tuned-profiles-realtime-2.21.0-1.fc39 >t 6 6_,06fx|3!92d LuZLd uZL)AOABqe!rzudS]+m ]ǰׂȅ[_ݦ *ITB%&۶a}%߀8$CÑ d_MO}ކN%@(jT 2<Ù?bqk\@+KHvy?|]5"2h,Gji0lwɀs'JjʑC )5S\XW1,oTK/"60V.QE`>Q?Ad! ( Y  5;DX b l   <\(0889: "GDHXIlXtY|\]^bIdaeffklntuvw`xtyCtuned-profiles-realtime2.21.01.fc39Additional tuned profile(s) targeted to realtimeAdditional tuned profile(s) targeted to realtime.dGbuildvm-x86-23.iad2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPL-2.0-or-later AND CC-BY-SA-3.0Fedora ProjectUnspecifiedhttp://www.tuned-project.org/linuxnoarchfA큤d5d5d5d5d5f7503975acef42d4c0facc9efc5ebefedefb90b8b6b7db659a208f50989b83b938892910c028e616f9608b7b967998f02e655b15a29da87a153b8b5ea7136750835447aa240d56e3ed5701b36f9d604eb813461149a32d9df44645ef0ff1c664c033742f3d172c0802bd1dc8f8b2ce5ec991403fc077239ada4e0cc7a735ef17rootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootroottuned-2.21.0-1.fc39.src.rpmconfig(tuned-profiles-realtime)tuned-profiles-realtime@    /usr/bin/bashconfig(tuned-profiles-realtime)rpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)tunatuned2.21.0-1.fc393.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-{@bL@bb&b1@b bar@aaaѓJaroslav Škarvada - 2.21.0-1Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.21.0-0.1.rc1Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.20.0-4Fedora Release Engineering - 2.20.0-3Python Maint - 2.20.0-2Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.20.0-1Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.20.0-0.1.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.19.0-3Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.19.0-2Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.19.0-1Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.19.0-0.1.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.18.0-5.20220317gite1045f2dPython Maint - 2.18.0-4.20220317gite1045f2dJaroslav Škarvada - 2.18.0-3.20220317gite1045f2dJaroslav Škarvada - 2.18.0-2Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.18.0-1Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.18.0-0.1.rc1Fedora Release Engineering - 2.17.0-2Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.17.0-1Jaroslav Škarvada - 2.17.0-0.1.rc1- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#2182117 - api: fixed stop method not to require any parameter resolves: rhbz#2235637- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#2182117 - plugin_scheduler: fix perf fd leaks resolves: rhbz#2173938 - allow skipping rollback when restarting TuneD or switching profile resolves: rhbz#2203142 - function_calc_isolated_cores: no errors for offline CPUs resolves: rhbz#2217015 - sap-hana: new profile sap-hana-kvm-guest resolves: rhbz#2173740 - serialized SIGHUP handler to prevent possible bootcmdline corruption resolves: rhbz#2215298- Converted license to SPDX- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_39_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#2133815 - fixed possible traceback on SIGHUP resolves: rhbz#2169712 - updated manual pages to be consistent - tuned-adm: better error message for unauthorized switch_profile - plugin_sysctl: report reapplied sysctls only on different values- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#2133815 - systemd: relax polkit requirement resolves: rhbz#2065591 - sysvinit: fixed path resolves: rhbz#2118301 - plugin_cpu: added support for pm_qos_resume_latency_us resolves: rhbz#2118786 - do not exit on duplicate config lines resolves: rhbz#2071418 - profiles: new cpu-partitioning-powersave profile - profiles: new profile for AWS EC2 resolves: rhbz#1935848 - API: add support for moving devices between instances resolves: rhbz#2113925 - D-Bus: send tracebacks through D-Bus only in debug mode resolves: rhbz#2159680 - Makefile: added fix for python-3.12 resolves: rhbz#2154801 - throughput-performance: set net.core.somaxconn to at least 2048 resolves: rhbz#1998310 - plugin_scheduler: do not leak FDs from the perf resolves: rhbz#2080227 - plugin_cpu: added support for intel_pstate scaling driver resolves: rhbz#2095829 - added support for the API access through the Unix Domain Socket resolves: rhbz#2113900- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_38_Mass_Rebuild- added fix for python-3.12 resolves: rhbz#2154801- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#2057609- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#2057609 - fixed parsing of inline comments resolves: rhbz#2060138 - added support for quotes in isolated_cores specification resolves: rhbz#1891036 - spec: reduced weak dependencies resolves: rhbz#2093841 - recommend: do not ignore syspurpose_role if there is no syspurpose resolves: rhbz#2030580 - added support for initial autosetup of isolated_cores resolves: rhbz#2093847- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_37_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.11- new version- added more conflicting services to the systemd service file resolves: rhbz#2053919- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#2003833 - tuned-gui: fixed creation of new profile- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#2003833 - profiles: fix improper parsing of include directive resolves: rhbz#2017924 - disk: added support for the nvme resolves: rhbz#1854816 - cpu: extended cstate force_latency syntax to allow skipping zero latency resolves: rhbz#2002744 - net: added support for the txqueuelen resolves: rhbz#2015044 - bootloader: on s390(x) remove TuneD variables from the BLS resolves: rhbz#1978786 - daemon: don't do full rollback on systemd failure resolves: rhbz#2011459 - spec: do not require subscription-manager on CentOS resolves: rhbz#2028865- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_36_Mass_Rebuild- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream related: rhbz#2003838- new release - rebased tuned to latest upstream resolves: rhbz#2003838 - cpu-partitioning: fixed no_balance_cores on newer kernels resolves: rhbz#1874596 - scheduler: allow exclude of processes from the specific cgroup(s) resolves: rhbz#1980715 - switched to the configparser from the configobj resolves: rhbz#1936386 - spec: do not require subscription-manager on CentOS resolves: rhbz#20294052.21.0-1.fc392.21.0-1.fc39realtime-variables.confrealtimescript.shtuned.conftuned-profiles-realtime.7.gz/etc/tuned//usr/lib/tuned//usr/lib/tuned/realtime//usr/share/man/man7/-O2 -g -march=x86-64-v4cpiozstd19noarch-redhat-linux-gnuASCII textdirectoryBourne-Again shell script, ASCII text executabletroff or preprocessor input, Unicode text, UTF-8 text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)Rhttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/tunedutf-848edadf52e41b7e838d7312aac3104208f43b61cdff9905990a2a319f7a1563c1a35f3811279bda0240f4cb34f68f61943312fe5259644dbf9c1cf42df351eab? (/h'T,7Re)pݸ%]#`o]Q0C҈wo{ ==[vt)-t\lP,Mτҋ+3ŞUhLi0J]H@`M&XRX:=V kgKhc{k'g}0yI4M-\(Kyz=@rC#-Z;c`ɫfbcgׯߒ +YB~^uٵcϡ8)G lvޒM1Xb*6/ Dc B4 ,zP)7kD. $ 1a ` zєvY lmкy-Z rd1XOE-d* ƩeSLp:̟)D _,~ T(f)(uwqH͗ĶvO=W&lO epBH&l)Қ}=;iuT=Nhb`]0蘚(Ic@Bg2C $$- &)!SWSτ4L\S\WuV(?sg=ՙwBC vq)%2$myεZXU n a5R) HD4b]#T*%QlcAܼލ]1I, so childfican directly ()Fail ifnot_nal::} N cpumask offline = list2hex_in}expanded=_unpack=onswhich2:(s)Amb_} regsearch_tern::\b[y,Y,1,t,T]\b:,do,:}net] channels=_}sys] .schr_u-1f//bus/iceriteb/}virtual*/mane*/ignorebootermd=+tel_pst=disnosofckupbalance] bann] :PROFILE_DIR}ul536632sharen7--.7.gzUm8_1ʧتStj KNDIPRe qĩ퀸_s-\@gƶw`9kFBjizf| ><@)L_&Ή6T͔Ԃ뿟ڱ.ιJɭbgAG8VR&)FMmV:B<;4u#Tb/Xbz#x3`c`Cs*esh&M&Q L$q3eɯ`J IYjBo)fU5E˖>U1ջԬ B1Ec!<|rxnl'rQd)EȌ_j&~&\0ǫB e96ɝd;dWH6Eøڮ)SBvHO *dm&YG&v8 ?wc88=x;" +? jHd(h&<-&BJՃ'MhzܮAg9{ˉ?󢏡b`fsXLb=Ϝl"q]m9ܳ Og\^2ax'ux;'L)tQc^4 +n8G6Gbs ?Fԝ_r8'mGh{ O&DIM2hܵv@cPy΢%=۳q{7\ # ˋ~ͪu?N_Z40 v_f;ځ a&)Ûjz*](-=~7Yha"bTRAR!!!1T3$  Qy(c!dH -K6n u K^z.=z+:aWs}<ѷ]KPrE;