simon Steinbeiss — Cork, 2021-11-17 -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- iQIzBAABCAAdFiEErKmAeFdguKfr5RbZC04GHB6SbNcFAmGU3x8ACgkQC04GHB6S bNcXqBAAxWLL5kFhhrbboXShLmgdVbryYv8muxsyF0YFdE8qHdJmwDZkURoUH2Mh RzWDl4Lq1FKoGJZ6WP3S0/Mj/8cpHhhXSnUzcGZamz6hJrsoyeUfYRQrB67/Mkm5 HEWWMxYBA1qvf+tfzVAr4BjlUfmDAHqjbRu5loHqANJSKNCmcg2jrHnvV5VrjBQf t1NCQOm960kik5gjFfAemsmEYlkPN8MtD/VxxUJC2dKCDkY7tQBITB+40fB0lDdF EIODFooKE0b2rXumEJUr95V6vGmmEOyFOcsOajls58pJSbak01g2I6J6WpSb9EiS RZbhNYhh59BKNrsbfpO8JAYrqVy+OyPZxTwdpIUYbP4KndNbGe/QH5L/Vbdt1Dv9 HokDnTGD2jLrHyK1HP+NkjHmGy+s5XCiFwtFPbZeI7RIgxugIkJjM985u9vi0Ufd uzbI0DP302DRiafXgR9CX/YXkEWjHpu8RSeoFsbTj6KzSAZtacK7gXWcSF5TUMlZ kGVGy/b9xz5Ily2SOI07FBNMCHH705BRXsZGuugPlmslACTEVUh377DpvYcgBHVx oclxqFXW17xwcxCrC6JBcXM9h2h59KJ60BSGnVHpg2bdqZat01we1p2rbcN6Dn2H 45KWO7O678oRBnIpt4lsnY/Avs7DZ83HfX4ctNfcgdwRDISFyts= =jsoz -----END PGP SIGNATURE------ stages/authconfig: run authconfig (Tom Gundersen) - stages/yum.config: add an option to configure langpacks plugin (Ondřej Budai) - formats/v2: fix describe for mount without source (Christian Kellner) - stages/selinux: ability to force an auto-relabel (Christian Kellner) - stages/pwquality.conf: set pwquality configuration (Tom Gundersen) - stages/rhsm: add support to configure yum plugins (Christian Kellner) - stages/rhsm: extract plugins defintion (Christian Kellner) - Add new `org.osbuild.yum.config` stage (Tomas Hozza) - test/cloud-init: add new options to stage test (Achilleas Koutsou) - stages/cloud-init: disable default_flow_style when writing configs (Achilleas Koutsou) - stages/cloud-init: add support for configuring output logging (Achilleas Koutsou) - stages/cloud-init: add support for configuring reporting handlers (Achilleas Koutsou) - stages/cloud-init: add support for configuring Azure datasource (Achilleas Koutsou) - stages: add new org.osbuild.cron.script stage (Christian Kellner) - stages/grub2: add support for terminal, serial and timeout config (Ondřej Budai) - stages/waagent.conf: set WALinuxAgent configuration (Tom Gundersen) - stages/sshd.config: set sshd configuration (Tom Gundersen) - Support 'install' command in org.osbuild.modprobe stage (Tomas Hozza) - Post release version bump (msehnout)- stages/lvm2.create: fix 'size' and add 'extents' (Christian Kellner) - Let schutzbot do the post-release version bump (Simon Steinbeiss) - test/data: use ostree.deployment in fedora image (Christian Kellner) - mounts: add new ostree.deployment service (Christian Kellner) - mounts: include tree directory in arguments (Christian Kellner) - mounts: allow empty returns from service (Christian Kellner) - mounts: separate file system mount service (Christian Kellner) - meta: allow mounts for all stages (Christian Kellner) - schema/v2: make mount source and target optional (Christian Kellner) - mounts: change schema meta information (Christian Kellner) - mounts: introduce new mount manager class (Christian Kellner) - devices: add device path helper functions (Christian Kellner) - devices: introduce new device manager class (Christian Kellner) - test/data: add RHEL 7 manifests (Christian Kellner) - test/stages: add check for `parted` stage (Christian Kellner) - runners: add rhel7 runner (Christian Kellner) - stages/grub2.legacy: new stage for non-bls config (Christian Kellner) - stages/parted: new stage to partition a device (Christian Kellner) - pipeline: don't bind-mount /boot from the host (Christian Kellner) - buildroot: make mounting /boot optional (Christian Kellner) - setup.cfg: increase max-statements to 75 (Christian Kellner) - runners: add new centos9 runner (Christian Kellner) - ci: remove 8.5 nightly testing (Ondřej Budai) - mpp: fix long options (Christian Kellner) - osbuild-mpp: Set the "arch" variable to the current rpm arch (Alexander Larsson) - osbuild-mpp: Better handling of variable defaults and propagation (Alexander Larsson) - osbuild-mpp: Better handling of -D overrides (Alexander Larsson) - osbuild-mpp: Allow using formating in depsolver node (Alexander Larsson) - osbuild-mpp: Add mpp-join (Alexander Larsson) - osbuild-mpp: Add mpp-eval (Alexander Larsson) - Fix GitHub Action tag pattern (Simon Steinbeiss) - mockbuild: reuse mock repos from the system ones (Ondřej Budai) - mockbuild: rotate a variable name (Ondřej Budai) - gitlab: don't save journal (Ondřej Budai) - deploy: update to the latest composer commit (Ondřej Budai) - ci: don't register the runners (Ondřej Budai) - trigger-gitlab: do not interpret the fetch_pulls outputs (Ondřej Budai) - Bump version numbers ahead of release (Simon Steinbeiss) - Switch to simple upstream releases (Simon Steinbeiss) - stages/grub2.inst: ensure /var/tmp exists (Christian Kellner) - devices/loopback: remove extra "'" from print (Christian Kellner) - tests/ci: Switch to testing on 8.4 GA (Jakub Rusz) - tests: enable testing on RHEl-8.5 and RHEL-9.0 (Jakub Rusz) - .github: Write PR data to a file first in trigger-gitlab (Sanne Raymaekers) - README: Add a link to our developer guide (Simon Steinbeiss)- 39 (Thomas Lavocat) - packit: enable builds on ppc64le (Tomas Hozza) - CI: rename rhel-8.5 runners to rhel-8.5-nightly (Achilleas Koutsou) - mockbuild: add RHEL 8.6 (Achilleas Koutsou) - docs: document osbuild and selinux integration (Christian Kellner) - ci: trigger gitlab from checks not tests (Christian Kellner) - ci: split out checks from tests (Christian Kellner) - .github: Get PR number from sha (Sanne Raymaekers) - .github: Use the workflow_run event data in trigger-gitlab (Sanne Raymaekers) - ci: trigger gitlab ci via workflow run event (Christian Kellner)- 38 (Simon Steinbeiss) - Copy the local_vars dictionary to avoid eval modifying it (Pierre-Yves Chibon) - Add support for defining variables from other variables or basic expression (Pierre-Yves Chibon) - test/host: checks for invalid fd handling (Christian Kellner) - host: check reply_fds before sending them (Christian Kellner) - host: raise a protocol error for empty messages (Christian Kellner) - sources: pass items via temporary file (Christian Kellner) - test/host: add check for call with fds (Christian Kellner) - host: properly clean up passed fds (Christian Kellner) - stages/qemu: fix 'compat' option (Christian Kellner)- 37 (Martin Sehnoutka) - sources: port to host services (Christian Kellner) - org.osbuild.curl: Don't load secrets if not needed (Alexander Larsson) - pipeline: split out downloading from building (Christian Kellner) - Fix the assert as `.sort()` returns None (Pierre-Yves Chibon) - schutzbot: Update terraform sha (Sanne Raymaekers) - packit: Propose PRs to all Fedoras (Simon Steinbeiss) - stages: pam_limits.conf → pam.limits.conf (Christian Kellner) - Add a new stage for configuring `pam_limits` module (Tomas Hozza) - ostree.config: add `bootloader` config option (Christian Kellner) - Add a new stage for setting kernel parameters via sysctl.d (Tomas Hozza) 95-1.fc39org.osbuild.ostree.commitorg.osbuild.ostreeorg.osbuild.ostree.checkoutorg.osbuild.ostreeorg.osbuild.ostreeorg.osbuild.ostree.commitorg.osbuild.ostree.configorg.osbuild.ostree.deployorg.osbuild.ostree.encapsulateorg.osbuild.ostree.fillvarorg.osbuild.ostree.initorg.osbuild.ostree.init-fsorg.osbuild.ostree.os-initorg.osbuild.ostree.passwdorg.osbuild.ostree.preptreeorg.osbuild.ostree.pullorg.osbuild.ostree.remotesorg.osbuild.ostree.selinuxorg.osbuild.rpm-ostree/usr/lib/osbuild/assemblers//usr/lib/osbuild/inputs//usr/lib/osbuild/sources//usr/lib/osbuild/stages/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -march=z13 -mtune=z14 -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protectioncpiozstd19noarch-redhat-linux-gnuPython script, ASCII text executablePython script, Unicode text, UTF-8 text executable RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRhttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/osbuildutf-838a51a3fdabb97bfb276f11318b3b7a027b8f1b1771105a7bbc35efb637bf6dfcc76cc4501a5efa48cbe0d9cd783228a7766d7d54d9f62110ee780658a28afe6? 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