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- 0.63.1-1Packit - 0.63.0-1Packit - 0.62.0-1Packit - 0.61.0-1Packit - 0.60.0-1Packit - 0.59.1-1Packit - 0.59.0-1Packit - 0.57.0-1Packit - 0.56.0-1Fedora Release Engineering - 0.55.0-2Packit - 0.55.0-1Packit - 0.54.0-1Packit - 0.53.0-1Python Maint - 0.52.1-2Packit - 0.52.1-1Packit - 0.52.0-1Packit - 0.51.0-1Packit - 0.50.0-1Packit - 0.49.0-1Packit - 0.48.0-1- Added new configuration options `status_name_template` and `allowed_builders`. - Resolves rhbz#2266037- Packit now checks the version to propose against the version in specfile and doesn't create downgrade PRs. (#2239)- Packit now supports `trigger: ignore` which can be used for templating by using the YAML. (#2234) - Packit now searches for bugzilla about new release created by Upstream Release Monitoring to reference each time it syncs the release downstream. (#2229) - Resolves rhbz#2264878- We have introduced new CLI command `packit dist-git init` that initializes Packit configuration for release automation in dist-git repository. (#2225) - `packit validate-config` now checks whether the Upstream Release Monitoring for the package is correctly configured if `pull_from_upstream` job is present in the configuration. (#2226) - There is a new global configuration option `parse_time_macros` that allows to configure macros to be explicitly defined or undefined at spec file parse time. (#2222) - Resolves rhbz#2259201- `pull-from-upstream` and `propose-downstream` commands now have the `--sync-acls` option that enables syncing the ACLs between dits-git repo and fork. The default behaviour was, however, changed to not sync the ACLs. (#2214) - Packit now properly handles exceptions when syncing ACLs during release syncing. (#2213)- Rebuilt for We have fixed a bug in handling chroot-specific configuration once the chroots themselves are updated. (#2194)- We have fixed a bug preventing the release from being synced downstream if the changelog to be set is empty. (#2183) - Resolves rhbz#2257183- Packit now links the information related to upstream in PRs opened when syncing a release. (#2173) - Resolves rhbz#2252328- Packit now correctly sets the specfile content (e.g. changelog entry) even if it syncs the specfile from upstream the first time. (#2170) - Packit now supports pre-release version in `propose_downstream` and `pull_from_upstream`. A spec file update might be required, see the documentation for more details. (#2149) - Resolves rhbz#2251367- Packit _0.86.1_ was not released on PyPI due to an internal bug, it should be fixed in this release.- Packit no longer downloads sources excluded using spec file conditions. (#2132)- We have adjusted how we include the resolved bugzillas in the commit messages created when syncing the release downstream so that the resolved bugzillas are included in changelog when using %autochangelog. (#2126) - Packit now properly cleans up the branch after syncing the release which should prevent unwanted files (e.g.tarballs) being committed in dist-git. (#2125) - Packit no longer accepts `packit.json` or `.packit.json` as a configuration file name. (#2123) - Packit now updates ACL of a dist-git fork when creating dist-git PRs to allow users and groups with commit rights to the original dist-git repo to push directly to a source branch. (#2112) - We have fixed an issue that prevented you from running the jobs on the due to failing resolution of the upstream/downstream relationship for the cloned project. (#2120) - We have fixed an issue that you could encounter when running the Packit from the CLI that caused misinterpretation of the repository to be an upstream repo instead of a downstream. (#2117) - Resolves rhbz#2244381- We have fixed an issue that prevented automated allowlisting in the Packit Service. (#2113) - Packit now also detects resolved bugs in the default update notes (created from changelog diff) and assigns these when submitting the Bodhi updates. (#2111) - Packit now exports `PACKIT_UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME`, `PACKIT_DOWNSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME` and `PACKIT_CONFIG_PACKAGE_NAME` also in the `changelog_entry` action. (#2103)- You can now specify bugs resolved by an update by `-b` or `--resolve-bug` option for `propose-downstream` and `pull-from-upstream` commands. The values will be added by default to the changelog and commit message and provided in `commit-message` and `changelog-entry` actions as `PACKIT_RESOLVED_BUGS` env variable. (#2094) - Resolves rhbz#2240355- Packit now supports the `pkg_tool` option in the config (at the top-level or with specific packages when using the monorepo syntax). This option can be used for switching between `fedpkg` or `centpkg`. (#2085) - When updating the `Version` tag during `propose_downstream` or `pull_from_upstream`, Packit now tries to update referenced macros (if any) rather than overwriting the references. (#2087) - If you have concerns about Packit uploading new archives to lookaside cache before creating a pull request, you can newly set `upload_sources` to False to disable this. (#2086) - We have fixed a bug that could cause duplicit PRs to be created when using the `commit-message` action. (#2080) - Packit now supports `commit-message` action that can be used to override the default commit message produced by Packit during `propose-downstream` or `pull-from-upstream`. Please pay attention to our [documentation]( with regards to the usage of this action. (#2070)- Packit CLI now provides a new command `pull-from-upstream`, offering the same functionality as `propose-downstream` but suited for usage from the dist-git repository with Packit configuration placed there. This was primarily added to help reproduce the behaviour of the service's [pull_from_upstream job]( (#2063) - Packit now exposes `PACKIT_PACKAGE_NAME`, `PACKIT_UPSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME` and `PACKIT_DOWNSTREAM_PACKAGE_NAME` environment variables to all actions. (#2061) - We have fixed a bug in `packit source-git init` caused by changed behaviour in a newer version of rpmbuild. (#2048)- Packit's license in RPM specfile is now confirmed to be SPDX compatible. (#2026) - `source-git init --ignore-missing-autosetup` help was improved to be less confusing. (#2016) (#2017)- Temporarily disabled test dependencies on Fedora Rawhide because of missing `python3-deepdiff`. (#2008)- Rebuilt for Packit now includes dist-git branch in the title of the PRs for `propose-downstream` and `pull-from-upstream`. (#1996) - We have fixed an issue with `files_to_sync` filters not being applied properly. (#1977)- Unsuccessful Image Builder requests now provide error details so you can fix the Image configuration. (#1981) - Copr projects created by Packit will not follow the Fedora branching from now on. This decision has been made to lower the load on Copr from the temporary Copr projects created, mainly, for the PR builds. If you are releasing your packages to Copr, please use the new setting `follow_fedora_branching`. Already existing projects are not affected by this change and it is also not enforced with the custom Copr repositories. (#1970)- Detection of `%autorelease` usage in dist-git spec file during `propose-downstream` and `pull-from-upstream` has been improved and Packit will always preserve it. (#1949) - Changed build tool to hatchling and moved metadata to `pyproject.toml`. (PEP621) (#1913) - Respect `upstream_ref` for tags that start with "a", "b", "c", "e", "n", "r", "s". This was caused by an issue with a `branches` prefix being treated as a set of letters to remove. (#1943) - Reset `Release` field in dist-git spec file to `1` when the version in upstream spec file is not up-to-date with the release that triggered `propose_downstream`. (#1940) - Correctly catch the logs, if any of the user actions fail during the propose-downstream. (#1939) - `packit source-git` related commands can skip dist-git repos, where the git trailer is not found, when looking for the right dist-git dir where to work. (#1938) - More monorepo related fixes. (#1946, #1947, #1948)- Allow configuring tmt tests with fmf root outside of git root. (#1936) - Removed adding the "Signed-off-by" tag to commits created by Packit. (#1934) - Packit's source_git functionality installs/loads the `_packitpatch` script in a more reliable manner that doesn't rely on deprecated setuptools functionality. (#1926)- Packit now supports monorepo configuration in CLI (#1864)- Packit now preserves `autorelease` macro during `propose_downstream` and `pull_from_upstream`. (#1904)- `upstream_tag_template` is now also used when looking for the latest version tag in Git. This allows upstream repositories to mix different tag-patterns in the same repository, but consider only one to tell the latest version. (#1891)- Now packit uses the `get_current_version` action defined by the user to retrieve version before updating the specfile %setup macro (if any). (#1886)- `packit validate-config` now correctly checks glob-patterns in `files_to_sync`. (#1865) - Aliases logic was updated to account for the upcoming Fedora release (Bodhi now marks such release as `frozen`). (#1863) - Command `packit validate-config` now provides details about errors when it cannot parse the config file. (#1861) - Packit does fewer API calls when searching for the package configuration file in remote repositories. (#1846) - `--update-release`/`--no-update-release` now affects only `Release`, not `Version`. (#1857) - Packit now provides `PACKIT_PROJECT_VERSION` environment variable when running `changelog-entry` action. (#1853)- Packit now requires bodhi in version 7.0.0 at minimum. (#1844) - You can now use `--srpm` option with the `packit build locally` CLI command. (#1810)- Packit now sanitizes changelog messages in order not to break spec file parsing. (#1841)- When configuring Copr chroot (target in Packit terminology) specific configuration, make sure to specify `additional_modules` as a string containing module names separated with a comma, example: "httpd:2.4,python:4". (#1826) - Target-specific configuration for Copr builds can now be defined and Packit will set it for the appropriate Copr chroots. (#1822) - You can now specify `update_release: false` in the configuration to tell Packit not to change the `Version` and `Release` in the spec file. It works the same as `--no-update-release` (renamed from now deprecated `--no-bump`) in the CLI. (#1827) - Packit now supports setting `module_hotfixes` for Copr projects. (#1829) - All Copr projects created by Packit now default to `enable_net=False`. Our documentation stated this but it wasn't the case. This is now corrected. (#1825)- Rebuilt for No changes. This is a fixup release for sake of Packit deployment.- Packit now puts the correct release number into the changelog when the `Release` tag is reset during `propose-downstream`. (#1816)- Packit now correctly handles a race condition when it tries to create bodhi updates for builds that are not yet tagged properly. CLI exprience was also improved for this case. (#1803) - Packit now resets the `Release` tag during `propose-downstream` if the version is updated and the `Release` tag has not explicitly been overridden in the upstream specfile. (#1801)- `packit propose-downstream` now uploads all remote sources (those specified as URLs) and the source specified by `spec_source_id` (whether remote or not) to lookaside. Previously, only Source0 was uploaded. Source0 is no longer treated specially, but as `spec_source_id` is `Source0` by default, Source0 is still being uploaded by default unless `spec_source_id` is overriden. (#1778)- Packit now correctly finds SRPM when rpmbuild reports warnings when it parses the spec file. (#1772) - When packit.yaml is present in the repo but is empty, Packit now produces a better error message instead of an internal Python exception. (#1769)- Fixed an issue due to which the repository was never searched for a specfile if 'specfile_path' was not specified, and 'specfile_path' was always set to '.spec'. (#1758) - Packit is now able to generate automatic Bodhi update notes including a changelog diff since the latest stable build of a package. (#1747)- Fixed an issue with version and release being updated even if `--no-bump` flag was specified. Also fixed an issue when `None` appeared in release instead of a number. (#1753)- Packit can now correctly authenticate with Bodhi 6 and therefore create Bodhi updates. 🚀 (#1746) - Packit now requires Python 3.9 or later. (#1745)- Propose downstream job now pushes changes even when it's not creating a new pull request. This allows updating already existing pull requests. (#1725)- `packit propose-downstream` is now more informative when sources cannot be downloaded. (#1698)- Packit CLI can now submit VM images in Red Hat Image Builder. All build-related commands have now consistent `--wait`/`--no-wait` options. (#1666) - No more annoying issues will be created after a successfull propose downstream. (#1693)- BREAKING CHANGE: fixed an issue where the repo was searched for the specfile before checking if 'downstream_package_name' is set, and '.spec' can be used as the 'specfile_path'. (#1663)- Packit can now build RPMs in mock. For more information see (#1662) - Packit now provides a more helpful error message when it hits a known issue while creating a Bodhi update: fedora-infra/bodhi#4660 (#1660) - Packit now correctly supports `tmt_plan` and `tf_post_install_script` in the configuration. (#1659) - RPM build commands of Packit CLI have been merged into one build subcommand, for more information see the updated documentation at We have also introduced a new `--srpm` option to the new build subcommand that can be used to trigger local, Copr or Koji build from an already built SRPM rather than the one implicitly created by Packit. (#1611)- Rebuilt for Packit can now correctly create bodhi updates using the new Bodhi 6 client. (#1651)- Packit Bash completion file is no longer needlessly executable. (#1634) - Transition to Bodhi's new authentication mechanism is now fully complete. (#1635)- Packit now works with Bodhi 5 and Bodhi 6 authentication mechanism. (#1629) - Git ref name that Packit works with during `propose-downstream` is now made more obvious in logs. (#1626) - Packit now correctly handles creation of custom archives in root while a specfile is in a subdirectory. (#1622) - Creation of a Bodhi update will not timeout anymore as Packit is now using a more efficient way of obtaining the latest build in a release. (#1612)- Rebuilt for Python 3.11- Fixed a regression where string values for the `targets` and `dist_git_branches` configuration keys were not accepted. (#1608)- Packit will not raise exceptions anymore when creating an SRPM with dangling symlinks. (#1592) - `packit validate-config` now checks the paths in the package config (path of the specfile, paths of the files to be synced) relative to the project path (#1596) - The name of the temporary branch in `_packitpatch` was normalized which fixed applying the patches during `packit source-git init` (#1593)- We have decided to deprecate `metadata` section for job configurations. All metadata-specific configuration values can be placed on the same level as the job definition. For now we are in a backward-compatible period, please move your settings from the `metadata` section. (#1569) - Packit now correctly removes patches during `packit source-git init` when the preamble does not contain blank lines. (#1582) - `packit source-git` commands learnt to replace Git-trailers in commit messages if they already exist. (#1577) - Packit now supports `--release-suffix` parameter in all of the related CLI commands. Also we have added a support for the `release_suffix` option from configuration to the CLI. With regards to that we have introduced a new CLI switch `--default-release-suffix` that allows you to override the configuration option to Packit-generated default option that ensures correct NVR ordering of the RPMs. (#1586)- When initializing source-git repos, the author of downstream commits created from patch files which are not in a git-am format is set to the original author of the patch-file in dist-git, instead of using the locally configured Git author. (#1575) - Packit now supports `release_suffix` configuration option that allows you to override the long release string provided by Packit that is used to ensure correct ordering and uniqueness of RPMs built in Copr. (#1568) - From the security perspective, we have to decided to disable the `create_pr` option for our service, from now on Packit will unconditionally create PRs when running `propose-downstream`. We have also updated the `propose-downstream` CLI such that it is possible to use `create_pr` from configuration or override it via `--pr`/`--no-pr` options. (#1563) - The `source-git update-*` commands now check whether the target repository is pristine and in case not raise an error. (#1562)- A new configuration option `downstream_branch_name` has been added, which is meant to be used in source-git projects and allow users to customize the name of the branch in dist-git which corresponds to the current source-git branch. (#1555) - Introduced two new build and test target aliases: `fedora-latest-stable` resolves to the latest stable Fedora Linux release, while `fedora-branched` resolves to all branched releases (all Fedora Linux release, except `rawhide`). (#1546) - When using `post_upstream_clone` to generate your spec-file, Packit now correctly checkouts the release before the action is run. (#1542)- `packit source-git update-dist-git` and `packit source-git update-source-git` now check the synchronization of source-git and dist-git repositories prior to doing the update. If the update can't be done, for example, because the histories have diverged, the command provides instructions on how to synchronize the repositories. A `--force` option is available to try to update the destination repository anyway. - Downstream synchronization of the Packit configuration file (aka `packit.yaml`) should be fixed. (#1532) - Packit will no longer error out when trying to create a new Copr repository when it is already present (caused by a race condition). (#1527) - Interactions with Bodhi should be now more reliable when creating Bodhi updates. (#1528) 1710698641 0.94.0-1.fc40packitpackitpackitLICENSEpackit-build-in-copr.1.gzpackit-build-in-image-builder.1.gzpackit-build-in-koji.1.gzpackit-build-in-mock.1.gzpackit-build-locally.1.gzpackit-build.1.gzpackit-create-update.1.gzpackit-dist-git-init.1.gzpackit-dist-git.1.gzpackit-init.1.gzpackit-prepare-sources.1.gzpackit-propose-downstream.1.gzpackit-pull-from-upstream.1.gzpackit-push-updates.1.gzpackit-source-git-init.1.gzpackit-source-git-status.1.gzpackit-source-git-update-dist-git.1.gzpackit-source-git-update-source-git.1.gzpackit-source-git.1.gzpackit-srpm.1.gzpackit-status.1.gzpackit-sync-from-downstream.1.gzpackit-validate-config.1.gzpackit.1.gz/usr/bin//usr/share/bash-completion/completions//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/packit//usr/share/man/man1/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19noarch-redhat-linux-gnuPython script, ASCII text executableASCII textdirectorytroff or preprocessor input, ASCII text (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)troff or preprocessor input, ASCII text, with overstriking (gzip compressed data, max compression, from Unix)R@8AU^K/Q (l1<ҽ.*iʽ@`"nFM<XA"hw[$a2tH@d>9H$N""հGF&6y3)HJMiNa~$ϋ\Y7z[< u%mw$NJ'TWS(3.=@` #+ U.+b 0aEd/ˁ%/l%eImZL^}.C7[ߣK$U0jի a.[zK0 s(svL\n?r:XA4֜b@bp-yr&y2kn|"(ڑ'8mڹzUqwΟ ]InyjuYb(\Y]nuUTQ8X6˴}U^}8XW9sUQG볮f\VisqsGtXd>= 1T͌&)J0l2 9$WI5U@Ite133tP?5u\  s@wsA:j#@]AgnbKL68$S*>nPUEb](Ȃ/^r|ne\ ʄͭ=&}YǎCFrie\˪]H y-MAo~%42lhj4y~a[YBiin /I!K:`-%RG SJB q xnag<+-=[?Bd+j%9)!.Eq !WmJ$޽pe:v)"> p::6 LONE U DEALS. 5b3man1-build-in-r.1.gzVmo6_q ,:͂l˷a1&F œE5ﻣ^lE lx<Fo`z~dOW0/p~O⣟?ӗ#8LUsSY,Z먉Z!lwq.B yʚhJ%Pkt6Ewpn:ξfyw|-$_].'a?iOoHM"sg`,}og+-Vio(T%sn} ei|-ҋE N0Vf%B tRl?lK?cP;#`PEF9BjMĔ^?Ϙ(Lq)sXSP>i|,uz62Y (.GQP:~aVkLqbBHG`* I Cd֘TSTmO.OO)tՕצOڭdp~]SvOhQ #zWYdS.xtRDЕض|n+ 85\1T 6TfYPuPL= |vR)C|A5вhn$D| ]-_720\fjRVamz.d(ZdWg1P$h7cc3YЍx]2VP,Aュ%5c)DKRr\eoRkPMij j]|bB{ϸFrM\q6À>ȢФ;!*Ts6B[h炢EX&9dF{"u#%FŠ-'fۤ*C R=UWȅ[z(HϟE϶2I9(^ĮNSs80)F@ G +b-9N,إɒ.?F QdwZ6_~hݢQ+dAGR6ڃZڡkmUaTͬdS2J&7Mʲ`ps[r5b s$f~tYaHUH. 7RގVI )M0$@*3]2M?FۅW{/v3?Act@j9p+&VQrGWgJC]\±KXbf0F!Vb.Zz'$I<O;fzyOϒQ@ߥ 7zJ޺/Q՗ָs+|5ߘϻ ogq3"_5e;᱑ʰ̨n$du *giL./Oa a5IfڃKNhE2Z'l=]Wpכrs}ŗW4e V`ym&^'vTP: }5EQ .hYcm}2vr*V|BYIi&O-`}}|=ENQ珄*jVRⲽW=r-a;A.e ˱ I SvYĐL`˒a*fLI] -7?lT yToTB"ub :J"퉺A&^2҆>9N(E-dqޢ #:'/Jppl3Qԭ n8Qr{Qd qxg1Xq y;/%7煫-i^?.  {+x'@"1j$0|n5tlK6yPu mZ6(hQ@J홐,x&Ŏ7,Ҿ8B <`q6.'^}=hӰl:q-ncYBYe|QEgc5aa-gtWu8,%}Êb@^]{iJFRuazn %^fhrvfLf7n~d˫׃h2 ]fjU.!^TFRX v[&\R%{ĪvӈB:ilԹEe "M-,"h+|ʑfipż'J&*SHbEn ǩD;KXIm,lL|SedBh0/Uɉ5I+?uT=yIJBIKi~Ϛ]t'5- EOFF0N-Ԗ.EA! /3.bL67Jч%.ɢBҸ}iȴs2gI/-JQy>ό.ueOZ)=-uVbl3M0v0.75$ÇaC5A{ m.#BXm<5=P <8'("~ X(:|VYUT"=wDhKvC6)D u҆pD4H>ZZkKc82dCjn1o`xeaHV\pyR RT\#Pli$;+P/ &x݋d)wj^Ѡ{0wiµ]XʀzaM;?ĿWu.r'/m:|*ңuT55]+f 0žW"8YbN{NC5/@T)_Om,0:BeT 67*<\E_j=Gܫ2>ٺZwT{LwlD8 z̉N}'Za`pб9awni8r+R؅w[ꘛz .}o4h7ҝKl^yG:Ծ?Xod4(GO:`% C[rF{^sC~*3oL7=y;#%ܞ:Q~5~{ǁ4uͮ5 4S}kjoP۪8aVmh+퀫JY҈Zr3F䎘PGq uV~t6zWIq [/zAUJ+w^Q zc29ם{BM14Mk_c%6s?8bFp }ep&aaW{ i-)I{Y?EIcshi~!K ~WlӅq}idNnd112a=o0wS;؂4RՑ@X`,UiQ kh-{"Ny˒x ]5 oht!['?dj {q%~+* 9=ֶY]b(؂y!$mpG(y"<1>˛ner/4Ԯ2{_ g/ M7ZAd1v@m8Ƌt\Eמ֎>4z=85w?3'PJe266inPk0xx ++([5w(`.LL1m<^ㅔ 4_,-. x!yZ5^( ue۞7",,nG+ q'`߅'(kJu;nnH2l唥 5Y}N44*c^ߊ׃$YvudN8iz3r+~o_K0*ihpa=S-ΒtvGI[c%Y"І0Ė̦=YIk*4g?^sv5[>NO?_f:$Ͳ \+'# n-HXg XV:mv7y+0TlRa0r#VU%0nǧQ qFBVp4Y]5=y _5H!0uvޅ,vDd9hDNy8*5DcAu.D T*dekL˶ƪH u4gnM|Q2(d\`ml [m^1\Q-IY(tA`dAAv2Mnt (&IJw|Ԗ>+!!:+|I\5ȏ< S|M k]Ku]JC5` ֏Ⱥ$\ 2\ ”"? cdȀ`H  +2m+@ I<v-otRh6VPf6K!v|Vm Mr+הM2B^%"|l׋ çd}Zy_zCb3[/Ɉ%I_`uR=Bl5J ܖm-02WxW`,7+q ZbD+2=MBD|ʻ\ZэF_xi4WCq/>p;>J`aw:{Şm(-8sP$Y*-.F3ShŜ9(< pD5TEo܎9vD!!H f`BNQbL-EEݠB5-DؙsG2<\w:pU IJ(gȘ=w2GLKX*'gmhxдȏ$0U}iȄM몾"ub,@Jɕ\^-JnA*&h #'3ns*Nclb Z +do~7u@wm٩Ԗ/rlnD>&CH+jp[c^(W]#2YH_ʝt,բc@uL$o!pwϸcbw^zh;Қ&Z pqu^//bXr]-0>B H _Da,g~_$]{_2b~otc]/quNq{4OgEXDE:'u9d]ʊ.۪k (s| *_ (qݬh$tG{;k}$HaP|oZ/jz(ganG Noa/x8Mecg1H@,y lniN"f +W GF&г0_ G 9L "0X'(/WF`Q(BVhZL=fbO;!vmEEvCZm^˃Q8DaD칓r( $~j ;0>'. `۹zPN %hqR~rWD{Ĵ\P*'Dh4#z2'sn k~Ƥl9\ktw~7w]On{<=Is Ǝx][5b`??|qe_Mywe)Eq*wy\l?  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