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Kx| #)4P ^ l  O 4t0(n8x.90.: .Ga`Ha|IaXaYa\a]a^bibc ddedfdldtdueve0wexeyffPfTfxf~ffCruby-libdnf5-cli5.1.151.fc40Ruby bindings for the libdnf5-cli libraryRuby bindings for the libdnf5-cli{Fedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPL-2.1-or-laterFedora ProjectUnspecified큤eeeeeeecb227701e9e599b3ca7d74c74db6f93f9dab56a82f5f7cfe02a6e936ef3e563e099bbd4951b4b10f9b0b068b132d1d18b884ff14a1fb968ff6dcacbee8e69d8c592987e8510228d546540b84a22444bde98e48d03078d3b2eefcd889bec5ce8c../../../../usr/lib64/ruby/vendor_ruby/libdnf5_cli/progressbar.sorootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootdnf5-5.1.15-1.fc40.src.rpmruby(libdnf_cli)ruby-libdnf5-cliruby-libdnf5-cli(aarch-64)@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @eeed@e@eeL@ees@e`@eLe:Te@e;dܺ@d@d@d~dD@d@ddr@d ddu@dtdoMdgddgddf@dP@dI@d7dxcwck@c0c@c@cj@cc@cb[c_c$e@Packit - 5.1.15-1Packit - 5.1.14-1Packit - 5.1.12-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.1.11-3Fedora Release Engineering - 5.1.11-2Packit - 5.1.11-1Yaakov Selkowitz - 5.1.10-3Mamoru TASAKA - 5.1.10-2Packit - 5.1.10-1Packit - 5.1.9-1Packit - 5.1.8-1Packit - 5.1.7-1Packit - 5.1.6-1Packit - 5.1.5-1Packit - 5.1.4-1Nicola Sella 5.1.2-1Packit - 5.1.1-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.1.0-2Packit - 5.1.0-1Jitka Plesnikova - 5.0.15-4Python Maint - 5.0.15-3Adam Williamson - 5.0.15-2Packit - 5.0.15-1Vitaly Zaitsev - 5.0.14-2Packit - 5.0.14-1Packit - 5.0.13-2Packit - 5.0.13-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.12-1Petr Pisar - 5.0.11-3Nicola Sella - 5.0.11-2Packit - 5.0.11-1Richard W.M. Jones - 5.0.9-3Nicola Sella - 5.0.9-2Nicola Sella - 5.0.8-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.7-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.6-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.5-1Fedora Release Engineering - 5.0.4-3Nicola Sella - 5.0.4-2Nicola Sella - 5.0.4-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.3-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.2-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.1-1Nicola Sella - 5.0.0-2~preNicola Sella - 5.0.0-1~preNicola Sella - - 5.0.0-0~pre- Update translations from weblate - Automatically set `upgrade --downloadonly` when `--destdir` is used - Write warnings to stderr too in config-manager plugin - Add repoid to generated repository name in config-manager plugin - Bump sdbus-cpp requirement to 0.9.0 - Document and implement dnf5daemon Rpm interface - Document and implement dnf5daemon Goal interface - Document and implement dnf5daemon Repo interface - Document and implement dnf5daemon Base interface - Document and implement dnf5daemon Advisory interface - Document and implement dnf5daemon SessionManager interface - Add `dnf5daemon repo --enable/--disable` commands - automatic: Skip network availability check without remote repo - dnf5daemon: Rpm.list() works with commandline pkgs- Update translations from weblate - Make the error to resolve module metadata more descriptive - Switch off deltarpm support - Limit number of dnf5daemon simultaneously active sessions - Make info and list commands case insesitive - Allow dnf5daemon configuration overrides for root - Add repoquery.hpp for swig-4.2.1 support- Release 5.1.12 - Update translations from weblate - Drop dnf obsoletion temporarily - Use regex for tmt plan names - Add tmt tests identifiers - PackageQuery: Add `filter_{latest,earliest}_evr_ignore_arch` - Suggest to use dnf5 command to install dnf5 plugins - Added arch option to the download command - CI: Upgrade action/checkout to a version with Node.js 20 - Document explicit nevra remove commands and aliases dropped - build: Include for isatty() - Change user info display on history command to include display name and username - Revert "Use focusbest: prefer latest deps versions over smaller transactions" - Fix a warning when building docs. - modules: Add a test for enabling default modules - modules: Add a new module stream to test data - modules: Respect defaults when enabling multiple streams of a module - modules: Fix TransactionItemType for not found modules - Build: Require GCC 10.1 for std::in_range<>() - Add --urlprotocol option to download command - dnfdaemon: Explicitly specify allowed config overrides - Disable dnf and dnf5daemon tests - needs-restarting: get systemd boot time from UnitsLoadStartTimestamp - doc: Add --destdir option to upgrade command manual - Move number placeholder to postposition in copr_repo.cpp - Added url option - Load protected packages from installroot - Make protected_packages an append options - doc: Create a man page for Aliases - I18N: Annotate literals in advisory command - Extend filter_release and filter_version tests - package_query: Fix filter_version with non EQ comparator - Fix clang format - Fix code for string deduplication - Use placeholders to deduplicate strings - Add __hash__(), __str__(), and __repr__() for Package - Add __hash__() for Reldep Python binding - Add __repr__() to python bindings of Reldep - Define tp_str slot for Reldep Class - group: Fix using allowerasing option - Fix misspellings - I18N: Remove duplicate empty message IDs from catalogs - I18N: Do not mark empty strings for a translation- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Release 5.1.11 - Update translations from weblate - Fix `--skip-unavailable` documentation - Make `cachedir`, `system_cachedir` relative to `installroot` - Workaround for swig-4.2.0 missing fragment dependency - Add `repoquery --recursive` option - Add `repoquery --providers-of=PACKAGE_ATTRIBUTE` option - Update documentation of repoquery - Update documentation for remove command behavior - Limit search pattern for remove command to NEVRAs and files - Packaging: Require an exact release of libdnf5-cli by dnf5-plugins - Disable zchunk on RHEL - Add dnf5.conf man page - Add RPM package Group attribute to dnf5daemon-server - Document changes related to caching - Document caching man page - Document Global Option `--help-cmd` dropped - log_event: Correct message for HINT_ICASE- Disable zchunk on RHEL- Rebuild for Release 5.1.10 - Document dnf5 plugins - Document How-to write libdnf5 plugin tutorial - Document How-to write dnf5 plugin tutorial - Document Templates for libdnf5 plugin - Document Templates for dnf5 plugin - Sort the module info table - `module info` print hint for active modules - `module info` print "[a]" for active modules - Ensure write permission before importing packages - Change module dependency string to be the same as in dnf4 - `module info`: improve summary and description - Escape glob characters in pkg specs for `builddep` - Add `mc` alias for `makecache` - Implement `logdir`, `log_size` and `log_rotate` config options - remove redundant "all" in command `check` - Improve bash completion - Fix progress bars miss newlines on non-interactive output- Release 5.1.9 - Update translations from weblate - Fix builds for RISC-V arch - Fix architecture autodetection - Move `am_i_root` function to common library - Implement `module info` command - Add user confirmation request if `history store` overwrites a file - Add `history store` command - Add API to serialize base::transaction in JSON - Add API to serialize transaction::transaction in JSON - Add docs for `provides` - Implement command `provides` - Read `copr.vendor.conf` in `/usr/share` first - Add docs for `check` command - Implement `check` command - Expose `utis/fs/file.hpp` and `temp.hpp` on API - Document dropping of the `skip-broken` for `upgrade` - Update man pages with missing dependency resolving-related options - Document `skip-broken` option only for related commands - Test for adding an empty list to memory file - Check serialized temporary files memory is non-empty - Add `microcode_ctl` to needs-restarting's reboot list - Fix reporting spec matches only source- Release 5.1.8 - Update translations from weblate - Don't run infinitely when enabling dependent modules and module is not found - Always print "[d]" in module list for default streams - Fix transaction table headers for module operations - Implement `config-manager addrepo --add-or-replace` - Implement plugin `config-manager` - Allow globs in module_spec arguments - Document needs-restarting plugin - Add no-op `needs-restarting -r` for DNF 4 compat - Implement `needs-restarting --services` - Initial implementation of needs-restarting- Release 5.1.7 - Actions plugin's actions.conf can set "Enabled" for each action separately - Actions plugin now supports action options - Implement `get_reason()` for groups and environments - Disable the RHSM plugin by default and enable it in the RPM spec - Add missing docs for `get_advisory_packages_sorted_by_name_arch_evr(bool)` - Update documentation about maintained coprs - modules: Test `ModuleProfile::is_default()` method - modules: Simplify finding whether profile is default in module list - modules: Fix `ModuleProfile::is_default` method - modules: Store if profile is default in ModuleProfile object - Generate docs for undocummented functions so they at least show up - Add python advisory docs - Add advisory python API tests - Enable AdvisoryModule bindings- Release 5.1.6 - Document aliases for command line arguments - Don't print missing positional argument error with `--help` - Improve error handling for missing arguments - Document `--forcearch` as a global argument - Make `--forcearch` a global argument - Avoid reinstalling installonly packages marked for ERASE - Add `filter_installonly` to PackageQuery - Implement new argument `--show-new-leaves` - advisory: document advisory command changes and few clean ups - Document `--dump-main-config` and `--dump-repo-config` - Implement new argument `--dump-repo-config` - Implement new argument `--dump-main-config` - Show default profiles in `module list` - Print hint for the `module list` table - Show information about default streams in `module list` - Document `module list` options - Add `enabled` and `disabled` arguments to `module list` - Add module spec filtering to `module list` - Add `module list` command - Document `group upgrade`- Improved ConfigParser - Improved docs for `group install` and `group remove` - Fix man pages deployment - Update API doc related to keepcache - Implement `rhsm` (Red Hat Subscription Manager) plugin - Document `--dump-variables` - Implement `dnf5 --dump-variables` - Improve contributing guidelines: don't mention "ready-for-review" - Allow specifying upper-case tags in `repoquery --queryformat` - api: Make get_base_arch() public - Improve input for large epochs that don't fit into `time_t`- Fix Builds on i386 - Print error if unsupported architecture used - argument_parser: New error class for invalid value - Allow obsoletion of protected packages - Add support for repository configuration in /usr- Release 5.1.2 - Print error messages in nested errors - Implement `dnf5daemon-server` introspection xml for Advisory interface - Implement `dnf5daemon-client advisory info` command - Implement `dnf5daemon-client advisory list` command - Implement `dnf5daemon-server` advisory service - Improve `dnf5daemon-client --help` - Enable `--repofrompath` repos by default - Fix error on creating repo with duplicate id- Postpone replace of DNF to Fedora 41 - Add a description of `with_binaries` option for dnf5daemon - Include RPM logs in KeyImportError - Abort PGP checking immediately if any checks fail - Display warning message when any PGP checks skipped - Don't allow main gpgcheck=0 to override repo config - gups and environments to `history info` ouput - Store missing id and repoid in db for groups/environments - Fix out-of-bounds access in Goal::Impl::add_install_to_goal - Fix repoquery `--list` - `allow_vendor_change` was reverted back to true - Doc update to allow `logdir` outside the installroot - Remove `grouplist` and `groupinfo` aliases - Add `grp` alias for group command - `repoquery --exactdeps` needs `--whatdepends` or `--whatrequires` - Update and unify repoquery manpage - Document replace of `-v` option by `repoinfo` command - Add `remove --no-autoremove` option - Document dropped `if` alias of `info` command - document `actions` plugin - Fix printing advisories for the running kernel - Revert "advisory: add running kernel before pkg_specs filtering"- Rebuilt for Minor version update. API is considered stable - Remove unneeded unused configuration priority - Don't show dnf5-command hint for unknown options, only commands - Add hint to install missing command with dnf5-command() - Add dnf5-command() provides to dnf5 - Add dnf5-command() provides to dnf5-plugins - Document several methods as deprecated - Fix core dump on `--refresh` switch usage - Add `repoquery -l`/`--list` aliases for `--files` for rpm compat - Add `vendor` attr to package in `dnfdaemon-server` - Document `dnf5-plugins` package in man pages- Perl 5.38 rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- Rebuild for fmt 10 again- Add `module enable` subcommand - Add `--repofrompath` option - Add `--forcearch` option to multiple commands - Add `reinstall --allowerasing` option - Add `repoquery --sourcerpm` option - Add `repoquery --srpm` option - Add `chacheonly` configuration option - Add `--cacheonly` option - Add `--refresh` option - Change default value for `best` configuration to true - Change default value for `allow_vendor_change` configuration to false - changelog: Fix behavior of `--since` option - builddep: Fix handling BuildRequires in spec files - swig: Return None for unset options in Python - Verify transaction PGP signatures automatically - Fix checking whether updateinfo metadata are required - Fix handling empty epoch when comparing nevra - Fix building with upcoming fmt-10 library - Rename namespace, includes and directories from libdnf to libdnf5 - Provide /var/cache/libdnf5 instead of /var/cache/libdnf (RhBug:2216849)- Rebuilt due to fmt 10 update. - Added upstream patches with fmt 10 build fixes.- Modify libdnf5-devel to generate pkgconf(libdnf5) - Handle unnamed environments in transaction table - Return error exit code on RPM transaction failure - Add `repoquery --file` option - Add `repoquery --arch` option - Add `repoquery --installonly` option - Add `repoquery --extras`, `--upgrades` and `--recent` options - Add `repoquery --changelogs` formatting option - Don't complete ls alias - Add rq command alias for `repoquery` - Exclude dnf.conf when not installed - Improve the download methods API - Switch to parameterless download methods and introduce setters for fail_fast and resume - Affected classes: libdnf::repo::FileDownloader, libdnf::repo::PackageDownloader- Update specfile to exclude dnf.conf for fedora < 39- Release 5.0.13 - Fix resolve behavior for `download` - Add a message when `--downloadonly` is used - Add `--downloadonly` option to multiple commands- Release 5.0.12 - Have DNF update to DNF5 - Add dnf, yum obsoletes and provides - Symlinks for `dnf` and `yum` binaries - Move ownership of /etc/dnf/dnf.conf, /etc/dnf/vars, and /etc/dnf/protected.d from dnf-data to libdnf5 - Conflict with older versions of dnf-data that own these files/directories - Print environments in the transaction table - Add support for environmantal groups in dnf5daemon - Handle unnamed groups in transaction table - Update documentation for `distro-sync --skip-unavailable` - Update documentation for `downgrade --skip-unavailable` - Update documentation for `upgrade --skip-unavailable` - Add repoquery `--files` and `files` querytag instead of `--list` - Add getters to package for: debug, source, repo-name - Add `repoquery --querytags` option - Document `repoquery --queryformat` - Add `repoquery --qf` alias to `repoquery --queryformat` - Add get_depends() to package and --depends to repoquery - Implement keepcache functionality (RhBug:2176384) - API changes: - libdnf::repo::PackageDownloader default ctor dropped (now accepting the Base object) - libdnf::base::Transaction not accepting dest_dir anymore (implicitly taken from configuration) - A note for existing users: - Regardless of the keepcache option, all downloaded packages have been cached up until now. - Starting from now, downloaded packages will be kept only until the next successful transaction (keepcache=False by default). - To remove all existing packages from the cache, use the `dnf5 clean packages` command. - goal: Split group specs resolution to separate method - comps: Possibility to create an empty EnvironmentQuery - `remove` command accepts `remove spec` - Refactor remove positional arguments - Remove duplicates from `group list` output - Document `copr` plugin command - Document `builddep` plugin command- Rebuild against rpm-4.19 ( Fix builds for arch non x86_64- Release 5.0.11 - Add --contains-pkgs option to group info - Add filter for containing package names - Fix parameter names in documentation - Document create parameter of RelDep::get_id method - Document RepoQuery::filter_local - Document repoclosure in man pages - Document repoclosure command - Implement repoclosure plugin - package_query: filter_provides accepts also Reldep - Fix download callbacks and many segfaults in dnf5daemon - Add allow-downgrade configuration option - Release 5.0.10 - dnf5-plugins: implement 'dnf5 copr' - Add new configuration option exclude_from_weak_autodetect - Add new config option exclude_from_weak - Add repoquery --unneeded - Fix handling of incorrect argument (RhBug:2192854) - Add detect_release to public API - Add group --no-packages option - Add group upgrade command - Enable group upgrades in transaction table - Add --destdir option to download command - Filter latest per argument for download command - Add builddep --allowerasing - download command: filter by priority, latest - Remove --unneeded option from remove command - Document autoremove differences from dnf4 - Add autoremove command - state: Add package_types attribute to GroupState - comps: Add conversion of PackageType to string(s) - Add check-update alias for check-upgrade - Add `check-upgrade --changelogs`- Default tests off (temporarily, hopefully) on riscv64 arch.- Release 5.0.9 (Nicola Sella) - Add `--userinstalled` to `repoquery` man page - Implement `repoquery -userinstalled` - Fix: progressbar: Prevent length_error exception (RhBug:2184271) - Add dnf5-plugins directory in documentation - Document `repoquery --leaves` - Implement `repoquery --leaves` - Implement new filters rpm::filter_leaves and rpm::filter_leaves_groups- Update to 5.0.8 - Improve error message in download command - Add repoquery --latest-limit option - Add dg, in, rei, rm aliases - Add "up" and "update" aliases for "upgrade" command - Update documentation with info about package spec expressions (RhBug:2160420) - Add formatting options repoquery --requires, --provides.. - Remove unused repoquery nevra option - Add `--queryformat` option to repoquery - Improved progress bars - Fix logic of installroot with deduplication - Correctly load repos from installroot config file - Improved loading and downloading of key files - Improved modules: Change State to set and get the whole ModuleState - New API method rpm::Package::is_available_locally - Move description of DNF5 changes to doc - Improved dnf5daemon logic and removed unused code - Improved progress bar - Improved handling of obsolete package installation - Remove showdupesfromrepos config option - man: Add info about download command destination - Print resolve logs to stderr - Fix double loading of system repo in dnf5daemon - Set a minimal sqlite version - Change to --use-host-config, warning suggesting --use-host-config - Add capability to find binaries to resolve_spec - Add pre-commit file - Improved by fixing memory leaks - Improved tests by enabling with multithreading - Improve documentation for list command - Add compatibility alias ls->list - Implement info command - Implement list command - Fix --exactdeps argument description- Document set/get vars in python api - Document --strict deprecation - New configuration option "disable_multithreading" - Improved dnf5daemon to handle support groups and modules in return value - Ignore inaccessible config unless path specified as --config=... - Includes reordering and tweaks in advisories - Add support for package changelogs in swig and tests - Add many unit tests for dnf5 and python api - Add new --skip-unavailable command line option - Add search command - Add new error for incorrect API usages - Add a new method whether base was correctly initialized - Improved python exceptions on undefined var - transaction: Change API to run transaction without args - Add explicit package version for libdnf5-cli - Improved performance of packagequery- Add obsoletes of microdnf - Many improvements related to internal logic and bugfixes - Improvements in specfile - Improved API, drop std::optional - Use Autoapi instead of Autodoc to generate Python docs - Improved documentation for modules- Fix build fail in rawhide - Fixes in the concerning filesystem - Fixes in the concerning modules - Fixes in the concerning api- Rebuilt for Backport downstream patch to disable unit tests for python tutorials - Fix build in rawhide- Many fixes in perl bindings - Test functions enhanced - Extend unit tests for OptionString and OptionStringList- Add Python docs for: Base, Goal, RepoQuery, Package and PackageQuery - Add docs for Python bindings: they are auto generated now - Add --what* and --exactdeps options to repoquery - Add "user enter password" to dnf5daemon functionalities - Fix: remove repeating headers in transaction table - Fix: Set status of download progress bar after successful download - Fix: RepoDownloader::get_cache_handle: Don't set callbacks in LibrepoHandle - Refactor internal utils - Improved GlobalLogger - Improved C++ API docs- Implement group remove command - Improved options in config - Add support for any number of user IDs in a PGP key - Use new librepo PGP API - remove gpgme dependency - Improved exceptions and dnf5 errors - Add dnf5-devel package - Update with up to date information - Repoquery: Add --duplicates option - Improved documentation for Repoquery, Upgrande and About section - Add tutorials for python3 bindings - dnf5-changes-doc: Add more structure using different headings - Add ModuleQuery - Improvements in comps logic- Update to 5.0.1 - Fix loading known keys for RepoGpgme - Fix dnf5 progress_bar - Improve modules: conflicting packages, weak resolve, active modules resolving - plugins.hpp moved away from public headers and improvements logic - Fix failing builds for i686 arch - Add man pages to dnf5 - Fix non x86_64 builds - Remove unimplemented commands- Fix failing builds for i686 arch- Add man pages to dnf5 - Fix non x86_64 builds - Remove unimplemented commands- Dnf pre release build for -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=f7bf22474fd9c606e6ffe578fc057b244826507e, strippedASCII textRRRR RR R RRRR R RRRR (/h :F0Gܨ0&ZBFƏ @0fXd$&ȅ-W,B%mxq-lFdYZ;`wki 8DA ƋQ * uIJJIђ/c#~J$rpy< CF3f>38JO!ȷe#AD @ɋ>20ҐmVAMk{[m:YS籴PJۗZDqU{TZ$]֥rU_jER/2eY$fķT= FXd6UKFiYm9h6N)߳8ۜ?U O$D#彑WF[^wcdNK%&K5cBB Ox #*DǼҋv~x<Rc"1yE~hGH/JeP: C&HH>+ Ϸ1z&PJaދGQg 7+%orjlgEu{JaM+s¡\Y\w0#Ų4mmdX\g*K|/6A' c\WNղVe֌1=փrӑ[l/-~|)Y\ܴSݴZչr˅l9GMm wyuZfm%?[9v+NCbZ^r](-F%:z|}_4y\@13'NX*5cjpf"vjvfۥACfQZnfT۬nonLNs}u7߸髇pGjuO;[m}̸94YmΧY0 9'*tvBviƥPαV~2G1﹊2i3*fH㙱eW^57nS(Ѩ@̈$)H2AAF ҁ(!C!-@$H,Hc%g=tX!J#{, u Vˆo7C 2@IGy:p +*Ф,ׄgn|G>,e[(),61.tD]FFW61D Ju;8x?d_膄EPpd4~$F#hC*3{oz#.?H1N#0(oYo<L&Ik`(V8  :G ^8s"ne:DvhA`F`3h]݁"ŴXLwc$=04^-qC"`wE`kX ?qxĂ=:!wpCR@3jr+0J γPT k_rz~r`}08!rbث=IBIF}00 Z*)TE^U&N;P/  V-M~ ι<0/)44AǷ@`tv1/pމ1 ,mefdL6D/`ƻ V9(%UFձ o&wʦgn8ե#jɶBR867Ii(g;HۯdycKĨYꐥ KAVOXy4pN3%/[((Mv&J@O-|FLa*1C`O7QO@)N,nX~   (08 @ H PX`hpx !"#$%&'() *(+0,8-@.H1P2X3`4h5p6x8:;<=?@ABCDEFGHIJLMQR 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