anaconda-widgets-41.31-1.fc41 >t 6 6_  3!Flض zE>b$bjf#S b$bjlx#έ*M# Dqnձ嵐01Y]vU\dcpO%a^j{g Eկԫ8_;bUZ#]f7~K2Ɠ*@g/UR: wl$3+'bsyΚlO eXDc 9{Y5=Hb%1Dr=n` a[BwT/E&íShZxAg?|u><_q)Q%ܽm7ឧr >ĚǤYo,y#'Mnlhե?zx^'R {ŶXB!.f@};LF˧" b"2D2vp~U:ex:`.lP'aOS{0(9Lyq َ!vs?dA&l ;1-WR;a/}tw 4]Kiqzb24ea760275440a8408d40d6d79ea995f77134ba5ba6aa225f4eca2df8fba70f3c570391f82812f8ca150a811afe7cc50e7451a238030204876d743500473045022100be39e81165bf02de5ad1b8fffc6ccb68b4d81c4dba71085c830b06c778ddcfac02205d2a548c0f592067647a80e0f3d3938fa48bdf63856b5b6c3dc4bd6432391d7c030204876d74350047304502207e1b85624a43ac9ec58d025f7ee4e376b65c9e5f67fa5f40963d1c10b0d7dbac0221009a510ae64c528ec2668b99fced3663ecb79c7a1b3b7424ed2b4026bfced79016030204876d743500473045022100c26b311d10358be20a078b4206192b22bd926cfd374c7fcfde5254dda58e98ea0220123da000bc418b7b0399544dafe47d8975646e0f74f03714aa21d23ec3a509a4030204876d74350047304502205781784e368b3e0eceac4ffd24516dac785ee58b7a9d7ac0b8290b45a2885ba8022100e7108f8b62488fae72d31bb7e35773356a0e835ebb0309c1de4b84e25f101869030204876d7435004630440220628748d3db3b85df2fb8546a6063539ae78a5d96e6eb33b99349991e5a51a52e022052dd11797777bf8e527b932d841d0c39a8db5a829bc29572fb89efce2038422ePd܆qRab"FlQ$>`>G?Gd  S "IOX           p    D(8p9 p:pG@ HA IA8 XADYAP\Al ]A ^B}bCKdEeEfElEtE8 uE` vEwFL xFt yFFGG(G.GpGtCanaconda-widgets41.311.fc41A set of custom GTK+ widgets for use with anacondaThis package contains a set of custom GTK+ widgets used by the anaconda installer.f"buildhw-a64-12.iad2.fedoraproject.orgJFedora ProjectFedora ProjectGPL-2.0-or-laterFedora ProjectUnspecified! O AA큤A큤ffffffffffee75f3b9626888ad3a0a214eab68f2a890d575b3aa9ed5563dc5f0cd75a28e3ff552ed549c3e60e30d79c89545053fb617d48fc78212c3918428add0a29bb1fd7abf0550f6c979748c1fdcf0f2fffa524cb317e8e526440779dfa6f9571457b3c6fd3c974bbbcfeacf96460e178df49b9cb2d92cf235e410ff6a6b8df190a6bec6fd3c974bbbcfeacf96460e178df49b9cb2d92cf235e410ff6a6b8df190a6be../../../../usr/lib64/     @/usr/bin/ą@fJf@ff@f@f`f&@ffz@fh<@fh<@fb@f_fU@fLf0@f'f! @f-fe~@eZeԔ@eN@e@e@eeeXed@e)eeoeoe]@e7e.w@e%@d5Kd,@d"d"d@dV@dad'@cc@cc@cwc=@c=@cc@c0c@cS@cFcFc.c.cctcjDcMCcD @c(Yc6@c Packit - 41.31-1Packit - 41.30-1Packit - 41.29-1Packit - 41.28-1Packit - 41.27-1Packit - 41.26-1Fedora Release Engineering - 41.25-2Packit - 41.25-1Packit - 41.24-1Packit - 41.23-1Packit - 41.22-1Python Maint - 41.20-2Packit - 41.20-1Python Maint - 41.19-2Packit - 41.19-1Packit - 41.18-1Packit - 41.17-1Katerina Koukiou - 41.15-1Packit - 41.14-1Packit - 41.13-1Packit - 41.9-1Packit - 41.7-1Packit - 41.6-1Adam Williamson - 41.2-2Packit - 41.2-1Packit - 41.1-1Adam Williamson - 40.21-2Packit - 40.21-1Packit - 40.20-1Jiri Konecny - 40.18-1Fedora Release Engineering - 40.17-3Fedora Release Engineering - 40.17-2Packit - 40.17-1Packit - 40.15-1Packit - 40.13-1Packit - 40.12-1Packit - 40.11-1Packit - 40.10-1Packit - 40.9-1Packit - 40.8-1Packit - 40.7-1Packit - 40.6-1Packit - 40.5-1Packit - 40.4-1Packit - 40.3-1Packit - 40.2-1Packit - 40.1-1Packit - 39.33-1Packit - 39.32-1Packit - 39.31-1Packit - 39.30-1Packit - 39.29-1Packit - 39.28-1Adam Williamson - 39.27-3Adam Williamson - 39.27-2Packit - 39.27-1Fedora Release Engineering - 39.26-2Packit - 39.26-1Packit - 39.25-1Packit - 39.24-1Adam Williamson - 39.23-3Adam Williamson - 39.23-2Packit - 39.23-1Python Maint - 39.22-2Packit - 39.22-1Packit - 39.21-1Python Maint - 39.20-2Packit - 39.20-1Python Maint - 39.19-2Packit - 39.19-1Packit - 39.18-1Packit - 39.17-1Petr Pisar - 39.16-2Packit - 39.16-1Petr Pisar - 39.15-2Packit - 39.15-1Packit - 39.14-1Packit - 39.13-1Packit - 39.12-1Packit - 39.11-1Packit - 39.10-1Packit - 39.9-1Packit - 39.8-1Packit - 39.7-1Packit - 39.6-1Adam Williamson - 39.5-2Packit - 39.5-1Packit - 39.4-1Packit - 39.3-1Packit - 39.2-1Packit - 39.1-1Packit - 38.23-1Packit - 38.22-1Packit - 38.21-1Packit - 38.20-1Packit - 38.19-1Packit - 38.18-1Packit - 38.17-1Fedora Release Engineering - 38.15-2Packit - 38.15-1Packit - 38.14-1Packit - 38.13-1Packit - 38.12-1Packit - 38.11-1Packit - 38.10-1Packit - 38.9-1Packit - 38.8-1Packit - 38.7-1Packit - 38.6-1Packit - 38.5-1Packit - 38.4-1Packit - 38.3-1- docs: update release note about modularity deprecation (kkoukiou) - Add support for creating LUKS HW-OPAL devices (vtrefny) - Adjust to pykickstart moving new partition and autopart commands to F41 (kkoukiou) - pyanaconda: remove code paths around module command parsing as this was deprecated (kkoukiou) - Improve code based on min/max recommendation (jkonecny) - Support DNF5's config-manager (marusak.matej) - network: ignore kickstart configuration of nBFT devices (rvykydal) - network: do not dump configurations of nBFT devices (rvykydal) - network: ignore nBFT devices connections in network configuration (rvykydal) - network: add a test for ignoring ifname=nbft* for device renaming (rvykydal) - network: do not create empty dir for only ifname=nbft* options (rvykydal) - network: Avoid creating link files for 'nbft' interfaces (tbzatek)- Use proxy server also for FTP .treeinfo download (jkonecny) - Fix the VNC question (#2293672) (mkolman) - Check if text mode was actually requested by kickstart (#2293672) (mkolman)- Remove deprecated warnings for inst prefix (rolivier) - Fix using kickstart mount command with device ID (vtrefny) - Update documentation for the update_iso script (jkonecny) - Add support for Live ISO to rebuild_boot_iso (jkonecny)- Adjust custom partitioning and storage spokes to the device ID API (vtrefny) - Adjust resize module to the device ID API (vtrefny) - Add a custom function for recreating btrfs subvolumes (vtrefny) - Use blivet's "device ID" as a unique device identifier (vtrefny) - Fix mock LUKS devices logic in tests (vtrefny) - Fix checking for locked LUKS devices (vtrefny) - util: Add additional information for EFI systems (riehecky) - Add release note for network port devices' default configuration profiles (rvykydal)- Remove threading compatibility layer (kkoukiou)- Don't use tmpfs in build if not enough RAM (lifto) - Document RHEL 10 specifics for container shell (mkolman) - storage: add EFI partition in the windows OS devices if it's detected (kkoukiou) - storage: add windows system to GetExistingSystems (kkoukiou) - storage: store the partition type name in device attrs for partitions (kkoukiou) - Clean up the code by removing the utils directory (rolivier)- Rebuilt for makeupdates: Bump Python version in site packages path to 3.13 (vtrefny) - Apply suggestions from Rodolfo (martin.kolman) - Scripts for local boot.iso updates workflow (mkolman) - Fix unit_tests/pyanaconda_tests/core/ E721 (kkoukiou) - Fix pyanaconda/modules/network/ PLR1704 (kkoukiou) - Fix pyanaconda/core/ PLR1704 (kkoukiou)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - tests: storage: conditionally run btrfs tests if command is not removed (kkoukiou) - tests: allow the module specification to contain removed commands (kkoukiou)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - chore: remove unused atk in BaseWindow.c (freya) - Replace deprecated methods to avoid warnings (rolivier) - Do not mark ancestors of device with source or stage2 as protected (rvykydal)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions)- Rebuilt for Python 3.13- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Fix issues for new pylint check (jkonecny) - Use InconsistentParentSectorSize instead of InconsistentPVSectorSize (vtrefny) - Do not require libreport on RHEL 10 (mkolman) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Get kickstart data via DBus (akankovs) - Adding a implementation for runtime and ui commands (akankovs) - Update tests for kickstart commands (akankovs) - Migration of the remaining kickstart commands to the Runtime module (akankovs)- Rebuilt for Python 3.13- dracut: Remove 'linear' from modules to load (vtrefny) - Remove 'linear' from list of expected MD RAID levels (vtrefny)- Do not imply that Fedora ELN has an EULA (sgallagh) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Deprecate kickstart modularity module (marusak.matej) - Remove Javascript leftovers from Makefile (jkonecny) - Revert "Ignore npm packages files for translation" (jkonecny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - docs: Add guide how to debug/develop GH workflows (jkonecny)- RHEL moved from Bugzilla to Jira (jstodola) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - docs: Fix link on ci-status page (jkonecny) - docs: Fix link on ci status for container updates (jkonecny) - gui: Fix displaying of the device label (yueyuankun) - Stop pretending liveinst+vnc is supported (#678354) (kkoukiou) - Use the standalone crypt_r package on Fedora 41+ (miro) - Write a warning rescue selinux (akankovs) Resolves: RHEL-14005- Update to upstream release 41.15- Revert "infra: Packit fix empty jobs field" (kkoukiou)- Fix signature of the method passed to DNF (jkonecny) - Do not include teamd on RHEL (rvykydal) - network: guard team devices configuration in kickstart by capabilities (rvykydal)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Disable preexec for vtActivate() (mkolman)- install-img-deps: Require podman (walters)- Backport PR #5508 to make bootupd create EFI boot manager entries (#2268505)- Test for task category and category API (akankovs) - Creating categories dbus API for installation phases (akankovs)- bump major version number for Rawhide after F40 branching (mkolman)- Backport PR #5460 to fix ostree btrfs installs with new util-linux (#2262892)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Deprecate timezone --isUtc, --ntpservers and --nontp kickstart options (vponcova) - Remove the repo --ignoregroups kickstart option in Fedora 40 (vponcova) - Remove the logging --level kickstart option in Fedora 40 (vponcova) - Remove the method kickstart command in Fedora 40 (vponcova) - docs: Add a release note for removed/deprecated kickstart commands and options (vponcova) - Remove the autostep kickstart command in Fedora 40 (vponcova) - Do not write newline to the webui pid file (jkonecny) - gui: Log information about blivet-gui failed import (vtrefny) - Make network spoke complete also in connecting state. (rvykydal) - Do not use libxklavier to list keyboard layouts (jexposit) - Do not use stringize and unicodeize from Blivet (vtrefny) - Remove the inst.nompath boot option (vponcova) - Remove support for timezone --isUtc, --ntpservers and --nontp kickstart options (vponcova) - Remove no more used GetRequiredMountPoints API of devicetree viewer. (rvykydal) - Set GTK 4 decoration layout (jexposit) - Add TUI for installing non-standard kernels (ozobal) - Add GUI option for installing 64k ARM kernel (ozobal) - Revert "Remove instperf" (vslavik)- docs: add section about multi-package updates (kkoukiou)- Use flag file to signal backend is ready (jkonecny) - Start Firefox before Anaconda on Live (jkonecny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Evaluate live keyboard sources safely (vslavik) - rescue: Don't allow to mount systems without a root device (vponcova) - gui: Redesign the Time & Date spoke (vponcova) - gui: Update the glade file of the Time & Date spoke (vponcova) - gui: Remove the timezone map from the Time & Date spoke (vponcova) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions)- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for tests: Add a test case for the NVMe module (vtrefny) - Add a simple NVMe module for NVMe Fabrics support (vtrefny) - Disable LVM devices file when running image installs (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Fixed file-write operation to a public directory (ataf) - gui: Improve the position of the Encrypt checkbox in the Container dialog (vponcova) - storage: Set the default LUKS version for interactive partitioning (vponcova) - gui: Remove support for the LUKS version selection (vponcova) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - docs: Fix commit-log.rst after JIRA switch (jkonecny) - Update documentation for RHEL contributions (jkonecny)- fix missing emit of zfcp kickstart statements (maier) - DeviceTreeViewer: Add path-id attribute to zfcp-attached SCSI disks (maier) - fix missing WWID values for multipath devices in advanced storage UI (#2046654) (maier) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - storage: do not add /boot among required partitions (rvykydal) - storage: add a new more generic API for mount point constraints (rvykydal) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - tests: no need in HFS+ on Apple Macs (vponcova) - storage: no need in HFS+ on Apple Macs (temap) - bootupd: Use --write-uuid (walters) - network: ignore BOOTIF connections when creating device configurations (rvykydal) - network: ignore BOOTIF connections when looking for initramfs bond ports (rvykydal) - anaconda-diskroot: wait before dying on media check fail (awilliam)- Keyboard layout descriptions: more liberal language name check (awilliam) - Don't prepend random language to keyboard layout names (awilliam)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - docs: Add release note for bootupd support (vslavik) - bootloader: Detect bootupd and skip regular install (vslavik) - ostree: Use bootupd if installed by payload (vslavik) - storage: Ignore NVDIMM namespaces in a non-sector mode (vponcova) - storage: Remove support for NVDIMM namespaces (vponcova) - spec: Add noarch where applicable (vslavik) - bootloader: Create an installation task for collecting kernel arguments (vponcova) - bootloader: Add the collect_arguments method (vponcova) - bootloader: Remove the install_boot_loader function (vponcova)- Remove all support of the built-in help system (vponcova) - Make possible to start TUI with installed WebUI (akankovs) - workflows: Drop COCKPITUOUS_TOKEN from trigger-webui.yml (kkoukiou) - Use 'os.uname().machine' to get machine architecture instead of 'uname -i' (kkoukiou) - docs: Describe l10n CI changes for new Fedoras (vslavik) - docs: Describe caveats for inst.sdboot and live (vslavik) - docs: Mention efibootmgr with the invalid byte bug (vslavik) - logging: split image package list message into 8K chunks (rvykydal) - webui: pixel tests reference update (account on review screen) (rvykydal) - webui: add account information to review screen (rvykydal) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Remove instperf (mkolman) - webui: update pixel test images (rvykydal) - webui: fix password strength indicator layout in horizontal form (rvykydal) - webui: update end2end tests for the new users screen (rvykydal) - webui: create required user when reaching a test step by default (rvykydal) - webui: allow to create user more easily for reaching a step in test (rvykydal) - webui: add users screen to tests for sidebar navigation (rvykydal) - webui: add simple test for users screen (rvykydal) - webui: hide user screen on live images (rvykydal) - webui: make created user administarator by default (rvykydal) - webui: apply the created user to the backend (rvykydal) - webui: make partitioning reset on going back more robust (rvykydal) - webui: keep the state of Create Account UI (rvykydal) - webui: add simplest user name check to Create Accounts (rvykydal) - webui: share length password rule between users and disk encryption (rvykydal) - webui: use password form component for Create Account screen (rvykydal) - webui: add a simple Create Account screen (rvykydal) - webui: move pasword form component into a separate file (rvykydal) - webui: move also password strength logic into pw form component (rvykydal) - webui: use dynamic rules in password form component (rvykydal) - spec: Remove dependency on jfsutils (vtrefny) - widgets: disable glade in RHEL builds (yselkowi) - Adjust test_mount_filesystems to the latest blivet changes (vtrefny) - webui: package.json: bump patternfly dependencies (kkoukiou) - webui: package.json: update some eslint packages (kkoukiou) - webui: package.json: use exact versions of all package dependencies (kkoukiou) - webui: don't repeat code in the src/apis/ (kkoukiou) - webui: split src/apis/storage.js into multiple files (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: expect reboot when killing the webui-desktop script (kkoukiou) - webui: when rebooting the machine the dbus clients close and throw error messages (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: Robustify JS error modal pixel test (kkoukiou) - webui: bump Cockpit version of testlib (kkoukiou) - webui: pixel-tests: wait for animations for finish before taking screenshots (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Add new substitution members in dnf tests (vslavik) - webui: Conditional enable networking hint (akankovs)- Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: use global password policy in DiskEncryption (rvykydal) - webui: add global state for password policies (rvykydal) - Add release note for the removal of screenshot support (mkolman) - Remove GUI screenshot support (mkolman) - Remove the use of the Keybinder library (mkolman) - Extend the Timezone DBus module (mkolman) - Webui: Fix for adding report for JS bugs (akankovs) - webui: remove step notification from the InstallationMethod component (kkoukiou) - webui: document commit message suggestion for prefixing the ui name if relevant (kkoukiou) - webui: get next button label and variant from the components (kkoukiou) - webui: move InstallationProgress component outside of the Wizard steps (kkoukiou) - webui: get first step id by parsing the steps array (kkoukiou) - webui: remove logic for showing helpers in footer per component to the components (kkoukiou) - webui: make installer.reach method more robust (rvykydal) - webui: be more robust in tests when moving to REVIEW screen (rvykydal) - webui: add report for JS bugs + test (kkoukiou) - docs: Document using customized ci containers (jkonecny) - test docs: Update tools list (vslavik) - docs: Describe release note gathering process. (vslavik) - docs: Describe updates for new Python version (vslavik) - docs: Collect release notes for F39 (vslavik) - webui: pass osRelease through context (kkoukiou) - webui: move code related to version parsing (beta) into separate component (kkoukiou) - webui: use Optional Chaining operator where possible (kkoukiou) - webui: InstallationMethod: remove redundant nesting (kkoukiou) - webui: move conditional check for rendering ModifyStorage out of the component itself (kkoukiou) - webui: pass system type through context (kkoukiou) - webui: split out components for disk selection to seperate file (kkoukiou) - logging: log content of /root/lorax-packages if available (rvykydal) - webui: unpin firefox version from updates.img (kkoukiou) - webui: send stderr from webui-desktop to the journal (kkoukiou)- webui: catch exceptions from the backend in all actions (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: move per-page title, id, label and hidden state into the components (kkoukiou) - webui: Drop global notifications in favor of the per page notifications (kkoukiou) - webui: let's be consistent on how we hide steps (kkoukiou) - webui: sort some state variables alphabetically (kkoukiou) - webui: pass the properties only to the components that use these (kkoukiou) - payload: check finished dnf transaction for transation item errors (rvykydal) - webui: check existence of payload image when running testing VM (rvykydal) - webui: Test for unknown language review crash (akankovs) - webui: Avoid crash on non-translated languages (akankovs) - webui: mount the RequestsTable component only once requests are available (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: wait for logo to get visible when openning the page (kkoukiou) - webui: do not show `equal disks` notification when the previous disks are not loaded (kkoukiou) - webui: disable the whole form when disk re-scan is taking place (kkoukiou) - webui: introduce `isFormDisabled` global state property (kkoukiou) - webui: rebuild devices object in the store with the getDevicesAction (kkoukiou) - webui: set form validity also at the initial load of the mount point mapping (kkoukiou) - payload: don't check PKG_VERIFY dnf progress messages (rvykydal) - payload: do not detect success of dnf transaction by PGK_VERIFY progress (rvykydal) - webui: utilize PasswordPolicies rules from the backend for disk encryption (kkoukiou) - set_x_keyboard_defaults: drop space when calling supports_ascii (awilliam) - storage: Handle BTRFS with systemd-boot (jeremy.linton)- tests: Drop unused testing dir (vslavik) - webui: Install cockpit-storaged (martin) - webui: Support testing against a cockpit PR (martin) - webui: Reduce rpm download timeout (martin) - webui: Install all downloaded rpms (martin) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Revert "webui: pin down cockpit-* packages versions for gating purposes" (martin) - webui: tests: temporarilly pin down firefox to unbreak CI (kkoukiou) - WebUI: drop eslint flowtype plugin (jvanderwaa) - pylint: Use 'exit' instead of 'do_exit' for pylint.lint.Run (vtrefny) - webui: replace specific checkEqualDisks with new checkIfArraysAreEqual helper (kkoukiou) - webui: split 'Modify storage' modals into separate file (kkoukiou) - webui: utilize idPredix variable for ids in UnlockDialog component (kkoukiou) - webui: move code for updating backend requests to helper function (kkoukiou) - Drop kbd-legacy requirement in localization module (awilliam)- webui: tests: ignore the logo image selector in the pixel tests (kkoukiou) - webui: do not hardcode the required mount points in the getInitialRequests (kkoukiou) - webui: helpers: Document storage helper methods (kkoukiou) - webui: reimplement checkDeviceInSubTree by re-using existing helper method (kkoukiou) - webui: port dropdown to new PF5 implementation (akankovs) - Revert "tests: Run pytest in parallel on available cpu cores" (vslavik) - webui: add a logo to the header (akankovs) - install-{env,img}-deps: recommend/require kdump-anaconda-addon (awilliam) - Fix crash because of missing import statement (kkoukiou) - webui: prevent re-defining required mount points from the UI (kkoukiou) - Simplify keyboard layout handling, rely on localed more (awilliam) - tests: Run pytest in parallel on available cpu cores (vslavik) - tests: Don't hardcode file handle number (vslavik) - live: Report installation progress from rsync output (vslavik) - Change process return code handling in execReadlines (vslavik) - Count free space on btrfs subvolume mount points correctly (vslavik)- webui: robustify manual partitioning request manipulation (kkoukiou) - webui: split long line to more lines (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: improve add_mountpoint_row the remove_mountpoint_row helper methods (kkoukiou) - webui: start using 'passphrase' always for LUKS instead of 'password' (kkoukiou) - webui: refactor LUKS unlocking modal after designer feedback (kkoukiou) - webui: test: increase timeout when unlocking LUKS devices (kkoukiou) - webui: fix unexpected closing of the Unlock LUKS device dialog after wrong password (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: Check for required filesystem type for mount points (vtrefny) - webui: Get the required mountpoints from the backend (vtrefny) - storage: Add a function to get list of required mount points (vtrefny) - tests: Remove pep8 and pycodestyle (vslavik) - docs: Add efibootmgr non-unicode output to common bugs (vslavik) - webui: Unpin blivet-gui dependency from test/prepare-updates-img (vtrefny) - spec: Add depdendency on fs tools to anaconda-install-env-deps (vtrefny)- webui: Remove test for unformattable filesystems (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: Start blivet-gui with --keep-above (vtrefny) - webui: tests: remove unnecessary semilocon from python code (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: move all helpers for mount point assignment page to test/helpers/storage (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: organize the storage helper functions into multiple classes (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: pack checks for mount point assignment rows in one method call (kkoukiou) - webui: adjust installation scenario hint messages after designer feedback (kkoukiou) - webui: when multiple devices have the same name disable mount point mapping scenario (kkoukiou) - liveinst: Don't exec pkexec (rstrode) - cppcheck: Pretend we know more macros (vslavik) - webui: Start blivet-gui with --auto-dev-updates (vtrefny) - webui: tests: wipefs on vda is done in the VirtInstallMachineCase setUp (kkoukiou) - webui: check the BZ report URL length before sending it (rvykydal) - webui: move adding comment about log file attaching to proper component (rvykydal) - Remove unused variable from makeupdates script (kkoukiou) - Fix install complete text (awilliam)- webui: reset partitioning when the user goes back from review screen (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: remove double quotes from return result of dbus call (kkoukiou) - Add 'localhost-live' to ignored hostnames for device naming (vtrefny) - webui: do not hardcode the pretty name in installation progress (kkoukiou) - webui: Fix checking for locked LUKS devices (vtrefny) - webui: remove extra parenthesis (kkoukiou) - webui: fix a typo in pre-blivet dialog (rvykydal) - webui: update fonts in log review for BZ reporting for Patterfly v5 (rvykydal) - webui: fix button spacing in BZ error reporting dialog (rvykydal)- Use Firefox environment variables for styling (mkolman) - make: Pass interactive container arguments only for run (vslavik) - make: Add container run options (vslavik) - make: Expand the ambiguous container option -t (vslavik) - make: One option per line for all container calls (vslavik) - Remove old (vslavik) - GUI: Move helper for window header distribution text (vslavik) - Convert usages of product to core.product (vslavik) - Stop using old product in constants (vslavik) - Replace all uses of product values via constants (vslavik) - Make old product just a wrapper of the new one (vslavik) - Add a new (vslavik) - Copy /var/lib/gnome-initial-setup/state to installed system (rstrode) - webui: add pixel test for modify storage test (rvykydal) - webui: use Blivet-gui name instead of Blivet (rvykydal) - webui: add tests for modify storage dialogs (rvykydal) - webui: if blivet-gui exits earlier then the delay update the dialog (rvykydal) - webui: do not show rescan dialog in case of critical error (rvykydal) - webui: make blivet-gui start failure a Critical Error (rvykydal) - webui: catch errors when spawning blivet-gui (rvykydal) - webui: add dialogs around launching blivet-gui (rvykydal) - webui: show error name in Critical Error dialog only if it exists (rvykydal) - core: Look up live user from PKEXEC_UID (rstrode) - Revert the ESP maximum size back to 600MiB (richard) - Docs: added to 'Common bugs and issues' workaround for setup on 4K block devices (k0ste)- webui: tests: move wait for re-scanning to finish before moving forward with the tests (kkoukiou) - webui: When re-scanning don't reset disk selection (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: Show warning when trying to use non-ASCII LUKS passphrase (vtrefny) - Add a note about the need to rebuild containers after branching (mkolman) - Note to push to master branch after updating Rawhide config (mkolman) - Document the need for changing the l10n commit hash (mkolman) - Fix Cockpit CI docs for branching (mkolman) - Fix localization branch name in branching docs (mkolman) - Update translations from Weblate- tests: Add a webui test case with EFI system (vtrefny) - webui: Show error when mounting /boot/efi to a non-EFI partition (vtrefny) - webui: Add /boot/efi to required mount points when in EFI mode (vtrefny) - tests: Add support for running webui tests in an EFI VM (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - j2 render: Preserve hashbangs (vslavik) - j2 render: Flip logic for empty result (vslavik) - j2 render: Clean up details (vslavik) - webui: Do not show unusable devices in mount point assignment (vtrefny) - webui: Enable mount point mapping based on filesystem not partition (vtrefny) - webui: add basic test for sidebar navigation (#2233805) (rvykydal) - webui: do not reset validity of step id moving to the same step (#2233805) (rvykydal) - webui: add offline version to BZ report dialog (rvykydal) - webui: monitor network connection state from the Anaconda backend (rvykydal) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: Update request IDs when removing mount point row (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - Fix spelling mistake / typo: "Criticall error" (awilliam) - webui: Let error reporting dialog test area auto resize (kkoukiou) - webui: Show error when trying to reformat unsupported format (vtrefny) - Use `isinstance(x, t)` instead of `type(x) is t` (vslavik) - Ignore without the check parameter (vslavik) - storage: Add 'formattable' property to the format data (vtrefny) - Disable geolocation on the Fedora Workstation live image (mkolman) - Update translations from Weblate- liveinst: Ensure DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS is set in live install (rstrode) - screensaver: Look at $PKEXEC_UID not $USERHELPER_UID (rstrode) - webui: disable disk selection while disks are being rescanned (kkoukiou) - webui: show spinner in the disk selection while the backend did not update (kkoukiou) - WebUI: update pixel tests for Fedora 40 (jvanderwaa) - webui: show 25 rows in the bug report log review. (rvykydal) - webui: add option to report an issue to global menu (rvykydal) - webui: bump cockpit-* dependencies in updates.img (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - release-notes: Document support for compressed kernel modules in Driver Discs (peter.georg) - Add documentation about support for compressed kernel modules (peter.georg) - dd_extract: Update test info to reflect added support for compressed kernel modules (peter.georg) - dd_extract: Add test for zstd compressed kernel module (peter.georg) - dd_extract: Add test for xz compressed kernel module (peter.georg) - dd_extract: Add support for compressed kernel modules (peter.georg) - Update translations from Weblate- po: Don't try to delete extra.pot (vslavik) - tests: Rename test to match file with code (vslavik) - tests: Split localed wrapper from module (vslavik) - tests: Split live keyboard from module (vslavik) - tets: Split localization module task tests (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: update pixel tests (kkoukiou) - webui: move groupedAdditional content to PageGroup as specified in the documentation (kkoukiou) - webui: port disk selector to the new Select implementation (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: workaround non-unique selector for the modal (kkoukiou) - webui: Upgrade to Patternfly 5 (kkoukiou) - Improve image building docs (mkolman) - Improve image building docs (mkolman) - webui: Do not show unused devices on the review page (vtrefny) - liveinst: Port to polkit (rstrode) - webui: Fixed typo to launch Live OS ISO with test/ script (akankovs) - webui: Automatically prefill mount point for swap devices (vtrefny) - manual: Allow using swap without reformatting (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: Allow changing and removing duplicate required mount points (vtrefny) - webui: test editing of the log in error reporting dialog (rvykydal) - Correct spelling of "formatted" (awilliam) - webui: Remove obsolete check for btrfs reformat support (vtrefny) - Add realease notes for keyboard from live system (jkonecny) - Add support for virtual console keymap from live (jkonecny) - Add live environment keyboard settings support (jkonecny) - Don't directly copy webui files in makeupdates script (mkolman) - webui: increase default size of log review text area in critical error dialog (rvykydal) - test: allow booting a Live OS ISO with test/ script (kkoukiou) - webui: use monospace font in critical error dialog (rvykydal) - webui: disable error reporting button when reading log for review (rvykydal) - webui: in Critical Error test click to report to BZ only after the log is read (rvykydal) - Move get_missing_keyboard_configuration method (jkonecny) - Fix typo in the LocalizationInterface docstring (jkonecny) - Add execWithCaptureAsLiveUser to run as liveuser (jkonecny) - Extract liveuser data from help to generic tooling (jkonecny) - make: Document downloading .po from l10n repo (vslavik) - make: Update POT from branch, not pinned commit (vslavik) - webui: tests: cleanup webui.log in the end of the test (kkoukiou) - webui: give better feedback to user after 'Report issue' was clicked (kkoukiou) - webui: add testing of log existence in critical error handling (rvykydal) - webui: translate critical error context only in the dialog (rvykydal) - webui: use Critical Error dialog for critical failures on Back button (rvykydal) - webui: use Critical Error dialog in installation progress (rvykydal) - webui: use Critical Error dialog to handle erros in getting data about storage (rvykydal) - webui: display also the background wizard page with Critical Error dialog (rvykydal) - webui: use form layout and add log review of journal (rvykydal) - webui: add button for reporting to Bugzilla to CriticalError dialog (rvykydal) - webui: tests: convert testErrorHandling to a non-destructive test (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: remove unused variable (kkoukiou) - webui: use storage exception for critical error dialog test (rvykydal) - webui: move partition_disk to Storage helper class (rvykydal) - webui: use Critical Error dialog to handle erros in getting data about storage (rvykydal) - webui: use Critical Error dialog for disks rescan (rvykydal) - webui: use Critical Error dialog in installation progress (rvykydal) - webui: add context to Critical Error dialog (rvykydal) - webui: Prevent the Anaconda window from being closed by keyboard shortcuts (akankovs) - webui: fix make rsync not updating the test VM (kkoukiou) - webui: Back/Next button are not localized (akankovs) - webui: tests are expecting #mount-point-mapping-table-row-{rowId}-format selector (kkoukiou) - webui: fix TestStorageMountPoints.testBasic (rvykydal) - webui: tests: use m.write for writing files (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: extend the TestInstallationProgress test to include reboot (jvanderwaa) - webui: introduce a button to launch blivet GUI (kkoukiou) - webui: when using the remote option just relax the address that cockpit-ws binds to (kkoukiou) - webui: After returning to InstallationLanguage, the next button does not work (akankovs) - Remove PatternFly workaround from build.js (mkolman) - spec: Bump required blivet version to 3.8.1 (vtrefny) - webui: Changing of checkbox for switch (akankovs) - iscsi: Allow changing iSCSI initiator name once set (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: fix logic for when to re-create the partitioning (kkoukiou) - webui: compress dist files also on development builds (kkoukiou) - webui: webui-desktop: don't use tls when spawning cockpit-ws (kkoukiou) - docs: Add translation bumper to CI status page (vslavik) - webui: extend condition that blocks rendering of the installation scenario step (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate for master (github-actions) - webui: do not keep in the central state all possible created partitioning objects (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: spread the state update function into seperate hooks and useMemo (kkoukiou) - webui: Clear mount point and reformat flag for removed requests (vtrefny) - manual: Return error when trying to use removed nested subvolumes (vtrefny) - webui: show 'format as' only when reformatting partition (kkoukiou) - webui: Empty value for input should not be null nor undefined (mmarusak) - webui: Define unique key for list on review page (mmarusak) - webui: Show partition size on review page (mmarusak) - manual: Ignore no-op mount point requests (vtrefny) - webui: when the disk is empty hide "Use free space" scenario (skobyda) - webui: InstallationScenario: assume non-availability (kkoukiou) - webui: update only the needed encryption state attributes (kkoukiou) - webui: scenarios is a global variable, no need to pass it as propertry (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: use 'click' helper test method on radio buttons (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: next button is enabled before the screenshot (kkoukiou) - webui: update scenario availability state only after parsing all scenarios (kkoukiou) - Ignore btrfs snapshots in mountpoint assignment (vtrefny) - webui: start using payload from the bots repository (kkoukiou) - webui: make 'Next' by default 'disabled' and let each component update it (kkoukiou) - webui: Enable source maps and enable minification (mkolman) - webui: Add mount point assignment test case with LVM (vtrefny) - webui: Add mount point assignment test case with btrfs subvolumes (vtrefny) - webui: remove limitation for formating btrfs subvolumes (kkoukiou) - add another encrypted disk to test case (mahmoud-mahgoub1) - l10n: Lock to current HEAD (vslavik) - make: Add target to automatically bump l10n ref (vslavik) - make: Move l10n constants from to include file (vslavik) - make: Add l10n config file with SHA variable, use (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: update cockpit dependencies to the latest released in rawhide (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: add method to partition disk (tomatus777) - webui: Quit button does not work on the Live image (akankovs) - webui: Update and simplify review page (mmarusak) - docs: use correct path for VM command (90795679+MahmoudHamdy02) - webui: Translate strings used in cockpit.format (mmarusak) - Allow reformatting of 'plain' btrfs volumes (vtrefny) - webui: catch also exceptions from GetDevicesAction when rescanning disks (rvykydal) - webui: unpack GetDiskFreeSpace and GetDiskTotalSpace from array (skobyda) - webui: tests: remove duplicate pixel tests for the first storage page (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: create a variable with the table row selector (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: simplify the open test helper (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: remove redundant check for disabled 'Next' button (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: add helper method for setting a valid password (kkoukiou) - webui: rename some components to more self explanatory names (kkoukiou) - webui: fix prefix for identifiers of the installation scenarios (kkoukiou) - webui: remove obsolete TODO (kkoukiou) - webui: change Alert on review screen to HelperText (mmarusak) - webui: Introduce cockpit-style debug() helper (martin) - Revert "Add GUI option for installing 64k ARM kernel" (jkonecny) - Revert "Add TUI for installing non-standard kernels" (jkonecny) - webui: debounce changes on the password confirmation field (kkoukiou) - webui: docs: fix documentation on how to re-create the updates.img (kkoukiou) - Simplify submodule subscription to storage changes (vslavik) - Enable iterating over managed modules (vslavik) - Use the new class in relevant Storage submodules (vslavik) - webui: Disable minification (mkolman) - Add a class for modules that keep track of storage (vslavik) - Use the submodule manager in Storage (vslavik) - Use the submodule manager in Runtime (vslavik) - Add a submodule manager class (vslavik) - webui: redesign and refactor custom partition mapper (kkoukiou) - webui: Add Firefox theme for use on Live media (mkolman) - webui: tests: Fix end to end tests to work with new storage design (zveleba) - webui: tests: Make reboot button selector more specific (zveleba) - webui: use term 'devices' not 'partitions' in the custom mountpoint step (kkoukiou) - webui: debounce password quality checks to be done only once per 300ms (kkoukiou) - tests: Update reference images for mountpoint assignment (vtrefny) - webui: Use device name instead of path as identifier (vtrefny) - tests: Fix expected device specs in check-storage (vtrefny) - webui: Use custom label when creating btrfs for tests (vtrefny) - Use blivet mount options for new subvolumes in mountpoint assignment (vtrefny) - tui: Preserve blivet mount options in mountpoint assignment (vtrefny) - tui: allow to 'format' btrfs subvolumes in mount point assignment (rvykydal) - tui: Use name instead of path for devspec in mountpoint assignment (vtrefny) - tui: Use all btrfs subvolumes in mountpoint assignment (vtrefny) - webui: Update pixel tests broken from localization updates (kkoukiou) - ruff: Silence new warnings with 0.0.280 (vslavik) - webui: rename custom mountpoint assignment step to mountpoint mapper (kkoukiou) - Check for webui with property (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- Revert *both* commits from the broken PR, not just one- Revert "Port GUI kernel switcher for ARM 64k", it's broken, causes crashes- webui: if no scenario is available for selection show the options but disabled (kkoukiou) - webui: new design for welcome page in live image (kkoukiou) - webui: rephrase text hints for disabled options (kkoukiou) - webui: make all actions return anonymous functions (kkoukiou) - webui: re-calculate the scenarios only if the selected devices or device data changed (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: use installer helper 'reach' method for moving ahead multiple steps (kkoukiou) - webui: fix typo 'screenWarning' for custom mountpoint selection (kkoukiou) - webui: select 'vda' disk instead of the scsi ram disk in the test (kkoukiou) - webui: safeguard access to deviceData properties to avoid crashes while state is not fully loaded (kkoukiou) - webui: return a Promise when fetching all device data (kkoukiou) - webui: edit style files with errors (akankovs) - webui: setup lint for style files (akankovs) - tests: Fix expected value for "has_key" with latest blivet (vtrefny) - webui: tests: make some more tests non-destructive (kkoukiou) - webui: don't crash in case a AUTOMATIC partitioning object exists (kkoukiou) - webui: the encryption password screen is not subpage anymore (kkoukiou) - webui: Check for beta variable being undefined (mkolman) - Use DBus API to check for final release (mkolman) - webui: introduce an About screen (acruzgon) - Move more product-related values to the module itself (vslavik) - Simplify product-related constants (vslavik) - Drop the isFinal UI constructor parameter from WebUI (vslavik) - webui: do not silence exception when parsing languages from backend (kkoukiou) - webui: language information should be fetched also for live media (kkoukiou) - Add minimal documentation to pyanaconda.product (vslavik) - Add IsFinal property to the UI module (vslavik) - webui: accept conf being undefined (yet) during a CriticalError (rvykydal) - webui: design adjustment on the disk encryption screen (kkoukiou) - spec: Honor 79 char limit for descriptions (vslavik) - webui: allow critical errors also in the first load of the application (kkoukiou) - Add TUI for installing non-standard kernels (ozobal) - Add GUI option for installing 64k ARM kernel (ozobal) - Remove deprecated conf: kickstart_modules, addons_enabled (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuilt for webui: introduce dialog to unlock existing locked LUKS partitions (kkoukiou) - Introduce 'has_key' property in the attrs of DeviceFormatData object (kkoukiou) - makeupdates: Now targeting python 3.12 (vslavik) - webui: tests: more anaconda state cleanup for test teardown (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: wait for data initialization to finish before proceeding with the tests (kkoukiou) - Update License tag in the spec file template to use SPDX syntax (dcantrell) - webui: Introduce new Critical error component (kkoukiou) - webui: return a promise when fetching all device data (kkoukiou) - webui: create new dbus client objects when address changes (kkoukiou) - ruff: Enable flake8-simplify checks (vslavik) - Fix ruff detections for RUF002 & RUF003 (vslavik) - ruff: Enable ruff checks (vslavik) - ruff: Enable flake8 logging format checks (vslavik) - ruff: Enable flake8 import conventions checks (vslavik) - Fix ruff detections after enabling pycodestyle warnings (vslavik) - ruff: Enable pycodestyle warning checks (vslavik) - Fix ruff detections after enabling pylint checks (vslavik) - ruff: Enable most of the "pylint" checks (vslavik) - webui: simplify webui-desktop script (kkoukiou) - Add possibility to run pylint-only test (jkonecny) - webui: tests: reset selected disks between test runs (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: use busctl instead of dbus-send in the test helper (kkoukiou) - webui: localization: fix react warning about missing key (kkoukiou) - webui: wait for all languages to be loaded before rendering languages page (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: replace the Tooltip with HelperText in Storage devices step (acruzgon) - webui: Hide the language selection screen on Live images (akankovs) - webui: tests: switch some storage tests to nondestructive (kkoukiou) - webui: fix disk selection not working when moving back to the disk selection screen (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: check status of the bulk select checkbox in the helper functions (kkoukiou) - Fix and add tests for the preexec changes (vslavik) - webui: tests: wait for the checkboxes to get initialized before taking screenshot (kkoukiou) - Change startProgram preexec check to early exit style (vslavik) - Add do_preexec propagation also to execWithCapture and shutdownServer (vslavik) - webui: add some helper debug logs in the storage page (kkoukiou) - webui: fetch device data on the initial app load (kkoukiou) - webui: correct the last partitioning getter (kkoukiou) - webui: pin down cockpit-ws and cockpit-bridge versions before the python bridge release (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: implement a 'reach' helper method (kkoukiou) - Squashed 'translation-canary/' changes from 3bc2ad68a8..5bb81253b4 (vslavik) - webui: tests: restart cockpit-ws between tests (kkoukiou) - Use correct call assert method in flapak test (vslavik) - Handle subprocess disallowing preexec during shutdown (awilliam) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: extend the list of the data we need to wait for before showing the app (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: attempt to rebustify tests by more carefully implementing the page enter (kkoukiou) - webui: test: extend allowed journal messages for language tests (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: adjust next and back helper methods (kkoukiou) - webui: pin down cockpit-* packages versions for gating purposes (kkoukiou) - webui: if device selection changed since last partitioning request redo the partitioning (kkoukiou) - webui: Disable strict host checking in SSH config snippet (mkolman) - Update translations from Weblate- Fix the patch to default to doing preexec_fn (duh)- Backport PR #4879 to fix shutdown with Python 3.12- webui: store system language information in the global store (kkoukiou) - webui: Start Web UI when the anaconda-webui package is installed (mkolman) - webui: remove redundant (kkoukiou) - webui: always disable next button if the form is invalid (kkoukiou) - webui: when re-scanning disks or loading initial date disable the re-scan button (kkoukiou) - webui: mount point assignment support (jvanderwaa) - webui: remove forgotten object (kkoukiou) - WebUI: Change help drawer width (ozobal) - webui: show empty state while the selected scenario is not available (kkoukiou) - webui: the value we want to take effect should be last in destructured object (kkoukiou) - Fix cppcheck failure on gettext.h (jkonecny) - Inline file (jkonecny) - webui: Make RPM building DNF5 compatible (mkolman) - Allow showing passphrase when unlocking LUKS device (jstodola) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- Update the bundled cockpit-desktop script (martin.kolman) - Revert "Revert "webui: start using custom webui-desktop script instead of cockpit-desktop"" (martin.kolman) - docs: Document the distribution component (vponcova) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: Fix handling of END2END env variable in WebUI tests (zveleba) - webui: tests: wait for the webui to update disk selection instead of asserting the state (kkoukiou) - webui: use the store as single source of truth for disk selection (kkoukiou) - webui: split actions per data type (kkoukiou) - webui: split reducers acording to the data type (kkoukiou) - webui: use useReducer also for language state collection (kkoukiou) - webui: start using useReducer for managing complicated state objects centrally (kkoukiou) - WebUI: Switch Quit/Reboot button in Progress spoke (ozobal) - WebUI: update pixel tests for new tasks container (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: Use Cockpit's os-release implementation (jvanderwaa) - webui: test: ensure that disk selection is updated before taking screenshot (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: increase specificity for the disk toggle selector (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: wait for drawer status instead of asserting it directly (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: don't create screenshots in step_logger decorator for non end2end tests (kkoukiou) - WebUI: Convert InstallationProgress to function (ozobal) - webui: tests: rename IntegrationTest class and associated file to End2EndTest (kkoukiou) - webui: tests: rename 'integration' directory to 'end2end' (kkoukiou) - webui: remove some trailing whitespace from test files (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- webui: add PRETTY_NAME to use in title instead of anaconda generic title (acruzgon) - Revert "WebUI: explicitly specify GITHUB_BASE for pixel test commands" (kkoukiou) - webui: add expected journal messages coming from cockpit's new python bridge (kkoukiou) - WebUI: Remove centering from loading screen (ozobal) - webui: show partitions of local standard disks (kkoukiou) - webui: increase timeout when downloading anaconda-webui rpm dependencies (acruzgon) - webui: add PageSection variant 'wizard' to give Wizard in-page styling (acruzgon) - webui: use fmt_to_fragments so that the translation does not break (kkoukiou) - Import BlockDev from blivet instead of gi (vtrefny) - Stop infinite wait for CDROM when KS is processed (#2209599) (jkonecny) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- webui: remove redundant dashes from README (kkoukiou) - docs: remove confusion for which toolbox to use for webui development (kkoukiou) - webui: enable linter for webui CI runs (kkoukiou) - Check minimal LUKS passphrase length in FIPS mode for Kickstart (vslavik) - GUI: Require 8 chars of LUKS passwords in FIPS mode (vslavik) - Use Firefox in kiosk mode for running the Web UI locally (mkolman) - Do not print error on inst.ks=cdrom|hd (#2077045) (jkonecny) - storage: fix resolving btrfs subvolumes from fstab (#2186158) (rvykydal) - storage: improve btrfs devices removing in custom partitioning (#2186158) (rvykydal) - Don't override blivet's preferred disk label type by default (awilliam) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: change the language direction when language changes (kkoukiou) - Fix webui-tests workflow waiving (zveleba) - Add github-pr and xunit reporting to webui-tests workflow (zveleba) - Simplify user and group name test (vslavik) - Clean up imports (vslavik) - Block more usernames as reserved (vslavik) - Remove unused/duplicate WebUI e2e testplan (zveleba) - If nano is the default editor, use it for bug reports (vslavik) - webui: Fix malformed XML (vslavik) - WebUI: re-design the review screen for custom mount point (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: explicitly specify GITHUB_BASE for pixel test commands (jvanderwaa) - Reload translations dynamically without a browser reload (jvanderwaa) - Re-render app when language changes (jvanderwaa) - Update translations from Weblate- Remove unused parameter anaconda (vslavik) - Remove unused parameter opts (vslavik) - Remove unused parameter pass_to_boss (vslavik) - Rename parameters ks->ks_path (vslavik) - WebUI: move alert under header for review screen (jvanderwaa) - Reindent test file list (vslavik) - Fix ruff detections (vslavik) - Add ruff, a very fast linter (vslavik) - Move the User Interface module under Runtime (vslavik) - Increase the minimum EFI System Partition (ESP) size to 500MiB (richard) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuild against rpm-4.19 ( Change driver_updates exit info messages to debug (#2154904) (jkonecny) - Add readme for the conf.d drop dir (vslavik) - webui: use the reason in title of disabled partitioing warning (rvykydal) - WebUI: improve handling of removal of testvm's (jvanderwaa) - webui: [pixel-tests] update microcopy of "erase-all" storage scenario (rvykydal) - webui: update microcopy of "erase-all" storage scenario (rvykydal) - Add a draft release note for the Runtime module (vslavik) - Add tests for the Runtime and Dracut modules (vslavik) - Add the dracut command module (vslavik) - Add the Runtime module (vslavik) - Add release notes packaging Web UI (jkonecny) - Fix release notes link consistency (jkonecny) - docs: Add other f38 release notes (vslavik) - docs: Add vponcova f38 release notes (vslavik) - docs: Add F38 release notes for vslavik PRs (vslavik) - Create Fedora 38 release notes (jkonecny) - Remove link to the release notes template.rst (jkonecny) - WebUI: close embedded panel when clicking prev/next (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: update ESLINT to LINT (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: use StorageScenarioId in all components (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: set default storage scenario based on scenarios constant (jvanderwaa) - webui: use the same naming for disk images created in machine_install (rvykydal) - webui: consolidate creating images in machine_install (rvykydal) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuild against rpm-4.19 ( tests: Remove eslint unit test (vslavik) - docs: Add WebUI integration tests badge to CI status (vslavik) - Add new integration test cases: Storage encryption and Wizard navigation (zveleba) - webui: commonLanguages can contains codes that are not in the locales the API returns (kkoukiou) - webui: migrate to async syntax for promises in review screen (rvykydal) - localization: add Localization section and use_geolocation to configuration (rvykydal) - WebUI: fix spelling of encrypted (jvanderwaa) - webui: create disk images for VirtInstallMachine in advance (rvykydal) - Add new post_install_step function to IntegrationTest class (zveleba) - Add missing log_step decorators to storage helper functions (zveleba) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: better source maps (kkoukiou) - conf: Missing geolocation provider URL disables it (vslavik) - webui: [pixel tests] update review screen for v1 of autopartiotioning (rvykydal) - webui: update review screen for v1 of autopartiotioning (rvykydal) - webui: reset partitioning on going Back from review screen (rvykydal) - webui: don't use global scope for translated strings (kkoukiou) - Move from webpack to esbuild bundler (kkoukiou) - webui: some invalid code fixes (kkoukiou) - Update translations from Weblate- WebUI: fix eslint error (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: run eslint in CI (jvanderwaa) - Update translations from Weblate- WebUI: [pixel tests] Hide progress stepper after finishing (rvykydal) - WebUI: allow webui_testvm to pick up development files (jvanderwaa) - pyanaconda: start cockpit-ws from a systemd unit (jvanderwaa) - webui: reset storage backend before autopart test (rvykydal) - WebUI: Update test for Hide progress stepper after finishing (rvykydal) - WebUI: Hide progress stepper after finishing (ozobal) - webui: [pixel tests] fix spacing of Storage Congfiguration options (rvykydal) - webui: fix spacing of Storage Congfiguration options (rvykydal) - Fix indefinite articles before "NFS" (jstodola) - Remove redundant return (vslavik) - Fix virt-install cockpit run on fedora-X images (jkonecny) - WebUI: Dynamically choose Quit/Reboot button label (ozobal) - WebUI: use Cockpit's run-tests (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: introduce a new MachineCase subclass for VirtInstallMachine (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: touch dist/manifest.json explicitly (jvanderwaa) - Run webui-tests workflow on a testing runner for some time (rvykydal) - Add GH workflow to run webui integration tests in Permian on PR (rvykydal) - Update translations from Weblate- Add missing documentation about OEMDRV (#2171811) (jkonecny) - gui: Simplify invalid timezone handling. (vslavik) - Try to set timezone from language on welcome spoke (vslavik) - Revert "Remove the function get_locale_timezones" (vslavik) - Always set timezone with priority (vslavik) - Add timezone priority to module backend and interface (vslavik) - Fix logging to packaging.log (vponcova) - exception: only attach existent and non-empty files (#2185827) (awilliam) - WebUI: force symlink re-creation (jvanderwaa) - Don't set the __doc__ attribute (vponcova) - Remove the DeviceSetupError exception (vponcova) - Remove SetupDevice and TeardownDevice from DeviceTreeHandlerInterface (vponcova) - Remove unused constants (vponcova) - Remove the DNFManager.remove_repository method (vponcova) - Remove the DNFManager.reset_substitution method (vponcova) - Remove the DNFManager.is_environment_valid method (vponcova) - Remove resolve_device from pyanaconda.payload.utils (vponcova) - Remove the TreeInfoMetadata._root_url attribute (vponcova) - po: fix (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: don't set step in React state (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: avoid relying on automated semicolon insertion (jvanderwaa) - .github: add codeql workflow for JavaScript (jvanderwaa) - WebUI: correct setState calls for SearchInput (jvanderwaa) - Update translations from Weblate- webui: update reference images (kkoukiou) - webui: update CockpitPoWebpackPlugin and adjust configuration options (kkoukiou) - webui: update run-tests script (kkoukiou) - webui: build: Move to a webpack module (kkoukiou) - webui: modernize the makefile (kkoukiou) - webui: update integration tests for v1 of autopartitioning (rvykydal) - Fix wrong dracut timeout message (jkonecny) - Run webui-periodic workflow on a testing runner for some time (rvykydal) - Add GH workflow for periodic webui integration tests in Permian (rvykydal) - webui: update pixeltest reference (rvykydal) - webui: update microcopy plurals to remove "(s)" suffixes (rvykydal) - webui: add pixel tests for the new storage config screens (rvykydal) - webui: add test for autopartitioning (rvykydal) - webui: test that disk selection persists Next and Back (INSTALLER-3029) (rvykydal) - webui: make not enough space warning in detail a phrase (rvykydal) - webui: add content for autopartitioning options details (rvykydal) - webui: allow weak passwords for disk encryption (rvykydal) - webui: fix tests for split Installation Destination step (rvykydal) - webui: add TODO for applyPartitioning (rvykydal) - webui: move some subcomponents out of components (rvykydal) - webui: implement Disk Encryption subscreens in scope of the single substep (rvykydal) - webui: log exception in case of partitioning application error (rvykydal) - webui: keep disk selection in the UI when going back (rvykydal) - webui: add a tooltip hint to disabled autopartitioning scenarios (rvykydal) - webui: connect Storage Configuration to backend initalization mode (rvykydal) - webui: implement Storage Configuration (guided partitioning) (rvykydal) - webui: move storage validation to the last storage substep (rvykydal) - webui: add Disk Encryption subscreen skeleton (rvykydal) - webui: add Storage Configuration subscreen skeleton (rvykydal) - webui: move disk selection into a wizard substep (rvykydal) - Move the validation report to the payload manager (vponcova) - Use the DNF module in TUI and GUI (vponcova) - Extend the DNF module (vponcova) - Handle an undefined release version (vponcova) - Move the generate_treeinfo_repository function (vponcova) - Create the check_instances function for unit tests (vponcova) - oemdrv: wait up to 5 seconds for disks to be handled (rmetrich) - Update translations from Weblate- fsset: Catch SwapSpaceError when trying to activate swaps (vtrefny) - Add tests for threads (vslavik) - Add and use thread_manager.add_thread() (vslavik) - Use the simplified HDD source in the UI (vponcova) - Simplify the HDD source (vponcova) - Add the create_hdd_url function (vponcova) - Move thread tests according to renaming (vslavik) - Compatibility layer for threading->core.threads (vslavik) - Rename core module threading to threads (vslavik) - Move threading from pyanaconda to pyanaconda.core (vslavik) - Rename threadMgr to thread_manager (vslavik) - Allow showing proxy passwords on the installation source spoke (jstodola) - Allow showing passwords on the subscription spoke (jstodola) - Always hide the user password by default (jstodola) - Always hide the root password by default (jstodola) - Update translations from Weblate- Move ostreecontainer deps to install-img-deps (jkonecny) - Add 'vga' to the list of preserved kernel arguments (#2176782) (awilliam) - Improve documentation of our Cockpit CI tests (jkonecny) - Download cockpit rpms during build (jkonecny) - Add --strict mode to makeupdates script (jkonecny) - docs: Document the `autopart --nohome` issue (vponcova) - Remove a react-core tarball (mkolman) - WebUI tweak local test execution (jkonecny) - Add missing deps to (jkonecny) - WebUI: do not force to manually remove updates.img (jkonecny) - Update translations from Weblate- Remove the SourceFactory class from the pyanaconda.payload module (vponcova) - Simplify creation of a source based on its URL (vponcova) - Protect the specified devices with all their ancestors (vponcova) - Protect HDD sources from the Payloads module (vponcova) - Use the simplified NFS source in the UI (vponcova) - Simplify the NFS source (vponcova) - Improve access to the repository configuration of a source (vponcova) - Protect the stage2 device from the Storage module (vponcova) - Don't protect unavailable devices (vponcova) - Update pixel tests for a new cockpit-ws (jkonecny) - webui: update links for downloading cockpit-ws and cockpit-bridge RPMs (kkoukiou) - Don't parse additional repositories during start-up (vponcova) - Implement needs_network for rpm_ostree_container (#2125655) (jkonecny) - Move rpm-ostree deps from Lorax to Anaconda (#2125655) (jkonecny) - Deduplicate test data creation func in rpm ostree (jkonecny) - Add release note for ostreecontainer (#2125655) (jkonecny) - Add new OSTree container source test (#2125655) (jkonecny) - Enable RPM OSTree from container source in payload (#2125655) (jkonecny) - Add RPM OSTree source from container (#2125655) (jkonecny) - WebUI: Fix keyboard navigation on welcome screen (ozobal) - Add test step logging and screenshots to WebUI tests (zveleba) - Ignore newly found pylint detections (vslavik) - Fix network configuration from kickstart in intramfs (rvykydal) - Update translations from Weblate- Adjust to pykickstart moving new network commands to F39 (awilliam) - Generate the ostreesetup kickstart command (vponcova) - Simplify the URL source (vponcova) - Add support for sources that provide access to a repository (vponcova) - Protect the RPM source provided by Dracut (vponcova) - Show the RPM source provided by Dracut in GUI (jkonecny) - Rename widgets for auto-detected installation media (vponcova) - Drop the stage2 support from the CDROM source (vponcova) - Simplify the default source selection of the RPM sources (jkonecny) - Add support for an RPM source defined by a local path to a repository (jkonecny) - webui: add hint for running tests locally with selinux failures (rvykydal) - For user unit tests, provide valid login.defs (vslavik) - Don't copy binaries in user unit tests (vslavik) - Don't create empty login.defs (vslavik) - Revert "infra: Disable failing tests that call useradd and groupadd" (vslavik) - Set correctly NM props for DNS kickstart options (vslavik) - fedora-welcome: Default to light style (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Swap buttons (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Drop icons from buttons (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Use libadwaita (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Use actions instead of clicked callbacks (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Port to GTK4 (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Tweak button labels (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Adjust wording of description (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Rename .desktop file (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Add back app icon (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Replace grids with boxes (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Remove secondary screen (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Launch .desktop file instead of spawning command (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Fix passing command line flags (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Use standard Javascript modules (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Split out application subclass (fmuellner) - fedora-window: Use show_all() only internally (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Stop using deprecated Lang module (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Reindent WelcomeWindow class (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Use consistent quotes (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Use template strings (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Use consistent braces (fmuellner) - fedora-welcome: Remove unused imports (fmuellner) - Fix saving DNS search domains to kickstart (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- Backport PR #4624 to fix anaconda with pykickstart 3.47- Revert "Enable TFTP support (#2071350)" (vslavik) - CONTRIBUTING: Add note about systemd-boot (jeremy.linton) - release-notes: Document that its possible to install with systemd-boot (jeremy.linton) - Add kickstart/command line control to enable systemd-boot (jeremy.linton) - add x86 systemd-boot option (jeremy.linton) - Add the grub packages removed from comps to grub installs (jeremy.linton) - Add EFISYSTEMD class and enable aarch64 (jeremy.linton) - Hoist firmware bit size check (jeremy.linton) - storage: Add a systemd class for systemd-boot (jeremy.linton) - bootloader/ drop stage2 requirement (jeremy.linton) - Retranslate welcome screen more simply (vslavik) - Clean up ISO option in source selection spoke (ozobal) - Clean up strings in payload tasks (vponcova) - Clean up tasks for setting up and tearing down sources (vponcova) - Enable TFTP support (#2071350) (Inperpetuammemoriam) - Update translations from Weblate- Verify repomd hashes with a task (vponcova) - WebUI: Give "Quit" button correct margin (ozobal) - Remove the tx_id functionality (vponcova) - Don't generate a repository name of the URL source (vponcova) - Fix translations of the pre-release warning dialog (#2165762) (vponcova) - Validate the CDN source early (vponcova) - Add the ValidatePackagesSelectionWithTask DBus method (vponcova) - Remove the get_base_repo_url method of the TreeInfoMetadata class (vponcova) - Load treeinfo metadata with the LoadTreeInfoMetadataTask task (vponcova) - Allow to get the base and root treeinfo repositories (vponcova) - Create the generate_treeinfo_repository function (vponcova) - Create the update_treeinfo_repositories function (vponcova) - password tooltip text adapt language (iasunsea) - Update translations from Weblate- Add config for Fedora Designsuite (luya) - docs: Update contrib guide for current branching (vslavik) - efi: deal with verbose by default output from efibootmgr (marmarek) - Update translations from Weblate- Add DNS search and ignore options from kickstart (vslavik) - Adjust templates after F38 branching (mkolman) - webui: Fix missing space (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- Fix new pylint detections (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- Templatize pykickstart version in dracut code (vslavik) - Apply --noverifyssl option for liveimg kickstart command (jstodola) - Update translations from Weblate- Web UI: Make Pre-release label look clickable (ozobal) - Web UI: Update help in Installation destination (ozobal) - Be more indulgent when reclaiming disk space (jstodola) - Update translations from Weblate- Sort RPM versions via rpm.labelCompare() and not via packaging.version.LegacyVersion() (miro) - Update translations from Weblate- Add Sericea - ostree based Sway variant (jkonecny) - Fix the systemd generator for systemd 253 (#2165433) (awilliam) - WebUI: Updated wizard footer buttons (ozobal) - Remove the dmraid and nodmraid boot options (vtrefny) - Update translations from Weblate- Remove mocking of modules for sphinx docs builds (vslavik) - docs: Update branching instructions (vslavik) - docs: Fix release badge URL (vslavik) - Remove leftovers after the isys module removal (vslavik) - Templatize kickstart version (vslavik) - Ignore jinja templates in RPM tests (vslavik) - Show only usable devices in custom partitioning (jstodola) - Add base for integration testing and default installation test (zveleba) - Add storage helper function for listing disks (zveleba) - Add helper for back button to WebUI tests (zveleba) - Fix missing tests in release archive (marmarek) - Update translations from Weblate- Extend the DBus API of the DNF module (vponcova) - webui: Disable check for unexpected SELinux denials (martin) - Clean up the DNF module (vponcova) - Update translations from Weblate- Remove the is_complete method of the DNF payload class (vponcova) - Use another type to make new GCC warnings go away (vslavik) - Remove outdated GCC error suppression (vslavik) - Ignore non-quoted array expansion in ShellCheck (vslavik) - Handle the `repo` kickstart command in the DNF module (vponcova) - Extend the is_network_required method of the DNF module (vponcova) - Add the Repositories DBus property to the DNF module (vponcova) - Fix the check_kickstart_interface testing function (vponcova) - Always use blivet.arch.is_s390() to detect s390 (vslavik) - Update translations from Weblate- Rebuilt for webui: update obsolete comment (rvykydal) - webui: pin down tag for fetching cockpit's test library (kkoukiou) - bootloader/ update for zipl >= 2.25.0 (dan) - docs: Track also automated releases (vslavik) - shellcheck: Double quote to prevent globbing and word splitting (vponcova) - Remove the StorageChecker.remove_check method (vponcova) - Remove the CONNECTION_ACTIVATION_TIMEOUT constant (vponcova) - Remove the DEFAULT_DBUS_TIMEOUT constant (vponcova) - GUI: Update the glade file for the Installation Source screen (vponcova) - Update translations from Weblate- Fix typo in the docs (jkonecny) - docs: corrections and additions to the history (msw) - Ignore SIGINT in D-Bus launcher and x11 too (iasunsea) - update translations- infra: Don't run scheduled events on forks (vslavik) - infra: Notify about tagged releases in gChat (vslavik) - infra: bump pylint from 2.15.6 to 2.15.8 in /dockerfile (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - update translations- Web UI: Tests should ignore the volatile space requirement message (skobyda) - webui: Upgrade to react 18 and enable the new concurrent renderer (kkoukiou) - Add a block of history about the name of the installer (dcantrell)- Fix the installation message about the payload installation (vponcova)- infra: Fix the condition for bumping a release version (vponcova) - infra: Fetch all tags before tagging the release (vponcova) - Web UI: Add a payload to ks.cfg (ozobal) - infra: Set up the access token during the code checkout (vponcova) - infra: Don't release periodically on forks (vponcova) - Make text in custom_storage_helper more accurate (ozobal) - test: Update pixel references to current Fedora (martin) - Fix infobar colors in GTK GUI (ozobal)- Progress step improvements (mkolman) - makebumpver: Ignore all infra, not just bumps (vslavik)- Web UI: Update language selection screen (ozobal) - There are no installation targets if bootloader devices are not set (#2131183) (vponcova) - makebumpver: import bugzilla only if used (vslavik) - Remove the period at the end of the button caption (bramgn) - sync_run_task: Poll proxy state faster (vslavik) - Use more dasbus-ish interface (vslavik) - Web UI: Redesign language selection screen (ozobal) - Add GetCommonLocales to API (ozobal) - network: fix add_connection_sync doc string (rvykydal) - webui: update pixel tests for "Detect disks" updates (rvykydal) - webui: Use 'Detect Disks' instead of 'Discover Disks' (rvykydal) - webui: do not hide checkbox when showing skeleton while rescanning disks (rvykydal) - Add release notes for Fedora 37 (vponcova) - driver_updates: migrate to pep8 format (jkonecny) - driver_updates: adding tests for the new logging solution (jkonecny) - driver_updates: add lot of debug logs for easier debugging (jkonecny) - driver_updates: extend where we print log messages (jkonecny) - Change screensaver handling to dasbus, drop safe_dbus (vslavik) - webui: improve formatting of a promise (rvykydal) - webui: show alert when there are no discovered disks (rvykydal) - webui: disable bulk selection during disks discovery (rvykydal) - webui: add tooltip to disks discovery button (rvykydal) - webui: replace discovery button spinner with skeleton (rvykydal) - rpm-ostree: set untrusted ostree pull flag (champetier.etienne)- Call date by full path and list it as a dependency (vslavik) - Remove the isys module and directory (vslavik) - Move set_system_date_time to pyanaconda.timezone (vslavik) - Call date instead of settimeofday (vslavik) - Clean up time-setting (vslavik) - network: document edge case of resolv.conf missing for %post scripts (#2101527) (rvykydal) - Revert "webui: start using custom webui-desktop script instead of cockpit-desktop" (rvykydal) - infra: bump pylint from 2.15.3 to 2.15.4 in /dockerfile (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - infra: bump astroid from 2.12.10 to 2.12.11 in /dockerfile (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - network: use separate main conext for NM client in threads (rvykydal) - Clean up configure and #include (vslavik) - Remove our custom mock auditd binary (vslavik) - Turn off audit without our custom binary (vslavik)- Remove bogus dependency on python3-dbus (vslavik) - Fix a few typos in release document (rvykydal) - Make driver disk code run only on boot.iso (vslavik) - Call the Blivet.copy method (vponcova) - Web UI: Make context help reusable (ozobal) - Fix Web UI VM startup on F37 (mkolman) - Don't duplicate dependency on hfsplus-tools (vslavik) - Move createrepo_c to anaconda-img-deps (vslavik) - Use faulthandler instead of isys signal handlers (vslavik) - Fix duplicate alt-D accelerator on root account screen (jeremy.linton) - Add minimal_memory_needed to hw module (vslavik) - Use more specific imports in startup_utils (vslavik) - Use total_memory() from blivet.util instead of ours (vslavik) - Move storage constraints setting to a helper (vslavik) - Add tests for is_smt_enabled (vslavik) - Move some functions from util to hw (vslavik) - Move memory-related things from isys to new module (vslavik) - infra: bump pylint from 2.15.2 to 2.15.3 in /dockerfile (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - infra: bump @patternfly/patternfly from 4.210.2 to 4.215.1 in /ui/webui (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - Use existing locale in welcome spoke (vslavik) - Apply geolocation in main process (vslavik) - infra: bump astroid from 2.12.9 to 2.12.10 in /dockerfile (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - infra: bump @patternfly/react-core from 4.224.1 to 4.239.0 in /ui/webui (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - Add back waiting for geolocation (vslavik) - Add wait_for_task() to wait for a Task with timeout (vslavik) - dracut: handle compressed kernel modules (m.novosyolov)- Do not require the anaconda-webui package (mkolman) - Document how to fix NPM cache issues in Cockpit CI (mkolman) - Use correct hint for VNC password boot option (jstodola) - infra: Use the Bugzilla API key in the `makebumpver` script (vponcova) - Drop the devel branch from the docs (mkolman) - gui: fix summary hub layout for Japanese translations (rvykydal) - Improve Register button click feedback (mkolman)- Run yelp under liveuser if possible (vslavik) - infra: bump astroid from 2.12.5 to 2.12.6 in /dockerfile (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - Disable the Unregister button during unregistration (mkolman) - Update outdated system purpose related strings (mkolman) - Always set system purpose from GUI (mkolman) - Report registration errors from kickstart (mkolman) - Do not pass rd.znet on to installed system unconditionally (jstodola) - Ignore dependabot commits in changelog (vslavik) - infra: bump @patternfly/patternfly from 4.206.3 to 4.210.2 in /ui/webui (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - Web UI: Increase visibility of warning messages (ozobal) - Drop packit override for webui package build (mkolman) - Create the LVM devices file, if supported (vslavik) - Remove unused import that snuck in somehow (vslavik) - Bump SshKeyData version (vslavik) - Bump pykickstart version for F38_AutoPart (vslavik) - Document the automated Anaconda package release process (mkolman) - Web UI: for disks selection show empty label rather than '0 selected' (rvykydal) - Web UI: use toolbox in disk selection (rvykydal) - Web UI: Show the help drawer next to content (ozobal) - Silence pylint warnings in webui code (vslavik) - Remove execInSysroot (vslavik)- Add --hibernation option for Kickstart autopart (ozobal) - Docs: How to run non-unit tests in CI standalone (#docs) (vslavik) - Define more macros for cppcheck (vslavik) - Infra templating script improvements (vslavik) - infra: bump @patternfly/patternfly from 4.202.1 to 4.206.3 in /ui/webui (49699333+dependabot[bot]) - webui: clean up prepare-updates-img (allison.karlitskaya) - Adjust dependencies of the anaconda-webui package (mkolman) - test: Update to cockpit 275 (allison.karlitskaya) - Add test for dracut_eject (vslavik) - Add test for ipmi_abort (vslavik) - Add test for ipmi_report (vslavik) - Simplify test_detect_virtualized_platform (vslavik) - Rewrite test_vt_activate to use patch (vslavik) - webui: build RPMs inside the fedora-37 image (allison.karlitskaya) - Web UI: update target name in test documentation (rvykydal) - Verify a biosboot partition on all installation targets (vponcova) - Define the install_targets property for all bootloader classes (vponcova) - Test the InstallerStorage.copy method (vponcova) - Show multiple bootloader devices on the Manual Partitioning screen (vponcova) - Implement the Root.copy method (vponcova) - Redefine the Blivet.roots attribute (vponcova) - Redefine the Blivet.copy method (vponcova) - Add infrastructure templating tools (ozobal) -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryELF 64-bit LSB shared object, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, BuildID[sha1]=0a38409835ec49415bc3cf9255c2e882f85e263a, strippedPython script, ASCII text executablePRRRRR RRRRRRRR R R R RRRRRRR (/h$t#R0^Wo&%"ͥgϮ̼c-L$Drَo7a9 ɚqƲyw N#l]qbX߆[Hɺ2:kjR-68~,O+g89 m𷥵UAf KyѺf61&m+&, JEɅc׶?J 놝 <߷3:eTk-uKgYM_y{[TvmL.\FM)Ϟ"#%= nRNMLH`7AХsdNVG' -$Vtb_{W^; ɯ[W{].XZG*X-k=4OÒ/Ow%xу*~_\+pw>C FAz/=u @ğza{fĠbK4@C"lTEZ<8$z+40.7ȭQ#h "Q}kE" -VPh#Qư3 $L±B"qh\rʗXm F֨ˤ?6H}OqA-3`,RsTL-瓝GGB'ƞS9UNQSS |:qjc6Θ~cjveom .]et+qg|777J HnY.z"1Pbv !dh xˁV@'˔ۦco/UKMf7~n0(E H#>z?ׯKMu(C{_Nz1`/춱7o%,6ͩ$MLz>EWVFK Oc4Y0teTif҉iĉSzazXֵ^/th'=O[/ivW9unKmzάߨ O6S啐F`HS O&_g Guaʰ\RgP\/d÷-J9'7e8ɜd[fo3E{dx7n/P[Ģ$ 6T+@5 #38,Io8W D.%IcjX4L+jJ4!/xXJփYՠ1FIҎ3ie&u}h] q%CAIb vigx{˾^ͽ:= A %jl'\m8OU13nnza7% LN*kemh#A^=58mD:r@\-5A2:XB$%D~tv8n%ׁSF+}*qE1"#IH׎"hAqK, 66 rWО#-ƆeU:Bom2PH,L`xdQW pzNXN 떥b@ O%etOx(R !/ln82VhSrt7U^c0eMpU-ҀY[NOEZx+h=?fb x.A Q (T%22,/ZjSV"f/árPM!Q\܍6C&_4L]ma>.+ YUWZo~AŻkVщEYxݯ37= oDEJDD Ia æ9 S4cQl& Cr x$ ҂$G!N՗ttN1A66? 30^aԮI+mxmR>|L7~tVj'{pa>,]=_R?|\N|H*Ґ~㌶>"g;/R\XKpVܳf%tVT-[9s x4,H(I`#GjLiEԃGٜ@&]z PTXx0T(2Zɩӯ/{sG'Z0"{Arz2&zj] {s]A@@3$.]KC.hy"ĝ7r]xicn JY$겮YT?,>j8f#zHѻС/iQKw_H8 힯⌺_G_y%MѭAvQDt="#MWb=dT!vU) J٠ hY4 eBèZ{nbm*brełb--{uz& KP Ywc'!MD~u.w'Uy51=W Q&SNs;6 trEcg)R& Z3aX(Cr8c4@|XЉS 19I@ KeA}uOvqϡFŀln@^w#-5Qw4[BjG:4G9M`:# 0V^5-5^K:gc$_IqݳAoZK2.~f=pW ~۫VVۇ M+DC7@v[a6g=럶eOX1f Bw†փpgdS႟o @?g'# nįe9k/a.LJ{ Zr0k K@}Nn.Aj .};>1gw:O㡨*>!`VƇ(wmM0tLCyA08 ` %O81&lgK8#9+o^2F\UIg Rۖ,"F-gKoGnIӇG{>;{9Mօ9b]uW?UxGpǒDXxLY, 7y#z#-J%-AcBuU>teN!1x[j_ } jG. /h"E{G1rģ9a7;@|("?fFO)eaa;21[ zc:(?ξ3 >lT#ԡw:R 4/cM](hcM荌7ѕj6ۯ6$STjȞD~g,#Ng4=1]zM¡*5ӿ0K%yQ_Q ,+@-^'? 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