Subject: [ck] 2.6.10-ck3 From: Con Kolivas Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2005 10:21:49 +1100 To: linux , CK Kernel These are patches designed to improve system responsiveness. It is configurable to any workload but the default ck3 patch is aimed at the desktop and ck3-server is available with more emphasis on serverspace. web: all patches: Changed since 2.6.10-ck2: -nvidia_6111-6629_compat.diff +nvidia_6111-6629_compat2.diff Respun the nvidia compatibility patches to make them _really_ work with both the 6111 and 6629 drivers -cfq-ts-050104.patch +cfq-ts-19g.diff Latest stable version of Jens' cfq-timeslices I/O scheduler with full I/O read and write priority support (stable and safe). -2610ck2-version.diff +2610ck3-version.diff Version Added: +rt_ionice.diff Set ionice level to best possible for real time tasks +2.6.10-mm1-brk-locked.patch +random-poolsize-int-overflow.diff +rlimit-memlock-dos.diff +scsi-int-overflow-information-leak.diff +moxa-int-overflow.diff A whole swag of security patches +i2.8_i2.9.diff +i2.9_i2.10.diff This makes the SCHED_ISO scheduling far more robust. The soft realtime properties are more aggressive, and SCHED_ISO extends to -nice values behaviour as well now. +s9.3_s9.4.diff +s9.4_s10.diff Behavioural bugs in the staircase scheduler were addressed. This brings up the version to staircase10. Specifically, s9.4 addresses yet another issue that would make tasks get stuck at lowest priority. s10 fixes the problem of frequent waking tasks (like sound servers) being seen as cpu bound. +b2.6_b2.7.diff First attempt at making batch tasks cooperate with swsusp. Does not succeed yet. You'll need to change batch tasks to SCHED_NORMAL if they're running to be able to suspend at the moment. +cfq_writeprio_on.diff Turn on the write priority support by default Full patchlist: 2.6.10_to_staircase9.2.diff schedrange.diff schedbatch2.6.diff schediso2.8.diff mwII.diff 1g_lowmem1_i386.diff defaultcfq.diff 2.6.10-mingoll.diff cddvd-cmdfilter-drop.patch vm-pageout-throttling.patch inc_total_scanned.diff 2.6.10-capabilities_fix.diff nvidia_6111-6629_compat2.diff linux-2.6.7-CAN-2004-1056.patch linux-2.6.9-smbfs.patch fix-ll-resume.diff cfq-ts-19g.diff isobatch_ionice.diff rt_ionice.diff s9.2_s9.3.diff 2.6.10-mm1-brk-locked.patch random-poolsize-int-overflow.diff rlimit-memlock-dos.diff scsi-int-overflow-information-leak.diff moxa-int-overflow.diff i2.8_i2.9.diff s9.3_s9.4.diff i2.9_i2.10.diff b2.6_b2.7.diff s9.4_s10.diff cfq_writeprio_on.diff 2610ck3-version.diff and available as an addon: supermount-ng208-10ck1.diff Cheers, Con _______________________________________________ ck mailing list - unmoderated. Please reply-to-all when posting. If replying to an email please reply below the original message. signature.asc Content-Description: OpenPGP digital signature Content-Type: application/pgp-signature Part 1.2 Content-Type: text/plain Content-Encoding: 7bit