#!/usr/bin/perl ########################################################################### # # kpcli - KeePass Command Line Interface # # Author: Lester Hightower # # This program was inspired by "kedpm -c" and resulted despite illness # (or more likely because of it) over the USA Thanksgiving holiday in # late November of 2010. As a long-time user of the Ked Password Manager # I really missed a command line interface after getting an Android cell # phone and switching to KeePass, so that I could access my password # database on my phone. This program scratches that itch. # # Reference information on the KeePass file format: # https://gist.github.com/lgg/e6ccc6e212d18dd2ecd8a8c116fb1e45 # ########################################################################### ######################## # The required modules # ######################## # Required core modules use 5.9.4; # Version when Module::Loaded was added use strict; # core use version; # core use diagnostics; # core use Cwd qw(abs_path); # core use File::Copy qw(move); # core use File::Spec; # core use FileHandle; # core use Getopt::Long; # core use File::Basename; # core use Digest::file; # core use Digest::MD5; # core use Digest::SHA qw(sha256); # core use Data::Dumper qw(Dumper); # core use Term::ANSIColor; # core use Carp qw(longmess); # core use English qw(-no_match_vars); # core use Time::HiRes qw(gettimeofday tv_interval); # core use Time::Local qw(timegm); # core use Clone qw(clone); # core use Time::Piece; # core use Time::Seconds; # core use Module::Loaded qw(is_loaded); # core use POSIX; # core, required for unsafe signal handling $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1; # This BEGIN code is used to unshift local perl module paths (~/perl5/*) # onto @INC to allow users to install modules for kpcli into thier homedirs # instead of having to do it at the system level. This is convenient with # cpanm and can be helpful on hosts without root privilege. BEGIN { # Bail immediately if we're on Windows if (lc($^O) =~ m/^mswin/) { return 0; } # NOTE: Stopped using File::Find in here because doing so pulled # in other modules that the user may prefer to load from ~/perl5. # This was specifically a problem for List::Util when support was # added to cli_pwck() for XData::Password::zxcvbn on perl v5.22.1. sub get_dirs { my $dir = shift @_; if (! -d $dir) { return (); } # Nothing to do if $dir is not a dir # Push all subdirs of $dir onto @d my @d = (); opendir(my $dh, $dir) || return (); while ($_ = readdir($dh)) { next if $_ eq "." or $_ eq ".."; my $fn = $dir . '/' . $_; if (-d $fn) { push @d, $fn; } } closedir($dh); # Look for directories in each subdirectory of $dir my @d2=(); foreach (@d) { push @d2, get_dirs($_); } return ($dir, @d2); # Return $dir and its subdirs } # cPanelUserConfig.pm was the reference code from which I # built this, but I modified it substantially, to the # point that it is really not the same any longer and, I # believe, should work on many more unix-like systems. # I also added checks so that we don't push non-existant # directories onto @INC. # NOTE: An alternative to this may be CPAN module local::lib, # but it would bring in many more dependancies... # $b__dir will be something like /home//perl5 my $b__dir = ( getpwuid($>) )[7] . '/perl5'; if (! -d $b__dir) { return 0; } # Nothing to do if no ~/perl5/ # Find all of .../auto/ directories in ~/perl5, chop the /auto off, # and append that list of directories to @add_paths. my @subdirs = get_dirs($b__dir); my @auto_dirs = map { $_ =~ s%/auto$%%; $_; } grep(m%/auto$%, @subdirs); #warn "LHHD: \@auto_dirs:\n" . join("\n", @auto_dirs) . "\n\n"; # Potential base set of ~/perl5 paths to be placed into @INC my @add_paths = ( $b__dir.'/lib/perl5', @auto_dirs ); # Potential complete set of ~/perl5 paths to be placed into @INC my @INC_adds = (); unshift @INC_adds, @add_paths, map { $b__dir . $_ } grep {$_ ne '.'} @INC; # Any @INC_adds that exist will go into @INC_toadd to be unshifted to @INC my @INC_toadd = (); foreach my $inc_add (@INC_adds) { if (-d $inc_add) { push @INC_toadd, $inc_add; } } #warn "LHHD: \@INC_adds:\n" . join("\n", @INC_adds) . "\n\n"; #warn "LHHD: \@INC_toadd:\n" . join("\n", @INC_toadd) . "\n\n"; unshift @INC, @INC_toadd; #warn "LHHD: \@INC:\n" . join("\n", @INC) . "\n\n"; } # Required non-core modules use Crypt::Rijndael; # non-core, libcrypt-rijndael-perl on Ubuntu use Sort::Naturally; # non-core, libsort-naturally-perl on Ubuntu use Term::ReadKey; # non-core, libterm-readkey-perl on Ubuntu use Term::ShellUI; # non-core, libterm-shellui-perl on Ubuntu use File::KeePass 0.03; # non-core, libfile-keepass-perl on Ubuntu # - >=v0.03 needed due critical bug fixes ############################## # End of required modules #### ############################## # A developer convenience to force using a particular Term::ReadLine module our $FORCED_READLINE = undef; # Auto-select #our $FORCED_READLINE = 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu'; #our $FORCED_READLINE = 'Term::ReadLine::Perl'; #our $FORCED_READLINE = 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5'; # Pull in optional perl modules with run-time loading my %OPTIONAL_PM=(); # Capture::Tiny is needed to safely optionally-load Clipboard. # Clipboard is needed by the clipboard copy commands (xw, xu, xp, and xx). if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Capture::Tiny',[qw(capture)])) { # Clipboard tests its dependencies at import() and writes warnings to STDERR. # Capture::Tiny is used to catch those warnings and we silently hold them # until and unless someone tries to use dependant functions. my ($out, $err, @result) = capture( sub { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Clipboard',undef); } ); if (length($err)) { # Cleanup the error message for for better viewing by the user $err =~ s/^\s+//g; $err =~ s/\s+$//g; $err =~ s/^(.*)$/ > $1/mg; $OPTIONAL_PM{'Clipboard'}->{error} = $err; } } else { # If we didn't get Capture::Tiny, also mark Clipboard as not loaded. $OPTIONAL_PM{'Clipboard'}->{loaded} = 0; } # Optional but helpful modules for Windows if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/) { # Win32::Console::ANSI is needed to emulate ANSI colors on Windows if (! runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Win32::Console::ANSI',undef)) { # If we don't have Win32::Console::ANSI then we want to override # &main::color() and colored() from Term::ANSIColor with NOOPs. no strict 'refs'; *color = sub { my $color = shift @_; return ''; }; *colored = sub { my $color = shift @_; my $text=shift @_; return $text; }; } # In version 3.5, added the use of Term::Size::Win32 to deal with a # problem when importing Term::ReadLine::Perl where it warns about # "The Win32 GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo call didn't work." if (! runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Term::Size::Win32',undef)) { # TODO - should we do something here...? } } runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Sub::Install',undef); # Optionally use a more cryptographically secure RNG. our $RNG_EXT = undef; if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Math::Random::ISAAC',undef)) { $RNG_EXT = Math::Random::ISAAC->new( int(1000000000 * (Time::HiRes::time() - int(Time::HiRes::time())))); } use subs 'rand'; # Override built-in rand() with our own function sub rand { my $ceiling = shift @_ || 1; our $RNG_EXT; if (defined($RNG_EXT) && ref($RNG_EXT) eq 'Math::Random::ISAAC') { my $random = $RNG_EXT->rand() * $ceiling; return $random; } return CORE::rand($ceiling); } if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Authen::OATH',undef)) { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Convert::Base32',[qw(decode_base32)]); } $|=1; # flush immediately after writes or prints to STDOUT my $DEBUG=0; $Data::Dumper::Useqq = 1; # Have Dumper escape special chars (like \0) our $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN = 20;# Default length of generated passwords. our $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN = 1; # Minimum length of generated passwords. our $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX = 50;# Maximum length of generated passwords. my $DEFAULT_ENTRY_ICON = 0; # In keepassx, icon 0 is a golden key my $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON = 49; # In keepassx, icon 49 is an opened file folder my $DEfAULT_BAKUP_ICON = 2; # In keepassx, icon 2 is a warning sign my $FOUND_DIR = '_found'; # The find command's results go in /_found/ my $AUTOSAVES_DIR = '_autosaves'; # The place where auto-saves are kept my $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE = 2*1024**2; # Maximum size of entry file attachments my $KPXC_MIN_VER = '2.7.1'; # Application name and version my $APP_NAME = basename($0); $APP_NAME =~ s/\.(pl|exe)$//; my $VERSION = "3.8.1"; our $HISTORY_FILE = ""; # Gets set in the MyGetOpts() function our $PASSWD_ECHO_CHAR = '*'; our $opts = MyGetOpts(); # Will only return with options we think we can use my $doc_passwd_gen = "For password generation, the \"g\" method produces a\n" . "string of random characters, the \"w\" method creates a\n" . "4-word string inspired by \"correct horse battery staple\"\n" . "(http://xkcd.com/936/), and the \"i\" method provides an\n" . "interactive user interface to the \"g\" and \"w\" methods.\n" . "\n" . "By default, the \"g\" and \"i\" methods generate passwords that\n" . "are $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN characters long. " . "That can be controlled by providing an\n" . "integer immediately after the \"g|i\" in the range of " . "$DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN-$DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX.\n" . "For example, \"g17\" will generate a 17 character password.\n" . ""; # Setup our Term::ShellUI object my $term = new Term::ShellUI( app => $APP_NAME, term => get_readline_term(\%OPTIONAL_PM, $APP_NAME), history_file => $HISTORY_FILE, keep_quotes => 0, commands => { "autosave" => { desc => "Autosave functionality", doc => "\n" . cli_autosave(undef,undef,1), method => \&cli_autosave, minargs => 0, maxargs => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "ver" => { desc => "Print the version of this program", doc => "\n" . "Add the -v option to get an inventory of the versions\n" . "of the various dependencies being used. Please provide\n" . "that information in any bug reports filed.\n" . "", method => \&cli_version, minargs => 0, maxargs => 1, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "version" => { alias => "ver", exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "vers" => { desc => "Same as \"ver -v\"", minargs => 0, maxargs => 1, method => \&cli_versions, exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "versions" => { alias => "vers", exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "help" => { desc => "Print helpful information", args => sub { shift->help_args(undef, @_); }, method => sub { my_help_call(@_); }, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, #method => sub { shift->help_call(undef, @_); } }, "h" => { alias => "help", exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "?" => { alias => "help", exclude_from_completion=>1, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "cls" => { desc => 'Clear screen ("clear" command also works)', doc => "\n" . "Clear the screen, which is useful when guests arrive.\n", maxargs => 0, method => \&cli_cls, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "clear" => { alias => "cls", exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "quit" => { desc => "Quit this program (EOF and exit also work)", maxargs => 0, method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_quit, @_); }, exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, "exit" => { alias => "quit", exclude_from_history => 1, timeout_exempt => 1, }, # Generally, commands above here are timeout_exempt #"" => { args => sub { shift->complete_history(@_) } }, "history" => { desc => "Prints the command history", doc => "\nSpecify a number to list the last N lines of history.\n" . "Pass -c to clear the command history.\n" . "Pass -d NUM to delete a single item.\n", args => "[-c] [-d] [number]", method => sub { shift->history_call(@_) }, exclude_from_history => 1, }, "cd" => { desc => "Change directory (path to a group)", doc => "\n" . "Change the pwd to an absolute or relative path.\n" . "Slashes in names are escaped with backslashes:\n" . "(i.e. \"cd /personal/Comcast\\/Xfinity\").\n", maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups, method => \&cli_cd, }, "chdir" => { alias => 'cd' }, "cl" => { desc => "Change directory and list entries (cd+ls)", doc => "\n" . "Change the pwd to an absolute or relative path\n" . "and list the entries there. This is a useful way\n" . "to quickly navigate to a path and have the entries\n" . "listed in preparation to run the show command.\n", maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups, method => sub { if(cli_cd(@_) == 0) { cli_ls() } }, }, "saveas" => { desc => "Save to a specific filename " . "(saveas [])", minargs => 1, maxargs => 2, args => [\&my_complete_onlyfiles, \&my_complete_onlyfiles], proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_saveas, @_); }, }, "export" => { desc => "Export entries to a new KeePass DB " . "(export [])", doc => "\n" . "Use this command to export the full tree of groups\n" . "and entries to another KeePass database file on disk,\n" . "starting at your current path (pwd).\n" . "\n" . "This is a safer way to change your database password or\n" . "to move between v1 (*.kdb) and v2 (*.kdbx) file formats.\n" . "Export from /, verify that the new file is good, and then\n" . "remove your original file.\n", minargs => 1, maxargs => 2, args => [\&my_complete_onlyfiles, \&my_complete_onlyfiles], proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_export, @_); }, }, "import" => { desc => "Import a password database " . "(import [])", doc => "\n" . "Use this command to import an entire password DB\n" . "specified by into a new group at .\n" . "Supported file types are KeePass v1 and v2, and\n" . "Password Safe v3 (https://pwsafe.org/).\n", minargs => 2, maxargs => 3, args => [\&my_complete_onlyfiles,,\&complete_groups, \&my_complete_onlyfiles], proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_import, @_); }, }, "open" => { desc => "Open a KeePass database file " . "(open [])", minargs => 1, maxargs => 2, args => [\&my_complete_onlyfiles, \&my_complete_onlyfiles], proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_open, @_); }, }, "mkdir" => { desc => "Create a new group (mkdir )", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups, method => \&cli_mkdir, }, "rmdir" => { desc => "Delete a group (rmdir )", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups, method => \&cli_rmdir, }, "dir" => { alias => "ls", }, "ls" => { desc => "Lists items in the pwd or specified paths " . "(\"dir\" also works)", minargs => 0, maxargs => 99, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => \&cli_ls, }, "new" => { desc => "Create a new entry: new ", doc => "\n" . "The new command is used to create a new entry.\n" . "\n" . "Usage is straightforward.\n" . "\n" . $doc_passwd_gen . "", minargs => 0, maxargs => 1, args => [\&complete_groups], method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_new, @_); }, }, "rm" => { desc => "Remove an entry: rm ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => \&cli_rm, }, "xu" => { desc => "Copy username to clipboard: xu ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { cli_xN('xu', @_); } }, "xw" => { desc => "Copy URL (www) to clipboard: xw ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { cli_xN('xw', @_); } }, "xp" => { desc => "Copy password to clipboard: xp ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { cli_xN('xp', @_); } }, "xo" => { desc => "Copy one-time password to clipboard: xo ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { cli_xN('xo', @_); } }, "xpx" => { desc => "Copy password to clipboard, with auto-clear: xpx ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { cli_xN('xpx', @_); } }, "xx" => { desc => "Clear the clipboard: xx", minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, method => sub { cli_xN('xx'); } }, "pwck" => { desc => "Check password quality: pwck ", doc => "\n" . "The pwck command test password quality for entries.\n" . "You can check an individual entry or all entries inside\n" . "of a group, recursively. To check every password in your\n" . "database, use: pwck /\n" . "", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => \&cli_pwck, }, "stats" => { desc => "Prints statistics about the open KeePass file", method => \&cli_stats, }, "set" => { desc => "Set a value: get ", doc => "\n" . "The set command can take a path to an entry or an entry\n". "number (from the ls command), as its first argument,\n". "the field to change as its second argument, and that\n". "field's new value as the third argument.\n". "\n" . "When using entry numbers, they will refer to the last\n" . "path when an ls was performed or pwd if ls has not\n" . "yet been run.\n" . "", minargs => 3, maxargs => 3, args => [ \&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_get_set_fields ], method => \&cli_set, }, "get" => { desc => "Get a value: get ", doc => "\n" . "The get command can take a path to an entry or an entry\n". "number (from the ls command), as its first argument\n". "and the field to display as its second argument.\n". "\n" . "When using entry numbers, they will refer to the last\n" . "path when an ls was performed or pwd if ls has not\n" . "yet been run.\n" . "", minargs => 2, maxargs => 2, args => [ \&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_get_set_fields ], method => \&cli_get, }, "show" => { desc => "Show an entry: show [-f] [-a] ", doc => "\n" . "The show command tries to intelligently determine\n" . "what you want to see and to make it easy to display.\n" . "Show can take a path to an entry as its argument or\n" . "an entry number as shown by the ls command.\n" . "\n" . "When using entry numbers, they will refer to the last\n" . "path when an ls was performed or pwd if ls has not\n" . "yet been run.\n" . "\n" . "By default, passwords are \"hidden\" by being displayed as\n" . "\"red on red\" where they can be copied to the clip board\n" . "but not seen. Provide the -f option to show passwords.\n" . "Use the -a option to see create and modified times, and\n" . "the index of the icon set for the entry.\n" . "", minargs => 1, maxargs => 3, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => \&cli_show, }, "otp" => { desc => "Show one-time password: otp ", doc => "\n" . "The otp command calculates and shows a one-time\n" . "password for the entry. Only Google Authenticator style\n" . "TOTPs are currently supported (TOTP per RFC 6238).\n" . "https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Authenticator\n" . "\n" . "To configure an entry for this feature, place a line in\n" . "in the entry's Comments, as follows:\n" . "\n" . "2FA-TOTP: TheBase32SecretKeyProvided\n" . "\n" . "The show command also provides OTPs for those entries.\n" . "The show command redacts 2FA secrets from the Comments\n" . "unless both the -a and -f flags are given.\n" . "", minargs => 1, maxargs => 3, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => \&cli_otp, }, "edit" => { desc => "Edit an entry: edit ", doc => "\n" . "The edit command is used to modify an entry.\n" . "\n" . "Usage is straightforward.\n" . "\n" . $doc_passwd_gen . "", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_edit, @_); }, }, "attach" => { desc => "Manage attachments: attach ", doc => "\n" . "The attach command provided an interactive user interface\n" . "for managing file attachments on an entry.\n" . "", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_attach, @_); }, }, "mv" => { desc => "Move an item: mv ", minargs => 2, maxargs => 2, args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_groups], method => \&cli_mv, }, "rename" => { desc => "Rename a group: rename ", minargs => 1, maxargs => 1, args => \&complete_groups, method => \&cli_rename, }, "copy" => { desc => "Copy an entry: copy ", minargs => 2, maxargs => 2, args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_groups_and_entries], method => \&cli_copy, }, "cp" => { alias => "copy", }, "clone" => { desc =>"Clone an entry: clone ", doc => "\n" . "Clones an entry for you to edit. Similar to doing\n" . "\"cp foo bar; edit bar\" if that were possible.\n" . "\n", minargs => 2, maxargs => 2, args => [\&complete_groups_and_entries, \&complete_groups_and_entries], method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_clone, @_); }, }, "save" => { desc => "Save the database to disk", minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "", method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_save, @_); }, }, "passwd" => { desc => "Change the opened database's password", minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "", method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_passwd, @_); }, }, "close" => { desc => "Close the currently opened database", minargs => 0, maxargs => 0, args => "", method => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_close, @_); }, }, "find" => { desc => "Finds entries by Title", doc => "\n" . "Searches for entries with the given search term\n" . "in their title and places matches into \"/$FOUND_DIR/\".\n" . "\n" . "Add -a to search data fields beyond just the title.\n" . "\n" . "Use -expired to find expired entries.\n", minargs => 1, maxargs => 2, args => "", method => \&cli_find, }, "purge" => { desc => "Purges entries in a given group based on criteria.", doc => "\n" . "Purges entries within a given group based on the age of\n" . "the created, accessed, modified, or expiration fields.\n" . "\n" . "Add -r to recurse subgroups.\n" . "\n" . "Add --no-recycle to not copy purged entries to the\n" . "/Backup or \"/Recycle Bin\" groups.\n", minargs => 1, maxargs => 3, args => \&complete_groups_and_entries, method => \&cli_purge, }, "pwd" => { desc => "Print the current working directory", maxargs => 0, method => \&cli_pwd, }, "icons" => { desc => "Change group or entry icons in the database", maxargs => 0, proc => sub { run_no_TSTP(\&cli_icons, @_); }, }, }, ); $term->prompt(\&term_set_prompt); # This allows the installing of code into any/all command methods. # It is used here to insert PrintSupportMessage() into all commands. my $commands = $term->commands(); CMD: foreach my $cmd (sort keys %{$commands}) { METHOD: foreach my $proc_or_meth (qw(proc method)) { my $method = $commands->{$cmd}->{$proc_or_meth}; #print "LHHD: $cmd $proc_or_meth ref: " . ref($method) . "\n"; if (ref($method) ne 'CODE') { next METHOD; } # Only alter CODE if ($cmd eq 'quit') { next CMD; # We handle PrintSupportMessage() inside of cli_quit() } # If we're operating in --command mode, don't insert messages # requesting support so as to not complicate expect scripts. if (! defined($opts->{command})) { last CMD; } # If we get this far, insert the PrintSupportMessage() code my $new_code = sub { my $rv=&$method(@_); PrintSupportMessage(); $rv; }; $commands->{$cmd}->{$proc_or_meth} = $new_code; } } $term->commands($commands); #die Dumper($commands) . "\n"; # Seed our state global variable our $state={ 'appname' => $APP_NAME, 'term' => $term, 'OPTIONAL_PM' => \%OPTIONAL_PM, 'kdb_has_changed' => 0, 'last_ls_ents' => [], # Array of entries last listed to the user. 'put_master_passwd' => \&put_master_passwd, 'get_master_passwd' => \&get_master_passwd, 'last_activity_time' => 0, # initilized by setup_timeout_handling() 'pwck_module' => load_pwck_module(), }; # If given --kdb=, open that file if (defined($opts->{kdb}) && length($opts->{kdb})) { my $err = open_kdb($opts->{kdb}, $opts->{key}); # Sets $state->{'kdb'} if (length($err)) { print "$err\n"; exit -1; # We exit if we failed to load the --kdb file } } else { new_kdb($state); } # Enter the interative kpcli shell session if (! defined($opts->{command})) { print "\n" . "KeePass CLI ($APP_NAME) v$VERSION is ready for operation.\n" . "Type 'help' for a description of available commands.\n" . "Type 'help ' for details on individual commands.\n"; } if ($DEBUG) {print 'Using '.$term->{term}->ReadLine." for readline.\n"; } if ( (! $DEBUG) && (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) && ($term->{term}->ReadLine ne 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu')) { print color('yellow') . "\n" . "* NOTE: You are using " . $term->{term}->ReadLine . ".\n" . " Term::ReadLine::Gnu will provide better functionality.\n" . color('clear'); } # My patch made it into Term::ShellUI v0.9, but I still chose not to make # this program demand >=0.9 and instead look for the add_eof_exit_hook() # and use it if it exists and warn if not. if (Term::ShellUI->can('add_eof_exit_hook')) { $term->add_eof_exit_hook(\&eof_exit_hook); } else { warn "* Please upgrade Term::ShellUI to version 0.9 or newer.\n"; } print "\n"; setup_signal_handling(); # Exactly what the name indicates... # Setup the inactivity timeout feature (--timeout). if (defined($opts->{timeout}) && int($opts->{timeout}) > 0) { if (! is_loaded('Sub::Install')) { print "Error: --timeout requires the Sub::Install module.\n"; exit; } setup_timeout_handling(); } if ( defined($opts->{command}) && ref($opts->{command}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $cmd (@{$opts->{command}}) { $term->process_a_cmd($cmd); } &cli_quit($term,undef); # Needed else we leave a foo.lock file behind } else { $term->run(); } exit; ############################################################################ ############################################################################ ############################################################################ sub open_kdb { my $file=shift @_; my $key_file=shift @_; my $password=shift @_ || undef; our $state; # Make sure the file exists, is readable, and is a keepass file if (! -f $file) { return "File does not exist: $file"; } if (! -r $file) { return "File is not readable: $file"; } if (magic_file_type($file) ne 'keepass') { return "Does not appear to be a KeePass file: $file"; } my $finf = kp_file_info($file); if ($finf->{version} == 2 and $finf->{kdbx_ver} >= 4.0) { return color('yellow') . "KDBX4 files are not directly supported, but they can be imported.\n" . color('clear') . " - The KDBX format is supported through version 3.1.\n" . " - To import a KDBX v4 file, use the import command.\n" . " - For details, see: help import\n" . ""; } # Look for lock file and warn if it is found my $lock_file = $file . '.lock'; # KeePassX style if (-f $lock_file && ! (defined($opts->{readonly}) && int($opts->{readonly})) ) { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING:" . color('clear') . color('red') . " A KeePassX-style lock file is in place for this file.\n" . " It may be opened elsewhere." . " " . color('bold yellow') . "Be careful of saving!\n" . color('clear'); } else { $state->{placed_lock_file} = $lock_file; } my $master_pass; if ( defined($opts->{pwfile}) ) { # Read the master password from the given file open(my $pwdfile, '<', $opts->{pwfile}); $master_pass=<$pwdfile>; chomp $master_pass; close($pwdfile); } elsif (defined($password) && length($password)) { $master_pass = $password; } else { # Ask the user for the master password and then open the kdb $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd(); } if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT $state->{kdb} = File::KeePass->new; # With v3.6, we started doing extended error catching and reporting here. # KeePass has added new features to the kdbx v2 file format that are # referred to as "KDBX 4" and File::KeePass cannot open those files. # https://keepass.info/help/kb/kdbx_4.html # https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1820134 my @load_db_warns; if (! eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @load_db_warns, @_; }; $state->{kdb}->load_db($file, composite_master_pass($master_pass, $key_file)) }) { my $errmsg = "Couldn't load the file $file\n\n" . "Error(s) from File::KeePass:\n$@"; if (scalar(@load_db_warns)) { $errmsg .= "\nWarning(s) from File::KeePass:\n"; my @warns = map { my $t = $_; $t =~ s/[^[:print:]]+//g; $t =~ s/(Found an unknown header type) \((\d+).+$/$1: $2/; $t; } @load_db_warns; $errmsg .= " - " . join("\n - ", @warns) . "\n"; } return $errmsg; } if (defined($state->{placed_lock_file})) { touch_file($state->{placed_lock_file}); } # We hold a read file handle open for no reason other than # to show up in lsof. if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) { close $state->{kdb_file_handle}; } $state->{kdb_file_handle} = new FileHandle; open($state->{kdb_file_handle}, '<', $file); $state->{kdb_file} = $file; $state->{key_file} = $key_file; $state->{kdb_ver} = $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version}; # will be 1 or 2 if (defined($finf->{kdbx_ver})) { $state->{kdbx_ver} = $finf->{kdbx_ver}; } $state->{put_master_passwd}($master_pass); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; # Build the %all_grp_paths_fwd and %all_grp_paths_rev structures refresh_state_all_paths(); # Store the md5sum of the file so we can watch for unexpected changes $state->{kdb_file_md5} = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5"); # Initialize our state into "/" cli_cd($term, {'args' => ["/"]}); return ''; # If we return anything else it is an error message } # Called by Term::ShellUI to get the user prompt sub term_set_prompt($$) { my $term=shift @_; my $raw_cmd=shift @_; our $state; my $app=$state->{appname}; my $pwd=get_pwd(); return "$app:$pwd> "; } # Walks through a tree of groups building a flat hash of NULL-separated # paths to group IDs. Called on the root to build a full path tree. sub build_all_group_paths { my $hash = shift @_; my $g = shift @_; my $root_path = shift @_ || []; foreach my $me (@{$g}) { my @path_to_me = @{$root_path}; push @path_to_me, $me->{title}; my $path=join("\0",@path_to_me); my $err_path = '/' . humanize_path($path); if (defined($hash->{$path})) { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') . color('red') . "Multiple groups titled: $err_path!\n" . color('red') . "This is unsupported and may cause data loss!\n" . color('clear'); } $hash->{$path}=$me->{id}; if (defined($me->{groups})) { build_all_group_paths($hash,$me->{groups},\@path_to_me); } } return (scalar(keys(%{$hash}))); } # Walks through a tree of groups building a flat hash of NULL-separated # paths to entry IDs. Called on the root to build a full path tree. sub build_all_entry_paths { my $hash = shift @_; my $g = shift @_; my $root_path = shift @_ || []; my $red=color('red'); foreach my $me (@{$g}) { my @path_to_me = @{$root_path}; push @path_to_me, $me->{title}; if (defined($me->{entries})) { ENTRY: foreach my $ent (@{$me->{entries}}) { if ($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') { next ENTRY; # skip Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries } my $path=join( "\0", (@path_to_me, $ent->{title}) ); my $err_path = '/' . humanize_path($path); if ($ent->{title} eq '') { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') . $red . "There is an entry with a blank title in $err_path!\n" . color('clear'); } if (defined($hash->{$path}) && $err_path !~ m/\/Backup\/|\/Meta-Info$/) { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING: " . color('clear') . $red . "Multiple entries titled: $err_path!\n" . $red . "This is unsupported and may cause data loss!\n" . color('clear'); } $hash->{$path}=$ent->{id}; } } if (defined($me->{groups})) { build_all_entry_paths($hash,$me->{groups},\@path_to_me); } } return (scalar(keys(%{$hash}))); } # Returns the current path the user is sitting in. sub get_pwd { my $pwd=''; if (defined($state->{path}->{id}) && defined($state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}})) { $pwd=$state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}}; } $pwd =~ s%/%\\/%g; $pwd =~ s/\0/\//g; $pwd = '/' . $pwd; return $pwd; } # Destroys our /_found group (where we place search results) sub destroy_found { our $state; # Look for an exising /_found and kill it if it exists my $k=$state->{kdb}; my $found_group=$k->find_group({level=>0,title=>$FOUND_DIR}); if (defined($found_group)) { my @oldents = $k->find_entries({group_id=>$found_group->{id}}); foreach my $ent (@oldents) { $k->delete_entry({id => $ent->{id}}); } $k->delete_group({level=>0,title=>$FOUND_DIR}); # Because we destroyed /_found we must refresh our $state paths refresh_state_all_paths(); } } # Refreshes $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd} and $state->{all_grp_paths_rev} sub refresh_state_all_paths() { our $state; # Build all group paths my %all_grp_paths_fwd; build_all_group_paths(\%all_grp_paths_fwd,$state->{kdb}->groups); my %all_grp_paths_rev = reverse %all_grp_paths_fwd; $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}=\%all_grp_paths_fwd; $state->{all_grp_paths_rev}=\%all_grp_paths_rev; # Build all entry paths my %all_ent_paths_fwd; build_all_entry_paths(\%all_ent_paths_fwd,$state->{kdb}->groups); my %all_ent_paths_rev = reverse %all_ent_paths_fwd; $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}=\%all_ent_paths_fwd; $state->{all_ent_paths_rev}=\%all_ent_paths_rev; } # Gathers the list of groups and entries for the pwd we're sitting in sub get_current_groups_and_entries { return get_groups_and_entries(get_pwd()); } sub get_groups_and_entries { my $path=shift @_; our $state; my $k=$state->{kdb}; # Collect the @groups and entries my @groups=(); my @entries=(); my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path); if (length($norm_path) < 1) { @groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0}); @entries = $k->find_entries({level => 0}); } else { my $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}; my ($this_grp,@trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$id}); if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { # subgroups @groups = @{$this_grp->{groups}}; } @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id => $id}); } # Remove Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries my @non_meta_info = (); foreach my $ent (@entries) { if (!($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM')) { push @non_meta_info, $ent; } } @entries = @non_meta_info; # Sort the results @groups = sort group_sort @groups; @entries = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @entries; return (\@groups,\@entries); } # This function takes a group ID and returns all of the child # groups of that group, flattened. sub all_child_groups_flattened { my $group_id=shift @_; our $state; my $k=$state->{kdb}; my @groups=(); my ($this_grp,@trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$group_id}); if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { # subgroups @groups = @{$this_grp->{groups}}; foreach my $child_group (@groups) { push @groups, all_child_groups_flattened($child_group->{id}); } } return @groups; } # A function to properly sort groups by title sub group_sort($$) { my $a=shift @_; my $b=shift @_; # _found at level 0 is a special case (from our find command). if ($a->{title} eq $FOUND_DIR && $a->{level} == 0) { return 1; } elsif ($b->{title} eq $FOUND_DIR && $b->{level} == 0) { return -1; # Backup at level=0 is a special case (KeePassX's Backup group). } elsif ($a->{title} eq 'Backup' && $a->{level} == 0) { return 1; } elsif ($b->{title} eq 'Backup' && $b->{level} == 0) { return -1; # "Recycle Bin" at level=0 is a special case (KeePass v2). } elsif ($a->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin' && $a->{level} == 0) { return 1; } elsif ($b->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin' && $b->{level} == 0) { return -1; # Sort everything else naturally (Sort::Naturally::ncmp). } else { return ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); # Natural sort } } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # All of the cli_*() functions are below here # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # A simple wrapper function to block SIGTSTP (^Z) during certain commands. # This is not available on Windows, thus the if(defined()) calls. sub run_no_TSTP { my $func = shift @_; if (defined($SIG{TSTP})) { $SIG{TSTP}='IGNORE'; } my @retval = &$func(@_); if (defined($SIG{TSTP})) { $SIG{TSTP}='DEFAULT'; } return @retval; } # pwck-related subroutines sub get_pwck_module { our $state; if (defined($state->{pwck_module})) { return $state->{pwck_module}; } return undef; } # The list of pwck modules that kpcli supports, listed in the # order of preference. The first found installed will be used. sub get_pwck_module_list { my @pwckModules = qw( Data::Password::zxcvbn Data::Password::passwdqc Data::Password ); return @pwckModules; } sub load_pwck_module { my $self = shift @_; if (defined(get_pwck_module())) { return 0; # Nothing to do. Already loaded. } # Try to load one of the optional modules needed by this feature. # This list is in order of preference. my @pwckModules = get_pwck_module_list(); pwckModules: foreach my $pwckmod (@pwckModules) { # If it's already loaded then bail out now if (is_loaded($pwckmod)) { return $pwckmod; } # Try to load it. If we succeed, bail out if (runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,$pwckmod,undef)) { if ($pwckmod eq 'Data::Password::passwdqc') { no warnings 'once'; # These are intentionally only used once $Data::Password::passwdqc::max=999; # Max password length allowed $Data::Password::passwdqc::min=[INT_MAX, 20, 11, 8, 7]; # man pwqcheck } elsif ($pwckmod eq 'Data::Password') { no warnings 'once'; # These are intentionally only used once $Data::Password::MINLEN = 8; $Data::Password::MAXLEN = 0; } return $pwckmod; } } return undef; } # Checks passwords for their quality sub cli_pwck { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT my $pwckMethod = get_pwck_module(); # If we have no pwck module loaded, let the user know and bail out if (! defined($pwckMethod)) { my $modsV = " - " . join("\n - ", get_pwck_module_list()); print "Error: pwck requires one of these modules:\n$modsV\n"; return; } # Tell the user which module we are using for password testing. print "Using perl module $pwckMethod for password testing...\n\n"; my @targets = (); my $target = $params->{args}->[0]; # Start by trying to find a single entity with the paramter given. # If no single entity is found then try to find entities based on # assuming that the path given is a group. my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (defined($ent)) { push @targets, $ent; } else { my @groups = (); my $target = normalize_path_string($target); if ($target eq '' || $target eq '.' && get_pwd() eq '/') { @groups = $state->{kdb}->find_groups({}); # Every group in the file! } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target})) { my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target}; my $this_grp = $state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $group_id } ); @groups = all_child_groups_flattened($group_id); push @groups, $this_grp; # Push this group onto its children } # Loop over each target group adding each of its entries as targets foreach my $group (@groups) { if (defined($group->{entries})) { ENTRY: foreach my $ent (@{$group->{entries}}) { # skip Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries if ($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') { next ENTRY; } # If we don't have this entry recorded in all_ent_paths_rev then # we can't report on it. The only case known of is when we have # multiple entries at the same level (unsupported) and typically # that's only seen in /Backup in v1 databases. if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}})) { push @targets, $ent; } elsif (! ($group->{title} eq 'Backup' && $group->{level} == 0)) { warn "Warning: missing entry " . &Dumper($ent) . "\n"; next; } } } } } # Test each password, collect the results and record empty passwords my %results=(); my @empties = (); print " working...\r"; my @busy_chars = qw(\ | / -); my $i=0; my $in=10; foreach my $ent (@targets) { printf "%s\r", $busy_chars[int($i/$in)%($#busy_chars+1)] if (!($i++ % $in)); my $pass = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent); if (length($pass) == 0) { push @empties, $ent; $results{$ent->{id}} = ''; } else { $results{$ent->{id}} = my_IsBadPassword($pwckMethod, $pass); } # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { print "\r"; # Need to return to column 0 of the output line return 0; } } # If we only analyzed one password, return singular-style results if (scalar(@targets) == 1) { my $ent=$targets[0]; if (length($results{$ent->{id}})) { print "Password concerns: " . $results{$ent->{id}} . "\n"; } elsif (scalar(@empties) > 0) { print "Password field is empty.\n"; } else { print "Password strength is good.\n"; } } else { # If we analyzed more than one password, return multiple-style results my %problems=(); foreach my $ent_id (keys %results) { if (length($results{$ent_id})) { $problems{$state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent_id}} = $ent_id; } } my $analyzed = scalar(@targets); my $problem_count = scalar(keys %problems); my $empty_count = scalar(@empties); print "$analyzed passwords analyzed, $empty_count blank, " . "$problem_count concerns found"; if ($problem_count > 0) { print ":\n"; } else { print "."; } print "\n"; foreach my $path (sort keys %problems) { print humanize_path($path) . ": $results{$problems{$path}}\n"; if (! length(humanize_path($path))) { my $ent_id = $problems{$state->{all_ent_paths}->{$path}}; my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry({id => $ent_id}); #warn "LHHD: ".&Dumper($ent)."\n"; } } } return 0; } # This function handles abstraction to mutiple password # quality checking libraries. sub my_IsBadPassword($) { my $pwckMethod = shift @_; my $pass = shift @_; my $result = undef; if ($pwckMethod eq 'Data::Password') { $result = Data::Password::IsBadPassword($pass); if (defined($result) && $result =~ m/dictionary word/i) { # IsBadPassword() reports dictionary words that it finds. I don't # like that from a security perspective so we change that here. $result = "contains a dictionary word"; } } elsif ($pwckMethod eq 'Data::Password::passwdqc') { my $pwdqc = Data::Password::passwdqc->new; my $is_valid = $pwdqc->validate_password($pass); $result = $pwdqc->reason if not $is_valid; } elsif ($pwckMethod eq 'Data::Password::zxcvbn') { my $strength = Data::Password::zxcvbn::password_strength($pass); #print "LHHD: ".Dumper($strength)."\n"; if ($strength->{score} < 3) { $result .= "Strength score is low at " . $strength->{score}; if (defined($strength->{feedback}->{warning}) && length($strength->{feedback}->{warning}) ) { $result .= "\nWarning: " . $strength->{feedback}->{warning}; } if (defined($strength->{feedback}->{suggestions}) && ref($strength->{feedback}->{suggestions}) eq 'ARRAY') { $result .= "\nSuggestions:\n" . " - " . join("\n - ", @{$strength->{feedback}->{suggestions}}); $result .= "\n"; } } } return $result; } # Prints some statistics about the open KeePass file sub cli_stats { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # Group and entry counts my %stats; $stats{group_count} = scalar(keys(%{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}})); $stats{entry_count} = scalar(keys(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}})); # Password lengths my $k=$state->{kdb}; my %password_lengths; print " working...\r"; my @busy_chars = qw(\ | / -); my $i=0; my $in=100; foreach my $ent_id (values(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}})) { printf "%s\r", $busy_chars[int($i/$in)%($#busy_chars+1)] if (!($i++ % $in)); my $ent = $k->find_entry({id => $ent_id}); my $pass_len = length($k->locked_entry_password($ent)); if ($pass_len < 1) { $password_lengths{"0"}++; } elsif ($pass_len > 0 && $pass_len < 8) { $password_lengths{"1-7"}++; } elsif ($pass_len > 7 && $pass_len < 12) { $password_lengths{"8-11"}++; } elsif ($pass_len > 11 && $pass_len < 17) { $password_lengths{"12-16"}++; } elsif ($pass_len > 16 && $pass_len < 20) { $password_lengths{"17-19"}++; } elsif ($pass_len > 19) { $password_lengths{"20+"}++; } # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { print " "x20 . "\r"; # Need to return to column 0 of the output line return 0; } } my $kdb_fname = 'N/A'; # N/A is it's a new, never saved file. if (defined($state->{kdb_file})) { $kdb_fname = $state->{kdb_file}; } my $t= " "x20 . "\r" . "File: $kdb_fname\n" . "Key file: " . (defined($state->{key_file}) ? $state->{key_file} : 'N/A') . "\n"; # Note: the defined() tests below are needed because newly created # files, that have not yet been saved, won't have those values. my $hdr = $k->{header}; if (defined($hdr->{database_name})) { $t.="Name: " . $hdr->{database_name} . "\n"; } if (defined($hdr->{database_description})) { my $desc = $hdr->{database_description}; $desc =~ s/[\r\n]/\n/g; my @l = split(/\n/, $desc); $t .= "Description:\n" . "| " . join("\n| ", @l) . "\n"; } if (defined($hdr->{version}) && defined($hdr->{enc_type}) && defined($hdr->{rounds})) { $t .= "KeePass file version: " . $hdr->{version}; if (defined($state->{kdbx_ver})) { $t .= " and KDBX v$state->{kdbx_ver}"; } $t .= "\n" . "Encryption type: " . $hdr->{enc_type} . "\n" . "Encryption rounds: " . $hdr->{rounds} . "\n"; } if (defined($hdr->{cipher})) { $t .= "Cipher: $hdr->{cipher}\n"; } if (defined($hdr->{compression})) { $t .= "Compression: $hdr->{compression}\n"; } $t .= "Number of groups: $stats{group_count}\n" . "Number of entries: $stats{entry_count}\n" . "Entries with passwords of length:\n".stats_print(\%password_lengths) . "\n" . ""; print $t; } sub cli_cls { if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && (! is_loaded('Win32::Console::ANSI'))) { system("cls"); } else { print "\033[2J\033[0;0H"; $|=1; # Needed for MS Windows (Win32::Console::ANSI works w/this flush) } } sub cli_pwd { print get_pwd() . "\n"; } sub cli_cd { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT my $raw_pathstr = $params->{args}->[0]; # "cd" -- no parameter is given, so go to "home" (/) if (! defined($raw_pathstr)) { return cli_cd($self, {'args' => ['/']});; } # "cd ." if ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^[.]$/) { return; # nothing to do } # "cd -" if ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^[-]$/) { return cli_cd($self, {'args' => [$state->{oldpwd}]}); } # Everything else is handled by helpers return cli_cd_helper($state,normalize_path_string($raw_pathstr)); } # Takes a possibly wacky path with ".."s and such and normalizes it into a # NULL-separated path that can be used as a key into $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd} sub normalize_path_string($) { my $path_string = shift @_; our $state; if ($path_string =~ m/\0/) { warn "normalize_path_string(\"$path_string\"): path contains a NULL. Likely a bug.\nPlease report it at https://sourceforge.net/p/kpcli/bugs/!\n"; } # Split the path into @path # http://efreedom.com/Question/1-3588341/Implement-Escape-Sequence-Using-Split-Perl my $delim="/"; my $escape="\\"; my @path = $path_string =~ /(?:\Q$delim\E|^)((?>(?:\Q$escape\E.|(?!\Q$delim\E).)*))/gs; #/(?:\Q$delim\E|^)((?:\Q$escape\E.|(?!\Q$delim\E).)*+)/gs; # perl 5.10+ s/\Q$escape$delim\E/$delim/g for @path; @path=grep(!/^$/, @path); # Drop meaningless (excess) deimiters (/foo//bar) # This block handles absolute and relative paths my $path_str=''; if ($path_string =~ m%^/%) { # Absolute path $path_str=join("\0",@path); } else { # Relative path my $pwd=''; if (defined($state->{path}->{id}) && defined($state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}})) { $pwd = $state->{all_grp_paths_rev}->{$state->{path}->{id}}; } my @nwd=split("\0", $pwd); push @nwd, @path; $path_str=join("\0", @nwd); } # We should now have a NULL-separated, fully qualified path and # we just need to work on cleaning up things like "." and ".." # Squash single dots while ($path_str=~s/\0[.]\0|^[.]\0|\0[.]$/\0/) {} # Kill ".." and their parents while ($path_str=~s/[^\0]+\0+[.][.]//) {} $path_str=~s/\0\0+/\0/g; # squash any adjacent delimeters $path_str=~s/^\0+//; # squash any leading delimeters $path_str=~s/\0+$//; # squash any trailing delimeters return $path_str; } sub cli_cd_helper($$) { my $state=shift @_; my $path_str=shift @_; if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path_str})) { $state->{oldpwd}=get_pwd(); my $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path_str}; $state->{path}->{id}=$id; return 0; } elsif ($path_str eq '') { # cd / $state->{oldpwd}=get_pwd(); delete $state->{path}; return 0; } else { print "Invalid path\n"; return -1; } } # Return 1 if entry's password never expires, else 0. # Helps support both v1 (*.kdb) and v2 (*.kdbx) files. sub does_expire_never { my $kdb_ver = shift @_; my $ent = shift @_; my $expires = $ent->{expires}; if ($kdb_ver == 1 && $expires =~ m/^(\d{4})-/ && ($1 == 2999)) { return 1; } elsif ($kdb_ver == 2 && (! $ent->{expires_enabled})) { return 1; } return 0; } # Helper function of cli_find() to find expired entries. sub find_expired_entries { my $kdb_ver = shift @_; my $k = shift @_; our $state; my @expired = (); my @all_entries_flattened = $k->find_entries({}); ENT: foreach my $ent (@all_entries_flattened) { if (recent_sigint()) { return (); } # Bail on SIGINT # If we don't have this entry recorded in all_ent_paths_rev then # we can't report on it. The only case known of is when we have # multiple entries at the same level (unsupported) and typically # that's only seen in /Backup in v1 databases. if (! defined($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}})) { next ENT; } # Now test the expired time... if (does_expire_never($kdb_ver, $ent)) { next ENT; } my $exp = $ent->{expires}; my $title = $ent->{title}; if ($exp !~ m/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2}) (\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})$/) { print "Warning: Invalid expiration date found in \"$title\"\n"; next ENT; } my ($year,$mon,$mday,$hour,$min,$sec) = ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6); my $timegm = timegm($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon-1,$year); if ($timegm < time) { push @expired, $ent; } } return @expired; } sub cli_purge($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # Users can provide a --no-recycle option and -r for recurse. my $target = undef; my $purge_group=''; my %opts=(); { local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}}; my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'r', 'no-recycle'); if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1 || length($ARGV[0]) < 1) { print "Purge only supports exactly one group at a time.\n"; return; } $target = normalize_path_string($ARGV[0]); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target})) { my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$target}; $purge_group = $state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $group_id } ); } else { print "Invalid group.\n"; return; } } # Collect the date/time field that the user wants to purge by print "Purge by (c)reated, (e)xpires, or last (a)ccessed/(m)odified time? "; my $purge_by=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if ($purge_by !~ m/^[ecam]$/i) { print "Operation canceled.\n"; return; } # Ask the user for the $purge_qty and $purge_uom print "Purge entries order than... (90d, 13w, 6m, 2y, etc)? "; my $purge_age = get_single_line(); print "\n"; my ($purge_qty, $purge_uom) = (undef, undef); if ($purge_age !~ m/^(\d+)([dwmy])$/i) { print "Invalid age specified.\n" . "\n" . "Examples:\n" . " - 90d = 90 days\n" . " - 13w = 13 weeks\n" . " - 6m = 6 months\n" . " - 2y = 2 years\n" . "\n" . "Operation canceled.\n"; return; } else { ($purge_qty, $purge_uom) = ($1, $2); } # Make a $purge_time Time::Piece object for the user's chosen purge time my $time_now = Time::Piece->new; my $purge_time = undef; if ($purge_uom eq 'd') { $purge_time = $time_now - ONE_DAY * $purge_qty; } elsif ($purge_uom eq 'w') { $purge_time = $time_now - 7 * ONE_DAY * $purge_qty; } elsif ($purge_uom eq 'm') { $purge_time = $time_now->add_months(-1*$purge_qty); } elsif ($purge_uom eq 'y') { $purge_time = $time_now->add_years(-1*$purge_qty); } # Gather the @groups and @ents that are purge candidates my @groups = ($target); if ($opts{'r'}) { my @child_grps = grep(/^\Q$target\E\0/, sort(keys(%{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}))); foreach my $grp (@child_grps) { push @groups, $grp; } } my @ents = (); foreach my $grp (@groups) { my @ent_paths = grep(/^\Q$grp\E\0[^\0]+$/, sort(keys(%{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}}))); foreach my $ent_path (@ent_paths) { my $entry_id = $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$ent_path}; my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry( {id=>$entry_id} ); push @ents, $ent; } } # Place the "entries to purge" into @purge_ents my %byK = ( 'e' => 'expires', 'c' => 'created', 'a' => 'accessed', 'm' => 'modified', ); my @purge_ents = (); foreach my $ent (@ents) { my $ent_time = $ent->{$byK{$purge_by}}; # %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S $ent_time =~ s/[^0-9]//g; my $prg_time = $purge_time->strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M%S"); if ($ent_time =~ m/^\d{14}$/ && $ent_time < $prg_time) { push @purge_ents, $ent; } } if (scalar(@purge_ents) < 1) { print "No entries match your purge criteria. Nothing to purge.\n"; return; } # Show the user the imact this purge will have and request confirmation my %byV = ( 'e' => 'expired', 'c' => 'created', 'a' => 'last accessed', 'm' => 'last modified', ); my %uomV = ( 'd' => 'day(s)', 'w' => 'week(s)', 'm' => 'month(s)', 'y' => 'year(s)', ); my $recursivelyV=''; if ($opts{'r'}) { $recursivelyV = "recursively " } print "\n"; print "For group \"$purge_group->{title}\"\n" . " - " . $recursivelyV . "purge entries with $byV{$purge_by} dates " . "older than $purge_qty $uomV{$purge_uom}.\n" . " - $purge_qty $uomV{$purge_uom} ago is " . $purge_time->strftime("%Y-%m-%d at %H:%M:%S") . "\n" . " - this will purge " .scalar(@purge_ents). " of " .scalar(@ents) . " entries in " .scalar(@groups). " groups.\n"; if ($opts{'no-recycle'}) { print " - and with --no-recycle specified, no backups will be made!\n"; } print "\n"; print "Confirm if you would you like to do this? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { print "Operation canceled.\n"; return; } # Delete the entries that we need to purge foreach my $ent (@purge_ents) { # No recycling for "Backup"/"Recycle Bin" folders; other folders # respect $opts{no-recycle}. if (! ($opts{'no-recycle'} || ( $purge_group->{level} == 0 && ($purge_group->{title} eq 'Backup' || $purge_group->{title} eq 'Recycle Bin') )) ) { my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent); if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; } } if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent->{id} }); } # If we purged anything, set kdb_has_changed state, ask to save, etc. if (scalar(@purge_ents) > 0) { $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; refresh_state_all_paths(); RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } } sub cli_find($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT destroy_found(); # Users can provide a -a option to search more than just the title. We # use GetOpts to parse this command line. my $search_str=''; my %opts=(); { local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}}; my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'a', 'expired'); if (defined($opts{'expired'})) { if (scalar(@ARGV) || scalar(keys(%opts)) > 1) { print "-expired cannot have search criteria or other qualifiers.\n"; return; } } else { if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { print "Find only supports searching for one word.\n"; return; } $search_str = $ARGV[0]; } } my @e = (); my $k=$state->{kdb}; if (length($search_str)) { print "Searching for \"$search_str\" ...\n"; # Make $search_str a case-insensitive regex my @letters=split(//, $search_str); foreach my $l (@letters) { if (uc($l) ne lc($l)) { $l='[' . uc($l) . lc($l) . ']'; } } $search_str=join('', @letters); my @srch_flds = qw(title); if ($opts{'a'}) { @srch_flds = qw(title username comment url tags); } foreach my $fld (@srch_flds) { # Search entries by title, skipping the /Backup (*.kdb) and/or # "/Recycle Bin" groups if they exists my $search_params = { "$fld =~" => $search_str }; foreach my $bu_dir ('/Backup','/Recycle Bin') { my $backup_dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($bu_dir); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$backup_dir_normalized})) { $search_params->{'group_id !'} = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$backup_dir_normalized}; } } push @e, $k->find_entries($search_params); } } elsif (defined($opts{'expired'})) { @e = find_expired_entries($state->{kdb_ver}, $k); } # Remove Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries my @non_meta_info = (); foreach my $ent (@e) { if (!($ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM')) { push @non_meta_info, $ent; } } @e = @non_meta_info; if ( scalar(@e) < 1) { print "No matches.\n"; return; } # If we get this far we have results to add to a new /_found my $found_group = $k->add_group({title => $FOUND_DIR}); # root level group my $found_gid = $found_group->{'id'}; $k->unlock; my @matches=(); my %duplicates=(); my %duplicate_titles=(); FINDS: foreach my $ent (@e) { my %new_ent = %{clone($ent)}; # Clone the entity $new_ent{id} = int(rand(1000000000000000)); # A random new id $new_ent{group} = $found_gid; # Place this entry clone into /_found # $new_ent{path} is _NOT_ a normal key for File::KeePass but this is # safe because we are adding it to entries in the /_found group which # will not be saved to a file. my $nulled_path=$state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}}; my @path_pieces = split(/\0/, $nulled_path); if (scalar(@path_pieces) > 1 && scalar(grep(/^old$/i, @path_pieces))) { $new_ent{'__in_old_dir'} = 1; # Mark as being in an OLD directory (only safe in /_found). } $new_ent{full_path} = '/' . humanize_path($nulled_path); $new_ent{path} = dirname($new_ent{full_path}) . '/'; if (defined($duplicates{$new_ent{full_path}})) { next FINDS; } $duplicates{$new_ent{full_path}} = 1; # Do duplicate title detection and modify any duplicates by adding a count to the title if (! defined($duplicate_titles{$new_ent{title}})) { $duplicate_titles{$new_ent{title}} = 0; # To suppress diagnostics warnings } $duplicate_titles{$new_ent{title}} = int($duplicate_titles{$new_ent{title}}) + 1; if ($duplicate_titles{$new_ent{title}} > 1) { $new_ent{title} = $new_ent{title} . " (" . $duplicate_titles{$new_ent{title}} . ")"; } $k->add_entry(\%new_ent); push(@matches, \%new_ent); # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { # If we delete the $FOUND_DIR group it should be safe to leave $k->delete_group({title => $FOUND_DIR}); return undef; } } $k->lock; # Because we added a new /_found we must refresh our $state paths refresh_state_all_paths(); # Tell the user what we found print " - ".scalar(@matches)." matches found and placed into /$FOUND_DIR/\n"; # If we only found one, ask the user if they want to see it if (scalar(@matches) == 1) { print "Would you like to show this entry? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) eq 'y') { # We first cli_ls() so that things like xN work on the entry cli_ls($self,{"args" => ["/$FOUND_DIR/"]}); # Now show the entry my $search_params = { 'group_id =' => $found_gid }; my ($e,@empty) = $k->find_entries($search_params); my $full_path="/$FOUND_DIR/" . $e->{title}; my $show_args = [ $full_path ]; # If we are doing an expired password search, find only one entry, # and give the user the option to show it, we want to show the # expired time, and so we add -a here. if (defined($opts{'expired'})) { push @{$show_args}, '-a'; } cli_show($self, { args => $show_args }); } } elsif (scalar(@matches) > 1) { print "Would you like to list them now? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) eq 'y') { cli_ls($self,{"args" => ["/$FOUND_DIR/"]}); } } } # Something is going wrong between KeePassX and File::KeePass related to # the unknown values read/written by File::KeePass from/to files written # by KeePassX. Commenting out line 378 of File/KeePass.pm is one fix, # this prevents me from needing to do that by just removing the unknown # values before saving. If there is a downside to this on the KeePassX # side I've not found it yet. I do have an email out to Paul, the author # of File::KeePass, requesting some assistance in grokking the problem. # # NOTE: I thought that this should not be needed for File::Keepass >= 0.3, # but on 2011-02-02 I discovered that creating new groups with # File::Keepass and not scrubbing on save created corrupt files: # "Group header offset is out of range" errors. # Sourceforge bug# 3187054 demonstrated the problem as well. sub scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups { our $state; # No need to do this with newer versions of File::KeePass (fixed in 2.01) if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) >= version->parse('2.03')) { return; } my $k=$state->{kdb}; my @all_groups_flattened = $k->find_groups({}); my @unkown_field_groups=(); foreach my $g (@all_groups_flattened) { if (defined($g->{unknown})) { #warn "LHHD: " . &Dumper($g->{unknown}) . "\n"; delete $g->{unknown}; push @unkown_field_groups, $g->{title}; } } my $count = scalar(@unkown_field_groups); if ($count > 0) { warn "Deleted unknown fields from these $count groups: " . join(", ", @unkown_field_groups) . "\n"; } } sub deny_if_readonly { our %opts; if (defined($opts->{readonly}) && int($opts->{readonly})) { print "Function not available with --readonly set.\n"; return 1; } return 0; } sub cli_save($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if (deny_if_readonly()) { return; } our $state; if (! length($state->{kdb_file})) { print "Please use the saveas command for new files.\n"; return; } # If the user has asked for a *.kdbx file, check the File::KeePass version if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) < version->parse('2.03')) { if ($state->{kdb_file} =~ m/\.kdbx$/i) { print "KeePass v2 (*.kdbx files) require File::KeePass >= v2.03\n"; return; } } if (warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } # Check for a lock file that we did not place there my $lock_file = $state->{kdb_file} . '.lock'; # KeePassX style if (-f $lock_file && defined($state->{placed_lock_file}) && $state->{placed_lock_file} ne $lock_file) { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING:" . color('clear') . color('red') . " A KeePassX-style lock file is in place for this file.\n" . " It may be opened elsewhere. Save anyway? [y/N] " . color('clear'); my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return; } } # Derive a temporary, savetmp file to write to. my $kdb_savetmp = abs_path($state->{kdb_file}); $kdb_savetmp =~ s/([.]kdb.*)$/-savetmp$1/; if ($kdb_savetmp eq abs_path($state->{kdb_file})) { $kdb_savetmp = $kdb_savetmp . "-savetmp"; # Should never happen } unlink($kdb_savetmp) if (-e $kdb_savetmp); if (-e $kdb_savetmp) { print color('bold red') . "ERROR: " . color('clear') . color('red') . "Something exists at path $kdb_savetmp!\n" . "\nSave abandoned!\n" . color('clear'); return -1; } # If we got this far the user is OK with us locking the file even # if we had a contention. touch_file($lock_file); $state->{placed_lock_file} = $lock_file; # Scrub the data and write the file destroy_found(); scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups(); # TODO - remove later my $k=$state->{kdb}; $k->unlock; my $master_pass= composite_master_pass($state->{get_master_passwd}(),$state->{key_file}); # Note: adding the 3rd parameter (header) here was in response to a bug reported # on 03/27/2016 via email to me from a person named marco. There is a bug in # File::KeePass that will make this save_db() call revert a V2 database to v1 if # the filename does not end in kdbx. Passing the header to this call here works # around that bug (a failure to store the version in $self->{version}). I'm not # changing this on cli_saveas(), else you could not change the DB versions by # using that command with different file extensions. I opened a bug report, # here: https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=113391 # # I also decided to do this only in the case where a user has a V2 file opened # and the filename does not end in kdbx, so that the impact of this change is # minimized across the user base. if ($state->{kdb_file} !~ m/\.kdbx$/i && $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version} == 2) { $k->save_db($kdb_savetmp,$master_pass,$state->{kdb}->{header}); } else { $k->save_db($kdb_savetmp,$master_pass); } $k->lock; # Validate that the $kdb_savetmp file can be opened # (code copied from open_kdb() and slightly modified) my @load_db_warns; if (! eval { local $SIG{__WARN__} = sub { push @load_db_warns, @_; }; my $tmp_kdb = File::KeePass->new; $tmp_kdb->load_db($kdb_savetmp, $master_pass) }) { my $errmsg = "Couldn't load the new database file $kdb_savetmp\n\n" . "Error(s) from File::KeePass:\n$@"; if (scalar(@load_db_warns)) { $errmsg .= "\nWarning(s) from File::KeePass:\n"; my @warns = map { my $t = $_; $t =~ s/[^[:print:]]+//g; $t =~ s/(Found an unknown header type) \((\d+).+$/$1: $2/; $t; } @load_db_warns; $errmsg .= " - " . join("\n - ", @warns) . "\n"; } print color('bold red') . "ERROR: " . color('clear') . color('red') . $errmsg . "\nSave abandoned!\n" . color('clear'); unlink($kdb_savetmp); return -1; } # We hold a read file handle open for no reason other than # to show up in lsof. Close it prior to saving the database, # else Windows has problems (reported in SF patch #11). if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) { close $state->{kdb_file_handle}; } # Move $kdb_savetmp into its permanent place. if (move($kdb_savetmp, $state->{kdb_file})) { $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; # set our state to no change since last save $master_pass="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; print "Saved to $state->{kdb_file}\n"; } else { print color('bold red') . "ERROR: " . color('clear') . color('red') . "Failed to move $kdb_savetmp to $state->{kdb_file}" . color('clear'); unlink($kdb_savetmp); } # Reopen file handle to show up in lsof... $state->{kdb_file_handle} = new FileHandle; open($state->{kdb_file_handle}, '<', $state->{kdb_file}); # Update the md5sum of the file after we just saved it $state->{kdb_file_md5} = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($state->{kdb_file}, "MD5"); # Now handle any autosave entries that this database may have handle_autosaves(); } sub handle_autosaves() { our $state; # Look for an exising /_found and kill it if it exists my $k=$state->{kdb}; my $autosaves_group=$k->find_group({level=>0,title=>$AUTOSAVES_DIR}); if (defined($autosaves_group)) { print "Defined autosaves:\n"; my @ents = $k->find_entries({group_id=>$autosaves_group->{id}}); print join("\n", @{get_human_entry_list(\@ents, 1)}) . "\n"; print color('red')."Process these autosaves? [y/N]: ".color('clear'); my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return; } foreach my $ent (@ents) { my $as_file = $ent->{url}; $as_file = dirname($state->{kdb_file}) . "/" . $as_file; my $as_file_lock = $as_file . ".lock"; if (-e $as_file_lock) { print color('yellow') . "Skipped \"$ent->{title}\" due lock file." .color('clear')."\n"; } $state->{kdb}->unlock; if ($state->{kdb_file} !~ m/\.kdbx$/i && $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version} == 2) { $k->save_db($as_file,$ent->{password},$state->{kdb}->{header}); } else { $k->save_db($as_file,$ent->{password}); } $state->{kdb}->lock; } print color('red')."done.".color('clear')."\n"; } } # This subroutine handles the clipboard commands (xw, xu, xp, and xx) sub cli_xN($$) { my $xNcmd = shift @_; my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # If Clipboard is not avaiable we can't do this for the user if (! is_loaded('Clipboard')) { print "Error: $xNcmd requires the Clipboard and Capture::Tiny modules:\n" . " - https://metacpan.org/pod/Clipboard\n" . " - https://metacpan.org/pod/Capture::Tiny\n" . ""; if (defined($state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{error})) { print "\nThere was an error loading the Clipboard module, as follows:\n" . $state->{OPTIONAL_PM}->{'Clipboard'}->{error} . "\n"; } return; } # Check the version of Clipboard if we're on macOS Catalina or newer. # See https://sourceforge.net/p/kpcli/bugs/41/ if (lc($OSNAME) eq 'darwin') { my $osver = get_macos_version(); if (defined($osver) && defined($osver->{'ProductVersion'})) { my $macOSverMax = '10.15.0'; # macOS Catalina began at 10.15.0 my $ClipVerMin = '0.21'; # Catalina first supported in 0.21 my $vernum = $osver->{'ProductVersion'}; if (version->parse($vernum) >= version->parse($macOSverMax)) { no strict 'refs'; my $vstr="Clipboard::VERSION"; my $Clipboard_ver = ${$vstr}; if (version->parse($Clipboard_ver) < version->parse($ClipVerMin)) { print color('yellow')."WARNING: For macOS $macOSverMax and higher, ". "Clipboard $ClipVerMin or newer is needed\n" .color('clear'); } } } } # If we're clearing the clipboard, just do that and return immediately. if ($xNcmd eq 'xx') { my_clipboard_copy(''); print "Clipboard cleared.\n"; return; } # Find the entry that the user wants to copy to the clipboard from. my $target = $params->{args}->[0]; my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n"; return -1; } # 2FA-TOTP generation my $otp = undef; if ($xNcmd eq 'xo') { my ($key2FA,$digest) = get_otp_data_from_comment($ent->{comment}); if (defined($key2FA) && defined($digest)) { $otp = get_totp($key2FA,$digest); } else { print "No OTP for this entry.\n"; return -1; } } # Switch over the xN commands and place the data into $to_copy my $to_copy = ''; SWITCH: { $xNcmd eq 'xu' && do { $to_copy = $ent->{username}; last SWITCH; }; $xNcmd eq 'xw' && do { $to_copy = $ent->{url}; last SWITCH; }; $xNcmd =~ m/^xpx?$/ && do { $to_copy = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent); last SWITCH; }; $xNcmd eq 'xo' && do { $to_copy = $otp; last SWITCH; }; warn "Error: cli_xN() does not know how to handle the $xNcmd command."; $to_copy = undef; } # Copy to the clipboard and tell the user what we did. my $cp_map = { 'xu' => 'username', 'xw' => 'url', 'xp' => 'password', 'xpx' => 'password', 'xo' => 'OTP', }; if (defined($to_copy)) { my_clipboard_copy($to_copy); print "Copied $cp_map->{$xNcmd} for \"$ent->{title}\" to the clipboard.\n"; } # The user has asked us to auto-clear the clipboard my $xpxsecs = $opts->{xpxsecs} - 1; if ($xNcmd eq 'xpx') { for my $n (reverse (0..$xpxsecs)) { for my $i (reverse (0..9)) { if (($i > 0 || $n == 0) && !($i % 3)) { print "\rClipboard will be cleared in $n.$i seconds..."; } if (recent_sigint()) { print "\n"; return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1); } } print "\n"; my_clipboard_copy(''); print "Clipboard cleared.\n"; return; } return; } sub my_clipboard_copy($) { my $text_to_copy = shift @_; # X11 has multiple clipboards and we allow users control over which # one(s) to copy to. Without --xclipsel set, Clipboard::Xclip->copy() # defaults to primary (the middle mouse click clipboard). if ($Clipboard::driver eq 'Clipboard::Xclip' && length($opts->{xclipsel})) { if ($opts->{xclipsel} eq 'all') { # Clipboard v0.19 (2019-01-31) and newer have copy_to_all_selections() # but prior do not. Prior versions are still commonly in use, and # so I chose to support them. At a later date, the else statement # here could be removed and we could instead insist on a newer # version of Clipboard. TODO if (Clipboard->can('copy_to_all_selections')) { Clipboard->copy_to_all_selections($text_to_copy); } else { my @x11_sels = $Clipboard::driver->all_selections(); foreach my $sel (@x11_sels) { $Clipboard::driver->copy_to_selection($sel, $text_to_copy); } } } else { # Clipboard has no copy_to_selection(), but Clipboard::Xclip does $Clipboard::driver->copy_to_selection($opts->{xclipsel}, $text_to_copy); } } else { Clipboard->copy($text_to_copy); } } sub cli_rm($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $target = $params->{args}->[0]; my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n"; return -1; } # Recycle the entry unless --no-recycle if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) { my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent); if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; } } $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent->{id} }); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; refresh_state_all_paths(); RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } sub validate_entry_number($$) { my $item_number=shift @_; my $path=shift @_; our $state; if (normalize_path_string($path) eq '') { print "Entries cannot exist in the root path (/).\n"; return -1; } if ($item_number !~ m/^[0-9]+$/) { print "Invalid item number (must be an integer).\n"; return -1; } my ($rGrps,$rEnts) = get_groups_and_entries($path); my $entry_max=scalar(@{$rEnts}) - 1; if ($entry_max < 0) { print "Invalid item number. No valid entries in $path.\n"; return -1; } elsif ($item_number > $entry_max) { print "Invalid item number. Valid entries in \"$path\" are 0-$entry_max.\n"; return -1; } return 0; } # This routine takes one parameter that will be either a path # to an entity or an entity number as shown by the ls command # and will use $state information such as last_ls_ents to # return a reference to that entity in the $state-{kdb} database, # if possible (valid input). sub find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($) { my $target=shift @_; our $state; my $ent=undef; # hope to populate this in a second... # This section looks for an entity by an "ls" number if ($target =~ m/^[0-9]+$/ && scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}) > 0 && $target < scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}) ) { return @{$state->{last_ls_ents}}[$target]; } # This section looks by a path name if (defined $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($target)}) { my $entry_id=$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($target)}; $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry( {id=>$entry_id} ); } # If we found the entry, place the path to this entry in the entry record, # even if it's already there (it may have just changed via cli_mv), if the # path we have for this entity is not the $FOUND_DIR. if (defined($ent)) { my $full_path = '/' . humanize_path($state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}}); my $path = dirname($full_path) . '/'; if ("/$FOUND_DIR/" ne $path) { $ent->{full_path} = $full_path; $ent->{path} = $path; } } return $ent; } sub cli_rename($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $target_dir = $params->{args}->[0]; my $dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($target_dir); my $grp=undef; if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized})) { my $grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized}; $grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $grp_id } ); } if (! defined($grp)) { print "Unknown group: $target_dir\n"; return -1; } my $prompt = color('clear')."Enter the groups new Title: "; my $term = get_prepped_readline_term(); my $new_title = $term->readline($prompt); # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } chomp($new_title); if (length($new_title)) { if ($new_title =~ m/\//) { print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n"; return undef; } # If the titles are the same then there is nothing to do if ($new_title eq $grp->{title}) { return 0; } # Check the new title for same-name conflicts in its group my $path = dirname('/'.humanize_path($dir_normalized)); my $testdir=normalize_path_string("$path/$new_title"); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$testdir})) { print "An entry titled \"$new_title\" is already in $path.\n"; return undef; } # If we passed all of our sanity checks then set the new title $grp->{title} = $new_title; } else { return 0; } # Because we renamed a group we must refresh our $state paths refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } sub cli_mv { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; my $src_path = shift @_; my $target_dir = shift @_; my $skip_save = shift @_ || 0; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } # The target has to be a group. We start validation there (the target). my $dir_normalized=normalize_path_string($target_dir); my $grp=undef; if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized})) { my $grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$dir_normalized}; $grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( { id => $grp_id } ); } if (! defined($grp)) { print "Unknown group: $target_dir\n"; return -1; } # The source (thing we are moving) can be an entity, group, or a # shell_expansion. Here we figure out which one and prepare to # exectute the move(s) below. my $ent=undef; my $mv_type = undef; if ($ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($src_path)) { $mv_type = 'entry'; } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($src_path)})) { $mv_type = 'group'; } else { # For shell_expansion moves, we call cli_mv for each shell_expansion item, # with skip_save set to true. my @ent_matches = shell_expansion($src_path); if (scalar(@ent_matches) > 0) { $mv_type = 'shell_expansion'; foreach my $mv_src (@ent_matches) { my $skip_save = 1; cli_mv($self,$params,'/'.humanize_path($mv_src),$target_dir,$skip_save); } } } if (! defined($mv_type)) { print "Unknown entity: " . humanize_path($src_path) . "\n"; return -1; } # Execute the move of the entry or group. if ($mv_type eq 'entry') { # Verify no entry title conflict at the new location my $new_entry_path=normalize_path_string($target_dir . "/" . $ent->{title}); if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry_path}) || defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry_path})) { my $path = dirname(humanize_path($new_entry_path)); print "ERROR: already an item named \"$ent->{title}\" at $path/.\n"; return undef; } # Unlock the kdb, clone the entry, remove its ID and set its new group, # add it to the kdb, delete the old entry, then lock the kdb... $state->{kdb}->unlock; my %ent_copy = %{clone($ent)}; # Clone the entity delete $ent_copy{id}; $ent_copy{group} = $grp; if ($state->{kdb}->add_entry(\%ent_copy)) { $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id=>$ent->{id} }); } $state->{kdb}->lock; print "Moved \"$ent->{title}\" to ".dirname(humanize_path($new_entry_path))."/\n"; } elsif ($mv_type eq 'group') { # Find the group that the user is asking us to move my $src_grp=$state->{kdb}->find_group( {id => $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{normalize_path_string($src_path)}}); my $new_group_path=normalize_path_string($target_dir . "/" . $src_grp->{title}); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_group_path}) || defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_group_path})) { my $path = dirname(humanize_path($new_group_path)); print "ERROR: already an item named \"$src_grp->{title}\" at $path/.\n"; return undef; } # Clone the group that is to be moved my %new_group = %{$src_grp}; # Delete the id and level from the cloned group delete $new_group{id}; delete $new_group{level}; # Add the group ID of the parent we want to put our clone under $new_group{group} = $grp->{id}; # Set the new parent group # Add the clone as a new group $state->{kdb}->add_group(\%new_group); # Delete the original group that we just cloned into a new spot $state->{kdb}->delete_group({ id => $src_grp->{id} }); print "Moved \"$src_grp->{title}/\" to ".dirname(humanize_path($new_group_path))."/\n"; } elsif ($mv_type ne 'shell_expansion') { print "Unknown error with move command.\n"; return -1; } # Because we moved an entry we must refresh our $state paths if (! $skip_save) { refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } } sub cli_copy { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; my $src = shift @_; my $dst = shift @_; my $skip_save = shift @_ || 0; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $source_ent = $src; my $src_ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($source_ent); if (! defined($src_ent)) { print "Unknown entry: $source_ent\n"; return -1; } my $target_ent = $dst; my $trg_ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target_ent); if (defined($trg_ent)) { print "Copy cannot overwrite an existing entry.\n"; return -1; } # Unlock the kdb, clone the entry, remove its ID and set its new group, # add it to the kdb, delete the old entry, then lock the kdb... $state->{kdb}->unlock; my %ent_copy = %{clone($src_ent)}; # Clone the entity $state->{kdb}->lock; delete $ent_copy{id}; # Remove the entry ID for the new copy my ($grp_path,$name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($target_ent); $ent_copy{title} = humanize_path($name); # group needs to be set to the ID of the group we may be moving the copy to my $new_grp_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path}; if (! defined($new_grp_id)) { print "Copy failed due to missing target group ID.\n"; return -1; } else { $ent_copy{group} = $new_grp_id; } $state->{kdb}->unlock; if (! $state->{kdb}->add_entry(\%ent_copy)) { print "Copy failed on add_entry().\n"; $state->{kdb}->lock; return -1; } $state->{kdb}->lock; # Because we added an entry we must refresh our $state paths if (! $skip_save) { refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } return 0; } sub cli_clone($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; my $src = shift @_; my $dst = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $skip_save = 1; my $retval_copy = cli_copy($self, $params, $src, $dst, $skip_save); if ($retval_copy) { return -1; } refresh_state_all_paths(); my $target_ent = $params->{args}->[1]; my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target_ent); if (! (defined($ent) && exists($ent->{id}))) { print "Copy failed.\n"; return -1; } $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; my %changes = (); my $retval_edit = _entry_edit_gui($ent, \%changes); # Apply the user changes, update modify time and prompt to save if ($retval_edit == 0) { $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field foreach my $key (keys %changes) { $ent->{$key} = $changes{$key}; } $state->{kdb}->lock; $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now; refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); return 0; } else { # If the edit failed (or if the user hit ^C while in edit_gui), then # remove the target entity that cli_copy() made. my $ent_id=$ent->{id}; $state->{kdb}->delete_entry({ id => $ent_id }); refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; # Should be back to how we started return $retval_edit; } } sub cli_otp($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT my ($otp_supported, $reason) = have_otp_support(); if (! $otp_supported) { print color('bold yellow') . $reason . color('clear') . "\n"; return -1; } my $target = $params->{args}->[0]; my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { return -1; } # 2FA-TOTP generation my ($key2FA,$digest) = get_otp_data_from_comment($ent->{comment}); if (defined($key2FA) && defined($digest)) { my $otp = get_totp($key2FA,$digest); print "$otp\n"; return 0; } print "No OTP for this entry.\n"; return -1; } # get/set commands sub get_set_fields_map { my $h = { title => 'Title', username => 'Uname', password => 'Pass', url => 'URL', comment => 'Notes', id => 'ID', }; my $rh = {}; foreach my $k (keys %{$h}) { $rh->{$h->{$k}} = $k; } return ($h,$rh); } sub complete_get_set_fields { my $self = shift; my $cmpl = shift; my ($flds,$rflds) = get_set_fields_map(); my @completions = sort(uniq((keys %{$flds}, keys %{$rflds}))); my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}]; @completions = grep(/^$path/, @completions); return \@completions; } sub cli_get($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; return(getter_setter($self, 'get', $params)); } sub cli_set($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; return(getter_setter($self, 'set', $params)); } sub getter_setter($$$) { my $self = shift @_; my $action = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; our $opts; my ($target, $field, $newval) = @{$params->{args}}; # Validate and resolve the field my ($flds,$rflds) = get_set_fields_map(); if (! defined($field)) { print "Invalid field name.\n"; return -1; } if (defined($rflds->{$field})) { $field = $rflds->{$field}; } if (! defined($flds->{$field})) { print "Invalid field name.\n"; return -1; } my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { print "Invalid entry path.\n"; return -1; } if ($action eq 'get') { $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field print "$ent->{$field}\n" if defined($ent->{$field}); $state->{kdb}->lock; return 0; } elsif ($action eq 'set') { if (! defined($newval)) { print "You must provide a new value to set for the field.\n"; return -1; } # Update the field $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field $ent->{$field} = $newval; $state->{kdb}->lock; $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now; refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; } else { print "BUG in how getter_setter() was called! Please report.\n"; } return undef; } # END: get/set commands sub cli_show($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; our $opts; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # Users can provide a -f option to show the password. We use GetOptions # to parse this command line, and $target holds that target. my $target=''; my %opts=(); { local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}}; my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'f', 'a'); if (scalar(@ARGV) != 1) { return -1; } $target = $ARGV[0]; } my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { return -1; } # Unless -f is specified, we "hide" the password as red-on-red, # unless --nopwprint is set, in which case we don't show it. my $password = $state->{kdb}->locked_entry_password($ent); if (! defined($opts{f})) { $password = colored(['red on_red'], $password); if ($opts->{nopwprint}) { $password = undef; } } # 2FA-TOTP generation my $otp = undef; if (is_loaded('Authen::OATH')) { my ($key2FA,$digest) = get_otp_data_from_comment($ent->{comment}); if (defined($key2FA) && defined($digest)) { my ($otp_supported, $reason) = have_otp_support(); if (! $otp_supported) { print color('bold yellow') . $reason . color('clear') . "\n"; } else { $otp = get_totp($key2FA,$digest); } } } # Print the entry for the user print "\n"; if (defined($ent->{path})) { print show_format("Path",$ent->{path}) . "\n"; } # Only show the 2FA key if both -a and -f are given my $notes = $ent->{comment}; if (! (defined($opts{a}) && defined($opts{f})) ) { my ($key2FA,$digest) = get_otp_data_from_comment($ent->{comment}); if (defined($key2FA) && length($key2FA)) { $notes =~ s/\Q$key2FA\E//g; } } print show_format("Title",$ent->{title}) . "\n" . show_format("Uname",$ent->{username}) . "\n" . (defined($password) ? show_format("Pass",$password) . "\n" : '') . (defined($otp) ? show_format("OTP",$otp) . "\n" : '') . show_format("URL",$ent->{url}) . "\n" . show_format("Notes",$notes) . "\n" . ($DEBUG ? show_format("ID",$ent->{id}) . "\n" : ''); # Tags were added to KeePass in v2.11 (*.kdbx) if (defined($ent->{tags}) && length($ent->{tags})) { print show_format("Tags", humanize_entry_tags($ent->{tags})) . "\n"; } # Check for strings and file attachments in this entry foreach my $key (qw(strings binary)) { my $attachment = show_helper_files_strings($ent,{f=>1},$key); #my $attachment = show_helper_files_strings($ent, \%opts, $key); if (length($attachment)) { print $attachment; } } # If -a was given, tack on those details if (defined($opts{a})) { print show_format("Icon#",$ent->{icon}) . "\n" . show_format("Creat",$ent->{created}) . "\n" . show_format("Modif",$ent->{modified}) . "\n"; if (defined($ent->{expires})) { my $expires = $ent->{expires}; if (does_expire_never($state->{kdb_ver}, $ent)) { $expires = 'Never'; } print show_format("Xpire",$expires) . "\n"; } } print "\n"; print &Dumper($ent) . "\n" if ($DEBUG > 2); } # A helper function to display key/val pairs and file attachments. # Note that strings (key/val pairs) and multiple attachments per # entry only exist in KeePass 2.x (kdbx) files, while verions 1.x # files (kdb) support only a single file attachment per entry. sub show_helper_files_strings { my $ent = shift @_; my $opts = shift @_; my $key = shift @_; my $labels = { 'binary' => ['Atchm','File Attachments'], 'strings' => ['Strgs','String Values'], }; my @atts=(); if (defined($ent->{$key}) && ref($ent->{$key}) eq 'HASH') { foreach my $name (sort keys %{$ent->{$key}}) { if ($key eq 'binary') { push @atts, "$name (". int(length($ent->{$key}->{$name})) ." bytes)"; } elsif ($key eq 'strings') { if (defined($opts->{f})) { push @atts, "$name = " . $ent->{$key}->{$name}; } else { push @atts, "$name = ".colored(['red on_red'],$ent->{$key}->{$name}); } } } } my $attachment = ''; my $label = $labels->{$key}[0]; if (scalar(@atts) == 0 && defined($opts->{v})) { $attachment = "None"; } elsif (scalar(@atts) == 1) { $attachment = $atts[0]; } elsif (scalar(@atts) > 1) { $label = $labels->{$key}[1]; my @t=(); foreach my $num (1..scalar(@atts)) { push(@t, sprintf("%2d) %s", $num, $atts[$num-1])); } $attachment = "\n " . join("\n ", @t) . "\n"; } return ($attachment ne '' ? show_format($label,$attachment) . "\n" : ''); } sub cli_edit { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $target = $params->{args}->[0]; my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n"; return -1; } # Protect users from editing in the $FOUND_DIR. my $ent_path = $state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}}; if ($ent_path =~ m/^\Q$FOUND_DIR\E/) { print color('yellow') . "That entity is in the temporary /$FOUND_DIR dir.\n" . color('clear'); my $real_path = $ent->{full_path}; my $real_ent = find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($real_path); if (defined($real_ent)) { print "Would you rather edit $real_path? [y/N]"; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) eq 'y') { $ent = $real_ent; } } } my %changes = (); my $retval = _entry_edit_gui($ent, \%changes, $state->{kdb_ver}); # If the user made changes, apply them, update modify time and prompt to save if ($retval == 0 && scalar(keys(%changes)) > 0) { # Recycle the entry unless --no-recycle if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) { my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent); if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; } } # Update the entry's changed fields $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field foreach my $key (keys %changes) { $ent->{$key} = $changes{$key}; } $state->{kdb}->lock; $ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now; refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } return 0; } # A routine to copy entries to the /Backup or "/Recycle Bin" folders. # Used by cli_edit, cli_rm, etc. sub recycle_entry { my $state = shift @_; my $ent = shift @_; my $bugrp_id = get_recycle_group_path($state, 1); if (defined($bugrp_id)) { $state->{kdb}->unlock; # Required for the password field my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity and back it up delete $tmp_ent->{id}; # Append the modified time to the title for the backup dir $tmp_ent->{title} = $tmp_ent->{title} . " (". $tmp_ent->{modified} .")"; $tmp_ent->{group} = $bugrp_id; $tmp_ent->{modified} = $state->{kdb}->now; my $add_result = $state->{kdb}->add_entry($tmp_ent); $state->{kdb}->lock; if (! $add_result) { return "Failed to copy the entry to the backup folder."; } else { $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; } refresh_state_all_paths(); } return undef; } # Returns /Backup or "/Recycle Bin" based on KeePass v1 or v2 file. # Creates the group if it is missing and $create_if_missing in true. sub get_recycle_group_path { my $state = shift @_; my $create_if_missing = shift @_ || 0; my $bugrp = "/Backup"; # Default to v1 (is this correct?) if ($state->{kdb_ver} == 2) { $bugrp = "/Recycle Bin"; } my $grp_path = normalize_path_string($bugrp); if ($create_if_missing) { if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) { my $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({ title => $grp_path, icon => $DEfAULT_BAKUP_ICON, }); # root level group refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; } } if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) { return undef; } return $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path}; } # Helper function for cli_edit() and cli_clone() sub _entry_edit_gui($$$) { my $ent=shift @_; my $rChanges = shift @_; my $kdb_ver = shift @_; # Loop through the fields taking edits the user wants to make my @fields = get_entry_fields($kdb_ver); foreach my $input (@fields) { my $current_val = $ent->{$input->{key}}; my $val = undef; if (defined($input->{user_prep_func})) { $current_val = $input->{user_prep_func}($current_val); } if (defined($input->{user_edit_func})) { $val = $input->{user_edit_func}($ent, $input, $current_val); } elsif ($input->{multiline}) { $val = new_edit_multiline_input($input, $current_val); } else { $val = new_edit_single_line_input($input, $current_val); } # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { return -1; } # Call the validate_func if it's defined if (defined($input->{validate_func}) && defined($val)) { # Note that $val can be modified by the validate_func if ($input->{validate_func}(\$val) != 0) { print "Invalid $input->{txt} input.\n"; return -1; } } # Check a new title for same-name conflicts in its group if ($input->{key} eq 'title' && defined($val)) { if ($val =~ m/\//) { print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n"; return -1; } my $path = $ent->{path}; # The group's path of the entry we are editing my $new_entry = normalize_path_string("$path/$val"); if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry})) { print "An entry titled \"$val\" is already in $path.\n"; return -1; } } # If the field was not undefined, we'll change it to the new $val if (defined($val)) { $rChanges->{$input->{key}} = $val; } } return 0; } # A code-consolidation function... sub get_prepped_readline_term() { our $state; # Note: A 2nd Term::ReadLine::Gnu->new() just returns the same # object as the one that Term::ShellUI is already using. With # Term::Readline::Perl, an attempt to call new a 2nd time results # in having a Term::Readline::Stub returned and a warning printed to # STDERR, which we also don't want, and so I coded this the way that # I did to make clear what is being done, and this comment for why. my $term = $state->{term}->{term}; # Term::ShellUI's readline $state->{active_readline} = $term; # Use Term::ReadLine::Gnu more advanced functionality... if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') { # Called roughly 10-times per second while Gnu readline waits for input $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = sub { if (recent_sigint()) { $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = undef; $term->set_prompt(''); $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=''; $term->Attribs->{done} = 1; $state->{active_readline} = undef; } }; } return $term; } # A helper function to interactively edit an entry's strings sub edit_entry_strings { my $ent = shift @_; my $input = shift @_; my $initial_value = shift @_; our $state; my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity EDIT_INTERFACE: while (1) { my @strings_keys = (); if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}) && ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') { @strings_keys = sort keys %{$tmp_ent->{strings}}; } my $strings_count = scalar(@strings_keys); my $t=''; my $prompt = "Strings"; if ($strings_count > 0) { $t .= show_helper_files_strings($tmp_ent,{f=>1,v=>1},'strings'); $prompt = "Choose"; } $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(e)dit/(d)elete/(c)ancel/(F)inish? "; print "$t"; COMMAND: while (my $key=get_single_key()) { if (lc($key) eq 'c' || ord($key) == 3) { # Cancel or ^C print "\n"; return undef; # We are to return undef on no change } elsif ($key =~ m/^[fF\r\n]$/) { # Finished (save) print "\n"; return $tmp_ent->{strings}; } elsif (lc($key) eq 'd') { if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}) && ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') { if ($strings_count < 2) { %{$tmp_ent->{strings}} = (); } else { print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to delete? "; my $choice = get_single_line(); if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) { print "\nInvalid number."; } else { delete($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$strings_keys[$choice-1]}); } } print "\n"; next EDIT_INTERFACE; } } elsif (lc($key) =~ m/^[ae]$/) { my $iv=''; my $fld_being_edited = undef; if (lc($key) eq 'e') { print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to edit? "; my $choice = get_single_line(); if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) { print "\nInvalid number."; print "\n"; next EDIT_INTERFACE; } $fld_being_edited = $strings_keys[$choice-1]; my $val_being_edited = $tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld_being_edited}; $iv = "$fld_being_edited = $val_being_edited"; } my $prompt = "Input a key=value pair: "; print "\r". " "x60 ."\r"; my $term = get_prepped_readline_term(); my $keyval = $term->readline($prompt, $iv); #my $keyval = get_single_line(); if ($keyval =~ m/^\s*([^=]+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*$/) { my ($fld, $val) = ($1, $2); if (!(defined($tmp_ent->{strings})) && ref($tmp_ent->{strings}) eq 'HASH') { $tmp_ent->{strings} = {}; } if (defined($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld}) && (lc($key) eq 'a' || $fld ne $fld_being_edited)) { print "\nString field \"$fld\" already exists in the entry."; } else { $tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld}=$val; if (defined($fld_being_edited) && $fld ne $fld_being_edited) { delete($tmp_ent->{strings}->{$fld_being_edited}); } } } else { print "\nInvalid entry."; } print "\n"; next EDIT_INTERFACE; } else { # Do nothing on invalid input next COMMAND; } } } return $initial_value; } # Single line input helper function for cli_new and cli_edit. sub new_edit_single_line_input($$) { my $input = shift @_; my $initial_value = shift @_; our $state; # Because we don't unlock entries to edit them, the password # field comes in as undef. That is not a problem except that # "use diagnostics" will warn below, where we test for # "$val eq $initial_value" and return undef if true. To prevent # that warning, I set initial_value='' here for password. if ($input->{key} eq 'password' && !defined($initial_value)) { $initial_value = ''; } my $iv = ''; if (! $input->{hide_entry}) { $iv = $initial_value; } my $term = get_prepped_readline_term(); my $val = ''; PASSWD_COLLECTION: { if ($input->{genpasswd}) { print " "x25 .'("g" or "w" to auto-generate, "i" for interactive)'. "\r"; } my $prompt=$input->{txt} . ': '; if ($input->{hide_entry}) { $val = GetPassword($prompt, ''); } else { $val = $term->readline($prompt, $iv); } chomp $val; if ($input->{genpasswd} && $val =~ m/^([wgi])(\d*)$/) { my $cmd = $1; my $len = $2; if ($cmd eq 'g' || $cmd eq 'i') { if (!$len) { $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN; } elsif ($len !~ m/^\d+$/ || $len < $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN || $len > $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX) { $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN; print color('yellow') . "Password length out of bounds, reset to $len chars.\n" . color('clear'); } if ($cmd eq 'g') { $val = generatePasswordGobbledygook($len); } elsif ($cmd eq 'i') { $val = generatePasswordInteractive($len); # Interactive canceled by user if (! defined($val)) { print "\n"; redo PASSWD_COLLECTION; } } } elsif ($cmd eq 'w') { $val = generatePassword(); } else { die "BUG: it should be impossible to get to this code!\n"; } } elsif (length($val) && $input->{double_entry_verify}) { my $prompt = "Retype to verify: "; my $checkval = ''; if ($input->{hide_entry}) { $checkval = GetPassword($prompt, ''); } else { $checkval = $term->readline($prompt); } # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } chomp $checkval; if ($checkval ne $val) { print "Entries mismatched. Please try again.\n"; redo PASSWD_COLLECTION; } } } # We are done with readline calls so let's cleanup. if ($term->ReadLine() eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') { $term->Attribs->{startup_hook} = undef; $term->Attribs->{event_hook} = undef; } # This function is supposed to return undef if nothing changed if ($val eq $initial_value) { $val = undef; } return $val; } # Multi-line input helper function for cli_new and cli_edit. sub new_edit_multiline_input($$) { my $input = shift @_; my $initial_value = shift @_; our $state; # Protect programmers from accidentally misusing this function if ($input->{genpasswd}) { die "genpasswd unsupported by this function"; } if ($input->{hide_entry}) { print $input->{txt} . ": "; } else { my $mlval = $initial_value; if ($mlval =~ m/\r|\n/) { $mlval = "\n$mlval\n"; } print $input->{txt} . " (\"".$mlval."\"): "; } my $yellow=color('yellow'); my $clear=color('clear'); print "\n$yellow(end multi-line input with a single \".\" on a line)$clear\n"; my $term = get_prepped_readline_term(); my $val = ''; my $unfinished = 1; while ($unfinished) { # Term::ReadLine::Perl seems to have a bug that requires a prompt # (it borks on ''), but after adding the pipe I liked it so left # it place for all readlines. my $line = $term->readline('| '); if (! defined($line)) { # Handles user hitting Ctrl-D print "\r"; next; } if ($line =~ m/^\.[\r\n]*$/) { # a lone "." ends our input $unfinished = 0; } else { $line .= "\n" if ($line !~ m/\n$/); # ReadLine() vs. $term->readline(). $val .= $line; if ($val =~ m/^[\r\n]*$/) { $val = ''; $unfinished = 0; } } # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } } chomp($val); # Remove extra line at the end # This function is supposed to return undef if nothing changed if ($val eq '') { $val = undef; } return $val; } # Formats an entry for display for cli_show() sub show_format($$) { my $title=shift @_; my $value=shift @_; my $val=$value; if ($val =~ m/\n/) { my @val_lines=split(/\n/, $val); $val=join("\n" . " "x(5+2), @val_lines); } return sprintf("%5s: %s", $title,$val); } # Formats a statistic display for cli_stats() sub stats_print($) { my $stats_r = shift @_; my $max_key_len = 0; my $max_val_len = 0; foreach my $k (keys(%{$stats_r})) { if (length($k) > $max_key_len) { $max_key_len = length($k); } } foreach my $k (values(%{$stats_r})) { if (length($k) > $max_val_len) { $max_val_len = length($k); } } my $sprintf_format = " - %$max_key_len" . "s: %$max_val_len" . "d\n"; my $t=''; foreach my $stat_key (sort {toint($a) <=> toint($b)} keys %{$stats_r}) { $t .= sprintf($sprintf_format, $stat_key, $stats_r->{$stat_key}); } return $t; } # Helper function for stats_print() sub toint($) { my $range = shift @_; if ($range =~ m/^[0-9]+$/) { return $range; } # 0 if ($range =~ m/^([0-9]+)-[0-9]+$/) { return $1; } # 1-7 if ($range =~ m/^([0-9]+)[+]$/) { return $1; } # 20+ # We should never get here, but if we do, this is the fallback my $retval = $range; $retval =~ s/[^0-9]//g; return $retval; } # Helper functions to normalize and humanize entry tags sub normalize_entry_tags { my $rTagline = shift @_; my @tags = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, $$rTagline); $$rTagline = join(';', @tags); return 0; } sub humanize_entry_tags { my $tagline = shift @_; my @tags = split(/\s*[;,]\s*/, $tagline); return join(', ', @tags); } # Function to return a data structure to support adding/editing entries sub get_entry_fields { my $kdb_ver = shift @_ || 1; # *.kdb or *.kdbx (v1 or v2) my @fields = ( { key=>'title', txt=>'Title' }, { key=>'username', txt=>'Username' }, { key=>'password', txt=>'Password', hide_entry => 1, double_entry_verify => 1, genpasswd => 1 }, { key=>'url', txt=>'URL' }, ); # We only want "tags" if we are dealing with a v2 file (*.kdbx) if ($kdb_ver == 2) { push @fields, ( { key=>'tags', txt=>'Tags', 'multiline' => 0, user_prep_func => \&humanize_entry_tags, validate_func => \&normalize_entry_tags, }, { key=>'strings', txt=>'Strgs', user_edit_func => \&edit_entry_strings, }, ); } push @fields, ( { key=>'comment', txt=>'Notes/Comments', 'multiline' => 1 }, ); return @fields; } # Code consolidation function. # Returns true if $state->{signals}->{INT} indicates a SIGINT more # recently than the $timeframe given, which defaults to 0.25 secs. sub recent_sigint() { my $timeframe = shift @_ || 0.25; if ($timeframe !~ m/^([0-9]*\.[0-9]+|[0-9]+)$/) { $timeframe = 0.25; } our $state; if (defined($state->{signals}->{INT}) && tv_interval($state->{signals}->{INT}) < $timeframe) { return 1; } return 0; } sub cli_icons($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT print "Change icons on Groups or Entries (g/e/Cancel)? "; my $groups_or_entries=lc(get_single_key()); print "\n"; if (recent_sigint() || $groups_or_entries !~ m/^[ge]$/) { return; } print "Change icons Here, Below here, or Globally (h/b/g/Cancel)? "; my $glob_or_rel=lc(get_single_key()); print "\n"; if (recent_sigint() || $glob_or_rel !~ m/^[hgb]$/) { return; } print "What would you line the new icon to be (0-64/Cancel)? "; my $term = get_prepped_readline_term(); my $val = $term->readline(''); # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } chomp($val); if ($val !~ m/^[0-9]+$/ || $val < 0 || $val > 64) { print "Invalid icon number.\n"; return; } # This code fills @{$groups} or @{$entries} with the items that the # user wants to change the icons on. my ($groups,$entries) = ([],[]); if ($glob_or_rel eq 'h') { # "Here" is easy -- we have a function for that. ($groups,$entries) = get_current_groups_and_entries(); if ($groups_or_entries eq 'e') { $groups = []; } else { $entries = []; } } else { if ($glob_or_rel eq 'g') { # Globally is easy, it's all groups my $k=$state->{kdb}; @{$groups} = $k->find_groups({}); } elsif ($glob_or_rel eq 'b') { my $id=$state->{path}->{id}; @{$groups} = all_child_groups_flattened($id); # *only child groups* } else { warn "WHAT? Should never get to this piece of code!\n"; } # If the user wanted to operate on entries, collect all the entries # in the @{$groups} and then empty @{$groups}. if ($groups_or_entries eq 'e') { foreach my $group (@{$groups}) { if (defined($group->{entries})) { push @{$entries}, @{$group->{entries}}; } } $groups = []; } } # Change the items, recording the number of changes. my $items_changed=0; foreach my $item (@{$groups}, @{$entries}) { $item->{icon} = $val; $items_changed++; } # Tell the user what we did. print "The icon value was set to $val on $items_changed records.\n"; # If we changed anything, ask the user if they want to save if ($items_changed > 0) { $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } return 0; } sub cli_new($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $new_path=get_pwd(); my $new_title=''; # If the user gave us a path (that may include the new title) in args[0], # then we have to first rationalize that path. if (defined($params->{args}->[0])) { $new_path = $params->{args}->[0]; # Insure that $new_path is absolute if ($new_path !~ m/^\/+$/) { $new_path = get_pwd() . '/' . $new_path; } my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($new_path); my ($grp_path,$name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($new_path); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) { $new_path = '/' . humanize_path($norm_path); $new_title = ''; } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) { $new_path = '/' . humanize_path($grp_path); $new_title = $name; } else { if ($norm_path eq '') { print "Entries cannot be made in the root path.\n"; } else { print "Bad path for new entry\n"; } return; } } # $id needs to be set to the ID of the group we want to add to my $id = undef; my $norm_path=normalize_path_string($new_path); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) { $id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}; } # Make sure that we have a valid path for creating a new entry if ($new_path =~ m/^\/+$/ || (! defined($id))) { print "Entries cannot be made in this path ($new_path).\n"; return -1; } print "Adding new entry to \"$new_path\"\n"; # Grab the entries at this $id (pwd) so we can check for conflicts my $k=$state->{kdb}; my ($this_grp,@trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$id}); my @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id => $id}); my $new_entry = { 'group' => $id, }; my @fields = get_entry_fields($state->{kdb_ver}); NEW_DATA_COLLECTION: foreach my $input (@fields) { my $val = ''; if (defined($input->{user_edit_func})) { $val = $input->{user_edit_func}($new_entry, $input, {}); # An empty hash-ref is "empty/blank" for strings, but here, for a # new entry, the user_edit_func returns undef in that case (no change). if ($input->{key} eq 'strings' && !defined($val)) { $val = {}; } } elsif ($input->{multiline}) { # If the user does not change the default input, undef is returned, # thus the need for the "|| ''" at the end of this. $val = new_edit_multiline_input($input, '') || ''; } else { if ($new_title ne '' && $input->{key} eq 'title') { print $input->{txt} . ": $new_title\n"; $val = $new_title; } else { # If the user does not change the default input, undef is returned, # thus the need for the "|| ''" at the end of this. $val = new_edit_single_line_input($input, '') || ''; } } # If the user hit ^C, abort the new entry if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # If the user gave us an empty title, abort the new entry if ($input->{key} eq 'title' && length($val) == 0) { return undef; } # Call the validate_func if it's defined if (defined($input->{validate_func}) && length($val)) { # Note that $val can be modified by the validate_func if ($input->{validate_func}(\$val) != 0) { print "Invalid $input->{txt} input.\n"; return -1; } } # Check the new title for same-name conflicts in its group if ($input->{key} eq 'title') { if ($val =~ m/\//) { print "kpcli cannot support titles with slashes (/) in them.\n"; return undef; } my $new_entry = normalize_path_string($new_path . '/' . $val); if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$new_entry})) { print "An entry titled \"$val\" is already in $new_path.\n"; return undef; } } $new_entry->{$input->{key}} = $val; } $new_entry->{icon} = $DEFAULT_ENTRY_ICON; $k->unlock; my $new_entry_ref = $k->add_entry($new_entry); $k->lock; if ($new_entry_ref->{id}) { refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } else { print "Failed to add new entry.\n"; } return 0; } sub cli_import { my $file=shift @_; my $new_group_path=shift @_; my $key_file=shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly()) { return; } # If the user gave us a bogus file there's nothing to do if (! -f ($file)) { print "File does not exist: $file\n"; return -1; } my $import_file_type = magic_file_type($file); if (scalar(grep(/^$import_file_type$/, qw(keepass pws3))) != 1) { print "Does not appear to be a KeePass or Password Safe v3 file: $file\n"; return -1; } # If the $new_group_path is a relative path, make it absolute if ($new_group_path !~ m/^\//) { $new_group_path = get_pwd() . "/$new_group_path"; } # We won't import into an existing group my $full_path=normalize_path_string($new_group_path); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$full_path})) { print "You must specify a _new_ group to import into.\n"; return -1; } # Make sure the new group's parent exists my ($grp_path,$grp_name)=normalize_and_split_raw_path($new_group_path); if ($grp_path ne '' && ! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) { print "Path does not exist: /" . humanize_path($grp_path) . "\n"; return -1; } # Set the $parent_group value appropriately my $parent_group = undef; # Root by default if (length($grp_path)) { $parent_group = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path}; } # Ask the user for the master password and then open the kdb my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd(); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if ($import_file_type eq 'keepass') { return cli_import_keepass($file, $master_pass,$key_file,$grp_name,$parent_group); } elsif ($import_file_type eq 'pws3') { return cli_import_pwsafe3($file, $master_pass,$key_file,$grp_name,$parent_group); } else { print "Unsupported file type for import.\n"; return -1; } } sub cli_import_pwsafe3 { my $file = shift @_; my $master_pass = shift @_; my $key_file = shift @_; my $grp_name = shift @_; my $parent_group = shift @_; our $state; # This requires Crypt::PWSafe3 so try to load it if we don't have it if (! is_loaded('Crypt::PWSafe3')) { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Crypt::PWSafe3',[qw(capture)]); } if (! is_loaded('Crypt::PWSafe3')) { print "Perl module Crypt::PWSafe3 is required for this functionality.\n"; return -1; } # The eval is needed to catch the output of Carp::croak from Crypt::PWSafe3 my $pws3; eval { $pws3 = new Crypt::PWSafe3(file => $file, password => $master_pass, program => $APP_NAME); }; if ($@ || ref($pws3) ne 'Crypt::PWSafe3') { print "Failed to load $file."; if ($@ =~ m/^Wrong password/i) { print " Wrong password.\n"; } else { print "Error: $@\n"; } return -1; } my @records = $pws3->getrecords(); if (scalar(@records) < 1) { print "No records to import.\n"; return -1; } # Find any groups in the pws3 file that we need to create, and make them my @groups = (); foreach my $record (@records) { push @groups, $record->group(); } @groups = grep(!/^$/, @groups); # eliminate the top-level (empty) group # Add the new group, to its parent or to root if $parent_group==undef my $k=$state->{kdb}; my $new_group=$k->add_group({ title => $grp_name, group => $parent_group, }); # %new_groups will hold new groups that we add during this import, # indexed by the PWSafe3 group name, like "foo.bar.baz" my %new_groups = (); $new_groups{""} = $new_group; # Top level group for this import @groups = sort(uniq(@groups)); # sort is critical to the algorithm just below #print "LHHD: " . &Dumper(\@groups) . "\n"; foreach my $group (@groups) { my @group_tree = split(/[.]/, $group); #print "LHHD: " . &Dumper(\@group_tree) . "\n"; my $child_group = pop @group_tree; my $new_group_pws3_path = join(".", @group_tree); my $pws3_parent_group = $new_group; # default to new parent group if (defined($new_groups{$new_group_pws3_path})) { $pws3_parent_group = $new_groups{$new_group_pws3_path}; } #print "LHHD: need2make *$child_group* under *$new_group_pws3_path*\n"; #print "LHHD: creating $child_group under $pws3_parent_group\n"; $new_groups{$group}=$k->add_group({ title => $child_group, group => $pws3_parent_group, }); } # The new group(s) are made, now insert the records... $k->unlock(); foreach my $record (@records) { my $pws3_group = $record->group(); my $new_entry = { 'group' => $new_groups{$pws3_group}, 'title' => $record->title(), 'username' => $record->user(), 'password' => $record->passwd(), 'comment' => $record->notes(), 'url' => $record->url(), 'created' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime($record->ctime())), 'modified' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime($record->mtime())), 'accessed' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime($record->atime())), 'expires' => strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S",localtime($record->pwexp())), }; $k->add_entry($new_entry); #print "LHHD: " . &Dumper($record) . "\n"; } $k->lock(); # Refresh all paths and mark state as changed refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } sub cli_import_keepass { my $file = shift @_; my $master_pass = shift @_; my $key_file = shift @_; my $grp_name = shift @_; my $parent_group = shift @_; our $state; if (deny_if_readonly()) { return; } my $finf = kp_file_info($file); # If this is a KDBX4 file we handoff to that routine if ($finf->{version} == 2 and $finf->{kdbx_ver} >= 4.0) { return import_keepass_KDBX4($file,$master_pass,$key_file,$grp_name,$parent_group); } # Import v1 and v2 through KDBX version 3.1 my $iKDB = File::KeePass->new; if (! eval { $iKDB->load_db($file, composite_master_pass($master_pass, $key_file)) }) { print "Couldn't load the file $file: $@\n"; return -1; } # Add the new group, to its parent or to root if $parent_group==undef my $k=$state->{kdb}; my $new_group=$k->add_group({ title => $grp_name, group => $parent_group, }); # Copy the $iKDB into our $k at $new_group $iKDB->unlock(); $k->unlock(); my @root_groups = $iKDB->find_groups({level=>0}); foreach my $i_root_grp (@root_groups) { copy_kdb_group_tree($k,$i_root_grp,$new_group); } $k->lock(); $iKDB->lock(); $iKDB=undef; # Refresh all paths and mark state as changed refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } sub import_keepass_KDBX4 { my $file = shift @_; my $master_pass = shift @_; my $key_file = shift @_; my $grp_name = shift @_; my $parent_group = shift @_; our $state; # This requires KeePassXC so notify the user if we don't have it my $can_kpxc = can_kpxc($opts->{kpxcexe}, $KPXC_MIN_VER); if (! $can_kpxc) { print color('yellow') . "KeePassXC $KPXC_MIN_VER or newer is required to import KDBX4 files.\n". color('clear') . "You must also specify the full path to the KeePassXC program using\n". "the --kpxcexe commmand line parameter. Provide the path to the\n". "keepassxc-cli command or to the KeePassXC AppImage binary.\n" . " - https://keepassxc.org/download/\n". ""; return -1; } # This requires Expect so try to load it if we don't have it. # https://metacpan.org/pod/Expect / libexpect-perl if (! is_loaded('Expect')) { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Expect',[qw()]); } if (! is_loaded('Expect')) { print "Perl module Expect is required for this functionality.\n"; return -1; } # Gather the KDBX4 file's entries into the $ents hash my $timeout = 3; # seconds my $ents = gather_kdbx4_entries($file,$master_pass,$key_file,$timeout); if (! defined($ents)) { print "The import failed via $opts->{kpxcexe}.\n"; return -1; } if (ref($ents) ne 'HASH') { print "The import failed with error:\n$ents\n"; return -1; } # Add the new group, to its parent or to root if $parent_group==undef my $k=$state->{kdb}; my $top_imp_grp=$k->add_group({ title => $grp_name, group => $parent_group, }); # Add all of the entities from the import my %new_grps = (); foreach my $full_path (sort keys (%{$ents})) { my ($name,$path,$suffix) = fileparse($full_path); $path =~ s%/+$%%; # Ensure all that groups exist to put this $ent into my @path_parts = File::Spec->splitdir($path); for my $i (0..$#path_parts) { my $new_path = File::Spec->catdir(@path_parts[0..$i]); if (!defined($new_grps{$new_path})) { if ($i == 0) { $new_grps{$new_path} = $k->add_group({ title => $new_path, group => $top_imp_grp, }); } elsif ($i > 0) { my ($dir_name,$p_path,$suffix) = fileparse($new_path); $p_path =~ s%/+$%%; $new_grps{$new_path} = $k->add_group({ title => $dir_name, group => $new_grps{$p_path}, }); } } } # Now add the entity my %new_ent = (); $new_ent{id} = int(rand(1000000000000000)); # A random new id $new_ent{group} = $new_grps{$path}; $new_ent{title} = $name; # Loop over fields to add (uname, passwd, etc.) my $h = { # KeePassXC to File::KeePass key map username => 'UserName', password => 'Password', url => 'URL', comment => 'Notes', }; foreach my $k (sort keys %{$h}) { $new_ent{$k} = $ents->{$full_path}->{$h->{$k}}; } # Place the new entity into our file $k->unlock; $k->add_entry(\%new_ent); $k->lock; } refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } # Use Expect and "keepassxc cli" to gather the data from a kdbx4 file # NOTE: As of 07/18/2022, the Expect module does not work on # MS Windows except for within Cygwin. This code should work # if that ever changes, but for now, only Cygwin users benefit. sub gather_kdbx4_entries { my $kdbx_file = shift @_ || undef; my $kdbx_pass = shift @_ || undef; my $kdbx_keyf = shift @_ || undef; my $timeout = shift @_ || 3; my $patidx; my @kpxc_opts = (); # If not keepassxc-cli (like an AppImage), "cli" is needed. if ($opts->{kpxcexe} !~ m/-cli([.]exe)$/i) { push @kpxc_opts, 'cli'; } # Always need "open" (that's what we're doing. push @kpxc_opts, 'open'; # Determine if we need --no-password or not my $expect_pword = 1; if (not (defined($kdbx_pass) && length($kdbx_pass) > 1)) { push(@kpxc_opts, '--no-password'); $expect_pword = 0; } # Determine if we need --key-file= or not if (defined($kdbx_keyf) && length($kdbx_keyf) > 0) { push(@kpxc_opts, "--key-file=$kdbx_keyf"); } my $exp = Expect->new; $exp->log_stdout(0); # Else everything echos #$exp->notransfer(1); #$exp->exp_internal(1); #$exp->log_file("./expect.log"); #$exp->raw_pty(1); $exp->spawn($opts->{kpxcexe}, @kpxc_opts, $kdbx_file) or return "Cannot spawn $opts->{kpxcexe}: $!\n"; # Use Expect to provide the password at the prompt if ($expect_pword) { my $prompt = "Enter password to unlock $kdbx_file:"; $patidx = $exp->expect($timeout, '-re', '^'.$prompt); if (! defined($patidx)) { return undef; } # Failed to see password prompt $exp->send($kdbx_pass."\n"); $exp->clear_accum(); } my $prompt = '[^>]+>\s+'; $patidx = $exp->expect($timeout, '-re', '^'.$prompt); if (! defined($patidx)) { my $errmsg = $exp->before(); $errmsg =~ s/\r//g; if ($errmsg =~ m/error /i) { return $errmsg; } return undef; } $prompt = $exp->match(); $prompt =~ s/^[\r\n]+//g; $prompt =~ s/[\r\n]+$//g; $exp->set_accum(''); # Complete ls of the entire database my @ls_lines = (); { my $ls_cmd = "ls -R -f\n"; $exp->send($ls_cmd); $patidx = $exp->expect($timeout, '-re', '^'.$prompt); my $ls_results = $exp->before(); $ls_results =~ tr/\r//d; @ls_lines = split( "\n", $ls_results ); if ($ls_cmd =~ m/^$ls_lines[0]\s*$/) { shift @ls_lines; } #print Dumper(\@ls_lines) . "\n"; } my @groups = sort grep(m%/$%, @ls_lines); my @entries = sort grep(m%[^/]$%, @ls_lines); @entries = sort grep(! m%/[[]empty[]]$%, @entries); # Remove empty folders #print Dumper(\@groups, \@entries) . "\n"; my %ents = (); foreach my $entry (@entries) { my $show_cmd = "show --show-protected --show-attachments \"$entry\"\n"; $exp->send($show_cmd); $patidx = $exp->expect($timeout, '-re', '^'.$prompt); my $show_results = $exp->before(); $show_results =~ tr/\r//d; my @show_lines = split( "\n", $show_results ); if ($show_cmd =~ m/^$show_lines[0]\s*$/) { shift @show_lines; } my $ent = {}; my $last_k = undef; LINE: foreach my $line (@show_lines) { if ($line =~ m/^\w+:/) { my ($k, $v) = split(/:\s*/, $line, 2); $ent->{$k} = $v; $last_k = $k; } else { if ($last_k eq 'Notes' && $line =~ m/No attachments present\./) {next LINE;} $ent->{$last_k} .= "\n" . $line; } } $ents{$entry} = $ent; } # Cleanup entries foreach my $entry (@entries) { if (defined($ents{$entry}->{Notes})) { $ents{$entry}->{Notes} =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; } if (defined($ents{$entry}->{Attachments})) { my @atts = grep(!/^$/, split(/[\r\n]+/, $ents{$entry}->{Attachments})); @atts = map { $_ =~ s/^\s*//; $_; } @atts; foreach my $i (0..$#atts) { # 'power_outages.txt (1.2 KiB)' if ($atts[$i] =~ m/^(.+) [(]([^)]+)[)]$/) { $atts[$i] = {name => $1, size => $2}; } } $ents{$entry}->{Attachments} = \@atts; } } #print Dumper(\%ents) . "\n"; # Gather attachements foreach my $entry (@entries) { if (defined($ents{$entry}->{Attachments})) { foreach my $att (@{$ents{$entry}->{Attachments}}) { my @tmpdir = File::Spec->splitdir(File::Spec->tmpdir()); my $tmpfile = File::Spec->catfile(@tmpdir, "kpcli-kpxc-$$.tmp"); unlink $tmpfile; my $att_cmd = "attachment-export \"$entry\" \"$att->{name}\" \"$tmpfile\"\n"; #print $att_cmd . "\n"; $exp->send($att_cmd); $patidx = $exp->expect($timeout, '-re', '^'.$prompt); my $att_results = $exp->before(); if (-f -r $tmpfile) { my $data = slurp_read_file($tmpfile); unlink $tmpfile; $att->{data} = $data; } #print "$att_results\n"; } } } #print Dumper(\%ents) . "\n"; # Exit from keepassxc-cli $exp->send( "quit\n" ); $exp->soft_close(); return (\%ents); } sub cli_passwd() { our $state; # We don't allow passwd on newly-created, unsaved databases if (! defined($state->{kdb_file})) { print "Please use saveas to save newly created databases.\n"; return -1; } print "Changing password for ".$state->{kdb_file}."\n"; # Ask for the current password if it exists if (defined($state->{master_pass})) { my $test_passwd = GetMasterPasswd("The current password: "); my $curr_passwd = $state->{get_master_passwd}(); if ($test_passwd ne $curr_passwd) { print "Incorrect password.\n"; return -1; } } # Get the new password from the user with double entry verification my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify("The new password: "); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; } # Set the new password and the kdb_has_changed flag, then ask the # user if they want to save the database now. $state->{put_master_passwd}($master_pass); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; print "Password changed but file not saved. Save it now? [y/N]"; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return 0; } if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT return cli_save(undef); } sub cli_export($$) { my $file=shift @_; my $key_file=shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # Warn is we are being asked to overwrite a file if (-e $file) { print "WARNING: $file already exists.\n" . "Overwrite it? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } } # Ask if the key file should be generated, if it doesn't exist my $make_keyfile=0; if (defined($key_file) && (! -f $key_file)) { print "Your specified key file does not exist. Generate it? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } $make_keyfile=1; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT } # Get the master password for the exported file my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify(); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; } # Generate the key file if so instructed if (defined($key_file) && $make_keyfile) { my $fh=new FileHandle; if (! open($fh,'>',$key_file)) { print "ERROR: Could not open key file for writing: $key_file\n"; return -1; } my $KEYFILE_SIZE = 2048; print $fh generateKeyfileContents($KEYFILE_SIZE); close($fh); my $size = (stat($key_file))[7]; if ($size != $KEYFILE_SIZE) { print "ERROR: generated key file is the wrong size: $key_file\n"; return -1; } } # Only allow an empty password if a reasonable $key_file exists if (length($master_pass) == 0 && ( ! -e $key_file || -s $key_file < 128 )) { print "For your safety, empty passwords are not allowed\n" . "with key files less than 128 bytes in length...\n"; return; } # Build the new kdb in RAM my $k=$state->{kdb}; my $new_kdb=new File::KeePass; $k->unlock; # Required so that we can copy the passwords if (get_pwd() ne '/') { # Grab the root group's $id at our pwd my $pwd_group_id=$state->{path}->{id}; my ($root_grp,@trash) = $k->find_groups({id=>$pwd_group_id}); copy_kdb_group_tree($new_kdb,$root_grp,undef); } else { # Put all of the root groups into the new file (entire file copy) my @root_groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0}); foreach my $root_grp (@root_groups) { copy_kdb_group_tree($new_kdb,$root_grp,undef); } } $k->lock; # File::KeePass defaults to v1 (*.kdb) and if the user is asking # to export to v2 (*.kdbx) we need to override that default. if ($file =~ m/[.]kdbx$/) { $new_kdb->{header}->{version} = 2; } # Generate the new kdb/kdbx file into the $new_db_bin variable $new_kdb->unlock; my $new_db_bin=$new_kdb->gen_db(composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file)); $new_kdb->lock; # Test parsing the kdb from RAM (we'll most likely die if this fails) my $new_db=new File::KeePass; $new_db->parse_db($new_db_bin,composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file)); # Now write the new kdb to disk my $fh=new FileHandle; if (open($fh,'>',$file)) { print $fh $new_db_bin; close $fh; my $ver = "v" . $new_db->{header}->{version}; print "Exported KeePass $ver format to $file\n"; } else { print "Could not open \"$file\" for writing.\n"; } return 0; } # A helper function for cli_export() and cli_import(). It takes a kdb object, # a group as a starting point to copy from, and optionally a parent_group to # copy to. It copies everything from the source group's root downward. In our # use cases, the _target_ $kdb object passed in here is typically a different # one than the _source_ $group is from. sub copy_kdb_group_tree { my $kdb=shift @_; my $group=shift @_; my $parent_group=shift @_ || undef; # When undef, it writes to the root # Add the new group, to it's parent or root if $parent_group==undef my $new_group=$kdb->add_group({ title => $group->{title}, icon => $group->{icon}, id => $group->{id}, group => $parent_group, }); # Add the new_group's entries if (ref($group->{entries}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $entry (@{$group->{entries}}) { $entry->{group} = $new_group; $kdb->add_entry($entry); } } # Add the new_group's child groups if (ref($group->{groups}) eq 'ARRAY') { foreach my $child_grp (@{$group->{groups}}) { copy_kdb_group_tree($kdb,$child_grp,$new_group); } } } sub cli_saveas($) { my $file=shift @_; my $key_file=shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # If the user has asked for a *.kdbx file, check the File::KeePass version if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) < version->parse('2.03')) { if ($file =~ m/\.kdbx$/i) { print "KeePass v2 (*.kdbx files) require File::KeePass >= v2.03\n"; return; } } # Warn is we are being asked to overwrite a file if (-e $file) { print "WARNING: $file already exists.\n" . "Overwrite it? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT } # Ask if the key file should be generated, if it doesn't exist my $make_keyfile=0; if (defined($key_file) && (! -f $key_file)) { print "Your specified key file does not exist. Generate it? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } $make_keyfile=1; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT } # Get the master password for the file my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify(); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if (! defined($master_pass)) { return undef; } # Generate the key file if so instructed if (defined($key_file) && $make_keyfile) { my $fh=new FileHandle; if (! open($fh,'>',$key_file)) { print "ERROR: Could not open key file for writing: $key_file\n"; return -1; } my $KEYFILE_SIZE = 2048; print $fh generateKeyfileContents($KEYFILE_SIZE); close($fh); my $size = (stat($key_file))[7]; if ($size != $KEYFILE_SIZE) { print "ERROR: generated key file is the wrong size: $key_file\n"; return -1; } } # Only allow an empty password if a reasonable $key_file exists if (length($master_pass) == 0 && ( ! -e $key_file || -s $key_file < 128 )) { print "For your safety, empty passwords are not allowed\n" . "with key files less than 128 bytes in length...\n"; return; } destroy_found(); scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups(); # TODO - remove later $state->{kdb}->unlock; $state->{kdb}->save_db($file,composite_master_pass($master_pass,$key_file)); $state->{kdb}->lock; # Properly close and remove lock file before the reopen below. # This snipped of code was copied from sub cli_close. $state->{'kdb'}->clear(); new_kdb($state); # Note, this removes the old *.lock file if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) { close $state->{kdb_file_handle}; } # Open the newly created, saveas-ed file. my $err = open_kdb($file, $key_file, $master_pass); # Sets $state->{'kdb'} if (length($err)) { print "Error re-opening saved file: $err\n"; } else { print "You are now operating on file: $file\n"; } return 0; } # This routine takes a raw (directly from user input) path string # and "normalizes" it (converts it to NULL-separated w/out escapes) # and splits it into its dirname and basename components. sub normalize_and_split_raw_path($) { my $raw_pathstr=shift @_; my $path=normalize_path_string($raw_pathstr); my $basename=''; if ($path =~ m/\0/) { # case of at least one path delimeter $path =~ s/\0([^\0]+)$//; $basename=$1; } elsif ($raw_pathstr =~ m/^\//) { # case of simple "/foo" (no subdir) $basename=$path; $path=''; } else { # case of simple "foo" (no path delims) $path = normalize_path_string(get_pwd()); $basename=$raw_pathstr; } return($path,$basename); } sub cli_rmdir($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $raw_pathstr=$params->{'args'}->[0]; my ($path,$grp_name) = normalize_and_split_raw_path($raw_pathstr); # Make sure the group exists. my $grp_path="$path\0$grp_name"; $grp_path=~s/^\0+//; if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path})) { print "Path does not exist: /" . humanize_path($grp_path) . "\n"; return -1; } my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$grp_path}; my $group = $state->{kdb}->find_group({ id => $group_id }); my @entries = (); my $entry_cnt=0; if (defined($group->{entries})) { @entries = grep(m/^\Q$grp_path\E\0/,keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}}); $entry_cnt = scalar(@entries); } my $group_cnt=0; if (defined($group->{entries})) { $group_cnt= scalar(grep(m/^\Q$grp_path\E\0/,keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}})); } my $child_cnt=$entry_cnt + $group_cnt; if ( $child_cnt > 0) { print "WARNING: This group has $child_cnt child groups and/or entries.\n" . "Really remove it!? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } } # Recycle any entries that we're also removing if ($entry_cnt > 0) { if (! (defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) { foreach my $ent_path (@entries) { my $ent_id = $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$ent_path}; my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry({id => $ent_id}); my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent); if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; } } } } # Delete the group, refresh our state paths, request save, etc. my $deleted_group = $state->{kdb}->delete_group({ id => $group_id }); refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); return 0; } sub cli_mkdir($) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $raw_pathstr = $params->{args}->[0]; my ($path,$newdir) = normalize_and_split_raw_path($raw_pathstr); # Make sure the group doesn't already exist. my $newdir_path="$path\0$newdir"; $newdir_path=~s/^\0+//; if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$newdir_path})) { print "Path already exists: /" . humanize_path($newdir_path) . "\n"; return -1; } # Create the group my $group=''; if ($path eq '') { $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({ title => $newdir, icon => $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON, }); # root level group } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path})) { my $group_id=$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$path}; $group = $state->{kdb}->add_group({ title => $newdir, group => $group_id, icon => $DEfAULT_GROUP_ICON, }); } else { print "Cannot make directory at path " . humanize_path($path) . "\n"; return -1; } # Because we created a new group we need to refresh ours state paths refresh_state_all_paths(); $state->{kdb_has_changed}=1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); return 0; } sub humanize_path($) { my $path=shift @_; $path =~ s/\//\\\//g; $path =~ s/\0/\//g; return $path; } sub cli_open($) { my $path=shift @_; my $key=shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # If cli_close() does not return 0 the user decided not to close the file if (cli_close() != 0) { return -1; } if ( -f $path ) { my $err = open_kdb($path, $key); if (length($err)) { print "Error opening file: $err\n"; } } else { print "Cannot open: $path\n"; } } # Term::ShellUI::complete_onlyfiles does not work properly # on mswin and so we replace it with a call to our very # own my_nongnu_complete_files(). Ultimately, we replaced it # for all platforms because of other nagging bugs discovered. sub my_complete_onlyfiles { my $self = $_[0]; if (1 || lc($^O) =~ m/^mswin/) { my $cmpl = $_[1]; my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}]; if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) { $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff}); } my @dir_contents = my_nongnu_complete_files($path, undef, undef, $self); return \@dir_contents; } return &Term::ShellUI::complete_onlyfiles(@_); } # Get a single keypress from the user sub get_single_key { my $drain_first = shift @_ || 1; our $state; my $key=''; $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode ReadMode('raw'); # Turn off controls keys while($drain_first && defined( $key = ReadKey(-1) ) ) {} # Drain STDIN first while (not defined ($key = ReadKey(-1))) { # If the user hit ^C (SIGINT) then we need to stop if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # No key yet, but let's not eat 100% CPU while waiting, so sleep. Time::HiRes::sleep(0.1); } ReadMode('restore'); return $key; } # Get a single line of input from the user sub get_single_line { our $state; $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode my $input=''; while (1) { my $c = get_single_key(0); if (ord($c) == 3) { # ^C return ''; } elsif (ord($c) == 127 || ord($c) == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows) if (length($input) > 0) { $input = substr($input,0,length($input) - 1); print chr(8)." ".chr(8); # Erase a character } } elsif ($c =~ m/[\n\r]/) { return $input; } else { $input.=$c; print $c; } } } sub cli_close { our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) { print "WARNING: The database has changed and was not saved.\n" . "Really close it? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } } $state->{'kdb'}->clear(); new_kdb($state); # Note, this removes the old *.lock file if (defined($state->{kdb_file_handle})) { close $state->{kdb_file_handle}; } return 0; } # This sets $state to a brand new, KeePassX-style, empty, unsaved database sub new_kdb { my $state=shift @_; $state->{kdb_has_changed}=0; $state->{'kdb'} = File::KeePass->new; #$state->{kdb_ver} = $state->{kdb}->{header}->{version}; # undef after ->new() $state->{kdb_ver} = 1; # Only provide 1.x (*.kdb) features by default # To be compatible with KeePassX $state->{'kdb'}->add_group({ title => 'eMail' }); $state->{'kdb'}->add_group({ title => 'Internet' }); refresh_state_all_paths(); if (defined($state->{placed_lock_file}) && -f $state->{placed_lock_file}) { unlink($state->{placed_lock_file}); } delete($state->{placed_lock_file}); delete($state->{kdb_file}); delete($state->{key_file}); delete($state->{master_pass}); cli_cd($term, {'args' => ["/"]}); } sub cli_ls { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; $state->{last_ls_ents} = []; # We reload this state in this function if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT my @paths = (); if (defined($params) && defined($params->{'args'}) && ref($params->{'args'}) eq 'ARRAY') { @paths = @{$params->{'args'}}; } if (scalar(@paths) == 0) { push @paths, get_pwd(); } my $paths_count = scalar(@paths); my @ent_matches = (); # Collects entries we've been directly asked to list my @grp_paths = (); # Collects groups we've been asked to list my $k=$state->{kdb}; foreach my $path (@paths) { my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path); if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}) || length($norm_path) < 1) { push @grp_paths, $path; } elsif (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path})) { my $tmp_ent = $k->find_entry({id=>$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}}); push @ent_matches, $tmp_ent; } else { my @tmp_ents = shell_expansion($path); foreach my $tmp_ent (@tmp_ents) { if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$tmp_ent})) { my $entry_id = $state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$tmp_ent}; my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry( {id=>$entry_id} ); push @ent_matches, $ent; } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$tmp_ent})) { push @grp_paths, '/'.humanize_path($tmp_ent); } } } } my $have_output=0; # Helps manage "\n" placements below. # First present the entries that we were directly asked to list if (scalar(@ent_matches) > 0) { @ent_matches = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @ent_matches; if ($have_output) { print "\n"; } print "=== Entries ===\n"; print join("\n", @{get_human_entry_list(\@ent_matches, scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}))}) ."\n"; push @{$state->{last_ls_ents}}, @ent_matches; $have_output++; } # Now present the groups that we were asked to list foreach my $path (sort { ncmp($a,$b) } @grp_paths) { my $norm_path = normalize_path_string($path); if ($have_output) { print "\n"; } if (scalar(@ent_matches) > 0 || scalar(@grp_paths) > 1) { print "$path:\n"; $have_output++; } my @groups = (); my @entries = (); if (length($norm_path) < 1) { @groups = $k->find_groups({level=>0}); @entries = $k->find_entries({level => 0}); } else { my $group_id = $state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$norm_path}; @entries = $k->find_entries({group_id=>$group_id}); @entries = sort { ncmp($a->{title},$b->{title}); } @entries; my $this_grp = $k->find_group({id=>$group_id}); if (defined($this_grp->{groups})) { @groups = sort group_sort @{$this_grp->{groups}}; } } # Eliminate "system" entries inside this group that we don't want to show my @good_entries = (); MATCHES: foreach my $ent (@entries) { #my $ent = $k->find_entry({id=>$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$match}}); if (defined($ent) && $ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') { next MATCHES; } push @good_entries, $ent; } @entries = @good_entries; # Display the groups and entries that we have if (scalar(@groups) > 0) { print "=== Groups ===\n"; print join("\n", @{get_human_group_list(\@groups)}) . "\n"; $have_output++; } if (scalar(@entries) > 0) { print "=== Entries ===\n"; print join("\n", @{get_human_entry_list(\@entries, scalar(@{$state->{last_ls_ents}}))}) . "\n"; $have_output++; push @{$state->{last_ls_ents}}, @entries; } } return 0; } # Helper function for cli_ls() sub get_human_group_list($) { my $rGroup=shift @_; my @list=(); foreach my $grp (@{$rGroup}) { #push (@list, sprintf("%15d %s/", $grp->{id}, $grp->{title})); push (@list, "$grp->{title}/"); push (@list, &Dumper($grp)) if ($DEBUG > 2); } return \@list; } # Helper function for cli_ls() sub get_human_entry_list { my $rEntries=shift @_; my $start_num = shift @_ || 0; my @list=(); my $i=0; my $d_len = length(scalar(@{$rEntries}) - 1 + $start_num); foreach my $ent (@{$rEntries}) { my $path = $state->{all_ent_paths_rev}->{$ent->{id}}; my $url=$ent->{url}; $url=~s/^https?:\/\///i; $url=~s/\/+$//; my $title = $ent->{title}; if (defined($ent->{'__in_old_dir'}) && $ent->{'__in_old_dir'}) { $title = "*OLD: " . $title; } push (@list, sprintf("%".$d_len."d. %-40.40s %30.30s", $i + $start_num, $title, $url)); $i++; } return \@list; } # Routine to hook into Term::ShellUI's exit on Ctrl-D functionality sub eof_exit_hook { our $state; # We need a newline if cli_quit() will ask the user about saving if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) { print "\n"; } # cli_quit() will handle user interaction and return a value for # the exit_hook of Term::ShellUI. $state->{in_eof_exit_hook} = 1; return cli_quit($state->{term},undef); } # Entry attachment handling sub cli_attach { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint() || deny_if_readonly() || warn_if_file_changed()) { return; } my $target = $params->{args}->[0]; my $ent=find_target_entity_by_number_or_path($target); if (! defined($ent)) { print "Don't see an entry at path: $target\n"; return -1; } my $tmp_ent = clone($ent); # Clone the entity $state->{attach_changed} = 0; ATTACH_INTERFACE: while (1) { my @strings_keys = (); if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') { @strings_keys = sort keys %{$tmp_ent->{binary}}; } my $strings_count = scalar(@strings_keys); my $t=''; my $prompt = "Choose"; if ($strings_count > 0) { $t .= show_helper_files_strings($tmp_ent,{f=>1,v=>1},'binary'); $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(e)xport/(d)elete/(c)ancel/(F)inish? "; } else { $t .= "No files attached.\n"; $t .= "$prompt: (a)dd/(c)ancel/(F)inish? "; } print "$t"; COMMAND: while (my $key=get_single_key()) { if (lc($key) eq 'c' || ord($key) == 3) { # Cancel or ^C print "\n"; delete $state->{attach_changed}; # Delete our temporary state var return; } elsif ($key =~ m/^[fF\r\n]$/) { # Finished (save) print "\n"; $ent->{binary} = $tmp_ent->{binary}; if ($state->{attach_changed}) { delete $state->{attach_changed}; # Delete our temporary state var # Recycle the entry if changes were made unless --no-recycle if (!(defined($opts->{'no-recycle'}) && int($opts->{'no-recycle'}))) { my $errmsg = recycle_entry($state, $ent); if (defined($errmsg)) { print "WARNING: $errmsg\n"; } } $state->{kdb_has_changed} = 1; RequestSaveOnDBChange(); } return; } elsif (lc($key) eq 'd') { if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') { if ($strings_count < 2) { %{$tmp_ent->{binary}} = (); $state->{attach_changed}=1 if ($strings_count == 1); } else { print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to delete? "; my $choice = get_single_line(); if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) { print "\nInvalid number."; } else { delete($tmp_ent->{binary}->{$strings_keys[$choice-1]}); $state->{attach_changed}=1; } } print "\n"; next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } } elsif (lc($key) eq 'e') { # export my $to_export = undef; if (defined($tmp_ent->{binary}) && ref($tmp_ent->{binary}) eq 'HASH') { if ($strings_count < 1) { print "\n" .color('yellow'). 'Nothing it attached to export...' . color('clear')."\n"; } elsif ($strings_count == 1) { $to_export = $strings_keys[0]; } else { print "\r". " "x60 ."\rWhich entry number do you want to export? "; my $choice = get_single_line(); if ($choice !~ m/^\d+$/ || $choice<1 || $choice > $strings_count) { print "\nInvalid number."; } else { $to_export = $strings_keys[$choice-1]; } } } if (defined($to_export) && defined($tmp_ent->{binary}->{$to_export})) { my $homedir=get_user_homedir(); my @path = File::Spec->splitdir($homedir); my $iv = File::Spec->catfile(@path, $to_export); # homedir/filename print "\n"; my $filename = prompt_filename_from_user($self,"Path to file: ",$iv); if (! length($filename)) { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } if (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) { $filename=expand_tildes($filename); } # If we're given a directory, assume the user wants to write into it if (-e -d $filename) { $filename .= '/' . $to_export; } if (-e -f $filename) { print color('yellow'). "WARNING: file already exists: $filename\n" . "Overwrite it? [y/N] " .color('clear'); my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } } my $fh = new FileHandle; if (! open($fh,'>', $filename)) { print "ERROR: cannot write to: $filename\n"; next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } print $fh $tmp_ent->{binary}->{$to_export}; close $fh; print "Saved to: $filename\n"; } next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } elsif (lc($key) eq 'a') { # add if ($strings_count > 0 && $state->{kdb_ver} == 1) { print "\n" .color('yellow'). 'KeePass v1 files support only one attachment per entry.' . color('clear')."\n"; next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } print "\n"; my $filename = prompt_filename_from_user($self, "Path to file: ", ""); if (! length($filename)) { next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } my $errmsg = do_attach_file($tmp_ent, $filename); if (defined($errmsg)) { print color('yellow'). "Error: $errmsg" .color('clear'). "\n"; } next ATTACH_INTERFACE; } else { # Do nothing on invalid input next COMMAND; } } } #return $initial_value; } # Helper function for cli_attach sub prompt_filename_from_user { my $self = shift @_; my $prompt = shift @_; my $initial_value = shift @_; my $term = get_prepped_readline_term(); # Set a completion function for files my $old_compfunc=undef; if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) { # filename_completion_function works for Gnu Readline if (defined($attr->{filename_completion_function})) { $old_compfunc = $attr->{completion_entry_function}; $attr->{completion_entry_function} = $attr->{filename_completion_function}; } } # TODO - this need more testing with Perl readlines!!! if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') { #$readline::rl_completion_function = "rl_filename_list"; $old_compfunc = $readline::rl_completion_function; $readline::rl_completion_function = \&my_nongnu_complete_files; } elsif ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') { $old_compfunc=$Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function; $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function = \&my_nongnu_complete_files; } my $filename = $term->readline($prompt, $initial_value); $filename =~ s/^\s+//; $filename =~ s/\s+$//; # Trim the input # Restore the old completion function if (defined($old_compfunc)) { if (my $attr = $term->Attribs) { $attr->{completion_entry_function} = $old_compfunc; } if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') { $readline::rl_completion_function = $old_compfunc; } if ($self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') { $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completion_function = $old_compfunc; } } return $filename; } # Helper function for cli_attach sub do_attach_file { my $entry = shift @_; my $path_to_file = shift @_; our $state; if (! -f $path_to_file) { return "File not found at: $path_to_file"; } my $size = -s $path_to_file; if ($size > $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE) { my $sizeK = sprintf("%0.02f", $size / 1024); my $maxSizeK = sprintf("%0.02f", $MAX_ATTACH_SIZE / 1024); return "File is too large ($sizeK versus $maxSizeK KB maximum)."; } my $fname_short = basename($path_to_file); if (defined($entry->{binary}->{$fname_short})) { return "An attachement named \"$fname_short\" already exists.\n"; } # If we get this far we're OK to attach it open(my $fh,'<',$path_to_file) || return "Couldn't open file $path_to_file"; binmode($fh, ":raw"); # Read raw binary (reported in SF patch #11). read($fh, my $buffer, $size); close $fh; if (length($buffer) != $size) { return "Couldn't read entire key file contents of $path_to_file.\n"; } $entry->{binary}->{$fname_short} = $buffer; $state->{attach_changed}=1; return undef; } # Cross-platform attempt to find a user's homedir sub get_user_homedir { if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && defined($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}) && defined($ENV{HOMEPATH})) { #return $ENV{HOMEDRIVE} . $ENV{HOMEPATH}; # Windows return File::Spec->catpath($ENV{HOMEDRIVE}, $ENV{HOMEPATH}, undef); } my $home = $ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($<))[7] || undef; #Unix return $home; } # Expand tildes in filename sub expand_tildes { my $filename = shift @_; # Page 253 of Perl Cookbook By Tom Christiansen, Nathan Torkington # "O'Reilly Media, Inc.", Aug 21, 2003 $filename =~ s{ ^ ~ ( [^/]* ) } { $1 ? (getpwnam($1))[7] : ($ENV{HOME} || $ENV{LOGDIR} || (getpwuid($<))[7]) }ex; return $filename; } # Copied from Term::ShellUI and modified for enhanced Windows support sub my_nongnu_complete_files { my ($str, $line, $start, $self) = @_; my ($volume,$directories,$file) = File::Spec->splitpath($str || '.', 0 ); # This next line is for Windows tab completion on just "C:","D:", etc. if (length($volume) && !length($directories)) { $directories='/'; } my $dir = File::Spec->catpath($volume,$directories,''); # eradicate non-matches immediately (this is important if # completing in a directory with 3000+ files) $file = '' unless $str; my $flen = length($file); my @files = (); if(opendir(DIR, length($dir) ? $dir : '.')) { @files = readdir DIR; closedir DIR; # Only on Windows, we do this in a case insensitive way. if (lc($^O) =~ m/^mswin/) { # Case insensitive matching. @files = grep { lc(substr($_,0,$flen)) eq lc($file) } @files; # The case of the @files that we return must match what the # user has typed so far and that's what this substr does. @files = map { substr($_, 0, length($file), $file); $_; } @files; } else { @files = grep { substr($_,0,$flen) eq $file } @files; } # eradicate dotfiles unless user's file begins with a dot @files = grep { /^[^.]/ } @files unless $file =~ /^\./; # reformat filenames to be exactly as user typed @files = map { length($dir) ? ($dir eq '/' ? "/$_" : $dir.$_) : $_ } @files; } else { print("Couldn't read dir: $!\n"); } # Tack trailing slashs on dirs my $dir_count = 0; foreach my $file_dir (@files) { if (-d $file_dir && $file_dir !~m/\/$/) { $file_dir .= '/'; $dir_count++; } } # If there are no subdirs in the list of completions and there is # only one file, then the completion is finished. Else, we need to # suppress_completion_append_character(). if ($dir_count > 0 || scalar(@files) > 1) { __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self); } return @files; } sub cli_quit($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; my $in_eof_exit_hook = 0; if (defined($state->{in_eof_exit_hook})) { $in_eof_exit_hook = $state->{in_eof_exit_hook}; $state->{in_eof_exit_hook} = 0; # Reset the state } if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if ($state->{kdb_has_changed}) { print "WARNING: The database has changed and was not saved.\n" . "Really quit? [y/N] "; my $key=get_single_key(); if (lc($key) ne 'y') { print "\n"; return -1; # It is not OK to quit } } if (defined($state->{placed_lock_file}) && -f $state->{placed_lock_file}) { unlink($state->{placed_lock_file}); } delete($state->{placed_lock_file}); $self->exit_requested(1); if ($in_eof_exit_hook) { print "\n"; # We need an prepended new-line when ^D was used to exit } PrintSupportMessage(1); return 0; # It's OK to quit } sub cli_autosave { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; my $no_print = shift @_ || 0; # This section of code handles "autosave -f" if (defined($params->{args})) { my %opts=(); local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}}; my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'f'); if ($opts{'f'}) { handle_autosaves(); $no_print = 1; } } my $t="You can add entries to /$AUTOSAVES_DIR/ and, for each one, the save\n" . "command will write the open kdb to the filename in the url field\n" . "and with the entry's password. This can be used to keep copies\n" . "of your kdb files with alternative passwords that might only\n" . "be shared with the recipients during an emergency or at death.\n". "\n" . "The url field should only hold simple filenames (no paths) and\n" . "the files will be written to the same directory as the opened\n" . "Keepass file. There is no support for keyfile, only passwords.\n" . "\n" . "When /$AUTOSAVES_DIR/ entries exist, the save command shows\n" . "them and prompts the user for confirmation before execution.\n" . "\n" . "To process autosaves manually, apart from the save command,\n" . "issue the command: autosave -f\n" . ""; if ($no_print) { return $t; } else { print $t; } } sub cli_versions($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; my %opts=(); { local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}}; my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'v'); } if ($opts{'v'}) { return cli_version(shift, { args => ['-vv'] }); } else { return cli_version(shift, { args => ['-v'] }); } } sub cli_version($$) { my $self = shift @_; my $params = shift @_; our $state; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT # Users can provide a -f option to show the password. We use GetOptions # to parse this command line, and $target holds that target. my $target=''; my %opts=(); { local @ARGV = @{$params->{args}}; my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, 'v', 'vv'); } # Without a -v or -vv, simply print the kpcli version if (! ($opts{'v'} || $opts{'vv'})) { print "$VERSION\n"; return; } # Items for -v my @modules_reported_on = (); # So we don't double-report in -vv if ($opts{'v'} || $opts{'vv'}) { print "kpcli: $VERSION\n"; # Perl version my $pv = $PERL_VERSION; if (! length($pv)) { $pv = $]; # For perl versions prior to 5.6.0 } print "Perl: $pv\n"; # Operating System my $OS=$OSNAME; if (lc($OSNAME) eq 'linux') { my $lsbr = load_lsb_release(); if (defined($lsbr) && defined($lsbr->{'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'})) { $OS .= " (" . $lsbr->{'DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION'} . ")"; } } elsif (lc($OSNAME) eq 'darwin') { my $osver = get_macos_version(); if (defined($osver) && defined($osver->{'ProductName'}) && defined($osver->{'ProductVersion'})) { my $prodname = $osver->{'ProductName'}; if ($osver->{'ProductName'} =~ m/mac os x|macos/i) { $prodname = 'macOS'; # More modern nomenclature } $OS .= " ($prodname ".$osver->{'ProductVersion'}.")"; } } elsif (lc($OSNAME) eq 'mswin') { if (! is_loaded('Win32')) { runtime_load_module(\%OPTIONAL_PM,'Win32',undef); } if (is_loaded('Win32')) { $OS .= " (" . Win32::GetOSDisplayName() . ")"; } } print "Operating system: $OS\n"; print "ReadLine being used: " . $term->{term}->ReadLine . "\n"; print "\n"; print "Pivotal Perl Modules for kpcli\n"; my @modules = qw(File::KeePass Term::ShellUI Term::ReadKey Term::ReadLine); my @missing_modules = (); foreach my $module (sort keys %OPTIONAL_PM) { if (is_loaded($module)) { push @modules, $module; } else { push @missing_modules, $module; } } # There are a few OS-specific modules that we'd also # like to report on. These are down-stream dependencies # of %OPTIONAL_PM modules. my %OSspecificModules = ( darwin => [ qw( Mac::Pasteboard ) ], mswin32 => [ qw( Win32::Clipboard ) ], ); my $osname = lc($OSNAME); if (defined($OSspecificModules{$osname})) { foreach my $module (@{$OSspecificModules{$osname}}) { if (is_loaded($module)) { push @modules, $module; } else { push @missing_modules, $module; } } } foreach my $module (@modules) { no strict 'refs'; my $vstr=$module . "::VERSION"; print " * $module: " . ${$vstr} . "\n"; } foreach my $module (@missing_modules) { print " * $module: not installed (optional)\n"; } @modules_reported_on = (@modules, @missing_modules); } # Additional items for -vv if ($opts{'vv'}) { my @loaded_modules = grep(/\.pm$/, nsort(keys %INC)); my $sep = File::Spec->catfile('', ''); my @mod_names = (); foreach my $mod_path (@loaded_modules) { my $mod_name = $mod_path; $mod_name =~ s/\.pm$//; $mod_name =~ s%[\/]%::%g; # Skip modules that we've already reported on if (scalar(grep(/^\Q$mod_name\E$/, @modules_reported_on))) { next; } push @mod_names, $mod_name; } print "\nAll Other Loaded Perl Modules\n"; foreach my $module (@mod_names) { no strict 'refs'; my $vstr=$module . "::VERSION"; my $modver = ${$vstr} || 'unknown'; print " * $module: $modver\n"; } } } # Used info from https://gist.github.com/natefoo/814c5bf936922dad97ff # to enhance this for situations where /etc/lsb-release is missing. # This sub works hard to populate DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION, but nothing else. sub load_lsb_release { my $fh = new FileHandle; # The first of these files that works is what we use. my @release_files = qw(/etc/lsb-release /etc/os-release /usr/lib/os-release); foreach my $file (@release_files) { if (-f $file && open($fh,'<', $file)) { my @lines = <$fh>; close $fh; my %d = (); foreach my $l (@lines) { chomp $l; my ($k,$v) = split(/=/, $l, 2); $d{$k} = $v; } # This copies PRETTY_NAME from /.../os-release into key # DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION which would have been in /etc/lsb-release. if (!defined($d{DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION}) && defined($d{PRETTY_NAME})) { $d{DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION} = $d{PRETTY_NAME}; } $d{data_from} = $file; return \%d; } } # If we got this far, we failed to get data from an /etc/ file, and # so now we'll try running lsb_release -a. my $lsbr_a = lsb_release_a(); if (defined($lsbr_a) && defined($lsbr_a->{'Description'})) { $lsbr_a->{DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION} = $lsbr_a->{Description}; return $lsbr_a; } # These may not have /etc/foo-release files or lsb_release. my @version_files = qw(/etc/antix-version /etc/slackware-version); foreach my $file (@version_files) { if (-f $file && open($fh,'<', $file)) { my @lines = <$fh>; close $fh; if (scalar(@lines)) { my %d; chomp $lines[0]; $d{DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION} = $lines[0]; $d{data_from} = $file; return \%d; } } } return undef; } # Tries to pull Linux OS details from "lsb_release -a" sub lsb_release_a { my @paths = split/:/, $ENV{PATH}; EXE_PATH: foreach my $dir (@paths) { my $lsb_release = $dir.'/lsb_release'; if (-e -x $lsb_release) { my @lines = `"$lsb_release" -a 2>/dev/null`; my %d = (); foreach my $l (@lines) { chomp $l; my ($k,$v) = split(/:\s*/, $l, 2); $d{$k} = $v; } $d{data_from} = "$lsb_release -a"; return \%d; } } return undef; } sub get_macos_version { my $fh = new FileHandle; my $fSystemVersion = '/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist'; if (-f $fSystemVersion && open($fh,'<',$fSystemVersion)) { my @lines = <$fh>; close $fh; my %d = (); my ($k,$v) = (undef,undef); foreach my $l (@lines) { chomp $l; next if ($l !~ m/\s*<(key|string)>/); if ($l =~ m/\s*([^<]+)([^<]+){kdb_has_changed}) { return -1; } # If this is a newly created file we don't bother the user with # asking to save after every change. if (! (defined($state->{kdb_file}) && length($state->{kdb_file}))) { return -1; } print "Database was modified. Do you want to save it now? [y/N]: "; my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return; } # Calling cli_save() should be silent and safe at this point. return cli_save(undef); } sub GetMasterPasswd { my $prompt = shift @_ || "Provide the master password: "; return GetPassword($prompt,$PASSWD_ECHO_CHAR); } sub GetMasterPasswdDoubleEntryVerify { my $prompt = shift @_ || undef; my $master_pass=GetMasterPasswd($prompt); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if (length($master_pass) == 0) { return ''; } $prompt = "Retype to verify: "; my $checkval = GetPassword($prompt,$PASSWD_ECHO_CHAR); chomp $checkval; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT if ($master_pass ne $checkval) { print "Passwords did not match...\n"; return undef; } return $master_pass; } sub GetPassword { my $prompt = shift @_; my $echo_char = shift @_ || ''; if (length($echo_char) > 1) { warn "GetPassword() cannot accept an \$echo_char of more than one char.\n"; $echo_char=''; } $|=1; # Needed to flush STDOUT on Windows cmd prior to calling ReadMode ReadMode('noecho'); ReadMode('raw'); my $master_pass = ''; print $prompt; CHAR: while (1) { my $c; do { Time::HiRes::sleep(0.05); } until defined($c = ReadKey(-1)); last if $c =~ m/[\n\r]/; if (ord($c) == 3) { # ^C print "\n"; ReadMode('normal'); kill SIGINT, $$; # Due to raw mode, I must send the SIGINT to myself. return ''; } elsif (ord($c) == 127 || ord($c) == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows) if (length($master_pass) && length($echo_char)) { print chr(8)." ".chr(8); chop($master_pass); } next CHAR; } elsif (ord($c) == 21) { # ^U my $passlen=length($master_pass); print chr(8)x$passlen." "x$passlen.chr(8)x$passlen; $master_pass = ''; next CHAR; } if (length($echo_char)) { print $echo_char; } #print "*".ord($c); $master_pass .= $c; } ReadMode('normal'); chomp $master_pass; my $min_display_length = 25; if (length($master_pass) < $min_display_length) { print "$echo_char"x($min_display_length - length($master_pass)); } print "\n"; $|=1; if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } # Bail on SIGINT return $master_pass; } sub MyGetOpts { my %opts=(); my @params = ( "kdb=s", "key=s", "pwfile=s", "histfile=s", "help", "h", "readonly", "no-recycle", "timeout=i", "command=s@", "nopwstars", "nopwprint", "pwsplchars=s", "xpxsecs=i", "xclipsel=s", "pwwords=s", "pwlen=i", "pwscmin=i", "pwscmax=i", "kpxcexe=s"); my $result = &GetOptions(\%opts, @params); my $use_help_msg = "Use --help to see information on command line options."; # Set any undefined booleans to 0 foreach my $param (@params) { if ($param !~ m/=/ && (! defined($opts{$param}))) { $opts{$param} = 0; # Booleans } } # If the user asked for help give it and exit if ($opts{help} || $opts{h}) { print GetUsageMessage(); exit; } # If GetOptions failed it told the user why, so let's exit. if (! int($result)) { print "\n" . $use_help_msg . "\n"; exit; } # Allow the user to override the history file if (defined($opts{histfile}) && length($opts{histfile})) { our $HISTORY_FILE = $opts{histfile}; } else { if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/) { our $HISTORY_FILE = $ENV{USERPROFILE} . "/.$APP_NAME-history"; } else { our $HISTORY_FILE = "~/.$APP_NAME-history"; } } # If the user asked for --nopwstars, clear the $PASSWD_ECHO_CHAR if ($opts{nopwstars}) { our $PASSWD_ECHO_CHAR = ''; } # Sanity check the use of --pwsplchars my @sc_warns = (); if (defined($opts{'pwsplchars'})) { if (!(length($opts{'pwsplchars'}))) { push @sc_warns, "You removed all special characters." } my $sc_minus_underscore = $opts{'pwsplchars'}; $sc_minus_underscore =~ s/_//g; if ($sc_minus_underscore =~ m/\w/) { push @sc_warns, "Contains normal word characters."; } if ($opts{'pwsplchars'} =~ m/[^[:print:]]/) { push @sc_warns, "Contains non-printable characters."; } my @sc = split(//, $opts{'pwsplchars'}); if (scalar(@sc) != scalar(uniq(@sc))) { push @sc_warns, "One or more characters are duplicated."; } if (scalar(@sc_warns)) { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING(s) regarding --pwsplchars for password generation:\n" . color('clear') . color('yellow') . ' * ' . join("\n * ", @sc_warns) . "\n" . color('clear'); } } else { $opts{'pwsplchars'} = '_'; # The default list is just underscore } my @special_chars = split(//, $opts{'pwsplchars'}); $opts{'pwsplchars'} = \@special_chars; my @errs=(); if (defined($opts{kdb}) && length($opts{kdb}) && (! -e $opts{kdb})) { push @errs, "for option --kdb=, the file must exist."; } if (defined($opts{key}) && length($opts{key}) && (! -e $opts{key})) { push @errs, "for option --key=, the file must exist."; } if (defined($opts{xpxsecs}) && length($opts{xpxsecs})) { if (! ($opts{xpxsecs} =~ m/^\d+$/) || $opts{xpxsecs} < 1 || $opts{xpxsecs} > 60 ) { push @errs, "--xpxsecs must be between 1 and 60."; } } else { $opts{xpxsecs} = 10; # Default is 10 seconds } if (defined($opts{pwwords}) && length($opts{pwwords}) && (! -e $opts{pwwords})) { push @errs, "for option --pwwords=, the file must exist."; } if (defined($opts{pwlen})) { if ($opts{pwlen} < 1) { push @errs, "--pwlen of less than 1 is nonsensical."; } our ($DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN, $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX); $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN = $opts{pwlen}; if ($DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN > $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX) { $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN; } } # Set defaults for --pwscmin=i and --pwscmax=i if (! defined($opts{pwscmin})) { $opts{pwscmin} = 1; } if (! defined($opts{pwscmax})) { $opts{pwscmax} = 9999; } if ($opts{pwscmax} < $opts{pwscmin}) { push @errs, "--pwscmax cannot exceed --pwscmin, which defaults to 1."; } # Sanity check the --xclipsel option if provided if (defined($opts{xclipsel}) && length($opts{xclipsel})) { # First determine if --xclipsel is relevant and exit if not if (! is_loaded("Clipboard")) { print "--xclipsel is only relevant if the Clipboard module is installed.\n"; exit; } elsif ($opts{xclipsel} eq 'help' && $Clipboard::driver ne 'Clipboard::Xclip') { print "--xclipsel is only relevant on systems with X11.\n"; exit; } # Now validate the --xclipsel choice if (is_loaded("Clipboard") && $Clipboard::driver eq 'Clipboard::Xclip') { my @x11_sels = $Clipboard::driver->all_selections(); unshift @x11_sels, 'all'; if (! scalar(grep(/^$opts{xclipsel}$/, @x11_sels))) { my $default = $Clipboard::driver->favorite_selection(); # Indicate the default by wrapping it in brackets SEL: foreach my $i (0..$#x11_sels) { if ($x11_sels[$i] eq $default) { $x11_sels[$i] = '['.$default.']'; last SEL; } } my $usemsg = "--xclipsel must be one of: ".join(", ", @x11_sels); if ($opts{xclipsel} eq 'help') { print $usemsg . "\n"; exit; } else { push @errs, $usemsg; } } } } if (defined($opts{kpxcexe})) { if (! (-f -x $opts{kpxcexe} && can_kpxc($opts{kpxcexe}, $KPXC_MIN_VER))) { print "--kpxcexe does not point to a KeePassXC binary >= v$KPXC_MIN_VER.\n"; exit -1; } } if (scalar(@errs)) { warn "There were errors:\n" . " " . join("\n ", @errs) . "\n\n"; print $use_help_msg . "\n"; exit; } return \%opts; } sub PrintSupportMessage { my $frequency = shift @_ || 20; # Every twentieth command by default my $t = color('yellow') . "Please consider supporting kpcli development by sponsoring its " . "author:\nhttps://github.com/sponsors/hightowe" . color('clear'); # We need to keep count of how often we're called (command count) our $state; if (! defined($state->{support_msg_cmd_count})) { $state->{support_msg_cmd_count} = 0; } $state->{support_msg_cmd_count}++; # Show the message every Nth command run, based on $frequency if ( ($state->{support_msg_cmd_count} % $frequency) == 0) { print $t . "\n"; } # Note that we are intentionally *not* returning anything here!!! } sub GetUsageMessage { my $parmlen = 14; my $col1len = $parmlen + 3; my $pwlen = our $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN; my @params = ( [ 'kdb=s' => 'Optional KeePass database file to open (must exist).' ], [ 'key=s' => 'Optional KeePass key file (must exist).' ], [ 'pwfile=s' => 'Read master password from file instead of console.' ], [ 'histfile=s' => 'Specify your history file (or perhaps /dev/null).' ], [ readonly => 'Run in read-only mode; no changes will be allowed.' ], [ "timeout=i" => 'Lock interface after i seconds of inactivity.' ], [ 'command=s' => "Run a command and exit (no interactive session).\n" . ' 'x$col1len . "Multiple --command parameters can be used." ], [ 'no-recycle' => 'Don\'t store entry changes in /Backup or "/Recycle Bin".' ], [ 'pwwords=s' => "File of words for building word-based passwords." ], [ 'pwsplchars=s' => 'The special characters used in password generation.' ], [ 'pwlen=i' => "Length of generated passwords (default is $pwlen)." ], [ 'pwscmin=i' => "Min number of special chars in generated passwords." ], [ 'pwscmax=i' => "Max number of special chars in generated passwords." ], [ 'nopwstars' => "Don't show star characters (*) for password input." ], [ 'nopwprint' => "Don't print the pw red on red in the show command." ], [ 'xpxsecs=i' => 'Seconds to wait until clearing the clipboard for xpx.' ], [ 'xclipsel=s' => 'X11 clipboard to use; "--xclipsel help" for choices.' ], [ 'kpxcexe=s' => 'Path to a KeePassXC binary, used to import KDBX4 files.' ], [ help => 'This message.' ], ); my $t="Usage: $APP_NAME [--kdb=] [--key=]\n" . "\n"; foreach my $param (@params) { my $fmt = ' %-'.$parmlen.'s %s'; $t .= sprintf("$fmt\n", '--'.$param->[0], $param->[1]); } $t .= "\n" . "Run kpcli with no options and type 'help' at its command prompt to learn\n" . "about kpcli's commands.\n" . ""; return $t; } # Because Term::ShellUI has a fixed width (%20s) for the command length # and we don't need nearly that much, we had to implement our own help # function instead of using the built-in help_call() method. sub my_help_call($) { my $term = shift @_; # @_ now holds: [Term::ShellUI->{commands}, ] # If the user is asking for detailed help on a specific command, do that if (scalar(@_) > 1) { $term->help_call(undef, @_); return; } # If no specific command was requested, show the command summaries my $help = $term->get_all_cmd_summaries($term->commands()); $help =~ s/^ {12}//gm; # Trim some leading spaces off of each line of output print $help; print "\n" . "Type \"help \" for more detailed help on a command.\n"; return 0; } ######################################################################## # Command Completion Routines ########################################## ######################################################################## sub complete_groups { my $self = shift; my $cmpl = shift; our $state; # Place the string (token) that the user is trying to complete into $path. my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}]; # If the cursor isn't at the end of the sting, chop $path to that length. if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) { $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff}); } my $srch_path=normalize_path_string($path); my @possibles = (); # If the path ends in a "/" (a directory) then we are looking for subirs, # else we are just looking to tab-complete a partial dir-name at this level. # Used only for / (the root dir is a special case) if ($srch_path =~ m/^$|^[.]$/) { @possibles = grep(/^[^\0]+$/, sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}); # Used only for /..any/thing../ (non-root directories) } elsif (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$srch_path})) { # If the user is sitting on a dir without the trailing /, return that # now as the only option (/dir1/dir2). We do this because the # code later does not handle this case well at all. We do, however, # have to not do this for things like "ls " which is why we test # for length($path). if (length($path) && $path !~ m/\/$/) { __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self); return [ $cmpl->{str} . "/" ]; } @possibles = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E\0[^\0]+$/, sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}); # Used for /../any/thing../foo } else { @possibles = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E[^\0]*$/, sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}); } # Loop over the possibilites doing required magic... my @results=(); foreach my $opt (@possibles) { $opt=humanize_path($opt); if ($path =~ m/^(\/+)/) { # Absolute path (easy case!) $opt=$1.$opt; } else { # Path relative to pwd my $user_new_path=get_pwd() . "/" . $path; my $new_dir=normalize_path_string($user_new_path); # If the user's input does not resolve to a fully qualified # path then we need to pop off the last bit to get to that. if (! defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$new_dir})) { my @path=split(/\0/, $new_dir); pop @path; $new_dir = join("\0", @path); } $new_dir = humanize_path($new_dir); # Dirname requires "../." (Trailing dot) to give ".." in those cases! my $dirname_path=$path; if ($path =~ m/\/$/) { $dirname_path .= "."; } my $path_to_put_back=dirname($dirname_path) . "/"; if ($new_dir eq '') { # All the way at the root level $opt = $path_to_put_back . $opt; } else { # Some non-root level (deeper) $opt=~s/^$new_dir\//$path_to_put_back/; } # Lop the leading "./" off the head if it was not user supplied if ($path !~ m/^[.]\// && $opt =~ m/^[.]\//) { $opt =~ s/^[.]\///; } # If the user did supply a leading "./" and we missed it, add it if ($path =~ m/^[.]\// && $opt !~ m/^[.]\//) { $opt = "./$opt"; } } push @results, "$opt/"; } # Foreach possibility, we have to strip off the parts that are already # completed and then prepend the part that is looking to be completed, # from $cmpl->{str}. my @completions = (); foreach my $possibility (@results) { $possibility = normalize_path_string($possibility); $possibility =~ s/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?//; if (length($possibility)) { $possibility = $cmpl->{str} . humanize_path($possibility); if ($possibility !~ m/\/$/) { $possibility .= '/'; } push @completions, $possibility; } } # If we are about to return only one completion result, we need to first # test to see if any other subdirs are below it and, if so, suppress the # completion append character so that the user can keep tab completing # into lower level directories. if (scalar(@completions) == 1) { my @all_subdirs = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E[^\0]*(\0[^\0]+)?/, sort keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}); if (scalar(@all_subdirs) > 0) { __my_suppress_completion_append_character($self); } } return \@completions; } sub complete_entries { my $self = shift; my $cmpl = shift; our $state; # Place the string (token) that the user is trying to complete into $path. my $path = $cmpl->{tokens}->[$cmpl->{tokno}]; # If the cursor isn't at the end of the sting, chop $path to that length. if (length($path) > $cmpl->{tokoff}) { $path = substr($path, 0, $cmpl->{tokoff}); } my $srch_path=normalize_path_string($path); my @entries = grep(/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?[^\0]*$/, sort keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}}); # User can tab exactly at a directory level and with or without the # trailing slash, and so we need to normalize that, always ensuring that # the slash is inserted. We do that by setting the dir_level_sep here # and always removing any trailing slash sent in below (\0 on srch_path). # We do, however, have to not do this for things like "show " which # is why we test for length($path). my $dir_level_sep = ''; if (defined($state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}->{$srch_path}) && length($path) && $path !~ m/\/$/) { $dir_level_sep = '/'; } # Foreach possibility, we have to strip off the parts that are already # completed and then prepend the part that is looking to be completed # by Term::ShellUI, from $cmpl->{str}. my @completions = (); foreach my $possibility (@entries) { $possibility =~ s/^\Q$srch_path\E\0?//; if (length($possibility)) { $possibility = $cmpl->{str} .$dir_level_sep. humanize_path($possibility); push @completions, $possibility; } } return \@completions; } sub complete_groups_and_entries { my $self = shift; my $cmpl = shift; my $groups = complete_groups($self,$cmpl); my $entries = complete_entries($self,$cmpl); # Merge and sort the groups and entries my @completions = sort (@{$groups}, @{$entries}); return \@completions; } # In Term::ReadLine::Gnu, suppress_completion_append_character() works, # but in Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 it does not, and # so we get to the outcome via $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character. sub __my_suppress_completion_append_character($) { my $self = shift; if (defined($self) && $self->{term}->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') { $self->suppress_completion_append_character(); } else { # For Term::ReadLine::Perl # From Term/ReadLine/readline.pm # - package readline; if (defined($readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) { $readline::rl_completer_terminator_character=''; } # For Term::ReadLine::Perl5 # From Term/ReadLine/Perl5/readline.pm # - package Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline;" if (defined( $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character)) { $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_completer_terminator_character=''; } } } ######################################################################## # Rijndael encrypt/decrypt routines - borrowed from File::KeePass ###### ######################################################################## sub decrypt_rijndael_cbc { my ($buffer, $key, $enc_iv) = @_; my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC()); $cipher->set_iv($enc_iv); $buffer = $cipher->decrypt($buffer); my $extra = ord(substr $buffer, -1, 1); substr($buffer, length($buffer) - $extra, $extra, ''); return $buffer; } sub encrypt_rijndael_cbc { my ($buffer, $key, $enc_iv) = @_; my $cipher = Crypt::Rijndael->new($key, Crypt::Rijndael::MODE_CBC()); $cipher->set_iv($enc_iv); my $extra = (16 - length($buffer) % 16) || 16; # pad so we can trim $buffer .= chr($extra) for 1 .. $extra; return $cipher->encrypt($buffer); } sub composite_master_pass($$) { my ($pass, $key_file) = @_; # composite password in case of key file if (defined $key_file and length($key_file) and -f $key_file) { # KeePass v2.03 and higher has native key file support, and so we # use that if we have it. if (version->parse($File::KeePass::VERSION) >= version->parse('2.03')) { return [$pass, $key_file]; } # TODO - at some point, when File::KeePass v2.03 is very mainstream, # the code to the end of this if block should be removed. It allowed # support for key files for *.kdb files before File::KeePass supported # that natively. File::KeePass now also supports that for *.kdbx. open(my $fh,'<',$key_file) || die "Couldn't open key file $key_file: $!\n"; my $size = -s $key_file; read($fh, my $buffer, $size); close $fh; if (length($buffer) != $size) { die "Couldn't read entire key file contents of $key_file.\n"; } $pass = substr(sha256($pass),0,32); if ($size == 32) { $pass .= $buffer; } elsif ($size == 64) { for (my $i = 0; $i < 64; $i += 2) { $pass .= chr(hex(substr($buffer,$i,2))); } } else { $pass .= substr(sha256($buffer),0,32); } # TODO - this marks the "end of the block" noted above. } return $pass; } sub put_master_passwd($) { my $master_pass = shift @_; our $state; $state->{'master_pass_key'}=''; $state->{'master_pass_key'} .= chr(int(255 * rand())) for 1..16; $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'}=''; $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'} .= chr(int(255 * rand())) for 1..16; $master_pass='CLEAR:' . $master_pass; $state->{'master_pass'}=encrypt_rijndael_cbc($master_pass, $state->{'master_pass_key'}, $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'}); return 0; } sub get_master_passwd() { our $state; my $master_pass=decrypt_rijndael_cbc($state->{master_pass}, $state->{'master_pass_key'}, $state->{'master_pass_enc_iv'}); if ($master_pass=~s/^CLEAR://) { return $master_pass; } else { die "Failed to properly decrypt my copy of the master password.\n"; } } # This routine checks to see if the file has changed on disk and warns if so sub warn_if_file_changed { our $state; my $file = $state->{kdb_file} || ''; if (! length($file)) { return 0; } # If no file was opened, don't warn my $file_md5 = Digest::file::digest_file_hex($file, "MD5"); if ($state->{kdb_file_md5} ne $file_md5) { print color('bold yellow') . "WARNING:" . color('clear') . color('red') . " The file has changed on disk since kpcli opened it!\n" . " It may be opened elsewhere. Continue anyway? [y/N] " . color('clear'); my $key=get_single_key(); print "\n"; if (lc($key) ne 'y') { return -1; } } return 0; } sub generateKeyfileContents($) { my $length = shift; my $password = ''; my @normal_chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9); # all printable non-alnum chars except space (0x20), backspace (0x5c), # and backtick (0x60) my @special_chars=map(chr, 0x21 .. 0x2f, 0x3a .. 0x40, 0x5b, 0x5d .. 0x5f, 0x7b .. 0x7e); my $charset = join('', (@normal_chars,@special_chars)); while (length($password) < $length) { $password .= substr($charset, (int(rand(length($charset)))), 1); } return $password; } sub generatePassword { my $be_silent = shift @_ || 0; my $password = generatePasswordFromDict($be_silent); if (! length($password)) { if (! $be_silent) { print color('yellow') . "Generated random characters instead of a words-based password.\n" . color('clear'); } $password = generatePasswordGobbledygook(20); } return $password; } sub generatePasswordGobbledygook { my $length = shift; # Build the charsets that we pull from my @special_chars=@{$opts->{'pwsplchars'}}; my @normal_chars=('a'..'z','A'..'Z',0..9); my $nc_charset = join('', @normal_chars); my $sc_charset = join('', @special_chars); my $charset = $nc_charset . $sc_charset; # Generate the password my $password = ''; while (length($password) < $length) { $password .= substr($charset, (int(rand(length($charset)))), 1); } # Now we need to potentially modify the password to conform # with the --pwscmin and --pwscmax requirements. We do that # by making random substitutions of normal characters for # special characters or vice-versa. my $scmin = $opts->{pwscmin}; my $scmax = $opts->{pwscmax}; my $sccount = () = $password =~ m/[\Q$sc_charset\E]{1}/gi; SC_RANGE: until ($sccount >= $scmin && $sccount <= $scmax) { # Build %sc_locs and %nc_locs hashes, keyed on the # position of each character within $password. my %sc_locs = (); my %nc_locs = (); foreach my $i (0..(length($password)-1)) { my $char = substr($password, $i, 1); if ($char =~ m/^[\Q$sc_charset\E]$/) { $sc_locs{$i} = $char; } else { $nc_locs{$i} = $char; } } my $sccount = scalar(keys(%sc_locs)); # sc count in $password my $nccount = scalar(keys(%nc_locs)); # nc count in $password #print "LHHD: sccount=$sccount, nccount=$nccount, $password\n"; #die "LHHD:\n" . Dumper(\%sc_locs, \%nc_locs) . "\n"; if ($sccount > $scmax && $sccount > 0) { # remove a special character # Randomly choose a special char to replace with a normal char my $pos = (keys %sc_locs)[int(rand($sccount))]; my $newchar = substr($nc_charset, (int(rand(length($nc_charset)))), 1); substr $password, $pos, 1, $newchar; } elsif ($sccount < $scmin && $nccount > 0) { # add a special character # Randomly choose a normal char to replace with a special char my $pos = (keys %nc_locs)[int(rand($nccount))]; my $newchar = substr($sc_charset, (int(rand(length($sc_charset)))), 1); substr $password, $pos, 1, $newchar; } else { last SC_RANGE; } #print " $password\n"; # If the user asked for more special characters than the # entire password length, then we did our best by providing # nothing but special characters and so we stop here. if ($nccount < 1 && $scmin > length($password)) { last SC_RANGE; } }; return $password } sub genPassInteractiveHelper($$) { my $mode = shift @_; my $len = shift @_; if ($mode eq 'g') { return generatePasswordGobbledygook($len); } elsif ($mode eq 'w') { return generatePasswordFromDict(0); } else { return undef; } } sub generatePasswordInteractive($) { my $default_passwd_len = shift @_; print "\n"; print "INTERACTIVE PASSWORD GENERATION:\n"; print "o/ Do not accept current password, generate another one.\n"; print "es Accept current password.\n\n"; print "oggle Toggle between random characters and word-based mode.\n"; print "ancel Abort interactive password generation mode.\n"; print "And in random characters mode:\n"; print " +/- Increase/decrease password length. " . "May be prefixed with a count.\n"; print " [n]= Set password length to [n] chars. If not given, " . "resets to $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN chars.\n"; my $pw_is_ok = 0; my $len = $default_passwd_len; my $mode = 'g'; my $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len); do { my $prompt_format = "%s +/-/= n/y/t/c "; if ($mode eq 'w') { $prompt_format = "%s n/y/t/c "; } my $prompt = sprintf($prompt_format, $pw); print $prompt; my $input = ''; my $input_complete = 0; do { if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } my $k = get_single_key(); if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } my $kc = unpack("C", $k); if ($kc == 0x03) { # ^C return undef; } elsif ($kc == 127 || $kc == 8) { # backspace (Linux/Windows) if (length($input) > 0) { $input = substr($input,0,length($input) - 1); print chr(8)." ".chr(8); # Erase a character #print $k; # Print the backspace key to erase a character } } elsif ($kc == 0x0a) { $input = ''; $input_complete = 1; } else { # Validate character input then process it if ($input eq '' && $k =~ m/^[tcny]$/ || ($mode eq 'g' && $k =~ m/^[\d\+\-=]$/ && $input =~ m/^\d*$/) ) { $input .= $k; if ($mode eq 'g' && $input =~ /^(\d+)?[+=-]$/) {$input_complete=1;} if ($input =~ /^[tcny]$/ ) { $input_complete = 1; } if ($input =~ /^\d/) { print $k; } } } } while (!$input_complete); print "\n"; if (lc($input) eq 't') { if ($mode eq 'g') { $mode = 'w' } else { $mode = 'g'; } $input = 'n'; } if ($input eq 'y') { length($pw) and $pw_is_ok = 1; } elsif ($mode eq 'g' && $input =~ /^(\d+)?[+=-]$/) { my $new_len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN; if ($input =~ /^(\d+)?=$/) { $new_len = $1 || $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN; } elsif ($input =~ /^(\d+)?([+-])$/) { my $v = $1 ? $1 : 1; $v *= $2 eq '-' ? -1 : 1; $new_len = $len + $v; } if ($new_len < $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN) { $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN; } elsif ($new_len > $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX) { $len = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX; } else { $len = $new_len; printf "[%s%s%s]\n", '-' x ($len - $DEFAULT_PASSWD_MIN), '|', '-' x ($DEFAULT_PASSWD_MAX - $len); } if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len); } elsif ($input eq 'c') { return undef; # Return undef on cancel } elsif ($input eq 'n' || !$input) { if (recent_sigint()) { return undef; } $pw = genPassInteractiveHelper($mode,$len); } } while (!$pw_is_ok); return($pw); } # Inspired by http://xkcd.com/936/ sub generatePasswordFromDict($) { my $be_silent = shift @_ || 0; my @words=(); my $fh = new FileHandle; my @dict_files = qw( /etc/dictionaries-common/words /usr/share/dict/words /usr/dict/words); if (defined($opts->{pwwords}) && length($opts->{pwwords})) { @dict_files = $opts->{pwwords}; } DICTS: foreach my $dictfile (@dict_files) { if (-f $dictfile && -r $dictfile && open($fh,'<', $dictfile)) { @words = <$fh>; close($fh); last DICTS; } } if (scalar(@words) < 10000) { if (! $be_silent) { print color('yellow') . "No adequate dictionary found to generate a words-based password.\n". "These locations were checked:\n - ".join("\n - ", @dict_files)."\n" . "Perhaps download one from https://github.com/dwyl/english-words\n" . "and use the --pwwords flag.\n" . color('clear'); } return undef; } my $length_tries = $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN * 2; # Scale with --pwlen my $password=''; my @passwords = (); do { my $word_tries=10; WORD: while ($word_tries-- > 0) { my $word = $words[int(rand(scalar(@words)))]; chomp $word; $word =~ s/[^a-zA-Z0-9]//g; # print "LHHD: word: $word\n"; if (length($word) < 3) { next; } # Don't want small words if (length($word) > 8) { next; } # Don't want big words push @passwords, $word; last WORD; # We added a word so move on... } my $pwtmp=join('.', @passwords); # warn "LHHD: $pwtmp\n"; # If we have 4 or more words and adequate length then we can exit if (scalar(@passwords) >= 4 && length($pwtmp) >= $DEFAULT_PASSWD_LEN) { $password=join('.', @passwords); # Assigning this exists the do loop } } until (length($password) || $length_tries-- < 0); return $password; } # Adapted from http://docstore.mik.ua/orelly/perl/cookbook/ch06_10.htm sub glob2pat { my $globstr = shift; my %patmap = ( '*' => '[^\0]*', '?' => '[^\0]', '[' => '[', ']' => ']', ); $globstr =~ s{(.)} { $patmap{$1} || "\Q$1" }ge; return '^' . $globstr . '$'; } sub shell_expansion($) { my $shell_path = shift @_; our $state; my $regex = glob2pat(normalize_path_string($shell_path)); $regex = qr/$regex/; my @grps_and_ents = (); push @grps_and_ents, keys %{$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}}; push @grps_and_ents, keys %{$state->{all_grp_paths_fwd}}; @grps_and_ents = sort { ncmp($a,$b); } @grps_and_ents; my @matches = grep(/${regex}/, @grps_and_ents); # Eliminate "system" things that we don't want to include my @good_matches = (); MATCHES: foreach my $match (@matches) { if (defined($state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$match})) { my $ent = $state->{kdb}->find_entry({id=>$state->{all_ent_paths_fwd}->{$match}}); if (defined($ent) && $ent->{'title'} eq 'Meta-Info' && $ent->{'username'} eq 'SYSTEM') { next MATCHES; } } push @good_matches, $match; } return @good_matches; } ######################################################################### # Setup signal handling ################################################# ######################################################################### sub setup_signal_handling { our $state; # We only worry with signal handling for Term::ReadLine::Gnu if ($state->{'term'}->{term}->ReadLine ne 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu') { return 0; } # We don't want Term::Readline::Gnu catching signals, except for WINCH. # I really don't understand why, but I know via experimentation. my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term}; $term->Attribs->{catch_signals} = 0; $term->Attribs->{catch_sigwinch} = 1; # Window resizes $term->clear_signals(); # Install a signal handler to catch SIGINT (^C). Unsafe signal handling # (through POSIX::SigAction) is required to deal with Term::ReadLine::Gnu. # We don't even try for other readlines due to their limited functionality. my $handler_SIGINT = sub { our $state; # We could be using one of a couple of ReadLine terminals; the one # from Term::ShellUI ($state->{'term'}->{term}) or one from one of # our cli_NNN commands ($state->{active_readline}). We will assume # the Term::ShellUI one here, and override that below if needed. my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term}; # Record in our state when a SIGINT was last received $state->{signals}->{INT} = [gettimeofday]; # We need to pull the Carp longmess to see if we're sitting in a # a cli_XXXX function instead of at a readline prompt. my $mess = longmess(); #print Dumper( $mess ); # At some point, Term::ShellUI started wrapping my cli_XXX() routines # in eval{}, which hid the cli_\w+() from the longmess, and so I had # to add a second condition here. if ($mess =~ m/(main::(cli_\w+)\(|Term::ShellUI::call_cmd\()/) { #warn "It appears that SIGINT was called from $1\n"; #warn "LHHD: $mess\n"; # If the cli_NNN has an active_readline we need to work with it if (defined($state->{active_readline})) { #warn "LHHD: in INT with active_readline\n"; my $term = $state->{active_readline}; $term->free_line_state(); $term->cleanup_after_signal(); $term->reset_after_signal(); $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=''; # Clear the buffer $term->Attribs->{done}=1; # Ask readline to return immediately } } else { # If not in a cli_XXX(), assume a Term::ShellUI prompt my $yellow=color('yellow'); my $clear=color('clear'); #$term->echo_signal_char(SIGINT); # Puts ^C on the next line. :( # Trial and error on these readline_state values... :( #warn "LHHD: " . sprintf($term->Attribs->{readline_state}) . "\n"; if ($term->Attribs->{readline_state} == 262374) { print "^C$yellow - use Ctrl-g to stop history search.$clear\n"; } else { print "^C$yellow - use the \"quit\" command to exit.$clear\n"; } $term->free_line_state(); $term->cleanup_after_signal(); $term->reset_after_signal(); $term->Attribs->{line_buffer}=""; # Clear the input buffer $term->forced_update_display(); # Force update the display } return 0; }; sigaction(SIGINT, new POSIX::SigAction($handler_SIGINT)); #$SIG{INT} = $handler_SIGINT; # Works only if $ENV{PERL_SIGNAL}='unsafe' #https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/perl.perl5.porters/fNJdyyZh7Wc # Handle signal CONT - continue signal (resuming after Ctrl-Z). my $handler_SIGCONT = sub { our $state; my $term = $state->{'term'}->{term}; my $mess = longmess(); # At some point, Term::ShellUI started wrapping my cli_XXX() # routines in eval{}, which hid the cli_\w+() from the longmess, # and so I had to add a second condition here. if ($mess =~ m/(main::(cli_\w+)\(|Term::ShellUI::call_cmd\()/ && defined($state->{active_readline})) { $term = $state->{active_readline}; } $term->cleanup_after_signal(); $term->reset_after_signal(); $term->forced_update_display(); # Force update the display }; sigaction(SIGCONT, new POSIX::SigAction($handler_SIGCONT)); #$SIG{CONT} = $handler_SIGCONT; # Works only if $ENV{PERL_SIGNAL}='unsafe' } # 2FA-TOTP support sub have_otp_support() { if (! is_loaded('Authen::OATH')) { return(0, "Module Authen::OATH is required for OTP support."); } if (! is_loaded('Convert::Base32')) { return(0, "Module Convert::Base32 is required for OTP support."); } return(1,undef); } sub get_otp_data_from_comment($) { my $comment = shift @_; my @comment_lines = split(/[\r\n]+/, $comment); my $key2FA = undef; my $digest = undef; CLINES: foreach my $cline (@comment_lines) { if ($cline =~ m/^2FA-TOTP(-([^:]+))?:\s*([^\s]+)/) { $key2FA = $3; $digest = $2 || 'SHA'; # RFC6238 uses SHA-1 == Digest::SHA last CLINES; } } return($key2FA,$digest); } sub get_totp($$) { my $key2FA = shift @_ || ''; my $digest = shift @_ || 'SHA'; # RFC6238 uses SHA-1 == Digest::SHA my $oath = Authen::OATH->new( digest => 'Digest::'.uc($digest) ); my $otp = $oath->totp(decode_base32($key2FA)); return $otp; } ######################################################################### # Setup timeout handling (--timeout=N) ################################## ######################################################################### sub setup_timeout_handling { our $state; $state->{last_activity_time}=time; our $def_call_command = \&Term::ShellUI::call_command; if (is_loaded('Sub::Install')) { Sub::Install::reinstall_sub({ into => "Term::ShellUI", as => 'call_command', code => sub { our $state; my $self = $_[0]; my $parms = $_[1]; my $cmd = $self->get_cname($parms->{cname}); my $idletime = abs($state->{last_activity_time} - time); my $timeout_exempt=0; my $all_commands = $self->commands(); if (defined($all_commands->{$cmd}) && defined($all_commands->{$cmd}->{timeout_exempt}) && $all_commands->{$cmd}->{timeout_exempt}) { $timeout_exempt=1; } if (defined($state->{kdb_file}) && length($state->{kdb_file}) && ($timeout_exempt == 0) && ($idletime > $opts->{timeout})) { print "You were idle for more than $opts->{timeout} seconds...\n"; # GetMasterPasswd()=from user; get_master_passwd()=for kdb file if (GetMasterPasswd() ne get_master_passwd()) { print "Wrong password.\n"; return -1; } $idletime = 0; # Reset idle time on successful password. } # Update the state->{last_activity_time} only if not already past # the timeout; the command could have been one one of the the # timeout_exempt ones, as defined in main Term::SehllUI data. if ($idletime <= $opts->{timeout}) { $state->{last_activity_time}=time; } # Call Term::ShellUI::call_command() our $def_call_command; return &$def_call_command(@_); }, }); } } # Code consolidation function to runtime-load optional perl modules sub runtime_load_module { my $rOPTIONAL_PM = shift @_; my $module = shift @_; my $rImportList = shift @_ || undef; my $iltxt = ''; if (defined($rImportList) && ref($rImportList) ne 'ARRAY') { die "The rImportList param to runtime_load_module() must be an ARRAY ref\n"; } if (defined($rImportList) && ref($rImportList) eq 'ARRAY' && scalar(@$rImportList) > 0) { $iltxt = "('" . join("','", @{$rImportList}) . "')"; } my $eval_result = eval("require $module;$module->import($iltxt); 1;"); if (! defined($eval_result)) { $eval_result = 0; } if ($eval_result == 1 && is_loaded($module)) { $rOPTIONAL_PM->{$module}->{loaded} = 1; return 1; } else { $rOPTIONAL_PM->{$module}->{loaded} = 0; return 0; } } # This routine runs down the list of our preferred Term::ReadLine::* # modules and returns a new object from the first one that we find. sub get_readline_term { my $rOPTIONAL_PM = shift @_; my $app_name = shift @_; my @rl_modules = (); if (defined($FORCED_READLINE) && length($FORCED_READLINE)) { push @rl_modules, $FORCED_READLINE; } else { # The full list of readlines that we support, in order of preference push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Gnu'; push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Perl'; push @rl_modules, 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5'; } if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && (!defined($ENV{'SHELL'}))) { # This supresses a diagnostics warning if/when Term::ReadLine::Perl5 # is imported below. It tries to run '$SHELL -c "some command"' which # fails on windows and shows error output. The rem command will take # anything and return nothing, so it silences that warning. $ENV{'SHELL'}='rem'; } # On mswin, starting with v3.5, we use Term::Size::Win32 to set the # COLUMNS and LINES env vars so that Term::ReadLine::Perl will stop # complaining about "Unable to get Terminal Size." if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && is_loaded('Term::Size::Win32') && (! (defined($ENV{'COLUMNS'}) && defined($ENV{'LINES'})))) { ($ENV{'COLUMNS'}, $ENV{'LINES'}) = Term::Size::Win32::chars(); } my $rl_term = undef; my $hold_TERM=undef; MODULE: foreach my $module (@rl_modules) { # On MS Windows, Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl5 are # pretty good terminals but they behave badly if the environment # variable TERM=dumb, and so we override that here if needed. if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && $module =~ m/^Term::ReadLine::Perl5?/ && ((!defined($ENV{'TERM'})) || $ENV{'TERM'} eq 'dumb')) { $hold_TERM=$ENV{'TERM'} || ''; $ENV{'TERM'} = 'vt102'; } if (runtime_load_module($rOPTIONAL_PM,$module,undef) eq 1) { # These SGI{'__WARN__'} shenanigans are to suppress: # WARNING: Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method # Term::ReadLine::Gnu::ornaments() is deprecated at # /usr/lib/perl5/Term/ReadLine/Gnu.pm line 250. # Hopefully, newer versions of Term::ReadLine::Gnu will fix this. $SIG{'__WARN__'} = sub { warn $_[0] unless (caller eq "Term::ReadLine::Gnu"); }; $rl_term = eval "$module->new('$app_name');"; delete $SIG{'__WARN__'}; last MODULE; } else { #warn "Loading $module failed\n"; if (defined($hold_TERM)) { $ENV{'TERM'} = $hold_TERM; $hold_TERM=undef; } } } #if (! defined($rl_term)) { return undef; } if (! defined($rl_term)) { die "No usable Term::ReadLine::* modules found.\n" . "This list was tried:\n * " . join("\n * ", @rl_modules) . "\n" . "For more information, read the documentation: " . "perldoc " . basename($0) . "\n"; } # I don't like readline ornaments in kpcli if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && is_loaded('Capture::Tiny')) { # On MS Windows, the RLTERM->ornaments() call causes a warning about # not having a termcap file. It seems hamless and so we suppress that # message if we have Capture::Tiny available. my ($out, $err, @result) = capture( sub { $rl_term->ornaments(0); } ); if (length($err) && $err !~ m/^cannot find termcap/i) { warn $err; } } else { # WARNING: Use of inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method # Term::ReadLine::Gnu::ornaments() is deprecated # at line . # This "no warnings" is to stop that, but the same warning # still comes from Term::ReadLine::Gnu at line 250 with perl # v5.14.2 and Term::ReadLine::Gnu 1.20-2. That is suppressed # in a different way, just above in this same function. no warnings qw(deprecated); $rl_term->ornaments(0); use warnings qw(all); } # I'm not sure that these are only needed on Windows, but I know they # are not needed on Linux so I'm trying to keep the scope narrow. if (lc($OSNAME) =~ m/^mswin/ && $rl_term->ReadLine =~ m/Term::ReadLine::Perl5?/) { # For Term::ReadLine::Perl and Term::ReadLine::Perl we set # $readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0 on MS Windows. if (defined($readline::rl_scroll_nextline)) { $readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0; } if (defined($Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_scroll_nextline)) { $Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::rl_scroll_nextline=0; } } # History # The Term::ReadLine::Perl* modules shove values into the history # file automtically. That causes two problems for kpcli: # 1) Term::ShellUI calls $term->addhistory() itself for each CLI # command that it wants to store ih history (duplicates). # 2) We use readline() in places like cli_new, cli_edit, etc. and # we do not want all those inputs in the history file (cruft). if ($rl_term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl') { no warnings 'once'; # This is intentionally only used once no warnings 'redefine'; # This subrouting is intentionally redefined *readline::add_line_to_history = sub { return undef; }; } if ($rl_term->ReadLine eq 'Term::ReadLine::Perl5') { no warnings 'once'; # This is intentionally only used once no warnings 'redefine'; # This subrouting is intentionally redefined *Term::ReadLine::Perl5::readline::add_line_to_history = sub {return undef;} } if (defined($hold_TERM)) { $ENV{'TERM'} = $hold_TERM; } return $rl_term; } # Use simple magic recipes to identify relevant file types sub magic_file_type($) { my $filename = shift @_; my $header=''; my $fh = FileHandle->new($filename, "r"); if (defined $fh) { my $n = read $fh, $header, 4; close $fh; } # KeePass # Recipe from https://github.com/glensc/file/blob/master/magic/Magdir/keepass #0 lelong 0x9AA2D903 Keepass password database #>4 lelong 0xB54BFB65 1.x KDB #>>48 lelong >0 \b, %d groups #>>52 lelong >0 \b, %d entries #>>8 lelong&0x0f 1 \b, SHA-256 #>>8 lelong&0x0f 2 \b, AES #>>8 lelong&0x0f 4 \b, RC4 #>>8 lelong&0x0f 8 \b, Twofish #>>120 lelong >0 \b, %d key transformation rounds #>4 lelong 0xB54BFB67 2.x KDBX if ($header =~ m/^(\x9a\xa2\xd9\x03|\x03\xd9\xa2\x9a)/) { # See SF bug #19 return 'keepass'; } # Password Safe v3 # Recipe from https://github.com/glensc/file/blob/master/magic/Magdir/pwsafe if ($header =~ m/^PWS3/) { return 'pws3'; } return ''; # Intentionally not returning undef so diagnostics won't complain } # https://gist.github.com/lgg/e6ccc6e212d18dd2ecd8a8c116fb1e45 sub kp_file_info { my $filename = shift @_; my $header=''; my $fh = FileHandle->new($filename, "r"); if (defined $fh) { my $n = read $fh, $header, 256*1; close $fh; } use constant KP_FILE_SIG => 0x9AA2D903; use constant KP_VERSIG_v1 => 0xB54BFB65; use constant KP_VERSIG_v2 => 0xB54BFB67; my ($file_sig, $ver_sig) = unpack 'LL', $header; # Two first longs from the header if ($file_sig != KP_FILE_SIG) { return undef; # Not a KeePass file } my $i = {}; # To collect our info # 1.x (KDB) or 2.x (KDBX) #>4 lelong 0xB54BFB65 1.x KDB #>4 lelong 0xB54BFB67 2.x KDBX $i->{version} = 'unknown'; $i->{ext} = 'unknown'; my $version_data = substr($header, 4, 4); #print "LHHD: version_data=" . sprintf('%v02X', $version_data) . "\n"; if ($ver_sig == KP_VERSIG_v1) { $i->{version} = 1; $i->{ext} = 'kdb'; } elsif ($ver_sig == KP_VERSIG_v2) { $i->{version} = 2; $i->{ext} = 'kdbx'; } else { return $i; } # Parse v1 header (*.kdb files) my $parsed_header = undef; if ($i->{version} == 1) { $parsed_header = _parse_v1_header($header); } if ($i->{version} == 2) { $parsed_header = _parse_v2_header($header); } if (defined($parsed_header)) { foreach my $k (keys %{$i}) { $parsed_header->{$k} = $i->{$k}; } return $parsed_header; } return $i; } # Copied from File::KeePass and slightly modified sub _parse_v1_header { my ($buffer) = @_; use constant DB_HEADSIZE_V1 => 124; my $size = length($buffer); die "File was smaller than db header ($size < ".DB_HEADSIZE_V1().")\n" if $size < DB_HEADSIZE_V1; my %h = (version => 1, header_size => DB_HEADSIZE_V1); my @f = qw(sig1 sig2 flags ver seed_rand enc_iv n_groups n_entries checksum seed_key rounds); my $t = 'L L L L a16 a16 L L a32 a32 L'; @h{@f} = unpack $t, $buffer; # From https://gist.github.com/lgg/e6ccc6e212d18dd2ecd8a8c116fb1e45 my %ciphers = ( 1 => 'SHA-256', 2 => 'AES / Rijndael', # also know as rijndael 4 => 'RC4', 8 => 'Twofish', ); CIPH_ID: foreach my $cipher_num (sort keys %ciphers) { if ($h{'flags'} & $cipher_num) { $h{'enc_type'} = $cipher_num; $h{'enc_name'} = $ciphers{$cipher_num}; } } return \%h; } # Copied from File::KeePass and slightly modified by following # this code: https://github.com/Evidlo/examples/blob/master/python/kdbx4_decrypt.py sub _parse_v2_header { my ($buffer) = @_; #my %h = (version => 2, enc_type => 'rijndael'); #@h{qw(sig1 sig2 ver)} = unpack 'L3', $buffer; my %h = (version => 2, enc_type => 'rijndael'); @h{qw(sig1 sig2 ver_min ver_maj)} = unpack 'L2 s s', $buffer; $h{'kdbx_ver'} = $h{ver_maj}.'.'.$h{ver_min}; #die "Unsupported file version2 ($h{'ver'}).\n" if $h{'ver'} & 0xFFFF0000 > 0x00020000 & 0xFFFF0000; my $pos = 12; HEADER: while (1) { my ($type, $size); if ($h{ver_maj} == 3) { # KDBX3 ($type, $size) = unpack "\@$pos CS", $buffer; $pos += 3; } elsif ($h{ver_maj} == 4) { # KDBX4 ($type, $size) = unpack "\@$pos CL", $buffer; $pos += 5; } #warn "LHHD: pos/type/size = $pos: $type, $size\n"; my $val = substr $buffer, $pos, $size; # #my ($val) = unpack "\@$pos a$size", $buffer; if (!$type) { $h{'0'} = $val; $pos += $size; last HEADER; } $pos += $size; if ($type == 1) { $h{'comment'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 2) { #warn "Cipher id did not match AES\n" if $val ne "\x31\xc1\xf2\xe6\xbf\x71\x43\x50\xbe\x58\x05\x21\x6a\xfc\x5a\xff"; #$h{'cipher'} = 'aes'; } elsif ($type == 3) { $val = unpack 'V', $val; warn "Compression was too large.\n" if $val > 1; $h{'compression'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 4) { warn "Length of seed random was not 32\n" if length($val) != 32; $h{'seed_rand'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 5) { warn "Length of seed key was not 32\n" if length($val) != 32; $h{'seed_key'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 6) { $h{'rounds'} = unpack 'L', $val; } elsif ($type == 7) { #warn "Length of encryption IV was not 16\n" if length($val) != 16; $h{'enc_iv'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 8) { #warn "Length of stream key was not 32\n" if length($val) != 32; $h{'protected_stream_key'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 9) { #warn "Length of start bytes was not 32\n" if length($val) != 32; $h{'start_bytes'} = $val; } elsif ($type == 10) { #warn "Inner stream id did not match Salsa20\n" if unpack('V', $val) != 2; $h{'protected_stream'} = 'salsa20'; } elsif ($type == 11) { $h{'kdf_parameters'} = _parse_kdf_parameters($val); #warn "LHHD: ".Dumper($h{'kdf_parameters'})."\n"; } elsif ($type == 12) { # Plugin-provided data is stored in the header field with ID 12. } else { #warn "Found an unknown header type ($type, $val)\n"; } } $h{'header_size'} = $pos; return \%h; } # https://github.com/Evidlo/examples/blob/master/python/kdbx4_decrypt.py # The KeePassXC source code, in ../src/format/KeePass2.cpp, contains many # constants that we care about, such as the values for the KDF $UUID key. sub _parse_kdf_parameters { my $buffer = shift @_; my $value_types = { 0x04 => 'I', 0x05 => 'Q', 0x08 => '?', 0x0C => 'i', 0x0D => 'q', 0x18 => '{length}s', 0x42 => '{length}s', }; my %h = (); my $kdf_offset = 0; my $dict_version = unpack('H', substr($buffer,0,2)); #warn "LHHD: dict_version=$dict_version\n"; $kdf_offset += 2; while (unpack('c',substr($buffer,$kdf_offset, 1)) != 0) { my ($value_type, $key_size) = unpack('cL<',substr($buffer,$kdf_offset)); #warn "LHHD: value_type/format,key_size, = ($value_type/$value_types->{$value_type}, $key_size)\n"; $kdf_offset += 1 + 4; my $key = substr($buffer,$kdf_offset, $key_size); $kdf_offset += $key_size; my ($value_size) = unpack('L<', substr($buffer,$kdf_offset)); $kdf_offset += 4; my $value = substr($buffer,$kdf_offset, $value_size); $kdf_offset += $value_size; #warn " LHHD: key,value_size,value = ($key, $value_size, $value)\n"; #warn " LHHD: key,value_size,value = ($key, $value_size, ".unpack('H*', $value)."\n"; $h{$key} = $value; } # Convert the UUID from binary to hex and then to UUID format if (defined($h{'$UUID'})) { my $hex = lc(unpack('H*', $h{'$UUID'})); $h{'$UUID'} = ''; my @lens = qw(8 4 4 4 12); my $offset = 0; foreach my $len (@lens) { if (length($h{'$UUID'})) { $h{'$UUID'} .= '-'; } $h{'$UUID'} .= substr($hex, $offset, $len); $offset += $len; } } return \%h; } # Unix-style, "touch" a file sub touch_file { my $filename = shift @_; if (! -f $filename) { my $fh=new FileHandle; open($fh, "> $filename"); close($fh); } my $sig_pipe_store=$SIG{'PIPE'}; $SIG{'PIPE'} = 'IGNORE'; my $now=time; my $retval=utime $now, $now, $filename; $SIG{'PIPE'} = $sig_pipe_store; return($retval); } # Convenience function to uniq an array sub uniq { my %seen; return grep { !$seen{$_}++ } @_; } sub slurp_read_file { my $fn = shift @_; my $fh = FileHandle->new(); open $fh, '<', $fn or return undef; local $/ = undef; my $data = <$fh>; close $fh; return $data; } # Tests to see if the kpxc_exe command exists, is runnable, # and is a good version versus $KPXC_MIN_VER. sub can_kpxc { my $kpxc_exe = shift @_; my $min_ver = shift @_; if (! (-f -e $kpxc_exe)) { return 0; } { my $fh_kpxc = new FileHandle; my $cmd = "$kpxc_exe --version"; if (lc($OSNAME) !~ m/^mswin/) { $cmd .= ' 2>/dev/null'; } if (! open($fh_kpxc, '-|', $cmd)) { return 0; } my $ver_str = <$fh_kpxc>; close $fh_kpxc; $ver_str =~ s/[\r\n]+$//; if ($ver_str =~ m/^(KeePassXC )?(\d+[.]\d+[.]\d+)/i) { my $kpxcver = $2; if (version->parse($kpxcver) >= version->parse($min_ver)) { return 1; } } } return 0; } ######################################################################## # POD ################################################################## ######################################################################## =head1 NAME kpcli - A command line interface to KeePass database files. =head1 DESCRIPTION A command line interface (interactive shell) to work with KeePass database files (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KeePass). It supports all version 1.x (*.kdb) and 2.x (*.kdbx) prior to the KDBX4 update. This program was inspired by my use of "kedpm -c" combined with my need to migrate to KeePass. The curious can read about the Ked Password Manager at http://kedpm.sourceforge.net/. =head1 USAGE Please run the program and type "help" to learn how to use it. Run the program with --help as a command line option to learn about its command line options. =head1 INSTALLATION Please see https://sf.net/p/kpcli/wiki/Installation%20instructions =head1 CAVEATS AND WORDS OF CAUTION The main author of kpcli primarily interoperability tests with KeePassX (http://www.keepassx.org/) and primarily uses KeePass v1 (*.kdb) files. Support for KeePass v2 (*.kdbx) files in kpcli is substantial, and many people use it daily, but it is not the author's primary use case. It is also the author's intent to maintain compatibility with v1 files, and so anyone sending patches, for consideration for inclusion in future kpcli versions, is asked to validate them with both v1 and v2 files. =head2 Version 4 of the KDBX file format is unsupported KeePass 2.35 introduced version 4 of the KDBX file format (KDBXv4) and it is unsupported by File::KeePass. File::KeePass can only decrypt databases encrypted with the AES cipher and newer KeePass versions offer ChaCha20, which will also save the file as KDBXv4. File::KeePass also does not support the new Argon2 key derivation function (KDF). - https://keepass.info/help/kb/kdbx_4.html - https://metacpan.org/pod/Crypt::AuthEnc::ChaCha20Poly1305 As of KeePass 2.46, you can use the "File -> Database Settings -> Security" tab to set the encryption algorithm to AES/Rijndael and the key derivation function to AES-KDF and then kpcli will be able to operate on the files. As of KeePassXC 2.7, you can use the "Database -> Database Security -> Encryption Settings" tab to change the "Database format" to "KDBX 3" kpcli will be able to operate on the files. =head2 Filesystem Access and Tab Completion on Microsoft Windows Filesytem access and tab completion on Microsoft Windows uses forward slashes, and so paths like: c:/Users/hightowe/personal.kdb File tab completion is also case insensitive, which seems cumbersome, but it matches Windows filesystem behavior. =head2 Some versions of Term::ReadLine::Perl5 are incompatible C versions 1.39-1.42 are incompatible with the C module, which is core to kpcli. There is information about this in kpcli SF bug #18 (http://sourceforge.net/p/kpcli/bugs/18/). The C author submitted a C patch to resolve the issue (https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=105375) and he also released C version 1.43 which resolves it. =head2 No history tracking for KeePass 2 (*.kdbx) files Recording entries' history in KeePass 2 files is not implemented. History that exists in a file is not destroyed, but results of entry changes made in kpcli are not recorded into their history. Prior-to-change copies are stored into the "Recycle Bin." Note that File::KeePass does not encrypt passwords of history entries in RAM, like it does for current entries. This is a small security risk that can, in theory, allow privileged users to steal your passwords from RAM, from entry history. =head2 File::KeePass bug prior to version 2.03 Prior to version 2.03, File::KeePass had a bug related to some "unknown" data that KeePassX stores in group records. For File::KeePass < v2.03, kpcli deletes those unknown data when saving. Research in the libkpass (http://libkpass.sourceforge.net/) source code revealed that what early versions of File::KeePass classifies as "unknown" are the times for created/modified/accessed/expires as well as "flags" (id=9), but only for groups; File::KeePass handled those fields just fine for entries. I found no ill-effect from dropping those fields when saving and so that is what kpcli does to work around the File::KeePass bug, if kpcli is using File::KeePass < v2.03. =head1 BUGS =head2 Using Ctrl-D to Exit Versions of Term::ShellUI prior to v0.9. do not have the ability to trap Ctrl-D exits by the client program. I submitted a patch to remedy that and it made it into Term::ShellUI v0.9. Please upgrade if kpcli asks you to. =head2 Multiple Entries or Groups With the Same Name in the Same Group This program does not support multiple entries in the same group having the exact same name, nor does it support multiple groups at the same level having the same name, and it likely never will. KeepassX does support those. This program detects and alert when an opened database file has those issues, but it does not refuse to save (overwrite) a file that is opened like that. Saves are actually safe (no data loss) as long as the user has not touched one of the duplicately-named items. =head2 Text::Shellwords::Cursor parse_line() infinite loop There is a bug in Text::Shellwords::Cursor::parse_line() that will send it into an infinite loop. To trigger it, one need only try to do tab completion with an escape character as the last character on the command line. This perl one-liner demonstrates the problem: $ perl -MData::Dumper -MText::Shellwords::Cursor \ -e '$p=Text::Shellwords::Cursor->new(); \ @t = $p->parse_line("open c:\\u"); print Dumper(\@t); \ @t = $p->parse_line("open c:\\"); print Dumper(\@t);' The second call to parse_line() will enter an infinite loop. =head1 AUTHOR Lester Hightower =head1 LICENSE This program may be distributed under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 CREDITS Special thanks to Paul Seamons, author of C, and to Scott Bronson, author of C. Without those two modules this program would not have been practical for me to author. =head1 CHANGELOG 2010-Nov-28 v0.1 - Initial release. 2010-Nov-28 v0.2 - Encrypt the master password in RAM. 2010-Nov-29 v0.3 - Fixed master password encryption for saveas. 2010-Nov-29 v0.4 - Fixed code to work w/out Term::ReadLine::Gnu. - Documented File::KeePass v0.1 hierarchy bug. 2010-Nov-29 v0.5 - Made find command case insensitive. - Bugfix in new command (path regex problem). 2010-Nov-29 v0.6 - Added lock file support; warn if a lock exists. 2010-Dec-01 v0.7 - Further documented the group fields that are dropped, in the CAVEATS section of the POD. - Sort group and entry titles naturally. 2010-Dec-23 v0.8 - Worked with File::KeePass author to fix a couple of bugs and then required >=v0.03 of that module. - Sorted "/_found" to last in the root group list. - Fixed a "database changed" state bug in cli_save(). - Made the find command ignore entries in /Backup/. - Find now offers show when only one entry is found. - Provided a patch to Term::ShellUI author to add eof_exit_hook and added support for it to kpcli. 2011-Feb-19 v0.9 - Fixed bugs related to spaces in group names as reported in SourceForge bug number 3132258. - The edit command now prompts to save on changes. - Put scrub_unknown_values_from_all_groups() calls back into place after realizing that v0.03 of File::KeePass did not resolve all of the problems. 2011-Apr-23 v1.0 - Changed a perl 5.10+ regex to a backward-compatable one to resolve SourceForge bug number 3192413. - Modified the way that the /Backup group is ignored by the find command to stop kpcli from croaking on multiple entries with the same name in that group. - Note: There is a more general bug here that needs addressing (see BUGS section). - An empty title on new entry aborts the new entry. - Changed kdb files are now detected/warned about. - Tested against Term::ShellUI v0.9, which has my EOF hook patch, and updated kpcli comments about it. - Term::ShellUI's complete_history() method was removed between v0.86 and v0.9 and so I removed kpli's call to it (Ctrl-r works for history). - Added the "icons" command. 2011-Sep-07 v1.1 - Empty DBs are now initialized to KeePassX style. - Fixed a couple of bugs in the find command. - Fixed a password noecho bug in the saveas command. - Fixed a kdb_has_changed bug in the saveas command. - Fixed a cli_open bug where it wasn't cli_close'ing. - Fixed variable init bugs in put_master_passwd(). - Fixed a false warning in warn_if_file_changed(). 2011-Sep-30 v1.2 - Added the "export" command. - Added the "import" command. - Command "rmdir" asks then deletes non-empty groups. - Command "new" can auto-generate random passwords. 2012-Mar-03 v1.3 - Fixed bug in cl command as reported in SourceForge bug number 3496544. 2012-Apr-17 v1.4 - Added key file support based on a user contributed patch with SourceForge ID# 3518388. - Added my_help_call() to allow for longer and more descriptive command summaries (for help command). - Stopped allowing empty passwords for export. 2012-Oct-13 v1.5 - Fixed "help " commands, that I broke in v1.4. - Command "edit" can auto-generate random passwords. - Added the "cls" and "clear" commands from a patch with SourceForge ID# 3573930. - Tested compatibility with File::KeePass v2.03 and made minor changes that are possible with >=2.01. - With File::KeePass v2.03, kpcli should now support KeePass v2 files (*.kdbx). 2012-Nov-25 v1.6 - Hide passwords (red on red) in the show command unless the -f option is given. - Added the --readonly command line option. - Added support for multi-line notes/comments; input ends on a line holding a single ".". 2013-Apr-25 v1.7 - Patched to use native File::KeePass support for key files, if the File::KeePass version is new enough. - Added the "version" and "ver" commands. - Updated documentation as Ubuntu 12.10 now packages all of kpcli's dependencies. - Added --histfile command line option. - Record modified times on edited records, from a patch with SourceForge ID# 3611713. - Added the -a option to the show command. 2013-Jun-09 v2.0 - Removed the unused Clone module after a report that Clone is no longer in core Perl as of v5.18.0. - Added the stats and pwck commands. - Added clipboard commands (xw/xu/xp/xx). - Fixed some long-standing tab completion bugs. - Warn if multiple groups or entries are titled the same within a group, except for /Backup entries. 2013-Jun-10 v2.1 - Fixed several more tab completion bugs, and they were serious enough to warrant a quick release. 2013-Jun-16 v2.2 - Trap and handle SIGINT (^C presses). - Trap and handle SIGTSTP (^Z presses). - Trap and handle SIGCONT (continues after ^Z). - Stopped printing found dictionary words in pwck. 2013-Jul-01 v2.3 - More readline() and signal handling improvements. - Title conflict checks in cli_new()/edit()/mv(). - Group title conflict checks in rename(). - cli_new() now accepts optional path&|title param. - cli_ls() can now list multiple paths. - cli_edit() now shows the "old" values for users to edit, if Term::ReadLine::Gnu is available. - cli_edit() now aborts all changes on ^C. - cli_saveas() now asks before overwriting a file. 2013-Nov-26 v2.4 - Fixed several "perl -cw" warnings reported on 2013-07-09 as SourceForge bug #9. - Bug fix for the cl command, but in sub cli_ls(). - First pass at Strawberry perl/MS Windows support. - Enhanced support for Term::ReadLine::Perl - Added support for Term::ReadLine::Perl5 - Added display of expire time for show -a. - Added -a option to the find command. - Used the new magic_file_type() in a few places. - Added generatePasswordFromDict() and "w" generation. - Added the -v option to the version command. - Added the versions command. 2014-Mar-15 v2.5 - Added length control (gNN) to password generation. - Added the copy command (and cp alias). - Added the clone command. - Added optional modules not installed to version -v. - Groups can now also be moved with the mv command. - Modified cli_cls() to also work on MS Windows. - Suppressed Term::ReadLine::Gnu hint on MS Windows. - Suppressed missing termcap warning on MS Windows. - Print a min number of *s to not leak passwd length. - Removed unneeded use of Term::ReadLine. - Quieted "inherited AUTOLOAD for non-method" warns caused by Term::Readline::Gnu on perl 5.14.x. 2014-Jun-06 v2.6 - Added interactive password generation ("i" method). - Thanks to Florian Tham for the idea and patch. - Show entry's tags if present (KeePass >= v2.11). - Thanks to Florian Tham for the patch. - Add/edit support for tags if a v2 file is opened. - Added tags to the searched fields for "find -a". - Show string fields (key/val pairs) in v2 files. - Add/edit for string fields if a v2 file is opened. - Show information about entries' file attachments. 2014-03-20 SourceForge feature request #6. - New "attach" command to manage file attachments. - Added "Recycle Bin" functionality and --no-recycle. - For --readonly, don't create a lock file and don't warn if one exists. 2014-03-27 SourceForge bug #11. - Added key file generation to saveas and export. 2014-04-19 SourceForge bug #13. - Added -expired option to the find command. - Added "dir" as an alias for "ls" - Added some additional info to the stats command. - Added more detailed OS info for Linux/Win in vers. - Now hides Meta-Info/SYSTEM entries. - Fixed bug with SIGTSTP handling (^Z presses). - Fixed missing refresh_state_all_paths() in cli_rm. 2014-Jun-11 v2.7 - Bug fix release. Broke the open command in 2.6. 2015-Feb-08 v2.8 - Fixed cli_copy bug; refresh paths and ask to save. - Fixed a cli_mv bug; double path-normalization. - Fixed a path display bug, if done after a cli_mv. - Protect users from editing in the $FOUND_DIR. - Keep file opened, read-only, to show up in lsof. - Added inactivity locking (--timeout parameter). - Added shell expansion support to cli_ls, with the ability to manage _all_ listed entries by number. - Added shell expansion support to cli_mv. - Added [y/N] option to list entries after a find. 2015-Jun-19 v3.0 - Added Password Safe v3 file importing; requires optional Crypt::PWSafe3 from CPAN. - Added $FORCED_READLINE global variable. - Attachments sanity check; SourceForge bug #17. - Endianness fix in magic_file_type(); SF bug #19. 2016-Jul-30 v3.1 - Added the purge command. - Added Data::Password::passwdqc support to the pwck command and prefer it over Data::Password. - Minor improvements in cli_pwck(). - Applied SF patch #6 from Chris van Marle. - Addressed items pointed out in SF patch #7. - In cli_save(), worked around a File::KeePass bug. - rt.cpan.org tik# 113391; https://goo.gl/v65HKE - Applied SF patch #8 from Maciej Grela. - Optional better RNG; SF bug #30 from Aaron Toponce. 2017-Dec-22 v3.2 - Added xpx command per the request in SF ticket #32. Added autosave functionality (shadow copies). Fixed a bug in new_edit_multiline_input() that was preventing blank lines between paragraphs. Fixed a typo in the --help info for --pwfile. Fixed a small bug in subroutine destroy_found(). 2019-Aug-16 v3.3 - Allow open and save with key-only authentication, as requested in SF bug #35. - Prevent "multiple entries titled" warning in the /_found/ area, as reports in SF bug #36. - Fix two bugs affecting Windows, as reported in SourceForge patch #11. - Mark /_found entries as "*OLD" when listed, if they reside in a group named old. Addresses an issue where searches turn up "old" accounts. 2020-Apr-25 v3.4 - Marking of "*OLD" /_found entries now includes those having any "old" group in the entire path. - Added get_macos_version() and now report more details for macOS in the vers command. - Test for a new enough version of Clipboard if on macOS 10.15.0 or newer. See SF bug #41. - Added some vers reporting of a few OS-specific modules (around clipboard functionality). - Added the "ver -vv" and "vers -v" options, for additional verbosity of version reporting. - Added --pwsplchars option, as requested in SourceForge feature request #19. - Fixed a few new "perl -cw" warnings. - Added "use diagnostics" and cleaned up some items that it pointed out. - Added Google Authenticator style 2FA-TOTP support, and with it the otp and xo commands. - Added --xpxsecs option, as requested in SourceForge feature request #20. 2020-Sep-19 v3.5 - Added --xclipsel option, in response to SourceForge bug #42. - Fixed inability to change fields back to empty, in response to SourceForge bug #43. The problem still exists for Password and Notes, but a good fix for those eludes me. - Support for using perl modules installed in one's home directory (~/perl5) on Unix-like systems. - Added KeePass v2 (*.kdbx) support to export. - The show command now redacts 2FA keys in Comments unless both -a and -f are specified. - Fixed an issue in cli_saveas() where the *.lock file from the saveas source file was stranded. Also fixed not properly switching to v2 behavior when saveas-ing a v1 file to v2 (*.kdb to *.kdbx). - Enhanced load_lsb_release() so that it will work on more Linux operating systems. - Fixed a couple of "vers -v" bugs on mswin32. - Fixed a couple of bugs in the stats command. - Minor, non-functional changes to prevent warnings in new_edit_single_line_input() and cli_pwck(). - Replaced checks of $OPTIONAL_PM{}->{loaded} with simpler calls to is_loaded(). - Added several defined() tests that "use diagnostics" pointed out on an older perl that I used (v5.10.1). 2020-Oct-14 v3.6 - Allow multiple --command parameters and execute them in order, per SourceForge feature request #22. - Do a cli_ls() when find returns only one result and the user asks to show it. Fixes SourceForge bug #44. - Added --pwscmin and --pwscmax command line options, per SourceForge feature request #23. - Added --nopwstars per SF feature request #24. - Added --pwwords and --pwlen command line options. - Word-based generated passwords respect --pwlen. - Added cli_passwd() to change the DB password. - Only show help message when requested by --help, not also when there are command line option errors. - The cd command with no specified path now goes to /. - Improved open_kdb() error reporting after seeing https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1820134 and learning of the new kdbx v4 file format that File::KeePass does not support. Reference: https://keepass.info/help/kb/kdbx_4.html - New message requesting kpcli development sponsorship. - Removed the PREREQUISITES section from the POD and replaced it with INSTALLATION that simply refers the reader to the "Installation instructions" in the kpcli project Wiki on SourceForge. - Minor POD fixes. 2022-May-19 v3.7 - Added my_complete_onlyfiles() and used it to work around Term::ShellUI problems with file tab completion on Windows, which now works properly. - File tab completion is now case-insensitive on mswin. - Now use my_complete_onlyfiles() for all platforms, after discovering some other Term::ShellUI file tab completion problems, even on Linux. - cli_pwck() now supports Data::Password::zxcvbn and it is the preferred pwck module, if it is installed. - Info: https://github.com/dropbox/zxcvbn - Added get_dirs() to the BEGIN block and stopped using File::Find after realizing that it somewhat defeated the purpose that I was trying to accomplish there. - Added --nopwprint per SF bug report #44. - Added the -f option to the autosave command. - Fixed a --nopwstars bug per SF bug report #47. - Enhanced validation of the --xclipsel option. - Minor POD fixes. - Added kdb_savetmp-related code to cli_save() to guard against problems like the one reported in Debian bug report #1006917. 2022-Jul-21 v3.8 - Added get/set commands per SF feature request #27. - Added version detection for KDBX files. - Added the KDBX version in the stats output. - Now reports that KDBX4 files cannot be opened. - Can now import KDBX4 files using KeePassXC. - Added deny_if_readonly() to import command. 22-Jul-21 v3.8.1 - Fixed get/set commands bug. See SF feature req #27. =head1 TODO ITEMS Consider adding support for setting the Expires date/time on entries when creating or editing them. Consider enhancing pwck with these features: - https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService::HIBP - https://metacpan.org/pod/Password::Policy::Rule::Pwned Inspired by tools such as: - https://sts10.github.io/2019/02/01/medic.html - https://github.com/gsurrel/keepwn Consider alternative KeePass libraries due to stagnation of File::KeePass. CPAN module File::KDBX is available as of April 30, 2022! KDBX4 support will likely be coming in a future version of kpcli, by way of File::KDBX. Consider adding support for TOTP with different digest algorithms than just SHA-1, such as SHA-256 and SHA-512. Also consider allowing the TOTP time to be something other than 30 seconds and the length of the OTP to be something other than six digits. None of those options are broadly used today, but when writing the TOTP code, I stumbled across a few. I did not implement it now primarily because Authen::OATH is not very condusive to using other digest algorithms. For future reference, would likely construct the strings like this: 2FA-TOTP-SHA256: TheBase32SecretKeyProvided (30, 10) This code may prove useful if I decide to not use Authen::OATH: https://github.com/j256/perl-two-factor-auth/blob/master/totp.pl Consider adding TOTP storage support that is compatible with the way that KeePassXC provides it. By design, kpcli displays groups and entries in the hierarchy and order that they are stored in the keepass files. This is by design as the output then follows the hierarchey seen in grapical programs like KeePass and KeePassXC. Users may prefer to have groups and entries sorted. Consider adding a sort command and/or a command line option that would change the behavior of ls to sort its output (perhaps --sortls). Consider adding a tags command for use with v2 files. - To navigate by entry tags Consider supporting KeePass 2.x style entry history. - There are potential security implications in File::KeePass. - Related, consider adding a purge command for that history. Consider adding KeePass 2.x style multi-user synchronization. Consider adding searches for created, modified, and accessed times older than a user supplied time. =head1 OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SCRIPT CATEGORIZATION =pod OSNAMES =head2 Unix-like - Originally written and tested on Ubuntu Linux 10.04.1 LTS. - As of version 3.7, development is done on Linux Mint 19.3. - Known to work on many other Linux and *BSD distributions, and kpcli is packaged with many distributions now-a-days. - Known to work on macOS and is packaged in Homebrew (brew.sh). - Will use modules installed under ~/perl5/. When not given root permission, tools like cpanm install to ~/perl5/ by default. =head2 Microsoft Windows - As of v2.4, Microsoft Windows is also supported. - As of v3.5, compiled on Strawberry Perl on Windows 10. =head2 SCRIPT CATEGORIES =pod SCRIPT CATEGORIES C, C