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Re-include tests that were failing with rc1- cmake-3.27.0-rc4 Fixes rhbz#2218941- cmake-3.27.0-rc3 Fixes rhbz#2214407- Backport some upstream patches which will be included in rc3- cmake-3.27.0-rc2- cmake-3.27.0-rc1 - Use CMake-provided cppdap - Add licensing information for cppdap to packaged files if needed - Exclude tests that started failing- Backport several bugfixes and support for Boost v1.82 from upstream- Rename macros.cmake -> - macros: Fix formatting and indentation - macros: Directly use %set_build_flags, as it is supported since EPEL 7 - Exclude tests that are failing for rpm 4.19- macros: Use the language build flag macros for compiler flags- cmake-3.26.4 Fixes rhbz#2208383- Build cmake-gui with Qt6- Fix build on riscv64- cmake-3.26.3 Fixes rhbz#2184478- cmake-3.26.2 Fixes rhbz#2182863- cmake-3.26.1 Fixes rhbz#2181278- cmake-3.26.0 Fixes rhbz#2178221- cmake-3.26.0-rc6 Fixes rhbz#2176581- cmake-3.26.0-rc5- cmake-3.26.0-rc4 Fixes rhbz#2172604- cmake-3.26.0-rc3 Fixes rhbz#2170100- cmake-3.26.0-rc2 Fixes rhbz#2167064- cmake-3.25.2 Fixes rhbz#2162459- Rebuilt for Backport upstream patch for Boost v1.81 support- Adjust ctest macro to use native out-of-tree support- cmake-3.25.1 Fixes rhbz#2149681- cmake-3.25.0 Fixes rhbz#2143345- cmake-3.25.0-rc4 Fixes rhbz#2141122- Re-enable BundleUtilities, CMakeLib.testCTestResourceAllocator, CMakeLib.testCTestResourceSpec, CTest.UpdateGIT, ExternalProject during testsuite run - Re-enable kwsys.testProcess-{4,5} on s390x- cmake-3.25.0-rc3 Fixes rhbz#2062783- Allow valid short arguments for %ctest macro Fixes rhbz#2127650- Drop non-upstream CMAKE_DL_LIBS windows patch Fixes rhbz#2127529- cmake-3.25.0-rc2 Fixes rhbz#2062783- cmake-3.24.2- cmake-3.24.1- cmake-3.24.0- cmake-3.23.3- Rebuilt for cmake-3.23.0-rc2 Fixes rhbz#2052100- cmake-3.22.2 Fixes rhbz#2045074- Rebuilt for Add patch to fix compatibility of FortranCInterface with GCC gfortran 12 LTO Fixes rhbz#2041904 - Skip tests failing with GCC 12- Backport two patches fixing regressions in FindBoost and FindGLUT- Backport patch to add support for Python >= 3.10 in FindBoost.cmake- Backport patch to add Boost 1.78 support- Backport patch to add Python 3.11 support- cmake-3.22.1 Fixes rhbz#2029974- Fixes RPATH_CHANGE fails when shared object is a GNU ld script- Update fix for rhbz#2027118 with upstream solution- Add patch to partially revert incompatible changes in GNUInstallDirs.cmake Fixes rhbz#2027118- cmake-3.22.0 (#2024712)- cmake-3.22.0-rc3 Fixes rhbz#2022785- Disable bootstrap build for jsoncpp- Rebuild (jsoncpp)- cmake-3.22.0-rc2 Fixes rhbz#2018235 - Remove debug compiler flag in macros.cmake (CMAKE_Fortran_FLAGS_RELEASE) Fixes rhbz#2017942- Revert previous changes to macros.cmake (-O2 -g) Fixes rhbz#2017942- cmake-3.22.0-rc1 Fixes rhbz#2014190 - Do not build non-lto objects to reduce build time significantly - Explicitly force optimization level 2 and debuginfo for release builds  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123.27.7-1.fc393.27.7-1.fc39  cmakecmakeHelpcommandcpack_genenvvargeneratorincludemanualpresetsmodulepolicyprop_cacheprop_dirprop_gblprop_instprop_sfprop_testprop_tgtreleasevariableModulesAndroidTestUtilitiesCMakeAddFortranSubdirectoryCUDACheckIPOSupportedCompilerXL-FortranCompilerIdExternalProjectFetchContentFindCUDAFindMPIFindPythonFortranCInterfaceVerifyIntelVSImplicitPathInternalCPackOSReleasePlatformAIXAndroidUseJavaUseSWIGTemplatesMSBuildFlagTablesWindowsinclude/usr/lib64//usr/share//usr/share/cmake//usr/share/cmake/Help//usr/share/cmake/Help/manual//usr/share/cmake/Modules//usr/share/cmake/Modules/Compiler//usr/share/cmake/Modules/FortranCInterface//usr/share/cmake/Modules/Internal//usr/share/cmake/Modules/Platform//usr/share/cmake/Templates//usr/share/cmake/Templates/MSBuild/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectory`auۻdM7}GGz @ WUY3ϙ:fVZx{*;ttH`$Zf(stlqLtU8E|8xQz3sׇr=s$]mݖ2+Dxo?fKckTS>h m-sKMss$ř (/%ii}Ŝ="y+Czq'8r?[~gͿE Yfq/ۚaXCXG>GF?(,& HuTFV l啍[O~Pm}EoTt?^[Lupc֒ O(YH@YY8ۭ]Qpihj J0E2F@0`G,AC$0Q`+6a v12g/=H-5+pba~эAYv~DXm_if=P .c376Vߘ<$pB0p4S60G}!403KMqTi跳dl]K-tfi"ٷM!4y5CU+П󃮙\#^<\뤯VG=pgKI, .]Xcy