libblockdev-utils-devel-3.1.1-11.fc41 >t 6 6_ HLP`d3!Flض zE>b$bjfi b$bjѪeV{D{yU6:Qd#gA}J:]D`-8|oa2wv&p/!O&"F.t`d0A¶ vIJf $>B<$!nT?}}%l_fq&v2PNX{ a}QB2{vvSb3!Vw$1b^7y8Ι}45!xU?"QkNC9!SR.WѻQ>.?fyqC# .Z&>^ʧ_UI?u[P=BZ H-s2ɢ$gS! )2f)$$:!(0Dy: k!n_$5R~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<ͣgJV`+bY.>`>*U?*Ed  ( P$ 3?ou         O  p    , X   (89<: G%4 H%` I% X%Y%\% ]% ^&gb&d(e(f(l(t( u( v)w) x)L y)x))))**Clibblockdev-utils-devel3.1.111.fc41Development files for libblockdev-utilsThis package contains header files and pkg-config files needed for development with the libblockdev-utils library.f! ProjectFedora ProjectLGPL-2.1-or-laterFedora ProjectUnspecified큤fEe(^e(^fffe(^e(^ffEfE21a17a6188d3ec95048f6db737dd851e57929c1fd9b490b2ae1f2e4a1a2d53e3a1543979143974d201aba9cd208a49dcaf3df3cc8541f190c4f59735d6f9788bdccd7d39c22b7f1f7c9af53933ca7045da736a0f9008435c18b7087eb96dc52b11d811af61dfc0a6f9cb2794d2006d48d2ec8c1945bd83bc0b11deb820a7afe711a8c99b17cb22957c1d214125e4ca477a1f85a930931912a4f21af181b393c74a552cd587c    /usr/bin/ @fffe@e@ere!@eM@ed@e)1@didd!d d dr@d@Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-11Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-10Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.1-9Python Maint - 3.1.1-8Dan Horák - 3.1.1-7Dan Horák - 3.1.1-6Dan Horák - 3.1.1-5Adam Williamson - 3.1.1-4Adam Williamson - 3.1.1-3Adam Williamson - 3.1.1-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.1-1Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-6Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-5Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-4Adam Williamson - 3.1.0-3Fedora Release Engineering - 3.1.0-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.1.0-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.4-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.3-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.3-1Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.2-1Python Maint - 3.0.1-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.0.1-1Python Maint - 3.0-2Vojtech Trefny - 3.0-1- crypto: LUKS OPAL support (#2304174)- fs: Ignore unused-parameter warning in the FS plugin- Rebuilt for Rebuilt for Python 3.13- Disable -Werror and build with -O0 on aarch64 to workaround #2247319- Back to standard build by reverting instrumentations for #2247319- Apply ASAN instrumentation for #2247319- Apply UBSAN instrumentation per Dan Horák for #2247319- Drop the de-optimization changes from -2- Backport proposed upstream fix for #2247319 - Disable -Werror and build with -O0 to help further debug #2247319- lvm-dbus: Fix passing size for pvresize over DBus (vtrefny) - nvme: Add bd_nvme_is_tech_avail to the API file (vtrefny) - tests: Add NVMe controller type checks (tbzatek) - tests: Add NVMe persistent discovery controller tests (tbzatek) - tests: Fix removing custom LVM devices file (vtrefny) - tests: Ignore LVM devices file for non-LVM tests (vtrefny) - tests: Manually remove removed PVs from LVM devices file (vtrefny) - dm_logging: Annotate redirect_dm_log() printf format (tbzatek) - Fix some more occurrences of missing port to G_GNUC_UNUSED (tbzatek) - Port to G_GNUC_INTERNAL for controlling symbols visibility (tbzatek) - Use glib2 G_GNUC_UNUSED in place of UNUSED locally defined (giulio.benetti) - Makefile: Fix bumpver to work with micro versions (vtrefny)- Slightly stronger workaround attempt for #2247319- Tentative workaround for #2247319 based on diagnosis from -4- Try something else dumb to diagnose #2247319- Disable some log statements to see if it works around #2247319- Rebuilt for tests: Skip some checks for btrfs errors with btrfs-progs 6.6.3 (vtrefny) - Fix missing progress initialization in bd_crypto_luks_add_key (vtrefny) - fs: Report reason for open() and ioctl() failures (tbzatek) - utils: Add expected printf string annotation (tbzatek) - lvm-dbus: Avoid using already-freed memory (tbzatek) - lvm-dbus: Fix leaking error (tbzatek) - python: Add a deepcopy function to our structs (vtrefny) - tests: Remove unreliable nvme attribute checks (tbzatek) - tests: Use BDPluginSpec constructor in LVM DBus plugin tests (vtrefny) - tests: Avoid setting up intermediary loop device for the nvme target (tbzatek) - tests: Default to /tmp for create_sparse_tempfile() (tbzatek) - part: Fix potential double free when getting parttype (vtrefny) - Mark NVDIMM plugin as deprecated since 3.1 (vtrefny) - tests: Remove some obsolete rules to skip tests (vtrefny) - fs: Add support for getting filesystem min size for NTFS and Ext (vtrefny) - fs: Fix allowed UUID for generic mkfs with VFAT (vtrefny) - fs: Add a generic function to check for fs info availability (vtrefny) - fs: Add a function to check label format for F2FS (vtrefny) - swap: Add support for checking label and UUID format (vtrefny) - ci: Remove the custom version command for Packit (vtrefny) - ci: Manually prepare spec file for Packit (vtrefny) - overrides: Remove unused 'sys' import (vtrefny) - Add BDPluginSpec constructor and use it in plugin_specs_from_names (vtrefny) - Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny) - ci: Add an action to compile libblockdev with different compilers (vtrefny)- tests: Fix "invalid escape sequence '\#'" warning from Python 3.12 (vtrefny) - tests: Fail early when recompilation fails in library_test (vtrefny) - lvm-dbus: Replace g_critical calls with bd_utils_log_format (vtrefny) - Use log function when calling a plugin function that is not loaded (vtrefny) - logging: Default to DEBUG log level if compiled with --enable-debug (vtrefny) - nvme: Rework memory allocation for device ioctls (tbzatek) - packit: Add configuration for downstream builds (vtrefny) - fs: correct btrfs set label description (jvanderwaa) - fs: Disable progress for ntfsresize (vtrefny) - part: Do not open disk read-write for read only operations (vtrefny) - ci: Bump actions/checkout from v3 to v4 (vtrefny) - plugins: btrfs: use g_autofree where possible for g_free (jvanderwaa) - plugins: use g_autofree for free'ing g_char's (jvanderwaa) - spec: Move obsoleted devel subpackages to libblockdev-devel (vtrefny) - spec: Obsolete vdo plugin packages (vtrefny)- Obsolete vdo plugin packages (#2237477)- crypto: Correctly convert passphrases from Python to C (vtrefny) - tests: Minor NVMe HostNQN fixes (tbzatek) - nvme: Generate HostID when missing (tbzatek) - Always use "--fs ignore" with lvresize (mvollmer) - nvme: Use interim buffer for nvme_get_log_sanitize() (tbzatek) - fs: Fix memory leak (vtrefny) - fs: Fix leaking directories with temporary mounts (vtrefny) - tests: Specificy required versions when importing GLib and BlockDev introspection (biebl) - tests: Replace deprecated unittest assert calls (vtrefny)- fs: Avoid excess logging in extract_e2fsck_progress (vtrefny) - loop: Report BD_LOOP_ERROR_DEVICE on empty loop devices (tbzatek) - lib: Silence the missing DEFAULT_CONF_DIR_PATH (tbzatek) - fs: Document that generic functions can mount filesystems (vtrefny) - fs: Use read-only mount where possible for generic FS functions (vtrefny) - docs: Fix test quotation (marecki) - fs: Fix unused error in extract_e2fsck_progress (vtrefny) - Use ntfsinfo instead of ntfscluster for faster bd_fs_ntfs_get_info (amubtdx) - Restrict list of exported symbols via -export-symbols-regex (biebl) - Fix formatting in NEWS.rst (vtrefny)- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- fs: Simplify struct BDFSInfo (tbzatek) - boilerplate_generator: Annotate stub func args as G_GNUC_UNUSED (tbzatek) - crypto: Remove stray struct redefinition (tbzatek) - loop: Remove unused variable (tbzatek) - build: Exit before AC_OUTPUT on error (tbzatek) - loop: define LOOP_SET_BLOCK_SIZE is not defined (giulio.benetti) - Make the conf.d directory versioned (vtrefny) - configure: Fix MAJOR_VER macro (vtrefny) - spec: Add dependency on libblockdev-utils to the s390 plugin (vtrefny) - nvme: Mark private symbols as hidden (tbzatek) - dist: Sync spec with downstream (vtrefny) - misc: Update steps and Dockerfile for Python documentation (vtrefny) - fs: Add missing copy and free functions to the header file (vtrefny) - lvm: Add bd_lvm_segdata_copy/free to the header file (vtrefny) - loop: Remove bd_loop_get_autoclear definition (vtrefny) - lvm: Fix declaration for bd_lvm_vdolvpoolname (vtrefny) - lvm: Make _vglock_start_stop static (vtrefny) - vdo_stats: Remove unused libparted include (vtrefny)- Rebuilt for Python 3.12- Libblockdev 3.0 release 3.1.1-11.fc413.1.1-11.fc413.1.1blockdevdbus.hdev_utils.hexec.hextra_arg.hlogging.hmodule.hsizes.hutils.hlibbd_utils.soblockdev-utils.pc/usr/include//usr/include/blockdev//usr/lib64//usr/lib64/pkgconfig/$(echo -O2 -flto=auto -ffat-lto-objects -fexceptions -g -grecord-gcc-switches -pipe -Wall -Wno-complain-wrong-lang -Werror=format-security -Wp,-D_GLIBCXX_ASSERTIONS -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-hardened-cc1 -fstack-protector-strong -specs=/usr/lib/rpm/redhat/redhat-annobin-cc1 -mbranch-protection=standard -fasynchronous-unwind-tables -fstack-clash-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer | sed -e 's/-O2/-O0/g') -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=0cpiozstd19aarch64-redhat-linux-gnudirectorypkgconfig fileRPRR (/h5ns-Dm$ٞˡKIZw2zkO;iw::mo+#Hw7?<#L?#J:*{ħ( Id"'pý~eb\qE.-q:{57$Z++Ưr^U- QC\,M]C:2MY[e~$ J&7L8.IXi;ǥh xʛw|Da!OsUZy;(a2c>d@<| ax0(gZ)55"Ƀt{O ',r8:eJN2^%!%s~FI7O:E=p䭣xop5i 6ˁQ[_|C#"IXZP{,͏Š"| pσt¼Ě)xW:<|m= 9Pπgok^[G/f"WOoq,fu6UXriYj9+]څ]J%(BFLktBTYV5pLZG@xV Y:*1*DJb_?qİNf@HS&Xʝ Xë3f%w&ɭaj2Mo&çc}zn Fzޤ-xG'#-fɍRov{WGfYYGK4dX2-*6\LebLW>M5A3OFwXgU ׂ8e}S˩KKqNK=c|3}jqhi(&5~O|6u4O_N w#g7x.$S 2{T b.Qm ` ŢqJ~L"$amP)X։*HLE <+=OpAI7t$vUSktb~Nh.bq6E ,E`,-0lcb,BXK0$hr-X.N>Ѩnַ=[Ŷ\,-A*lI\ڵ`(:K|B\ EQПq_.F^>M^s)DbIoU;h!Yؗi21CEs/7a筈^' c r$w2Q"g>@8!Xɒuٸ2FvM [^E9{,UWe>D H 4R}G M⅀91 `J5~F I}fCE$ i:T;΃3/M)1\+j/  T3GA͡ymEBZQaW5ʛ$njyANqLcE:m=;Ϋj0$[2F3v Y$ I]QzӪ Ff9o2WVއS ,>e!{}0G'(XS%|RǫL_k5ah~틳MfF ozcxFů^o 鮎Z S i'U)sPi`FHlRD IJ~MKW#0 ?g0S ?rmt'>6 HGl;qvV|5l8=VI3 6ͻ֞?9n ,a}.Aρ1B2Q΁o[LBB?{V-0G!2v74= f6S= S{ٛu' t"bvXD>Zrد)>Tp!Dr$y ň:}1^nAD oW)% ,*$}L^vД]w\Ο$>vdq' ],@ ID&Ebkݛ`QVժnLEnr/pCa78+3^%ĝv[F5Ђf.W+ڃRحj9YyĚ Ղ DC7KǸi \9=lֱ\SaDGaMfl҆$=޵U_Qc!ϼ4Հyp;9¡|pETC9r%7x1IE'S]%1H\jJA_cauSDW̋t%a[e'AUhYqA r rM:Wh:&P 29v@JE<,& 7