snapd-selinux-2.61.2-0.fc40 >t 6 6_$(6^pt 3!]W>D] 'p~[ye 'p~[y.K.v'jG:Z޶B1W:k%neф1|>r1-DZAyJDJ.Dd$'z}qغ&f=juehF n~h ljۤ’]fT}6Xk MIZ ͑D`r8Zj'P_U"QW"wb.Y\W>ɄJxp oᦞK [=p@ oTZs?;D Cct\AB wB{rra1>i3LXOGr_ *j8}KƄ&vO,{pgvFw"v^lYIn/e* ƹ~#SpE‰gzz {St%JXn^%P7@xl0\VJҌ7s-d5(C5 q,v=)lݜM1dE▍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!]W>D] 'p~[ye 'p~[yIiI~.]ZLOT),U%>^P8.DF#jSGGL>삋UFYZPuE^TJ9xD9AR?x,pSՕD&:sA~AwgJ#mSJCjkBzkp;\gZh1B}Úv[ىhs^S:8@U|mMP%S6鶹G܊‹3)w:F#z]Lx9`MӣCǤ,^l6N.GGWnY9/sk.`R騎X%>L`4)MۛFx{l\9 H8H$n^`CP?Pd  7  BHO 0 H  T  `  x  ~          P  6 ( h8 t89 T8: 8=J>J@JGJHJIKXKYK \K]K4^KzbL'dMeMfMlMtNuNvN4NJOOPP%P+PlPpCsnapd-selinux2.61.20.fc40SELinux module for snapdThis package provides the SELinux policy module to ensure snapd runs properly under an environment with SELinux enabled.ecbuildvm-x86-26.iad2.fedoraproject.orgFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPLv2+Fedora ProjectUnspecified if /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled; then if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then . /etc/selinux/config fi _policytype= if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then [ -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre ] || cp -f /etc/selinux/${SELINUXTYPE}/contexts/files/file_contexts /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre fi fi if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then . /etc/selinux/config fi _policytype= if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then /usr/sbin/semodule -n -s ${_policytype} -X 200 -i /usr/share/selinux/packages/snappy.pp.bz2 || : /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && /usr/sbin/load_policy || : fi if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then . /etc/selinux/config fi _policytype= if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then if [ -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre ]; then /usr/sbin/fixfiles -C /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre restore &> /dev/null rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre fi fi if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then . /etc/selinux/config fi _policytype= if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then if [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then /usr/sbin/semodule -n -X 200 -s ${_policytype} -r snappy &> /dev/null || : /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && /usr/sbin/load_policy || : fi fi if [ $1 -eq 0 ]; then if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then . /etc/selinux/config fi _policytype= if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then if [ -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre ]; then /usr/sbin/fixfiles -C /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre restore &> /dev/null rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre fi fi fiFJA큤A큤eΥeΥeΥeΥeΥeΥa8b72e15a96a1cddc283bc610d96286baae218e2ad130d6ea3c877e49bdfb27d8177f97513213526df2cf6184d8ff986c675afb514d4e68a404010521b880643c5bcc588c9dedd301c0bd26aa78d2d0d32c0b5ac5a67e4eac73bb8d5fb51113a71c249e38c1d68f021be2e7d680e45485352b47baa02b473fa991ea28eeb89barootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootrootsnapd-2.61.2-0.fc40.src.rpmsnapd-selinux      /bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shlibselinux-utilspolicycoreutilspolicycoreutils-python-utilsrpmlib(CompressedFileNames)rpmlib(FileDigests)rpmlib(PayloadFilesHavePrefix)rpmlib(PayloadIsZstd)selinux-policyselinux-policy-base3.0.4-14.6.0-14.0-15.4.18-140.1340.ȶe@ee@e`@e)1@eG@dd@dd d@dqd^*@dRLd>@d"d c@c@ccvcc]c@cEcs@cMCc5c#c@bbz@bb֜bγbʿ@bmbb@bbb1@b{@bm$bY^@bT@bP#bMb8hb8hb8hb+9b b8Ernest Lotter Maxwell G - 2.61.1-2Fedora Release Engineering - 2.61.1-1Zygmunt Krynicki - 2.61.1-1Zygmunt Krynicki - 2.58.3-3Ernest Lotter Philip Meulengracht Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Fedora Release Engineering - 2.58.3-2Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Maciek Borzecki - 2.58.3-1Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Fedora Release Engineering - 2.57.6-3Maciek Borzecki - 2.57.6-2Michael Vogt Maciek Borzecki - 2.57.6-1Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Alberto Mardegan Michael Vogt Fedora Release Engineering - 2.56.2-5Maxwell G - 2.56.2-4Michael Vogt Maxwell G - 2.56.2-2Maxwell G - 2.56.2-2Maciek Borzecki - 2.56.2-1Robert-André Mauchin - 2.55.3-2Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt Michael Vogt David King - 2.55.3-2Maciek Borzecki - 2.55.3-1Michael Vogt Maciek Borzecki - 2.55.2-1Ian Johnson Ian Johnson Ian Johnson Maciek Borzecki - 2.54.4-1Michael Vogt Maciek Borzecki - 2.54.3-1- New upstream release 2.61.2 - Fix to enable plug/slot sanitization for prepare-image - Fix panic when device-service.access=offline - Support offline remodeling - Allow offline update only remodels without serial - Fail early when remodeling to old model revision - Fix to enable plug/slot sanitization for validate-seed - Allow removal of core snap on classic systems - Fix network-control interface denial for file lock on /run/netns - Add well-known core24 snap-id - Fix remodel snap installation order - Prevent remodeling from UC18+ to UC16 - Fix cups auto-connect on classic with cups snap installed - u2f-devices interface support for GoTrust Idem Key with USB-C - Fix to restore services after unlink failure - Add to Nvidia libraries - Fix skipping base snap download due to false snapd downgrade conflict- Rebuild for golang 1.22.0- Rebuilt for Changelog resynchronization- Require xdelta on Fedora or EPEL >= 9 (for delta updates)- New upstream release 2.61.1 - Stop requiring default provider snaps on image building and first boot if alternative providers are included and available - Fix auth.json access for login as non-root group ID - Fix incorrect remodelling conflict when changing track to older snapd version - Improved check-rerefresh message - Fix UC16/18 kernel/gadget update failure due volume mismatch with installed disk - Stop auto-import of assertions during install modes - Desktop interface exposes GetIdletime - Polkit interface support for new polkit versions - Fix not applying snapd snap changes in tracked channel when remodelling- New upstream release 2.61 - Fix control of activated services in 'snap start' and 'snap stop' - Correctly reflect activated services in 'snap services' - Disabled services are no longer enabled again when snap is refreshed - interfaces/builtin: added support for Token2 U2F keys - interfaces/u2f-devices: add Swissbit iShield Key - interfaces/builtin: update gpio apparmor to match pattern that contains multiple subdirectories under /sys/devices/platform - interfaces: add a polkit-agent interface - interfaces: add pcscd interface - Kernel command-line can now be edited in the gadget.yaml - Only track validation-sets in run-mode, fixes validation-set issues on first boot. - Added support for using store.access to disable access to snap store - Support for fat16 partition in gadget - Pre-seed authority delegation is now possible - Support new system-user name daemon - Several bug fixes and improvements around remodelling - Offline remodelling support- New upstream release 2.60.4 - i/b/qualcomm_ipc_router.go: switch to plug/slot and add socket permission - interfaces/builtin: fix custom-device udev KERNEL values - overlord: allow the firmware-updater snap to install user daemons - interfaces: allow loopback as a block-device- New upstream release 2.60.3 - i/b/shared-memory: handle "private" plug attribute in shared- memory interface correctly - i/apparmor: support for home.d tunables from /etc/- New upstream release 2.60.2 - i/builtin: allow directories in private /dev/shm - i/builtin: add read access to /proc/task/schedstat in system- observe - snap-bootstrap: print version information at startup - go.mod: update to v3.0.1 to fix CVE-2022-28948 - snap, store: filter out invalid snap edited links from store info and persisted state - o/configcore: write netplan defaults to 00-snapd-config on seeding - snapcraft.yaml: pull in apparmor_parser optimization patches from - snap-confine: fix missing \0 after readlink - cmd/snap: hide append-integrity-data - interfaces/opengl: add support for ARM Mali- Rebuilt for New upstream release 2.60.1 - install: fallback to lazy unmount() in writeFilesystemContent - data: include "modprobe.d" and "modules-load.d" in preseeded blob - gadget: fix install test on armhf - interfaces: fix typo in network_manager_observe - sandbox/apparmor: don't let vendored apparmor conflict with system - gadget/update: set parts in laid out data from the ones matched - many: move SnapConfineAppArmorDir from dirs to sandbox/apparmor - many: stop using `-O no-expr-simplify` in apparmor_parser - go.mod: update secboot to latest uc22 branch- New upstream release 2.60 - Support for dynamic snapshot data exclusions - Apparmor userspace is vendored inside the snapd snap - Added a default-configure hook that exposes gadget default configuration options to snaps during first install before services are started - Allow install from initrd to speed up the initial installation for systems that do not have a install-device hook - New `snap sign --chain` flag that appends the account and account-key assertions - Support validation-sets in the model assertion - Support new "min-size" field in gadget.yaml - New interface: "userns"- New upstream release 2.59.5 - Explicitly disallow the use of ioctl + TIOCLINUX This fixes CVE-2023-1523.- New upstream release 2.59.4 - Retry when looking for disk label on non-UEFI systems (LP: #2018977) - Fix remodel from UC20 to UC22- New upstream release 2.59.3 - Fix quiet boot - i/b/physical_memory_observe: allow reading virt-phys page mappings - gadget: warn instead of returning error if overlapping with GPT header - overlord,wrappers: restart always enabled units - go.mod: update to latest uc22 - boot: make sure we update assets for the system-seed-null role - many: ignore case for vfat partitions when validating- New upstream release 2.59.2 - Notify users when a user triggered auto refresh finished- New upstream release 2.59.1 - Add udev rules from steam-devices to steam-support interface - Bugfixes for layout path checking, dm_crypt permissions, mount-control interface parameter checking, kernel commandline parsing, docker-support, refresh-app-awareness- New upstream release 2.59 - Support setting extra kernel command line parameters via snap configuration and under a gadget allow-list - Support for Full-Disk-Encryption using ICE - Support for arbitrary home dir locations via snap configuration - New nvidia-drivers-support interface - Support for udisks2 snap - Pre-download of snaps ready for refresh and automatic refresh of the snap when all apps are closed - New microovn interface - Support uboot with `CONFIG_SYS_REDUNDAND_ENV=n` - Make "snap-preseed --reset" re-exec when needed - Update the fwupd interface to support fully confined fwupd - The memory,cpu,thread quota options are no longer experimental - Support debugging snap client requests via the `SNAPD_CLIENT_DEBUG_HTTP` environment variable - Support ssh listen-address via snap configuration - Support for quotas on single services - prepare-image now takes into account snapd versions going into the image, including in the kernel initrd, to fetch supported assertion formats- Releate 2.58.3 to Fedora RHBZ#2173056- New upstream release 2.58.3 - interfaces/screen-inhibit-control: Add support for xfce-power- manager - interfaces/network-manager: do not show ptrace read denials - interfaces: relax rules for mount-control `what` for functionfs - cmd/snap-bootstrap: add support for snapd_system_disk - interfaces/modem-manager: add net_admin capability - interfaces/network-manager: add permission for OpenVPN - httputil: fix checking x509 certification error on go 1.20 - i/b/fwupd: allow reading host os-release - boot: on classic+modes `MarkBootSuccessfull` does not need a base - boot: do not include `base=` in modeenv for classic+modes installs - tests: add spread test that validates revert on boot for core does not happen on classic+modes - snapstate: only take boot participants into account in UpdateBootRevisions - snapstate: refactor UpdateBootRevisions() to make it easier to check for boot.SnapTypeParticipatesInBoot()- New upstream release 2.58.2 - bootloader: fix dirty build by hardcoding copyright year- New upstream release 2.58.1 - secboot: detect lockout mode in CheckTPMKeySealingSupported - cmd/snap-update-ns: prevent keeping unneeded mountpoints - o/snapstate: do not infinitely retry when an update fails during seeding - interfaces/modem-manager: add permissions for NETLINK_ROUTE - systemd/emulation.go: use `systemctl --root` to enable/disable - snap: provide more error context in `NotSnapError` - interfaces: add read access to /run for cryptsetup - boot: avoid reboot loop if there is a bad try kernel - devicestate: retry serial acquire on time based certificate errors - o/devicestate: run systemctl daemon-reload after install-device hook - cmd/snap,daemon: add 'held' to notes in 'snap list' - o/snapshotstate: check snapshots are self-contained on import - cmd/snap: show user+gating hold info in 'snap info' - daemon: expose user and gating holds at /v2/snaps/{name}- Rebuilt for Fix for RHBZ#2152903- New upstream release 2.58 - many: Use /tmp/snap-private-tmp for per-snap private tmps - data: Add systemd-tmpfiles configuration to create private tmp dir - cmd/snap: test allowed and forbidden refresh hold values - cmd/snap: be more consistent in --hold help and err messages - cmd/snap: error on refresh holds that are negative or too short - o/homedirs: make sure we do not write to /var on build time - image: make sure file customizations happen also when we have defaultscause - tests/fde-on-classic: set ubuntu-seed label in seed partitions - gadget: system-seed-null should also have fs label ubuntu-seed - many: gadget.HasRole, ubuntu-seed can come also from system-seed- null - o/devicestate: fix paths for retrieving recovery key on classic - cmd/snap-confine: do not discard const qualifier - interfaces: allow python3.10+ in the default template - o/restart: fix PendingForSystemRestart - interfaces: allow wayland slot snaps to access shm files created by Firefox - o/assertstate: add Sequence() to val set tracking - o/assertstate: set val set 'Current' to pinned sequence - tests: tweak the libvirt interface test to work on 22.10 - tests: use system-seed-null role on classic with modes tests - boot: add directory for data on install - o/devicestate: change some names from esp to seed/seed-null - gadget: add system-seed-null role - o/devicestate: really add error to new error message - restart,snapstate: implement reboot-required notifications on classic - many: avoid automatic system restarts on classic through new overlord/restart logic - release: Fix WSL detection in LXD - o/state: introduce WaitStatus - interfaces: Fix desktop interface rules for document portal - client: remove classic check for `snap recovery --show- keys` - many: create snapd.mounts targets to schedule mount units - image: enable sysfs overlay for UC preseeding - i/b/network-control: add permissions for using AF_XDP - i/apparmor: move mocking of home and overlay conditions to osutil - tests/main/degraded: ignore man-db update failures in CentOS - cmd/snap: fix panic when running snap w/ flag but w/o subcommand - tests: save snaps generated during image preaparation - tests: skip building snapd based on new env var - client: remove misleading comments in ValidateApplyOptions - boot/seal: add debug traces for bootchains - bootloader/assets: fix grub.cfg when there are no labels - cmd/snap: improve refresh hold's output - packaging: enable BPF in RHEL9 - packaging: do not traverse filesystems in postrm script - tests: get microk8s from another branch - bootloader: do not specify Core version in grub entry - many: refresh --hold follow-up - many: support refresh hold/unhold to API and CLI - many: expand fully handling links mapping in all components, in the API and in snap info - snap/system_usernames,tests: Azure IoT Edge system usernames - interface: Allow access to org.freedesktop.DBus.ListActivatableNames via system-observe interface - o/devicestate,daemon: use the expiration date from the assertion in user-state and REST api (user-removal 4/n) - gadget: add unit tests for new install functions for FDE on classic - cmd/snap-seccomp: fix typo in AF_XDP value - tests/connected-after-reboot-revert: run also on UC16 - kvm: allow read of AMD-SEV parameters - data: tweak apt integration config var - o/c/configcore: add faillock configuration - tests: use dbus-daemon instead of dbus-launch - packaging: remove unclean debian-sid patch - asserts: add keyword 'user-presence' keyword in system-user assertion (auto-removal 3/n) - interfaces: steam-support allow pivot /run/media and /etc/nvidia mount - aspects: initial code - overlord: process auto-import assertion at first boot - release, snapd-apparmor, syscheck: distinguish WSL1 and WSL2 - tests: fix lxd-mount-units in ubuntu kinetic - tests: new variable used to configure the kernel command line in nested tests - go.mod: update to newer secboot/uc22 branch - autopkgtests: fix running autopkgtest on kinetic - tests: remove squashfs leftovers in fakeinstaller - tests: create partition table in fakeinstaller - o/ifacestate: introduce DebugAutoConnectCheck hook - tests: use test-snapd-swtpm instead of swtpm-mvo snap in nested helper - interfaces/polkit: do not require polkit directory if no file is needed - o/snapstate: be consistent not creating per-snap save dirs for classic models - inhibit: use hintFile() - tests: use `snap prepare-image` in fde-on-classic - interfaces: add microceph interface - seccomp: allow opening XDP sockets - interfaces: allow access to icon subdirectories - tests: add minimal-smoke test for UC22 and increase minimal RAM - overlord: introduce hold levels in the snapstate.Hold* API - o/devicestate: support mounting ubuntu-save also on classic with modes - interfaces: steam-support allow additional mounts - fakeinstaller: format SystemDetails result with %+v - cmd/libsnap-confine-private: do not panic on chmod failure - tests: ensure that fakeinstaller put the seed into the right place - many: add stub services for prompting - tests: add libfwupd and libfwupdplugin5 to openSUSE dependencies - o/snapstate: fix snaps-hold pruning/reset in the presence of system holding - many: add support for setting up encryption from installer - many: support classic snaps in the context of classic and extended models - cmd/snap,daemon: allow zero values from client to daemon for journal rate limit - boot,o/devicestate: extend HasFDESetupHook to consider unrelated kernels - cmd/snap: validation set refresh-enforce CLI support + spread test - many: fix filenames written in modeenv for base/gadget plus drive- by TODO - seed: fix seed test to use a pseudo-random byte sequence - cmd/snap-confine: remove setuid calls from cgroup init code - boot,o/devicestate: introduce and use MakeRunnableStandaloneSystem - devicestate,boot,tests: make `fakeinstaller` test work - store: send Snap-Device-Location header with cloud information - overlord: fix unit tests after merging master in - o/auth: move HasUserExpired into UserState and name it HasExpired, and add unit tests for this - o/auth: rename NewUserData to NewUserParams - many: implementation of finish install step handlers - overlord: auto-resolve validation set enforcement constraints - i/backends,o/ifacestate: cleanup backends.All - cmd/snap-confine: move bind-mount setup into separate function - tests/main/mount-ns: update namespace for 18.04 - o/state: Hold pseudo-error for explicit holding, concept of pending changes in prune logic - many: support extended classic models that omit kernel/gadget - data/selinux: allow snapd to detect WSL - overlord: add code to remove users that has an expiration date set - wrappers,snap/quota: clear LogsDirectory= in the service unit for journal namespaces - daemon: move user add, remove operations to overlord device state - gadget: implement write content from gadget information - {device,snap}state: fix ineffectual assignments - daemon: support validation set refresh+enforce in API - many: rename AddAffected* to RegisterAffected*, add Change|State.Has, fix a comment - many: reset store session when setting - overlord/ifacestate: fix conflict detection of auto-connection - interfaces: added read/write access to /proc/self/coredump_filter for process-control - interfaces: add read access to /proc/cgroups and /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to system-observe - fde: run fde-reveal-key with `DefaultDependencies=no` - many: don't concatenate non-constant format strings - o/devicestate: fix non-compiling test - release, snapd-apparmor: fixed outdated WSL detection - many: add todos discussed in the review in tests/nested/manual/fde-on-classic, snapstate cleanups - overlord: run install-device hook during factory reset - i/b/mount-control: add optional `/` to umount rules - gadget/install: split Run in several functions - o/devicestate: refactor some methods as preparation for install steps implementation - tests: fix how snaps are cached in uc22 - tests/main/cgroup-tracking-failure: fix rare failure in Xenial and Bionic - many: make {Install,Initramfs}{{,Host},Writable}Dir a function - tests/nested/manual/core20: fix manual test after changes to 'tests.nested exec' - tests: move the unit tests system to 22.04 in github actions workflow - tests: fix nested errors uc20 - boot: rewrite switch in SnapTypeParticipatesInBoot() - gadget: refactor to allow usage from the installer - overlord/devicestate: support for mounting ubuntu-save before the install-device hook - many: allow to install/update kernels/gadgets on classic with modes - tests: fix issues related to dbus session and localtime in uc18 - many: support home dirs located deeper under /home - many: refactor tests to use explicit strings instead of boot.Install{Initramfs,Host}{Writable,FDEData}Dir - boot: add factory-reset cases for boot-flags - tests: disable quota tests on arm devices using ubuntu core - tests: fix unbound SPREAD_PATH variable on nested debug session - overlord: start turning restart into a full state manager - boot: apply boot logic also for classic with modes boot snaps - tests: fix snap-env test on debug section when no var files were created - overlord,daemon: allow returning errors when requesting a restart - interfaces: login-session-control: add further D-Bus interfaces - snapdenv: added wsl to userAgent - o/snapstate: support running multiple ops transactionally - store: use typed valset keys in store package - daemon: add `ensureStateSoon()` when calling systems POST api - gadget: add rules for validating classic with modes gadget.yaml files - wrappers: journal namespaces did not honor journal.persistent - many: stub devicestate.Install{Finish,SetupStorageEncryption}() - sandbox/cgroup: don't check V1 cgroup if V2 is active - seed: add support to load auto import assertion - tests: fix preseed tests for arm systems - include/lk: update LK recovery environment definition to include device lock state used by bootloader - daemon: return `storage-encryption` in /systems/