Hi, I was waiting for 2.6.16 before releasing my patchset, but that got boring. ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/npiggin/patches/lockless/2.6.16-rc5/ Now I've used some clever subject lines on the subsequent patches to make you think this isn't a big deal. Actually there are about 36 other "prep" patches before those, and PageReserved removal before that (which are luckily now mostly in -mm or -linus, respectively). What's more, there aren't 3 lockless pagecache patches, there are 5 -- but the last two are optimisations. I'm writing some stuff about these patches, and I've uploaded a **draft** chapter on the RCU radix-tree, 'radix-intro.pdf' in above directory (note the bibliography didn't make it -- but thanks Paul McKenney!) If anyone would like to test or review it, I would be very happy. Suggestions to the code or document would be very welcome... but I'm still hoping nobody spots a fundamental flaw until after OLS. Rollup of prep patches (5 posted patches apply to the top of this): 2.6.16-rc5-git14-prep.patch.gz Rollup of prep+lockless patches (includes the 5 posted patches): 2.6.16-rc5-git14-lockless.patch.gz Note: anyone interested in benchmarking should test prep+rollup vs prep rather than vs mainline if possible, because there are various other optimisations in prep. Thanks, Nick