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0.17-4Python Maint - 0.17-3Christian Heimes 0.17-2Christian Heimes 0.17-1Christian Heimes 0.16-1Christian Heimes 0.15-1Christian Heimes 0.14-1Christian Heimes 0.13-1Christian Heimes 0.12-1Christian Heimes 0.11-1Christian Heimes 0.10-1Christian Heimes 0.9-1Christian Heimes 0.8-1Christian Heimes 0.7-1Christian Heimes 0.6-1Christian Heimes 0.5-1Christian Heimes 0.4-1Christian Heimes 0.3-1Christian Heimes 0.2-1Christian Heimes 0.1-1- Rebuilt for https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Fedora_41_Mass_Rebuild- Rebuilt for Python 3.13- ipa-hcc-client depends on ipa-client again- Don't install /etc/ipa/hcc.conf by default - Refactor: Client scripts now use hccplatform - refactor: Move all server code to ipahcc.server - Feat: Server features detect Console from rhsm.conf - feat: SELinux policy for ipa-hcc-server - Fix EPEL 8 build- HMS-3840 feat: Detect configuration from rhsm.conf - ipahcc-stage-console now configures proxy - HMS-3821 feat: auto enrollment can set DNS resolver - More Fedora packaging fixes - Implement testing with Stage Console APIs - Implement console proxy settings- add CONTRIBUTING.md guidelines - Fedora packaging fixes- Prepare ipa-hcc for Fedora packaging - infra: Add helper for stage console testing - Fix: pylint warning R1737 - Fix: Typo in ipa-hcc-auto-enrollment sysconfig - Fix various infra issues - fix HMS-2066: Add timeout to confirmation prompt - test: Test on RHEL 9.3 / 8.9- feat: Enhance reporting and logging - feat: Check remote status with HCC - refactor: Use context="hcc" in IPA API - infra: Log JSON error information - infra: Refresh cache and config file - fix: Use LDAP for public JWKs - refactor: Run ipa-client-automount - fix: Replace legacy with modern Insights API - fix: Limit hostname to 63 characters - fix: Use UEP CA to access prod cert-api - fix: Don't create global DNSResolver - feat: Add ipahcc-client-prepare - fix: Fake headers can use org_id/cn from RHSM cert - refactor: Change to --idmsvc-api-url - HMS-2348 feat: Add ephemeral fake header to auto-enrollment - test: Run CI on Fedora 39, drop 37 - fix: Better error reporting for missing RHSM cert - fix: Fix typo fdqn -> fqdn - Fix: Keycloak SSO provider requires openid scope - doc: Add test instructions and hcc.conf info - HMS-2814 feat: IPA client installer and automount - test: idm-ci now requires local cloud auth - feat: Add sso.rh.c IdP provider definitions - HMS-2694 fix: Update JWST issuer and docs - HMS-2595 feat: Extend ipa-hcc to retrieve+store JWKs - test: Fix and improve coverage - fix: Update spec file URL - fix: Update git repo URL - HMS-2594: IPA plugin for HCC JWKs - test: Do not install KRA - HMS-2532 fix: attach to api commit - HMS-2491 test: Enable backend tests again - HMS-2491 test: Allow backend test to fail - HMS-2491 refactor: Separate GET signing keys - HMS-2491 test: Update test infra for DRT - HMS-2491 feat: Remove old domain registration - HMS-2491 feat: Update for domain token workflow - refactor: Remove env patching - HMS-2446 feat: New domain reg token - fix: Use gssproxy client keytab - HMS-2446 refactor: Move IPA API to WSGI framework - tests: Add test for deserialize() - tests: Check that serializing compact form gives a ValueError - feat: Add additional check json deserialization and update docs - feat: Rename deserialize_json to deserialize - feat: Do not allow compact serialization for MultiJWST - test: Enable mypy checker for tests - feat: Add domain token to mockapi - test: Run CI with Fedora 37 and 38 - HMS-2070 feat: Remove D-Bus service- fix: use new Quay org for CI images - HMS-1789 tests: use @podengo/ipa-hcc COPR - fix: Support latest tox on Fedora 38 - fix: Allow non-compact JWT serialization - fix: use OpenAPI from public GitHub repo - test: Build SRPM and RPMs on GHA - test: update packages in containers - fix: Don't hard-code inventory url - doc: Add documentation for developers - HMS-2195: fix: Use idmsvc as API slug - feat: update locations - fix: Fix typo in automember rule - HMS-2147 fix: use HostConfIpa schema in HostConfResponse - refactor: Use setuptools to install Python code - fix: store public JWK in separate file - HMS-1857 feat: signed assertion for host registration - HMS-1857 feat: Add multi-sig and host token - HMS-1289 fix: Remove inventory_id from HostConfResponse - HMS-1857 feat: Add JWK abstraction and helpers - feat: Update JSON schema from latest OpenAPI - HMS-2038 test: Smoke tests with idm-domains-backend - HMS-2068: Drop support for RHEL without PKINIT- HMS-2052 build: Use OpenAPI schema from idm-domains-api - HMS-2038 test: catch metadata misconfiguration early - fix: Move rpkg output out of .tox directory - HMS-2041 fix: Represent org id as string, not int - HMS-2038 test: Improve testing with backend compose - HMS-1991 fix: Tighten OpenAPI schema - HMS-2008 feat: Adopt JSON API error objects - Add definitions for missing JSON schemas - HMS-1991 feat: Generate schema JSON files from OpenAPI - HMS-1991: Refactor JSON schema - Add project and build definitions to pyproject.toml - HMS-1898: Fix and validate error response - HMS-1975: Remove check-host API endpoint - Improve CI and test with Python 3.9 (RHEL 9) - register: prompt for confirmation - HMS-1926: Friendly D-Bus error message - ipa-hcc CLI: print human-readable messages - Document how to configure for ephemeral - logging: pretty print API response - Reconcile JSON schema with idm-domains-backend OpenAPI - Add verbose logging to ipa-hcc - Prepare release 0.11 - Ephemeral env support with fake headers - Improve Makefile and tox runner - yamllint: don't apply truthy test to map keys - Rename field 'cacerts' to 'ca_certs' - Reconcile domain response schema - Reconcile register/update domain schema - Document how to install build and test deps - HMS-1898 Reconcile error result schema - Ruff: silence F811 redefined-while-unused- [HMS-1788] Add simple GH CI workflow - [HMS-1779] Move secrets and settings to CI/CD variables - [HMS-1645] Replace bandit/flake8 with ruff linter - Add infrastructure for mypy type checks - [HMS-1645] Drop IPA 4.6 compatibility workarounds - [HMS-1645] Drop Python 2 compatibility - Run integration tests in FIPS mode - [HMS-1645] Drop support for RHEL 7- Last version with RHEL 7 / Python 2.7 support - [HMS-1607] Use inventory_id in API routes - [HMS-1607] Move common WSGI code into module - Include os-release id and version in HTTP header - [HMS-1479] Implement status check - Drop bundle file, add more ipaserver tests - Detect and block auto-enrollment with FQDN localhost - [HMS-1472] Switch from admintool to D-Bus CLI - Add tests for dbus service, fix hccapi - Move cert parsing into common function - Validate insights registration state- Fold common and registration-service into ipa-hcc-server - Default to stage - Add title and description to JSON schema - Use D-Bus service and simplify config - Download PKINIT chain from registration service - Add mock tests for mockapi service, refactor code - [HMS-1485] Add --location to auto-enrollment script - Verify with pylint and fix violations - Use server role to indicate presence of ipa-hcc plugin - [HMS-1485] Add IPA location information to domain - Add D-Bus service for checking host in HBI - [HMS-1475] Add tests for registration WSGI server - [HMS-1475] Refactor and test auto enrollment client - Test with RHEL 7.9 server - Remove dependency on requests - Rename smid -> rhsm_id, drop redundant rhsm_id from body - Move API handler in separate module, add JSON schema- Fix config_mod(hcc_update_server_server) API call - Improve idm-ci - Refactor project structure - Add timeout option - Remove unused cert info and detect_environment - Split ipa_hcc_cli into CLI interface and logic - Add systemd timer service - Add global hccDomainId, use domain_id in PUT request - Add HCC update role and register/update subcommands - Add ipa-hcc to register/update domain with HCC - Update rhsm_id in server's host entry - - Add server role for HCC enrollment service - Fix deployment and rhc connect in stage environment - Test on RHEL 9.2, 8.8 - Add mockapi with test API endpoints- Add metadata to deploy with local builds - build and deploy RPMs from current checkout - Add QEW test and metadata file - Add idm-ci playbook and metadata - Add tox CI with custom image - Fix stage env support - Add 1minutetip and virt-builder scripts - More validation of PKINIT options - Write custom krb5.conf, handle missing domain better, more arg checks - Drop 'not krbprincipalkey' check for testing - Mention SHA-1 PKINIT issue on old RHEL 7 and 8.6 servers- Fallback to kinit with PKINIT + ipa-getkeytab on systems without PKINIT support ipa-client-install - Add support for IPA 4.6 on RHEL 7 with Python 2.7 and mod_nss - Handle platform-python on RHEL 8 - Sleep longer - Relax dependency on SELinux - Move keytab installation into auto enrollment - Basic tests for WSGI - Move /etc/ipa/hcc dir to registration-service RPM - Move scripts into ipaclient.hcc package- Detect stage/prod from rhsm.conf - Move refresh_token to /etc/ipa/hcc/refresh_token - Move more configuration into hccplatform - Remove keytab file on error - Add service with force=True option - Update permissions before adding privileges - Use ipa-ldap-updater instead of slow ipa-server-upgrade - Split server plugin and registration service updates- Rename package to ipa-hcc - Replace term 'consoleDot' with 'Hybrid Cloud Console'- Update CA chain to official RH certs with new SHA-256 Candlepin cert - Wait until host appears in ConsoleDot inventory - Always disconnect to get a fresh Kerberos ticket and connection - Add ipa-consoledot-consoledot.service - Remove old test data- Handle outdated keytab, autoconfig org id - Remove pkinit_anchors line on uninstall - Workaround for missing IdM features - Fix spec file dependencies - Automate ipa-getkeytab with update plugin - Move some files around, automate service and keytab - Update spec, add KRB5 snippet with anchors - Use more persistent connections - Add caching and logging to WSGI app - Add link from search facet to consoleDot inventory - Lookup host in consoleDot inventory - Regenerate certs with C=US instead of CN=US - Return shell script with certs - Add cross-signed certs - Add script to generate cross-signed Candlepin CA - Update README with more instructions - Require known CA issuer - Add WSGI service, roles, and cert mapping - Add test scripts - Add notes about cache and certmap-match - Add test data and instructions - Fix error reporting when global org id is missing - Use lower number for updates/schema so we can use 89 for test data - explain unique index - Add write permission - Add enrolled hosts to a hostgroup/bin/sh/bin/sh/bin/shbuildvm-a64-31.iad2.fedoraproject.org 17213293840.17-4.fc41ipa-hcc-selinuxCONTRIBUTORS.txtREADME.mdipa-hcc-selinuxCOPYINGipa-hcc.pp.bz2/usr/share/doc//usr/share/doc/ipa-hcc-selinux//usr/share/licenses//usr/share/licenses/ipa-hcc-selinux//usr/share/selinux/packages/targeted/-O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-U_FORTIFY_SOURCE,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointercpiozstd19noarch-redhat-linux-gnudirectoryASCII textxZ7Eo_` if [ -e /etc/selinux/config ]; then . /etc/selinux/config fi _policytype=targeted if [ -z "${_policytype}" ]; then _policytype="targeted" fi if /usr/sbin/selinuxenabled && [ "${SELINUXTYPE}" = "${_policytype}" ]; then if [ -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre ]; then /usr/sbin/fixfiles -C /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre restore &> /dev/null rm -f /var/lib/rpm-state/file_contexts.pre fi fi /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/cache/ipa-hcc || : # with selinux/bin/shhttps://bugz.fedoraproject.org/ipa-hccutf-8d1ed39fdc15b3d3e0bcce61314a2e48720be786f421ddb2808f0f7871f54d85fd5e1e6d7b3871ff736ccdba7657171b4da4f0695747ca925021d49ad72e26bea?(/h-7bMZaX$9W&E~t[GTS;dfND}mLQs,\\ao,n>ѣ4+0o=%W/!.|=Vo&%7 #F-3!ֿtI3}]LV3. 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