libblockdev-smart-devel-3.2.0-1.fc41 >t 6 6_DHL\` 3!Flض zE>b$bjfW b$bjt9[Mp@&Ԉs?,T6*-D8&$JD{ڸdMt SLiS %ai QWl9Szo#R,+UVl#K,E-×gO*Ř7D*7!'|;g3V/W UMsb2Mkb\=f2eV".O)WN{,npow[[T㦘03 F3=.z.1ps 5625eb6df628baa78b5bdd89e1b5b50677d00862c398988efaec98c1d7b0204016351166011d3fb03535658569f9c848d0802537030204876d7435004730450220486fa0bae0ce36985ace50d3f8160e8499c38d91ed7a83bbb8ba5e39996eec9d022100b51c666f455cca3130d8916fd7765d8720fda2fbda72904a77659ecc9307be5aPZ2 k(syq>`>???d  ' b *< KW      />`l(894: G;H;I;X;Y;\<]< ^<@b`e>ef>jl>mt>u>v>w>x>y>>>>>?@?DClibblockdev-smart-devel3.2.01.fc41Development files for the libblockdev-smart plugin/libraryThis package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development with the libblockdev-smart plugin/library.fSDbuildhw-x86-08.iad2.fedoraproject.orgoFedora ProjectFedora ProjectLGPL-2.1-or-laterFedora ProjectUnspecified큤fߌffߌ @fffe@e@ere!@eM@ed@e)1@didd!d d dr@d@Vojtech Trefny - 3.2.0-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-11Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-10Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.1-9Python Maint - 3.1.1-8Dan Horák - 3.1.1-7Dan Horák - 3.1.1-6Dan Horák - 3.1.1-5Adam Williamson - 3.1.1-4Adam Williamson - 3.1.1-3Adam Williamson - 3.1.1-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-1Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-6Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-5Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-4Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.0-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.0-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.4-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.3-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.3-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.2-1Python Maint - 3.0.1-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.1-1Python Maint - 3.0-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.0-1- ci: Add a simple GH action to run spelling tools on our code (vtrefny) - crypto: Fix GType macro for crypto context (vtrefny) - misc: Fix typos (vtrefny) - part: Document type_name in BDPartSpec docstring (vtrefny) - docs: Fix documentation for the SMART plugin (vtrefny) - docs: Add BDCryptoLUKSHWEncryptionType to libblockdev-sections.txt (vtrefny) - crypto: Fixing missing quotation marks in some error messages (vtrefny) - crypto: Fix name of bd_crypto_opal_wipe_device in crypto.h (vtrefny) - tests: Fix skipping VDO tests on Debian and CentOS 10 (vtrefny) - crypto: Add a function to run OPAL PSID reset (vtrefny) - ci: Remove priority from Testing farm repositories (vtrefny) - NEWS: add preliminary release notes for the smart plugin (tbzatek) - smart: Add documentation (tbzatek) - crypto: Check for kernel SED OPAL support for OPAL operations (vtrefny) - tests: Add a simple test case for LUKS HW-OPAL support (vtrefny) - crypto: Add support for creating new LUKS HW-OPAL devices (vtrefny) - crypto: Add information about HW encryption to BDCryptoLUKSInfo (vtrefny) - crypto: Add a function to wipe a LUKS HW-OPAL device (vtrefny) - crypto: Add a function to check for OPAL support for a device (vtrefny) - tests: No longer need to skip exfat UUID tests on Fedora (vtrefny) - smart: Mark drivedb integration as experimental (tbzatek) - fs: Fix docstring for bd_fs_ext?_get_min_size functions (vtrefny) - part: Add human readable partition type to BDPartSpec (vtrefny) - crypto: Show error when trying using an invalid DM name (vtrefny) - nvme: Fix potential memory leak (tbzatek) - tests: Temporarily skip LVM VDO tests on RHEL/CentOS 10 (vtrefny) - misc: Add vdo to test dependencies on Fedora (vtrefny) - lvm: Get VDO stats from device mapper instead of /sys/kvdo (vtrefny) - lvm: Check for dm-vdo instead of kvdo module for VDO support (vtrefny) - infra: bump github/codeql-action from 2 to 3 (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - infra: bump actions/upload-artifact from 3 to 4 (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - infra: Add dependabot to automatically update GH actions (vtrefny) - part: Fix copy-paste bug in bd_part_spec_copy (vtrefny) - docs: Fix link to Python bindings documentation (vtrefny) - tests: Add more libatasmart skdump samples (tbzatek) - tests: Fix smartmontools plugin parsing of /dev/random (tbzatek) - tests: Adapt smart plugin tests for the added extra arguments (tbzatek) - smart: Add BDExtraArg arguments (tbzatek) - tests: Add bd_utils_exec_and_capture_output_no_progress() tests (tbzatek) - utils/exec: Add bd_utils_exec_and_capture_output_no_progress() (tbzatek) - tests: Skip exFAT UUID tests also on Fedora 39 (vtrefny) - ci: Run UDisks reverse dependency tests on pull requests (vtrefny) - utils/exec: Refactor extra args append out (tbzatek) - misc: Add kernel-modules-extra to test dependencies (vtrefny) - ci: Add a simple tmt test and run it via packit (vtrefny) - ci: Run Blivet reverse dependency tests on pull requests (vtrefny) - Add cache size ratio to the output of lvm-cache-stats (v.podzimek) - misc: Fix enabling source repositories on latest Ubuntu (vtrefny) - ci: Use Ubuntu 24.04 in GitHub actions (vtrefny) - fs: Fix ignoring errors from libext2fs (vtrefny) - fs: Ignore shift-count-overflow warning in FS plugin (vtrefny) - fs: Ignore unused-parameter warning in the FS plugin (vtrefny) - tests: Skip ExFAT UUID tests with recent exfatprogs (vtrefny) - tests: Split libatasmart and smartmontool tests (tbzatek) - smart: Rework libatasmart temperature reporting (tbzatek) - tests: Add SiliconPower SSD skdump reporting incorrect temp (tbzatek) - build: Install lvm.h when only lvm_dbus enabled (tbzatek) - smart: Use smartmontools drivedb.h for libatasmart validation (tbzatek) - smart: Implement bd_smart_ata_get_info_from_data() (tbzatek) - smart: Introduce new libatasmart plugin (tbzatek) - smart: Refactor and split into libbd_smartmontools (tbzatek) - smart: Introduce well-known attribute names, validation and pretty values (tbzatek) - smart: Remove the ATA low-power mode detection (tbzatek) - tests: Add SCSI SMART tests (tbzatek) - smart: Add SCSI/SAS status retrieval (tbzatek) - tests: Add tests for bd_smart_device_self_test() (tbzatek) - tests: Add tests for bd_smart_set_enabled() (tbzatek) - tests: Add SMART tests over supplied JSON dumps (tbzatek) - tests: Add basic SMART tests (tbzatek) - smart: Add bd_smart_device_self_test() (tbzatek) - smart: Add bd_smart_set_enabled() (tbzatek) - New SMART plugin (tbzatek) - utils: Check also for aliases in bd_utils_have_kernel_module (vtrefny) - Fix pylint possibly-used-before-assignment warning in (vtrefny) - build: Fix linking with LLD (vadorovsky) - misc: Remove CentOS 8 Stream from Vagrantfile and test dependencies (vtrefny) - misc: Vagrantfile update (vtrefny) - tests: Skip filesystem tests if kernel module is not available (vtrefny) - ci: Fix bumping release for Packit builds (vtrefny) - ci: Get version for packit from the SPEC file (vtrefny) - tests: Fix running tests without ntfsprogs (vtrefny) - ci: Set custom release number for Packit (vtrefny) - Bump version to 3.1.1 (vtrefny) - utils: Clarify usage of version in bd_utils_check_util_version (vtrefny) - crypto: Fix double free in bd_crypto_luks_remove_key (vtrefny) - fixed md_create issue #1013 (guazhang) - lvm-dbus: Fix leaking error in bd_lvm_init (vtrefny) - lvm-dbus: Fix potential segfault in bd_lvm_init (vtrefny) - lvm-dbus: Fix passing size for pvresize over DBus (vtrefny) - nvme: Add bd_nvme_is_tech_avail to the API file (vtrefny) - tests: Add NVMe controller type checks (tbzatek) - tests: Add NVMe persistent discovery controller tests (tbzatek) - btrfs: make btrfs subvolume listing consistent (jvanderwaa) - crypto: Add support for conversion between different LUKS formats (xyakimo1) - tests: Fix removing custom LVM devices file (vtrefny) - tests: Ignore LVM devices file for non-LVM tests (vtrefny) - tests: Manually remove removed PVs from LVM devices file (vtrefny) - tests: introduce setup_test_device helper function (jvanderwaa) - tests: split multi device tests into a new testcase class (jvanderwaa) - dm_logging: Annotate redirect_dm_log() printf format (tbzatek) - Fix some more occurrences of missing port to G_GNUC_UNUSED (tbzatek) - Port to G_GNUC_INTERNAL for controlling symbols visibility (tbzatek) - Use glib2 G_GNUC_UNUSED in place of UNUSED locally defined (giulio.benetti) - Makefile: Fix bumpver to work with micro versions (vtrefny) - Makefile: Do not include release in the tag (vtrefny)- crypto: LUKS OPAL support (#2304174)- fs: Ignore unused-parameter warning in the FS plugin- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.13- Disable -Werror and build with -O0 on aarch64 to workaround #2247319- Back to standard build by reverting instrumentations for #2247319- Apply ASAN instrumentation for #2247319- Apply UBSAN instrumentation per Dan Horák for #2247319- Drop the de-optimization changes from -2- Backport proposed upstream fix for #2247319 - Disable -Werror and build with -O0 to help further debug #2247319- lvm-dbus: Fix passing size for pvresize over DBus (vtrefny) - nvme: Add bd_nvme_is_tech_avail to the API file (vtrefny) - tests: Add NVMe controller type checks (tbzatek) - tests: Add NVMe persistent discovery controller tests (tbzatek) - tests: Fix removing custom LVM devices file (vtrefny) - tests: Ignore LVM devices file for non-LVM tests (vtrefny) - tests: Manually remove removed PVs from LVM devices file (vtrefny) - dm_logging: Annotate redirect_dm_log() printf format (tbzatek) - Fix some more occurrences of missing port to G_GNUC_UNUSED (tbzatek) - Port to G_GNUC_INTERNAL for controlling symbols visibility (tbzatek) - Use glib2 G_GNUC_UNUSED in place of UNUSED locally defined (giulio.benetti) - Makefile: Fix bumpver to work with micro versions (vtrefny)- Slightly stronger workaround attempt for #2247319- Tentative workaround for #2247319 based on diagnosis from -4- Try something else dumb to diagnose #2247319- Disable some log statements to see if it works around #2247319- Rebuilt for tests: Skip some checks for btrfs errors with btrfs-progs 6.6.3 (vtrefny) - Fix missing progress initialization in bd_crypto_luks_add_key (vtrefny) - fs: Report reason for open() and ioctl() failures (tbzatek) - utils: Add expected printf string annotation (tbzatek) - lvm-dbus: Avoid using already-freed memory (tbzatek) - lvm-dbus: Fix leaking error (tbzatek) - python: Add a deepcopy function to our structs (vtrefny) - tests: Remove unreliable nvme attribute checks (tbzatek) - tests: Use BDPluginSpec constructor in LVM DBus plugin tests (vtrefny) - tests: Avoid setting up intermediary loop device for the nvme target (tbzatek) - tests: Default to /tmp for create_sparse_tempfile() (tbzatek) - part: Fix potential double free when getting parttype (vtrefny) - Mark NVDIMM plugin as deprecated since 3.1 (vtrefny) - tests: Remove some obsolete rules to skip tests (vtrefny) - fs: Add support for getting filesystem min size for NTFS and Ext (vtrefny) - fs: Fix allowed UUID for generic mkfs with VFAT (vtrefny) - fs: Add a generic function to check for fs info availability (vtrefny) - fs: Add a function to check label format for F2FS (vtrefny) - swap: Add support for checking label and UUID format (vtrefny) - ci: Remove the custom version command for Packit (vtrefny) - ci: Manually prepare spec file for Packit (vtrefny) - overrides: Remove unused 'sys' import (vtrefny) - Add BDPluginSpec constructor and use it in plugin_specs_from_names (vtrefny) - Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny) - ci: Add an action to compile libblockdev with different compilers (vtrefny)- tests: Fix "invalid escape sequence '\#'" warning from Python 3.12 (vtrefny) - tests: Fail early when recompilation fails in library_test (vtrefny) - lvm-dbus: Replace g_critical calls with bd_utils_log_format (vtrefny) - Use log function when calling a plugin function that is not loaded (vtrefny) - logging: Default to DEBUG log level if compiled with --enable-debug (vtrefny) - nvme: Rework memory allocation for device ioctls (tbzatek) - packit: Add configuration for downstream builds (vtrefny) - fs: correct btrfs set label description (jvanderwaa) - fs: Disable progress for ntfsresize (vtrefny) - part: Do not open disk read-write for read only operations (vtrefny) - ci: Bump actions/checkout from v3 to v4 (vtrefny) - plugins: btrfs: use g_autofree where possible for g_free (jvanderwaa) - plugins: use g_autofree for free'ing g_char's (jvanderwaa) - spec: Move obsoleted devel subpackages to libblockdev-devel (vtrefny) - spec: Obsolete vdo plugin packages (vtrefny)- Obsolete vdo plugin packages (#2237477)- crypto: Correctly convert passphrases from Python to C (vtrefny) - tests: Minor NVMe HostNQN fixes (tbzatek) - nvme: Generate HostID when missing (tbzatek) - Always use "--fs ignore" with lvresize (mvollmer) - nvme: Use interim buffer for nvme_get_log_sanitize() (tbzatek) - fs: Fix memory leak (vtrefny) - fs: Fix leaking directories with temporary mounts (vtrefny) - tests: Specificy required versions when importing GLib and BlockDev introspection (biebl) - tests: Replace deprecated unittest assert calls (vtrefny)- fs: Avoid excess logging in extract_e2fsck_progress (vtrefny) - loop: Report BD_LOOP_ERROR_DEVICE on empty loop devices (tbzatek) - lib: Silence the missing DEFAULT_CONF_DIR_PATH (tbzatek) - fs: Document that generic functions can mount filesystems (vtrefny) - fs: Use read-only mount where possible for generic FS functions (vtrefny) - docs: Fix test quotation (marecki) - fs: Fix unused error in extract_e2fsck_progress (vtrefny) - Use ntfsinfo instead of ntfscluster for faster bd_fs_ntfs_get_info (amubtdx) - Restrict list of exported symbols via -export-symbols-regex (biebl) - Fix formatting in NEWS.rst (vtrefny)- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- fs: Simplify struct BDFSInfo (tbzatek) - boilerplate_generator: Annotate stub func args as G_GNUC_UNUSED (tbzatek) - crypto: Remove stray struct redefinition (tbzatek) - loop: Remove unused variable (tbzatek) - build: Exit before AC_OUTPUT on error (tbzatek) - loop: define LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE is not defined (giulio.benetti) - Make the conf.d directory versioned (vtrefny) - configure: Fix MAJOR_VER macro (vtrefny) - spec: Add dependency on libblockdev-utils to the s390 plugin (vtrefny) - nvme: Mark private symbols as hidden (tbzatek) - dist: Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny) - misc: Update steps and Dockerfile for Python documentation (vtrefny) - fs: Add missing copy and free functions to the header file (vtrefny) - lvm: Add bd_lvm_segdata_copy/free to the header file (vtrefny) - loop: Remove bd_loop_get_autoclear definition (vtrefny) - lvm: Fix declaration for bd_lvm_vdolvpoolname (vtrefny) - lvm: Make _vglock_start_stop static (vtrefny) - vdo_stats: Remove unused libparted include (vtrefny)- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- Libblockdev 3.0 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -m64 -march=x86-64 -mtune=generic -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -mtls-dialect=gnu2 -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19x86_64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryR (/h%:-to~%4UV| :yQNHsbMQ( 91ˉ$=\xQƬ~&,* P`^I rwW op?$z6d7웵f}UC7h23vF͛ N%$t0ֿ - 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